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Cruelty with animals under the umbrella of tradition


The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated: Mahatma Gandhi.
Surely, we respect Mahatma Gandhi but not what he respected. People who do not show gratitude towards animals will soon turn the whole nation in an abattoir where the whole civilization will be slaughtered just because our culture and tradition will remain eternal excuse for us.

In the backdrop of animal cruelty in India in the most visible forms, under the lights of Jallikattu, bullock cart races, cockfights etc., India can altogether be witnessed as the worst habitat for animal and bird species. Right after the first ban on Jallikattu and bullock cart races imposed in 2006 in the form of a judgment of the Madurai bench of the Madras high court, a flood of similar cases has arrived both in the high courts and the apex court. Every such case culminates with a glaring tussle between the law and so called tradition.

Jallikattu case is no exception. Right from 2006 to 2017 and continuing, more than 10 years have passed away and despite of repeated denials by the Hon’ble Supreme court, the centre and Tamil Nadu state government have succeeded in putting up a great companionship in using the backdoor of ordinance way to make the conduction of Jallikattu possible in Tamil Nadu and other parts of India. Though temporary, this great show of friendship shows how much ‘Supreme’ is the Supreme Court and how much our government acknowledges its decisions. In 2014, in a revolutionary decision taken by the Supreme court in the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) vs A Nagaraja case, the Supreme court banned Jallikattu in India citing the following reasons:

The court, based on extensive documentary evidence provided by the Animal Welfare Board of India, concluded that Jallikattu, during the conduct of which the bull is forced to do something that is not part of its innate nature, was “inherently cruel”. The evidence provided showed how the animal was tortured just before it leaped out of the “Vaadi Vaasal”, the entrance of the Jallikattu arena where hundreds of men stand to jump on the bull and hold its hump. The bulls were fed alcohol, chili powder was rubbed into their genitals and they were constantly poked with sharp weapons. This forces the bull to “take flight [leap out and run]”, which in nature happens only when it is extremely agitated.

Jallikattu is also “unnecessary suffering”, as against killing an animal for meat which is an essential act.

The Supreme Court also refused to accept that Jallikattu was Tamil tradition.
“Even the ancient culture and tradition do not support the conduct of Jallikattu or Bullock cart race, in the form in which they are being conducted at present. Welfare and the well-being of the bull is Tamil culture and tradition, they do not approve of infliction of any pain or suffering on the bulls, on the other hand, Tamil tradition and culture are to worship the bull and the bull is always considered as the vehicle of Lord Shiva. Yeru Thazhuvu, in Tamil tradition, is to embrace bulls and not over-powering the bull, to show human bravery. Jallikattu means, silver or gold coins tied to the bulls horns and in olden days those who get at the money to the bulls horns would marry the daughter of the owner. Jallikattu or the bullock cart race, as practiced now, has never been the tradition or culture of Tamil Nadu.”

Any custom or usage irrespective of even any proof of their existence in pre-constitutional days cannot be countenanced as a source of law to claim any rights when it is found to violate human rights, dignity, social equality and the specific mandate of the Constitution and law made by Parliament.”

Jallikattu is dangerous not only to bulls but also to humans participants and spectators sustained serious injuries at all three Jallikattu events. A total of 58 participants and 56 spectators were injured in the three Jallikattu events. One police constable was also injured in Avaniapuram.

Bull is a calm and placid animal which does not agitate until being hurt or provoked. How it can happen that as soon as doors of vaadi vaasal are opened, the bull drives into the frenzy of pain and fear and run amok. Proofs and evidences have been provided by PETA and AWBI in form of videos and pictures from the jallikattu event taking place in various parts of Tamil Nadu which aggravates the severity of cruelty. This brutality has claimed the lives of more than 40 bulls till now as per the figures provided by AWBI. In 80% of the cases, more than 3/4th of the outer pinna of the bulls was cut apart in order to facilitate hearing of noise coming from the back of the animal, which causes plethora of pain to mute animals. Which of these practices is coherent with the five freedoms for animals as provided by the Supreme Court on 7th may 2014?

i)  Freedom from hunger, thirst and malnutrition;
ii) Freedom from fear and distress;
iii) Freedom from physical and thermal discomfort;
iv) Freedom from pain, injury and disease; and
v) Freedom to express normal patterns of behavior.

The Prevention of Cruelty on Animals (PCA) Act has been a toy for the government; it amends it depending on its mood and most importantly, depending on elections. In 2011, UPA-2 government banned the use of bulls as performing animals, but in order to win both hearts and votes of people in the Tamil Nadu assembly elections 2016, NDA government amended 2011 notification, allowing jallikattu and bullock kart races across Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Gujarat with specific conditions about which no one cares. The recent ordinance by the state of Tamil Nadu which was passed with the support of central government shows how sensitive the government is for the sake of safety of animals.

Certain challenges have come in the way of banning jallikattu. The hardships which will be faced by the ones who nurture bulls for this event should be clearly addressed and compensated by the government, also the government should put efforts in order to preserve bulls as in case jallikattu is banned, no one will be there to nurture bulls that could lead to their extinction. Bulls play extremely vital role in producing offspring and without their presence, government will have to import bull semen from other countries as it has previously done in Gujarat.

Cruelty offsprings from weakness. Let us wish people would soon realize that animals are totally dependent on us, helpless, like children, a trust that is put upon us. Animals have no voice of their own, so we have to be that voice.

Were Kashmiri Pandits cowards to have left Kashmir in 1990?


Are Kashmiri Pandits cowards? Could Kashmiri Pandits have stayed back in Kashmir and fought? The circumstances of our exodus from Kashmir still shake our souls. It is tough to describe that eerie environment- totally devoid of trust, rendered hostile by deafening slogans of hate and religious propaganda, every mosque blaring hatred and fear over loudspeakers, and frenzied mobs wading through the city all night. Loud-speakers, otherwise meant for getting the call prayers heard, were blaring blood curdling slogans all night.

“Yahan kya chalega- Nizam E Mustafa” (What will rule Kashmir – Rule of Allah)
“Kashmir mein agar rehna hai, Allah-o-Akbar kahna hai” (Only those who believe in Allah (only Muslims) can live in Kashmir)
“La ilah Illalah- Pakistan banega Insalaah” (Praise to God! Kashmir will be Pakistan)
Pakistan se rishta kya, La ilah illalah” (Our relation with Pakistan, Islam!)
“Indian dogs – Go Back”
“Aes gacche’ Pakistan, Batav ros’ te’ batnev saan” (we want Kashmir- without Pandit men, but with Pandit women)
“Battav Ya Raliv, Chaliv nate’ Galiv” (Pandits- either join us/convert, leave or die)

Kashmiri Pandit Refugee Camp at Muthi, outside Jammu – 1991 (Photo credit-Vijay Koul)

It was a time of chaos and madness. One had to live that trauma to know it. Kashmiri Pandits chose to leave the valley! The decades that followed have been no less traumatic, though. In her recent post, Anupama Handoo revisited one of the agonizing experiences KPs faced post exodus, though less talked openly about.

“We Kashmiri Pandits often get accused of being cowards. We are often asked as to why did we leave the land of our ancestors, and our homes, jobs, property and temples. Indeed, if 27 years on, we are still mourning our loss, we should have put up a fight. When the option of “raliv, galiv ya chaliv” (convert, die or flee) was given to us why didn’t we choose to die and defend our rights?”

Through much of 90s’, Kashmiri Pandits were mocked, ridiculed, taunted for our decision to leave the valley. “Why did you leave?”, “KPs are cowards! You should have armed yourself and fought back”. We were derisively labelled “lolle” in Jammu, ‘bhagode’ by many others. Every ultra right-winger had a volley of valorous advice for us. And sometimes, you were faced with the clueless asking rather innocently, “I visited Kashmir for vacation in 1985. It was so nice. Why did you leave?”, “We went to Vaishno Devi this summer. We didn’t see any terrorist?”

Off late, with a better understanding of the nature of Jihad in the valley, terror names like LeT, LeM, HuJI and IM becoming common vocabulary and ISI terror getting closer home everywhere, derision has thinned and there is wider support. But the question often lingers!

Were the KPs, a minuscule minority that didn’t have any ghetto anywhere in Kashmir to fortify in, didn’t have any group outside valley voicing for them – nor any political support, really cowards?

Ghalib was once bemused by the “What if” question

Huee muddat ke Ghalib marr gaya, par yaad aata hai; woh har ikk baat pe kehna, ki yoon hota to kya hota.

What if KP’s had never left in 1990?

We can keep wondering. We might have shrunk further to experience the life Hindus in Pakistan live today.  The world would have got an advance sense of what Yezidis came to face much later. “Batav ros – batnev saan”. 97% majority would have become 99.5%, without any exodus. Or we would have disappeared in endless Wandhamas and Sangramporas. One can keep wondering. Speculation can be a realm of dark wilderness!

Or maybe not! We could have chosen self-preservation, opted for ‘raliv’ instead of ‘chhaliv/galiv’, chanted “Pakistan zindabad” & “Hum bhi chahte, Azadi” and converted to save our homes! Who would have noticed anyways, if a 3% or so minority subsumed into the 97% majority, which itself had come to be so over centuries of conversion, often under similar conditions? History of this land bears evidence to many such demographic calamities under adverse conditions.

But, we did not.

And it takes some courage to sacrifice everything that you have- past and present and put your future at stake, to get up & leave on an unknown journey just to uphold your values, beliefs and identity. What we lacked in physical strength of numbers, we had in steely strength of individual character, that made us stand by our dharma. Home, hearth, land, orchards, jobs were important. But we were not ready to mortgage honour, chant “Pakistan Zindabad” or sing allegiance of Nizam-e-Mustafa for them. And neither did we later – when we were left abandoned and alone in refugee camps in hostile environment and other vultures swooped down.

Today, in exile- as we march towards a cultural extinction, we are destined to be the next Parsis. Had we not left, we would have been the first Yezidis!

Irrespective of what you may think of KP exodus, one thing is clear though – Had Kashmiri Pandits capitulated and chanted “Azadi”, India would have lost Kashmir there and then. Mull over it.

Padmavati: The symptom of sinister maladies


Sanjay Leela Bhansali, director of upcoming period drama ‘Padmavati’ was allegedly attacked by the members of Rajput Karni Sena, a Rajput organisation from Rajasthan. The assault is the logical culmination of tension which was escalating since the day Bhansali had announced that any such movie on Padmavati is in pipeline. As usual, the progressive and socially conscious colleagues of Bhansali from Bllywood have started showing solidarity with Bhansali and praising his audacity for not compromising with artistic freedom. The unfortunate thing in the saga is the fact that people can neither sense audacity of Bhansali nor his right of artistic freedom in this context. All which they can sense is the upcoming glorification of a mass murder in romantic aspect while a possible denigration of Rani Padmini in the upcoming movie. As little details are available about the script, it won’t be wise to debate and discuss the content of the movie but grapevine conversation tells us that movie depicts the obsession of Alauddin Khilji over the beauty of Rani Padmini of Mewar. The relevance of this movie is not restricted to this context only rather it’s the part of the grand design of Bollywood to push its ideological narratives through movies on the name of artistic freedom and creative liberty. A deeper analysis reveals that how Bollywood movies have been an effective propaganda tool to reinforce the ideological narratives of some particular ideologies.

Bollywood has always been known for producing movies which promote class struggle, romanticized narrative of Hindu-Muslim conflict, the dramatized ‘evil’ of Hindu society with little exception and glorification of Islamic tyrants from the history. Mughal-e-Azam, a historical fiction directed by K. Asif, tells the story of love affair between Salim (Jahangir) and Anarkali (a slave girl). The movie has been such a commercial success and affected the people’s opinion about Jahangir and Anarkali in such dramatic yet profound way that nobody even questions that whether Anarkali ever existed or not. In reality, there is no evidence of existence of Anarkali from a reliable source and it’s nothing more than an apocryphal story or folklore. The story of Anarkali is neither recorded in Akbarnama nor in Tuzuk-e-Jahangiri. It was first mentioned by an English traveler and trader William Finch in 1608 but evidences show that his story was nowhere close to the truth. The tempting question in this context is why Bollywood picked to make a movie on a narrative which has no historical record yet calls itself a historical fiction. The movie achieved its objective of planting image of a non-existing entity in people’s psyche. Cinema is one of the most effective methods of propaganda. Cinema blends emotions with sensations, which leaves deeper imprint on people’s mind than written texts. Human brains are wired in such a way that we register and preserve deeply emotional experiences and visually stimulating events for a far longer period than any written memory. Directors of cinema exploit this fallacy of our brains to advance their propaganda in the guise of artistic freedom.

The second important movie in this context is Jodha Akbar, directed by Ashutosh Gowarikar and released in 2008. There are several narratives about the existence of Jodhabai but not a single credible evidence to affirm the existence of Jodhabai. The history of Mughal emperor Akbar was recorded by three historians in that time period-Abul Fazal who wrote Akbarnama, Abdul Qudir Badayuni who wrote the Mutakhabutawarikh and Nizamuddin Ahmed wrote the Taqbat-i-Akbari. None of them mention any character named ‘Jodhabai’ as depicted in movie Jodha Akbar. In Akbarnama, there is a reference of Akbar marrying a Rajput princess of Amer but with different name. In Jodha Akbar, Bollywood hit the bull’s eye for which they always look for in their warped world of secularism and liberalism. Here was a story in which a Rajput princess was marrying Mughal emperor Akbar. What can be a better story than this to promote the myth of communal harmony between Hindu and Muslims? A story which depicts Akbar as a concerned lover, not an Islamic tyrant. This movie reinforces the myth perpetrated by secular historians that Islamic invaders were not the tyrants of highest order rather the secular ones who didn’t differentiate between his citizens on religious lines. It was also an attempt to whitewash the brutality committed by Islamic invaders on Hindus. In their romantic world of Hindu-Muslim harmony, a Muslim king was marrying a Hindu girl. What can be the more convincing proof than this to establish the magnanimous character of Akbar? This story was a perfect antithesis of the obscure narrative propagated by ‘communal’ Hindus that they had faced brutality of Islamic invaders. The attempt of reinforcing a certain ideological narrative was successfully carried out by Bollywood.

In the coming years, the myth created by Jodha Akbar will take the central importance among the masses when they’ll form opinions about Akbar. People never bother about historicity of Anarkali anymore and almost the same thing will happen with the story of Jodha Akbar. In other way, this movie also serves as an incentive for Hindu girls to fall for Muslims boys in order to strengthen the secular fabric of India. Coming to circa 2017 now, Bhansali was allegedly beaten by people for portraying Padmini in wrong way. Why would have Bhansali thought about making a movie on obsession of Alauddin Khilji over Padmini and call it a period drama? What is the relevance of fanatic obsession of Alauddin Khilji who was a mass murderer? People are pointing out in social media that if Bhansali believes so deeply in artistic freedom, he should also make a movie on homosexual affair between Khilji and Malik Kafur. However, the creativity of Bhansali comes to a standstill on this issue. In all the likelihood, the movie will be completed with some variations and a new myth will be established. Rani Padmini committed Jauhar (self-immolation) to save her honour from a fanatic like Khilji. She is the epitome of courage, bravery and self-respect. Bhansali is trying to play with the story of such martyr who has been embedded in people’s conscience in Rajasthan. After the release of movie, the mass murderer Khilji will lose its prominence from the narrative and people’s psyche while the aesthete Khilji will become the central figure. It’s the classical psychological trick to shape the mind of masses by exposing them to only certain kind of truth and obscuring other. In this process, the others get suppressed over time and the magnified one becomes the ‘history’. If we try to sketch a comparative analogy of Bhansali’s effort, it will be similar to a filmmaker trying to show the obsession of ISIS terrorists for Yazidi girls. No sane person in their right sense will ever defend such sinister act but there are plenty of people to justify the nonsense of Bhansali.

In the decades of 50s and after, Bollywood’s infatuation for the standard doctrine of Marxism i.e Class Struggle was portrayed in every other movies. There used to be an evil and cunning industrialist, sucking the blood of poor worker or a mischievous landlord harassing a poor peasant. The hero was the revolutionary man from the worker’s class who rebelled against this injustice. Their infatuation with the narrative of class struggle lasted till 1980s, then people started rejected it. The rise of Dawood Ibrahim changed the course of Bollywood in completely different direction which is well known to almost everyone. Bollywood’s love affair with Dawood can be estimated from the fact there are at least 12 movies such as Company, D-Day, Once Upon a Time in Mumbai, et al. If someone tries to look at the number of movies centred around any Hindu warrior, zero will be the answer because Ashoka is the hero of secular narrative and Bajirao Mastani was more a love story than the tale of valour of Bajirao. The Urduphilia of Bollywood has touched to a new height over the period which is unprecedented in nature. Anyone will lose the counts who tries to count the movies in which Hindu priests are portrayed as the most evil persons while pastors of church being the epitome of forgiveness, compassion and goodness. The inherently anti-Hindu characteristic of Bollywood is the reason that people like Bhansali gets the liberty to do anything as long as it’s about denigrating Hindu culture and heroes while speaks nothing about the brutality and horrors of Islam and Christianity. People should identity the subtle propaganda being pushed under the guise of artistic freedom rather than showing sympathy with the likes of Bhansali. It’s time for Hindus to be assertive and conscious about their identity. Padmavati is one among the many examples of Bollywood’s infatuation with secular narrative. The sinister maladies require a commensurate treatment. Maybe, it’s the ripe time for such treatments.

In support of “What-About-ism”


“Jalikattu is cruel for the bulls. It must be banned.”
“Weren’t you the one organising beef festivals?”

“Artists, writers and movie makers must have absolute creative freedom”
“You didn’t say so when “El Sari Rojo” or movies on Nehru, Indira and Sonia were muzzled?”

“Use peaceful, legal means to protest distortion of history”
“Didn’t you mock and humiliate Dinanath Batra for doing exactly the same?”

“Creative people are being hounded by fringe”
“You remained quiet when Vivek Agnihotri was hounded by your friends?”

“Whats wrong with an alternate creative view of history of Padamavati & Allaudin Khilji.”
“What was wrong when AR Rahman was hounded for this movie?”

“India is becoming fascist…! We cannot breathe freely in India anymore!”
“What were you smoking during Emergency?”

“OMG! Dadri!”
“Did you hear about DeGanga, Dhulagarh, Azad Maidan, Malda, Kerala?”

“Demonetisation is spoiling India’s image”
“Really? And CWG, 2G, Adarsh, Antrix, CopperGate, Coalgate made you proud?”

“Oh! Stop all this. This is WhatAboutism!”

Dear Adarsh Liberals,

Yes, it is WhatAboutism, and WhatAboutism is perfectly valid tool in a political debate. Over last few years, we have had several such conversations and every time you used this “but this is WhatAboutism” clause to escape.

What is the ‘holier than thou’ issue with ‘WhatAboutism’ anyways?

For decades, your cabal has controlled the debate, my way or highway. You chose the topic, you defined the code, you gave selective access, you debated and you judged. Not anymore.

What is wrong with it, if someone is asking you a counter question and demanding you justify your argument?

When you object to WhatAboutism, you are saying ‘I will argue only with examples that suit my taste and fit my argument. My rules. My way’. Unless you prove that, the counter example is out of context and irrelevant to the case – you are just running away from the argument by shouting ‘WhatAboutism’.

If you are not fair and equitable in each scenario- if you are cherry picking, you are a hypocrite. WhatAboutism is just a mirror to tell you that.

When you look down upon WhatAboutism as invalid argument, you are being dismissive of basic jurisprudence and the way even Indian (and most world) judicial systems work. WhatAboutism is merely basic “law of precedence” being used by the common man against you. So buckle up!

Your aversion to WhatAboutism exposes the fact that you have controlled the narrative too long. Now, when social media empowered the other side to rebut and question you, the table have turned. Your high pedestal Opeds are not immune to critique anymore. Anyone can show a mirror to your duplicity and hypocrisy. So, do not chicken out and take refuge behind the “Oh! That is WhatAboutism” fig-leaf.

Sorry!  Level playing means either you answer it all & play fair or just shut up.

Game Over!

Report Card of Modi Government: An objective mid-term review


It’s been more than a month since the Modi Government crossed the halfway mark of its 5 year tenure. The first half has seen frenetic activity with a slew of initiatives and programs from the Government’s end to achieve the twin task of Good Governance and Inclusive Development. At this juncture, it would be worthwhile to conduct an objective assessment to review whether the Government has been able to walk the talk of “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikaas”. The talking heads on TV and the armchair experts in newspapers generally do not perform the task of reviewing objectively as they are too blinded by ideological biases or other such compulsions. So, I take it upon myself to undertake this activity as objectively as humanly possible. A simple yet effective approach would be to simply list the hits and misses of the Government and let the reader decide.

Positive steps taken to improve the economy:

1. Infrastructure Development through Government expenditure in Roads, Railways etc

2. Financial Reforms like GST, Indradhanush and Bankruptcy Code

3. Impetus to Sanitation and Cleanliness through Swach Bharat Abhiyan

4. Power reforms like UDAY and increased outlays towards electrification

5. Curbing black money through demonetisation

6. Encouraging start-ups and entrepreneurship through Start-up India, Skill India and Digital India

7. Enabling Financial Inclusion and access to credit to SME’s through Jan Dhan Yojana and MUDRA

8. Enhancing Macro-economic stability by
a. Reducing fiscal deficit and current account deficit
b. Maintaining stability of currency
c. Retaining high GDP growth in a tough global environment

9. Improving prospects of Agriculture sector through investments in irrigation as well as Agri Insurance

10. Encouraging Manufacturing and FDI through Make in India albeit with mixed results

Areas where there is a large scope for improvement:

1. A deep focus on Education as India still lags behind in many indicators of education

2. Specific and Direct Poverty Alleviation measures as India is a predominantly poor country

3. Investing in basic healthcare and Nutrition as
a. India has the worst Infant and Maternal Mortality Rates amongst all G20 countries
b. Nearly 48% of women in India are Anaemic
c. 1/3 of all malnourished children in the world reside in India

4. Taking steps to mitigate the increasing congestion and pollution in major urban cities. Smart Cities is yet to make a substantial impact

5. Providing Access to clean drinking water as
a. 75% of the population do not have access to drinking water on their premise
b. 67% of the population do not have access to treated drinking water hence exposing themselves to contamination
c. 75.8 Million people live without any access to clean drinking water

As can be seen above, the Government has taken concrete steps to improve development in many areas like Infrastructure Development, Sanitation, Electrification and Financial Inclusion. The impact and outcomes of these steps will be visible in the medium to long term. Yet, there are some other important areas where more work needs to be done. The areas which have been overlooked mostly belong to the social sector like Education, Healthcare and Environment. It leaves the impression that the policymakers subscribe to the Trickledown Theory of Economics which suggests that the wealth generated by upper classes of society will eventually trickle down to lower classes thereby lifting them out of poverty. A renewed focus on the bottom of the pyramid in the second half of the term would go a long way in reducing poverty substantially.

Overall, the Government has indeed performed admirably in terms of development but may have fallen short with regards to Development for All or the literal translation of the word “Sabka Vikaas”.

Are nervous bankers spreading canards using PR firms after CBI’s action on corrupt bank officials?


Almost everyone is aware that newsgroups get their stories from their own reporters, news agencies, stringers and most importantly, from PR firms. These days, business stories and political story ideas are mostly planted by public relation agencies. Such stories should be marked as promotional or agency content. Unfortunately, that’s not happening in most of the cases.

Many PR articles are passed on as stories written by journalists. It’s easy to identify such pieces as they often reflect biased, one side view on the issue.

Take this recently published story by Economic Times about how ‘CBI’s action against corrupt bankers can impact economic growth‘ as an example.

To sum it up quickly, the report draws a picture suggesting that CBI’s investigation in Kingfisher case can result in chaos for the banking industry. It can slow down the loan sanction process even further and hamper government’s investment push for economic growth. Thus, investigating agencies should not question the way banks lend money.

It shares opinions given by certain anonymous bankers and former RBI Deputy Governor-KC Chakrabarty. Believe it or not, the report has actually questioned the CBI’s ability to investigate financial frauds. (They probably mean to say people working in CBI’s Economic Offenses Division do not have ANY work experience).

The article points out that many large loan accounts have failed in the past, but the government is only serious about Mallya’s case. It also claims that some bank executives were forced to sanction loans due to political pressure.

Without giving much of details about the information provided by the CBI, it just says that CBI questioned former IDBI bank officials about offering loan to a company that was tagged as below investment grade.

Consultant Ashwin Parekh is quoted saying, “Bankers should be assured that they have nothing to fear.”

Echoing bankers’ propaganda?

Reports available in the public domain suggest that officials did not follow the established norms. If it was just a commercial decision that went wrong, let all the involved bankers prove it in front of the investigating agencies. Let them share names of politicians who forced them to approve loans.

There is no logic in suggesting that corrupt bankers should be left untouched for the sake of credit growth. They must be held accountable for their decisions. Ignoring corruption for growth may lead to massive NPAs.

It’s worth recalling how several bank employees, branch managers, and even RBI officials were recently arrested in connection with converting black money into white.  They don’t want CBI, CVC to question bankers, how convenient, isn’t it? Are these corrupt bankers in a position to certify and offer a distinction between business failures and corruption cases?

CBI officials probing the matter have already shared the evidence on the basis of which the agency took action against former bank officials.

Bankers are attempting to cover up corruption by tagging it as a legitimate commercial failure.  Do they think spreading canards using PR firms can help in creating pressure on the government? Now, it’s up to readers to decide what’s right and wrong.

Sanjay Leela Bhansali issue: How the ‘Hindu Fringe’ should protest?


First things first. The attack on Sanjay Leela Bhansali deserves unequivocal condemnation. Film personalities have every right to be ‘appalled’, ‘ashamed’, ‘disgusted’ and to call for ‘unity.’


And this is an important ‘but’ — something to learn from the secular media personalities while accepting condescendingly the opposing point of view and still sticking to your own view. Consider this ‘but’ of Rajdeep Sardesai. ‘He ‘Prashant Poojary’ did not deserve to die under any circumstance but there is a political context to his death…’

Not cool, but what’s the ‘cooler’ option?

Armed with this ‘but’, let us evaluate the options available to a common man (‘a Hindu fringe’ element for the seculars) who feels aggrieved by an art form — a painting, a column/Op-ed, a book, a movie, an advertisement, an interview or a tele-serial. (Is any art form left out which does not offend Hindu sentiments?) Enough has been written over the years and will be written again over the next few days on the rights of the creator — that it is absolute, that the constitutional guarantee on freedom of expression should be respected, notwithstanding the qualification in article 19(2). If you cite Sec 295 A of IPC, you are a moron from medieval times. (Opindia editors — themselves a fierce proponent of FOE — may not agree to this ‘cynical’ view on reasonable restrictions on FOE. Still I am risking.) Not much serious thinking, however, has gone into what the aggrieved common man can do.

Let us start from the mildest form of protest. He can boycott the art form. If it is a book, he will not buy and read. Alternatively, he can read and give a poor rating to the book. If it is a movie, he will not watch. If it is a product, he will not buy. If it is an App promoted by an undesirable ambassador, he will uninstall. Cool? This secular icon thinks so now. But back then when her book was down rated, Barkha Dutt wanted Amazon to ‘filter’ (read delete) the comments. Scroll called it ‘social media intimidation.’ Snapdeal uninstallation/ down rating was termed as ‘commercial bullying’. Sandeepan Sharma called the boycotts ‘self-limiting bouts of moral epidemics.’ Santosh Desai called it a ‘disproportionate response.’ So, this form of protest was not so cool a couple of years ago.

What else can the common man do? Listen to Chetan Bhagat. ‘Create your own art to counter it.’ The dumbest argument ever. Borrowed from Arun Shourie who said that the best answer to oppose a book is another book. Imagine that I am offended by M F Husaain’s painting of Hindu Goddesses. What should I do according to Chetan Bhagat? I should spend years mastering the art of painting and then defend my Goddess or offend his God/ Prophet! Worse still if I am offended by a film like PK. I cannot be just content with preparing a script defending my religion. I have to identify producers/ financiers, raise capital, appoint artists, etc. More than granting the common man a form of protest, does it not restrict the right of criticism to a chosen few — a few authors, artists, directors, journalists?

The next option. Decide on the protest only after watching the movie, as this piece in Indian Express seems to suggest. This is hilarious. Unlike the past when movies were released in a few hundred screens and earned their revenues over 100 days/ 25 weeks, etc., these days are they are exhibited in thousands of screens and make their money in the first weekend, failing which, they do so over the next weekend. This allows a very short span of time to the aggrieved person to register his protest. All it does is to force him to watch the movie and increase the viewership.

Can he voice his dissent on twitter and trend the issue? Can he/she point out the inconsistencies of the Bollywood personalities in their approach to Islam and Hinduism? Like what this twitterati is doing —what Shabana Azmi said then and now. Yes, he/she can, at the cost of being called a troll.

So, what else can he do? Pelt stones at the cinema halls? No, absolutely not. That is the exclusive prerogative of misguided Kashmiri youths, to be used only for ‘just’ causes like protesting the killing of a proven terrorist. Hindus are not privileged enough to use this form.

Are we running out of options? Not at all. The common man still has an option — an option preferred by seculars.

He can sit at home and sulk…

We, the people


We, the people, have spread and inhabited every corner of this world of ours over the thousands of years that we have existed. We have together witnessed the depths of the ocean and the blue expanse of the sky, and explored the vast space beyond it. Since we are a pretty intelligent being, the smartest one that is known to us, we communicate in intelligent ways, such as the one happening right now, transmitting thoughts through a concept of alphabets and words, which the reader is also mentally repeating inside the head, with the little voice in there that we all have, while also deciphering and understanding the meaning conveyed very clearly. No other being can do this sort of communication. Or, maybe they can, but just don’t give a damn about it!

I wonder if most people give a damn about it, sometimes. British-American Philosopher Alan Watts, an interpreter of Eastern Philosophy, has an interesting quote, “Only words and conventions can isolate us from the entirely undefinable something which is everything”. So by trying to decipher and understand the meaning of life and conquering the four corners of the earth, are we actually entirely missing the point? Animals live by experiencing life, not trying to define it and then communicate it to other animals. But then again, we humans are not really different from anything else around us, including animals; we are as much a part of nature as the clouds up there or an ant below, so there really isn’t any distinction. We can’t be isolated from nature, as something unnatural. We are just experiencing life right now in this uniquely human way, using tools we humans have created ourselves, including all communication, so it’s as valid a life experience as any other.

We, the people, have always striven to collectively know the world through shared imagery & knowledge of nature, of the planets, of the ocean, of a sunken ship, or a flying jet and whatever there is that we know, or strive to know. There is nothing that you know that hasn’t been known by someone else already. Even if one does find something new, it’s arrived at by using mechanisms devised by other people, including speech! I, as an individual, am a continuation of humanity’s collective existence. Can we ever come out of this maze? Can we exist as a completely unconditioned person, not affected by anything that we ever learned, and see things as they are, not how we define they are?  That’s a very tough ask, and probably an impossible one!

Every time that we listen to a different song, a different sound, or witness the next second of life, we find a new world there, something we were unaware of till then, which did not exist for us, and then we communicate what we experience through all those means that we have, namely speech, words, actions, behavior and so on. In fact, People cannot exist without discovering a new world every instant. The sound entering your ear can never be the exact same sound that you had ever heard before. There are infinite number of variables around us, however minutely small, but ever so slightly different. There is no exactness in nature, there are only fuzzy edges. The external world is ever changing; the only thing that is constant is this voice inside us, the observer of all this happening around us.

It reminds me of Shiva and Shakti, consciousness and energy, two intermingling forces always creating and changing the universe. The thing to realize though is that, Shiva-Shakti combine to make existence possible, and the observer (which is the “I”), is not fundamentally different from the observed universe around it. I, as Shiva the consciousness, am just making the world come alive to a dancing existence as Shakti, the energy, which is what the world wrapped around us is, energy. It’s an intriguing concept, and probably why CERN, the biggest physics lab of the world, installed Nataraja at its facility in Geneva (read here).

We, for reasons not very clear, have divided ourselves into these ignorant boxes of all the ‘isms’ in the world. We have become, or maybe always were, ignorant to not realize the interconnections of the whole of existence, of man with man and nature. And we want to hate the other; we want to behave in a manner where we always give that bit of extra importance to our own group, whatever that may be, ethnic, religious, irreligious, nationalistic, and ideological and so on. Or, It may well be my ignorance to think on these lines, maybe these boundaries are very real, may be the division is right. It’s only we, the people, who can decide that, it’s as much a personal choice or realization for us, as it is a public one.

Republic: How 29 tweets sent a shiver in Lutyens Delhi


Winter is never kind to Delhi. The cold is biting and a brutal fog descends on the city each morning. But this winter, there is a special ice wind blowing towards Lutyens Town.


Arnab Goswami’s media venture “Republic” is an unborn baby. It exists in all of 29 tweets, mostly with amateurish posters showing Arnab as somewhat of a cross between a night club DJ and a college student union leader. But judging by the number of enemies Republic has made with 29 tweets, you would think they are a bigger problem than climate change. It’s almost as if the oceans are about to rise and swallow our world tomorrow. Well, somebody’s world, for sure.

They sure are spooked.


They are going through the available information about Republic with a fine toothed comb, somehow trying to discredit it. Already?  Relax Indian Express. Have some “courage”.


Yes, the word panic sounds about right. The fear is also showing on the individual Twitter timelines.


That’s M K Venu, founding editor of The Wire and Former Executive Editor of The Hindu. Take a chill pill, Venu. Why so scared?

Not to mention that the “NRI Patels” jibe was picked up by others too. There’s nothing like a shade of class hatred seasoned with a touch of regionalism to take on an enemy who is giving you nightmares.


You’re a big boy Hartosh. Don’t cry.


Rajdeep had the good sense to delete this tweet, but other people took screenshots that will of course live forever on Twitter. The “Republic of Fear and Hate”? Sounds to me like you are the one gripped by all the fear and all the hate.

That an unborn baby could be seen as arch villain in Lutyens Delhi says something truly pathetic about the immaturity and insecurity of the elite media. It also brings back some images from Hindu scriptures. Just saying.

Of course, it is all about the elite media being revealed for the crybaby it really is. For years, the cozy little ruling class controlled the flow of information. The process of high-fiving and backslapping continued unabated; the government favors, the selective leaks, the palace intrigue and the Padma awards flowed freely.

Then social media came along. A bunch of ordinary people armed with blogs, tweets and Facebook posts began to take on multi-million dollar corporations. The sulking and whining that followed from elite media will always be a legend. On any given day, it is not uncommon to find an anchor of a prime-time TV news show complain that s/he can’t get his voice heard because of Twitter trolls. When such a pity party is set up, the other anchors on prime-time news shows all gather around her/him to make a show of solidarity and console the victim of the day. Too many people disagreeing with self proclaimed journos on Twitter. There ought to be a law!

And now they are whining about Republic. Because they sense another threat to their monopoly. For years, elite journos have accused the so called “Bhakts” of having a persecution complex. Come on media, take one on the chin! Arnab is throwing you a challenge. Why frantically dig up dirt on who is investing in what? Do you really want people to start digging up who your investors are? Do you really want people to start asking about the financial history of your companies? Seriously, just stop calling the kettle black.

As a certified “Bhakt”, I am glad to see the media whine and moan and trying to “expose the bias” of Arnab Goswami. Awesome. Now you know how it feels to be at the receiving end of some bias. Bear in mind that Republic hasn’t aired for even one second yet. The Lutyens media is screaming purely out of panic fear.

Of course Arnab claims to be “neutral”. Just like NDTV. They made “neutral” into an Orwellian term. Now it’s coming back to bite them. Let the whining begin.

केजरीवाल की चाय में गिरी बिस्कुट, मोदी को दिया दोष: होगी सीबीआई जाँच


आज सुबह अरविंद केजरीवाल की बिस्कुट चाय में गिर गई। उसके बाद अरविंद केजरीवाल ने जब दूसरी बिस्कुट चाय में डालकर पहली बिस्कुट को बचाने की कोशिश की तो उनकी दूसरी बिस्कुट भी चाय में लापता हो गई। जैसे ही यह खबर सामने आई, वैसे ही इस मुद्दे पर गुटबाजी शुरू हो गई। केजीरवाल समर्थकों ने कहा की मुद्दा गंभीर है और उनके कार्यकर्ता बिस्कुट खोजने जाना चाहते थे लेकिन दिल्ली पुलिस ने उन्हें रास्ते में रोक लिया। जिसे आशुतोष ने केंद्र का आम आदमी पार्टी के खिलाफ षडयंत्र बताया। सिसोदिया इस बात के लिए भी हमेशा की तरह उपराज्यपाल केंद्र को दोषी ठहराना चाहते थे लेकिन उन्हें अंतिम समय पर सूचित करवाया गया कि नए उपराज्यपाल का नाम अभी तक किसी को भी पता नहीं चला है।वही अंकित लाल ने केजरीवाल जी का बिस्कुट खाते हुए फोटो पोस्ट किया, जो एक अमेरिकन अभिनेता की फोटो को फोटोशॉप करके बनाया गया था।

मुद्दा गंभीर हो चला था तो समाज के ठेकेदार और झोलावाले पत्रकार भी मामले में कूद पड़े। मोदी जी को चारो तरफ से घेर लिया गया। एक झोलावाले पत्रकार ने यहाँ तक कह दिया कि यदि मोदी जी बिस्कुट लापता होने के मामले में गंभीर हैं तो उन्हें बिस्कुट के साथ फोटो खिंचवाकर ट्विटर पर पोस्ट करना चाहिए। झोलावाले पत्रकार ने लापता दोनों बिस्कुटों को अल्पसंख्यक बताया है, उनके अनुसार वो गेहूँ के आटे का उपयोग करके हाथ से बनाया गया बिस्कुट था और मोदी सरकार जब से सरकार में आई हैं तब से वो मैदे की बिस्कुट को बढ़वा देने का कार्यक्रम चला रहें हैं और इस अल्पसंख्यक बिस्कुट के लापता होने में हिंदुत्व का मुद्दा शामिल है।

इस मुद्दे पर भाजपा समर्थक अक्का “भक्त” मोदी जी के बचाव में लग गए। राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ की एक टुकड़ी नागपुर से केजरीवाल सर के घर की तरफ रवाना कर दी गई। भाजपा समर्थकों ने उसकी फोटो सोशल मीडिया पर पोस्ट करते हुए कहा की पिछले ६५ सालों में कांग्रेस सरकार के समय कई बिस्कुट, चाय में जाकर लापता हो गए लेकिन उस वक़्त किसी ने इस बात को मुद्दा नहीं बनाया और जब एक गरीब परिवार से आया व्यक्ति प्रधानमंत्री बन गया है तो हर कोई इस मुद्दे को बेवजह बढ़ा रहा है। कुछ भाजपा समर्थकों ने समाज के ठेकेदार और झोलावाले पत्रकार से मैदे से बनी बिस्कुट पारले जी जिसकी कई पीढ़ियों ने चाय में गिरकर आत्म बलिदान कर दिया उसके पक्ष में आवाज उठाने की मांग कर दी।

यह लेख लिखे जाने तक स्वराज्य इण्डिया ने एक काउंटर लेख लिखकर लोगों को बताया की मोदी जी पर मैदा विरोधी होने का इल्जाम गलत है क्योंकि वो तो स्वयं बाबा रामदेव के योग और गेहूँ के आटे की बिस्कुट का समर्थन करते हैं और उनकी पार्टी की नेता हेमा मालिनी उसका टीवी पर प्रचार भी करती हैं।

गृहमंत्री राजनाथ सिंह ने मामले का संज्ञान लेते हुए बिस्कुट का चाय में गिरना और लापता होना एक दुःखद घटना बताया है। साथ ही उन्होंने इस मामले पर हो रही सियासत की निंदा करते हुए अरविंद केजरीवाल को ११ रुपये मुआवजा देने की घोषणा की है, केंद्र के गो कैश लेस अभियान के तहत इनाम का पैसा पेपीएम एप्प द्वारा केजरीवाल के खाते में डाला जायेगा। गृहमंत्री राजनाथ सिंह ने कहा की इस मुद्दे की जाँच अब सीबीआई के हवाले कर दी गई है और यदि सच को सामने लाने के लिए सीबीआई को अरविंद केजरीवाल का पेट भी फाड़ना पड़ा तो फाड़ दिया जाएगा लेकिन सत्य सबके सामने आकर रहेगा। “सत्य विचलित हो सकता है लेकिन पराजित नहीं हो सकता है” कहकर उन्होंने अपने प्रेस कांफ्रेंस को समाप्त किया।