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Chinks in the Right-Wing ecosystem?


After BJP appointed Yogi Adityanath as the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, there has been a meltdown in News Studios of Noida. Not just in Studios but, on Social Media too, as written in this article where the media along with some politicians started spreading lies about Yogi.

But that was expected, as we are used to media lies about politicians coming from BJP or just lies in general. But one thing which was not expected was how certain RW (right-wing) celebs on Social Media attacked BJP and Modi for appointed Yogi Adityanath as the Chief Minister, and going further by attacking Yogi himself even before he could take his first decision as CM.

Criticizing anyone is part of the democratic process and we being a democracy should welcome criticism, but that criticism needs to be on facts. Unfortunately what we saw was that the most of the criticism against Yogi was mere opinion and nothing factual. Some tweets:

Rahul Raj is one of the most prominent voice of the Right Wing on the social media as being co-founder of, which constantly counters and exposes the lies of the mainstream media and of the left-liberal crowd. has always stuck to facts and logical arguments, so one expected an argument based on facts from Rahul, but instead of that, he just gave opinions about Yogi who has been a five time MP since 1998 and never lost an election from his constituency of Gorakhpur.

As an MP, his record is impressive to say the least as one can check themselves here. When people countered Rahul Raj with these arguments (some could have been uncivil in their manners, which unfortunately happens on the social media at times to everyone of us), he ended up attacking the RW “ecosystem” itself:

Although there are many like him who might not like Yogi, but then why not specify why or on what grounds? Just cause Yogi wears Bhagwa and is unapologetic about his views? This article here even points out on a more detailed manner why Modi-Shah when for Yogi as CM.

The tweets by Rahul Raj turned aggressive in wake of people sending him tweets in support of Yogi Adityanath. Then someone said this:

Some old tweets of Rahul Raj does suggest his leaning towards AAP pre 2014 as seen here.

Rahul Raj wasn’t pro BJP or Modi before May 2014 so why did he change his mind after Modi winning in 2014? He claims to be RW, yet has issues with core promises made by BJP like Ram Temple. And not just him, there are many who have turned RW after Modi’s win and have dictated the narrative of the political discourse. Now suddenly it is so hard to change views about Yogi Adityanath? On what basis you change your views?

No one is above reproach and everyone can be questioned. So no matter what anyone claims to have done for RW, one has to be open for criticism but as seen here in this thread, it’s easy to criticize but not that easy to take criticism from another. Do check this thread by @HappyHigh01 .

Yes we all do what we can for the cause we believe and Rahul Raj did a lot as well, but don’t demean others when someone is questioning your intent. BJP MPs stood with him when his name was taken in parliament by TMC MP and whole of RW social media crowd came together to offer him support. When you start doubting the ecosystem, people will start doubting your commitment.

No one asked anyone to be a fan of Yogi Adityanath, but like this website was started to catch lies of Media and present facts, one expects facts from a co-founder and not just baseless opinions.

Right Wing of India has been taken on a ride for far too long and it’s time to know who are in this for long the long run, 2019 will be fought on ideological grounds unlike 2014 & anyone who isn’t aligned with the ideology, or worse who is just an opportunist (there are some and people know who are they) needs to be called out.

One may argue that being Right Wing and being a BJP supporter are different issues. But if one cares about the Right Wing ideology, he has to understand that right now there is no other option but the BJP, and 2019 is very crucial battle. As Rahul Roushan had put it:

BJP will be the party to support till ideological goals are achieved or criticised when they divert, but here appointing Yogi wasn’t either of them.

Rahul Raj also needs to rethink about the way criticism is done as now he is being used by the likes of Mille Gazzete (an Islamist mouthpiece) who came running to support him. Along with other Left Wing trolls:

It will take a joint effort to make sure that we remain on track and not see a repeat of 2004 in 2019. In 2004, we had the likes of Sudheendra Kulkarni who was key adviser of Atalji and as we know now he wasn’t ideologically​ on the same path.

So Rahul Raj should also be wary if he truly cares for the RW, while rest in RW should also be wary of the narrative being highjacked.

How building the Ram Temple would do justice to Hindus conscience


Let me bring you some history first. We were invaded 1000 years ago by Foreign Mughals and many Arabs because we as a Rashtra was not united and as a peace loving country with many Rajas with their own ambitions, Mughals massacred Hindus and converted them into Islam because they wanted to impose Sharia in this Bharat land. To suppress the voice of Hindus they destroyed temples and made mosques on it. This is now proved by Allahabad High court order that Mosque was built over Temple.

We as a civilization has created many great people like Samarth Ram Das, Guru Govind Singh, Vikramaditya, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Maharana Pratap, and many more to resurge the wave of Hinduism among its people and fight the invaders.

Then came the British Raj, again because we were not united with one Army and they fooled us to an extent that we starved for food. Then they started destroying our left-over unity by further corrupting our education system, imposing English and destroying Sanskrit. They shook our roots.

We as a civilization were doomed. Then came people like Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, Shri Aurobindo Ghosh, Swami Ramkrishna Paramhansa, and many more people who made our culture alive. However, we remained divided as a caste because of Britishers.

The Britishers successfully created Pakistan by identifying the fault lines of Islam. They ignited the fire between a monotheistic religion vs polytheism. Others who didn’t follow Islams were Kafirs. They successfully divided us by radicalizing the youth and dividing us by spreading rumours in public such as Muslims eating beef and vice-versa for Hindus. This triggered a wave of disagreement among the two communities.

Then came the Secular Era as we got the independence. Nehru successfully injected his secular politics in the then middle class. Nehru was an Indian with absolute British mindset who created policies in chaos.

During Indira Gandhi regime, Congress perfectly corrupted the mindset of people. They exploited the situation to further communalise the society by their dirty appeasement politics. Seeing the success of this fabricated secularism agenda, other political parties like Communist party to gain the power. While Congress continued with the same agenda to remain in power. They looted the nation by dividing the Hindu voters on the grounds of caste regimes (Brahmin, Dalits, OBC’s, etc.). Their further weapon was reservation to divide Hindus on a wide scale.

We entered the age of internet. In 21st century, gradual rising power of RSS and BJP was evident. They made inroads in the political system and slowly united the Hindus on the streets. The big churning of uniting Hindus started from 1925 when RSS was born but it acquired a new form when in centre, Vajpayee-led government came in.

People used to vote before because of the influence and personal relations with the local leaders. They were not aware as to what the country was going through. However, the inherent feeling of being Hindu was there. The internet wave of 2004 to 2014 made people aware of the actual agenda of mainstream media. The hidden narrative of these secular political parties was spotted, which mainstream media used to feed with the help of politicians. The nexus of political parties and media started breaking.

Then came the Modi wave.

People found a leader who is a Hindu nationalist and from a poor and humble background. They realized that their voices, too, can be heard. The connect of this dynamic leader with public was immense.

Mainstream media started giving coverage to Narendra Modi’s rallies to boost their  TRPs. They solely did it all because of business. However, they always played their double standards by spinning any news of Narendra Modi. But people are smart. In this internet age, millions of people find out actual news. They not only exposed the paid media but could also see Narendra Modi’s honesty and nationalism. They caught the lies spread by the prestitutes.

This made Hindu vote united one again in 2014 and brought him into power. In this age of internet and TV, change is very rapid. This may prove to be the golden period in the history of this nation. The nation now has a strong united army which was lost and scattered somewhere between 1947 to 2014. Youth has a strong feeling of nationalism, people are uniting again by studying their culture again. It is a revolution in the history when a common Hindu is identified with his religion, not much by his caste, and to bring our strongest root together, which is our CULTURE. Lord Ram is worshipped from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. To restore the faith of a common Hindu, and to keep that attachment with the religion and culture intact, building a bhavya Ram Mandir is a must. It is any Hindu’s latent wish.

This will make Hindus united like never before. This nation’s people will recognize their strongest roots and that will help us fight radicalism. It would expose the truth of what Hindus have gone through. That will boost the morale of common Hindu and he will proudly feel as Swami VIvekanada said, “Garv se kaho hum Hindu Hain”. This will reverberate in the hearts of its citizens. Then we can again build a Grand Bharat or “अखंड भारत”.

Jauhar: Courage or Cowardice?


Most of us living a monotonous life are unaware of how much we are ready to go if our survival is put to test. We look up to the real people or even fictional characters for courage, brevity willpower to survive and the best example is the popularity of the  show of Bear Grylls. To survive is just one basic part of being alive and isn’t even unique to humans. Everything else after survival what makes you human. All the stories of courage, brevity always had a reason behind it and will always have one.

Recently I read an article on Jauhar in not a very popular site so I intend not to make it popular through OpIndia and I was amazed how it is portrayed as cowardice of Rajputs rather than sacrifice of Rajput women. It is portrayed that its better to live to be enslaved by enemies and additionally certainly get raped for eternity in the harems afterwards. Here most people ignore the fact that there was no third party justice system in place to give you justice afterwards in your life ever and you are at the mercy of the will of your enemy till you die. Its not probably the Rape threat but the whole concept of hopelessness of eternal enslavement that made them take the ultimate decision as even sometimes children were also sacrificed along in this act.

Nobody is here to defend somebody committing suicide for whatever reason but I have never come across of demeaning a samurai soldier for taking his life either for the action or the reason. There are values and yes they are man made and humankind sometimes keeps them above someone’s life and they should be judged in the context and circumstances of their respective times. If one questions the very idea of ‘Sacrifice’ then it is evident that all forms of it should be brought in the whole picture and then critically analyze each one. If it were as easy a subject then whole question of exercising free will and all mercy petitions to end someone’s life to escape from endless torture/illness would be void and our Supreme Court would have quashed all such petitions without a hearing. Now an argument can be put that why not simply accept defeat and move on?

Here is a fundamental aspect not to be missed; which is in the face of Islamic Invasion you don’t just lose your land but your culture and identity and the very existence of you is wiped out from the face of earth. You don’t have to look too much and just remember what has happened to all the old DISCONTINUED civilizations after Islamic invasions from ages to recent times are from Nalanda to Bamiyan Budha to Palmyra to Yezidi temples. Another aspect is how and why would you ignore the possibility that women took the decisions keeping everything in mind as a free will? Are you expecting them to get transferred to the new winning invader as Trophies just like land or Gold or other assets? Until someone counters with facts that enemy would have treated them well and their individual freedom would not have been curtailed and guaranteed no torture and pain policy overlooking historical data of how women were and are treated under Islamic or for that matter any invasion.

The purpose of this kind of discourse (Criticising Jauhar Pratha) is not to talk about woman empowerment but to bash Hindu culture black and blue in the pretext of it’s a Hindu tradition. There I said it. Actually the underlying thought process is that there is no use for the beautiful women to protect their dignity and should have simply submitted to the macho invaders. As described by Muslim historians it was a waste of life as they would have enjoyed it as a trophy but for Hindus it was courage and sacrifice. Even Aamir Khusroo admitted it was heroic. If they were really voicing the agenda of value of individual life rather than a concept of “Jauhar” they must have argued for women to be submissive and not resist rapes which are happening everyday and fight it out later right? That wasn’t the case.

It’s the perspective to see an individual as an independent self-serving entity and is inferior to none attitude which flowers such criticisms. Individualism hasn’t been our cultural concept ever and there are very good reasons for that. If you really want to be individually free you would rather take the path of a Sanyasi. Today when people complain about “How can so many people just pass by when somebody is left to die in a street accident?”, there is a connected thread to individualism there. When entire generations are brought up with a mindset that its all about YOU and everything else comes second then people will behave as they do when they see an accident.

Traditionally we valued the fact that individuals are building blocks as a primary entity of a larger Jaati, Janjaati, Samaaj, Rastra, Prakriti and Bhramand and so we were obliged with Dharm n Karm with respect to the relations with each such bigger causes, values and entities with an mere individual. It can be seen still today in many communities with respect to social, cultural and economic and financial aspect of relations within them which has been thoroughly and systematically uprooted by British Raj so as to comply them according to their standards. Until we see ourselves as a component of a larger entity than individuals which priorities its own interests than anything else, we will never see any value in anything which isn’t directly personally affecting us which in this case is a tradition called “Jauhar”.

As Rahul needs more time to mature, should India expect the leadership vacuum in the opposition to be filled anytime soon?

Congress party dethroned the sitting SAD-BJP Government in Punjab but lost miserably in UP with Rahul as the poster boy. It also failed to form Government in Manipur and Goa. Political analysts have blamed party’s way of functioning and absence of charismatic leadership for the debacle.

Party’s tally in UP came down to seven seats. Its campaigner in chief as well as VP-Rahul described Uttar Pradesh’s defeat as “little down, and not bad.”

Now, people want his name to be included in the Guinness Book of World Records because Congress has (allegedly) lost 27 elections under his leadership.

As expected, once again, several news channels organized debates about 46-year-old Rahul Gandhi’s leadership skills. The one conducted by Karan Thapar as part of his show- “To The Point” on India Today seemed interesting. Thapar was joined by Sociologist-Dipankar Gupta, RSS Ideologue-Rakesh Sinha, Senior Journalist-Kumar Ketkar, BJP’s National Executive Member-Seshadri Chari, and Congress Lok Sabha MP-Sushmita Dev. Let’s take a look at some of the excerpts from this discussion.

High command culture

Sociologist Dipankar Gupta shared his opinion about Rahul Gandhi’s comments.

According to Gupta, if somebody says he has not lost courage and spirit to fight again, the person must have the right strategy and plan to bounce back. Simply showing a brave face can prove to be an inauthentic way of boosting morale if someone keeps on losing election after election.

Gupta also pointed out that Rahul cannot say he did not take the UP election seriously because every political party contesting election needs to take them seriously. Every election is a vital episodic moment.

“The leadership image that they have put across is not convincing at all. Wherever they have a convincing leader in the state, the person seems to do well. Congress lost in Uttar Pradesh because of Gandhi(s) as in UP the party is identified because of the Gandhi family. On the other hand, in Punjab, it’s Captain Amarinder Singh. If Captain Singh would have been high command’s slave, he would have had lost as well,” said Gupta during the debate.

PM Modi promised Congress-free Bharat. He has not achieved this as of now, but he has definitely progressed towards Gandhi free Bharat as per the renowned sociologist.

Failure has become the foundation for his political life

RSS Ideologue-Rakesh Sinha’s points also made sense. He pointed out; Rahul Gandhi is an example of reverse leadership. A leader becomes mature with time, but Congress VP is becoming more and more immature after each election. Instead of remaking his party, he has become a sound bite leader. Rahul gives a sound bite to journalists, goes on foreign tours, and makes jokes on RSS, BJP, nothing else.

Senior Journalist Kumar Ketkar believes Rahul Gandhi has done almost nothing for the state of UP since becoming the Congress party’s VP. “I have covered news from UP during the last few years, and I have not seen anything happening under Rahul’s leadership,” said Ketkar.

“Whatever Congress has achieved in Punjab, Goa and Manipur is not because of Rahul Gandhi, but in spite of him,” BJP’s National Executive Member-Seshadri Chari pointed out during the debate.

What is the normal age to attain maturity?

In February this year, Delhi’s former CM-Sheila Dikshit urged the country to give more time to Congress Vice President- Rahul Gandhi in order to prove his leadership skills as he is not mature enough.

To put light on this issue, Bangalore-based renowned Psychologist, political analyst- Akshara Damle shared his opinion with this journalist. He is also the founder of Mano Samvaada.

“It is difficult to specifically tell the exact age of attaining mental maturity. However, generally mental maturity is attained by the age of 20-21.  Later on, people learn from their experiences. It’s a pity to see that a 46-year-old needs more time to get maturity,” said the young psychologist.

No one knows when this waiting period would end. Such uncertainty (leadership vacuum in the opposition) is definitely not good news for world’s largest democracy.


Class warfare


I have always wondered why only certain politicians particularly from OBC/Dalit get preferred treatment from the Lutyens media. As we know the Lutyens cabal is ruthless, they can destroy or make any politician’s career with clinical efficiency. Their influence goes far and wide right from MSM to some what on social media. They have being ruling roost for many decades now as the power broker elite. As evident from certain tapes- there is nothing which they can’t do.

Going through some of the big names who purportedly make this cabal, none of them come from the Dalit, OBC or Backward community. All are from the upper caste with somewhat elite backgrounds either from famous schools or rich pedigree. They clearly are indulging in a class warfare under the guise of espousing the cause of the downtrodden. They just can’t accept any one who comes from the humble background and not be submissive- which is their only criteria.

They are condescending to say the least, any one who don’t follow their diktat is torn apart. The vilification of Modi for all these years just because he did not give into their demands and was the object of hate. The tradition continues more recently with Yogi Adityanath

U.P. election results: Begining of the end of the pseudo secularism


With the announcement of the results of the recently concluded Uttar Pradesh Assembly election, all non-BJP parties, indulging in fake secularism for the last 70 years, are shocked and surprised. They are simply shocked that their age-old, tried and tested methods of dividing the voters, based on their caste, community and religion did not work this time.

These parties are yet to reconcile with the very fact that people have not only defeated them, but have also defeated the unholy practice of “fake secularism”, which had been rampant in the country for the last seven decades. Our mainstream media has been fan and great supporter of such fake secular practices adopted by the non-BJP parties.

Before we proceed, let us understand, what is meant by “fake secularism”? Fake secularism is the communalism of the worst kind which is a practice of taking the majority population of the country for granted and appeasement of minorities and certain sections of the majority population based on their caste, community and religion. However, nobody raises a voice against these questionable methods because the mainstream media and certain self-styled ‘intellectuals’ become the cheerleaders of these practices to such an extent that indulging in them is considered ‘secularism’ while sensible secularism which says ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’, becomes communalism.

There was only one reason for adopting this practice of fake secularism by all the non-BJP parties. Over time, it became a pure mathematical formula for these parties to win the elections again and again, by ignoring the welfare and interests of the majority community altogether.

While delivering his address at the 52nd meeting of the National Development Council in December 2006, former Primer Minister Manmohan Singh had stated, “Minorities, particularly Muslims, must have the first claim on resources.” This was the height of fake secularism, but sadly no one from the mainstream media objected or raised any questions on this statement. Now imagine, if the same statement would have been delivered by PM Modi with some modifications like- “Majority population, particularly Hindus, must have the first claim on resources,”- then not only the mainstream media, but all fake secular political parties supported by self-styled intellectuals would have taken to the streets shouting and demanding PM Modi’s resignation. But nothing of that sort happened in the case of Manmohan Singh and he continued as the Prime Minister, till the Narendra Modi government conclusively defeated the ruling UPA in 2014.

These parties had won the Bihar Assembly election by adopting similar sinful tactics and were hopeful that they would be able to replicate the Bihar experiment in Uttar Pradesh also. People of Bihar also later realised what blunder they had done, but by then, it was too late. Bihar returned to its old days of ‘Jungle Raj’. However, people of the country in other states and particularly in Uttar Pradesh, took a lesson from Bihar and refused to get trapped in this fake secularism, wrapped and carefully concealed in the beautiful packaging of ‘secularism’.

After the Modi government came into power in 2014, it soon became a threat to these political outfits, who were simply surviving on the politics of Muslim-Dalit vote bank or minority-OBC vote bank. Since PM Modi is always talking about “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas”, these parties got jittery because this new narrative given by PM Modi does not fit anywhere in the scheme of things crafted by these fake secular parties over the decades. These parties and their cheerleaders sitting in the mainstream media and in the so-called ‘intellectual world’, started finding faults with everything which Modi government was doing for the benefit of the people of the country. They even questioned the surgical strike in POK, also demanding its video proof.

Moreover, these elements did not stop here. When the Modi government repeated a ‘surgical strike’, this time around on black money and counterfeit bank notes, they cried foul as demonetization posed a serious threat to their very survival. Frustrated with demonetization, these parties pessimistically said that the people of the country and particularly of Uttar Pradesh will teach Narendra Modi a lesson for his demonetization drive. But all these threats did not work and the BJP got a huge mandate of 325 out of 403 Assembly seats, creating history.

People of the country have given a suitable response that they are not going to remain trapped in the arithmetics of vote bank politics practiced by these fake secular parties. People are wise enough now and want “development for all without discrimination”, which is the real meaning of the narrative given by BJP- “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas”.

अब तो वापस दिल्ली आओ, ढूंढ रहा तुझे दिल्ली वाला


Arvind Kejriwal is missing in public places since Election Results.

एक दिल्ली वाले की फ़रियाद!

दिल्ली मे जो जीता, उसे जनादेश का नाम दिया,
पंजाब जो हार गये तो, EVM  को बदनाम किया।

बहन जी और भईया की बातो मे मत आओ,
दिल्ली मे कुछ काम करो, वरना तख्त छोड़ के जाओ।

चंदे के पैसे को, कयो हार के उड़ाते हो?
थोड़ी तो शर्म करो, कयो नही कुछ कर के दिखाते हो।

मोदी ना हार सका बनारस मे,अमरिंदर ना हारा पटियाला,
अब तो वापस दिल्ली आओ, ढूंढ रहा तुझे दिल्लीवाला।

~ @ChickenBiryanii

Why Yogi Adityanath


Damn! Couldn’t they find absolutely anyone else? That was my first reaction on hearing Yogi Adityanath would be the new CM. Over the next hour as the news started coming in and it started sinking in that yes, the mind boggling mandate would be given to Yogi. It felt so incomprehensible. Why would Modi and Amit Shah make such a blunder? It’s obvious to anyone that the opposition which had been pulverized with the mandate would get a big boost to paint the BJP as communal, anti-muslim their usual charade. Even hypothetically if Yogi is actually a perfectly nice Muslim loving guy.

In politics only perceptions matter. No one actually cares how much work you do or what you really think, it’s about a narrative that media builds and just want to feed everything into it. This is so apparent that his appointment will create a backlash and at a time when BJP really needed to fast-track development and progress in UP for 2019, because without it both the 2014 and 2017 mandate will fall as fast as they rose. The higher they rise the harder they fall. They had the excuse of state government not cooperating in this election, 2 years down the line, BJP will need to show work done if they want the voters to trust them again.

So back to the start, why god why, in all of your grace did they choose Yogi?

Then it struck me, it’s not Modi and Shah who are getting blinded. It’s me. They have not taken leave of their senses. It just needed me to look a bit beyond to see the big picture.

What were the election issues which BJP fought on? The main stream media just catches Hindutva, the social media catches Hindutva & Development based on their ideological leanings. That’s too simplistic a view for such a huge state. The issues which they fought on in my humble view are as follows:

1. The goondaraj. This has been a common theme for a long time in the Hindi belt. Nitish Kumar rose on his ability to control Law & Order post Lalu. Mayawati is still remembered fondly for her ability to manage Law & Order notwithstanding all her other grandiosities. The SP Goondas on bikes teasing girls has been a common theme which BJP has reminded the people again and again. They made it one of the central themes and it has obviously stuck a cord.

2. The real communalism/casteism. Ironically it’s the BJP who has succeeded in labeling the other parties especially the congress and SP as communal or in the more commonly known term as Muslim appeasement. The PM bringing up Kabaristan etc was a big, well thought out and carefully deliberated decision. Modi is a brilliant PR person. He knows what he would say will have future repercussions and for him to go ahead with it wasn’t a desperate attempt. It was a thought out strategy. Many in the media have dismissed it as scare tactics. Well as they are the biggest users of scare tactics (e.g. before 2014 elections painting Modi as a person who eats Muslims for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner), they should know using scare tactics without it having a resonance with people is just useless. One comment can’t make people suddenly think, oh yes I have been discriminated against. It is a feeling many people have actually had. Whether it is Muslim appeasement, Yadav appeasement or something. The idea of a party not standing for a particular community or sect but being fair was very alluring.

3. Development & growth. This has been a total Modi arena where apart from Nitish Kumar, no one has been able to match him. His ability to tap into the aspirations of the young and the poor and help them imagine a New India has made him into the politician he is today.

4. The underlying current of demonetization. This is a weird one as BJP didn’t actually advertise it but there can be no doubt now that it reaped huge political benefit out of this. I suspect even BJP was sure of how voters were finally going to view it.

5. Hindutva. Finally Hindutva card. You can’t take away the Hindutva undertones from BJP even if they don’t say anything to it’s effect. That’s the power of perception & the narrative media has created.

Now looking into this if BJP feels the voters gave them votes on these priority points. To fulfill their aspirations, it has to stop Goondaraj, stop appeasement, start on development on war footing.

Now look at their options for CM candidature:

Rajnath Singh/Manoj Sinha/Dinesh Sharma: All have clean images, no corruption issues and are able administrators. So they will tick off the development perception agenda. They don’t have any aura of being tough which is the essence of being able to handle Law & Order.

Keshav Maurya: The backward caste card. Not known for his administration, though based on his poll campaign I suspect he will do just fine. Cases against him, which make his agenda on Law & Order weak.

Coming to Yogi: A firebrand is the most common term being applied to him. There is no other person in UP political scene who commands the aura that he does. I suspect he will use his firebrand image to be very tough on Law & Order. Arvind Virmani, a person who I really look upto agrees with me on this. Yogi is the most natural person to set UP’s police in action. I had earlier pegged him as the Home Minister for sure. Coming to Muslim appeasement, well I am sure we don’t need to even mention that no one will accuse him of that.

One of the biggest points is his favour was his no caste status as a Yogi. Once you attain the status of Yogi, you loose association with your caste and creed. No caste will get riled up with him being incharge. There will be no upper caste backlash to worry about if Keshav Maurya was chosen & no loss on faith in lower castes if any higher caste was chosen. It was a very brilliant answer to that question.

Development: Well he has no track record of development but what he does have is a very strong pro-poor image in his local constituency. His efforts to help all are very greatly appreciated & has been instrumental in him being elected 5 times in a row. To help with developmental agenda, Dinesh Sharma has been made his deputy.

Faced with such options Modi & Shah went for the person who they thought answers to the main aspirations people had when they voted them into power. The questions media has against him are not the same questions that most of UP has. The support he has in his area transcends religion. Real people who are viewing him with actual interactions are not worried about him inciting riots or something like that. It’s only the media or those who look at him through media eyes are worried.

Modi & Shah have looked at the problem in direct connection to people, not through Media eyes. They feel he will be able to bring such a difference in people’s life that it will overcome the temporary backlash that media will bound to have. They knew it will bring a perception issue. They will have to answer the question whether they are choosing Hindutva over development. But they also felt that he was their best bet to fulfil common man’s aspiration in the 2 year timeframe they have. They can be totally wrong about him. But this seems likely to what they must felt when they choose yogi over everyone else.

I’m not saying he his right for this job. I’m just trying to explain what might have led Modi & Shah to choose him.

Curious case of convenient argument


Last few days have witnessed very interesting line of arguments being forwarded by eminent leaders who at one point of time we seen as the ray of hope in the traditional political sphere. Being a critic of the kind of politics they practice, it is not surprising for me to watch myself writing down this criticism of all the hue and cry around EVM and how they can be hacked.

For a naive public, a doubt is enough for them to question the fairness. If this is same public who has witnessed booth capturing, bogus voting, voter luring for good part of their life, a frivolous thought of a possibility of tempering doesn’t comes as a surprise to them. What is shocking here is, there losing politicians are holding press conference forwarding their point but also behaving as if they know it has been done because they have been doing it earlier.

My sole discontent with the entire episode is with the height of sheer stupidity based on which these politicians have been arguing their case. If you think that you are winning the election because Twitter said so, you should also start taking the shady ad banners on the internet as well because, internet says so. Advise to such parties, please drop this line of thought process before its puts an irreparable damage on your organization. Just like clicking on shady banner ads harms your computer.

Bringing this article relevant to the title, one will wonder why parties like AAP are more concern about Punjab where they fared well and not at all seems to be concerned about Goa where they failed to open even an account. By any logical sense, the voice of concern should have been louder for Goa rather than for Punjab. Simple answer here is Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT). Goa has been the only place where the entire election was done under VVPAT. Questioning Goa result will immediately call his bluff. It’s not that there was no usage of VVPAT in Punjab. As per a news Election Commission used 6,668 VVPAT in 33 assembly seats

Arvind Kejriwal saluting himself for his logic

(Read: From here the story of convenient argument begins.

Firstly, choose a result where things cannot be verified and choose only that part of chosen state to question the process where verification is not possible. This probably is the oldest trick in the playbook of conspiracy theorists “question what can’t be verified”. This way your theory continues to hold water till your supporter stop supporting you as a result of exhaustion.

Another convenient argument is to call for sacrosanctity of media houses and their exit polls to forward your line of argument. It’s probably the first time in the lifetime of exit polls they have witnessed someone batting for them so hard. Exit polls have turned out to be wrong all the time, from Bihar to Delhi to TN and now UP & Punjab. There has hardly been an Exit Poll which gave a reliable picture ever. Only and effective way is to rely on actual results. But here too the plague of convenient argument seems to have made inroads.

In general, reporters are counted amongst intelligent people who have a capability to impact the society with their observation, opinion and analysis. Put this perception against the perception about the politico-admin system which has a reputation of being corrupt and fallible. As a result, you get a base of conspiracy theory. “How can a sanctum sanctorum can be questioned when pitted against institutionalized devil?” What people forget is, this is the system of the day and people questioning has been the beneficiary of the system. They fail to provide a convincing answer as to why this faulty system behaved in this manner where things cannot be verified and not otherwise. To this I heard most weird line of argument that people who are tempering should explain why they haven’t tempered the Delhi or Bihar elections.

Similar to the line of Exit poll argument, third convenient argument is “internal survey” reports. The very name of the survey questions the credibility of the report. Is he really suggesting that his party’s internal survey should be relied more than compared to actual results?

And lastly, be counter offensive, question the result before they question the leadership. It’s like question the rules of sport if you have failed before people start questioning your capabilities as sportsperson.

All this leads to a question, why exactly litigation happy party moving to court if they really think their arguments have any merit. Are they suggesting that they don’t trust, Election Commission and Supreme Court but they trust Media houses and internal survey reports? To any prudent person, these points should not have been entertained right from the very beginning itself.

I wonder if these people listen to themselves before opening their mouth in public. My heart weeps for people who support such politicians with their trust. They count on them to see beyond the obvious but people like such are not only breaching their trust but also cheating the public for their petty advancement.

Is the Economic Times on a mission to rescue Rahul Gandhi?


In the run up to these Uttar Pradesh elections, the Economic Times came to acquire a measure of notoriety, at least on social media, for its cheerleading of the Samajwadi & Congress alliance. This was mostly due to the troika from ET politics consisting of Aman Sharma, Rohini Singh and Vasudha Venugopal. Here is a typical fan post from one of them, showing the level of their fanatic adulation.


Even in the final days of polling, when Samajwadi & Congress shoulders were clearly drooping, the troika went their merry way on Twitter, as if reality wasn’t happening at all.

The lead member of this pack appears to have been Rohini Singh, who became, in the sunset days of the UP election, some kind of a “Baghdad Bob/Comical Ali” for the Grand Alliance. Remember “Baghdad Bob / Comical Ali“, nickname of Saddam’s charismatic information minister who would appear boldly on Iraqi state TV every night and declare with a straight face how they were winning the war, even as American forces were destroying the last vestiges of Iraqi defenses?

Here is Rohini on March 8, even after the end of the 7th phase, mocking the BJP strategy.


Incidentally, Baghdad Bob later told the Americans that all the “information” he used to dispense during the war came from “authentic sources- many authentic sources”.

The fall of Rohini Singh, in particular, is really a shame. Because Rohini is known to be a very “bright” journalist. She was the best performer at CNBC and then brought in personally by M K Venu to join ET as an asset. Here is part of a transcript, where Venu requests Nira Radia to help out this bright reporter on the “policy side”, since Rohini was getting ready to report on the finance ministry and some other key policies.


She was supposed to be tutored by the best of the best, the people who handle TATAs and other folks whose activities have “policy implications”, you know.

It is sad that such a bright young mind, the best performer at CNBC and tutored by the best on the “policy side”, was reduced to a target of ridicule on Twitter. Social media can be a dark, unfriendly place. She appears to have taken a much deserved vacation from social media since March 11, during which I am sure she will reflect on her downfall and bounce back with renewed vigor.

Most newspapers would be embarrassed to have “reputation” that the Economic Times has acquired. You would think that ET would prefer to lie low after the results of March 11.

But, the Economic Times showed that we have moved into a “post-shame” era when it managed to uncover a grand success for Rahul Gandhi in the results from Uttar Pradesh.


Apparently, the Congress has seen a 51% increase in votes in constituencies where candidates were picked from Rahul’s “Dalit leadership mission” and this is supposed to count as a “success”. Somehow, ET forgot to account for the fact that the Congress contested alone in 2012 and in alliance in 2017. As a result, the Congress should see an increase in votes in almost every seat it contested in 2017.

This is common sense.

It appears that Ms. Nidhi Sharma of “ET Bureau” might need a little bit of help on the “arithmetic side” of things, considering that she is reporting on this stuff now.

But the Economic Times did not stop there. There was more to come from the revered “ET Bureau”.


This time it’s one T K Arun explaining how Rahul is the golden boy who is the unsung hero of our times, always failing to take credit for the all the good things he did for all of us.

The Rahul of Economic Times is something of an unlucky superman. He delivered on economic growth, he learned from all his electoral mistakes, he was the one who “really” defeated Mayawati in 2012, he scripted the victory in Punjab, everything. The only superpower he lacks is taking credit for his achievements. Which is why ‘India’s social media love to ridicule him’.

That might well be true. But I have a feeling that if ET continues down this path, they will soon be the most trolled newspaper in India. Jokes will circulate on every Whatsapp group about ET’s imbecilic antics and credentials. And it won’t be an accident.