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जब अब्दुल्ला को सेना ने जीप से बांधकर घसीटा

पत्रकार महोदय गर्मियों की छुट्टियां मनाने कश्मीर आये हुए थे, सो सोचा कि क्यों न अब्दुल्ला बाप बेटों से भी मुलाक़ात कर ली जाए.

पत्थरबाजों से डरते डराते पत्रकार अब्दुल्ला निवास पहुँच गया. अब्दुल्ला बाप बेटे तो एकदम तैयार ही थे सो पत्रकार का स्वागत करते हुए बोले “आइये पत्रकार महोदय. आजकल तो हमें कोई पूछ ही नहीं रहा है. आप दिल्ली से हमारा इंटरव्यू लेने आये हैं, हमारे बड़े भाग्य हैं.”

पत्रकार ने इधर उधर की बातें छोड़कर, सीधे मुद्दे पर आते हुए अपना पहला सवाल दाग दिया, “आप दोनों पर यह इलज़ाम लगातार लग रहा है कि आप लोग खाते तो हिंदुस्तान का हैं और गाते पाकिस्तान का हैं. इस बात में कहाँ तक सच्चाई है?”

पत्रकार की बात सुनते ही अब्दुल्ला का बेटा भड़क गया, “पत्रकार महोदय, यह सरासर गलत आरोप है. हम इसका पूरी तरह से खंडन करते हैं. हम लोग पूरी तरह से पाकिस्तान से आने वाले पैसों पर ही अपना जीवन यापन कर रहे हैं- पकिस्तान से आ रहे इसी पैसे में से हमें पत्थरबाजों को भी भुगतान करना होता है. लिहाज़ा हम लोगों पर यह आरोप नहीं लगाया जा सकता. हम लोग खाते भी पाकिस्तान का हैं और गाते भी पकिस्तान का हैं.”

पत्रकार ने अपनी दाल न गलते देख अपना दूसरा सवाल किया, “अभी पिछले दिनों सोशल मीडिया पर एक तस्वीर वायरल रो रही थी, जिसमें यह दिखाया गया था कि सेना के कुछ जवान तुम्हारे पिताजी को सेना की जीप से बांधकर घसीट रहे हैं. यह क्या मामला था, जरा उसके बारे में भी देश की जनता को कुछ बताएं.”

पत्रकार के सवाल को सुनकर अब्दुल्ला बाप बेटे पहले तो एक दूसरे की शक्ल देखने लगे, मानों यह तय कर रहे हों कि इस सवाल का जबाब कौन देगा, लेकिन आखिर में अब्दुल्ला के बेटे ने ही अपनी जुबान खोली और अपनी दुःख भरी कहानी सुनाते हुए कहा, “हुआ ऐसा था कि पिछले महीने पकिस्तान से जो पैसा हमें हर महीने आता था, उसके आने में काफी देरी हो गयी थी, उसके चलते हम लोग पत्थरबाजों को भी समय पर भुगतान नहीं कर सके थे. पत्थरबाजों के और सभी आमदनी के जरिये तो हम लोगों ने पहले से ही बंद कर रखे हैं. लिहाज़ा उन लोगों के यहां तो भूखों मरने की नौबत आ गयी थी.”

पत्रकार ने अब्दुल्ला को बीच में ही रोका और झल्लाते हुए बोला, “आपकी इस राम कहानी का मेरे सवाल से क्या लेना देना है, जो सवाल पूछा गया है, अगर उसका जबाब है तो दो, नहीं तो मैं अपने अगले सवाल की तरफ बढ़ूँ.”

अब्दुल्ला ने भी पत्रकार को उसी के अंदाज़ में फटकारा, “अजीब पत्रकार हो, सवाल पूछा है तो जबाब सुनने में इतनी बेसब्री क्यों? इसी कहानी में तुम्हारे सवाल का जबाब छिपा है. भूखे पत्थरबाजों ने अपनी पूरी टोली लेकर एक दिन हम लोगों को घेर लिया और हम दोनों को ही जान से मारने की धमकी देने लगे. इससे पहले कि हम लोगों पर कोई मुसीबत आती, सेना के जवानों की एक जीप हमें दिखाई दी और हम दोनों जोर जोर से चिल्ला कर उनसे अपनी हिफाज़त की गुहार लगाने लगे. सेना का अधिकारी काफी भला व्यक्ति था. उसने हमें उन पत्थरबाजों से बचाने के लिए सिर्फ एक ही शर्त रखी कि वे हम दोनों में से किसी एक को अपनी जीप से बांधकर कम से कम पांच किलोमीटर तक घसीटेंगे. उनका यह भी कहना था कि अगर हम उनकी यह शर्त मान लेंगे तो वे पत्थरबाजों को मार पीट कर भगा देंगे. हम लोगों ने अपनी जान बचाने के लिए सेना की यह शर्त भी मान ली और फिर आगे जो कुछ भी हुआ, वह तो आप सब जानते ही हैं.”

पत्रकार भी काफी ढीठता पर उतर आया था, “लेकिन सेना ने तुम्हे जीप से बांधकर क्यों नहीं घसीटा, तुम्हारे पिताजी को क्यों बांधकर घसीटा?”

अब्दुल्ला बाप बेटों ने एक बार फिर एक दूसरे की शक्ल देखी और इस बार जबाब अब्दुल्ला के बाप ने दिया, जिसे सेना ने अपनी जीप से बांधकर घसीटा था, “इसमें कोई बहुत बड़ा भेद नहीं है. दरअसल हम दोनों ही यह तय नहीं कर पा रहे थे कि किसे जीप से बांधकर घसीटा जाए तो सेना के एक जवान ने सिक्का उछाल कर यह तय कर दिया कि सेना की जीप से बांधकर ५ किलोमीटर तक मुझे घसीटा जाएगा.”

अब्दुल्ला बाप बेटों की यह दर्दनाक दास्तान सुनते सुनते पत्रकार भी लगभग डरा सहमा सा वहां से चुप चाप खिसक लिया. अब उसे पत्थरबाजों और सेना दोनों से ही डर लगने लगा था.

(इस काल्पनिक रचना में दिए गए सभी पात्र एवं घटनाएं काल्पनिक हैं और उनका किसी जीवित या मृत व्यक्ति से कोई लेना देना नहीं है.)

India’s new diplomatic front


With the conclusion of recent much talked US-Arab-Islamic Summit in Riyadh comprising of Sunni majority, one thing is clear that the terrorism is just an excuse the real target was Iran, or the Shia Muslims from the start. A summit where 55 countries participated including India’s neighbor Pakistan.

US President Donald Trump addressed the summit by playing offensive against Iran, accusing Iran of spreading terrorism in the world and usual criticism of Iran’s hostility towards west since the beginning of cultural revolution in the Shia majority country.

While, representative from small countries like Bahrain, Indonesia were given chance to speak on the terrorism except for Pakistani PM. Earlier this week a report claimed that the Pak PM was not allowed to speak at the summit due to some undisclosed reasons but the fact that Pakistani PM went to summit & allowed its Ex-Army chief Raheel Sharif to head the coalition army against the Iran.

One thing is clear out of all this farce, The Saudi Kingdom has declared the war with Iran. Only thing that remains, whether it would be fought through proxies or a head on clash.

Where is India in all this? India has an official stand, that the matter between Saudi Arabia and Iran must be solved through peaceful means, not through violence.

India has historically take neutral stand because of the following reasons:

1: India has significantly large population of both sects, Shia and Sunni.

2: If India takes any sides, it might increase the instances of terrorism in country.

3: India has close relationship with Iran as well as Sunni countries.

4: Due to India’s neutral role, India can act as negotiator between the two, as both countries do not put much faith in      west.

Looking at above reasons, India won’t be supporting any country or sect. But Should India not take benefit out of this rivalry?

It is big Opportunity for India to increase it’s influence in the region by making the both parties to come to the table & remove looming clouds of War. PM Modi has increased India’s influence in Saudi Arabia through his visit to Riyadh.

India is still dependent on Oil from middle-east, but now middle-east also depends on India due to fall in prices of Oil in the international market and India’s growing market. India arguably has more leverage than it has ever had in the past and it will continue to grow in future. While PM Modi improved its ties with Saudi Arabia, India has age long relations with Iran. India supported Iran and continued to purchased oil even defying sanctions on Iran.

India is a unique country, where large population of Shia Muslims live with Sunni Muslims without any instances of major conflict between two, peacefully with communal harmony. India sets an example to both countries. India can act as a bridge between two and help to maintain peace in the region. This move will increase the soft power of India to next level, if India able to pull off this difficult & tedious job as negotiator.

Cow vigilante – Economic & ecological way


It appears like cow vigilante and beef  are friction point between two religions. Rather isn’t it matter of culture, health & economic well-being of society? Let’s consider sustainable way.

People who have cows at home or who are involved with cows in dairy, agriculture or serving cows in gau shala should pride themselves as Gau rakshak. Those who are trending on social media or taking law in their hands are actually hijacking the real cow vigilante identity. I really appreciate Gau shala work but to save the cattle genome, government needs to swing in action. Incentivizing the diary industry, green energy, organic foods, etc will show people voluntarily up keeping cows. Without economic gains associated with cattle, one or the other way they will find way to slaughter houses.

Minority feels government is pushing certain agenda. If there is money associated with cow raring, will they not take this opportunity? Majority feels its like cow is mother like; they should nurture cows. Taking law in hand isn’t solution. At the same time government should strengthen local police. Mainstream media labelled it as misplaced priority. The same set cried loud when Shaktiman (the horse) was hurt. Why don’t they accept cow’s regard in common man’s mind? Especially when people’s sentiments can erupt to the level of lynching, why not stop illegal slaughtering? This double standard bothers me.

Eating beef has led to another kind of debate. My point is food habits do change over a time. With increasing consumerism, markets need products in more quantity, many variety & faster delivery. This leads unhealthy dairy techniques including hormone injections, unscientific farming leading to drop in fertility of soil, then there is debt trap for farmers, illegal slaughter houses lead to health concerns. On the other side obesity, high cholesterol, cancer, heart attacks are spreading like epidemic. Most of it is attributed unhealthy lifestyles including food habits. Stress should be on sustainability. Why not push healthy living by promoting vegetarianism? It will also mean better ecological foot print. One can imagine the richness in blessing “Doodho nahao, phooto phalo”!

Left liberals make all petty issues make it appear as India is burning. It is wrong to kill a person for a cow and certainly vice versa also holds true. Advocating only one side leads to flaring up of emotions. We need to come together as a society to defeat such forces.

Fifty years of Naxalbari and the threat of urban naxals


The recent revelations by Podiyam Pandu alias Panda, a Naxal leader carrying an award of Rs. 1 lakhs, regarding the involvement of Delhi University Professor Nalini Sundar and “so called” human right activist Bela Bhatia is not the first time when the relations between academics, human right activists and Naxal came on the surface. Just two months ago in March the Gadchiroli sessions court convicted DU professor G N Saibaba along with former student of Jawaharlal Nehru University Hem Mishra, former journalist Prashant Rahi and three others under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in relation with naxals.

Sundar a known naxal sympathizer made headlines when earlier in November 2016 she along with 20 others, including the Jawaharlal Nehru University professor Archana Prasad, was booked for the murder of a tribal Samnath Baghel in Chhattisgarh. The naxal-intellectual romance is as old as the Naxal movement itself and names like Sundar or Saibaba are just tip of the iceberg as it is well-known that the uprising turned into an “ism” because of the left-leaning intellectuals who expanded the literary base of Naxal movement and presented annihilation policy and the “red terror” of Naxals as a means to achieve an egalitarian society.

Naxals were firm believer of the Maoist doctrine that “power comes from the barrel of gun” and tried to create “red terror” by public execution. A large section of communist intellectuals hailed the uprising and some of them rushed for the Naxalbari immediately after the uprising to meet the rebels providing moral support. These were the people who never accepted India as a nation and following the idea of Antonio Gramsci placed themselves in academics and produced literatures to deepen the historical divisions of Indian society and weaken the social cohesion. Taking ques from Marx they presented the state as an exploitative structure and instrument of capital.

The role of urban sympathizers and organizations of naxals had not only been highlighted by the media houses which reports about the role of NGOs and the contribution made by the city-based shadow organisations and sympathizers in the Maoists funding. Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Shri R.P.N. Singh while answering unstarred question no. 2276, told the parliament in 2014 that one can’t rule out the possibility of Naxals clandestinely getting foreign funds with the help of certain front organizations working in urban centres.

Today naxal movement is not about the villages and rural areas. Naxals areas shrunk from 223 districts in 2009, to 68 in 2017. But, the threat continues as naxals are joining hands with Jihadis and gaining ground in the urban centres. We will have to understand that it is not under-development or ignorance of tribal areas but the divisive- murderous communist ideology and ideologue that forms the root of naxalism. If “some sections of the society, especially the younger generation, have romantic illusions about the Maoists” (LWE Division, MHA) it is because of hegemony of Left in the academics who portrays naxals as “Robin Hood”. The main role of gangs of Arundhati Roy, Nalini Sundar or G N Saibaba on the one hand, to present state as draconian and atrocious exaggerate and fabricate the story of high-handedness by counter-insurgency forces and present the war against insurgents as a war against tribal. On the other, in case of attacks on security forces and national indignation start building against Naxals, they deviated the issue from Naxal barbarism to development, procedure of operation, state’s failure etc.

On 25th May 1967 when uprising in Naxalbari took place it was an uprising of “have nots”. But after five decades, the movement seems to be fallen in the hands of a nexus of some academics, contractors and politicians.  For whom it is an empire of thousand crores – based on the terror and threat. It was to be an “ism” of egalitarian society but today it is an “ism” of murder, exploitation and loot. An “ism” extorting thousands of crores per year.

There has been a serious flaw in our response to Naxals. We came heavily on the poor deluded people holding arms but not on the urban naxals.  As a result, the urban guerrillas, using state’s own machinery, infiltrated in media, academics NGOs and gave new edge to their propaganda. While the tribals, facing the brunt of state felt more and more alienated. Naxal exploited the alienated tribals well for strengthening their jungle militia.

It has been fifty years and we have lost thousands of security personnel and all together more than fifteen thousand people. We cannot rely solely on guns, tribal are nor our problem they are not more than a pawn in the hands of people sitting in the air-conditioned rooms, enjoying the facilities, speaking to media, receiving the funds, brainwashing youths, deluding the tribals.

It’s time when we recognise that the real enemies are not there in jungles, they are in very urban centres, sitting beside.

Sanjiv Bhatt said he wanted to be tied on Army jeep in front of Arundhati. Here’s how Twitter reacted

Besides spreading anti-India propaganda on Facebook and Twitter, suspended controversial IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt often makes a splash in the headlines due to his tweets these days. After reading some of them, you might feel as if flop actor-Kamaal R Khan has probably written them for Bhatt.

On May 20, while reacting on actor Paresh Rawal’s tweet about tying Arundhati Roy on the army jeep, Bhatt said something that attracted everyone’s eyeballs. Here are some responses that would make you laugh.


Army, Government and Judiciary need to have uniform approach towards Kashmir


The overarching strategic guidance by the Cabinet Committee on Security outlines the processes and products for developing a National Defence Strategy. The “strategy” is the output of a deliberate process after various policy options have carefully been evaluated and their implications considered, and a final decision is arrived after weighing clear alternatives. From the military’s perspective it describes “what constitutes success (ends)” and “allocation of resources and forces (means)”.

The Armed Forces develop their respective strategies in three time zones: near term/ immediate; mid-term (5-10 yrs); long-term (15-20 yrs). It is a comprehensive examination of National Defence Strategy and quantified in terms of posturing, force structure, modernization plans, budget estimates, infrastructure etc. It is a statement of “ways and means” and crystalizes the prioritized missions for the services.

Hence, one can say that the role and operational doctrine of Indian Army in Kashmir in based on the “Land Forces Strategy”which has been developed after a systemic process guided by the strategic directives from the political corridors of South Block.

If the operations in Kashmir are guided by such deep intellectual wisdom and focused approach with nearly three decades of experience, then why is Kashmir still burning? Think tanks have often attributed this to the two P(s)– Politicians and Pakistan: Inconsistent political stance and Pakistan’s nefarious design of bleeding out India. Isn’t this the Ostrich way? It is high time that Indian Army carries out an internal validation and reassesses its strategy.

Deter, don’t compel

To compel an adversary to stop them doing something, after they have started while deterrence would be to stop him from even beginning to do so.

Since “people” are the center of gravity in counter insurgency operations, compelling them has always been the preferred choice. Calibrated use of kinetic energy to blunt the violence and WHAM (winning hearts and minds) approach to hope for a long term solution, is what Indian Army has been doing so far.

Unfortunately it has largely failed, though “optimists” and “Aman ki Asha” types feel otherwise. 30 years on, and still no resolution in sight. One of the main reasons for the failure of compelling is our infamous judicial system which has failed to deliver verdict on thousands of pending terrorism related cases in the state.

Use of deterrence doesn’t necessarily mean the use of brute force alone. Deterrence in Kashmir’s perspective implies establishing the rule of law. The same stick and empathy repackaged with a different intent.

It would be a dreadful dream to immolate Pakistan, but establishing military courts and expeditious disposal of terror related cases is definitely an option which could be temporarily enforced in the Valley for a period of two years, just to test its effectiveness. Instead of “Janab mat karo” it should be “Janab agar appne kiya to”.

No Stance, So Adapt

Flexibility to the changing environment is what adaptability is all about, but for the Indian Army it’s amounting to haplessness to political intervention cloaked under fancy military terminology.

Adaptation is a phenomenon of evolution and should happen over a long period of time and not overnight. The adaptability of Indian Army is incident based defined by rapidly changing philosophy at operational level.

By the time this newly adapted philosophy reaches the troops on ground for implementation, it is already getting hammered by the political masters and media watch dogs. This “No Stance” attitude of the sword ranks is largely to be blamed for this fiasco and also undermines their credibility.

The National Defence Strategy should decide the stance which the armed forces are going to “adapt” to and then it should remain unchanged till there are enough indicators suggesting a paradigm shift in the security environment.

Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is both factual and intuitive. The identified risks are then evaluated for tolerance and acceptability, which then give the whole picture of one’s current “predicament”.

Somehow, it appears that the risk assessment matrix for the operational doctrine in Kashmir was never drawn by the Indian Army, otherwise they would have not been found off guard on so many occasions. In 2014, the Northern Army Commander made a history of sorts when he admitted that mistakes happen on ground and said, “Let me state this very clearly that we take responsibility for what has happened”, in response to an incident at one of the check posts in Budgam. Doesn’t this reflect that a realistic risk assessment had not been carried out?

As always, every incident in Valley will have repeated postmortems and no opportunity will be left by vested interests to play their dirty cards. A realistic threat assessment clearing identifying the external, internal and social threats will not solve the problem completely, but will give pre-defined response options and guidance to operational commanders on ground to tackle unpredictable situations.

Fear of Persecution and Prosecution

At present every solider in Kashmir has this fear, which has been reinforced by the honorable Supreme Court on April 27 when it rejected the curative petition of the government and ordered mandatory registration of FIR against armed forces personnel, even in disturbed areas under Armed Forces Special Power Act (AFSPA) for every encounter death.

No Officer or Jawan would want to stand a trial because he carried out his duties in difficult conditions and hostile environment. It’s no longer important to just succeed in our war against the terrorists, it’s also important to survive and come out clean.

If Indian Army wants to effectively operate in Kashmir, it must demand legal immunities and the benefit of doubt always on their side. This fear has somewhat curbed the initiative of junior leaders and the brass ranks fearful of miscalculations in command decisions, which is perfect recipe for disaster in counter insurgency operations.

The right to file FIR is the basic right of any Indian citizen, and the recent SC judgment upholds that, but haven’t the rules always been different for Kashmir? Freedom of action is what our forces need to counter this menace effectively. The Nation must trust our forces and their principle of minimum force.

Time to Reckon

It will be long war for the Indian Army in Kashmir and often they will fall back to where they started. There can be many reasons for this failure as Kashmir is a multi faced problem now. For soldiers who do not understand politics it is time to wake up to reality; enforce deterrence and stick to it for some time; risk assess your vulnerabilities and be prepared for the unheard and unseen; and lastly demand immunity to persecution and prosecution for doing your legitimate job.

The author is a full time blogger at 

Why Major Gogoi did absolutely a right thing


Last month two videos went viral on social media, the first one showed the poise and restraint displayed by an army Jawan in the midst of extreme provocation on the streets of Kashmir. While people were still expressing anger and indignation at the crude treatment meted out to this soldier, another video was posted by the ex- Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir Omar Abdullah. The second video posted as a rejoinder to the first, featured a Kashmiri man seated and tied to the bonnet of an army jeep accompanied by announced warnings to stone-pelters to refrain from throwing stones.

This was enough to kick up a storm as ‘activists’, politicians and certain sections of the media started their usual tirade about ‘human rights’ and army discipline etc etc. The man on the jeep was identified as Farooq Ahmed Dar, while some journalists claimed that he was a shawl-weaver attending a wedding in the area where he was picked up, others made it more dramatic by insisting that he had gone there to cast his vote.

Amidst all the noise and furore caused by the video on Social Media and TV debates, the explanation offered by the army was more or less sidelined by those interested in latching on to this incident to malign our security forces. A polling booth in the area had been surrounded and attacked by an anti-India slogan shouting local mob that included women and children, all pelting stones. Major Leetul Gogoi, the man in-charge, needed to take a quick decision. He had to get through a murderous mob armed with stones to save the personnel trapped in the polling booth, he could give orders to his men to fire and disperse the hundred-strong crowd and end up killing and injuring several Kashmiris and face the consequences later or he could improvise.

The intelligent young Major decided to try the latter! Only a soldier with first-hand experience of the difficulties faced by the forces in Kashmir could think and come up with such an out of the box solution to such a chronic problem. The Major was getting frantic SOS calls from his trapped colleagues and watching the mob in front of him swell, he could hear the loudspeakers in the nearby mosque telling people to congregate. There was barely any time to plan, he looked around and spotted a burly local dressed in a pheran who was instigating the people and shouting anti-India slogans loudly. Major Gogoi, in an interview with ‘NewsX’, stated that this ‘fat man’ seemed to be the ring-leader of the stone-pelters and he tried to flee from the scene as soon as the soldiers moved towards him. It was also noticed that Farooq Dar did not belong to that area in Budgam, he was said to be from a village at least some distance away. So much for the sob-story about him being an ‘innocent’ voter!

By choosing to place Dar on his jeep, Major Gogoi ensured safety for his men and managed to save those held hostage in the polling booth. More importantly, he opted for a non-violent way to deal with a difficult situation, the only other choice would have been to open fire which is probably what Pakistan and its stooges wanted. Had the Major exercised that option there would have been bloodshed followed by the predictable protests about ‘human rights’ violations from our celebrity journalists. By selecting the leader of the pack as a shield, the Major made sure that the pelters would not risk hurting him. So there was no danger to Dar safely ensconced on the jeep engine.

‘What a creative solution to a vexing problem!’, every rational Indian lauded Major Gogoi’s initiative except for the usual Gang of Naysayers who are adept at using Twitter to start a string of connected and similar condemnatory tweets, setting in motion a virtual hate campaign. What was started by a Twitter-addict like Omar Abdullah was carried forward by the rest, including a retired General, the usual set of journalists, ‘activists’, JNU- leftists and of course the waiting for an opportunity Opposition! The overwhelming majority of Indians, however continued to support the Major and demanded that his bravery be recognized and awarded. The Army with its commitment to discipline and procedure, had initiated an inquiry into the incident and decided to wait for the verdict.

With the completion of that inquiry, the Army Chief finally put our thoughts into words by announcing a commendation medal for Major Gogoi. Of course, this brave soldier who saved so many lives, avoided collateral damage and showed how the conservative approach is not always the best way to diffuse a delicate situation, deserves all the praise and appreciation that comes his way. No amount of carping and feigned outrage can affect one’s spontaneous and positive reaction to this incident. By supporting the Major’s action, the Army Chief has shown faith in his soldiers and boosted their morale.

Meanwhile, while the nation celebrates this honour bestowed on Major Gogoi for his quick thinking and courage, the Pak-agents rant and rave wherever and whenever they find space. There are attempts to create controversies like the one over Paresh Rawal’s tweet where he suggested that Dar should have been replaced by Separatist-supporter Arundhati Roy. Is this the first time that such a tweet has been composed? What about the ones where other celebrities were targeted? Yet another instance of selective FOE!

Leaving aside all these expected tantrums, the one point that sticks out like a sore thumb is that the J&K Govt has decided to now conduct an inquiry into the jeep incident. It is surprising that while MOS Home, Jitender Singh praises the Major, the PDP which is supposed to be in alliance with the BJP, evidently prefers to pander to the ‘sentiments’ of the Hurriyat/National Conference and other Separatists. Like most political parties struggling for survival in Kashmir, PDP is playing to the gallery by assuaging Separatist sentiments and overriding the stated opinion of its alliance partner.

The pseudo intolerance, why one sided?

I am a Hindu and I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both Tolerance and Universal acceptance. We believe not only in universal toleration, but we accept all religions as true.
-Swami Vivekanad

I started writing this article by quoting “Swami Vivekanand Ji” just to bring attention of those No-Proud Hindus, who portray themselves among new age intellects, and have forgotten our original preaching.

Well a debate of tolerance was started recently in India out of no context on ground. Those who were targeted for being intolerant (especially those who feel proud of their religion- mainly Hindus) were blamed for every small or big crime. Sadly, same type of crimes were ignored when it was done by the criminals having an identity covered with some other religions. A criminal is always a criminal and law of land is enough to deal with it.

We cannot establish a Kangaroo court (now the social media) and blame entire religion or religious organization or region for being intolerant in the name of crimes. The new age, self-proclaimed intellectuals are the same people who troll our nation’s leaders, leaders elected by Indians and sitting on constitutional posts for day and night. But when same is being done by others common citizens with them, they paint entire religion, organization as Bhakts, Trolls etc.

Freedom of expression is not the hostage of a special class of society, it is ensured by the makers of our Constitution for every citizen of India. Be it a student, a villager, a labor, a professor or a political activist or a leader. The sad part of entire intolerance campaign was, it was initiated and propagated by those, who were enjoying powers since decades. Who had direct access to then governments (in day and night).

We have heard stories of journalists, who had access to the Bedrooms of leaders like Late Shri Kashiram. Same journalists now don’t allow fellow citizens to even comment on their social profiles or allow other journalists to offices in their center of power and they advocate Intolerance debate about one specific religion, organization.
Time has come for fellow citizens to go in depth behind each “Projected Script” of these new age intellects and reply in same manner.

Recently a social media account of a famous singer was suspended after some comment on a tweet, but the source of that tweet, which provoked that singer and thousand others to comment on that tweet, was untouched.

This kind of one sided approach don’t last for long. Best is Social media and independent platforms are standing parallel to controlled Main Stream Media. They are challenging projected debates with facts and figures. The only need of hour is to keep a close eye and see every prospective with open mind. Research your own facts and then believe on any projected story. India and Indians will come out of this era as well.
We will defeat those evil powers. India will rise and shine clean.

Arundhati Roy, Paresh Rawal and India: My take on Arundhati Roy


India is quite a funny country. We have people who react on statements based on who is speaking and whom they are targeting. Recently, Arundhati Roy made a statement about Indian Army. Arundhati Roy said, even if India increases its military footprint from seven lakh to 70 lakh in Kashmir, it wouldn’t be able to wrest Kashmir where it matters, that is in the hearts and minds of ordinary Kashmiris. She has always considered India is an “occupying force” in Kashmir and is holding it through the barrel of the gun.

It is well known that Arundhati Roy has always been a cheerleader of Kashmiri separatism. But no one questioned her because liberals consider it as her freedom of expression. And it seems pretty all right to them. But when Praesh Rawal, a veteran actor & a newbie in Indian politics tweeted something about Roy whole gang of liberal and media went gaga on him.

Paresh Rawal tweeted-

I don’t agree with Paresh Rawal but India is a free country and it’s his freedom of expression. So read it, like it or ignore it but don’t show your double standards. As an Indian citizen, he felt offended by Roy’s statement. So this was his counter view. One may or may not agree with him. But the best thing about whole incident is that he didn’t delete that tweet. He stood by his statement, which is quite rare in our country these days.

Couple of days ago Sagarika Ghose tweeted something which she deleted after some time. She said-

Now that’s what I consider wrong and unethical because it was a pure lie. I am not saying this. She herself knew it was wrong and she admitted it. She apologized afterwards and deleted the tweet. But this one tweet could have incite violence. But literally no-one from media and gang of liberals raised any eyebrows, forget about the questions. These douce bag intellectuals of India have always picked up, what suits their ideologies. In this case they found a politician who belongs to a right wing party, whom most of these guys hate. So, it was obvious choice for them. While Arundhati Roy is their very own and it looks like a publicity plan for her second novel “The Ministry of Utmost Happiness”.

Arundhati Roy is someone who spreads rabid misinformation and false propaganda about India on international platforms, and is believed and her views are taken seriously by many.

First thing I like to mention that Arundhati Roy is not a cynics, in fact she wears a makeover of a cynic smartly to sell herself. In fact she belongs to certain class of Indians who since years have sold India’s so called social, economical and cultural backwardness outside India, specially in western world to get an instant popularity and success.

In fact this selling of India’s image of stark backwardness to the Western world has been an instant formula as an educated  Indian to earn a name and fame as an intellectual Indian, an author of repute, an internationally recognised social worker in the western world. The more you mock India, the more you paint India in black colour, the more applauds and claps of appreciation you receive from them. Talking negative and the worst about India is a guaranteed path to get some prestigious award like booker prize, even the Nobel prize.

And in fact many of Western educated so called smart Indian have followed this trick to black paint India and its image to earn name and fame globally. Arundhati Roy also belongs to the same league of Indians who talk cynical about India purposely, she has been surviving her writing career only through this trick.

I was shocked to see some videos on YouTube, where Arundhati Roy is seen campaigning in support of Kashmiri separatists, in support of the terrorists who have been involved directly in anti Indian acts. Similarly many her essays and the speeches delivered in foreign countries sound so anti Indian, projecting India as a kind of blot on the humanity, as a place where draconian acts take place against certain class of people.

She not only maligns India falsely and excessively, but also puts India in a very dangerous situation due to which the nation could be destroyed. She not only shames India on an international scale, but also compromises the security and integrity of the country. Either she is naive, immature and hasn’t a clue about geopolitics, or else is an ‘intellectual’ level terrorist, and covert warmonger.

Terrorism is less dangerous to a nation, because the terrorists have little credibility by engaging in violence. Arundhati Roy however, not only justifies their violence, but having tremendous personal international appeal and clout, actually works to fulfill the aims of those very same terrorists (who work against India and engage in violence and massacre upon its people).

She defends and speaks on behalf of organisations who are worst violators of human rights to criticise India (which is a relatively tolerant and peaceful country) for violating human rights. She abuses the freedom and tolerance India gives to her, to vilify India for being intolerant. If that isn’t f*cked up, I don’t know what is. Such a person is poisonous, and toxic to the nation, and an anathema to peace and harmony.

She pretends to be an activist, when she is in fact closer to a terrorist. Since she only targets and maligns India, people think she is telling facts without realizing she is, in fact, a psychopath.

It is dangerous when someone who has this kind of international credibility, has zero sense of responsibility for their power and position, abuses it (and abuses the freedom they have) and speaks lies and spreads misinformation which not only unjustly vilifies India, but can also destroy the country politically, socially and as a nation someday.

Just on a personal note, I do not hate Arundhati Roy for being ‘anti Indian’ in her views. I abhor her for being a liar (anti truth), illogical (anti logic), and most of all, for endangering the security and stability of India.

कुछ मन की बातें: नमन अटल जी को

“हार नहीं मानूंगा ,रार नहीं ठानूंगा,
काल के कपाल पर लिखता मिटाता हूं,
गीत नया गाता हूं गीत नया गाता हूं। “

भारतीय राजनीति के पुरोधा (युग पुरुष, स्तम्भ पुरुष, क्या कहूँ उन्हें सारे अलंकरण छोटे पड़ जाते हैं उनके कद के सामने) श्रद्धेय अटल जी की ये कविता आज पढ़ रहा था। मन अचानक विचलित हो उठा जब ये सोचता हूँ की अब उनकी उम्र ज्यादा देर तक साथ नही देगी। एक अन्दर टीस सी उठती है, की काश आज भी वो राजनीती में सक्रिय होते तो हमारी आने वाली पीढ़ी एक इस सशक्त राजनेता (एक वास्तव में राजनेता) की प्रतिभा को जान पाती। उनका नाम सुनते ही, पूरा शरीर प्रणाम करने की मुद्रा में आ जाता है। वीरों की गाथाएँ सुनी थी, लेकिन ऐसे सामने खड़े ऐसे इतिहास पुरुष (निर्भीक व साहसी) को मैं देख पाया, बड़ा सौभाग्य है मेरा।

उनके हर एक भाव से सीखने को मिलता है कुछ ना कुछ। साथी क्या विरोधी क्या, सभी उनके आगे नतमस्तक होते हैं। आज भी याद है, जब संसद में वो खड़े होते थे तो एक एक सांसद उनकी बात को ऐसे सुनता था जैसे कोई बड़ा संत प्रवचन दे रहा हो। सामने लाखों की भीड़ को अपनी सम्मोहन क्षमता से ऐसे बाँध देते थे की क्या कहने। विपक्ष भी कभी कभी सोचता था, की अटल जी बातों का विरोध करें भी तो कैसे करें। राजनीती में उनके कद के आगे कोई भी नेता बौना सा प्रतीत जो होता था। धुर विरोधियों का भी दिल जीत लेने की एक अलग कला थी उनमे। तालियों की गडगडाहट कभी उन्हें विचलित नही करती थी, और वो वैसे ही विनम्र मुश्कान के साथ सबका अभिवादन करते थे। उनके मुख पर हमेशा विराजमान रहने वाली यह मधुर मुस्कान किसी का भी दिल जीत लेती थी।

भारतीय राजनीती के सर्वकालीन महानतम राजनेता कवि ह्रदय श्रद्धेय अटल बिहारी बाजपेयी जी को मेरा शत शत नमन। अब बस यही प्रार्थना है, इश्वर उनको दीर्घायु प्रदान करे।
~ सुयश दीप राय