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Are we staring another at Indo-China war?


The 21st Century is popularly called as the Asian Century not without any reason! In 2050, three out of the top five and 12 out of the top 25 economies will be from Asia. Yet, the real story is not about economy, but about the geo-political aspirations backed by huge military buildup. To this, add the expansionist agenda and assertiveness on territorial claims leading to growing distrust and uneasiness and we have perfect ingredients for likely flare-ups. Is Asia going the same way as Europe went in the initial half of the 20th Century? What the emerging geo-political scenarios means for India and what options it can exercise?

The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history! Lets put this oft-repeated sentence to the current geo-political scenario and things that we have not learned from history.

Turn of the century, one rising power playing a catch up game for a seat in high table and others ready to play the appeasement card as long as they can avoid the confrontation! – The world paid for this with two world wars!

A century later- it seems China has replaced Germany of early 20th century and all other countries are back to playing the appeasement card to avoid the confrontation. The key difference – the cost that the world paid during the first two world wars would prove to be too small as compared to the cost that the world would have to pay for hegemony design of one country now.

An axis of autocratic countries is already formed. This group are asserting themselves and annexing territories with impunity (Crimea, South China Sea are just a start) with their huge military build up.

Can the world avoid a world war? The answer is NO as none of the countries has any control over this given tinderboxes spread around the world. Moreover, this axis doesn’t shy away from openly patronizing other terrorist sponsoring countries and despotic rulers as means of achieving their own nefarious designs. Moreover, history is replete with autocratic countries wagging war to divert domestic attention on internal issues. Both China and Russia have growing internal dissatisfaction amidst economic slowdown.

Is the world ready to respond to this threat? My assessment – neither governments & strategic policy makers, nor the businesses are ready for any flare-up leading to a full-scale war.

Although we see a loose alliance of democratic countries like US, India, Japan, and Australia emerging on the horizon, there seems to be a lack of strategic intent to confront and contain. Rather, their focus is more on maintaining the status quo. Although Obama’s announced doctrine was “Pivot of Asia” to contain China, he turned a blind eye to the Chinese design on South China Sea. The Trump administration is way-too occupied in internal issues and his high handedness attitude on the trade front is making the traditional US allies in the region (and elsewhere) to rethink their engagement with China.

What does it mean for India?

Given the aspirations and distrust of both sides– coupled with lack of diplomatic niceties to accommodate genuine concerns– war between two Asian rivals is a certainty. Whether it happens now or some time in future is going to be anyone’s guess.

Even if India wants to remain neutral and doesn’t want to start a war– it will surely be drawn into one. Consider the following scenarios:

  • Indo-China Border Disputes: Both countries are so much invested- socially, militarily and psychologically- into the respective territories that they control that even an inch can’t be exchanged through zillions rounds of discussion. Moreover, China can not wait for all times to come before they want a resolution of these disputes to their satisfaction.
  • China’s Support to Pakistan:Pakistan is a tinderbox with so much gun powder spread around (nexus with known terrorist organisation, ethnic internal strife, game of one-upmanship between politicians and military brass, constrained economy with huge unemployment) that without any provocation from India, it can engulf India into a war. China- the self-proclaimed all weather friend of Pakistan- with its huge investments into this country won’t remain mute spectator in any flare-up between India and Pakistan. On the contrary, if China feels that India is amassing enough in terms of economic and military clout, I won’t be surprised if India is provoked into a war with Pakistan on China’s bidding just to impede India’s emergence as a potential threat to China itself.
  • Timing Element:The key to above two points is when China will find it opportune to entangle India into a war. Obviously, it won’t allow India to amass enough military strength that leads to an outcome not in line with China’s liking. With India acquiring military hardware at a break neck speed and all planned acquisition inducted into armed forces in next 3-7 years, India may find itself amidst a war in next 3-4 years. That will also be the period when the current Chinese leadership will start getting into transition mode for another leader.

What can India do?

India is not without options! The rule to follow here would be increasing the cost of any future flare-up to China significantly.

  1. Politically: India needs to shed its inhibition to join military alliances and rather increase trust and cooperation with all like-minded parties- US, Japan, Australia, Asian countries and Europe. While the UPA-II government lost precious years on geo-political strategic initiatives, the current NDA government seems to be moving in the right direct
  2. Militarily: It means sending clear message of intent to hit Chinese mainland with scores of missiles with nuclear and heavy conventional armaments. In next 3-4 years, India must strengthen its second strike capabilities to the extent that the Chinese leadership develops cold feet about sponsoring any military adventurism.
  3. Control jingoism internally:The popular domestic sentiment that calls for a war with Pakistan for any provocation needs to recede significantly. People need to be educated that the real enemy is China and Pakistan is just its pawn in this high stake game. Let’s don’t try to win a battle and then lose a war.
  4. Economically:While China is struggling with slowdown in its economy and increasing unemployment, India can surely play the trade deficit with China strategically. Rather than following the popular jingoistic reaction of boycotting Chinese goods, lets make them more dependent on Indian imports. Moreover, in the next three-four years India should facilitate more Chinese capital flows into non-strategic sectors. The more dependent Chinese economic interest is on a big market like India, the more the cost for China to go for a war with India.

GST: A guide to one nation one tax


Finally GST (Goods & Service Tax) have been rolled out from July 1, 2017. It replaces the 17 taxes which people had to pay earlier. GST has four rate slabs: 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%. There is a special rate of 0.25% on rough precious and semi-precious stones and 3% on gold.

In total government have categorized 1211 items under various tax slabs. Out of which the government have kept 80% of items under 18% tax slab. Lets have a look at what are the things which comes under these tax rates.

Goods and Services Under 5% tax slab:
An array of food items such as Apparels below 1000, footwear below 5oo, fish fillet, packaged food items, cream, skimmed milk powder, branded Paneer, frozen vegetables, coffee, tea, spices, pizza bread, rusk, sabudana, cashew nut, cashew nut in shell, raisin, ice and snow, bio gas, coal, kerosene, insulin, postage, stamps, fertilizers, life boats, agarbatti  will be priced at 5 per cent tax.

Transport services like Railways and Airways fall under 5% slab. Small restaurants also come under this slab.

The Goods and Services which are taxed under 5% slab post GST were taxable from 3% to <9% before GST.

Goods and Service Under 12% tax slab:
Apparel above Rs 1000, frozen meat products, butter, cheese, ghee, dry fruits in packaged form, animal fat, sausage, fruit juices, Bhujia, namkeen, Ayurvedic medicines, tooth powder, colouring books, picture books, umbrella, sewing machine, cellphones, Ketchup & Sauces, All diagnostic kits and reagents, Exercise books and note books, spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake servers, fish knives, tongs, Spectacles, corrective, Playing cards, chess board, carom board and other board games falls under 12% tax slab.

Services like Non-Ac hotels, State run lottery, Business class air tickets, Work contracts also falls under 12 % tax slab.

The Goods and Services which are taxed under 12% slab post GST were taxable from 9% to <15% before GST.

Goods and Services Under 18% tax slab:
Items like Foot wear more then 500 , Biscuits (All categories), flavoured refined sugar, pasta, cornflakes, pastries and cakes, preserved vegetables, jams, sauces, soups, ice cream, instant food mixes, mineral water, tissues, envelopes, tampons, note books, steel products, Trademarks , Goodwill , Software, printed circuits, camera, speakers and monitors, Kajal pencil sticks, Headgear and parts thereof, Aluminium foil, Weighing Machinery [other than electric or electronic weighing machinery], Printers [other than multifunction printers] , Electrical Transformer, CCTV, Optical Fiber, Bamboo furniture, Swimming pools and padding pools, Curry paste; mayonnaise and salad dressings; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings falls under 18% tax slab.
Services like IT , Telecom , AC hotel that serve liquor , Restaurants inside 5 star hotels , Financial services , Branded Garments will fall under 18% tax slab.

The Goods and Services which are taxed under 18% slab post GST were taxable from 15% to <21% before GST.

Goods and Services Under 28% tax slab:
Goods such as Bidis, chewing gum, molasses, chocolate not containing cocoa, waffles and wafers coated with chocolate, pan masala, aerated water, paint, deodorants, shaving creams, after shave, hair shampoo, dye, sunscreen, wallpaper, ceramic tiles, water heater, dishwasher, weighing machine, washing machine, ATM, vending machines, vacuum cleaner, shavers, hair clippers, automobiles, motorcycles, aircraft for personal use falls under 28% tax slab.

Services such as Private run lotteries authorized by states, cinema, race club betting falls under the 28 % tax slab.

The Goods and Services which are taxed under 28% slab post GST were taxable at 21% and above before GST.

Except the above mentioned there are Goods and Services which have been exempt from any taxes, which means there will be 0% tax or No tax on them.

Items like Jute, fresh meat, fish chicken, eggs, milk, butter milk, curd, natural honey, fresh fruits and vegetables, flour, Besan, bread, Prasad, salt, Bindi, Sindoor, stamps, judicial papers, printed books, newspapers, bangles, handloom, Bones and horn cores, bone grist, bone meal, etc.; hoof meal, horn meal, Cereal grains hulled, Palmyra jaggery, Salt- all types, Kajal, Children’s’ picture, drawing or colouring books falls under 0% or No Tax categories.

Services like Low budget holiday, Grandfathering also falls under No Tax category.

So at last we are in a new GST era, an era of One Nation One Tax.

ICAI फाउंडेशन डे पर मोदी जी का भाषण और मीडिया की गलत बयानी


हर साल १ जुलाई को इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ चार्टर्ड एकाउंटेंट्स ऑफ़ इंडिया (ICAI) का स्थापना दिवस मनाया जाता है. १९४९ में इसी दिन ICAI की स्थापना हुई थी. यह फॉउंडेशन डे हर साल मनाया जाता है और सरकार के कोई न कोई वरिष्ठ मंत्री इसमें मुख्य अतिथि के तौर पर आते रहे हैं. इस बार पी एम् मोदी खुद इस कार्यक्रम में मुख्य अतिथि थे, जिसके चलते इस कार्यक्रम में न सिर्फ मोदी जी खुद शरीक हुए, बल्कि वित्त मंत्री अरुण जेटली समेत मोदी सरकार के लगभग दर्ज़न भर मंत्री, कई राज्यों के मुख्य मंत्री और वित्त मंत्रालय के कई बड़े अधिकारी भी मौजूद थे. इत्तेफ़ाक़ से १ जुलाई के दिन ही GST लागू होने की वजह से मोदी सरकार ने इस मौके का पूरा फायदा उठाने की कोशिश भी की. अपने एक घंटे के भाषण में पी एम मोदी ने क्या कहा, वह अलग से बहस का मुद्दा हो सकता है और उस पर टिप्पणी करना इस लेख का उद्देश्य नहीं है.

मेन स्ट्रीम मीडिया की घटती विश्वसनीयता पर मैंने पहले भी कई बार सवाल उठाये हैं. इस कार्यक्रम की रिपोर्टिंग को लेकर एक बार फिर मीडिया की विश्वसनीयता सवालों के घेरे में आ गयी है. दरअसल इस कार्यक्रम में चार्टर्ड एकाउंटेंट्स और स्टूडेंट्स को निमंत्रण पत्र भेजकर बुलाया गया था. इंदिरा गाँधी स्टेडियम में जितनी सीटें थीं, उतने ही निमंत्रण पत्र भेजे गए थे. स्टेडियम में चार्टर्ड एकाउंटेंट्स का प्रवेश गेट नंबर ४ से होना था और स्टूडेंट्स का प्रवेश गेट नंबर ७ और ८ से होना था. कार्यक्रम का आयोजन ICAI की सेन्ट्रल कौंसिल ने किया था. सभी चार्टर्ड एकाउंटेंट्स और स्टूडेंट्स को यह सलाह भी दी गयी थी कि वे लोग स्टेडियम में अपनी अपनी सीटें दोपहर ३ बजे तक जरूर ग्रहण कर लें. जब तय कार्यक्रम के मुताबिक़ चार्टर्ड एकाउंटेंट्स और स्टूडेंट्स अपने हाथ में निमंत्रण पत्र लेकर स्टेडियम पहुंचे तो आयोजकों ने स्टूडेंट्स के लिए तो गेट नंबर ७ और ८ से प्रवेश करने दिया लेकिन किसी भी चार्टर्ड अकाउंटेंट को स्टेडियम के अंदर ही नहीं जाने दिया. चार्टर्ड एकाउंटेंट्स ३ बजे से लेकर ५ बजे तक गेट नंबर ४ पर लाइन लगाकर गेट खुलने का इंतज़ार करते रहे लेकिन जब आखिर तक गेट नहीं खुला तो कुछ चार्टर्ड एकाउंटेंट्स ने वहां पर शोर शराबा भी किया और गेट पर लगे बैनर को भी फाड़ डाला. कुछ नए और अति उत्साही चार्टर्ड अकाउंटेंट गेट के ऊपर से कूदकर स्टेडियम में चले गए जिसका अंदर पुलिस और सिक्योरिटी ने विरोध भी किया और इसके चलते झगडे – फसाद जैसा माहौल बन गया. यह सब ६८ साल के इतिहास में पहली बार हो रहा था. मैं खुद एक चार्टर्ड अकाउंटेंट हूँ और वहां गेट संख्या ४ पर खड़ा कार्यक्रम के आयोजकों की इस “सोची समझी बदइंतज़ामी” को देखकर स्तब्ध था. आखिर में हुआ यही कि का फॉउंडेशन डे बिना किसी चार्टर्ड अकाउंटेंट के ही पी एम् मोदी, उनके मंत्रियों और अफसरों की मौजूदगी में मना लिया गया. गेट नंबर ४ पर अपने हाथों में निमंत्रण पत्र लिए खड़े लगभग ३००० चार्टर्ड एकाउंटेंट्स कार्यक्रम में शिरकत किये बिना ही अपने अपने घर वापस लौट आये. स्टेडियम के अंदर सिर्फ वे ही चार्टर्ड अकाउंटेंट “पिछले दरवाज़े” से पहुंचने में कामयाब हुए थे, जो कि ICAI सेंट्रल कौंसिल मेंबर्स के दोस्त, रिश्तेदार या जान पहचान वाले रहे होंगे. सेंट्रल कौंसिल के सदस्य खुद भी चार्टर्ड अकाउंटेंट होते हैं.

यहां जो कुछ भी मैंने लिखा है, मीडिया में वह सब कुछ तो नहीं बताया गया लेकिन इसी घटना की एक मनगढंत कहानी बनाकर उसे खबर के तौर पर पेश कर दिया गया. ख़बरों में यह बताया गया कि चार्टर्ड एकाउंटेंट्स GST के खिलाफ थे, उसका विरोध कर रहे थे, उसी विरोध के चलते उन्होंने शोर शराबा और झगड़ा फसाद किया और गेट नंबर ४ पर लगे बैनर को भी फाड़ डाला. देश में कोई भी टेक्स लगे, उससे तो चार्टर्ड एकाउंटेंट्स को फायदा ही होता है क्योंकि उनसे ज्यादा लोग सलाह लेने आते हैं, फिर वे लोग उसका विरोध क्यों करेंगे? इस बात को सरकार भी मानती है कि कोई भी कर प्रणाली चार्टर्ड एकाउंटेंट्स के सहयोग के बिना सफल नहीं हो सकती है. इस मनगढंत खबर को मेन स्ट्रीम मीडिया किसके इशारे पर दिखा रहा था, यह एक बड़ा सवाल है.

इस घटना और कार्यक्रम मैं खुद एक प्रत्यक्षदर्शी के तौर पर मौजूद था, मुझे मीडिया में आयी इस गलत खबर पर हैरानी भी हुई और साथ ही साथ यह भी लगा कि मीडिया की विश्वसनीयता देश में पूरी तरह सवालों के घेरे में आ चुकी है जिसे अगर जल्द ही नही सुधारा गया तो उसका सबसे ज्यादा नुक्सान मेन स्ट्रीम मीडिया को ही होने वाला है. क्योंकि इसी गलत खबर को कई अलग अलग मीडिया वालों ने छापा और दिखाया, उससे यह भी बात साबित होती है कि यह गलत बयानी मीडिया ने किसी न किसी के इशारे पर ही की होगी.

Ma Durga needs us


Durga Pujo or ‘Saradautsav’ needs no introduction. The fragrance of Shiuli & white dancing Kash flowers in the lush fields along with the clear blue sky with patches of woolly clouds brings us the message ‘Ma Asche’ A festival which not only represents Bengal but has a link to each & every home in India.

Durga Puja is celebrated every year in the Hindu month of Ashwin (September-October) and commemorates Ram’s  invocation of the goddess before going to war with the demon king Ravana. This autumnal ritual was different from the conventional Durga Puja, which is usually celebrated in the springtime. So, this Puja is also known as ‘Akal-Bodhan’ or out-of-season (‘Akal’) worship (‘Bodhan’). Thus goes the story of Lord Ram, who first worshiped the ‘Mahishasura Mardini’ or the slayer of the buffalo-demon, by offering 108 blue lotuses and lighting 108 lamps, at this time of the year.

Ma along with her children Ganesh, Kartik Lakshmi & Saraswati descends from Kailash her abode & visits her ‘Baaperbari’. It is celebrated over a span of 10 days starting from Mahalaya. The dusky evergreen voice of Birendra Kishor Bhadra on the auspicious day sets the tone & drives the Bangalis into a frenziness.

The festival comes to an end on Vijay ‘Dashami’ when the goddess along with her children are immersed! Durga Ma returns to her home Kailash. It is a unique day.

A day of sorrow & happiness. Sorrow as the wait for 1 more year starts. Happy because it is the day when all family members gather & rise to occasion, an old Bengali tradition. Younger ones touch elder’s feet as a mark of respect & is followed by kola-Kuli (a unique way of hugging).

But things have changed post 2015 & Indians have left the Bengalis alone to face the wrath. In 2015 , Vijay Dashami was followed by Muharram & Mamata Banerjee issued a strange dictate which baffled the common Bengali.

As per the govt notification it said: “NO DURGA IDOL including the ones at home could not be immersed on Dashami as it is followed by Muharram”.
Reason: It could create a communal hatred among communities & destroy the secular fabric of Bengal. (IN THE SAME YEAR a Muslim majority village called Kanglapahari in Birbhum was not allowed to celebrate Durga puja as it is ‘Unislamic’. The state was mum.The ‘nationalistic’ BJP govt in centre did nothing except few twitter trends). Bengalis were visibly disappointed on the ‘Vijay Dashami’ dictate but ‘Bhadralok’ Bangali thought it was just an aberration & compromised without giving a fight.

But oh boy they were proven wrong. In 2016 again the same thing happened. But there was 2 difference in that year:
1) This time Mamata Didi didn’t wait. A notification was issued as early as 3 months before Puja that this year also no immersion on Dashami.
Reason: same.
2) The ‘bhadraloks ‘ this time was angered. Even somehard core tmc supporters was in a discomfort with the ‘secular’ decision .

Few brave Bengali families decided to go to court & urged Kolkata HC to take cognizance & allow family pujo idols to do immersion. Though it was late it created a rage in social media & supports from other parts of countries started pouring in. Finally the court order came just 2 days before ‘Sashti’ the 1st day of Pujo & it was humiliation for State govt.

The HC said & I quote:

“There has been a clear endeavour on the part of the state government to pamper and appease the minority section of the public at the cost of the majority section without there being any plausible justification.” The families which approached court was thus granted permission for immersion. There was a reason for rejoice!

But at the same time many felt why they have to approach to court to celebrate their festival which is carrying on from centuries. Nearly one year have passed & less than 90 days are remaining for Durga Puja 2017 & strangely this time again Vijay Dashami is followed by Muharram. And I can vouch this time again Mamata will issue a similar dictate.

Why shouldn’t we take the 1st step this time? Why should we wait to suffer the same fate again? My fellow Indians from all over the country its time to come together. ‘Har saal Durga Ma aati hain, Burai ka nash karti hain, Sab ka maan kushio se bhaar deti hain Aur phir apne ghar chale jati hain’

We should ensure that Durga Ma can go her ‘Ghar’ her abode in Kailash back to her Shivji in a dignified way without humiliation.

The responsibility lies with all the Indians Ma Durga is in Danger. If we don’t wake up now who knows there may be a ‘dictat’ in future by secular liberal & ‘feminist’ jaamat which would say: “Durga puja needs to be stopped because Durga Puja is a controversial, racial festival, where a fair-skinned, beautiful goddess Durga is depicted brutally killing a dark-skinned native called Mahishasur. They hired a sex worker called Durga who enticed him into marriage and killed him after nine nights of honeymoon”.

Sounds familiar already right (JNU pamphlets)?
Wake up. Jaago Tumi Jaago!

India-Israel: Namaste-Shalom


It’ll be a historic moment when PM Modi lands in Israel on 4th of July, the day when US got its independence, India will also show a sign of a new freedom without any compulsion to visit Palestine. This new boldness can be seen under Modi’s leadership, he isn’t afraid to take tough decisions. India historically had sided with Palestinian cause. It was unimaginable 3 years back that an Indian Prime-Minister will visit Israel in the first place let alone skipping Palestine. That would have been an unpardonable crime in Indian politics. India has embraced this friendship after establishing diplomatic relations ever so carefully in the past.  It was done in so-called national Indian interest when a more idealistic vision of the world assumed that the Palestinians simply had to be the victimized and that saying otherwise would fail appease Muslim population of 172 million in India. This no longer is a compulsion as ruling party BJP, a Hindu Nationalist Right-wing party is not interested in Muslim votes unlike previous governments in India.

India will be committing a mistake, not to take this golden opportunity this time as Arabs are very least interested right now in freedom of Palestine, they have allied with Israel due to Iran-KSA drift in middle-east and Iran seems to be a “Untrustworthy Friend” of India. The supreme leader of Iran called India “Tyrant” and called for Jihad in Jammu & Kashmir, an Indian state. It didn’t go well with Indians, as India supported Iran & continued buying Oil from Iran even under US sanction, ignoring US pressure. Many experts in India termed India-Iran relationship a one-sided love affair.

As Modi’s agenda to bring the consensus that “Terrorism is Evil” so that India will be able to justify any future military action on Pakistan, which is exactly a copy of Palestine in the sense, they both use terrorism as their state policy for their political agenda. Palestine & Pakistan are like brothers that use evil forces of Jihad against India & Israel, resulting in death of innocent civilians that have nothing to do with politics of the nation. PM Modi speaks on menace of terrorism wherever he goes, but it’ll be hypocrisy if India supports Iran & Palestine, as they spread terrorism in Israel and have vowed to destroy the Jewish state.

Israel is also looking for a reliable strategic partner in case American government fails to deliver when the time comes and India can become one in future that Jews can rely on. India & Israel have a long relationship that goes beyond centuries & Hindu majority India was the only safe heaven with no instance of Antisemitism. India is one of the top most buyer of Israeli defence equipment. India will be signing major MOU’s with Israel during the visit of PM Modi.

PM Modi is expected to meet Moshe, the 11-year-old survivor of 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. One of the sites that came under attack was the Mumbai Chabad house, perpetrated by  Lashkar-e-Taiba, an Islamic militant organisation based in Pakistan, killing 164 people in all. Then-toddler Moshe, who was two years old at the time, was rescued by his Indian babysitter who risked her life to save him. He has since moved to Israel, where he lives with his maternal grandparents.

The defence ties between India and Israel have often drawn worldwide attention. It is believed that PM Modi’s visit will further solidify security ties as Israeli defence industries have shown greater inclination towards participating in joint ventures to give a boost ‘Make in India’ campaign. India is on buying streak of defence equipment due to growing needs of Indian armed forces for counter-terrorism and to check China’s aggressive posture towards India. Modi is expected to sign several billion dollar agreement during this historic visit starting off on 4th of July.  There has been much excitement in both countries for this historic visit by first Indian Prime Minister.

Also read:

It’s historic: PM Modi’s visit to Israel

राजभाषा हिंदी का विकास और यथास्थिति

यह शास्‍वत सत्‍य है कि भाषा, मनुष्य के भावों व विचारों के आदान-प्रदान का सशक्त साधन है। यह भी देखने में आया है कि संसार में जितने भी राष्ट्र हैं, प्राय: उनकी राजभाषा वहीं है जो वहां की संपर्क भाषा है तथा वही राष्‍ट्रभाषा है जो वहां की राजभाषा है। भारत विविधताओं से भरा देश है जहां अनेकता में एकता झलकती है, उदाहरण के तौर पर भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप के प्रत्येक राज्य में सुसंस्कारित एवं समृद्ध राज्‍य-भाषाएं एवं अनेक उपभाषाएँ बोली जाती हैं, अत: यह कहना समीचीन होगा कि भारत एक बहुभाषी राष्ट्र है। इस परिदृश्‍य में किसी एक भाषा को महत्‍व देना कठिन हो जाता है, लेकिन आजादी के बाद सभी भारतीय भाषाओं मे जो भाषा मनोरंजन, साहित्यिक एवं संपर्क भाषा के रुप में ऊभरी है वह हिंदी ही है।

आज हिन्दी को जिस रूप में हम देखते हैं उसकी बाहरी आकृति भले ही कुछ शताब्दियों पुरानी हो, किन्तु उसकी जड़ें संस्कृत, पाली, प्राकृत और अपभ्रंश रूपी गहरे धरातल में फैली हैं। वैज्ञानिक आधार पर विश्व स्तर पर किए गए भाषा-परिवारों के वर्गीकरण के अनुसार हिन्दी को भारतीय आर्य भाषा परिवार से उत्पन्न माना जाता है। अत: हिन्दी आनुवंशिक रूप से आर्य भाषा-संस्कृत से संबद्ध है। भारतीय भाषाओं के इतिहास का पुनर्लेखन करते हुए भाषा वैज्ञानिक डॉ. जॉन बीस्म ने भारतीय आर्य परिवार की भाषाओं में हिंदी के अलावा पंजाबी, सिंधी, गुजराती, मराठी, उड़िया और बंगाल की भाषाओं को समाहित करते हुए लिखा है कि “हिन्दी राष्ट्र के अंतरंग की भाषा है। हिन्दी संस्कृत की वैध उत्तराधिकारी है और आधुनिक भारतीय भाषा व्यवस्था में उसका वही स्थान है जो प्राचीन काल में संस्कृत का था”।

वैदिक संस्कृत में ऋग्वेद की रचना होना माना जाता है, ऋग्वेद की रचनाओं में हमें प्राचीनतम आर्य भाषा की बानगी मिलती है। उस समय साहित्यिक संस्कृत और बोलचाल की लौकिक संस्कृति के बीच अंतर बढ़ रहा था किन्तु साहित्यिक संस्कृत के रूप में व्याकरण के नियम भी विकासित हो रहे थे। भगवान बुद्ध के उपदेशों और अशोक की धर्मलिपियों से यह अनुमान लगाया जा सकता है कि पाली उस समय की बोलचाल और साहित्यिक भाषा का मिश्रित रूप थी जो मूलतः मगध और कौशल की बोली का परिवर्तित रूप थी। गौतम बुद्ध के उपदेशों को अधिकतम प्रचारित करने के उद्देश्य से तत्कालीन पाली भाषा को अधिक से अधिक सरल बनाने पर जोर दिया जा रहा था, फलस्वरूप यहां आते-आते संस्कृत के अनेक जटिल स्वरूप लुप्त हो गए और उच्चारण में भी परिवर्तन आ गया।

साहित्यिक प्रयोग के कारण ये व्याकरण के कठिन और अस्वाभाविक नियमों में बांध दी गई, परिणामस्वरूप उनका साहित्यिक विकास रुक गया, किन्तु बोलचाल में इनका मनमाने ढंग से प्रयोग होता रहा। फलस्वरूप भाषाओं का जो बिगड़ाव हुआ या उनमें जो परिवर्तन आया, उसके चलते इन बोलचाल की भाषाओं को अपभ्रंश या बिगड़ी हुई भाषा कहा जाने लगा। इन अपभ्रंश भाषाओं का विकास विभिन्न प्रदेशों में बोली जाने वाली प्राकृत भाषाओं से ही हुआ। धीरे-धीरे ये अपभ्रंश भाषाएं भी साहित्यिक भाषाएं बनती चली गई। व्याकरण की अत्यधिक जटिलता और नियमबद्धता के कारण इन अपभ्रंश भाषाओं से पुनः स्थानीय बोलचाल की भाषाओं का जन्म हुआ जिन्हें हम आज की आधुनिक भारतीय भाषाओं के रूप में जानते हैं।

हिन्दी भाषा के विकास की प्रक्रिया आधुनिक भारतीय भाषाओं के विकास के साथ ही प्रारंभ होती है। खड़ी बोली या खिचड़ी भाषा के रूप में पहचानी जाने वाली हिन्दी भाषा का वास्तविक विकास इन चार चरणों में हुआ माना जा सकता है:

आदिकाल (मुगलकाल से पूर्व का हिंदू शासन काल)
मध्य काल (मुस्लिम शासन काल)
आधुनिक काल (ब्रिटिश शासन काल) और
वर्तमान काल (आजादी के बाद का काल)

1947 से लेकर अब तक का समय हिन्दी का वर्तमान काल कहलाता है। देश की आजादी के साथ ही हमें भौगोलिक स्वतंत्रता के साथ ही साथ भाषागत स्वतंत्रता भी प्राप्त हुई। इस काल में हिन्दी का आधुनिकीकरण और मानकीकरण हुआ। किन्तु इन सबसे पहले देश की वैधानिक व्यवस्था में हिन्दी को राजभाषा के रूप में स्वीकारने का सर्वोच्च कर्तव्य पूरा हुआ। संविधान की धारा 343 के अंतर्गत हिन्दी भारतीय की राजभाषा घोषित हुई और धारा 353 में हिन्दी विकास की दिशा ही तय की गई जिसमें शासन की ओर से हिन्दी के विकास के लिए किए जाने वाले प्रयासों को भी तय किया गया।

आजादी से पूर्व खड़ी बोली हिन्दी या हिन्दुस्तानी ही सामान्य बोलचाल की एकमात्र ऐसी भाषा थी जो किसी न किसी रूप में देश के ज्यादातर भागों में समझी और बोली जाती थी। अत: एक राष्ट्र और एक राष्ट्रभाषा की भावना यहां जागृत हो उठी और हिन्दी सबसे आगे निकलकर राष्ट्र भाषा, संपर्क भाषा और मानक भाषा बनती चली गई। इस अभियान में गांधी जी की भूमिका अहम रही जिन्होंने हिन्दी को राष्ट्रभाषा के रूप में राजनीतिक और सामाजिक मान्यता और संरक्षण प्रदान किया तथा इसका परिणाम यह रहा कि उत्तरी भारत में हिंदी साहित्य सम्मेलन और दक्षिण भारत में हिन्दी प्रचार सभा जैसी हिन्दी सेवा संस्थाओं का जन्म हुआ, जिसके माध्यम से हजारों अहिंदी भाषी भारतीयों ने स्वैछिक तौर पर हिन्दी को सीखना और अपनाना शुरू किया।

राजनीतिशास्‍त्र के कई विद्वानों ने इस बात को दोहराया है कि जब कोई देश किसी दूसरे देश को पराजित कर अपना गुलाम बना लेता है, तो वह पराजित देश की सभ्यता, संस्कृति, भाषा आदि को नष्ट करने का भरसक प्रयास करता है, पराधीन देश पर आक्रांताओं द्वारा अपनी भाषा को राजकाज की भाषा के रुप में जबरदस्ती थोपा जाता है ताकि पराधीन देश की आने वाली पीढ़ी यह भूल जाए कि वे कौन थे, उनकी संस्‍कृति एवं राजभाषा क्‍या थी। हिन्दी को राजभाषा का स्‍थान केवल इसलिए नहीं दिया गया कि वह देश की एक मात्र संपर्क भाषा है, बल्कि अंग्रेजी शासन को जड़ों से उखाड़ने के लिए यह आवश्‍यक हो गया था कि क्रांतिकारियों के बीच में कोई एक भाषा हो जिसमें वह अपनी बात एक दूसरे को समझा सके। यह वह दौर था जब देश अंग्रेजो के शासन से त्रस्‍त था, लोग आज़ादी के लिए तरस रहे थे।अंग्रेजी विदेशी भाषा थी, जो विदेशी शासन का अनिवार्य अंग थी, अंग्रेजी शासन का विरोध करने के साथ-साथ अंग्रेजी का विरोध करना या उससे संबंधित वस्तुओं का विरोध भी आवश्यक हो गया था।

अतः स्वाधीनता संग्राम के वक्त राष्‍ट्रीय नेताओं ने स्वदेशीपन या राष्ट्रीय भावना को जागृत करने का प्रयत्न किया। देशवासियों के बीच एकता का संचार करने वाली भाषा के रुप में हिन्दी ऊभर कर सामने आई। देश को आजादी मिलने के बाद यह सामने आया कि देश में संचार की भाषा कोई हो सकती है तो वह हिन्दी ही है। संपर्क या व्यवहार की भाषा के रूप में हिन्दी की अनिवार्यता पर ज़ोर दिया जाने लगा। हिन्दी की इसी विशेषता को ध्यान में रखकर भारत की संविधान सभा ने 14 सितंबर, 1949 को मुंशी अय्यंगर फार्मूले के आधार पर हिन्दी को भारत-संघ की राजभाषा के रूप में स्‍वीकार किया, तब से प्रत्‍येक वर्ष 14 सिंतबर को केंद्रीय सरकारी कार्यालयों में इसे राजभाषा दिवस के रुप में मनाया जाता है।

संविधान के अनुच्छेद 343 में यह विशेष रुप से उल्‍लेख किया गया कि भारत संघ की राजभाषा हिन्दी है और जिसकी लिपि देवनागरी होगी। आखिर वह दिन भी आया जब 26 जनवरी, 1950 को गणतांत्रिक भारत का संविधान लागू हो गया, संविधान के लागू होने के साथ ही विधानपालिका, कार्यपालिका और न्यायपालिका से जुड़ें कामकाज को हिन्दी में पूरा करना अपेक्षित हो गया।

लेकिन आज 63 वर्ष बीत जाने के बाद भी राजभाषा हिन्दी का प्रयोग केवल अंग्रेजी के अनुवाद के लिए किया जाता है, सच्‍चाई यह है कि आज भी विधानपालिका, कार्यपापलिका और न्यायपालिका का अधिकांश कामकाज अंग्रेजी में होता है और संविधान के अनुपालन का हवाला देते हुए अंग्रेजी का हिन्दी अनुवाद कर आंकड़ों को पूरा करने की कार्रवाई कर ली जाती है। अत: यह कहने में कोई संकोच नहीं होगा कि “सैद्धांतिक रूप में हिन्दी भले ही राजभाषा स्वीकृत हो गई, किन्तु व्यावहारिक रूप में वह कार्यान्वित न हो सके इसके लिए प्रयत्न आज भी जारी है।” भाविष्य में निर्विविद रूप से कहा जा सकता है कि बहुभाषी समाज में अपने विचारों के आदान-प्रदान के लिए संपर्क भाषा हिन्दी ही हो सकती है । यह स्पष्ट है कि हिन्दी भाषा समस्त देश-विदेशवासियों को एक सूत्र में बांधने वाली भाषा है।

L. K. Advani’s bad luck


My name is Lal Krishna Advani.

Now that Ram Nath Kovind is all set to be the president of India, I can say that this just sums up my life of bad luck and missed opportunities. In Japan they have a phrase called “Kokura’s luck“.

“When America decided to drop the first atom bomb, Hiroshima was the main target and Kokura was the backup target. Everything went according to plan and the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Three days later, the primary target for the second bomb was Kokura, with Nagasaki as the backup. However, due to several factors, America had to abandon the plan for Kokura and bombed Nagasaki instead.”

If there is anything that is the opposite of Kokura’s luck, it should be Advani’s luck. My Prime Ministerial aspirations got nuked every time.

I toiled hard for the Jan Sangh in its early years. After the Janata Party split, the Jan Sangh was reformed as the BJP. But we won only 2 seats in the Lok Sabha in the 1984 elections. Then I took over the leadership of the party and then there was no looking back for the BJP. There was quite a chance that I would have become a PM in 1991 Lok Sabha elections but the unfortunate assassination of Rajiv Gandhi caused a sympathy wave in the favor of the Congress.

In the 1996 Lok Sabha elections, we became the single largest party. Since I was considered unacceptable to the mainstream liberals, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee became the Prime Minister. However we could not muster a majority and Vajpayeeji had to resign after being the PM for only 13 days. Looking back, I think I should have become the PM right then since we did not anyways get a majority despite projecting Vajpayeeji. At least, my Prime Ministerial ambitions would have got fulfilled. What if only for 13 days.

In 1998 we formed the government with a majority. Vajpayeeji was again the Prime Minister. But our government enjoyed a thin majority and it was I who did all the hard work. Amma and Balasaheb used to regularly rattle our government and I had to rush to Chennai and Mumbai respectively to keep them in good humor. However, in 1999, Amma rattled our government so hard that it fell.

But in the ensuing elections, we came back with a more comfortable majority.

In 2002 I became the Deputy Prime Minister. In our country, the deputy Prime Minister is not technically a constitutional office. But it is generally given to people who deserve to be the Prime Minister outright but are not able to because of some constraints. We were so confident of winning the 2004 Lok Sabha elections that we advanced the election date by several months. However Pramod Mahajan’s India Shining campaign misfired and we lost. The next shock I got was the news that Dr. Manmohan Singh would be the new Prime Minister. What? Deve Gowda, I. K. Gujral and now Dr. Manmohan Singh. What luck some people have!

Our English language media liberals and intellectuals celebrate the fact that both I. K. Gujaral and Dr. Manmohan Singh who came to India as refugees after partition went on to become the Prime Ministers of India. They call this a greatness of Indian democracy. But then these two had the post of Prime Minister handed over to them. Why don’t they celebrate my story? I came to India as a refugee and went to build a lasting 2 party democracy. So I realized that all I needed to become the Prime Minister was acceptability from the liberals.

I got my chance when I visited my birthplace Karachi in 2005. I visited Jinnah’s tomb and called him a secular leader. I thought this would make our liberals happy. However, this misfired. I of course got attacked by the RSS and other Hindutva organizations. But even the liberals instead of praising me as a statesman attacked me for praising Jinnah.

Vajpayee retired from active politics and said that Advani and Pramod Mahajan would lead the party. I was much taller in stature than Mahajan and obvious choice to lead the party. Pramod Mahajan’s death some time later was a big loss to the BJP as we lost a great organizational man.

In 2009 I was finally BJP’s PM candidate. But we lost due to some unfortunate circumstances like YSR’s manipulation of Telangana and Raj Thackeray’s impacting NDA prospects in Maharashtra. In 2014, I was sure that I would have become the PM if the BJP had projected me as the PM candidate. But I was sidelined in favor of the younger generation of leaders like Modi.

The 2014 Lok Sabha elections were held and BJP got to a majority on its own! How far had the BJP come! I was happy at this victory but one aspect of the victory saddened me. From 1984 to 2014, any time the BJP had got to a majority of its own, I would have become the Prime Minister. But in 2014, here was the BJP with a clear majority and I could not become the PM. Ironically, had the BJP fallen significantly short, my name would have been definitely suggested as a compromise candidate.

Just look at Modi’s luck. People like Ram Vilas Paswan, Keshubhai Patel and Gordhan Zadafia who refused to support me for PM in 2009 because of Modi supported Modi for PM because of Modi. And the Congress which fooled the people of Telangana and yet managed to sweep the undivided Andra Pradesh in 2009 got thrashed in both Seemandra and Telangana despite giving in to the demand for the Telangana state.

Post 2014, I have been just sitting with Murli Manohar Joshi in the Margadarshak Mandal. Given my decades of experience in public life, occasionally people come to me to meet, for advice or just to air their grievances. Despite my differences with Modi, he highly respects me but due to some reasons does not openly show it. He does it through other ways though. Murli Manohar Joshi tells me that the reason Modi chose 8th November 2016 as the date for announcing demonetization was because it was my 89th birthday. This was his way of honoring me, a lifelong crusader against corruption.

However, I maintain that this date was announced because on this day Barkha Dutt would be in America campaigning for Hillary Clinton and Arun Jaitley would not be able to give her an exclusive interview. Murli Manohar Joshi says that Modi renamed RCR to Lok Kalyan Marg or LKM in my honor. According to Murli Manohar Joshi, LKM means Lal Krishna Margdarshak.

A few months after the 2014 elections, our phone rang one morning and I picked it up. My body went numb as I heard the voice at the other end. I put down the receiver sweating. “What happened? Is everything alright?” asked my concerned wife.

“Rajdeep Sardesai has called to say that he is coming around in a few minutes to peddle his book. I am going out for a walk before he comes.”  I said as I put on my chappals.

“Come on. You have faced bigger problems in life. He will come and give his book and go away. Running away like Arvind Kejriwal does not suit a great leader like you.” I nodded. But as soon as she went into the kitchen, I tried to run away from the house. But unfortunately, as soon as I opened my front door, Rajdeep Sardesai thrust a book in my hand and some accompanying photographers clicked our photo before I could recollect myself.

My wife invited Rajdeep Sardesai inside. She brought some tea and snacks for us. But Rajdeep said he wanted to eat papads. He added “I celebrated the diversity of my country through food. Eating idli at Tamil, lassi at Punjabi and papad at Sindhi acquaintances house is my fundamental right which I cherish and am unwilling to cede.”

My wife who is very patriotic was overcome by emotion by this show of patriotism and brought a plate full of papads which he ate greedily.

I asked my wife “Papad is supposed to be an accompaniment, not a meal. Why have you got a full plate?”

She replied “Don’t you see how patriotic Rajdeep is? It is a noble deed to help someone express his or her patriotism.”

Rajdeep said “We are a very inclusive family. My wife even puts paneer in the dosas she makes to make them more inclusive. She even prepares Jain chicken tikka masala.”

I have always been unhappy with the English language media given how badly they have treated me. But speaking to Rajdeep that day, I realized how difficult life is for him, poor man.

Rajdeep narrated a horrific experience he went through recently. He had gone into a popular book store for peddling his book. He saw an old man walk into the bookstore looking lost.

“You are looking lost. Can I help?” asked a sales clerk.

“My grand-daughter had asked me for a book as birthday gift. I remembered the title till I walked into this shop. But now I have forgotten.” He answered.

“No problem.” replied the sales clerk and asked “Do you remember any word from the title? Or the theme of the book?”

The old man tried to remember and said “Well, umm…, yes, the title of the book contains an year. I forgot which year though. I think my granddaughter said it is something about politics and revolution.”

At this Rajdeep lunged forward and shoved a book into the old man’s hand and said “2014 – The Elections that changed India. This is the book your grand-daughter wants.”

“No, no, it’s not this..” stammered the old man.

“This is the book. Take it for your granddaughter.” Rajdeep bullied him.

“You are scaring our customers.” shouted the sales clerk angrily.

Then turning to the old man she gave him a copy of Chetan Bhagat’s “Revolution 2020” and said “I think this is what you need.”

“Yes.” said the man happily “This is the one. My granddaughter will be so delighted.”

I asked Rajdeep “But why the sudden urge to write books?”

Rajdeep replied “Since Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister, life has become difficult. It is the end of acche din. No more free foreign trips with the Prime Minister. The rise of social media has made my profession more or less redundant. I anyways have good experience of writing fiction as a journalist. So I thought I might as well try my hand at writing books.”

I replied “Yes, I know how redundant you journalists have become. The way you went after Modi post 2002 riots was one of the factors which cost us the 2004 Lok Sabha elections. Vajpayee even said that Gujarat riots were the reasons for the BJP’s defeat. The same with 2009. The BJP lost 2004 and 2009 because you had credibility. The BJP won a majority on its own in 2014 because you had no credibility. Don’t you see Rajdeep that you are one of the reasons I could never become the Prime Minister?”

“Yes.” Rajdeep said with sadness in his eyes. “If only I had known that the end result of attempting to stop you from becoming the Prime Minister would result in Narendra Modi become Prime Minister, I would never have opposed you. If you had become Prime Minister in 2014, I would have celebrated Eid, Christmas and Diwali on the same day by eating korma, pork sorpotel and shrikhand in a single mean.”

I thought “Finally, I got an approval from the liberals, something I have craved all my life. But, now that I have got it, it sounds so meaningless.”

You have to credit Modi for one thing. He never craved for the approval of the liberals, maybe one thing which makes him so successful.

I told Rajdeep “You have to admire one thing about Modi. He never lost his cool despite severe provocations from you liberal folks with statements like “Mass Murderer”. Compare this to how easy it was to provoke you at the Madison Square.”

Rajdeep replied “Yes. In hindsight I think we liberals chose a wrong man to target. But back then, how hard you put down Modi was a measure of how great a journalist and liberal you were. After Karan Thapar drove Modi out of his show, he had become the benchmark to beat. My wife used to gush about his talent. So, I wanted to better Karan Thapar to impress my wife and might have gone overboard in attacking Modi because of this.”

I asked him “But why are you continuing it even now.”

Rajdeep said “Attacking Modi has become a habit, like overeating. You know that overeating is bad but you cannot resist the temptation and tend to overeat.”

Rajdeep added “Nowadays, there are paid trolls on social media who call us paid media.”

I replied “I actually think that some of the media are paid. Paid by Modi, I mean.”

Rajdeep beamed “Yes, Advaniji. So many media houses paid by Modi nowadays to market him.”

“No, you got me wrong.” I replied. “I think Jaitley goes to NDTV and his other favorite channels and pays them to keep attacking Modi so that Modi does not lose credibility.”

In conclusion, I would like to say that it’s not that I am power hungry. I saw the post of Prime Minister as the natural progression of my political journey. If people like I. K. Gujral, Deve Gowda, Dr. Manmohan Singh can become PM, then why not me? If Pratibha Patil and Pranab Mukherjee can become president, why not me? Unlike other leaders, I never brought my family into politics. You would have heard of Akhilesh Yadav, Misa Bharti, Tej Pratap Yadav, Uddhav Thackeray, Chirag Paswan, M. K. Stalin, Jagan Mohan Reddy but not of my kids Pratibha Advani and Jayant Advani. While others groomed their children into leaders, I groomed leaders like Narendra Modi, Arun Jaitley, Sushma Swaraj and Venkaiah Naidu and several others. If you see the best performing and the least corrupt leaders today, you will find that most of them have been groomed by me.

I am not bragging but merely stating the facts. I have to speak for myself because I am no longer in favor with either the left or the right wing in the country.

Arun Shourie criticizes Modi these days. To me he sounds like that fox in the fable who said grapes are sour because he cannot reach them. Before 2014, he was a fan of Modi and called me a stateless leader in Delhi. Did he pause to think why I was a stateless leader? It is because my state Sindh is no longer a part of this country. Despite being a stateless leader, I changed India from a one family monopoly to a 2 party democracy. My hope now is that Modi and Rahul do not together conspire to change it again to a one party monopoly.

Folks, remember one thing. If India has a vibrant 2 party democracy today, it is largely because of me.

Wishing Ram Nath Kovind the best, I am now retiring from public life, happy that I have been able to serve my country so well all these years.

It’s historic: PM Modi’s visit to Israel


Narendra Modi will become the first Indian Prime Minister to visit Israel, it’s historic. People think India has the relationship with Israel for only 25 years, while they forget India has the relationship with Israel for centuries. When Jews were persecuted in Europe. some Jews in their search of safe heavens found India as one such place. Jews in India are a religious minority but unlike many parts of the world, have historically lived in India without a single instance of anti-Semitism from the Hindu majority country. Most of the Indian Jews have shifted to their promise land in the early 60s & 70s making Israel a home to almost 85,000 Indian origin Jews. India still has a Jewish presence, a super minority that chose India as their country forming a population 5,000 approx. in a country of 1.3 Billion.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin (L) and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi hug each other after reading their joint statement in New Delhi.
  • Pressure from the Soviet Union to stay away from Israel as it was a major ally of USA.
  • India has a Muslim population of roughly 172 million & previous govt. followed appeasement politics.
  • India is dependent on Arab countries for its Oil needs & Arabs supported Palestine.
  • India’s dependence on Iranian Oil.

These reasons no longer pose a hurdle to India-Israel relationship as the Soviet Union has already over, India is ruled by “so-called” Hindu Nationalist Party BJP, Arabs have now better relationship due to Iran conflict. But the stance toward Palestine will change as BJP seems to stay in power in 2019 elections as supporting Palestine cause is just like India supporting freedom of Kashmir & India shouldn’t support Palestine which uses violence & kills innocent Jewish citizens.

Iran has vowed to destroy Israel, they’re arch enemies just like India and Pakistan but India has historical trade ties with Shia majority state and India is still dependent on Iran to fulfill its Oil & Petroleum needs. India chose to ignore international sanctions on Iran and continued buying Oil even under immense pressure from the USA to not to buy from Iran, but recently Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei declared India a tyrant and called for Jihad in Jammu & Kashmir, an Indian state. Needless to say, this doesn’t go well with Indians who see Iran as their “Friend”. In this sense, India is looking for alternative sources to fulfill its oil need, as many countries are willing to sell oil to India because of fall in Oil prices. India may have some convergence of interest with Israel in the matter of Iran.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei called India tyrant.

Most of the experts focus on defense relationship between India and Israel but in fact, it is beyond just a defense partnership. India and Israel can work in the field of water management, agriculture, waste management, diamond trade, tourism & much more things. Israel is a start-up nation and India is a country for budding start-ups there is huge potential to increase the trade ties. Even though Indian Government supports the Palestinian cause and voted many times against Israel in past, but the stance is changing as evident when India abstained from the vote against Israel in one such resolution at UN.

Unlike Christians, Hindus don’t have any religious angle to have love and sympathy for Israel but they support Jews because they like the way Israeli defense forces tackle their enemy, whether it’s the famous “Six day War” or their intellect or the way they fight terrorism and tackle hostile neighbors. Indians live with the same kind of hostile neighbors and suffer from the menace of cross-border terrorism. Israel helped India in Kargil war, provided arms & ammunitions. India has a debt to pay to Israel and when the time comes India will stand with Israel but when the time comes, not till then India is ready to expose itself against Arab countries.

PM Modi and his counterpart PM Netanyahu have a special relationship, they call each other friends, they tweet to each other in their native language and they wish each other holiday greetings. Both come from right-wing party PM Modi from BJP and PM Netanyahu from Likud. Both have strict views towards menace of terrorism and both want foreign investment to make their countries an economic superpower.

PM Modi’s visit has been preceded by several other high-profile visits, including the trip of NSA Ajit Doval, several senior secretaries, foreign minister Sushma Swaraj. All these visits have laid the groundwork for several MoUs, many agreements are likely to be signed including major defence deals under Make in India program. There has been much excitement about three-day day visit in India as well as in Israel. Well, we have wait until July 4th.

GST finally gets delivered after 15 long years: Who deserves the credit?

At the midnight of 1st July, GST was implemented in India. Our beloved PM Namo went the Chacha way. India’s tryst with destiny transited to India’s tryst with economy. The baby which was expected by ABV, concieved by MMS, was delivered by Namo last night. It took 15 long years for its birth. But that’s India. We’re always late. But fine. Better late than Never.

Now how it is nurtured lets see. But what was surprising was the absence of The Grand Old Party. The Party kept baby crying and accusing Modi of stealing its thunder. It was really stupid to not attend the launch when you let pass the bill. Petty Politics! But party can’t be blamed. Leadership must be blamed for such historic mistake. And all know who the leader is. India’s Amul Baby “RaGa”. He was taking care of his Italian Granny. After all Family is above all.  That’s the only Indian Value which Scam Ridden Grand Old Party follows. Even I can tell the timetable of Congress leaders now. Morning they abuse Namo on twitter. Evening they do the same. And abusing  Namo at night is a must for peaceful sleep.

In Half-Italian Prince’s leadership the Party is just reduced to a bunch of noisy, mischievous and naughty headless chickens. The Chacha Baby is now on the verge of extinction. With RaGa’s motto of upliftment of Dalits with ‘escape velocity of Jupiter’ the INC got uplifted from the very Indian society. But accuse him and troll him all you Sanghis and Bhakts do. But you can’t deny the fact that only our Italian Superman is the ardent follower of ‘Chatur Baniya’, and you must agree that the he is working on the mission to dissolve the congress as dreamt by ‘Chatur Baniya’ faster than Namo.

Even in Gujarat, Hinduism gets a raw deal in school textbooks


Recently, after learning about the controversial textbooks from California, I became curious to know what is being taught in India. I picked Gujarat as a starting point. I read standard 1 to 10 (Gujarati and English medium) social science textbooks. I was shocked to see the absence of religious study; especially Hinduism. Or, in other words, it is not articulated properly. I found, Gujarati textbooks to be worse than the California textbooks as far as the Hinduism is concerned. My first reaction was that; probably the education board is trying to stay away from the potentially controversial religious matter behind the name of so called secularism. Which is understandable, however, it is not true either!

After looking at the detailed coverage of some other religions in the same textbooks, I am kind of lost and wondering why the Hinduism is left-out from the school curriculum. Why the majority religion which is followed by 88% population of Gujarat is left-out! Why is it the case, that in the birthplace of “Sanaatan Dharma”, state school boards go out of their way to control the information being published and spread, by suppressing the history of the land? Is it not the national motto of India: “Satyameva Jayate”? Then why is the state engaged in spreading untruths, and half-truths?

India’s thousands of years of history including pre-historic era as well as Golden era is totally ignored and the books literally start from 606 CE. Surprisingly, not much about the ancient India and India’s glorious time is ignored. Beside random references here and there, religious study; especially Hinduism is very much untouched or not articulated properly. The word “Rama” for God “Rama” is not used even for once!

I could find only one reference of Geeta, three references of Ramayana, as simple words; without any elaborations.  Those are the core of Hinduism and India at large for centuries. Some explanations are must. Hinduism is pretty much ignored! No explanation of what is Hinduism, its belief system, its value systems! In short, students graduating from Gujarat would have no formal understanding of what is religion in general, what is Hinduism etc. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the same narrative in other states as well. There are some details about the Vedas and Upanishads, but really difficult to understand!

No references of Gita or Hinduism in Gandhi ji and Swami Vivekananda topics.  They both have close connections with Gita and Hinduism. They both were influenced by Hinduism and Bhaghvad Gita. Reference to Hinduism is missing.

We all know that the Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism have the same roots.  This type of explicit clarification would have been fair, complete and would help building a strong solidarity between these religions.

In another word, students in their prime time of understanding would grow up without an important component of the world; which is religion in general! Ironically, it is not true either as I do see good coverage about the “Buddhism” and “Jainism” in standard 6. Which is welcomed. I am happy to see at least something about our 2 beloved religions! However, I can’t find even two complete sentences explaining what is Hinduism, its core value, teachings and belief systems! Nowhere from grades 1 to 10! The majority students who are Hindus would grow without knowing their own heritage. Just like Buddhism and Jainism, similar coverages should have been there for the Hinduism, Islam, and other religions in order to be fair and for completeness! That is the real secularism is all about! All or none! Rest is called non-secularism. I wonder why majority religion, Hinduism is left out!

Few examples from the Gujarat textbooks:

The textbook uses the Western scholars to make us realize the significance of Geeta, Ramayana and Mahabharata! It is kind of an insult of thousands of year old Hindu scriptures. Hindus are teaching Geeta to the world; not the other way around!

Buddhism from Gujarat textbook:

Nice explanation and teachings from Buddhism. These kinds of teachings from other religions such as Hinduism would have been fair in a secular country. Most importantly, I am wondering what is wrong in saying Buddha was born in a Hindu family? No harm there. It would simply help students in connecting different dots. It would help making a stronger India (Bharat). Books certainly failed to do so.

Jainism from Gujarat textbooks:

Nice teachings from Jainism as well. Happy to see it. Similar teachings from Hinduism would have been fair in the secular country.

Is this the only explanation of Hinduism in Gujarati textbooks?

This is the closest I found about Hinduism out of 10 books! Well, the book doesn’t even say it is about Hinduism. But, I safely assume so! “Hindu” and “Hinduism” words are not being used persistently throughout all books.

Really! The Vedas and Upanishads have no ties with the Hinduism? Are they not part of the Hinduism? If so, then what is wrong in using “HINDU” word with Vedas? Explaining Vedas without Hinduism is incomplete. It’s like introducing son without using his father’s name.

For a while, I thought; “Hinduism” is being treated as an “Indian Culture”. Which is not consistent either as “Buddhism” and “Jainism” are covered explicitly even though they are part of the “Indian Culture”.

Diwali as per Gujarat textbook:

Diwali is explained as “Festival of Lights” in standard 2 book. “The Festival of Lights” is a popular phrase in the Western countries for the past few years. “Victory of Good over Evil” would send a stronger message. Most importantly, there should not be any hesitation in saying Diwali is a Hindu festival or the biggest Hindu festival. That’s the real truth. The book seems to be shying away from using “HINDU” word; in fact, very persistently throughout all books! Contrarily, the book has no problems using “Jainism”, “Buddhism”, and “Islam” words. It seems minor, but an important concern.

Grateful to the invaders:

Standard 7 book is asking us to be grateful to the invaders because few artists got the opportunity to showcase their art. In fact, while many artists got the opportunity to showcase their talent, many of them were brutally killed also. No need to glorify invaders. I do not see a similar praising language and appreciations for hundreds of old beautiful architectures and temples!

Finally, I read some American textbooks to see what they teach about Hinduism. And, this is what exactly my first reaction was:

Even though American textbooks have some controversial material, I felt prouder being Indian/Hindu and more knowledgeable about the Hinduism after reading a few chapters of American textbooks than reading Gujarati textbooks from standards 1 to 10!

The American textbooks emphasize more on the Hindu value system, Hindu belief system, Maurya Empire, Golden era of Gupta, Ashoka, India’s invention of zero, Yoga, Karma, Dharma, decimal systems, numeral system, Pi, The Legacy of Indian Mathematics, Ayurvedic medicines, metallurgy, meditation, benefits of Vegetarianism, Caste system, Mahatma Gandhi’s influence over Dr. Martin Luther king and Nelson Mandela etc.; Nothing about the Mughals and British; whereas the school books in Gujarat left-out Hinduism and glorifies invader Mughals who, in fact, carried out looting, atrocities, destruction, and mass killings!”

Let me make it crystal clear. It is not my intention to denigrate Indian textbooks and praise American books. I am also not implying that India should copy American books. American books do have some (but less than Gujarati books) controversial materials about Hinduism and are already being challenged in the US courts. It is very shameful to see a horrible situation of the majority religion in own land!

Under to no representation of Hinduism in 10 Gujarati textbooks cannot be a simple mistake. Misrepresentation of Hinduism and India cannot be a mistake. Suppressing a history of the land cannot be a coincidence. Teaching 2 minority religions and ignoring Hinduism cannot be a simple coincidence! Not using “Rama” even for once and using Mughals” for 86 times cannot be a mistake. Not saying Vedas are part of Hinduism cannot be author’s ignorance. Having 2 books on Yoga without referencing a single “HINDU” word cannot be a simple negligence. Not connecting Yoga with Hinduism cannot be a mistake. The absence of the words “Geeta”, “Ramayana”, “Mahabharata”, “Karma” throughout all books cannot be a coincidence.

Not saying Diwali is a Hindu’s festival cannot be an innocent mistake. Introducing Mahatma Gandhi ji, and Swami Vivekananda without using a “Hindu” word or “Hinduism” cannot be an innocent error.  Not using the “Iron-man” word for beloved Sardar Patel cannot be forgotten matter. Connecting Ashoka with Buddhism, but not with Hinduism cannot be a mistake. Not saying Buddha was born as a Hindu cannot be historian’s ignorance! Labeling Islamic architectural structures as Islamic but not labeling Hindu architectures or temples with Hindu word cannot be a secularism. Asking us to praise invader Mughals cannot be a misunderstanding. Focusing more on horrible period of Mughals rather than a golden era of ancient India cannot be a mistake. Manipulating truth and hiding facts cannot be a policy. Providing no-truth to half-truth cannot be a mistake.

One mistake can possibly be a mistake. Even a few mistakes can possibly be mistaken too, however, persistent mistakes with one theme cannot be mistaken! It is most likely a deliberate and systematic effort! It seems to be a well-thought, planning not to expose Hinduism and for that matter not to teach Buddhism and Jainism correctly. The Author’s intentions seem to break common links and close ties among these 3 religions. The Author’s intentions seem to hide greatness of Hinduism. I smell an evil motive here.  Keeping students in dark or misguiding them is a serious crime. The books hurts sentiment of the 1 billion+ Hindus across the globe.”

What can be done next? Here are the suggestions:

The above discussion very clearly indicates that the India’s social science books requires major reforms; need to be re-written. Social science should articulate the historical facts (nothing but the facts) in a such a way that the students become more knowledgeable and feel proud of their religion, community, country, heritage, and the world at large. Hiding or keeping them in the dark from the facts of life does not make them good citizens. The school curriculum should be designed to allow students to observe societies dissimilar to their own in such a way as to broaden their understanding of people and places in an increasingly interdependent world.

I understand religions are the most controversial and sensitive subjects, however, while the world is suffering because of religious influences, while people spend the good amount of their time in religious activities, keeping students ignorant is not a good idea. Well, covering two religious and not covering other religions makes this hypothesis wrong! So, back to the important question; why some religions like Hinduism are discriminated throughout the whole education system?

In the absence of a formal study in schools, students would pick-up wrong and one-sided, biased religious ideologies. They become vulnerable to be influenced by the extremism. Which could potentially create hatred among people from different faiths!

Until we have an alternative way to provide a value based and character building education system, the basic religious study is essential. It is possible to teach religion without favoring any particular faith! Different religions can be explained without violating secularism.

Schools should provide the value based and neutral knowledge about religion in general. The Schools should provide the high-level (basic) introduction of all major religions of India. Students should be aware of value systems, teachings, and belief systems of different religions. Students should at least be exposed to the factual components of different religions. It is better to stay away from the imaginations, stories, fantasies, negativism, and controversies. Emphasizing the common teachings and/or common links of various religions could make students more open minded and tolerant! For example, while explaining Jainism, Buddhism, or Sikhism, it would be worth mentioning the fact that they all originated from the Hinduism! It would help creating a strong bond between these religions. The books failed to do so.

More details at the online petition:

If you have any questions or concerns, kindly contact me. I look forward to your acknowledgment of my letter.

Hemant Patel
B.E.(Mech.), M.S. (Computer Science)
[email protected]