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Madarsa-fied Uttar Pradesh

As per the data available on the Uttar Pradesh Board of Madarsa Education website, there are 13,784 recognized madrasas and 8,449 unrecognized madrasas and this does not include madrasas in masjids. Around 550+ got government funding in 2021 under the Madarsa Modernization Scheme by Government. Around 19 lakh students are enrolled in these madrasas.

If we see unrecognized madrasas through a demographic lens then we can observe that many of them are either near the Indo-Nepal border or in districts with large areas.

But why there is a need for so many madarsas? Are there any less number of schools in UP? The answer is no!

According to the Department of Education, GoI UDISE report 2021-22, UP had 2,58,054 schools with 4,71,81,438 enrollments having a pupil-teacher ratio of 31. Below you can see the number of schools in each district of UP as of now.

If we look at Gurukuls, Sikh Gurmat Schools, Buddhist Monastic Schools, or Catholic Schools there is a lack of official government surveys or reports. According to a Non-Profit Organisation Gurukul Kranti, there are only 355 Gurukuls in pan India out of which only 35 are in UP.

Since India is a secular country, and still, crores of rupees of funds are allocated to madrasas every year for the upliftment.

Following the same through the case of Azaj Ahmad v. State of UP, India’s child rights body National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) filed the intervention petition on the issue of religious education being imparted in madrasas at the government’s expense. Azaj Ahmad had moved to court due to a salary dispute and sought relief from the madrasa board. NCPCR has filed an intervention petition in the Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court, arguing that government funding to madrasas in Uttar Pradesh be stopped, claiming-

“ imparted to children in madrasas is not adequate/ comprehensive and, as such, the same is against the provisions of Right to Education Act, 2009,”

The High Court on March 27 directed the Centre and the UP government to file their affidavits in order to explain-

“how on Government expense or funding provided by the Government Exchequer, religious education be imparted and whether this could be in violation of Article 14, 25, 26, 29 and 30 of the Constitution of India.”

HC had also said, “It is not in dispute that in Madarsas besides normal curriculum, the religious education is also imparted”.

The court listed the case for the next hearing on May 30.

Veer Vinayak Damodar Savarkar: A true son of Bhārat Mātā, “the man who sacrificed and suffered”

Bharatbhoomi has been the land of warriors, saints and revolutionaries who fought for the freedom of Bharat Mata from foreign yoke, be it Islamic invaders like the Mughals or Christian Imperialists like the British. One such son of soil is Vinayak (fondly called Tatya) Damodar Savarkar.

Veer Savarkar was born to Shrimati Radha and Shri Damodar Savarkar on 28th May 1883 in Nashik District’s Bhagur. He was a bright student who was an avid reader and adept at writing poetry from a very young age. He was an historian par excellence who produced several historical studies. He was also a polyglot (one who knows many languages ) with proficiency in Marathi, Sanskrit, Hindi, English, Urdu, Punjabi and Bengali.

While Alive or Dead, the aura of Veer Savarkar has caused heartburn and jealousy to every self-proclaimed pseudo nationalist and communist. A generation of government sponsored fake historians, sold intellectuals and self-hating propagandist adulterated complete two generations by parroting insidious and fake stories on Veer Savarkar.

Veer Savarkar was a proponent of armed resistance against British colonial rule. He founded the Abhinav Bharat Society in 1904, which aimed to overthrow British rule through armed revolution and unite Indians abroad. The society played a crucial role in mobilizing Indian students and intellectuals living in England. Savarkar’s involvement in the Swadeshi movement, the India House in London, and his writings inspired a generation of freedom fighters. Three leaflets were printed in India House:-

1) Gurumukhi leaflet – This appealed to the Sikhs to revolt against the British. 2) ‘Oh Martyrs!’ – This was addressed to the fighters of the 1857 war. Savarkar assured them ‘ your blood oh martyrs, shall be avenged. We will continue your fight and drive the British out of India.
3) ‘Choose, oh Indian Princes’- This was sent out to Indian Princes, Rajas and Maharajas after Dhingra’s martyrdom in August 1909. Veer Savarkar appealed to them to join in the freedom struggle.

Veer Savarkar opposed the division of the sacred Bharatbhoomi & any negotiations with Muslim League. Veer Savarkar Copy of the telegram sent to Dr. Mookerji and Dr. Moonje by Bar. V. D. Savarkar the. president of the Hindu Mahasabha on the 3rd of Sept., 1942: — “I as the president issue this instruction. That president moslem league must not be re interviewed or negotiated with on behalf of the Hindu Mahasabha unless he invites stop letter follows.

Savarkar was not an armchair reformer. His activities in the social sphere were no less revolutionary than his exploits in armed struggle. “The problem of untouchability has ceased to be merely a social question. It now threatens the very integrity of our Hindusthan.

It now promises to be an important political calamity.” (1947, Akhand Hindusthan ladha parva or phase of the battle for Akhand Hindusthan, p. 370). “He who wants to truly serve the nation should champion that which is in the interests of the people irrespective of whether it is popular or not. He who upholds or rejects a principle or policy that is in national interest solely with an eye on whether he will be applauded or humiliated is not a sincere servant of the people.” (1937, Balarao Savarkar, Hindu Samaj Sanrakshak parva, Veer Savarkar Prakashan, Mumbai, 1972, p. 159).

Savarkar self-composed axiom in this respect was “Varam janahitam dhyeyam kevalaa na janastutihi!” (“Not praise of people, public welfare alone!”). Veer Savarkar proposed close socio-cultural bond of sons of Maa Bharati as according to him it was only the binding force which could bind millions of people of different social groups. He built PatitPavan Mandir in the Ratnagiri district to allow entry to all Hindus.

Veer Savarkar spent 11 long precious years in solitary confinement at Andaman. He underwent the severest of cruelty, physical torture and horrible suffering that no mortal humanity could have withstood. Veer Savarkar was kept in solitary confinement overlooking a gallows room where freedom fighters were hanged daily.

Veer Savarkar was manacled, made to eat rice riddled with worms. A rubber catheter used to be inserted through the nostril through to the gullet into the stomach for force feeding. Many never survived this torture. No medical relief was available.

Along with fellow prisoners in groups, he was chained like bullocks, blindfolded and dragged to the oil mills. Flogging at intermittent hours was normal practice. Shameless intellectuals, historians and the then leaders never acknowledged such sacrifice. Never uttered or condemned British Raj just out of fear and favor. The world never heard of such mass torture.

The venomous elite historians and so-called intellectuals of the coming generations kept the secret from the new generation in order to manipulate and pollute their minds. Numerous false hood and trivial ridicule had been spread by Fake Historians about Veer Savarkar.

Multiple petitions for relief from Kalapani makes headlines even these days to belittle the sacrifice of Veer Savarkar especially by Communist historians. These were the same group of British agents who stood behind the Raj, conspired to balkanize India, Supported appeasement policy and supported China in 1962. What Veer Savarkar did was a simple legal exercise for remission available under the rules in those days.

Savarkar’s nationalist ideology emphasized the concept of Hindutva, which can be loosely translated as “Hinduness” or “Hindu identity.” He argued that India should be a Hindu nation, reflecting the majority population and its cultural heritage. According to Savarkar, Hindu nationalism was not limited to religious practices but encompassed a broader civilizational and cultural identity. He dedicated himself to the cause of ‘uniting Hindus’ as he was of the opinion that Congress was sacrificing Hindu interests for minority support.

He began the Shuddhi Movement to re-convert ex-Hindus and rehabilitate them. Both the Congress and several Muslim leaders were unhappy with the Shuddhi movement. In his interaction with Muslim leader Shaukat Ali, Savarkar said “if Muslims are allowed to organize and convert Hindus then Hindus should have the same rights”.

In his novel Mala kai Tyache (The Revolt of Moplahs) he highlighted the atrocities suffered by Hindus in Kerala which was ignored by the Congress leaders and dismissed as class struggle by Marxists. Savarkar was of the view that it was largely a religious attack on Hindus and a sign of things to come. How visionary!!

The three qualities of Hindus as defined by Savarkar were anyone who considers Bharat as their fatherland, shares a common bond of blood/race and Bharat is their holy land (Punyabhoomi). His definition of Hindutva included all religions that originated in Bharat such as Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism and all variants of Vedic traditions and at the same time it excludes all religions whose holy lands are outside Bharat i.e. Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

While there has always been an attempt to undermine Veer Savarkar’s contribution in the freedom movement, the father of the nation, ‘Mahatma Gandhi’ himself used to address him as BHAI and he wrote an article in Young India on 26 May, 1920 arguimg for the release of his brothers addressing their work in Swadeshi movement as prominent. Former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi mentioned him as the remarkable son of India.

As India progresses in the 21st century, the celebration of Savarkar Jayanti serves as a reminder of the diversity of India’s freedom struggle and the various perspectives that shaped the nation’s path to independence. Bharat is a billion strong now and every son of Maa Bharati reveres Veer Savarkar, while there is a minute group of despondent people who are doomed to disappear under the bright figure of Veer Savarkar.

‘Our Motherland, Sacrifice for you is like Life, Living without you is Death.’- Veer Savarkar

Pakistan posed to become global terror factory

Pakistan is on the verge of collapse with analysts worrying that the radical Islamic nation may ultimately become a global terror factory which would become a notorious launchpad of terrorists and jihadists targeting South Asian nations and the world. Recently, Michael Kugelman, director of the South Asia Institute at the Wilson Centre think tank in Washington told BBC, “If Pakistan fails, we need to make sure it doesn’t take us down with it”.

In recent months, Pakistan has been trembled by political chaos, rise of terrorist attacks and financial catastrophe, whereas there is very little hope for this country to salvage its sinking economy, which would result in extended poverty and unemployment thus pushing desperate Pakistanis into increasingly resorting to criminal and terrorist acts.

Once such a dangerous scenario becomes visible, expatriate Pakistanis in the Middle East, Western nations and elsewhere may also become partners in such criminal and terrorist activities, as they would start behaving like hungry wild beasts, with the notorious goal of spreading their sufferings throughout the world.

Since 1947, Pakistan has been a failure from independence, as it was always about fanatical religion and terrorism and its very creation was based on religious hatred, anti-India and anti-Hindu agendas.

Witnessing Pakistan’s dire condition, any sensible individual may say – why should India or Bangladesh worry about Pakistan’s woes, as Islamabad has always been an annoyance to India and Bangladesh by sending terrorists to disrupt for zero gains. By continuing enmity with its neighbors, Pakistan has now turned into beggars.

They actually are correct! Any nation in the world may learn from Pakistan. A country upholding the agenda of sponsoring terrorism and spreading seeds of terrorism within its neighbors would ultimately land in the deep black hole of uncertainty and suffering. Unless the current situation in Pakistan isn’t solved immediately – and in my opinion, it is a mission impossible, this country will become a far-bigger headache to the entire world thus posing the gravest security threat. Majority of the Pakistani populace and almost 99 percent of the members of its armed forces are highly radicalized with jihadist mindset. Their hearts are filled with hatred towards India and any prospering nation. Look into Oxford-educated leaders like Imran Khan or Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. Western education could not change their nefarious mindset. Instead, their actions and deeds are almost the prototype of Osama bin Laden and other jihadist thugs.

Imran Khan supporters say – his opponents have embezzled enough of the nation’s economy to cause a fiscal disaster. They say, “Pakistan needs that money for survival”. But they do not utter a word about state-patronization of terrorism and militancy – the much bigger problem which has been destroying the country inch-by-inch. They do not go for a soul-searching asking, why any nation in the world would throw their cash into a jihadist and terrorist hotspot.

Religious extremism is Pakistan’s home-grown problem which was born in 1947 when it emerged into an independent nation, and that problem has now become a monster or Frankenstein – all with the blessings of its leadership and its military establishment. Since 1947, Pakistani rulers invested in terrorism and jihadism instead of improving the lives of the people.

Commenting on Pakistan’s current situation, an analyst in India told me: “If Pakistan falls apart, no harm will come to India. Only good can come out of it. Death and destruction of evil never hurts the good. The fear that a lot of Pakistani refugees would spill over into India is unfounded. All India has to do is seal the borders and shoot on sight anyone attempting to cross over. And above all, prevent any Islamophilic government from coming to power in India or in any of the border states”.

Another analyst said: “Both India and Bangladesh should be worried, as the American CIA is in the midst of destabilizing Pakistan – with an ulterior agenda against India as India has not become America’s new enemy. Washington wants to turn Pakistan into a vessel state by planting its own puppet regime in Islamabad. By implementing this nefarious agenda, America wants to establish its influence within the region – particularly by putting India and China under terrorist threats. After opening a liaison office of NATO in Tokyo, Washington would certainly look for opening another in Islamabad. This is a very dangerous game of the American Al Capones”. Pakistan is currently under double-jeopardy. With its acute financial crisis, Imran Khan’s escalating confrontation with the army, where he has even charged the country’s military establishment and spy agency as murder conspirators, it is not unlikely that the country may ultimately head towards a bloody civil war. An analyst said: “Civil war in Pakistan is unavoidable. The implosion has actually already started. The main global concern will be their nukes falling into the hands of extremists or jihadists of Afghanistan. The only solution is – Pakistan’s military establishment and its mighty Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) should stop interfering into politics. Though there is little chance that Pakistan can finally overcome the current hurdles – if its military does not immediately step-back from meddling into politics – fall of the country may only get accelerated.

Hunter Biden works in favor of Islamist party in Bangladesh

US President Joe Biden’s scandalous son Hunter Biden, who has earlier met with State Department official on behalf Gabriel Popoviciu, a corrupt Romanian real estate tycoon in exchange for US$1 million when Joe Biden was vice president in 2016, has been now working for Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), a hardcore Islamist political party in Bangladesh and been vigorously pushing several agendas set by BNP.

A review of emails and documents on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop reveal a March 2016 meeting with then-US ambassador to Romania Hans Klemm on the topic of a corruption case against Gabriel Popoviciu. According to information, Popoviciu made more than US$1 million in wire payments to Hunter Biden from November 2015 to June 2017 as he battled corruption charges in his home country. Being a paid lobbyist of Gabriel Popoviciu, Hunter Biden met twice with Ambassador Hans Klemm, first in November 2015 and again in March 2016.

Emails show, at that time, Hunter Biden was a consultant for a law firm named Boies Schiller Flexner and worked with lawyers from the firm to lobby the US embassy in Bucharest to intervene in Gabriel Popoviciu’s case. Law firm Boies Schiller partner Christopher Boies told Biden in a September 1, 2015 email that his law partner – whom he never identified—was “best friends” with the newly appointed ambassador to Romania, Hans Klemm.

According to US Congress Oversight report, Gabriel Popoviciu’s first wire payment amounting to US$59,900 was sent to Hunter Biden on November 9, 2015. Four days after that, Hunter Biden and Boies Schiller partner Michael Gottlieb discussed a meeting with Ambassador Hans Klemm and provided him reports about the Popoviciu case, which they said showed the corruption charges were bogus. The emails indicate that Biden attended the meeting, and Biden’s calendar shows a meeting with Klemm at Lapis restaurant in Washington, DC, on March 30, 2016.

Emails show that Hans Klemm was receptive to the reports and arranged meetings for the Biden consortium with Romanian officials. On May 17, 2016, Gottlieb contacted Klemm to seek help in meeting with Romania’s anti-corruption service, the DNA. Gottlieb wrote to Hunter Biden and others that “the USEMB [US Embassy] has primed this for us”.

Neither Hunter Biden nor Boies Schiller registered as lobbyists for Gabriel Popoviciu, who was ultimately convicted of bribery in 2017 and sentenced to seven years in prison.

It may be mentioned here that the Lobbying Disclosure Act requires individuals to disclose their lobbying activity to Congress, and the Foreign Agents Registration Act requires them to disclose lobbying on behalf of foreign nationals to the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Commenting on this Republican Congressman Darrell Issa who is a member of the House Judiciary Committee said: “the Justice Department’s disinterest in Hunter Biden’s lobbying shows there is one set of rules for the president’s family and one for everyone else”.

Earlier the Washington Free Beacon in a report said that Hunter Biden and lawyers from Boies Schiller hatched a plan in 2014 to meet with State Department officials on behalf of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian gas company whose owner was accused of bribery. A Boies Schiller partner wrote to Biden that she would arrange State Department meetings and conduct other activity “right up to the line” where the firm would have to register as a lobbyist.

BNP-Jamaat lobbyist bids in the United States

For several years, Hunter Biden has connections with a consulting-cum-lobbyist firm named Blue Star Strategies, which had earlier registered its work for the Ukrainian company Burisma under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Through the same company Hunter Biden also crafted a plan to lobby the State Department on behalf of the Chinese private equity firm BHR Partners.

On January 17, 2022, Bangladesh’s State Minister for Foreign Affairs M Shahriar Alam told reporters that Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) has spent US$3.75 million for a US lobbyist firm as part of their anti-Bangladesh campaign.

The BNP hired US lobbyist firms called Akin Company Associates, Blue Star Strategies and Rasky Partners while Jamaat signed agreements with an organization named ‘Peace and justice’.

According to information obtained from the US, BNP spent US$2.7 million annually from February 2015 to April 2017. It spent US$120,000 per month in retainer fees.

According to information obtained by this newspaper, Blue Star Strategies was hired by BNP through Abdus Sattar, an UK-based leader of the party in August 2018. Agendas behind appointing Blue Star Strategies by BNP were to “promote the goals of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) for the upcoming [2018 general elections] elections in Bangladesh”. In addition, Blue Star Strategies also developed a strategy “that educates officials, policy influencers and the media [in the United States] about the BNP and its interests in free and fair elections” and drafted a “narrative to communicate the BNP’s goals”.

The contract was signed by Abdus Sattar as an individual – but the documentation suggests that he was acting on behalf of the BNP. In the section of the form which states that the name of the “foreign principal” was Abdul Sattar, it is confirmed that he is a “foreign political party”, meaning, Bangladesh Nationalist Party.

In addition, in the section of submitted documentation asking for details “if the foreign principal is a foreign political party”, Blue Star Strategies stated: “Bangladesh Nationalist Party, 28, 1 VIP Rd, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh”.

The documents confirmed that there were payments made to Blue Star Strategies which totaled at least US$278,582 over a two-year period. An amount of US$10,000 was paid to Blue Star Strategies in August 2018, another payment of US$197,790 in September 2018 and US$70,792 between March to September 2019.

The last payment was made from an account at the Singapore-based Overseas-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd. It may be mentioned here that BNP’s acting chairman Tarique Rahman and his business partner Giaus Uddin Mamun were also banking with the Overseas-Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC).

As part of the same contract with Blue Star Strategies, another lobbyist firm named Rasky Partners was paid US$86,627 by Blue Star Strategies to work with it in lobbying for the Bangladesh Nationalist Party. Humaiun Kobir, BNP National Executive Committee Member, Secretary of International Affairs and Advisor to the Acting Chairman has been coordinating BNP’s connections with Rasky Partners.

In January 2015, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP sent a proposal to UK-based lawyer Toby Cadman stating that “Akin Gump is pleased to offer to support the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (‘BNP’) in Washington, DC. by providing legal services (including policy analysis) as described below.”

It went onto say, its services would include “facilitating dialogue between the BNP and politicians in Washington (including in relation to the forthcoming election) and lobbying in relation to war crimes trials taking place in Bangladesh, trade policy and trade negotiations, human rights abuses in Bangladesh, and the general relationship between the United States and Bangladesh”. It may be mentioned here that Toby Cadman played a key role behind 2021 sanctions on Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), imposed by the US Department of Treasury.

In February 2015, the US firm submitted a document confirming that it was undertaking work for the BNP on the basis of a “formal written contract”, and appended the proposal sent to Toby Cadman, as the agreed contract.

In 2007, during the state of emergency, another lobbyist firm namely Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP was hired by the BNP to “advance restoration of a democratic government and expedite elections in Bangladesh”.

The documents submitted by the US firm noted that the “Name and title of the official with whom registrant deals with” was Khaleda Zia. It was paid US$160,000 by BNP.

Similarly, Jamaat-e-Islami hired two lobbyist firms through an organization named Organization for Peace & Justice (OPJ), which is based and incorporated in New York. According to documents submitted by Jamaat-e-Islami’s lobbyist, OPJ is a Jamaat-e-Islami group. “Sympathizers of the Jamaat-e-Islami party serve as directors of the Organization for Peace & Justice, Inc. The mission is to prevent party members from being prosecuted by a politically motivated and government-influenced Tribunal”.

In 2018, OPJ, hired Husch Blackwell Strategies, LLC to ensure that “the United States Government policies, while currently supportive of political stability and democracy, development, and human rights in Bangladesh, do not shift in any manner contrary to the interests of Jamaat-e-Islami, nor create an environment where JI is defined as a security threat within Bangladesh or on an international scale”. The submitted documents suggest that OPJ was acting for the Jamaat as the lobbyist as the form confirmed OPJ as being a “foreign political party”.

In 2014, OPJ hired Cassidy and Associates which “engaged in educational meetings about human rights violations and provided strategic advice in an effort to prevent members of Jamaat-e-Islami Party from being prosecuted and executed by a politically motivated and government influenced tribunal”. It paid a total of US$285,952 [from April to June 2014 US$50,000; from February to July 2015 US$75,915; from August 2015 to January 2016 US$50,037 and US$110,000].

Between 2011 and 2013, Mir Masum Ali, who then lived in the United States, and was the Project Director of media and publications of Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA) – an organization that attracts US-based supporters of the Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh paid a total £370,000 to the same law firm, Cassidy and Associates, to lobby on “Bangladeshi war crimes tribunal and political opposition matters”.

Mir Masum Ali is the brother of Jamaat-e-Islami leader and executed war criminal Mir Quasem Ali. He paid US$210,000 in 2011, US$140,000 in 2012 and US$20,000 in 2013.

In 2011, another organization named Institute for US Bangladesh Relations hired Cassidy and Associates and paid the firm US$210,000, whereas this organization was connected to executed war criminal Salahuddin Quader Chowdhury and Pakistani spy agency Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI).

Hunter Biden’s connections with BNP

While BNP has been frantically trying to hire Hunter Biden as its lobbyists, it finally has succeeded in reaching an agreement with him through William B Milam. Milam is an influential figure of the Democratic Party and a retired diplomat who runs an organization named ‘Right to Freedom’ jointly with an individual named Mushfiqul Fazal Ansarey – a former Assistant Press Secretary of then Prime Minister Khaleda Zia.

Mushfiqul Fazal Ansarey, a diehard anti-India and anti-Hindu individual with affiliations with jihadist groups and Pakistani spy agency has been making frantic bids with the direct collaboration of William B Milam in pushing the United Nations as well as the US Department of State in unseating Awami League government through undemocratic process. Earlier the duo pursued the United Nations as well as the US Department of State in bringing more politicians and civil-military officials from Bangladesh under fresher sanctions using Global Magnitsky Act.

Ansarey has been working as the “Permanent Correspondent” of an illegal website named ‘Just News’, with active collaboration of William Bryant Milam (William B Milam), an American diplomat, who is known as the Senior Policy Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC., has been making desperate bids both in the Capitol in Washington DC and the UN Headquarters in New York City, with the agenda of misleading key policymakers in Washington and the UN against Bangladesh and ruling Awami League and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. It may be mentioned here that ‘Just News’ does not have any existence in Bangladesh.

According to a credible source, Ansarey spends thousands of dollars every week socializing with key individuals in the US, while he also is seen having lunch and dinner with those individuals, where most of the time he is accompanied by William B Milam.

Although Mushfiqul Fazal Ansarey succeeded in getting press accreditation in the White House and the United Nations claiming as the “US Correspondent” of an illegal website, a vernacular tabloid daily in Dhaka has also been terming Ansarey as its “Permanent Reporter in the United Nations” and the White House. This vernacular tabloid has also been prominently publishing anti-Awami League propaganda materials sent by Ansarey on a regular basis.

It may be mentioned here that, on October 27, 2020, at the persuasions of William B Milam and Mushfiqul Fazal Ansarey, ten US Senators sent a letter to then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin calling for sanctions against RAB officials. In the United Kingdom, the Guernica 37 Chambers law offices made a formal submission to the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in August 2021 recommending sanctions for 15 current and former senior RAB officers.

On August 31, 2021, the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission held a virtual hearing on enforced disappearances in Bangladesh where several witnesses suggested taking punitive action. Bangladesh Foreign Ministry was not apprised of the case of letters sent by the US Senators, as it was later alleged that the Bangladesh High Commissioner in Washington DC was actually a former leader of BNP’s student wing.

At the directives of BNP’s fugitive and convicted leader Tarique Rahman, William B Milam and Mushfiqul Fazal Ansarey also maintain deeper contact with controversial Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus.

After months of frantic bids, Bangladesh Nationalist Party has finally succeeded in reaching into a lobbyist arrangement with Hunter Biden through Blue Star Strategies. Although the amount of “lobbyist fees” offered by BNP to Hunter Biden remains unknown, according to a number of sources, the son of US President Joe Biden has been assigned to accomplish three goals – to obstruct Awami League from holding the next general election without participation of BNP; to exert pressure on Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in holding the next general election under direct supervision of Washington; and to stop import of goods from Bangladesh if the next general election is held without BNP.

It was also learnt from sources that at the request of Muhammad Yunus, Hillary Clinton also has been trying to influence US President Joe Biden through a number of key officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Massive propaganda plan of BNP In addition to its ongoing lobbyist efforts and recent arrangements with Hunter Biden, Bangladesh Nationalist Party has hired a New York-based PR firm in running full-page ads for consecutive five days in The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal with “appeal” of obstructing the general election in Bangladesh, once the ruling Awami League moves ahead with the election and schedule of it is announced.

Bangladesh Nationalist Party also is looking for hiring journalists and columnists in a number of major publications in the US, while Tarique Rahman plans to do similar propaganda in a number of major newspapers in Britain. For such propaganda efforts, BNP has been building a huge fund with contributions from wealthy leaders of the party as well as Jamaat-e-Islami, while family members of executed or convicted war criminals would also contribute to it.

The X factors of PM Modi



Our English Teacher was asked the correct pronunciation of GULLIVER. He had replied, “Children it’s neither GOOLLIVER, NOR GALLIVER. It is in between the TWO.

This had helped me to answer a question on Narendra Modi, our dearest Prime Minister. While travelling in a train; a foreigner asked me to explain about Narendra Modi in comparison to any other leader. I said, “He is neither Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Gujarati), nor Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose (Bengali); NARENDRABHAI DAMODARDAS MODI (Gujarati) is IN BETWEEN THE TWO. He has the charismatic qualities of both the leaders; in addition to his original and extraordinary qualities- some are God gifted and some are earned.

The foreigner asked me as to how Narendra Modi made it to this slot. To know Narendrabhai; one has to know about the extraordinary qualities of a Gujarati. I explained to him the various facets of Gujaratis and Kathiawadis (people of Saurastra Region in Gujarat). Gujaratis are very loveable and judicious people. They are progressive by nature. They would not like to harm anyone. They are accommodative in nature. They believe in honesty, simplicity and living a life of certain pattern. They would not like to be cheated by others; as they would not ever think of cheating others under any circumstances.

Kathiawadis are also like Gujaraties. They are hardened people probably because of the Bawajors (cyclones) that they face every year mostly due to the near proximity of the coastline. Like the Army ; Kathiawadis are adept in their battle drills before and during the CYCLONES. Likewise, the Gujarat Government is adept in the battle procedures to ensure minimum loss to life and property.

Narendrabhai has the gene of an exceptional Gujarati like Gandhiji (born in Saurastra- Porbandar) and he is also a brave son of the Indian soil like Netaji. In the past, when Kashmir was dominated by the Terrorist; Narendrabhai (without any official portfolio and without any armed security arrangement) had challenged the terrorists to stop him from hoisting the National flag at Lal Chowk, the heart and happening place in Kashmir; highly infested with Terrorists, in those days. Beauty is that he kept his word of honour and hoisted the flag on the due day. The extraordinary quality of Narendrabhai is that he ensures every action on ground as per the blueprint. He has become invincible due to this quality to deliver timely result on ground with hundred percent honesty. As he was growing up; he had not whiled away his time. He has accumulated in depth knowledge about the society, the formal and informal Organizations. He has noted the functioning of every department- the drawbacks, limitations and has formulated ways and means to achieve the ideals. Besides being a hard Task Master; he is compassionate and a thorough Gentleman.

Gandhiji and Netaji had studied abroad; but Narendrabhai did not have this luxury. Knowledge should be accumulated from anywhere and everywhere. This is what he preached and practiced. He was focused since his childhood. In his younger days, he used to practice  simple living and  high thinking. He used to say, “Aapreh rule karwanu chhe- meaning We shall rule the country”. At various locations, students from colleges were called to listen to lecture by someone who would be a national leader one day. Narendrabhai used to practice public speaking and motivated people for a new beginning. He achieved everything by dint of hard labour, sacrifice and complete dedication.

In short, may I say, he has trained himself with the existing and non-existing Gurus and by personal interactions and observations on the following: –

  1. Attainment of Objectives at all Cost- a Soldierly Leadership quality.
  2. Unity of Command- keeps his Command in order.
  3. Economy of Force- use of correct Force at the right time and space (e.g., diffusion of the China expansionist action in the near past).
  4. Attainment of Security and Surprise.
  5. Hard Work and Simplicity in Thought and Action.
  6. Art of feeling the pulse of the crowd and to Win the crowd.
  7. Art of Social and Political maneuvers.
  8. Selection and Maintenance of Aim.
  9. Maintenance of Morale
  10. Co-operation, Flexibility and Administration.
  11. Deception.
  12. Update on the present and future environment.
  13. Know yourself and your Opponents.

There was never a leader who was so confident, popular and invincible in a democratic environment. KUDOS TO YOU – SIR NARENDRABHAI DAMODARBHAI MODI.

By Ravji

International Yoga Day: What you should know!

Yoga is an ancient art! It has a deep-rooted history of over 5000 years. It is a holistic approach to the spiritual, emotional and mental well-being of the mind and body through the combination of breathing exercises (pranayama) along with physical postures (asanas). The list of benefits of proper yoga longs with improvement in flexibility, strength, stress management, balance and a myriad of others which immensely contribute to the overall health of the body.

Peculiar Connection Between India & Yoga

India and yoga have a special connection than any other country in the world. It is actually the best way to get exposed to spiritual India and understand the deepest concepts. There is no stronger proof for the origin of yoga. However, Many archaeologists strongly claim that yoga must have originated in India during the Buddha period. Ironically, India is the country to initiate the steps to dedicate a day to yoga on the international level.

It was Shri. Narendra Modi, The Prime Minister of India who has proposed the idea of International Yoga Day in his speech at the UN assembly back in 2014. This proposal attracted endorsement from 177 member states. It is the proposal that has got the highest support from the world nations which made it extra special. Then, June 21 is chosen as the best day as it is said to receive the most sun in the whole year.

Next June 21 in the year 2015 was the first official International Yoga Day in which around 36000 people along with Modi and other high profile people performed 21 yoga asanas for 35 minutes. It has been followed ever since then.

International Yoga Day remained a great bride to promote yoga worldwide with its positive impacts on life. Various seminars, classes, workshops and much more are organised around the world to make people practise yoga. At least on this International Yoga Day, Let us keep our laziness and excuses aside and keep our very first step towards good health with simple yoga on a daily basis.

International Yoga Day remained a great bride to promote yoga worldwide with its positive impacts on life. Various seminars, classes, workshops and much more are organised around the world to make people practise yoga. At least on this International Yoga Day, Let us keep our laziness and excuses aside and keep our very first step towards good health with simple yoga on a daily basis.

हिन्दू निशस्त्रीकरण के परिणाम

1857 के विद्रोह के पश्चात ब्रिटिश ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी ने ‘गवर्नमेंट ऑफ इंडिया एक्ट 1858’ के अनुसार भारत को ब्रिटिश साम्राज्य के अधीन सौंप दिया। अंग्रेजों ने अध्यन किया और पाया की, जब तक भारतीय शस्त्रधारी रहेंगे, इतने बड़े देश पर शासन संभव नहीं है।

1857 जैसे विद्रोह दुबारा न हो इसके लिए हिंदुओं को निशस्त्र करना आवश्यक हो गया और ब्रिटिश आक्रांताओं ने 1878 मे ‘आर्म्स एक्ट’ बनाया जिससे हिंदुओं को बंदूक और आग्नेश्स्त्र धारण करना वर्जित हो गया। इस एक्ट के भयानक परिणाम निकले और हिन्दू समाज के आत्मविश्वास मे कमी आने लगी। कुछ वर्षों पश्चात गांधी ने हिंदुओं को अहिंसा का पाठ पढ़ा कर, उनमें शत्रुबोध समाप्त कर दिया।

आर्म्स एक्ट और निशस्त्रीकरण के परिणाम स्वरूप, भारत मे जिहाद बढने लगा और निशस्त्र हिन्दू उसका सामना करने मे असमर्थ हो गए जिससे मोहम्मद के अनुयायी अलग इस्लामिक राज्य लेने में सफल हो गए।

1947 में जब ब्रिटिश साम्राज्य ने इंडिया की सत्ता काँग्रेस को ‘ट्रान्सफर ऑफ पावर एक्ट‘ के तहत सौंप दी तब इंडिया के सविधान में अंग्रेजों का बनाया हुआ आर्म्स एक्ट भी आ गया, जिस पर कभी भी चर्चा नहीं हुई।

वर्तमान भारत की सामाजिक स्थिति को ध्यान में रखते हुए ‘ आर्म्स एक्ट ‘ को निरस्त करने की अत्यंत आवश्यकता जान पड़ती है। सभी नागरिकों को आत्मरक्षा के लिए शस्त्र धारण करने का अधिकार होना चाहिए।

नागरिकों को शस्त्र धारण करने के सकारात्मक परिणाम

१. आत्मरक्षा और अपने समाज की सुरक्षा करने मे समर्थ नागरिकों से समाज मे आत्मविश्वास बड़ेगा।

२. संपाति और सुरक्षा का अधिकार नागरिकों को मिलेगा।

३. समाज में आत्मविश्वास बढ़ने से वर्षों से चली आ रही मानसिक गुलामी से छूटकरा मिलेगा।

४. मजहबी दंगाईयों के लिए एक सशस्त्र समाज का सामना करना भारी पड़ सकता है।

५. समुदाय विशेष द्वारा मंदिरों और धार्मिक स्थलों पर हमला करना आसान नहीं होगा।

६. लव जिहाद और धर्मांतरण में कमी आएगी।

७. पुलिस और न्याय व्यवस्था मे आधुनिकरण और बदलाव में सहायता मिलेगी।

८. व्यावसायिक गतिविधि और भारत में शस्त्र उत्पादन बढ़ाने मे सहायता होगी।

नकारात्मक पक्ष

१. आधुनिक शस्त्र क्रय करना बहुत लोगों के लिए संभव नहीं होगा।

२. शस्त्र दुर्घटना में निर्दोष लोगो की जान-माल की हानी हो सकती है।

यह भी संभावना जताई जाती है की शस्त्र रखने के अधिकार से अपराध में बड़ोतरी होगी, जबकि तथ्य यह है की अपराधी अवैध शस्त्रों का उपयोग करते है और अपराधी मानसिकता के लोग निर्दोष लोगों और समाज के नियमों को नहीं मानते।

कुल मिलाकर आर्म एक्ट निरस्त करने के सकारात्मक परिणाम नकारात्मक पक्ष से अधिक है.

अंत में , यदि 26/11 अंतकवादी हमले के समय यदि मुंबई के नागरिक सशस्त्र होते , तो पूरी संभावना होती की आंतकवादी समुद्र तट पर ही निपट जाते और इतने निर्दोष नागरिकों की जान नहीं जाती।

राजदंड और राजदंड के सिद्धांत

अभी हाल ही में सत्तारूड दल के नेता ने अपने आपको राजदंड (सेंगोल) से शोभित किया और बाद मे राजदंड को संसद भवन मे एक स्वर्ण पदक के रूप मे रख दिया है. इस अवसर पर ‘इंडिया गवर्नमेंट’ ने खूब वाह-वाही लूटी और सोश्ल मीडिया पर इसका प्रसारण किया.

क्या है राजदंड?

राजदंड एक प्राचीन परंपरा है और इसका उल्लेख अथर्ववेद (६.१३४.१) मे मिलता है.

अ॒यं वज्र॑स्तर्पयतामृ॒तस्या॑वास्य रा॒ष्ट्रमप॑ हन्तु जीवि॒तम्। शृ॒णातु॑ ग्री॒वाः प्र शृ॑णातू॒ष्णिहा॑ वृ॒त्रस्ये॑व॒ शची॒पतिः॑ ॥ (१)

मेरे द्वारा धारण किया गया, यह दंड इंद्र के वज्र के समान सत्य और यज्ञ के सामर्थ्य से तृप्त हो. यह वज्र हमारे द्वेषी राजा के राष्ट्र का विनाश करे तथा उस की गले की हङ्डियां काट दे. यह गले की धमनियों को भी उसी प्रकार काट दे, जिस प्रकार शचीपति इंद्र ने वृत्र के गले की धमनियां काटी थी. (१)

क्या है राजदंड धारण करने की योग्यता

राजदंड को धारण करने के लिए सत्यनिष्ठ, कर्तव्यप्रणयता, शूरता, वीरता जैसे गुणों मे प्रधान नेतृत्व को ही चुना जाता है. जो राजा अपनी प्रजा को समान रूप से न्याय देने मे असमर्थ है, अपराधियों को दंड देने मे शक्तिहीन है, महिलाओं का सम्मान करने मे असक्षम है एवं शत्रु से युद्ध करने मे तत्पर नहीं है, ऐसे व्यक्ति को राजदंड से सुशोभित करना धर्म के विरुद्ध है.

जो राजा या नेतृत्व धर्म के अनुसार न्याय प्रदान नहीं कर सकता और राजदंड को धारण करने मे असमर्थ या राजदंड का अनुचित प्रयोग करता है, उसे धर्मदंड का सामना करना पड़ता है और राजदंड का त्याग करना पड़ता है.

आज के परिपेक्ष मे राजदंड का प्रयोग मतदाताओं को भ्रमित करके अगले चुनाव मे वोट लेने के लिए किया गया प्रतीत होता है. एक समुदाय को विशेष अधिकार और योजनाओं का लाभ दिया जा रहा है और नागरिकों को समान अधिकार से वंचित रखा गया है. सनातन धर्म के अनुयाई को देश विदेश मे नरसंघार किया जा रहा है. नूपुर शर्मा जी और साध्वी प्रज्ञा जी को सत्य कहने पर राज्य द्वारा अपमानित किया जा रहा है. एक विशेष समुदाय ने राज्य मे आंतक मचा रखा है, जिसके समक्ष राज्य घुटने टेक चुका है.

यदि भारतीय समाज इसी प्रकार, राजदंड के योग्य गुणों और कर्मो से वंचित नेतृत्व की व्यक्ति पूजा में लीन रहेगा तो यह एक अत्यंत ही गंभीर स्थिती है. वर्तमान मे राज्य एक समुदाय विशेष के तृप्तिकरण मे लीन है, जो राजदंड के नियमों के प्रतिकूल है.

How Bharat achieved resilience through silence: A tale of inner strength


In a world filled with constant noise and clamor, the ability to find solace in silence has become a rare and invaluable trait. Bharat, a nation known for its vibrant culture, bustling cities, and cacophony of voices, has found a way to harness the power of silence to achieve resilience. Through introspection, spiritual practices, and a deep connection to its ancient wisdom, Bharat has embraced the art of silence as a means of cultivating inner strength and fortitude. This article delves into the ways in which Bharat has harnessed silence as a transformative force, contributing to its journey towards resilience.

The Power of Stillness:

Silence has long been revered in Bharat’s philosophy and spirituality. Ancient scriptures such as the Upanishads emphasize the importance of “mauna” or silence as a means of connecting with the divine and attaining self-realization. The practice of meditation, prevalent in various forms across the country, encourages individuals to delve into the depths of their consciousness and find stillness amidst the chaos of world & one’s life.

In recent years, Bharat has witnessed a resurgence of interest in meditation and mindfulness practices. Yoga and meditation retreats have become popular, attracting both domestic and international seekers of inner peace. By turning inward and embracing silence, individuals were able to develop resilience in the face of challenges. This deep inner strength allows us to navigate the complexities of life with equanimity and grace.

Contemplation and Introspection:

Bharat’s rich cultural heritage, steeped in spirituality and wisdom, provides a fertile ground for contemplation and introspection. From the teachings of ancient sages to the timeless wisdom found in epics like the Bhagavad Gita, Bharat offers a vast repository of knowledge that encourages individuals to reflect upon their actions and choices independently.

By embracing silence and engaging in self-reflection, Bharatiya’s have developed resilience through introspection. This practice allows individuals to evaluate their own thoughts, emotions, and motivations, leading to personal growth and a deeper understanding of oneself.

It fosters a sense of resilience by enabling individuals to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, empowering them to face challenges with clarity and determination, rather than concentrating on others weakness & involving ourselves in creating rifts onto their domestic concerns.

A Spiritual Tapestry:

Bharat’s spiritual tapestry is woven with threads of diverse beliefs and practices. From Hinduism and Buddhism to Jainism and Sufism, Bharat has been a melting pot of spiritual traditions for centuries. Each tradition emphasizes the importance of silence in different ways, offering a unique path to resilience.

For instance, in Hinduism, the practice of “Mauna Vrata” (vow of silence) is observed to cultivate mental strength and self-discipline. Jain monks practice “Anuvratas” (small vows), including silence, as a means of self-control and spiritual upliftment. The Sufi tradition often incorporates music and poetry to create a meditative atmosphere that transcends words and taps into the transformative power of silence.

Collective Silence:

Bharat’s resilience is not limited to individual experiences of silence but also extends to collective moments of quietude. The country has a long-standing tradition of observing days of silence or quiet contemplation during festivals or in times of national significance.

Similarly, initiatives like the International Day of Yoga, which originated in Bharat, encourage people across the globe to participate in mass yoga and meditation sessions, creating a collective moment of silence and introspection. These shared experiences of silence foster a sense of unity, strength, and resilience among the people.


Bharat’s journey towards resilience through silence is a testament to the profound impact of inner stillness and contemplation.

Where is Chanakya’s fifth Neeti?


Chanakya — the empire and emperor builder — the great Brahmin —  propounded these 4 neeti’s (strategies) — साम, दाम, दंड, भेद to protect and expand ones kingdom. By using these four neeti’s he gave united India her first king— Chandragupt Maurya. 

However, he missed one neeti, perhaps, because it was not needed for the politics of those times. This is the 5th neeti which another Brahmin called Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru propounded in the 20th century — it is called the “secular neeti”. This neeti is important to save a King and his constituency in a country as diverse as India. 

There are 9 main governing principles of the fifth neeti as explained below. 

  1. 1- Association —  People of minority religions are not viewed as having Indian ancestry instead, they are viewed as direct sons of the Islamic invaders. So calling out the atrocities done by these invaders is equated to calling the current minorities as atrocious. 
    • 2- Peace —Following the above principle of association, great care is taken to ensure that minority sentiments are never hurt. If people of the Hindu faith are killed, raped, or driven out of their homes for being Hindu — no action is taken. It is not even considered a human duty to sympathize with Hindu victims. Self-declared “liberal” media, press, and film stars suddenly become silent; if they speak anything, it is only to dilute or justify the crimes. If there is a terrorist attack people sympathize with the terrorists and cry for them to ensure peace and happiness of the minorities.
  2. 3- Denial– All the brutalities of invaders of India are denied and the gallantry of Rajputs is diluted. None of the defeats of invaders ever told. An invader is allowed to be called brutal if and only if there is not a single instance of positive action in him. For example, If an emperor has destroyed 1000 temples, raped hundreds of women, buried men and children alive behind walls, but, left 2 temples untouched, or on his death bed performed little charity then he is to be declared as kind, benevolent and a great “Shehshah.” If anyone argues against this, they are shamed and labeled as extremists and communal. This principle is an extension of the above 2 principles.
  3. 4- Tolerance: The majority community should not question, dispute, assert or object to anything that is done by the minorities to them. For example, if someone from the minority community kills or threatens to kill people of the majority then they should not react in any way. No matter what is done to the majority community they should not unite, or raise their voice because this can make minorities feel unsafe. Minorities owe no responsibility or answerability for any acts of violence or hate towards the majority. Any experiences of suffering from the majority community are rubbished by outright denial — be it murder of individuals or mass exodus. They must show tolerance as their utmost duty because minority sentiments should never get hurt.
  4. 5- Non-responsibility — The liberal and secular politicians have freed the Muslim population of any responsibility — they only have rights. Like 40 Muslim men have the right to gather and sit outside the road of your house, five times daily to pray. It does not matter if your life or safety gets disturbed due to this. They can also occupy public parks for 40 minutes, 5 times daily to pray. It does not matter if your children cannot play or old people cannot stroll in the park. Emergency ambulances too, cannot pass till the Muslim men have occupied the roads for prayer. Muslim leaders have no responsibility to condemn terrorist attacks nor do they ever sit in protests to save the lives of Kashmiri, Bengali, or Kerala Hindus. However, they protest for Muslims of Pakistan.
  5. 6- Constitutionality  — The constitution has given freedom to all to practice their religion. So, minorities can take their non-mandatory religious practices above the law and uniform of any institution and fight to allow “Burkha” in school. However, the majority community has to follow strict discipline and the rule and uniforms of the institution over their non-mandatory religious practices. Hindus are declared as haters if they do not adhere to school uniforms.
  6. 7- Minoritrianism— The chosen government is of the minority, by the minority, and for the minority. Issues of poverty, education, etc.. are not raised for the poor but, they are raised for minorities. They talk only for the poor Muslims and not for the poor. 
  7. 8- Victimhood — This is the permanent state of the minority community. Even if the minorities are perpetrators of crimes like — match-fixing, drug dealing, terrorism, and stone pelting — the victims of these crimes are not the victims but, the minorities should be called and proven to be victims. 
  8. 9-Justice — Minorities should feel that law and order are with them. Being from a minority community is enough to stand by that person. Court rulings — if they are against any practices of minority committees are also overturned using parliamentary processes to ensure that nothing goes against minority sentiment. The Shah Bano case is a very good example. The only admissible crimes that deserve condemnation are those that are committed toward minority communities.

This neeti has done wonders for the government and minorities but, has brought about a lot of discontent among the majority population. Over a period of 7 decades, the majority has reached a boiling point where now, they are not only questioning but, are asking for equality. Although tolerant but, it may not remain tolerant forever and it is a need of the hour to give equal emotional rights, freedom, and justice to this majority community. 

I am curious to know which other country is ruled in this manner and what is so special about India that this is the only way it has to be governed. It would be so much better if the majority were treated as equal humans.