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Preserving the past, forging the future- initiatives taken by present Modi govt to rejuvenate Bharatiya cultural sites


I count myself fortunate enough to take birth in BHARAT– the land which taught the world the culture of peace, brotherhood, coexistence, humanity. This month we are going to celebrate 76th Independence day of Bharat. Over the years Bharat has reshaped herself from being a ‘third world country‘ to ‘a rising force in the world’. We are fortunate enough that we are taking breath in free Bharat, but in order to make Bharat free, freedom fighters from Kashmir to Kashi and Manipur to Medinipur, Bengal sacrificed their precious lives. It is the deep rooted culture of Bharat that instilled the urge of breaking the shackles of Maa Bharati in the heart of valiant freedom fighters.

Today Bharat has become synonymous with democracy. Being the mother of democracy Bharat has showed the world that democracy can deliver and has delivered. Long before the Magna Carta which was signed in the 13th century, and considered the First charter of democracy, in the 12th century itself, Bharatiya philosopher Guru Basaveshwara gave the world the mantras of Democracy taking inspiration from Bharatiya culture. Harbinger of democracy Guru Basaveshwara founded the first democratic parliament in the world named Anubhav Mantapa during the 12th Century in Bidar, Karnataka.

Today standing in 2023 we are drawing outline for 2047 Bharat. Preserving the past is necessary in order to forge the future of Bharat because it will tell the youths of Bharat what the capability of our land is, what our identity is. But was any action taken to preserve the cultural and heritage sites of India since independence to 2014? Hardly any. Ever since BJP came into power in 2014, Hon PM has taken initiatives to preserve the cultural and heritage sites of Bharat. Recent developments in Somnath, Kedarnath, Mahakaleswar temple, Ayodhya, Kashi speak about the iron determination of PM Modi and BJP.

Following the footsteps of Ahilyabai Holkar and rejuvenating Somnath Temple: The Somnath temple in Gujarat has a history of being attacked and looted by invaders like Mahmud of Ghazni, and Aurangzeb and getting re-built by Ahilyabai Holkar. Somnath is the sign of resistance. Both Somnath temple and Bharat got ‘attacked‘ and ‘looted‘ by invaders numerous times yet both of them are standing and their flags (dhwaj) are flying higher. The renovation of Somnath Temple has been done under the Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual, Heritage Augmentation Drive (PRASAD).

After honourable Narendra Modi became the Pradhan sevak of Bharat and also the Chairman of the Somnath Trust, the scale of the improvements increased further with a seaside promenade and an exhibition centre . The Samudra Darshan Path is around 1.5-km long and 27 feet wide, and a wall that shows paintings of Lord Shiva.

Bhakts of almighty lord Shiva can now get glimpse of the ocean and the grandeur of the Somnath temple from Samudra Darshan Path. Along with this, Ahilyabai temple complex has been reconstructed known as Juna Somnath temple. By executing PRASAD and renovating Somanath temple Pradhan sevak of Bharat showed that – ‘action speaks louder than words‘. Under the second phase of PRASAD, a public plaza will be built which will have facilities for the tourists such as a parking facility for the DIVYANGs. In past Iron man Sardar Patel too took the initiative of reconstructing Somnath temple.

Thus the actions taken by PM Modi shows that he is proper successor of Sardar Patel and at the same time following the footsteps of Ahilyabai Holkar. During his tenure as Gujarat chief minister, Narendra Modi undertook initiatives for the Somnath temple complex’s beautification – this further shows that the bond between Narendra Modi and Somanth is stronger than that of covalent bond. B. Redevelopment of Kedarnath Dham by follower of Adi guru shankaracharya: “No words are enough to do justice to the monumental contribution of the great Adi Shankaracharya towards preserving our culture. In Kedarnath today, I had the honour of dedicating to the nation the Shri Adi Shankaracharya Samadhi” – Pradhan sevak commented after unveiling the 13-foot high statue of Guru Adi Shankaracharya at the restored Kedarnath temple.

The statue of protector of our culture Adi guru Shankaracharya, weighing around 35 tonnes, was placed at the seer’s samadhi sthal that was redeveloped after it got damaged heavily during the 2013 floods. After the devastation and damage caused in Kedarnath due to floods in 2013, many believed it would never be the same again but Narendra Modi believed and thus commented-, “I believe Kedarnath will rise again”. Announcing 500 crore projects to redevelop and reconstruct kedarnath by BJP shows that intention matters and nothing is impossible when the blessings of Baba kedar are with you.

PM Modi in 2017 laid the foundation stones of major reconstruction projects at Kedarnath shrine, which included facilities for devotees, construction of retaining walls and ghats at the Mandakini and Saraswati rivers. PM Modi also laid the foundation of the char Dham project. The Char Dham project was launched to connect four pilgrimage sites of Yamunotri, Gangotri, Kedarnath and Badrinath. It aims to provide an all-weather road connection between the Char Dhams and a rail link between Rishikesh and Karnprayag.

Upon coming to power at the Centre in 2014, the BJP government under the able leadership of Pradhan sevak initiated “Swachh Kedarnath”, which aims to enhance cleanliness for bhakts of baba kedar visiting the temple. Offering 24×7 connection and cleanliness to Bhakts were the intiatives taken and successfully executed by BJP government. Initiatives taken by BJP government under the able leadership of PM Modi shows that BJP under PM Modi is hell bent following the footsteps of Adi guru shankaracharya and protecting the cultural sites of India.

Taking the responsibility as Varanasi MP and Transforming Kashi Vishwanath Corridor : “Varanasi is older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend, & looks twice as old as all of them put together “– Mark Twain . These words are more than relevant today in 21 St century India if you see Varanasi through the prism of devotion towards Baba vishwanath and intiatives of central government.A new dawn in the tourism of UP and Varanasi – In 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke about developing Varanasi as a smart city- you can call it it’s responsibility towards his own constituency or taking initiative to protect the cultural site.

With this a project by the same name was officially launched in 2016. Back In 2014, on his first tour of Japan, PM Modi linked Varanasi to his ‘dream’ renovation campaign. He spoke about developing Kashi as the Japanese heritage city, Kyoto. Kashi and Kyoto are ancient cities that have survived into modern times. Kyoto is one of the developed cities of Japan, an economic powerhouse. PM Modi spoke about developing Kashi on Kyoto model with India emerging as a global economic powerhouse. According to recent research by TIJORI Varanasi saw 8 times more tourists in a financial year than Goa . All thanks to PM Modi’s visionary project,Kashi Vishwanath Corridor!

The corridor’s allure has captivated travelers from far and wide, boosting tourism in the heart of India . But this success didn’t come overnight. Taking initiative to transform Kashi Vishwanath corridor didn’t only open the gate of tourism for India but also liberated almighty Bholenath.

”Kashi Vishwanath Dham in a way is the occasion of Bhole Baba’s liberation. Our Lord was closeted within the four walls. I am not sure for how long He was trapped and had tough time breathing. Now, for the first time, several adjoining buildings were acquired.” – Pradhan sevak uttered in Kashi Vishwanath temple.

The Kashi Vishwanath corridor, Rs 700 crore redevelopment project connecting the Vishwanath temple to Manikarnika Ghat in Varanasi, was inaugurated by Pradhan sevak in last December . The project involved the demolition and relocation of local residents residing in narrow lanes around the temple complex. Pradhan sevak as an MP of his constituency didn’t only take responsibility of changing the fate of Varanasi but also recognized the project’s historical significance in revitalizing the sociocultural legacy of the ancient city and whole India, which has been linked to Indic faith philosophy for centuries. The temple was reconstructed and expanded to five lakh square feet, ushering in a new dawn for this revered site.

If Mark Twain through his words described the beauty of Varanasi, PM Modi through his actions put everything on stake to justify the words of Mark Twain.

Corridor expansion in Ujjain with the blessings of Mahakal – Mahakal Lok Corridor project in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, with a budget of Rs 850 crore was outlaid by BJP government under the able leadership of PM MODI. Its first leg was thrown open to the public in October 2022 to great acclaim. A wide, spacious and aesthetic corridor flanking the Mahakal temple overlooks the ancient Shipra River and is decked with a vast array of facilities for pilgrims. At the other end is the Triveni Museum, one of the treasures of Ujjain. PM Modi launched the first phase of the Mahakal Lok Corridor on October 11, 2022, which aims to redevelop the Mahakaleshwar temple complex dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple complex, currently spanning 2.5 hectares of land, will be expanded to over 40 hectares, along with the Rudrasagar lake as part of the renovation plan.

The corridor, which stretches 900 meters, is flanked by two grand gateways- Nandi Dwar and Pinaki Dwar, each adorned with 108 intricately carved pillars and sculptures showcasing Lord Shiva’s life. E. Construction of Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya by Ram bhakt: Lord Ram isn’t a noun rather an adjective that describes what taking responsibility of parents, fulfilling the duty of husband, fulfilling the commitment as brother means. Lord Ram, in the words of Swami Vivekananda, is the embodiment of truth, morality, representative of an ideal son, and ideal husband and above all, the ideal people’s representative.During 1990s, the then BJP worker Narendra Modi played a role of an organiser of LK Advani’s nation wide rath yatra. However, he played a much vital and way bigger role after the BJP government came to power at the centre. Under his leadership committee was formed for constructing grand Ram temple in Ayodhya .The total cost of constructing the temple and complex is nearly Rs 1,800 crore. The work involves three superstructure comprising the ‘Garbha Girha’, the sanctorum, and five mandaps on the ground floor.

As many as 166 pillars will be installed on the ground floor of the Ram temple, 144 on the first floor and 82 on the second floor. The temple will be 161 feet high from the floor of the sanctum sanctorum. The ongoing construction of the Ram Mandir is the fulfillment of promise made by BJP more than three decades ago. According to reports already 4000 rooms are booked in Ayodhya (as of July 29) for attending Ram temple inauguration ceremony in January,2024. This shows the encouragement and excitement people of India have in their hearts for attending the historical occasion.

BJP under PM Modi has taken intiatives to rejuvenate Indic faith cultural sites with basically four objectives –
a. To fulfill the dream of Guru adi Shankaracharya, Ahilyabai Holkar, Sardar Patel
b. To establish an example infront of youths of India, (the drivers of future of India) what our capabilities are and what resistance looks like.
c. To establish an environment where we will take pride in our roots and culture.(third pran)
d. Attracting tourists from all over the world.

Comments made by PM Modi on various occassions shows that he isn’t only follower of Ahilyabai holkar and Adiguru Shankaracharya but also the biggest ambassador of Indian tourism. In August 2021 during the breakfast with Tokyo Olympics Indian contingent he invited coach of PV Sindhu Tae sang to visit Ayodhya. He further described the connection between Ayodhya and Korea (country from where Tae sang belongs) As a far-sighted leader Pradhan sevak has realised that India’s cultural site is the most powerful bond that forges Bharatavarsha and her people and he is on a mission to re-strengthen those bonds.

Analyzing all the facts we can say that a new age has started in 2014 which aims to salvage Hindus from humiliation and revive sites of Indic faith culture. By doing this BJP under PM Modi is making the path smoother for future India both economically and morally.

In the sparks of Oppenheimer, lies the story of a forgotten Indian genius


Watching Oppenheimer’s movie as a cosmologist I particularly liked the mention of his work on gravitational collapse with his student at Berkeley, Hartland Snyder. There was a very small glance over on his 1939 paper, with Hartland telling him “the world will remember this work” and it really did remember it.

Oppenheimer and Snyder laid the proper groundwork for how a star would eventually collapse to a black hole in that paper, which is incredibly interesting considering that it was at a time when most people fancied that Black holes were just a mathematical fantasy associated with Einstein’s general relativity and not something which has any physical significance.

At the time, Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity was relatively new, and its implications on the behavior of massive stars were not fully explored. Oppenheimer and Snyder sought to understand the fate of massive stars after they have exhausted their nuclear fuel and were no longer able to counterbalance the gravitational force pulling them inward.

As the star continues to collapse under its own gravity, its density and gravitational pull increased dramatically, which propelled Oppenheimer and Snyder towards the discovery that this increasing density leads to a critical point where the gravitational forces became so intense that even light could not escape from the star’s surface. They referred to this point as the “event horizon,” a term later associated with black holes.

Some say that if Oppenheimer and Snyder were alive in the 1990s when black holes were fully established mainstream physics notions then for this paper alone, they could have won a Nobel prize. But what if I tell you that an Indian physicist had worked on the exact same thing a year ago and worked out pretty much the same results alone in 1937 that Oppenheimer and Snyder found in 1939?

The name of that great mind was Bishveshwar Datt. Datt had worked and solved the technical problems related to gravitational collapse in 1937 itself and it is likely he had done it even earlier given that his paper was published in German (which was a prevalent trend in that time as a majority of leading physics journals were based in Germany).

One can make an argument that Datt’s work would have taken quite some time to get translated to German as there is no reason to believe he was fluent in the language himself and so it could have been possible he would have worked out the problem quite a lot before his work was published. Similar to Oppenheimer and Snyder, Datt’s calculations led him to identify a critical point during the collapse, where the star’s density and gravitational pull became so intense that nothing, not even light, could escape from its surface. This point marks the formation of the “event horizon,” beyond which the collapsing matter would become a black hole.

Datt’s pioneering work independently arrived at conclusions that were remarkably similar to Oppenheimer and Snyder’s findings. He essentially predicted the existence and behavior of black holes through his own theoretical analysis of gravitational collapse and much before the former two did at UC Berkeley.

This work is certainly pathbreaking and it is very satisfying to see that researchers have started referring to this process of gravitational collapse as “Oppenheimer-Snyder-Datt collapse” in recent research papers on these topics. While the black hole research community, both in India and abroad appreciates the work of Bishveswar Datt, one is left to wonder why the average Indian does not know about this great mind from India.

Indeed, one may wonder what awards and accolades Datt would have got after this stunning work of his on collapse ? One thing we are certain of is that his life went in a tragic direction. He used to study in Presidency college in Kolkata and his work on gravitational collapse resulted in his one and only research paper, as he passed away soon after this.

Further, it is more saddening to know that Datt died during a faulty surgery, while he was being operated for Hernia in 1940. Hence, India lost what could have been one of the greatest cosmologist of the 20th century, only because of someone’s mistake.

But surely there must be awards commemorating his legacy, surely there must be some stamp papers with his photos on it or there must be some road in some part of India named after him right ? After all we see that such recognitions are routinely given on the names of people whose works have had far less significance (if at all) as compared to that of Datt. But the sad and harrowing truth is, leave aside roads or awards being named on him, there is not even one publicly available photo of Datt to even celebrate his legacy and work. Furthermore, neither the governments in West Bengal or those in the centre or anywhere across India have ever celebrated his achievements in any capacity.

So while the whole of India happily buys tickets to the Oppenheimer and watches the celebration of the life of geniuses like Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg, Bethe and other legendary physicists, may we Indians also pause for a while and celebrate the genius of Bishveshwar Datt?

Apex Court concern for democratic decency and Rahul’s ‘idea of India’

On 4th August 2023, the Supreme Court of India stayed grand old party first family scion Rahul Gandhi’s conviction by a Surat based trail court, which Gujarat High Court refused to stay, in a criminal defamation case over his Modi surname remark made in a political rally in Karnataka in 2019. As an effect of the SC stay, Rahul also got restoration of his membership in Parliament.

The contentious remark was, “Achchha ek chhota sa sawal, inn sab choron ka naam, Modi, Modi, Modi kaise hain…Lalit Modi, Nirav Modi…Aur thoda dhundoge toh aur saare Modi nikal aayega” or in short translation in Q-language, it is “why all thieves have Modi surnames”. Certainly, the target was Rahul’s political rival PM Narendra Modi.

The above quoted controversial remark was made after opposition parties and anti-ruling party establishments in India failed to stall India and France signing of a €7.87 billion Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for 36 Rafale multi-role fighter jets in fly-away condition, and when Lolit Modi IPL scam and Nirov Modi bank fraud cases were hotly debated in the country.

To the dismay of opposition, even the Supreme Court, which was approached by the prominent civil society members and disgruntled politicians, did not find any wrongdoing in the deal. Here, it is required to inform the readers that Lalit Modi IPL scam (telling selective bidders how much to bid during the first IPL team auction in 2008) and Nirov Modi Bank scam (obtained his first LoU from PNB’s Brady House branch on March 2011) were took place when Gandhi-Congress led UPA government was ruling the country.

Narendra Modi as Chief Minister of Gujarat ruled the state from Oct 2001 to May 2014, and during his tenure, the present Gandhi family-owned Congress was in power in centre from 2004 to 2014. But later could not find any scam to taint Narendra Modi name despite having the prowess of several investigation agencies which are now accused of being used by Modi government to silence oppositions including Congress party leaders.

During this period, Congress governments in the centre and several non-Congress governments in the state, many despite being member of UPA, were tainted for financial scams, and bank frauds which UPA’s Chief Economic Advisor and former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan admitted before a Parliamentary Panel in 2018 as he said maximum bank loans, which later turned NPA, were allowed without due diligence under pressure from higher up.

Apart from the above, the independent India has witnessed Jeep Scam (1948) and Mundhra Scam (1957) to Bofor Scam and Submarine Scam in 1980s, National Herald property appropriation, AgustaWestland VVIP chopper deal (2013), etc. etc.

Whose surname is associated with all these scams? But, so far, none has made a particular surname accused of all the scams a la Modi surname slurred recently.

Maybe it is due to a higher level of sense of political propriety and democratic decency on the part of the then opposition parties.

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While staying conviction of Rahul Gandhi, the apex court three judges bench comprising two future Chief Justices -going by conventional seniority-based practice of appointment of CJI though it was violated by Rahul’s grandma in 1970s- Justice B. R. Gavai and Justice P. S. Narasimha, also observed that ‘the utterances of Rahul Gandhi were not in good taste’ and said that ‘a person in public life ought to have been more careful while making public speeches.’

But, to this author’s utter dismay, no leading newspaper on 05 August 2023 I have so far checked had any mention of SC bench advice related to decency either in their headline or in their intro. All of them covered the story in their front page as lead story of the day with more or less identical titles such as “Supreme Court stays Rahul’s conviction” in The New Indian Express-Bhubaneswar, “Rahul set to return as LS MP after SC stays his conviction” in The Times of India-Mumbai, “SC stays Rahul’s conviction for Modi surname remark” in The Hindu-Chinnei, “Rahul to return as MP as SC stays conviction” in The Hindustan Times-New Delhi, and “SC stays conviction.

Rahul Gandhi is now ‘Mission-Prepped’” in The Telegraph-Kolkata. Going further The Telegraph, quoting Rahul Gandhi, writes just below the headline “COME WHAT WAY, MY DUTY REMAINS THE SAME: PROTECT THE IDEA OF INDIA.”

Let us discuss The Telegraph quote of Rahul Gandhi’s vow to protect the ‘idea of India’ and its long-term impact on unity and integrity of India.

What is Rahul Gandhi’s ‘idea of India’?

As reported in The Times of India 25 May 2022, while addressing in Cambridge University, Rahul Gandhi said, “The word ‘nation’ is a western concept; India is a union of states, like Europe.” He compared India with European Union, later a political and economic alliance of 27 countries, which have not lost their sovereignty in view of their membership in EU, continue to have their elected legislatures/parliaments, make their laws as and when required to meet their administrative exigencies, retain their sovereign territories and law and order machineries and independent national security establishment apart from retain their right to seceded like UK did in 2020.

They were together never a country in the entire European history apart from they did not have national ethos and culture a la India has since ancient time though attempt had been made to distort this essential feature of India as a country during British rule followed by secular historians of Independent India.

If European Union kind is Rahul’s ‘idea of India’ and that is why he and his party oppose complete integration of Kashmir into India with withdrawal of Art370, then there is certainly a threat to national integrity from his ‘idea of India’. Since his ‘idea of India’ talk in Cambridge University a lot of discussions and debates have taken place opposing his idea.

But Rahul has not changed. If The Telegraph for the sake information circulation among the masses printed Rahul’s statement “COME WHAT WAY, MY DUTY REMAINS THE SAME: PROTECT THE IDEA OF INDIA”, it is not bad. But when one reads the headline ‘Mission-Prepped’ along with “COME WHAT WAY, MY DUTY REMAINS THE SAME: PROTECT THE IDEA OF INDIA”, it looks like the newspaper is a party to the divisive agenda.

Going back to this column’s title, it is noticed that most of the newspapers have buried the apex court observation on Rahul Gandhi slur on Modi surname and the court suggestion to ‘a person in public life’ in their insignificance interior of the story limiting to few words as if political decency has no role in 21st Century democracy. And as if The Press, the Fourth Column of Democracy, is in league with political indecency. It is certainly not a good sign.

India’s economic resurgence in 2023: Unraveling the key boosters



As we step into the year 2023, the Indian economy finds itself on a path to resurgence. After facing a tumultuous period of economic challenges, India is witnessing a series of factors that are propelling its growth trajectory. This blog delves into the key factors that are booting the Indian economy in 2023 and how they are shaping the nation’s economic landscape.

  1. Technological Advancements and Digital Transformation

One of the most significant catalysts behind India’s economic revival is the rapid advancement of technology and the subsequent digital transformation. The country has embraced the digital age with vigor, leading to increased efficiencies across various sectors. The expansion of high-speed internet infrastructure and the adoption of digital services have spurred innovation and entrepreneurship.

E-commerce has emerged as a major driver of economic growth, with consumers increasingly embracing online shopping. This trend has also enabled small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to reach a wider customer base, thus contributing to the overall economic expansion.

  1. Government Initiatives and Reforms

The Indian government has been proactive in implementing policy reforms and initiatives aimed at boosting economic growth. Schemes such as Make in India, Digital India, and Startup India have provided impetus to domestic manufacturing, technology-driven services, and the startup ecosystem, respectively.

Additionally, the government’s focus on infrastructure development through projects like Bharatmala and Sagarmala has improved connectivity and logistics, reducing transportation costs and fostering trade and investment.

  1. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Foreign Direct Investment has played a pivotal role in reviving the Indian economy. In 2023, India has witnessed a surge in FDI across various sectors, including manufacturing, technology, and renewable energy. The government’s efforts to ease foreign investment norms and create a business-friendly environment have attracted global investors to bet on India’s growth potential.

With increasing FDI, India’s industrial base has expanded, creating jobs and stimulating economic activities, leading to an upward spiral of economic growth.

  1. Demographic Dividend

India boasts a large and youthful population, making it a hotbed for a demographic dividend. In 2023, a significant portion of the population is entering the workforce, leading to a surge in productivity and consumer spending. Leveraging this demographic advantage through skill development initiatives and education reform has helped to create a skilled workforce capable of driving economic progress.

  1. Resilient Service Sector

The Indian service sector, especially Information Technology (IT) and IT-enabled services, has demonstrated remarkable resilience in 2023. Despite global disruptions caused by the pandemic and geopolitical uncertainties, Indian IT firms have continued to provide essential services, allowing businesses worldwide to function seamlessly.

The outsourcing industry has also gained momentum, with companies from various countries outsourcing their operations to India to capitalize on cost efficiencies and expertise.

  1. Green Energy Transition

India has been actively working towards transitioning to cleaner and renewable sources of energy. In 2023, the country has made significant strides in solar and wind power generation. The government’s focus on promoting renewable energy and adopting electric vehicles has not only contributed to environmental sustainability but has also created new business opportunities in the green technology sector.

By reducing its reliance on fossil fuels, India aims to enhance energy security while mitigating the impact of climate change.

  1. Robust Agricultural Sector

Despite the shift towards industrialization and services, agriculture remains a crucial sector in the Indian economy. In 2023, the agricultural sector has witnessed increased government support, with investments in irrigation, technology, and market linkages. The introduction of advanced farming techniques and the encouragement of agri-entrepreneurship have bolstered rural incomes and consumption.

Furthermore, the growth of the agricultural sector has a multiplier effect on other industries, as it generates demand for related goods and services.


The year 2023 marks a turning point for the Indian economy, with several factors coming together to fuel its resurgence. From technological advancements and policy reforms to demographic dividends and green energy transitions, India is leveraging its strengths to unlock its true economic potential.

However, it is crucial to address challenges such as income inequality, infrastructure gaps, and environmental sustainability to ensure sustained growth and inclusive development. With continued efforts and strategic policymaking, India’s economic growth in 2023 is not merely a short-term boost but a stepping stone towards becoming a global economic powerhouse.

West supports BNP’s ‘Islamic democracy’ in Bangladesh

The Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) has been pushing for the establishment of an “Islamic democracy” in Bangladesh, garnering support from Western countries despite concerns about its extremist ideology. BNP aims to replace the existing secularist democracy with a system that emphasizes political Islam, which has been linked to various problems, including militancy in the region.

After gaining independence in 1971, Bangladesh adopted secularism as a core principle, ensuring equal rights for people of all faiths. However, following the assassination of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1975, subsequent regimes, notably that of Khondaker Mushtaq Ahmad and military dictator General Ziaur Rahman, began to steer the country towards an Islamic republic.

General Ziaur Rahman, trained in Pakistan, harbored deep hostility towards India and founded the BNP with the aim of advancing anti-India and anti-Hindu sentiment in Bangladesh, aligning the nation with a pseudo-Pakistani identity.

General Ziaur Rahman realigned Bangladesh’s foreign policy away from India and the Soviet bloc, strengthening ties with the United States, Western Europe, and Islamic nations. He pursued an agenda of Islamization, amending the constitution to emphasize Islamic solidarity among Muslim countries and introducing Islamic religious education as a compulsory subject for Muslim schoolchildren. The ban on Islamist and anti-Bangladesh parties and associations, including Jamaat-e-Islami, was lifted during his rule.

General Zia was trained at the Pakistan Military Academy in Abbottabad. He served as a commander of the Pakistan Army in the Second Kashmir War against the Indian Army, for which he was decorated with Hilal-e-Jurat (Crescent of Courage) award by the Pakistani government. Hilal-e-Jurat, the second-highest military award of Pakistan out of a total four awards, was created on March 16, 1957.

It is considered to be equivalent to the Conspicuous Gallantry and the Distinguished Service Cross. This award holds significant benefits for the recipient including social, political and financial benefits. Land and pensions are awarded as recompense for serving in the Army of Pakistan on behalf of the State for acts of “valor and courage” during battle “against the enemy”.

Throughout his life, General Ziaur Rahman was a diehard opponent of India. With such notorious hatred towards India and also towards Hindus, General Zia founded Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) with the goal of nurturing anti-India and anti-Hindu sentiment in Bangladesh and gradually advance towards serving as a pseudo part of Pakistan.

BNP, a pro-Islamist and anti-India force

General Ziaur Rahman began reorienting Bangladesh’s foreign policy, addressing the concerns of the mostly staunch rightists coupled with some renegade leftist who believed that Bangladesh was reliant on Indian economic and military aid. He moved away from India and the Soviet bloc, developing closer relations with the United States and Western Europe, Africa and the Middle East. 

General Zia also moved to harmonize ties with Saudi Arabia and China, Pakistan’s ally who had opposed Bangladesh’s creation and had not recognized it until the assassination of Bangabandhu in 1975. He moved to normalize relations with Pakistan. While distancing Bangladesh from India, General Zia sought to improve ties with Islamic nations, while he had established deeper relations with Yasser Arafat and the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Due to Zia’s move towards Islamic state policies brought his support and patronization from the Arab and Muslim world.

Ziaur Rahman believed that a massive section of the population was “suffering from an identity crisis, both religious and as a people, with a very limited sense of sovereignty”. To “remedy this”, he began a re-Islamization of Bangladesh. He issued a proclamation order amending the constitution, under whose basis laws would be set in an effort to increase the self-knowledge of religion and nation.

In the preamble, he inserted the salutation “Bismillahir-Rahmaanir-Rahim” (“In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful”). In Article 8(1) and 8(1A) the statement “absolute trust and faith in Almighty Allah”‘ was added, replacing the commitment to secularism.

In Article 25(2) of Bangladesh’s constitution, military dictator Zia introduced the principle that “the state shall endeavor to consolidate, preserve and strengthen fraternal relations among Muslim countries based on Islamic solidarity”.

Later, Zia introduced Islamic religious education as a compulsory subject for Muslim schoolchildren. At the birth of Bangladesh, many Islamists had supported the Pakistani Army’s fight against independence and been barred from politics with the Bangladesh Collaborators (Special Tribunals) Order of 1972. Ziaur Rahman undid this as well as the ban on Islamist and anti-Bangladesh parties and associations, including Jamaat-e-Islami.

In public speeches and policies that he formulated, General Zia began expounding ultra-Islamist and anti-India “Bangladesh Nationalism” and emphasized the national role of Islam as guide to principle of life. He even amended the constitution to change the nationality of the citizens from Bengali, an ethnic identity, to Bangladeshi while Bangladeshi nationalism excluded the country’s non-Muslim minorities, particularly the Hindu community.

After the formation of Bangladesh Nationalist Party in 1978, Ziaur Rahman took initiative for formation of political institutes and sponsored workshops for the youth to get active political lessons on Bangladesh nationalism by considering India as the “key enemy” of Bangladesh while he had openly propagated stating “survival of Bangladesh depends on continuous and committed confrontation with India”.

American gives nod to BNP’s Islamist agenda

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) made frantic bids back in 1996 and again in 2006 to remain in power by holding dubious general elections by setting its own people in various key positions. But such notorious bids were foiled due to a mass movement led by the Awami League under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina.

During the 2008 general elections, BNP failed to win a majority mostly because of its extreme romance with Islamists and jihadists as well as its direct involvement in terrorist acts – including gruesome grenade attacks on the leaders of Awami League as well as its involvement in supplying weapons and explosives to the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA), a separatist outfit in the northeastern state of India.

BNP’s direct involvement in supplying weapons and explosives is a strong evidence of its participation in cross-border terrorist acts, while its notorious attempt of assassinating Sheikh Hasina and leaders of Awami League through 2004 grenade attacks proves – leaders of this ultra-Islamist party are terrorists.

Tarique Rahman, acting chairman of BNP is a convicted terrorist, while he is trying to turn a secularist Bangladesh into a neo-Taliban state.

It may be mentioned here that, on August 21, 2004, at the direct instructions of Tarique Rahman, terrorists of BNP along with members of militancy outfits such as Harkat-ul-Jihad (HuJI) had launched grenade attacks targeting Sheikh Hasina and leaders of Awami League.

According to the court verdict, this gruesome attack was a well-orchestrated plan through abuse of state power. And all the accused, including BNP Senior Vice Chairman Tarique Rahman and former top intelligence officials, were found guilty and handed down various punishments for the grenade attacks that killed 24 people and injured scores. In the murder case, Tarique and 18 others were sentenced to life in prison.

Despite such a proven track record of terrorist nature of BNP, the Biden administration has been extending support to this ultra-Islamist organization, while also has been termed as a Tier-III terrorist organization by several courts in the United States. As BNP wants to establish Islamic democracy in Bangladesh, which also would follow the anti-India and anti-Hindu ideology of its founder General Ziaur Rahman, once this party succeeds in returning to power with the help of the US and Western countries, Bangladesh will become a new launchpad of terrorist and jihadist activities thus posing serious threat to regional and global security. It may be mentioned here that, several months ago, BNP appointed Hunter Biden as its lobbyist.

The European Parliament has shaped the narrative of the Manipur turmoil into a religious clash

On the 13th of July, the corridors of the European Parliament (EP) echoed concerns as a resolution urging Indian authorities to quell the violence in Manipur and safeguard religious minorities, particularly Christians, was passed.

However, beneath the surface of this seemingly well-intentioned act lies a sugar-coated maneuver laden with vested interests, an act of interference with India’s internal matters.

The European Parliament’s portrayal of the clashes in Manipur as religious persecution against the Kuki Christians is an exaggeration that distorts the reality on the ground. Reducing the recent ethnic turmoil to religious strife oversimplifies a much more intricate situation. Seeing the EP’s failure to grasp the context and nuances that shape Manipur’s challenges while diligently deliberating in their Strasbourg chambers is disheartening.

To truly understand the complexities at play, it is essential to delve into the concrete issues at hand. First and foremost, the Meitei’s demand for Scheduled Tribe status in the line of affirmative action has triggered apprehension and insecurity among existing ST communities, especially the Kuki community. They fear a potential reduction in their share of reservations if Meitei are included. Additionally, concerns arise about Meitei’s encroachment into the hills should they obtain ST status.

Another significant issue pertains to the government’s eviction efforts from reserved forests in both valleys and hills. While the government sees it as necessary, the Kuki community perceives it as an infringement on their land rights. Additionally, the ascent of Pan-Nationalism within the Chin-Kuki-Zo ethnic group stands as an additional influential element that cannot be disregarded. At the same time, the government’s fight against poppy plantations in the hills further exacerbates tensions.

Simultaneously the recent push for the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Manipur has left the Kuki community feeling targeted, deepening their sense of unease. In the midst of these complexities, several Chin-Kuki-Zo individuals from Myanmar, belonging to the same ethnic group, have illegally entered India, seeking refuge from violence and persecution. The government’s stringent measures to verify their immigration status have stoked anger among the Kukis, as they share kinship with these individuals.

Simultaneously, the Meitei community, residing in the valleys that account for a mere less than 10 percent of Manipur’s total land area, feels besieged. They face legal restrictions preventing them from settling or acquiring land in the hill areas, which constitute a vast 90 percent of Manipur’s territory. This glaring disparity breeds a palpable sense of exclusion and marginalization.

European Parliament’s trial of Manipur violence is Vague and concocted
As the resolution on Manipur violence unfolded within the European Parliament, a reductionist approach emerged, pitting Hindu Meiteis against Christian Kukis and perpetuating the narrative of religious persecution and minority displacement. However, a closer examination of the recent ethnic turmoil in Manipur reveals a distinct pattern that challenges this oversimplification.

One crucial aspect becomes evident when we analyze the pattern of violence, for instance, in early May, the Kuki Baptist Church, for the Kuki community in Imphal, suffered damage, and the nearby Tangkhul Baptist Church for the Tangkhul Naga community remained unharmed. Except for rare isolated incidents, the churches belonging to the Naga community in Manipur have largely been untouched by the violence. This stark contrast debunks the notion that the violence in Manipur is purely driven by religion. If it were, the Naga churches would have suffered equal harm.

Interestingly, during the discussions, European legislative members predominantly focused on the burning of churches, and theological institutions. While these incidents are undeniably true, they conveniently overlooked the destruction of hundreds of Meitei temples. It is worth noting that Meitei religious Rituals/Puja, are often conducted in places called ‘Laishang’ or ‘Mandir,’ which are attached to almost every Meitei household. In the Kuki majority areas such as Churachandpur, Moreh, and various foothill villages, numerous Meitei houses and their attached Laishang/Mandir were set ablaze.

This selective portrayal of the violence perpetuates an incomplete narrative, failing to acknowledge the diverse religious communities affected by the unrest in Manipur. By focusing solely on one aspect, the European Parliament’s trial of Manipur violence becomes vague and concocted, devoid of a comprehensive understanding of the situation on the ground.

Unveiling the Blind Spot: EP’s Oversight of Meitei’s Diversity
In the discourse surrounding Manipur’s violence, the European Parliament (EP) members have showcased a disheartening ignorance of the intricate religious dynamics within the Meitei community. While it is true that a majority of Meitei identify as Hindus, it is equally crucial to acknowledge the significant presence of Meitei Christians, numbering around 1.5 lakhs in Manipur.

Amidst the turmoil, it is disconcerting to note that hundreds of Meitei Christian households have been subjected to violence and displacement, particularly in areas like Churachandpur and Moreh, where the Kuki community holds a majority.

Furthermore, it is essential for EP members to grasp the ground realities in Manipur. The destruction of more than 31 Umang Lai Laipham– sacred groves that have been revered for generations as shrines of worship for local forest deities by the Meitei people, is a profound loss. The burning of Koubru Khubam, a sacred and holy site located at the peak of Mount Koubru, one of Manipur’s highest mountains, holds immense significance. According to mythology, this sacred site is believed to be the origin of various indigenous communities in Manipur, including the Meitei and Zeliangrong. The European Parliament’s debate on religious rights and values should be all-encompassing, considering the diverse ethnic communities involved in Manipur.

Shedding Light on the Consequences: EP’s Colonial-inspired Resolutions and the Harm to India and Manipur

The recent resolutions from the European Parliament reveal a lingering colonial mindset, reminiscent of a bygone era of civilizing missions. In their attempts to impart moral guidance to India, a sovereign nation and the epitome of democratic values, the EP overlooks India’s remarkable history of tolerance and harmonious coexistence among diverse communities spanning centuries. It is high time for the EP to redirect their attention towards pressing matters within their own jurisdiction rather than interfering in internal matters of India.

Regrettably, the EP’s resolution has inflicted significant damage, particularly in Manipur, by unjustly demonizing the entire Meitei community. Such misrepresentation overlooks the rich tapestry of peaceful coexistence that has defined Manipur’s diverse communities throughout history. The EP’s failure to grasp the essence of mutual respect and shared heritage undermines the very fabric of Manipur’s identity.

Instead of perpetuating a colonial mindset, the EP ought to introspect and address the intricacies within their own territories. By doing so, they can foster positive change within their societies and contribute to genuine progress at home.

Sikhism and cow protection


In this article, we will learn how the Sikh Gurus saw the cow as a holy animal and how the Gurus advised Sikhs to protect the cow and avoid eating beef. Let’s start with what Sikh sources have to say about this.

  • 1. The Khaamadhenu, the cow of miraculous powers, is the singing of the Glory of the Lord’s Name, Har, Har! (Ang 265-5)
  • 2. Without milk, a cow serves no purpose. Without water, the crop withers, and it will not bring a good price. Similarly, If we do not meet the Lord, our Friend, how can we find our place of rest? (Ang 133-7 and 8)

Here, it is said that a cow without milk has no purpose, which means that the cow only serves one purpose, which is milk, not any other purpose like meat. Here attention should be paid because meat is considered to be one of the main purposes of animals, but from the above lines we can interpret that a cow has only one purpose, which is Milk.

  • 3. Says Ravi Daas, Your slave, O Lord, I am disillusioned and detached; please, spare me your anger, and have mercy on my soul. He is the ocean of peace; the miraculous tree of life, the wish-fulfilling jewel, and the Kaamadhenu, the cow which fulfills all desires, all are in his power. (Ang 658–12)
  • 4. The four great blessings, the eight supernatural spiritual powers of the Siddhas, the wish-fulfilling Elysian cow, and the wish-fulfilling tree of life – all these come from the Lord, Har, Har! O Nanak, holding tight to the Sanctuary of the Lord, the ocean of peace, you shall not suffer the pains of birth and death, or fall into the womb of reincarnation again. (Ang 717-18,19)
  • 5. May I eliminate the great sin of cow butchering in this world.

      Uggardanti, Dasam Granth

From here, we can interpret that the Gurus connected the cow mostly with the Lord as a wish-fulfilling being, and Guru Gobind Singh Ji even said that cow butchering is a grave sin.

The line of Guru Gobind Singh Ji should have closed the topic, but I’ll provide you with more real-life incidents that will prove that beef eating is a sin in Sikhism.


  • 1. When Guru Arjan Dev was tortured by Jahangir by making him sit on a hot pan, and hot sand was poured over him, Guru ji had not flinched an iota and continued to face the torture in silence and peaceful composure. But when Jahangir decided to take the torture to another level and ordered that Guru Arjan Dev ji be wrapped by a freshly slaughtered cowhide, Guruji requested Jahangir to allow him a bath first. Jahangir relented to the request. Guruji entered the river Ravi, and never came out of it by merging with the Almighty. It was obvious that Guruji preferred to merge with the Almighty rather than face the humiliation of being wrapped with a slaughtered cowhide, and this incident depicts how a cow was held in great sanctity by Guruji during his times.

Page 254 of History of Punjab by Syed Muhammad Latif

  • 2. Guru Amar Das condemned atrocities against Brahmins and cattle. According to W. Owen Cole and P. S. Sambhi, an aggregate of evidence tenatively suggests that the Guru refrained from censuring Hindu traditions one of which was cow slaughtering. Under Sikh rule, cow slaughter was punishable by death, an injuction adhered to by even the British after the annexation of Punjab. Sikhs and Hindu traditonally held the cow as sacred due to their role in providing sustenance and haulage.
  • 3. During a hunting expedition outside of the village of Ramdas, Guru Hargobind Sahib was approached by a local Hindu who was requesting help to stop a group of Muslims butchering cows. After [saluting Guru Hargobind] he clasped his hands and began to say, “There are vile people close to here butchering cows and they are trying to get hold of more cows with great effort. Listening to this Satiguru Hargobind mounted his horse and proceeded ahead with great anger, seeing where they were they closed the distance, taking out his sword he quickly slaughtered them. Some of them ran away, but they were flanked, surrounded and attacked, they were chopped down and then into pieces. ⁣

    Gurpratap Suraj Prakash Granth (1843), Raas 6, Chapter 55

    Author: the Great Poet [Mahakavi] Santokh Singh ⁣

  • 4. In the subsequent years following the assassination of Banda Singh Bahadur, when Abdali was angered at the massacre of his troops by Sikhs, in retribution he attacked Sri Harmandir Sahib in Amritsar and blew it with gunpowder. And he desecrated the holy Sarovar with slaughtered cow carcasses. Later, Massa Rangar committed a similar sacrilege, and apart from the desecration of the holy Sarovar with slaughtered cows, he also made sex workers dance and sing in the premises of Sri Harmandir Sahib. However, this time, he was duly punished by Mahtab Singh and Sukha Singh, who swiftly beheaded Massa Rangar in Sri Harmandir Sahib.

 History of the Sikhs by Kushwant Singh, Pg 151

Therefore, it was at least obvious to the Mughals of those times that the massacre of cows would seriously hurt the sentiments of Sikhs

  • 5. Maharaja Ranjit Singh has been an example of the zenith of the Sikh empire that broke off the shackles of slavery of North Indian Hindu-Sikhs from the Afghans and Mughals, who were bent on establishing Islam in India to replace Hinduism. And during the rule of the Maharaja, beef eating and cow slaughter were prohibited. This was although the population of the areas ruled by the Maharaja included a Muslim population over 55%. And this was because even though Sikhism had adopted a distinct identity as a nascent religion, it had not severed its roots and connections with Hinduism from whom its cultural and religious values were resourced, including the newly baptized Sikhs who were drawn exclusively from Hindu families, especially when they raised their eldest son as a Sikh.

Crusade and Jihad: The Thousand-year War Between the Muslim World and the Global North. .pg 263

  • 6. According to Mark Doyle, the first cow protection societies on the Indian subcontinent were started by Kukas of Sikhism, a reformist group seeking to purify Sikhism. The Sikh Kukas or Namdharis were agitating for cow protection after the British annexed Punjab. In 1871, states Peter van der Veer, Sikhs killed Muslim butchers of cows in Amritsar and Ludhiana, and viewed cow protection as a “sign of the moral quality of the state”. According to Barbara Metcalf and Thomas Metcalf, Sikhs were agitating for the well-being of cows in the 1860s, and their ideas spread to Hindu reform movements.

For detailing –

Keeping aside the topic of whether the cow is considered holy or not in Sikhism, we can conclude that there is a clear prohibition on eating beef. At the same time, I challenge anyone to bring up any instance where the Gurus have consumed cow meat.

Written By

Daas Taranjeet Singh

यूट्यूबर पुण्य प्रसून वाजपेयी ने क्यों कहा की अब १० नेता शीघ्र जेल भेजे जाएंगे

जी हाँ मित्रों ११ जुलाई का दिन इन वामपंथी तथाकथित उदारवादी, कांग्रेसी और अन्य लीब्राण्डू समूहों के लिए बड़ी खुशी का दिन था। सारे भ्र्ष्टाचारी अपनी खुशी को पचा हि नहीं पा रहे थे, उछाल उछाल कर अपनी खुशियां लोगों को बता रहे थे। 

अब आप सोच रहे होंगे कि आखिर हर वक्त मोदी को कोसने वाले और अपने संस्कारों के अनुसार अपशब्द बोलने वाले ये लोग आखिर खुश कैसे हो गये, इस खुशी के पीछे राज क्या था?

तो मित्रों इनकी खुशी का राज सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के उस आदेश में छिपा था, जिसमे उसने प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ED) के निदेशक श्री संजय मिश्रा जी के कार्यकाल को ३१ जुलाई तक सिमित कर दिया।

जी हाँ, सर्वोच्च न्यायालय की जस्टिस बीआर गवई, जस्टिस विक्रम नाथ और संजय करोल की पीठ ने माना कि मिश्रा को दिया गया विस्तार सर्वोच्च न्यायालय  की एक खंडपीठ द्वारा वर्ष २०२१ के फैसले के विपरीत था, जिसमें अदालत ने नवंबर २०२१ से आगे विस्तार पर रोक लगा दी थी।

सर्वोच्च न्यायालय  ने श्री संजय मिश्रा जी के कार्यकाल के विस्तार को चुनौती देने वाली याचिकाओं पर सुनवाई करते हुए कहा, “कॉमन कॉज़ फैसले में, एक विशिष्ट परमादेश था और यह निर्देश दिया गया था कि आगे कोई विस्तार नहीं होना चाहिए। इस प्रकार, आदेश के बाद दिया गया विस्तार विधि की दृष्टि में अमान्य था।” हालांकि, माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने कहा कि इस साल फाइनेंशियल एक्शन टास्क फोर्स (एफएटीएफ) द्वारा की जा रही सहकर्मी समीक्षा और सुचारु परिवर्तन को सक्षम करने के मद्देनजर मिश्रा ३१ जुलाई तक अपने पद पर बने रह सकते हैं।

आपको बताते चलें कि सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने प्रवर्तन निदेशालय के निदेशक का कार्यकाल अधिकतम पांच साल तक बढ़ाने के लिए केंद्रीय सतर्कता आयोग अधिनियम और दिल्ली विशेष पुलिस स्थापना अधिनियम में संशोधन की पुष्टि की।

आदरणीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने कहा, “हमने पाया है कि विधायिका सक्षम है, किसी मौलिक अधिकार का उल्लंघन नहीं किया गया है और कोई स्पष्ट मनमानी नहीं है… सार्वजनिक हित में और लिखित कारणों के साथ ऐसे उच्च स्तरीय अधिकारियों के कार्यकाल को विस्तार दिया जा सकता है।” 

मित्रों बस यही आदेश जिसमें कार्यकाल को केवल ३१ जुलाई तक सिमित कर दिया गया, इसी ने इन्हें इतना खुश कर दिया की बस आप इनके दिनांक ११ जुलाई २०२३ के ट्वीट देख लो पता चल जायेगा, कुछ ट्वीट   जिसमें पश्चिम बंगाल के दीदी की चहेती महुआ मित्रा, बिना समर्थको का बिना जनता का नेता रणदीप सुरजेवाला, बिहार के विनोद झा, केरल कांग्रेस के अध्यक्ष वेणुगोपाल और तो और  कांग्रेस से शिवसेना में गई प्रियंका चतुर्वेदी भी सम्मिलित है। ये सभी इसे अपनी victory बता रहे हैँ और भाजपा को चुनौती दे रहे हैँ।

परन्तु मित्रो भाजपा वाले भी गजब हैँ इन लोगों को इन लीब्राण्डू ब्रिगेड की खुशी बर्दास्त नहीं हुई और फिर ये एक याचिका लेकर सर्वोच्च न्यायालय पहुंच गये। और सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने २६-२७ जुलाई २०२३ को केंद्र सरकार को राहत देते हुए प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ईडी) के निदेशक संजय कुमार मिश्रा का कार्यकाल बढ़ाने के लिए  अपनी मंजूरी दे दी। संजय मिश्रा अब १५ सितंबर तक ईडी डायरेक्टर के पद पर रह सकेंगे! कोर्ट ने कहा कि यह फैसला ‘राष्ट्र हित’ में लिया जा रहा है!

अब मित्रों जो लोग ११ जुलाई को खुशियाँ मना रहे थे अब उनके चेहरे पर मातम छा गया। और इस मातम को लीब्राण्डू पत्रकार अब यूट्यूबर श्रीमान पुण्य प्रसून वाजपेयी ने किस प्रकार बयान किया है , वो आप देख लें । उन्होंने एक वीडियो बनाकर यूट्यूब पर अपलोड किया है ये कहते हुए कि ” ED चीफ को बचाने पहुंची सरकार , I.N.D.I.A. को तोड़ने की प्लानिंग तैयार” तैयार रहिये १० बड़े नेता जेल जाने वाले हैँ।

अब प्रश्न ये है मित्रों की क्या ४० से ४५ दिनों के अंदर वास्तव में १० बड़े नेता जेल जाने वाले हैँ। पुण्य प्रसून वाजपेयी की माने तो ये वो नेता हैँ, जो जेल में डाले जा सकते हैँ:-

१:- तेजस्वी यादव (लैंड फॉर जाब) 

२:- डी के शिवकुमार (मनी लौंड्रिंग)

३:-राजस्थान के CM के भाई अग्रसेन गहलोत;

४:- अभिषेक बनर्जी (कोयला खनन घोटाला)

५:- हरियाणा के वरिष्ठ कांग्रेसी हुड़्डा (मनी लौंड्रिंग)

६:- छतीसगढ़ के CM भूपेश बघेल;

७:-फारुख अब्दुल्ला (मनी लौंड्रिंग)

८:- अरविन्द केजरीवाल (शिशमहल)

९:- महाराष्ट्र के उद्धव ठाकरे के साले साहेब

१०:- एक बुजुर्ग नेता (महाराष्ट्र से)

अब प्रश्न ये है कि, पुण्य प्रसून वाजपेयी को कैसे पता चला कि ये सभी नेता अगले ४० से ४५ दिनों में जेल की सलाखों के पीछे होंगे। मित्रों केवल यही एक लीब्राण्डू (पत्रकार से यूट्यूबर बने महाशय) नहीं है, अपितु ऐसे बहुत सारे हैँ, जिनके चेहरों पर 

हवाइयाँ उड़ रही हैँ।

खैर कुछ बाते श्री संजय कुमार मिश्रा जी के बारे में बताते चलें, 

मिश्रा जी को पहली बार नवंबर २०१८ में दो साल के कार्यकाल के लिए प्रवर्तन निदेशालय के निदेशक के रूप में नियुक्त किया गया था। यह कार्यकाल नवंबर २०२० में समाप्त हो गया। मई २०२० में, वह ६० वर्ष की सेवानिवृत्ति की आयु तक पहुंच गए।

हालाँकि, १३ नवंबर, २०२० को केंद्र सरकार ने एक कार्यालय आदेश जारी किया जिसमें कहा गया कि राष्ट्रपति ने २०१८ के आदेश को संशोधित किया था और ‘दो साल’ की अवधि को ‘तीन साल’ की अवधि में बदल दिया। इस आदेश को एक एनजीओ कॉमन कॉज ने सर्वोच्च न्यायालय  में चुनौती दी थी।

सर्वोच्च न्यायालय  ने सितंबर २०२१ के आदेश में किये गये उक्त संशोधन को मंजूरी दे दी लेकिन मिश्रा को और विस्तार देने के विरुद्ध फैसला सुनाया था, परन्तु देशहित को ध्यान में रखते हुए संजय कुमार मिश्रा जी को १५ सितम्बर के लिए अपने पद पर बने रहने की मंजूरी दे दी।

खैर मित्रों सारे भ्र्ष्टाचारी घबड़ाए हुए हैँ कि कब किसका नंबर आ जायेगा, कब किसको उसके कुकर्मो की सजा मिलेगी ये कोई नहीं जानता, यदि जानता है तो बस एक शख्श और वो हैँ श्री संजय कुमार मिश्रा।

जय हिंद

बासुरी स्वराज ने आदरणीय CJI चंद्रचूर्ण जी की बासुरी बजा दी

जी हाँ मित्रों सर्वोच्च न्यायालय में मणिपुर की सैकड़ो घटनाओ में से एक घटना का चुनाव कर उसका स्वत: संज्ञान लेने वाले और तथाकथित वामपंथियों और लीब्राण्डूओ के महानायक और आँखों के नूर परम आदरणीय श्री चंद्रचूर्ण जी जब उस घटना की सुनवाई कर रहे थे तो स्व सुषमा स्वराज की सुपुत्री बासुरी स्वराज ने केंद्र सरकार का पक्ष रखते हुए कुछ ऐसे अकाट्य तथ्य न्याय पटल पर प्रेषित किये की, सम्पूर्ण Ecosystem  की सोच पर पड़ा पर्दा धुंवा धुंवा हो गया और वो अपनी खिझ तक ना छुपा सके।

मित्रों वामपंथियों के चश्मेबद्दुर,  लिबारंडुओ के दिल के सुकून और कांग्रेसियों के अफलातून हम सबके परम आदरणीय मुख्य न्यायधीश सर्वोच्च न्यायालय  मणिपुर की उस घटना को लेकर अत्यधिक उत्तेजित हैँ। मित्रों आप जानते हैँ, फिर भी इस तथ्य से आपको अवगत कराता चलूँ कि,  घटना लगभग २ महीने पूर्व घटित हुई थी और अत्यंत सुनियोजित तरिके से मानसून सत्र के शुरु होने के ठीक एक दिन पहले उस घटना का बनाये गये वीडियो के माध्यम से वायरल कर दिया गया।

उस वीडियो को देखते हि, लीब्राण्डूओ,  कांग्रेसियों और वामपंथियों के मसीहा परम आदरणीय  CJI चंद्रचूर्ण जी अत्यंत आगबबूला हो गये, उत्तेजना में आकर लोकतान्त्रिक व्यवस्था से चुनी सरकार को हि चेतावनी दे दी कि “यदि आप कुछ नहीं करेंगे तो हम करेंगे”!

CJI चंद्रचूर्ण जी की इस बेचैनी, इस परेशानी और इस कदर उत्तेजित भावना का देखकर ऐसा लगा की कंही कालेजियम सिस्टम लोकतंत्र का शिलभंग हि ना कर दे। 

मित्रों पश्चिम बंगाल में महिलाओ के साथ हो रही हैवानियत और कत्लेआम पर ना तो CJI चंद्रचूर्ण को बेचैनी हुई और ना वो किसी उत्तेजना का शिकार हुए। इसी प्रकार देश के कई अन्य राज्यों में भी हैवानियत का नँगा नाच हो रहा है, पर परम आदरणीय CJI चंद्रचूर्ण को पता नहीं क्यूं  दर्द नहीं हुआ। मणिपुर पिछले दो महीनो से लगातार आतंकियों के निशाने पर था वंहा के एक समुदाय के आतंकियों ने मैतई हिन्दु समाज का जीना दुश्वार कर दिया। उनके घर की स्त्रियों और बच्चियों को घरों से खींचकर सामूहिक बलात्कार कर गिद्धों की तरह नोच नोच कर मार डाला गया, पर किसी को अफ़सोस तक नहीं हुआ।

पर सुनियोजित तरिके से देश का अपमान बड़े पैमाने पर करने हेतु जानबूझकर उस वीडियो को वायरल किया गया, याद रखिये मित्रों:-

१:- घटना दो महिने पूर्व की थी;

२:- वीडियो दो महीने पूर्व बनाई गयी;

३:- वो वीडियो किसी पुलिस अधिकारी को नहीं दिया गया;

४:- वो वीडियो किसी अन्य जांच एजेंसी को नहीं दिया गया;

५:- उसे प्रॉपगेंडा और टुलकिट की भांति उपयोग में लाकर सम्पूर्ण राष्ट्र को अपमानित करने का सुनियोजित और अत्यंत नीचतापूर्ण योजना को अंजाम दिया गया।

“कोई भी व्यक्ति उस घटना को सही नहीं ठहरा सकता, वो घटना अमानवीय और अत्यंत क्रूर थी।”

अब आते हैँ परम आदरणीय  CJI चंद्रचूर्ण (जिनके ऊपर टिप्पणी करने के कारण तमिलनाडु की व्यवस्था ने एक आम भारतीय नागरिक को तुरूंगवास में पटक दिया) द्वारा सुनवाई के दौरान हुई बहस पर।

तो मित्रों हमेशा की तरह सनातनीयों के विरोध में खड़ा होने वाला और भारत विरोधियों का केस लड़ने वाला कपिल सिब्बल कुकी समुदाय की पैरवी कर रहा था। उसने न्यायालय के समक्ष २ मांगे रखी:-

१:- मणिपुर की घटनाओ की जाँच CBI द्वारा ना कराई जाए;

२:- इन घटनाओं से संबंधित केस की सुनवाई आसाम में ना कराई जाए!

अब मित्रों प्रश्न ये है कि ६००० मामलो में से CBI तो केवल ७ मामलों की जांच कर रही है, फिर कपिल सिब्बल को CBI से क्या परेशानी हो सकती है। ये कपिल सिब्बल और इसके पक्षकार CBI जाँच से इतना घबराये क्यों है? तो मित्रों इसका एक हि उत्तर है, CBI जाँच करेगी तो सच्चाई बाहर आएगी जो अत्यंत भयानक और विभत्स है और जिसके बाहर आने पर पता चल जायेगा की मणिपुर को जलाने के पीछे किन किन आस्तीन के सापों का हाथ है।

वहीं दूसरी ओर आसाम में सुनवाई होने पर चुड़ैल टिस्ता सितलवाड की भाँती झूठे सबूत झूठे साक्षीदार प्रस्तुत करने का मौका नहीं मिलेगा।

अब आते हैँ एक दूसरे वकील इंद्रा जयसिंह, मित्रों इसके नाम पर मत जाना, ये वही वकील रूपी औरत है, जिसने निर्भया के खूंखार बलात्कारियों को माफ़ करने की सलाह दी थी। प्रश्न ये है कि जो कुछ निर्भया के साथ हुआ वो इसकी बेटी के साथ होता तो क्या ये उस वक्त भी उन खूंखार दरिंदो को क्षमा कर देती। खैर मित्रों ये वकील रूपी औरत एक NGO की तरफ से पैरवी करते तर्क पेश करती है, कि मणिपुर की घटना की जाँच किसी NGO से कराई जाए, जिसमे महिलाये भी सम्मिलित हो।

अब मित्रों सर्वोच्च न्यायालय में इस प्रकार के नमूने तो अक्सर हि मिल जाते हैँ , क्या करे लोकतंत्र जो है। CBI ने एक दो तर्कों से हि इनकी खटिया सरका दी। जब CBI ने पूछा की ये जिस NGO की बात कर रही हैँ, वो ऐसे इलाको में जाकर जाँच कर सकती है, क्या, जंहा पर अत्याधुनिक हथियारों से लैस आतंकी छिपे हुए हैँ  और यदि वो आतंकी सामने आ गये तो उन्हें गिरफ्तार करने का अधिकार इनके पास होगा क्या?

CBI के प्रश्नों का उत्तर इस वकील रूपी औरत के पास नहीं था।

अब आते हैँ बासुरी स्वराज के द्वारा प्रेषित तर्क पर जिसने CJI की बांसुरी बजा दी। केंद्र सरकार का पक्ष रखते हुए बासुरी स्वराज ने कहा कि मणिपुर में जिस प्रकार से अमानवीय घटनाएं हुई हैँ, उसी प्रकार की महिलाओं के अस्मिता पर प्रश्न चिन्ह खड़ा करने वाली अति भयानक घटनाएं,  पश्चिम बंगाल, राजस्थान और छत्तीसगढ़ जैसे राज्यों में भी हुई हैँ, अत: सर्वोच्च न्यायालय मणिपुर की घटनाओं की जाँच के लिए जो मापड़ंड अपनायेगा वही मापदंड पश्चिम बंगाल, राजस्थान और छत्तीसगढ़ में भी अपनाये जाने चाहिए।

इतना सुनते हि, पूरे न्यायालय परिसर में सन्नाटा छा गया और उस सन्नाटे में केवल बासुरी स्वराज की बासुरी हि सुनाई दे रही थी। और फिर इस सन्नाटे को चिरती हुई परम आदरणीय  CJI की खिझ भरी आवाज सुनाई दी ” जो इस लेख का हिस्सा बनाने के लायक़ नहीं है”!

मित्रों क्या कालोजियम सिस्टम लोकतंत्र को चुनौती दे सकता है?

खैर बासुरी स्वराज ने ऐसी बासुरी बजायी की सब इसके धुन पर अभी तक थिरक रहे हैँ, क्योंकि प्रशासन चाहे पश्चिम बंगाल का हो या राजस्थान का या फिर छत्तीसगढ़ का सबका हलक सुख गया है कि आखिर क्या फैसला करेंगे परम आदरणीय मुख्य न्यायधीश सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ।

लेखक:- नागेंद्र प्रताप सिंह (अधिवक्ता)

[email protected]

Measuring wellness of welfare schemes: A case of M.P.


Last year witnessed a heated debate over the subject of “freebies” and their distinction from legitimate welfare programs. Ultimately even the most astute experts could only provide a murky distinction. In a crux, welfare schemes are those expenditures that benefit society as a whole, such as public distribution systems, expenditures on health and education and employment guarantee programmes. ‘Freebies’ technically are goods and services that recipients receive for free, regardless of how beneficial or detrimental they are. 

A year later a scheme that can be fitted in both the definitions has been one of the main topics of local discussions in Madhya Pradesh. The ‘Ladli Behna Yojana’ was launched by the state’s Chief Minister Mr. Shivraj Singh Chouhan on 15 March 2023.

In essence, disadvantaged married women would receive Rs 1000 per month to enhance their health, nutrition, and economic independence. The program, aiming to empower women, has a provisional budget of 60,000 crores rupees. 2.6 crore women voters of the state will play a significant role in the upcoming state assembly elections for 230 seats in November 2023.

Expectedly Mr Kamal Nath, a major leader of the opposition, rapidly stated, if elected, he would increase this amount to 1500 rupees. While the state CM declared, that he would eventually increase the amount to 3000 rupees.

Regardless of the upcoming election’s outcome, the Ladli Behna Yojana has been implemented, and a second instalment of 1000 rupees has been deposited in the accounts of the eligible women on July 10th. Sitting in a small town in Madhya Pradesh, I witnessed conversations on the ground level which highlight all of the major challenges plaguing even the best welfare initiatives in India.

  1. Underprivileged and lesser educated women having a difficult time comprehending all the required criteria and getting their Adhaar e-KYC.
  2. The availing of the benefits by many otherwise privileged women who were simply able to get the required documentation.
  3. A great deal of interest displayed by the husbands of the eligible women as many of them controlled their wife’s accounts.

The most intriguing reply, however, came from my housekeeper who, amid the political saga, ecstatically proclaimed that she would resign from one of her jobs if she began receiving rupees 1500 per month. This straightforward claim reveals why boosting societal welfare by merely disbursing money to individuals is fundamentally improper.

Consider the situation of my housekeeper. Her anticipated actions will cause her net financial gain from the scheme to approach zero depending on the income she is ready to forgo. In a state like Madhya Pradesh, with a largely impoverished population, one thousand or fifteen hundred rupees per month is a big enough amount for many to alter their behaviour. Thus if more women adopt the same strategy, their average labour force participation rate might even decline.

The second problem is people are not rational in real life. Given a specific amount of money and the freedom to spend it, there is a good possibility that the majority won’t use it most efficiently or towards the intended purpose. 

This is not meant to imply that the Ladli Behna Yojana is wholly pointless or a gratuitous freebie. India is a developing nation, each buck spent on welfare, especially on women and disadvantaged groups is essential for its development and benefits society in some manner. This specific program is no different. But the central issue continues to be which course of action is best given the scarce resources and numerous allocation alternatives.

The most ideal welfare schemes enable their beneficiaries the ability to gradually fulfil their own needs, allowing an eventual reduction rather than expansion of resources necessary to support them. Mr. Ronald Regan put it brilliantly “Welfare’s purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence.”

The focus of a discussion on welfare initiatives should be on the actual impact that a given government plan or even a freebie will have in comparison to all other activities that could be undertaken with the same funds. Let’s go back to the context of Madhya Pradesh. The Ladli Behna Yojana has all the right goals on paper and will benefit a good portion of women. But when you compare its benefit to all other strategies that could’ve been utilised to empower women with the same budget, reasons for doubts arise.

Madhya Pradesh is one of India’s more underdeveloped states. Its per capita income is lower than the national average. According to Niti Aayog’s Multidimensional Poverty Index, 36.65% of its population is multidimensionally poor. Snail-paced recruitment in state government jobs has led to a major section of struggling unemployed youth. Expenditure (excluding debt repayment) of the state is estimated to be Rs 2,81,552 crore, a 12% increase over the revised estimates for 2022-23. 

In addition, the debt of Rs 24,551 crore has to be repaid. Receipts (excluding borrowings) are estimated to be Rs 2,25,843 crore, an increase of 11% as compared to the revised estimate of 2022-23. While in revised estimates, the fiscal deficit is expected to be 3.6% of GSDP.

The state has been performing fairly well in several sectors and has several appreciable programmes that have been helping its citizens. But hasn’t yet advanced to the point where it can support all of its residents’ needs out of government funds the majority of which come from taxpayers.

Resources are severely constrained for both the state and its citizens, making their allocations a matter of grave concern. Prioritising and implementing only the best welfare measures out of all options is crucial. 

A similar situation can be witnessed in many Indian states. As the election season kicks off every leader in the nation has something fresh to offer to the public for the future. Politics is, by its very nature, a popularity contest rather than an abilities test. Thus, as citizens, we must assess our alternatives based on more than just our short-term gains, but rather with a well-informed, long-term, impersonal and logical perspective. Only then we can assess the true wellness of our welfare policies and help define their optimum future framework.

– Miss Swarnim K.