British Indians oppose against Conservatives Party MPs forming anti-India fringe group – Conservatives friends of Kashmir
British Indians were shocked to see five Member of Parliaments (MPs) of the ruling Conservatives Party in United Kingdom (UK) forming a fringe group by the name Conservative Friends of Kashmir.
Breaking India: Bangla Pokkho in Bengal, like Kashmiriyat in Kashmir
Prima Facie, it would look like any regional linguistic movement, like Shiv Sena's Marathi Maanoos (Person) and Marathi Asmita (Pride) movement, or Tamizh Pride that Dravidian Parties project. But if we scratch the surface we will observe that it is a very smartly devised separatist movement under the guise of linguistic regionalistic sub-nationalism.
The reason why Muslims choose ‘stone pelting’ to protest is associated with Islamic custom called- Rami al-Jamarat or Stoning the Devil
In the ritual, Rami al-Jamarat or Stoning the Devil, Muslim pilgrims throw pebbles at three walls called the Jamarat, located in the city of Mina, which is situated in the east of Mecca.