Saturday, May 4, 2024
97 Articles by

Narasimhan Vijayaraghavan

The author is practicing advocate in the Madras High Court

World’s Eighth Wonder In Modi’s Darbar

Amit Shah demolished the opposition arguments with a factual detour over 70 years and the informative first-hand account from the Ladakh MP Tsering Namgyal’s was a glorious interlude

Indians ready to flood Kashmir with love

Modi 2.0 can rest assured that India is with it. India is ready to move. We are ready to flood Kashmir with our love.

Trust Trump’s track record on truth to keep Modi in good stead

New York Times has a team devoted to Factchecking and identifying the ‘lies of Donald Trump’ and at last count it is over 5217 during his Presidency.

Why do our politicians politicise even our armed forces?

Forget the political masters, do we need to doubt the legitimacy and credibility of the armed forces who sacrifice their lives and limbs so that we may live and thrive in peace.

Why do we not respect/regard Men In Uniform all the time

Only during war time or war like situation, we seem to remember our Armed Forces and feel proud of them. At normal times, we don’t seem to care. Do we?

The tide is turning and how: Mahagatbhandhan can pack their bags

Thank You Pakistan. You have taught us all who we need to have as our leader. More than us, hope the Mahagatbhandhan has been taught a lesson they will not forget. To underestimate the power of a transformed Modi’s India.

Damned if he does: Damned if he does not

This is not time for jingoistic calls. Agreed. Equally not time to be calm and resilient to indulge in Aman ki Ashas. It is time for ‘action’. Let us leave it to the armed forces to decide.

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