Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Mr. Leemon Ravi has started his career as a Quality engineer in Siemens after the successful completion of B.E - Mechanical (Gold Medalist) from LBS college of Engineering. He has worked with Ockwen Financial solutions as a Cadd engineer and ICICI bank as a financial officer for a considerable period of time. His association with HDFC bank as a Territory manager has helped him to excel his career as an entrepreneur. As one of the director in PEOPLE GROUP, he successfully associated with many housing projects in and around Bangalore. With a vast experience of more than 10 years in financial, engineering and housing segments his vision is to revolutionize the GOLDEN ERA ROYAL GROUP(GERG) by infusing and nurturing young and creative minds backed by pioneers in the respective areas. GOLDEN ERA ROYAL GROUP has started its operations at Bangalore on August 16th 2011 with its construction and development company called GOLDEN ERA PROPERTY PRIVATE LIMITED.Currently GERG is spread in software development,consumer durable,construction,entertainment and financial wings. Golden era group of companies and initiatives 1)GOLDEN ERA PROPERTY PVT LTD 2)GOLDEN ERA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS AND CONSULTANCY PVT LTD 3)GOLDEN ERA FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS 4)GOLDEN ERA CONSUMER DURABLES PVT LTD 5)GOLDEN ERA ENTERTAINMENT,RESORTS AND LEISURE PVT LTD 6)GOLDEN ERA PROJECTS INDIA PVT LTD INITIATIVES WWW.GERGSTORE.COM UTHHAN-Empowering Artisans

The abandoned Tribal Artisans Of Wayanad & Uthhan

UTHHAN- Empowering artisans is the first initiative in India, where the profit from artifact sales goes directly to artisans without any middle men.

Is BJP elbowing India into a crony capitalist country projecting economic reforms?

All the political parties are pushing Indian economy to a crony capitalism at an alarming rate. BJP seems no different.

Creative protests, self sustainable communities, Demonetisation and Indian economy

India need creative protests to equipoise our economical and social life.

Perishing Indian traditional artisans and snoozing Government bodies

The traditional artisans in India is facing some challenges. Read more.

Am I a Patriot? An Ode Dedicated to our brave soldiers martyred at Pathankot

Am I a patriot? Are you a patriot? Dissipate the evils of my country, Fire in the belly, but yet doltish Brain with vision, but yet bleary Time...

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