Saturday, July 27, 2024
9 Articles by

Lakshmisha K S

Founder - Namo Brigade, Management Consultant, Amateur Economist, Politically Conservative and believer in the supremacy of facts, NITK-Surathkal, XLRI alumnus

United South India is just a vehicle to espouse Tamil supremacy and sane Kannadigas want to opt out of it

The new found love of Dravidians for their Southern brethren is a cover to espouse their fundamentalistic agenda using the combined weight of South to push their narrow hate filled agenda. Kannadigas are understandably vary of these campaigns given the history of Anti Karnataka sentiment driven by Tamil Chauvinism and hence would like to take no part in it.

The implications of structural changes brought by Coronavirus – Part 1

Many companies will move towards greater share of employees working from home with a weekly one to two day gathering for team building purposes. The IT industry in India estimates that close to 50 per cent of the country’s 4.3 million IT workers will soon work from home.

Does salaried class need Covid relief?

Providing relief to Salaried class not only asinine but also hugely counter productive. The most important factor for a Salaried person today is to ensure that they are employed and remain salaried.

Muslim leadership in India has to step in the fight against Covid-19

If the virus manages to pester in the community due to stupid actions of a few, it will impact all of us.

Electoral irrelevance of Petrol: Why 2019 will be the last general election where Petrol prices will matter

One can safely predict that by the time of next general election in 2024, petrol prices will be irrelevant to the average Indian voter. The real driver would be the coming electrification of transportation industry.

NaMo Harate: A novel approach to spread awareness about Narendra Modi government’s achievements

NaMo Bharath is newly formed independent and self-funded organization comprising mostly of young professionals and students volunteers who aim to work in support of Narendra Modi in Karnataka.

Truth about Rupee decline and why 2018 is different from 2013

Why is the Rupee falling? And is this similar to 2013's decline? Find out the facts.

Did Anant Kumar Hegde address an empty crowd?

Another case of misleading headlines and fake narrative building

Coming end of global Islamic fundamentalism

Will alternate technology and energy to petrol, collapse Islamic power centers?

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