Western definition of Hinduism
“Wokeism” & anti-Hindu rants in the West
In their desperation to get wide acceptability, practitioners of Wokeism overlook international Islamic terrorism. But whatever one can call it, through Wokeism the Leftists are trying to make their agenda seem like a good idea. Sadly, they do have some good ideas, but they get lost in the rush to remake everything in their selective likeness.
Absolute ideas and thoughts in western societies
nikhil19 -
Armin and many other neo atheists in the western societies tend to call themselves atheists but they are still trapped under Abhramic ideology because they behave in the same way a religious person in Abhramic countries would behave only difference is that their gods have changed, it can be anything they say they believe in logic, science, and Humankind.
The incurable secular mSana
Why Indian Intellectual Liberals choose to define Dharma as Hinduism- a word coined by the west as all their theories are defined by one or the other isms, thus irrelevant to our understanding of our ethos.