Saturday, November 2, 2024


Washington Post

Foreign Media is the Anglophiles’ favourite plaything

Foreign media at this point is just a pathetic joke. Their journalists have become pseudo-political critics, and their outlets have long lost their credibility.

Washington Post doing a ‘Deshabhimani of America’

WP changes article's headline “India Kerala Coronavirus: How the Communist state flattened its Coronavirus curve” to a more neutral looking ”How the Indian state of Kerala flattened its Coronavirus curve”. Says much about their propaganda.

Rana Ayyub is an Islamist masquerading as a journalist

The choice of Ayyub for framing the narrative about India’s elections spoke poorly about Washington Post’s editorial choices.

You can’t keep snakes in your backyard and expect them to only bite your neighbours

Can there be an antidote for such venomous journalism?

The shadow politics of death threats to Indian journalists

All these sudden 'death threats' conveniently coming up before the run-up to the 2019 elections is eerily suspicious

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