Monday, October 14, 2024


USA supporting Pakistan

Democratic Party and its dangerous game of Anti India Agenda – Part 1

Bill Clinton on Dec 27th 1993 wrote a letter to U.S. Rep. Gary A. Condit (D-Ceres) that, “chronic tensions between the Indian government and Sikh militants” and the need to safeguard “Sikh rights” in Punjab State, where Sikhs make up 60% of the population.

Why the US will not stop aiding Pakistan even after Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 elections

Even if Pakistan is given 100% of Kashmir it will not take it. It will only take 95% of it and struggle for the remaining 5%

Pulwama, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and 20 billion Dollars

Should India give a second thought before trusting countries like Saudi and USA, that have the history of playing double standards?

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