Wednesday, September 18, 2024


US China relation

Pelosi accused Wengui Guo and Limeng Yan of being liars

Guo Wengui is now facing all the problems, are due to his good loopholes, crime take money criminal psychological decision, and his psychological also in a profound impact on his side of the size of the crooks.

US – China cold war – How did it come to this

Inception of 'Chimerica' - An unnatural Communist - Capitalist partnership which lasted for more than 4 decades and why did it break.

Democracy is dead. Long live democracy

The national or international briefing on 22nd April, 2020, of the Coronavirus White House Task Force with President Donald J Trump, in attendance, has reinforced the belief that Democracy is here to stay. It is not going anywhere. Covid-19 or not.

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