Sunday, September 15, 2024



चीन की मक्कारी व अहंकार को चूर करता अमेरिका का “तिब्बतियन निति व् समर्थन अधिनियम २०२० (Tibetan Policy and Support Act)”

इतिहास गवाह है की राजनीतिक दृष्टि से तिब्बत कभी चीन का अंग नहीं रहा। ७ वीं शताब्दी तक मध्य एशिया के एक भू-भाग पर तिब्बत का आधिपत्य रहा। चीन का तिब्बत के साथ सम्बंध ७ वीं शताब्दी में हुआ, वह भी चीन की पराजय के रूप में।

Why Biden presidency is an extension of Trump Foreign policy 2.0

It will be hard for Biden to undo the policy decisions of Trump administration ranging from the Middle East, China, India, Taiwan, Tibet & beyond.

50 years after 1971 war Uncle Sam switches the Tibet issue on

Suddenly the West stopped supporting “secularism” concept vocally and started giving the ruling party in India direct access to the NRI assets. Suddenly the Pakistan army’s cadres became terrorists in the West and the CCP has become rogue actor for the Pentagon.

India needs to support ‘Free Tibet’ and rectify the mistake of Nehruvian era

According to Claude Arpi, a French expert on Tibet and China, said, Without Delhi’s active support, the Chinese troops would not have been able to survive in Tibet."

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