Terrorism Has No Religion
Why the unfair scholarships for Muslims will lead to more terrorism
he majority community is at the receiving end of stone-pelting by the Muslim minority. Reason? Apparently, the majority community irked the minority by taking religious processions through its neighborhoods.
So, how do we tackle radical Islamist terror?
Now no one is claiming that these killings of non-Muslims could be linked to unemployment, exploitation, dispossession… of anyone in Kashmir – explanations once bandied to justify the expulsion of lakhs of Kashmiri Pandits in 1990.
The Eleventh of September: On the same date, two men with their ideologies left a mark in the human history
September 11 of 1893 saw Swami Vivekananda explaining the meaning of Sanatana Dharma to the world.
Dismantling global Islamic terrorism: Because terrorism does have a religion
Islam is not only a religion, but more of a violent socio-political encroaching system. So, there is an urgent need to dismantle global Islamic terrorism.
How terrorism spreads
Most of the terrorist are coming from Muslim nations, mainly from middle eastern, but no one from these nations are taking relevant actions to resist it, because it doesn’t attract their interest. Majority of these nations are happy to represent terrorist as their hero.
धार्मिक आतंकवाद
समाज का एक धड़ा है जो कि शकुनि और मंथरा से भी लाखों गुना कपटी और क्रूर है, जो धर्मनिपेक्षता, उदारवादिता और बुद्धिजीविता का नक़ली मुखौटा लगाये आपकी मानकिसकता पर क़ब्ज़ा कर आपके आत्मसम्मान और पहचान को अपंग बनाये बैठा है।
Can knife attack?
jaimin29 -
'Allahu Akbar'(God is Great)! I know, we all know. But this isn't the true worship as it clearly seems. There are seemingly endless ways to reach infinity. But the blood of "terror caliphates", doesn't peep to understand
अगर आतंकवाद का कोई धर्म नहीं होता तो आतंकवादी का शब इस्लामिक रिवाज़ से दफ़नाने के लिए उसके परिवार को सौंपने की ज़रूरत क्यों
समय आ गया हैं, सरकार कानून बनाए की आतंकियों के शव को अब कचरे के ढेर के साथ जला दिया जाएगा। फिर देखते हैं कितने मुजाहिद जन्नत का सपना देखते हैं!
गुस्सा या आदत?
mrsinha -
बाबरी के गुस्से से दंगो को जस्टिफाई करने वालों ये बताओ की जून 1851 में "माइनॉरिटी"-पारसी दंगो को कैसे जस्टिफाई करोगे? बस एक छोटा सा लेख ही तो लिखा था "चित्रा दिनन दर्पण" नामक मैगजीन ने।
The saga of Terrorism, world politics and ‘left-liberal’ ecosystem
vigoe -
Kamal Hassan's recent statement on Nathuram Godse being the first terrorist of Independent India who was a Hindu, is a reflection of the mindset that prevailed till a few years back.