Sharia Law
“The Confusion-Jihad” and Islam in today’s India
In Islam Dawah (inviting non-Muslims to Islam) is an obligatory duty for all Muslims. Dawah is unsolicited Muslim’s burden (like “White man’s burden”), to save Kafir from hell fire.
The “Jihad” in Love Jihad: A Quran-Sunnah-Centric Inquiry – Part 1: Hindu Women in Sharia
Part 1 of a series of articles analyzing the alleged "love jihad" phenomenon through the Islamic legal framework.
Is Sharia really Allah’s law?
Let us examine Sharia critically to understand its genesis and divine sanctity.
Muslim existence in secular India
Zafarul Islam khan, Chairman of Delhi minorities panel chief’s irresponsible statement on 28 Apr 2020 - implying an avalanche if and when Indian Muslims complain to ‘Arab world’ for perceived ‘persecution of Indian Muslims’ in India - amounts to blackmail, unacceptable to any self-respecting nation, and casts aspersions on law abiding, non-political Indian Muslims and damaged Hindu-Muslim harmony in secular India!
कमरे में हाथी है, क्या आपको दिख रहा है?
भारत का ही मुस्लिम क्यूँ देश के क़ानून, देश की आम जनता से अलग-थलग रहना चाहता है?
Sharia and India
Even if sharia endures as a personal law in India for centuries to come, it can never take the place of a mandatory statute, as not only does Sharia form a brutal set of criminal laws for today’s world, but its civil implications would also prove to be a deficit to the Indian democracy.
ISIS is nothing but Islam
The world has to accept that the terrorism HAS a religion.
Why triple talaq is unconstitutional: A legal perspective
If the Muslim personal law in criminal matters have long been abolished with no complaints from the community, why objections over Triple Talaq?
Triple Talaq: Violate the human rights of muslim women
Triple Talaq is the most disapproved form of Talaq flouting the cardinal Quranic principles. Majority Muslim nations have explicitly or implicitly banned triple Talaq including our neighbouring country Pakistan.
Immigration and Freedom are not one way street
shanprab -
The critics of the ban of Trump's executive order have very little credibility left, as they have been refusing to recognize the problem of radical Islam such as Sharia law, in the first place.