Religion and Constitution
King’s Sceptre and Bishop’s Crook: The personal law conflict under Article 13
When human society first developed on an appreciable scale, the concept of a well-organized and efficient State exercising the tools of civil, political, and coercive power was not as well-developed as it is today. The traditional role of the law, thus, in acting as the arbiter between persons, was taken over by an institution far more pervasive and powerful: religion.
संवैधानिक मूल्यों और कर्तव्यों के प्रति जागरुकता आवश्यक
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संविधान की अब तक की सफलता एक महान उपलब्धि है किंतु आगामी समय में चुनौतियां भी कम नहीं है आवश्यकता है कि हम संवैधानिक व नैतिक मूल्यों को सहेजें और अपने कर्तव्यों का निर्वहन करें, अन्यथा संविधान हीलियम के बक्से में बंद एक पुरानी पोथी से बढ़कर कुछ नहीं रहेगा।
The Uniform Civil Code debate
Uniformity across all the religion is what UCC provides, and it is mandatory!