Muslim Personal Law Board
Legally speaking, marriage between a Hindu woman and a Muslim man is irregular and invalid in India
Kiran -
the left liberals doesn’t want to discuss in depth on the details of Muslim women rights and as well undermines the loss of fundamental rights of Hindu women guaranteed by Indian Constitution and supports the progressive ideas that could impede Hindu women rights.
शांतिप्रियों की भीड़ आ रही आपके घर के नजदीक
वो अपनी इच्छानुसार बेंगलुरु, पूर्णिया, मालदा में भीड़ जुटाते हैं, मजहबी नारे लगाते हैं और अपने धर्म पर टिप्पणी करने वालों के खिलाफ कार्यवाही करने के लिए आगजनी, दंगे करते हैं।
Why India needs a Uniform Civil Code
This delay in the implementation of the UCC has contributed a lot to the oppression of women.
Beyond Triple Talaq
India needs to empower her citizens to exercise their right of choice matrimonial matters being assured of equal protection of law in case of divorce.
Why Muslim Personal Law Board should reconsider their stand on Triple Talaq
Umang -
Would adoption of UCC make anyone less Muslim or more Hindu?
Why triple talaq is unconstitutional: A legal perspective
If the Muslim personal law in criminal matters have long been abolished with no complaints from the community, why objections over Triple Talaq?