Article- 22 (1) of the Indian Constitution provides that every arrested person has the right to choose and elect his own lawyer to defend him in the court of law for whatever crime he may/ may not have committed.
4 नवंबर यानी बुधवार की तरोताजा सुबह ने मुंबई में जैसे आपातकाल की याद दिला दी हो यानी अभिव्यक्ति की आजादी जैसे सो कोस दूर हिलोरे मार रही हो ,स्वंत्रता की आजादी जैसे गड्ढे में दम ले लिया हो।
Naming a media channel during the press conference by none other but police commissioner of the state without having the name of the media channel in the FIR, shows the malafide intent of the commissioner to falsely engage and publicly defame a news channel.