Saturday, July 27, 2024



Its not T-90 that sucks

During the whole operation the point of conversation among the military specialists has been the vulnerability of Russian tanks to the Ukraine army which is operating the same platform or say comparatively inferior versions of T-Tanks.

China eyeing the North Eastern states of India: An insight

Arunachal Pradesh provides security to the Bhutan from the Eastern side, so if China captures Tawang then Bhutan will be surrounded by China on both eastern and western side.

How media and vested interest group destroyed our Army’s perfectly working, very effective Covert Intel Unit: Part-1

While this special unit's men were doing what they do best, diligently working, putting their own life at risks for the country, but all was not calm on the Delhi Front.

Economic future of India

Many countries are waking up to the realization that dependence on China is unreliable, and not in the interest of them and thus should reduce.

Women in Army- Fighting a mindset

Given the consistency in the position taken by Army leadership in all the previous occasions whenever the matter of women’s role in Army came up for debate, Center's reply doesn’t look out of sync with the view of the Army top brass.

गमला कट्टरवाद का!

यदि किसी अवधारणा में ज़्यादा अतिवादिता हैं तो क्या वोह उस धारणना की विफ़लता नहीं है? कम से कम संचार की विफ़लता तो मान ही सकते है।

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