Saturday, July 27, 2024


Indo-US diplomatic relations

Indian foreign policy- A shift towards American block?

The diplomatic activity today, has undergone a world of change and it has evolved as a doctrine of ‘No Permanent Enemies and No Permanent Friends’. Only thing matters is ‘Nations Self Interests’.

Modernizing Diplomacy- Is it a new way?

The arising of e-diplomacy provides an advantages in terms of safety, which is the most prioritized concern in any diplomatic meeting.

The future of Indo-US partnership

An analysis of the withdrawal of preferential trade treatment for India by USA, its reasons and implications.

How Trump’s new policy for H-1B visa may effect India more?

70% of H-1B visa is covered by Indians and the outsourcing firm for H-1B visa earns about 10% of India's GDP. Now there is stop in this figure as Trump puts a full stop in the number of issuing these H-1B visa.

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