The identity conundrum
The real answers to the questions of self-identity do not have a fixed form. The truth is to shape the collective experience life offers into a single relevant and poignant idea best reflective of its innate soul.
Political correctness and the death of honesty in democracy
The culmination of PC would be in the destruction and death of democracy itself. Do we want that?
Wolf in sheep’s clothing forgets the clothing: BBC’s report on Fake news has much more to say
The report was penned in the typical fashion where the conclusion was drafted first and rest of the report along with the research was curated to converge at that conclusion.
Why being a Hindu is an integral part while being an Indian
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What is my idea of India? Can I negate the fact that it is my religion that identifies me as an Indian? A curious colleague influenced me to explore it.
The quest for Hindu identity amidst Jallikattu protests
Has the recent Jallikattu protests reignited the quest of (confused ) Hindu identity? Or it's another efforts by Tamil for maintaining their culture.