Saturday, July 27, 2024


Hindu temples

आपको पता भी नहीं है और आपके मंदिरों को लूटने के षड़यंत्र रचे जा रहे हैं

मंदिर हमारी धार्मिक और आध्यात्मिक आस्था के केंद्र रहे हैं। सनातन धर्म की स्थापना में मंदिरों का योगदान सहस्त्राब्दियों से सर्वोच्च रहा है। ऐसे में हम कुछ दो चार पाखंडी वामपंथियों और विधर्मियों के हाथों अपने धार्मिक केंद्रों का नाश नहीं होने देंगे। हमें विरोध करना होगा।

How should ‘god step in?’

Those who are obsessed with the idea of HINDU temples donating their wealth, here are some points they should ponder upon. They may not say it again!

The after-effects of the Hindu Religious Endowments Act

From 1991, no religious and spiritual leaders are involved in maintenance and administration of the Hindu Temples and Charitable Endowments rather the Temple Management was taken over by the Government. But this was not the case with other religious buildings e.g. Mosques, Churches, Jain temples etc.

India has charted new territories with the Ayodhya verdict: What the future holds now for other temple causes?

It won't be too optimist to say that the majority don’t have to be the apologists anymore, even after being the victims for centuries.

Is India finally on the right side of history?

The Citizenship Amendment Bill addresses and acknowledges the historical wrongs committed against the Hindus. Finally, it appears that we are on the right side of history. However, as history has no end, we would need to keep learning lessons that can judiciously deal with the present and future.

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