Saturday, July 27, 2024


Hijab protest for UP Elections

Imprisoned in the veil of rigidity

To what extent dress in schools and colleges can be a personal choice? And why should there be uniformity among the students?

Looking into some aspects of Hijab Row

Even the otherwise progressive, Malala Yousufzai seems immature to comment in the favor of pro-hijab stand, especially because, in her biography she has compared walking in burqa to “walking inside a big fabric shuttlecock with only a grille to see through” & feels himself to be fortunate enough to not wear one.

Indian, when it suits them

They hide behind, "We are Indian too" till it suits them. Then, they pick up arms, right behind us!

Hijab rights is like Gandhi and his Goat: Read how and why

The simple fact that a student is saying Hijab is more important than education is a cause for alarm. The fact that the kid has been brainwashed into believing that knowledge is not important but some arcane rule about covering up is, it is the time we stand up and say enough.

Hijab drama well played: A perfectly chosen timing just ahead of UP elections

The timing of the protest they chose, not so surprisingly, is just when seven states are going into assembly elections including Uttar Pradesh.

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