Saturday, July 27, 2024




अन्याय है कहीं न्याय नहीं, ब्रिटिशर्स के बोएं बीजों में फिर तिरंगा लहराओगे, खुद को राष्ट्र भक्त कहकर, भारत माँ पर अधिकार भी जमाओगे, ससहस्त्र वर्षों की श्रृंखलाओं में जय भी होगी पराजय भी, अस्तित्व सनातन का रहेगा फिर भी, पर तुम सब इतिहास बन जाओगे!!

Stanislaus Lourduswamy: The curiously, lacerated case of citizens, reality and media

Indian media, nicely trying to focus on some aspects of the news and leaving out the rest, in order to imprint only some parts of the news into your brains.

My response to Justice Katju’s article that was not published by DailyO

Justice Katju had argued that Indians don't care about civil liberties or rights. He is not right.

Modi: A Leader, Not A Messiah

This article mainly deals with Modi and explains how is only a leader and not a messiah.

To the people of India – It is time to wake up

We are at a moment in history of this nation when we need to shake ourselves up from accepting mediocrity

Open letter to fellow Aam Aadmi over Black Money

Demonetisation is just the beginning, we all have to join hands to achieve end objectives.

Demonetization – Government is getting away with poor implementation in the absence of credible opposition

The country supports our PM as they have full faith in him but people’s trust shouldn’t be tested like this.

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