Saturday, July 27, 2024


China and Pakistan nexus to destroy India

Pavlov’s Puppies

In the aftermath of the 1962 war, whenever the Chinese have violated the LAC, the communist left leaning Indian media, has managed to convince India that China is too strong an enemy to face in case of an armed conflict. The only way to solve a border dispute with China is to stand down and have talks. Conflict with Pakistan was never viewed in the same prism (Maybe

Indo-China relations: Case for a change in India’s foreign policy

China has routinely acted against Indian interests whenever it has got a chance. And India has just tried to appease China by giving in to its desires and requests.

India’s unruly and pompous neighbours: China & Pakistan

China and Pakistan underestimate the power of New 'Atmanirbhar' Bharat, least do they know about India's new global strategy and lest about the increased and flexible muscle power which at any given instance can fight a 2 front war and give a knee jerk to the unruly and pompous neighbors.

भारत और चीन के बीच तनाव का फ़ायदा लेने के लिए पाकिस्तान की उछल-कूद, भारत की मौजूदा रणनीति से घबराया पाक लगा रहा है...

भारत सरकार की सूझ-बुझ व देश के बुलंद उत्साह के चलते जम्मू-कश्मीर मामले पर पाकिस्तान की एक भी न चली। मगर अब भी मुह की खाए पाकिस्तान ने टकटकी लगा रखी है कि, अब कौन सा मौका मिले भारत को पटखनी देने का।

Love thy neighbour; what if neighbour doesn’t love you back?

If reports are to be believed, our neighbour is in no mood to walk the talk. This means that it would be foolish to assume that military and diplomatic level discussions would translate into actual restoration of peace.

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