Friday, April 19, 2024


COVID-19 and education

The Educational Sector has been affected adversely by COVID-19 globally. We will overcome this crisis.

The reality of the Veer Savarkar’s mercy petition to the British government; was it really voluntary or out of compulsion?

Nehru never faced the same cruelty which Savarkar faced. Being born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he had family connections with the British authorities, and was friends with them; this spared him from most forms of cruelty.

One nation one language: An accident waiting to happen

Language can unite the culture in those countries which don’t have a long history to recite. India that is known as Bharat is a cluster of cultural variables.

Ajaz Ashraf, of The Scroll, with his WRONG interpretation about a freedom fighter, says Savarkar justified the idea of rape as a political tool

Savarkar quotes Ravana saying, “What? To abduct and rape the womenfolk of the enemy, do you call it irreligious? It is Parodharmah, the greatest duty!” The actual text quotes in Sanskrit as राक्षसांनां परो; धर्म: परदारा विघर्षणम् However, what the Scroll writer conveniently ignores is “राक्षसांनां”. According to the quoted statement, it’s the duty of a demon/monster.

‘लोकतंत्र’ कट्टर मुस्लिमों तथाकथित अल्पसंख्यकों के लिए एक अवसर

हमारे देश के अल्पसंख्यक कट्टर धार्मिक समूह ने धर्मनिरपेक्ष शब्द का अपने फायदे के लिए हमेशा गलत इस्तेमाल किया।वह चाहे शाहीन बाग हो या बाबरी मस्जिद। उनके इस कृत्य में हमारे देश के तथाकथित इतिहासकार और वामपंथी समूह ने बराबर साथ दिया।

Unveiling: unity in diversity

Challenging my ideals since childhood, I asked myself, what makes us so proud of our Unity in Diversity? To go deep first let us see what makes anybody proud of anything?

MNS bares its anti-Hindu fangs

Raj Thackeray’s haphazard attempt to relaunch his party as Hindu outfit has failed, leading to desperation and cheap politics.

ज़रूरत कम, दिखावा ज्यादा

जो कुछ भी दिख रहा अथवा हो रहा है, सब किसी न किसी उद्देश्य या जरुरत को पूरा करने के लिए है। इंसान जो भी करता है, किसी आवश्यकता को पूरा करने के लिए या तो किसी स्वार्थवश ही करता है, चाहे वह कितना भी इस बात को नकार दे।

भगवान श्रीराम का वनवास जो 500 वर्षों के बाद समाप्त हुआ: श्रीराम मंदिर निर्माण की अनंत कथा

अंततः श्रीराम विजयी हुए, भारतवर्ष विजयी हुआ, हिन्दू विजयी हुए और इस संघर्ष में दिए गए सहस्त्रों बलिदान सार्थक हुए।

Hindu Mahasabha and the partition of West Bengal

Without Hindu Mahasabha and their fight for a Hindu Rashtra, West Bengal would have been a part of East Pakistan after the partition. The Bengali Hindu Homeland Movement and the resistance by Mookherjee and company is the reason why Kolkata and West Bengal became a part of the Indian Union.

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