Tuesday, May 14, 2024


The invisible Corona-virus (an equalizer), the visible bias- virus (a divider) and all lives matter

This article discusses the similarities and differences between the coronavirus and bias-virus. Is the latter a “divider” based on race and/or religion with a slogan such as “Black/White/Muslim/Hindu/xxx Lives Matter?” Why not openly embrace, “All Lives Matter,” which is global, inclusive, and free of bias-virus, at least visibly?

Sorry Sushant! We killed you!

how Sushant suicide was driven by the institutions of Bollywood, actors, media, Bihar state, political parties and the common man, whose acts of omissions and commission have failed him.

How partition of India could have been averted

if undivided India assumed powers of police and army after independence, then no riots or violence could have taken place, by effective use of force. Any demand for independence could have been dealt with sedition charges, while genuine demands could have been met under constitutional framework.

कांग्रेस ने दिलाई भारत को आजादी: गर्व या शर्म

क्या हमने कभी सोंचा है कि कैसा होता अगर भारत को सुभाष चंद्र बॉस जी की आजाद हिन्द फौज ने आज़ादी दिलाई होती, या फिर 1857 की क्रान्ति का अंत देश की आजादी के साथ होता। मेरे विचार से तो तब शायद हमे देश की आज़ादी पर खुशी के साथ-साथ गर्व भी महसूस होता।

Palghar Lynching: A tale of fear and paranoia

The misleading reporting to suit their own agenda is now costing all of us a big price. The continuous evil portrayal of the saffron by the left cabal, communalizing any issue when a culprit is Hindu and at the same time ignoring it when the victim is a Hindu has resulted in the paranoia being developed regarding the saffron mainly.

Everybody shares racism, ‘equally

Racism is everywhere and with everyone. Just forms and degrees defer.

Time to slay the Nepalese buff

Nepal has not just divorced India politically but has made India its enemy. The entwined relationship has been trampled for sovereignty which Nepal never had in the past and will not have in the future.

Lord Krishna’s 16,000 wives- How so-called ‘liberals’ twisted the story

It is a common misconception among many that Lord Krishna had multiple wives, more than 16,000 of them and anti- Hindu miscreants use it to demean Hindiusm. Many people just take it as a free pass to abuse Lord Krishna and question his character. However, these miscreants don't speak of the complete story and just emphasize over the "16,000" wives. The actual story sheds light on the true character of Lord Krishna as a savior of the masses, one who cared about all as opposed to the image anti- Hindus try to portray.

India needs persistently high economic growth, political stability, defense culture and effective diplomatic strategies to counter increasingly aggressive China

With the termination of a coalition dominated central government, India is enjoying much needed political stability from last six years. This needs to continue further on.

Mainstream media should know that war journalism is serious stuff, not cricket commentary

When would the mainstream media of the country realize that dealing with 'war' or a 'potentially war like situation' is not playing a 'day and night cricket match'?

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