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भीड़ का मिज़ाज


भीड़ की सबसे अच्छी बात ये होती है के इसके पास एक लक्ष्य होता है, एक Common Goal| इंसान भले अच्छा हो या खराब, भीड़ इसमे कोई भेदभाव नही करती, बस एकजुट होकर लग जाती है अपना मिशन पूरा करने मे|

अब चाहे वो Sale Season मे बॅग भरके शॉपिंग करना हो या Churchgate से Borivali तक का सफ़र| Facebook पे वैचारिक श्रेष्ठता सिद्ध करना हो या आंदोलन के नाम पे अराजकता फैलाना| या फिर लंच टाइम पे ऑफीस के सामने वाली टपरी पे जाके चाय-सुत्टा पीना|

भीड़ हर जगह होती है| इसका अपना कोई भाव नही होता| ये प्रतिभागियों की भावनायो की एक गूँज होती है| अब ये गूँज जोश भी हो सकती है और खुशी भी, गुस्सा भी हो सकती है और आक्रोश भी, बदमाश भी हो सकती है और हुड़दंग भी|

कहने का मतलब है के जैसे आग उसी तरफ फैलती है जिस ओर की हवा तेज होती है – उसी प्रकार जो भाव प्रतिभागियों मे सबसे उग्र होता है, भीड़ उसी का जयकारा करती है| बाकी सब भाव बेमायने हो जाते है और उनसे जुड़ी सभी नैतिकतायें खारिज|

हरयाणा मे कोटे (Jat Quota) की माँग को लेके तोड़ फोड़ हुई तो उसी की आड़ मे बलात्कार भी| जवाबदेही किसी की नही है क्यूंकी ये भीड़ ने किया न कि किसी व्यक्ति विशेष ने| Twitter पे आए दिन किसी ना किसी पत्रकार या सेलेब्रिटी को यही भीड़ डराती है| आप को पसंद नही तो ब्लॉक कर दीजिए, भीड़ नया फेक अकाउंट बनके आ जाएगी| Bengaluru के पास Tanzania की बेकसूर लड़की के साथ बदसलूकी हुई, क्यूंकी वो भीड़ का न्याय था|

यह भीड़ का सबसे डरावना पहलू है| आप इसको क़ानून के कठघरे मे खड़ा नही कर सकते क्यूंकी इसका कोई स्वरूप नही है| यह प्रतिभागिओं की सोच और समझ का उत्पाद है जिसपर किसी का नियंत्रण नही| इसका मतलब ये नही है के भीड़ हमेशा ग़लत ही होती है| इतिहास पढ़े तो पता चलता है के कैसे भीड़ ने एक भाव के तूफान मे बहके बड़े बड़े सकारात्मक परिवर्तन कर दिए, कितनी नयी शुरुआतें और ना जाने कितने लोगों को एक नयी उम्मीद की झलक दिखाई| लेकिन जहाँ ये हुआ वही अराजकता भी आई, लोगों ने भीड़ की आड़ मे अपने पर्सनल अजेंडे भी पूरे किए|

कहते है के गेहू के साथ घुन तो पिसता ही है| लेकिन क्या गेहू के साथ घुन का पीसना सही है? हरयाणा मे महिलाओं का यौन शोषण, Twitter पे लोगो का मानसिक शोषण और Bengaluru मे Tanzanian लड़की का शारीरिक शोषण सही है?

मैं रोज एक छोटी भीड़ के साथ सड़क पार करता हूँ| हरे सिगनल पे तेज़ी से आती गाड़ियाँ हमारी भीड़ के सामने बेबस होती है| अपनी कार मे बैठे “बड़े लोग” रोज गुस्सा और Best की बस का ड्राइवर आग बाबूला होता है| लेकिन भीड़ रुकती नही क्यूंकी उसे जल्दी है, मुझे जल्दी है| मैं खुश हूँ क्यूंकी ऑफीस २ मिनिट पहले पहुँच जाता हूँ|

लेकिन ये सोचता रहता हूँ के उस दिन क्या मैं इतना खुश होऊँगा जब यही भीड़ आगज़नी कर रही होगी अगर इसका कोई नन्हा सिपाही सड़क पे शहीद हो गया तो?

धर्म, जाती, क्षेत्र और राष्ट के नाम पे राजनीति तो चलती ही रहेगी| ये सब बड़े मुद्दे है जो सरकारे गिराते और बनाते है, लेकिन क्या हमे नही चाहिए के एक समाज के रूप मे हम आत्मनिरीक्षण करे?

Modi seems to have changed gears – Politically!


One of the pet peeves of any Modi supporter in past 20 months has been… while the developmental efforts are fine, whatever happened to the Accountability Commission Modi ji promised in his pre-election promises.  To be more precise,  when is he going to go after the Bee-Hive and the Queen Bee? Recent developments give a hint to the strategy.

The sudden spat of exposes of Ishrat Jahan witnesses and whistle blowers, the ED finding all of PC son’s ill-gotten wealth right during the Parliament session just shows Modi was accumulating these facts for a long time, waiting to strike at the right moment.

Parliament wasn’t allowed to function again as expected.  It is Rahul’s brain wave to hold the government to ransom and not allow it to do any constructive legislative work , hence, in his mind, discrediting the government. Especially since expectations are high from Modi and people are getting restive. Acche Din, Pappu thinks, can be beaten by “Jumla sarkar” type of slogans. That governments aren’t limited to slogans may be beyond his capabilities to comprehend. Messaging is not the whole and soul, but just the final wrap on substantive governance.

Modi has given a teaser to the opposition by initiating accountability actions against PC… a direct hint to $onia that no one is beyond reach. This “Damocles sword” on her head is the latest attempt at getting some much-needed cooperation from opposition. Sources have confirmed that the expectation of the party from the by polls to Rajya Sabha due in July, given the current equation of electoral mathematics, is expected to push Congress down to less than 60 seats. This should be enough for Government to conduct legislative business with the help of friendly parties like AIADMK, BJD or even SP.

Given the threat hanging on PC, we can expect parliament to start cooperating a bit from now on too. Financial bills will probably go through. The very top legislation business may slide through. Obviously the optics of confrontation, Rahul Gandhi brand of politics, will continue. Albeit with the right prodding at the right time at the right places, government may succeed to buy temporary peace. I have a suspicion that GST is just a tool to discredit the opposition. They quickly fell to Modi’s trap in vociferously opposing false flags like Land Acquisition and GST, not half as necessary as it is made out to be. If the opposition now support GST, they’ll have to eat humble pie. If not, Modi will play victim, and further turn the screws.

Modi has also got JNU as his second Godhra moment. Opposition has gifted Modi deep polarisation along nationalistic lines. This is vintage chess minds at play here (Amit Shah has long been an avid chess player). It is evident that govt is changing gears. “Take no prisoners” is the strategy.

The opposition has two choices currently. It may think it is wise to surrender on the governance agenda. The situation is good for the economic agenda in my opinion. But if the economy succeeds in creating the new rural demand as it’s engine, as budget 2016 focuses, Sonia and her Suit-Boot opposition will be history.

The alternative for the opposition is to dig it out for the end game. Sonia isn’t going to take things lightly either, if she realises the downsides of a performing government. After a temporary ceasefire to buy reprieve from government action, more identity based politics may be in the offing to break the nationalistic narrative. Will it create enough disturbance in country to trip the economy and hence Modi? Will Modi use his Brahmastra of action against his rival? Will it be too late to needle the Queen?

Interesting times can be promised ahead!

Decoding Barkha Dutt’s open letter to Prime minister


There are a number of open letters as well as, their counter letters that have been written after JNU Row. Out of all the letters that have been written recently, only three are my favorites, which have been listed below:

  1. Open letter to Raj Deep – By Vivek Agnihotri
  2. Open letter to Rahul Gandhi – By Mrinaal Prem
  3. Open Letter to Barkha Dutt – By Vande Mataram

After I had seen numerous open letters, I realized that I am the only person that has not only, not written an open letter but has also not responded to any of the unlimited open letters available. It is probable that none of the letters was addressed to me, but normally those responding to such open letters are not exactly the people the letter was directed to, but third parties.

Today, many are writing open letters, as if they are sending a “whatsapp” forwarded joke message to the Prime Minister of country like India, which is known for its laid back bureaucracy and red-tapism. Since it costs them nothing, they write open letters and expect immediate responses to their open letters; possibly with the assumption that even if the prime minister does not respond to such open letters written, at least, he will send a smiley or a pictorial message as a rejoinder to their letter.

As a response to the open letters addressed to the Prime Minister of the nation with the population of 1.2billion people, third parties write counter open letters who somehow assume the role of the prime minister. I, therefore, decided never to write an open letter nor to assume that a particular letter is addressed to me and respond.

But still, my enormous desire for open letters could not stop. To quench my desire for open letters, I started rehearsing and reading all those letters again with the decision that I will not write an open letter which is long; with the intention that a busy person like the prime minister may be able to read and respond at least in the form of smiley or pictorial message.

Consequently, I decided to decode and simplify one of the letters addressed to the Prime Minister by Ms. Barkha Dutt, who seems to be the best journalist as per to the major opposition parties in the country. She, generically, seems to be representing the hundreds of opposition parties but also the 1.2 billion people.

The actual Barkha Dutt’s letter to the prime minister can be read from here.

We now get down to “Decoding Barkha’s Dutt Letter addressed to the Prime Minister” to make it easy for all those who are reading the letter, including the Prime Minister himself if he at all he decides to read her letter.

For this, I use the dictionary from my favorite, R. Jaganathan. As I consider him the master of decoding speeches and open letters too, other than providing financial advice day & night to the Government of the day. I mean, the advice in the night will be 100% different from what he provided in the day. I love to call him as my Guruji, but ever since the Congress’s innovation of Afzal Guru ji, I stopped using Ji. And we are again distracted from the “decoding process.”

Actual Headline of her letter is as follows:

 “A letter to PM Modi from Anti -National Sickular pressitute”.

Deciphering the Headline:

This is a clever distortion, a thorough attempt to narrow down the argument by painting positive things which is obvious and which everybody can agree on. This is what others refer to as anti-national, since the issue you tabled is different from the main topic. Those few who are against JNU slogans are against the fundamental right of “speech”.

Example: “I am for a uniform civil code and if that makes me communal, I accept”

Having decoded the subject of the letter, we now Decode the Letter in one go.

Dear Prime minister,

We both are equal, we both started our career together – you as the General Secretary and I as the Reporter. While you were trying to manage the affairs of the party even without being fluent in English, I mastered the art of managing the entire military. I have not only given input to the past government to solve all the problems of the Indian military, but also have the solutions to the problems which you personally could not solve, be it OROP or Defense Procurement. This signifies that I am the most patriotic person in the entire universe.

Also, I am the best, be it in my part-time job of reporting or full-time job as a consultant to the government. I can be an adviser or critic from The South of Tamil Nadu to Kashmir. Don’t trust my competitors, my service is readily available for you to always see and hence collect. Irrespective of the fact that my friends are teasing me and telling me that I should not provide you any advice. Yet, I am still willing to offer my services.

Additionally, I have always been thinking that you are more inclined towards the center instead of left leaning like the past government, which was my assumption. But with the action your government has taken at JNU, I am totally convinced. Since all your men are completely under your control, we could in no way influence them, unlike previous NDA government headed by Atal Bihari Vajpayee, yours made our lives miserable.

Even during 26/11, when several people were killed by Ajmal Kasab and his friends from Pakistan, the previous UPA government was so accommodating. Not only that they allowed us to access to all their data, but also, the ministers of UPA were accommodating. The interesting part was that each of them was speaking in different languages which enabled us to create so many conspiracies and interesting stories which also led to an increase in our TRP coupled with a mount in my salary too. Your government, on the other hand, has made my job quite difficult. Interestingly, they all speak a single language, leaving us with lesser opportunities to create interesting stories or conspiracy theories and hence, the downward slope in our TRP.

Furthermore, our TRP has come down to 3%.This is because your government does not have a conscience. It only concentrates on filing cases against us and sending us notices.  Since there is no support from the government, we – the like-minded people – tried to lobby, so that our TRP could go up. But to our greatest surprise, your government rejected it. My friends refused to support me in pretention because you told them not to help me in increasing my TRP. I came with the idea of taking support from the lawyers to increase our rating, yet they refused to accept my proposal. But your refusal to support our business as well as your refusal to increase our influence with the corporate, our business almost liquidated. To me, this is against our channel.

We assume, Mr. Prime Minister, which you are aware of our hardship and therefore, you need to do something. It is not only my channel that has this problem, but also other channels except “Times Now” that broadcasts exclusive Dogs barking shows and government-funded channels. All the others channels will be forced to close, if your government refuses to support, just like previous ones. Then again you did not inform us about your visit to Pakistan, due to which we could not get the advantage of 24/7 coverage. It was only a Pakistan TV channel that milked your entire visit. Same with the case of your visit to Kashmir several times, only Pakistani viewers are interested in Kashmir related news so their TRP increased.

After our best efforts we are able to convince some motor mouthed members of your party, all that news they could create for us are about Beef and Demons. Do you agree that news on “cooking beef” and “worshipping demons” is not something people are interested in? When we report news on those subjects, no one views it. We need news that people will watch and a situation whereby our TRP increases. Even when Kanhaya Kumar was being dragged and pulled, our cameraman was not given proper access to show whether he was bleeding or had broken legs or hands.

What kind of police force do you have Mr. PM? … could not even break his leg. Our TRP would have gone up not only locally, but the image would have made both national and international headlines. We need to be reporting the abuse of power so that we can get donations through NGO route. In the previous UPA government, we had a Prime Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh who was not able to give us an exclusive interview as he can’t speak at all. But even now, we do not have hope on Prime Minister – a one to one interview as we know that for sure, will not be given by you. Help us Mr. PM … Support an increase in our TRP.

We know your love for the nation; we also love the nation and also want the nation to become richer so that, we can improve our business by numerous blackmail options we routinely do. But, to our disappointment Mr.  Prime minister, all those news coming from your government is not TRP worthy. After persuading for long, your party members were willing to help us, but all that they could do is to hit a couple in Maharashtra in Mumbai. What can we do with this kind of stupid news? We need news like that of CWG or 2G.

During the previous government, not only did we get all the support to increase our TRP, but also support to make additional income through Ms. Radia and many others.  The previous UPA government allowed us to make enough money, honored me by giving several awards but even asked all the school going students to study about me. But to my dismay, I was told that you will be removing even those lessons about me from the Syllabus.

I am getting older, so before my retirement, I need to make a reasonable amount of money. I also intend to start my own business up. I also published a book that only very few have purchased. Please be kind enough, help us! If you help us, I will try my best to support you. I don’t have money to buy diamonds for you though. If you make up your mind that you are not helping me after reading this letter, well, God help you. I pray to God and I believe that the government that will support me will be in power in 2019.

Dear Prime Minister, India belongs to people like us, not you. People like me have built this country over a period of 50 years of hard work, and we have built a strong eco system. Whatever you may try, our eco system will fail you, and 2019 will be ours.

Yours truly,

Anti-national Presstitute Barkha Dutt.

Post Script (This is from me, not Ms. Barkha Dutt):

I don’t expect any response from either the Prime Minister or Barkha Dutt, or anyone who has excellent skills in writing an open letter – including those who have written the above 3 letters. I don’t mind if you abuse me with written comments here or on my twitter account, I will not read them. I am requesting for a small open letter from those who are planning to write in future, so that I will be able to decode faster.

The Rail Budget is in right direction


Honorable Rail Minister Suresh Prabhu recently presented the rail budget on floor of lower house prepared by a zero based budgeting approach.The budget emphasizes upon providing upgraded facilities to the consumers and collecting revenue through it.Some of the major avenues for collection of revenue in the current budget are as enlisted below:

1. Greater e-Services like e-catering,e-ticketing by foreign debit cards for foreigners.
2.Catering services like stalls at stations for milk,medicine,food menu for children.
3.Through the help of MPLADS funds.(124 MP would provide funds).
4.New features like travel insurance option,wi-fi etc.
5.Decrease in freight rates in a bid to increase revenue by higher volumes.
6.New trains,freight corridors etc.will generate revenue.

Thus the Rail Budget seeks to increase the share of revenue without putting a burden on the consumers.

The fund crunch has arrested the growth of railway sector in the recent past and there is an immediate need of restructuring of the sector through generation of funds. The budget is a step in the right direction and would help in making the rail as engine of economic growth of India.

The “intolerant saffron” government has revamped the rail sector in the last 16 months to a great extent thanks to Rail Minister.

Google is installing wi-fi, the infrastructure is to be upgraded on the airport lines, first braille express train, minimizing online booking by a single account to 6 per month to check Black ticketing has been recently launched to name a few.

Nevertheless, the central problem of the rail sector have been the accidents and though Rail Ministry is working on Zero Accident programme, there is absence of any concrete policy in the direction of safety of railways. It should be imperative for the government to implement the Anil Kakokdar committee recommendations because safety is the foremost responsibility of government and it is the ultimate consumer facility the government can provide to us.

That is why I say that “Acche Din nahi aaye hain, lekin Bure Din kam rahe hain”!!

The link between JNU incident and Telugus


I was going through the FB post of one of my friends who happens to be a Upper Caste Telugu like me. In which he had mentioned that, since no substantial allocation for AP in the budget BJP will be wiped out in AP in 2019. Which actually made me smile. Since I have been hearing this narrative since past 5 years or so, very regularly.

The political narrative in 2 Telugu States:

– Being a Telanganite if you belong to a party which supports United Andhra, then you & your party will be wiped out from Telangana.
– Being an Andhrite if you belong to a party which supports Telangana, then, you & your party will be wiped out from Andhra.
– Being a Telanganite if you belong to a party which is silent on bifurcation, then, you & your party will be wiped out from Telangana.
– Being an Andhrite, if you belong to a party which is silent on bifurcation, then, you & your party will be wiped out from Andhra.
– If you do not give proper allocation to Telangana in the Union Budget then your party will be wiped out in Telangana.
– If you do not give proper allocation to Andhra in the Union Budget then your party will be wiped out in Andhra.

When the problem in JNU started, people from villages and areas surrounding JNU staged rallies outside the campus against such activities. Which scared these anti-nationals and they refused to come out from the campus the 2nd day. But much before that, Rohith Vemula and his classmates offered ‘Namaz’ for Yakub Memom and put posters in his support with same slogans as in JNU on Holy Telugu land. But no single Telugu, whether, surrounding Hyd CU or distant cared a damn.

Andhrites might say that, Hyderabad is now in Telangana. Well to correct their failing memory, Hyd CU is 90% surrounded by Andhra Settlers, with the much hyped Hitech City being just 5-7kms away. One of those 90% being myself. With Rohith Vemula himself being from Guntur, Andhra.

If Telugus had taken action against Rohith Vemula and his friends, then the issue in JNU wud not have occurred. Since, the main reason given by the JNU & Jadavpur University students for hosting such an event, was Rohith Vemula’s death.

One single brave heart OBC Telugu from Telangana belonging to the ABVP brought this to the nation’s attention, and he was almost killed by these anti-nationals. Not forgetting another brave heart lone BJP MP Shri Bandaru Dattatreya who incidentally happens to be a Dalit too.

I was joking with my North Indian friend about anti-nationalism of Delhites and JNU. He was quick to respond that, all this problem started in your state. If you people had tackled it effectively, then this matter wudnt have come till here.

All the average Telugu needs is his night peg, his caste, his caste hero movie, his card group and his woman.

Country be damned! Nation be damned!

Well lets wait and see in 2019, which party will get wiped out.

The Anti-India ecosystem of one “Royal” family

With 3 generations having ruled Independent India over 49 years (73% of the time), one family has gotten into its very DNA the dangerous self-delusion that they are the only ones who possess the “divine right” to rule our nation forever. Just like a king giving power, privileges & perks to his zamindars so that he has their lifetime loyalty, this family has been nurturing a loyal zamindari ecosystem in all sections of public life. Not unlike the Italian Mafia (that rules by loyalty, corruption & fear), this Family exercises great power through their loyal henchmen even when they are not in government.

What is this Zamindari Ecosystem of this Family? It all started after 1979..

  1. Takeover of Judiciary: Loyalists were appointed in judicial positions all across the country so that no adverse verdict against the Family or its Zamindars is issued. The first pillar of democracy was captured, and Judicial Zamindars were born…!
  2. Takeover of Bureaucrats: Loyalists were appointed in all senior government offices (IAS), police force (IPS), revenue services (IRS) that made the power of this Family reach till the district level. These loyal government servants will do nothing against the Family even when the king is not in power. As long as these servants protected the king, they can eat as much as they want (i.e., widespread corruption) & the king will protect them back. The second pillar of democracy was captured, and Babu Zamindars were born…!
  3. Takeover of Politicians: Using the CBI, Intelligence agencies & police detectives, this Family got the dark & dirty secrets of most politicians in all major parties and blackmailed them into supporting the Family, even when not in power. The third pillar of democracy was captured, and Neta Zamindars were born…!
  4. Takeover of Media: Starting with giving government advertisements for publishing, then moving on to awarding spectrum & licence to friends for starting TV channels, and finally buying shares in over 150 large media houses, this Family took control of information that reaches the people of India. The fourth & final pillar of democracy was captured, and Presstitutes were born…!
  5. Takeover of Industry: For feeding their khazana to fuel their power machine, the Royal Family needed much funds. So, they groomed select industrialists through tax concessions, subsidies, bank loans that need not be paid back, etc. As long as they supported the Family, these loyal industrialists were free to weaken India’s banking system, rig prices, treat employees like slaves, get away with genocide (Union Carbide), etc. The Business Oligarchy / Industrial Cartel was born…!
  6. Takeover of Intelligensia: Even after all this, societal opinion leaders could still do harm to this Family. Ergo, senior academicians, historians, scholars, writers, artists, religious leaders, and all other influential intellectuals were systematically bought out over several years through governmental awards, project grants, scholarships, etc. The Sickulars were born…!

Thus, the re-capture of this rich land once again was completed.

India has lost her Independence and We the People have lost our power. That’s why you feel so powerless. Only one Family has funnelled all the benefits of Independence unto themselves & their loyalist zamindars.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This powerful ecosystem of zamindars who are answerable to no one except the Family will not tolerate any threat to their power. They will scream, blame, tarnish, threaten, and even kill those who try to clean their corruption. They will scream “saffronization” if textbooks are cleaned up or “outsiders” are brought into key positions. They will scream “Hindutva” if religious / caste appeasement & vote-bank politics are withdrawn. They will scream “nationalism” if Indians assert their right as citizens.

India desperately needs another Independence movement–against corruption, against vested interests, against the System that exploits the common man as a “battery” to power the engine of one Family.

Why our PM’s life is in grave danger

I am 100% convinced that, after assuming responsibility for the entire nation in 2014, our evidently nationalistic Prime Minister requested IB specialist Sh. Ajith Doval to identify the Top Imminent Dangers to India, and this is what would have been presented to him for urgent eradication by 2019:

  1. Political Parties (both regional & national) that are conduits of black money and hawala transactions (and caught by surveilling foreign governments that blackmail them) who work hard to keep the population distracted from their real agenda. E.g.: Resistance to RTI by parties.
  2. Media Houses funded by enemy governments and Opposition parties to always attack the Government through misinformation and increase TRPs by “manufacturing” bad, sensational news and create fear psychosis. E.g.: Everyday news…
  3. Trade Cartel of wholesalers and businesses (supporting political parties & being supported in return) who rig prices every year for 3 months bleeding the economy, so that they can make black money to be deposited with foreign governments to enrich their economy and to destroy our nation. E.g.: Tur dal, Onion prices…
  4. Universities (staffed by professors supported by enemy governments via “research” grants and Opposition parties) where anti-social and anti-national “students” are created & shielded from the law. E.g.: UoH, JNU…
  5. NGOs funded by enemy governments and directed by political parties to oppose all government schemes, stall national development, and weaken India. E.g.: Narmada Bachao Andolan, Kudankulam opposition (funded by US against Russia’s project)
  6. Small-Time Religious Outfits, “Senas” & Caste Groups that also funnel enemy governmental funds to destablise law & order and create fear psychosis and hatred among Indian citizens to keep them distracted. E.g. Jat agitation in Haryana, Patidar agitation in Gujarat…

The primary funders of India’s instability & paralysis are U.S., Europe, Russia, China, Saudi and Pakistan. That’s why our PM had to travel to these countries in the first year to understand them better.

Sh. Narendra Modi has embarked on a very dangerous, life-threatening path to clean India. The forces against him are extremely dangerous. They have killed nationalistic Presidents (Kennedy, Lincoln…) and Prime Ministers (Lal Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Sirimavo Bandaranaike, Benazir Bhutto…) before.

I fervently pray that Mother India keep him safe so her son can complete his noble mission of rescuing her from those who rape her every moment of every day in the name of “Democracy”…!!!

The Aryan Conundrum


The Aryan invasion theory was propounded in the early 19th century, trying to explain the connection between the languages of the east and west. It was explained that India, having a rudimentary tribal existence, having no value, was “conquered” by incoming “aryans” on “chariots”, even though languages & ethnicity do not always correspond, there can be an aryan language without there being an ethnically homogeneous “aryan people”, and everything in the ancient past did not always work in the conquer\invasion kind of paradigm, as understood in the modern times. It was also a convenient way of appropriating whatever Indian literature these early Indologists were coming across, and fit in well with the colonial racist enterprise.

When the Harappan,or Sindhu-Saraswati civilization was discovered in early 20th century, the logical conclusion was that the massive Sanskrit literature\and the just discovered highly advanced material culture should be treated as eponymous, and the reasons for abandonment should have been researched in depth. But, no, the theory was changed to imply that the existing material culture was destroyed by warfare, and the “Aryan” code was established on the natives. Here, the paradox being that the native culture was far superior, while the Aryans were just a bunch of vagabonds roaming around on “chariots”!

After a lot of efforts by various archaeologists, anthropologists, geneticists etc. it was finally established that there was absolutely no evidence of any warfare\destruction, or invasion of any kind. In fact, one of the great mysteries of the Harappan civilization has been the lack of evidence of any kind of weapons, not even an arrow head has been discovered, which is astonishing, for a civilization which was among the largest, if not the largest in the ancient world.

Due to all this, the Marxist and the western historians had to change stance, and that lead to the current form of the “mainstream theory”(history is just an interpretation of facts, not the actual fact), which says that a small number of Indo-European (Sanskrit) speaking people came to India, and assimilated with local culture, leaving no genetic evidence, but their language and customs were slowly adopted by the natives, and the influence also spread all across south east asia. It is the same as saying, a bunch of tribal Africans peacefully migrate to England, and the english slowly adopt the tribal culture instead of vice-versa !

To illustrate my point on the continuity of the material culture of India, I would present some Indus seals below. Just for a moment, forget the Harappan civilization, Aryan theory and the rest of it. Just based on your current observation and understanding of the world, if you came across these images, which country\civilization will you associate them with?

I don’t claim to know any absolute truth, but one thing is absolutely certain, the lies that have been told are enormous, and were always designed to tear apart the fabric of India. Division on as many lines as possible, while also massaging the snobbish,supremacist and racist ego of the white man, the latter continues till today. The collaborators on the Indian left, behaved as nothing more than intellectual slaves of either the dead Russian thinkers, or the western “enlightened” man. They were as disconnected from the ground about which they were writing, as the air which has no understanding where it came from and where it is going.

Fair goddesses and dark demons – blatant lies spread by leftist propagandists


Creation of persecution complex and victimhood based on false equivalences is an art perfected by the left liberals. Their choicest weapons are often stories of perceived injustice from history and mythology. I was shocked and pained when I heard about how goddess Durga  was depicted as a debauched prostitute by the commies at JNU to convert folks from Hinduism to their godless faith of Atheism.

It was amusing to see an anchor named Sunetra Chowdhary of NDTV defend it as “Alternative Reading” on Twitter (a certain Kamlesh Tiwari must have had a hearty laugh in the jail). Since I believe that Hinduism, and in general the Indian culture, is tolerant of dissent, I shall present my “alternative reading” of the willful vilification attempt by commies, JNU jholawallas and media.

So let’s first begin with the nasty legend propagated by the commies. As per their “Alternative Reading” Mahishasura was a benevolent dark skinned king who was revered by his subjects. There is an undertone to suggest that he was a non-Aryan/ native / dalit / tribal king. It is interesting to note that this undertone seeks to address the usual hunting ground of the leftists. The leftists claim that Durga was a beautiful fair skinned assassin sent by his enemies (presumably fairer skinned/ upper caste/non native Aryans) in the garb of a prostitute. She “allegedly” (thanks NDTV for enhancing my vocabulary) seduced the demon king and killed him while he slept.

Fair skinned Gods/ Goddesses – unfair assumption : Since the leftists have no records , ancient writings, religious books to backup their claims, I shall start from the first principles. Let us first address this supposed claim of fair skinned gods and goddesses in Hinduism. First the gentlemen Gods – The literal meaning of “Krishna” in Sanskrit is dark. He is often referred by many names indicating his dark complexion like “Shyam” (dusky) & “Ghanshyam” (dark like rain laden clouds). The idols of Krishna at Nathdwara in Rajasthan and Puri in Odisha depict him as black skinned, in contrast with other idols there. Vishnu, the preserver, is referred to being as dark skinned as a dark cloud (“meghvarna”) in this popular shloka


Vishnu is worshipped as “Shaligram” or a black stone in Badrinath – one of the holiest shrines for Vishnu believers. The same is the case for Shiva and Rama who are always depicted as dark skinned in all paintings and scriptures. Coming to the goddesses, there are nine forms of Durga (the same slayer of Mahishasura) , one each is worshipped during the nine days of Navratri. Infact Navratri is chosen as 9 day festival to coincide with the nine days of battle of Durga with Mahishasura. On the seventh day, “Kaalratri” the fearsome dark skinned, ferocious form of Durga is worshipped. Such a far cry from the fair maiden in the leftist agenda.

Apparently she is a fair skinned Aryan goddess
Apparently she is a fair skinned Aryan goddess

Devi Mahatamya – the only record of battle : Durga Saptashati / Devi Mahatamya is the only record we have for the battle between Mahishasura and Durga. The earliest manuscripts of the same are recorded in the 7th century CE. Wendy Doniger (because the leftists won’t accept any one else) estimates Devi Mahatamya to be composed around 6th century CE . It is part of the Markandeya Purana – earliest known purana. Interestingly the JNU/leftist “Alternative Reading” that describes Durga as a prostitute is devoid of any historical, religious references. I have read this scripture many times and it is shown that Mahishasura had usurped tri lokas (swarga, earth, pataal) – this was against the structure of Swarga for devas, Earth for other living beings, pataal for demons. He had leashed atrocities on all those who refused to hail him as one true lord.

In Hinduism demons are not equivalent of Satan in Abrahamic religions, they represent the balance between good and evil. In other words, Mahishasura was not killed because he was a dark skinned king of demons, but because he had upset the balance of structure and led to persecution of others. Since he had been given the boon by Brahma that he could not be killed by any man or deva or god (Shiva / Vishnu/ Brahma), Durga was created as the force of sacred feminine to kill him. Mahishasura didn’t think a woman could kill him.

I am surprised that the feminists at JNU are not offended by commies interpretation of Durga! Trash talking a woman with power by calling her a sex-worker is slut shaming a woman. Isn’t that exactly what feminists stand against?

Demonizing demon worship: One of the arguments used by the JNU folks was that Mahishasura is worshipped by “some” tribals, and Durga worship is forced as upper caste, thus proving Aryan conspiracy.

As I had mentioned earlier, demons/rakshasas are not outcasts in Hinduism. We also revere Prahlad (born to demon king Hiranyakashipu) and King Bali. In fact all the Hindus in Kerala look forward to welcoming Bali from pataal every year on the festival of Onam. Important to note here is that Bali was a good virtuous demon King who had conquered Swarga, Earth and Pataal and displaced devas. This destroyed the balance of tri lokas. Vishnu restored the balance by sending Bali to Pataal by taking the form of Vaaman Avatar. Bali is never vilified in the “Bhagvat Purana” that records this story. He is praised for  being dharmic and keeping his word. He was later blessed by Vishnu and given the chance to visit his subjects on earth (Kerala) once a year. If Mahishasura was a benevolent king as depicted by JNU wallas, he would have received the same reverence as Bali in puranas.

Lastly in Hindu mythology, a distinction is made between an evil deed and an evil man. The latter is considered forgivable on repentance. All demons – Raavan, Kans, Shishupal, Chand, Mund etc were granted moksha (the most coveted aim of Hindu life) when they prayed for forgiveness in their dying moments. The pilgrimage at Vaishno Devi shrine is not considered complete till you go pray to “Bhairo” who was the demon killed by Vaishno devi. Banias (trader community in North India) like me worship Raavan on Dussehra because we believe he was an intelligent, wise man (before Sita’s kidnap). We pray to Lord Ram and say “let us not become arrogant with power like Raavan, keep us humble and grounded”.

So just because some tribals worship Mahishsura (assuming it is true and is not a contrived drama abetted by leftists), it doesn’t make Durga villainous. It just makes Hindu philosophy of forgiveness deeper. It just tells you that we must learn to differentiate between an evil man and his evil deeds.

Finally, in my opinion, an alternative reading should be based on coherent arguments not plain vilification. Wrapping your political agendas in the garb of “Alternative Reading” is not an act of scholarship. May the goddess forgive those who malign her.

Criminal Law Amendment Act 2013 – need to review clauses prone to misuse


Before writing this article I want to clear my view that for me any sexual offence which is against the dignity of women is the most heinous crime and no punishment can par the act of the accused. Sexual Offences not only hurt the victim physically but it also kill the conscious of the victim. And in case victim survives, the psychological injuries are almost impossible to be cured.

The figure of sexual offences are escalating gradually. According to NCRB data for 2014, there were almost 13 lakhs cases of sexual offences reported in India, leave alone the unreported cases. There are various factors behind such high number of cases.

First of all we have some defect in our law making process. Legislation is a process which requires in depth research, intense deliberations and widespread consultations with necessary parties. The most important aspect of any law is the object of that law. The parties involved in enacting any law must be clear in their thoughts that for whom they are going to make that law and what is the basic essence of that law. There must be conformity between rationale and language of that law. And sometimes we overlook all these aspects. Criminal Law Amendment Act 2013 is the best illustration of above observation. There are so many provision in this act those have some inherent defect.

For example Sec 354A of Act which define sexual harassment as any physical contact and advances committed by any man involving unwelcome and explicit sexual overtures or showing pornography against the will of a woman. Now it is difficult to understand why in this particular section accused is not gender neutral. Take an example of a woman in authority (police,warden) who exercises such method to a women as a torture to compel her to do anything or admitting any fact. Why that women should not be treated as an accused.

Further Sec 354B says any man who assaults or uses criminal force to any woman or abets such act with the intention of disrobing or compelling her to be naked, shall be punished. In that case too there is no logic why a woman should not be punished under this section if it is proved that she abets a man to disrobe a woman and has the intention necessary for that offence.

Further this is also not in conformity with the principle of common intention which itself has been incorporated in section 34 of Indian Penal Code which state that when a criminal act is done by several person in furtherance of the common intention of all, each of such person is liable for that act in the same manner as if it were done by him alone.

Further Sec 354C says any man who watches, or captures the image of a woman engaging in a private act in circumstances where she would usually has the expectation of not being observed either by the perpetrator or by any other person at the behest of the perpetrator or disseminates such image shall be punished. I want to put a special emphasis on this section because in this era of social media if, such image circulated, can destroy her life and may compel her to take some extreme step. In so many recent cases, women have committed suicide under such similar circumstances. But what will happen when a woman captures an image and disseminates and further consequences take place? I know there is other law to take care of it but then these laws existed earlier too and still we felt need of this act.

Now in my understanding the essence behind this particular law is to protect the dignity of the women. So my direct question to law maker is whether only a man can cause harm to the dignity of a woman? Can a woman never be a threat to the dignity of another woman? If this is not the case then why in these clauses the accused is not gender neutral. Further, see the whole scenario from the victim’s point of view, she faced the same harassment, she faced the same trauma, but she is not on equal footing with other victims where men were offender.

Now the main question is can a woman commit or abet any sexual offence against any other woman. I want to quote here a particular case related to above question in which Hon’ble Supreme Court expressed its view. This case is Priya Patel Vs State Of Madhya Pradesh. The brief facts of case are that the husband of Priya Patel (appellant) is committing an act of rape on victim. The appellant came in the room. Victim cried for help but instead of helping her, appellant slapped the victim, shut the door, and left the place. The State filed the case against appellant and her husband under sec 376(2)(g). The High Court convicted appellant under the said section.

Overruling the Madhya Pradesh High Court’s verdict, the Supreme Court Bench ruled that: “A woman cannot be said to have an intention to commit rape. The counsel for the appellant is right in her submission that she cannot be prosecuted for alleged commission of the offence punishable under Section 376 (2) (g)”. I want to emphasis on the reason given by the Apex Court behind the acquittal. Court held that a women cannot be said to have the intention to commit rape. It is true, and further according to the definition of rape at that time it is practically impossible for a women to commit a rape. But court has not given women any kind of immunity for all type of sexual offences. Further Court never try to impose a view that women can’t commit such act against other women.

Further on the question of whether she can be charged for abetment, court held that this is an aspect which has not been dealt with by the Trial Court or the High Court. But the Bench did say that if it was permissible by law, Patel could be charged with abetment of the offence of rape. The Supreme Court left it to the Trial Court to decide if the accused could be prosecuted for abetment. So even in Supreme Court view women cannot be given a blanket immunity in case of sexual offences. Going by Supreme Court observations women can commit sexual offences.

I want to share a personal experience here. At the time of my LLB, I was living in a PG hostel of Delhi University. We were playing cricket when two girls entered at hostel at 11 pm and made an allegation that a boy entered in hostel after passing some comment on them. Since we were on the gate for last two hours, we had not notice any such incident. They called police and named a guy of hostel who was studying in his room since last two hours. We had no idea why they were doing this. It took us three hours to convince police that he was innocent. Making it worse that poor guy had a final exam next day. The single agenda of mine to tell you this real story is that not every man is guilty and not every woman is innocent. A woman too can have an intention to commit an offence or to give trouble to someone.

Now coming back on this legislation, this particular legislation took place after the Nirbhaya rape case. The sole reason behind this ultra feminist law is the prevailing circumstances of that time. There was outrage all over the country. Government was under immense pressure to show that it cares about half of the population of India. And in that effort it could not take risk to present women as an offender in a law which is meant for safety of women. But they ignored the basic essence of this law, and that is, to protect the women from all kinds of sexual offences regardless of the fact as to who is the offender.

The rationale behind this law should have been the protection of the women. This law should have been made with the objective to protect women and not with the objective to punish men. Apart from this, it is applaudable when public comes to street for a good cause. But public demonstration should only act as an incentive for law making. Such public demonstration should not affect the process of law making or judicial proceedings.

The other problem is related to implementation of law. According to NCRB stat,  in almost 13 lakhs reported cases of sexual offences, the conviction rate is only 27.1%. So, reform should always be a two way process. It is not only the language of the law which should change but it is also the system of implementation of law that should also change. What we need is a robust system where every case is reported, in every reported case chargesheet is filed, and the most important judicial proceedings must be fast tracked.

The problem with us is that we always need a earthquake to awaken us from the slumber. After Mathura case we brought Criminal law Amendment Act 1984 and then we took no further step. We just included some stringent provision, some harsh punishment, some new offence, but, nothing substantial done in the direction of proper implementation of these provisions. And then Nirbhaya incident happened and after that in haste we brought another Criminal Law Amendment Act and rest the same story. Recently the juvenile convict of Nirbhaya gang rape was released by the Court after just three year, which resulted in the nationwide protest. On that, our Union minister Menka Gandhi said “let us not confuse justice with the law. There is nothing we can do until or unless he commits another crime.”

This clearly shows the helplessness of a mighty State. Even at that time we delayed the passing of Juvenile Justice Amendment Act in the Upper House of Parliament  and in the meantime, some cases of rape took place involving juvenile as accused.

I hope this time we will alter this modus operandi. We will make proper changes not only in the provisions of our law but also in the process of implementation. We are focussing so much on procedural aspect of law and ignoring the justice. I hope this will change soon, as it is rightly said by Hon’ble Justice Krishna Aiyar (Retd) that the ends of justice is higher than end of mere law, although justice is to be administered through the law.