Sunday, October 20, 2024
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Religion, radicalisation and deradicalisation


Right from the start of this new year,the world has suffered some major inhuman brutal acts in the form of terrorism. First at Pathankot, then at Bacha Khan University,Pakistan and then in Brussels again followed by Pakistan. We may calculate the no.of deaths and injuries caused due to these inhuman acts but it is factually impossible to differentiate between the intensities of these brutal acts. Every terror act that happens in any part of the world not only causes deaths and damage but also leads to a situation of vulnerability, fear and insecurity. Frankly speaking,this problem is much more dangerous than what existed in the imperialistic society or during the horrifying world wars.

The major cause of this problem has been the radicalization of Islam, no matter how much the intellects try to divorce religion from terrorism. It is not a hidden fact that ISIS is working purely on the basis of an extreme radicalized violent version of Islam and is recruiting the new young lads by perpetually trapping them in the name of religion. The only solution that lies to the problem is that the real Islam that preaches humanity and love will have to join against the distorted Islam that preaches the just opposite.Education,employment and prosperity of the new generation ought to be the central solution to fight this problem.The religious leaders should act in tandem and strictly condemn violence in any form abetted or acted in the name of religion. The world super powers i.e.P-5 will have to work in complete co-ordination to combat terrorism forgetting their geo-political differences because terrorist organisations can never be an ally of anyone in the current era of globalization an inter-connection.All the nation states providing assistance to any terror organisation in any form should be boycotted by the peace-loving nation states.In the current era of internet connectivity,the most important and indispensable tool of terrorist organisations have become the social media platforms viz. facebook, twitter, youtube where they post their radicalised ideas and recruit personnel ready to conduct violence and give up their lives in virtue of attaining heaven.

Lastly, it is not the fight between right and wrong or between peace and violence but it is just a fight of ideology which the ideologically different but better conglomeration should win and no doubt, they cannot be the terrorist organisations. We may not win by killing the terrorists but we will win if we are able to kill the ideology that abates and perpetuates such brutal and horrific acts.

एक साथ एक समय पर गंगा के दो सौ घाटों पर स्वच्छता अभियान चलाकर एक नया इतिहास


प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी के स्वच्छता अभियान को और सशक्त करते हुए; गायत्री परिवार के कार्यकर्ता भाई-बहिनों एवं देव संस्कृति विश्वविद्यालय परिवार द्वारा निरन्तर संचालित माँ गंगा स्वच्छता अभियान

“अपना सुधार संसार की सबसे बडी सेवा है” – युगऋषि पंडित श्रीराम शर्मा आचार्य

श्रद्धेय डॉ.प्रणव पण्ड्या जी (कुलाधिपति, दे.सं.वि.वि. एवं प्रमुख, अखिल विश्व गायत्री परिवार) गंगा सफाई के दौरान
श्रद्धेय डॉ.प्रणव पण्ड्या जी (कुलाधिपति, दे.सं.वि.वि. एवं प्रमुख, अखिल विश्व गायत्री परिवार) गंगा सफाई के दौरान

अखिल विश्व गायत्री परिवार ने निर्मल गंगा जन अभियान के अंतर्गत गंगोत्री से गंगासागर तक एक साथ एक समय पर गंगा के दो सौ घाटों पर स्वच्छता अभियान चलाकर एक नया इतिहास रचा। उत्तराखंड के कोटी कालोनी, नई टिहरी, देवप्रयाग, ऋषिकेश, हरिद्वार से लेकर उत्तर प्रदेश के कानपुर, वाराणसी तक माँ गंगा घाटों पर चलाया गया वृहद स्वच्छता अभियान

समग्र स्वच्छ्ता कार्यक्रम में सफाई करने हेतु प्रस्थान करते देवसंस्कृति विश्वविद्यालय के विद्यार्थीगण



काशी में निर्मल गंगा जन अभियान; तुलसी घाट सहित, राजेंद्र प्रसाद घाट से लेकर अस्सी घाट तक चला: गायत्री परिवार के कार्यकर्ताओं के इस अभूतपूर्व योगदान की चर्चा काशी की नागरिकों के मध्य सराहना का केंद्र बना हुई है | आदरणीय अशोक जी के अनुसार निरंतर माँ गंगा की स्वच्छता एवं निर्मलता हेतु गायत्री परिवार अपना योगदान देता रहेगा।

गायत्री परिवार ने गंगोत्री से लेकर गंगासागर तक २५२५ किमी की दूरी तय करने वाली पापनाशिनी माँ गंगा को स्वच्छ करने का दायित्व उठाया है। राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर निर्मल गंगा जन अभियान का शुभारंभ किया जा चुका है, गंगा के दोनों तटों की ओर बसने वाले लोगों में जन जागरण किया जा रहा एवं भारत की जीवनदायिनी माँ गंगा को निर्मल करने में सहयोग करने हेतु प्रेरित किया जा रहा है। गंगोत्री से गंगासागर तक के तीन चरण के कार्य पूरे हो चुके हैं – अखिल विश्व गायत्री परिवार प्रमुख डॉ. प्रणव पण्ड्या  

२, १३, १८ अक्टूबर के बाद २५ अक्टूबर को भी गायत्री परिवार के हजारों कार्यकर्ताओं ने निःस्वार्थ भाव से गंगा स्वच्छता अभियान में सहभागिता दर्ज़ की।

स्वच्छता के साथ वृक्षारोपण का कार्य ऐसा है जिससे स्वास्थ्य रक्षा भी होती है तथा पर्यावरण सन्तुलन की दिशा में महत्त्वपूर्ण योगदान संभव होता है। अतएव २७ अक्टूबर को शांतिकुंज से १०० साइकिलों की टोली भारत के गाँव-देहातों में बसी आबादियों तक गंगा स्वच्छता का संदेश पहुँचाने हेतु रवाना हुई।

शांतिकुंज के अतिरिक्त देश के विभिन्न स्थानों से भी गंगा सफाई हेतु साइकिल टोलियाँ निकलेंगी एवं निर्दिष्ट स्थानों पर जाकर गंगा स्वच्छता कार्य में सम्मिलित होंगी – अभियान पर कार्य कर रहे श्री केदार प्रसाद दुबे  

गंगा सहित ५० से अधिक नदियों तथा अन्य क्षेत्रों में भी चल रहे यह स्वच्छता कार्य सतत चलते रहने चाहिए एवं साथ ही वृक्षारोपण भी होते रहने चाहिए जिससे पर्यावरण सन्तुलन बना रहे – गायत्री परिवार प्रमुख आदरणीया शैलबाला पण्ड्या


प्रस्तुत हैं स्वच्छता अभियान की कुछ झलकियाँ:






Mumbai’s tech savvy top cop Quaiser Khalid on legality of Whatsapp encryption


The Facebook-owned company has started encrypting (using a 256-bit key) voice calls as well as messages sent by its users. Whatsapp released a statement and said that the most important point in their core beliefs is protecting private messages. This move is the first step towards protecting data. The question is, will Whatsapp allow law enforcement agencies to access users’ ‘encrypted’ data?


This setting would be updated in phase by phase manner and users would be notified about the same. The feature was enabled for the first set of users (those using latest version of the app) on Tuesday (April 6th).

NGOs and law enforcement agencies around the world seemed completely divided on this issue.  Non-profit called-Amnesty International released a statement in support of the change. The organization shared their opinion that Whatsapp’s move would enable people to communicate without fear.

James Baker is one of FBI’s attorneys. He criticized Whatsapp’s statement, and said that law enforcement’s power to investigate would be threatened if messaging service provider denies requests to access messages. It would also compromise people’s safety.

To understand Mumbai police’s opinion about this move, I interacted with Mumbai’s Additional Police Commissioner Quaiser Khalid.


ACP- Quaiser Khalid

“Encryption is a safety procedure adopted by companies which operate under the legal framework of the country where their servers are located. Hence, so long as data is available for a genuine legal purpose, encryption doesn’t matter, said IPS officer Quaiser Khalid while sharing his opinion about the issue in an email interaction with me.

“As of now, I have not come across any claims suggesting that the company has denied a request for data, received from appropriate agencies. Legal question would arise if Whatsapp refuses to share data with law enforcement agencies in appropriate cases,” said Mumbai’s tech savvy top cop.

Let’s hope that widely used instant messaging tool does not make things difficult for investigative agencies around the world like Apple Inc. and Blackberry. Perhaps, picture would become clear during the next few months.

#SaveKerala – Why BJP


In my previous two posts, I have mentioned why to #SaveKerala & how to #SaveKerala. While talking about how we can #SaveKerala I had mentioned BJP as the party that can lead Kerala to development. In this third & final post in the #SaveKerala series, i will explain why I feel BJP to be the best suited party for Kerala.

I would like to take you through few statistics from some of the BJP ruled states in order to explain my faith in the party. Before I go further, I want you to know that I was dead set against BJP for most part of my 13 years of political activism (starting from school days as SFI member). All that changed when I started being frequent on Twitter and realizing who the Congress & Left propaganda machinery worked in tandem to defame a party that was working hard in the states that it ruled (MP, Chhattisgarh & Gujarat in 2013). So back to some statistics.

Madhya Pradesh: Madhya Pradesh was the ‘Ma’ in the term ‘BiMaRU’ coined by Ashish Bose. BIMARU is an acronym formed from the first letters of the names of the states (Bihar, MP, Rajasthan, & UP). BIMARU states were the ones that were dragging down the GDP growth rate of India. After 2003, the state has been showing good progress in all sectors. The state’s economy has made tremendous gains by doubling growth rates from around 4% in the period till 2005 to average around 8.7% till 2014.  Kerala’s agriculture sector has been shambles, its current scenario can be equated to what MP was in 2003-2004, today MP’s agriculture growth rate has more than doubled to around 4.4%. MP under BJP had tripled the land under irrigation from around 7 lakh hectares in 2004-05 to around 21 lakh hectares in 2011-12.Power supply to agriculture went up 87 per cent in the five years to 2014/15. Till 2012, the state had a food storage capacity of 9 million tonnes, today it has a storage capacity of 15 million tonnes.

The other major thrust area of the government was the power sector, where separate feeder lines were set up for farmers and rural households. In fact power generation has shot up by double digits in more recent years which is almost three times the growth at the national level.When Chhattisgarh was hived off in 2000, Madhya Pradesh was left with only 4,000 megawatt of installed capacity. Today there is 14,000 MW and the state is now providing the surplus power to other states.

Rajasthan: The ‘R’ in BiMaRU stands for Rajasthan. The state had been ruled alternatively by Congress & BJP. The state has been doing a steady progress under BJP, however when Congress comes to power it only concentrates on doles which again takes the state 5 years back in development. However recently the CM of Rajasthan Vasundhara Raje has been trying to bring in investment into the state. She has also found some success in that. In the recently concluded Resurgent Rajasthan Partnership Summit, the total investments pledged reached a staggering three lakh crore rupees. For any state to develop it needs investment. And that is what Rajasthan CM has been doing. Industries will create employment, which will in turn help in education sector.

Gujarat: A lot has been said about how our PM Narendra Modi has changed the face of Gujarat. Apart from 2002 riots & skull cap that the opposition portrays as the only things that happened in Gujarat, there were few other things that has led Gujarat to development. An article on economist says “Start with the record, which shows that Gujarat punches above its weight. With just 5% of India’s population and 6% of its land mass, it accounts for 7.6% of its GDP, almost a tenth of its workforce, and 22% of its exports. Climate and geography pushed it towards commerce. Poor rainfall made it hard to scratch out a living in farming; a long coastline favored international trade. Today a quarter of India’s sea cargo passes through its ports. Even if Mr Modi cannot claim much credit for Gujarat’s natural endowments, the state’s annual GDP growth under his watch from 2001 until 2012 averaged almost 10%, a faster rate than India as a whole . Other exporting states, such as Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, also did well. But sustaining rapid growth in any of India’s richer states is not a feat to be sniffed at.”

The development that Gujarat saw under Mr. Modi can be described as a total one covering all sections of the society. From Rann of Kutch to G.I.F.T (Gujarat International Finance Tec-City). From spending 1 rupee to bring the Tata’s to Gujarat to making Amitabh Bachchan the brand ambassador of Gujarat tourism, have all been masterstrokes. Solar power plants, water to every corner of the state, agriculture growth all have been done for all sections of the society. People will say that Gujarat was already a land of the traders and hence growth was easy. Yes, growth was easy, but sustaining growth completely depends on the administration and the person at the top of the administration.

Now lets look at Kerala, if Gujarat is famous for Solar plants, Kerala is famous for Solar Scam. If Gujarat is famous for its agriculture growth, Kerala is famous for its decline. I would like to finish this series with an interesting information of how much hate the communists have for Narendra Modi. Just because Amitabh Bachchan was the brand ambassador of Gujarat, the CPM government in 2010 rejected a proposal of the Kerala tourism department to have Amitabh Bachchan as its brand ambassador. Now I am not sure, how CPM will face the PM for any need of the state, if LDF wins the election and forms a government.

बाबा साहब अम्बेडकर की दृष्टी में मनुवाद (भाग 3)

“हिन्दु धर्म के दर्शन पर विचार”

डा. अम्बेडकर ने हिन्दू धर्म पर सारा विचार वर्ण व्यवस्था को धर्म का केन्द्र बिन्दु मान कर रखा।

बाबा साहब अम्बेडकर की दृष्टी में मनुवाद (भाग 3), Baba Saheb Ambedkar and Manuvaad, Shridev Sharma

उनके अनुसार एक हिन्दू दूसरे हिन्दू के साथ कुछ बाँट नहीं सकता । न जीवन काल में, न मृत्यू के बाद । एकता और भाईचारे की भावना से हिन्दू अपरिचित हैं। हिन्दुत्व वह सिद्घान्त है जो दो मनुष्यों की समानता को धार्मिक रूप से नकारता है।

हिन्दू के जीवन का हर क्षण धर्म से नियमित है। वो कैसे जिये, मरे तो कैसे जलाएँ। जब बच्चा पैदा हो तो कौन सा कर्म काण्ड़ किया जाय। उसका नामकरण, मुंडन, उसका पेशा, उसका विवाह, उसका खाना, क्या खाना, और क्या नहीं खाना, कितनी बार खाना, कितनी बार संध्या पूजा करना । दिन कैसे व्यतीत करना।

ये कुछ अजीब सी बात है कि कुछ शिक्षित हिन्दु ये मानते हैं कि इन सब बातों से कुछ अन्तर नहीं पडता।

परंतु वे ये भूल जाते हैं कि धर्म सामाज की सबसे बड़ी ताकत है। धर्म परमात्मा सत्ता  का अनुशासन है। उसकी व्यवस्था सामाज के आदर्शों को निर्धारित कर देती है। वो व्यवस्था दिखाई नहीं देते हुए भी हर रोज का जीता जागता सच है। जो धर्म को नकारते हैं, वो ये भूल कर बैठते हैं कि धर्मसत्ता कितनी प्रभावी और शक्तिशाली होती है। धर्म के आदर्श के रूप में स्थापित व्यवस्था के प्रभाव और शक्ति का मुकाबला मानवकृत कोई व्यवस्था कर ही नहीं सकती।

अछूत, अपमान और जनेयू

वर्ण व्यवस्था के घार्मिक आधार व हिन्दुओं में अछूतों के प्रति भ्रातृत्व के अभाव ने भयावह अपमान उत्पन्न किया। संवैधानिक और कानूनी प्रावघान भी परम्परागत रूप से सामाज में व्याप्त जाति के संस्कार को दूर नहीं कर पाए।

वामपंथी विचार इस अपमान का गहराई से अध्ययन करने लगे।

 2009 में अॉक्सफोर्ड यूनीवर्सिटी प्रेस ने “ह्यूमिलिएशन” शीर्षक से अपमान के सिद्धांत का अध्ययन प्रकाशित किया।

राष्ट्रवादी मान्यता ने स्त्री एवं अछूत माने जाने वाली जातियों के स्वाभिमान पर चोट कर रही मान्यताओं को अनदेखा किया। यह विश्वास इस अध्ययन के केन्द्र बिन्दू में था।

वैलेरियन रोड्रिक्स के अनुसार भारत से यह अपेक्षा की जाती थी कि वह सांस्कृतिक रूप से गुलामी के समय की अपमानजनक व्यवस्था से अपने हर नागरिक को मुक्त करा सकेगा। रोड्रिक्स के अनुसार भारतीय संविधान की सबसे बड़ी चुनौती अछूतों को सार्वजनिक जीवन में हिस्सा देने की धी। रोड्रिक्स के अनुसार अछूत आज भी भारतीय समाज के हिस्से की तरह नहीं माने जाते।

भारतीय सामाज आज भी छूत अछूत, शुद्धि अशुद्धि के आदर्श से मुक्त नहीं हो पाया। ब्राह्मणवाद के पूर्वाग्रह ने अछूतों को अपमान से मुक्त नहीं होने दिया।
जनेयू के अध्यापकों तथा विद्यार्थियों का एक वर्ग राष्ट्रवाद को सामाजिक जीवन में हर दिन हो रहे अछूतों के अपमान की कसौटी में परख कर निरस्त करना चाहता है।

बाबा साहब अम्बेडकर की दृष्टी में मनुवाद (भाग 2)

“…हम हिंदू हैं ,हम हिंदू ही रहेंगे…”

जनेयू के विद्यार्थियों ने अनेक तरह के विवादास्पद नारे 9 फरवरी 2016 को एक आतंकवाद और आतंकवादी को महिमामंडित करते हुए लगाए। पर जब उन पर पुलिस की कार्यवाही हुई और पूरे देश में उनकी थू थू हुई तो वे बाबा साहब के उपर्युक्त लेख की शरण में जा लेटे। उन्होंने मनुवाद और संघवाद से आजादी की बात करना शुरू किया।

बाबा साहब अम्बेडकर की दृष्टी में मनुवाद, Baba Saheb Ambedkar and Manuvaad, Shridev Sharma

वे ये भूल गये कि डा.अम्बेडकर ने संविधान सभा में 17 दिसंबर 1946 में बोलते हुए कहा था “आज हमारा देश कई लड़ाकू दलों में बँट गया है, और मैं तो यहाँ तक मंजूर करूँगा कि ऐसे ही एक लड़ाकू दल के नेताओं में शायद मैं भी एक हूँ।परन्तु सभापति महोदय इन सब बातों के बावजूद भी मुझे इस बात का पक्का विश्वास है की समय और परिस्थिति अनुकूल होने पर दुनिया की कोई भी ताकत इस मुल्क को एक होने से रोक नहीं सकती।जाति और धर्म की भिन्नता के बावजूद भी हम किसी न किसी रूप में एक होंगे,इसमें मुझे जरा भी शक नहीं है।”

संविधान सभा में 21 जनवरी 1947 को बोलते हुए श्री आर. वी.धुलेकर ने कहा कि “समाज के किसी अंग को अछूत बना देना और उनके मानवाधिकार छीन लेना कदापि क्षम्य नहीं है”

इसमें संदेह नहीं कि अछूतों को घोर अपमान और कष्टों को झेलना पड़ा। लेकिन इस घृणास्पद और अमानवीय परम्परा के विरोध में देश में कोने कोने से आवाज उठी।

श्री एच.जे. खांडेकर ने 21जनवरी 1947 में संविधान सभा को याद दिलाया “हरिजनों के ऊपर आज तक अनंत अत्याचार और जुल्म हुए हैं और हो रहे हैं।मगर हमने बड़े धैर्य के साथ उन जुल्मों को सह लियाऔर यहाँ तक कि हमने कभी भी अपने धैर्य को छोड़ने की नहीं सोची।हम हिंदू हैं ,हम हिंदू ही रहेंगे और हिंन्दू रहते हुए ही अपने हक़ सम्पादन करेंगे,हम यह कभी नहीं कहेंगे कि हम हिन्दू नहीं हैं”।हम जरूर हिन्दू हैं और हिन्दू रहते हुए और हिंदुओं के साथ लड़कर अपने अधिकार प्राप्त करेंगे।”

हिन्दू होने के कारण हरिजनों पर मुसलामानों ने कैसे बर्बर अत्याचार किये ये याद दिलाते हुए उन्होंने कहा”हमें मालूम है नोआखाली के अंदर और ईस्ट बंगाल के अन्दर जो अत्याचार हुए हैं,उन अत्याचारों में 90 फी सदी हरिजनों पर जुल्म हुए। उनके मकान जलाए गए,उनके बाल बच्चे तबाह कर दिए गए,उनकी स्त्रियों पर, लड़कों पर अत्याचार किए गए। और इतना ही नहीं कई हजार हरिजनों को धर्मान्तर करना पड़ा”

गाँधी और कांग्रेस नहीं देना चाहते अछूतों को राजनैतिक संरक्षण

बाबा साहब के अनुसार गाँधी अपनी अछूतों के मसीहां की इमेज को स्वराज के चैम्पियन की छवि से अधिक महत्वपूर्ण मानते हैं। राउंड टेबल कांफ्रेंस के दौरान गांधी ने स्वयं को अछूतों का अग्रदूत बता डाला। अपने इस चैम्पियन के रोल को गांधी किसी के साथ साझा करने को तैयार नहीं। जब गांधी के इस दावे को ज़रा चुनौती  दी तो उन्होंने तमाशा बना डाला।
हाँ अपने अलावा वो काँग्रेस को भी अछूतों का चैम्पियन साबित करने पर तुल गए हैं।गांधी के अनुसार एक कांग्रेस ही तो है जिसने अछूतों के साथ हुई हर बुराई को ठीक कर देने की कसम खाई है। गांधी का तर्क ये है कि अछूतों के हितों को राजनैतिक रूप से रक्षा करने का प्रयास अनुचित और नुकसान दायक है। कांग्रेस की नीति और नियत पर बाबा साहब ने न  स्वतंत्रता से पहले भरोसा किया, न संविधान बनने के बाद। जब 1917 के अधिवेशन में कांग्रेस ने अछूतों पर लगी परंपरागत बंदिशों को ख़त्म करने की बात कही तो उन्होंने इसे सिरे से खारिज कर दिया।
उनके अनुसार एनी बेसेंट, जिन्होंने अधिवेशन की अध्यक्षता करी, वे तो खुले आम अछूतों के उत्पीड़न को समाज हित के लिए आवश्यक मानती रहीं, वो कब से अछूतों की हितैषी हो गयीं? साथ ही 1886 से कांग्रेस हर अधिवेशन में समाज सुधार के पचड़े में पड़ने से बचती रही। पर 1917 का प्रस्ताव मात्र राजनैतिक स्वार्थ से प्रेरित था, तथा जिसका एकमात्र उद्देश्य बेईमानी भरे रास्ते से अछूतों का समर्थन हासिल करना मात्र भर था।

बाबा साहब अम्बेडकर की दृष्टी में मनुवाद (भाग 1)

मनुवाद आश्चर्यजनक रूप से आज भी चर्चा में है। बाबा साहब अम्बेडकर के हाथ से लिखी एक पांडुलिपि में मनु के अछूत विरोधी सिद्धान्तों का विस्तार से उल्लेख है। बाबा साहब के अनुसार हिन्दू सामजिक व्यवस्था वर्णों और व्यक्तियों के बीच की असमानता पर आधारित है। बाबा साहब अपने काल तक मनु के सिद्धांतो को जीवित देखते।

बाबा साहब अम्बेडकर की दृष्टी में मनुवाद, baba sahib ambedkar and manuvaad, shridev sharma

उनके अनुसार पेशवा राज में अछूतों को पूना में शाम के तीन बजे से सवेरे नौ बजे तक घुसने की इजाजत नहीं थी। तब शरीर की छाया लंबी होती है। यदि ये छाया किसी ब्राम्हण पर पड़ जाती तो वह अपवित्र हो उठता – इससे बचने के लिये अछूतों पर रोक लगा दी गयी। जानवर या कुत्ते नगर में आराम से घूमते पर अछूत समाज नहीं।

अछूत जमीन पर थूक नहीं सकते थे। उन्हें थूकने के लिये गले में मिट्टी का बर्तन टांग कर चलना पड़ता। यदि उनके थूक पर किसी हिन्दू का पैर पड़ जाता तो वह अपवित्र हो उठता न, इसीलिये। उसे एक काँटेदार झाड़ी से जमीन को साफ़ करते हुए चलना पड़ता। ताकि उसके पैरों के निशान साफ़ हो जाएँ। यदि कोई ब्राम्हण सामने से आ जाता तो अछूत धरती पर मुँह रख कर लेट जाता ताकि उसके शरीर की छाया ब्राम्हण को छूकर अपवित्र न कर दे।

महाराष्ट्र में शूद्र को गले में या कमर में काल धागा पहनना पड़ता ताकि उसको पहचाना जा सके। गुजरात में पहचाना जा सकने के लिये गले में सींग लटकाना पड़ता। पंजाब में अछूत को काँख में झाड़ू दबाकर घूमना पड़ता। बम्बई के अछूतों को सिर्फ़ फटे पुराने कपडे पहनने की इजाजत थी। यदि उन्हें कपड़ा बेचा जाता तो दुकानदार उसे फाड़ पुरना कर देता। मालाबार में अछूत एक मंजिला से ऊपर घर नहीं बना सकते थे, न ही वह अपने मुर्दों का दाह संस्कार कर सकते थे। उन्हें छाता लेकर चलना मना था, जूता या सोने के गहने पहनने की इजाजत नहीं थी। वे दूध भी नहीं दुह सकते थे। दक्षिण भारत के अछूतों को शरीर के कमर के ऊपर के हिस्से में कपड़ा पहनने की मनाही थी।इसी तरह उनकी स्त्रियों को भी कमर के ऊपर का हिस्सा बिना ढके रहना पड़ता।

बम्बई प्रेसीडेंसी में तो सुनारों की ये हालत थी कि वे चुन्नट लगाकर धोती नहीं पहन सकते। वे एक दूसरे को “नमस्कार” नहीं कह सकते। मराठा शासन में ब्राम्हणों के अतिरिक्त अन्य कोई वेद मन्त्रों का उच्चारण नहीं कर सकता। करता तो उसकी जीभ काट दी जाती। अनेकों सुनारों की जीभ पेशवाओं ने इस कारण कटवा डाली कि उन्होंने वेद मंत्रों का उच्चारण करने का दुस्साहस किया।

पूरे देशभर में ब्राम्हणों को मृत्युदंड हत्या करने पर भी नहीं दिया जा सकता था। पेशवाशाही में दंड जाति के आधार पर तय होता, न कि अपराध के आधार पर। कठोर श्रम और मृत्युदंड सिर्फ अछूतों को मिलता।

पेशवाशाही में ब्राम्हण पर न्यूनतम कर लगता। अछूत पर सबसे ज्यादा कर लगाया जाता। यही हाल बंगाल में भी था।

मनु जब कभी जन्मे हों, पर हर हिन्दू शासन नें उन्हें ज़िंदा रखा। हिन्दू सवर्ण या अछूत का न्याय मनु के कानून के आधार पर होता। ये क़ानून जतिगत विषमता पर आधारित था। इस क़ानून ने ब्राम्हणों को हर विशेषाधिकार दिया और शूद्र से हर मानवोचित अधिकार छीन लिया। ब्राम्हण जन्म से सर्वश्रेष्ठ होता और अछूत सबसे नीच। अछूत की किसी भी योग्यता का कोई मतलब था ही नहीं।

ब्राम्हणों का राज्य की हर व्यवस्था पर एकाधिकार था। देशभर की यही स्थिति थी। इसीलिये गैर ब्राम्हण पार्टियों ने न्यूनतम योग्यता के आधार पर जातिगत अनुपात में राज्य की सेवा में भाग का उचित सिद्धांत रक्खा।

राज्य को ठीक से चलाने के लिये हर जाति का अनुपातिक आधार पर प्रतिनिधत्व होना ही जरुरी है।

गैर ब्राम्हण पार्टियां मनुस्मृति को उलटा कर ब्राम्हणों को वहाँ खड़ा कर रही हैं जहाँ मनु ने शूद्रों को खड़ा किया। मनु ने जन्म के आधार पर ब्राम्हणों के विशेषाधिकार सुनिश्चित किये , शूद्रों को योग्य होने पर भी वंचित किया। अब बारी ब्राम्हणों की है।

ये असमानता हिंदुओं में ही नहीं, पूरी दुनिया में फ़ैली है। इसने समाजों को ऊँच, नीच, मुक्त और गुलामों में बाँट डाला है।

[बाबासाहब अम्बेडकर लेख एवं भाषण, बारहवां खंड, शिक्षा विभाग, महाराष्ट्र सरकार द्वारा 1993 में प्रकाशित, से, साभार।]

Practical approach towards holding elections together in India


Prime Minister Modi mooted the idea of holding all elections in the country together. The idea is very noble and has been proposed earlier too. As suggested by many, if it is implemented it will save a lot of resources and time.

However, implementation of this idea will require huge political consensus, synergy between Central Govt., State Govt. and Election Commission of India and given the current scenario that day seems too far.

Here is a more practical approach which can be implemented. Assembly elections of Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh will be conducted simultaneously with General Elections of 2019, if all respective governments completes their tenure.

In 2018, during Nov-Dec states of Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Mizoram will go for polls tentatively which is some 6 months prior to General Elections. Similarly, around six months later i.e. March-April states of Jharkhand, Maharastra, Haryana will go for polls.

So, if consensus evolves among major political parties of the states mentioned above; assembly elections can be postponed by 6 months for some and preponed by 6 months for rest and can be conducted together with General Elections of 2019.

Since, most of these states is ruled by NDA, the consensus should emerge without much difficulty. This will result in simultaneous assembly election of 12 states with General Elections, 2019. This will not only save huge resources and time but also provide more time for development programmes and activities of governments which comes to halt due to model code of conduct.

On similar lines, assembly election of Bihar can be clubbed with those of TN, Kerala, Assam, WB, Pondicherry by postponing it by 6 months. Similarly, if the gap between various state assembly elections are not more than 6 months, efforts should be put to hold them together.

It seems to be a very practical approach and can be implemented without much difficulty. For, reaching at wider political consensus this idea should be proposed atleast a year or two prior to end of tenure of respective governments in these states.

A conversation between a liberal son and his mother


Savitri the Mother: Beta, listen. Some people have gathered outside our house. They are shouting slogans, “Savitri, we are going to destroy you”, “We will not rest till we have broken you into pieces” and…

Liberal son Rahul: Mom, is this really urgent? I am a little busy right now.

Mother: Rahul, they are vowing to destroy me, I am scared, I am…

Liberal Rahul (cutting her again): Mom, I don’t get it. This is a free country, people have the right to free speech and expression. If they are shouting slogans against you, you must respect their right to do so!

Mother: But, beta they are baying for my blood. Did you hear them shout just now, “Come out and we will see how you go back in alive.”

Liberal Rahul: Mom, be objective. They are just shouting slogans at your doorstep, and they are well within their right to do so. Have they indulged in violence? Have they bodily harmed you yet?

Mother: No beta, but you remember the other day some of these people mugged me at the bazaar. What if they really mean what they say now? Anyway, we cannot wait for them to actually kill me. We need to do something before that!

Liberal Rahul: Mom, I have always regretted having such a narrow-minded, orthodox and illiberal person as you for my mother. You cannot see it is their right to threaten anyone they want, but I see it. And, I will protect that right no matter what. And I am asking you again – Has there been any physical violence yet?

Mother: How can you talk like that son? Don’t you get offended when people stand at my doorstep and threaten to kill me and rape me? Don’t you have the responsibility to stand by me, to protect me? Did I give you birth so that one day you could protect people’s right to abuse me?

Liberal Rahul: I have had enough of this bullshit, Mom! First, you didn’t do me a favour my giving me birth. You decided to have a kid and I happened. Second, my birth certificate proves that I am your son. I don’t need to prove it day and day out by protecting you or standing up for you.

Mother: I am shocked to hear that, son. Your brother would have taken these bastards to the police, but you defend their right to abuse me!

Liberal Rahul: Mom, please do not compare me with bhaiya. He is a jingoistic mygonist pig who believes saving his mother is his duty. A woman can’t save herself? Are you so weak you be harmed by a few slogans? He has no sense of respect for liberal values. He is a hyper-sensitive thug who will trample other people’s right to save his own people.

Mother: The question is not whether I can defend myself or not. The question is whether you will stand by me when I am attacked. I raised you, gave you my name, home, care and love, your very existence. Standing up for me is hyper-sensitive? You have no respect or love for your own mother

Liberal Rahul: Mom, you are my mother and I love you deeply. But, I don’t need a certificate from you for that. You cannot question my love for you, and you cannot decide how I am going to love you. Now, don’t be such a prude. Listen to these people shouting slogans and try to understand their point of view. If they want your blood, I am sure they have a reason for it.

On T.M.Krishna’s article “The Sri Sri syndrome: What we should not forget about so-called gurus and godmen”


When one writes his opinion on any given topic, it invariably reflects the writer’s likes and dislikes. This is where the writer needs to be careful if he / she really wants to project himself / herself as a reasonable and objective person. Of course, if he does not care, then it’s different story. If the writing is based on subjective views of the writer, and negatively puts down someone with no justification, then such a writer is wielding a poison pen. T.M.Krishna has exactly done that and has exhibited his wickedness in his recent opinion in Scroll, “The Sri Sri syndrome: What we should not forget about so-called gurus and godmen”. He is hardly objective (that’s his choice anyway), the moment he says “Syndrome”. He is judgmental without really bothering to understand why many people associate themselves with Sri Sri and Art of Living. Everyone may have his / her own reason and it is for them to decide. He makes sweeping generalizations. His write-up is also so shallow that there is hardly any point he substantiates. It is just some loose talk unfurling his hatred towards Sri Sri Ravishankar. I guess his real target is BJP, Modi and anything Hindu. He imagines grave manipulations behind every trivial matter as if there is great scheming behind every event or action. He has a wrong target here. There are many other pressing worldwide issues, which will impact most of us before we realize it, than the topic he picks up here.

He is trying to bring awareness to the “consumers of spirituality” when dealing with the “so-called” gurus. He refers to self-anointed Sri Sri, “so-called” guru (for TMK, probably Afzal Guru is the only acceptable guru). As a founder of an organization, which deals with spirituality, Sri Sri is referred to as Guru; What’s wrong? Why this bitterness on TMK’s part? If TMK does not consider him as Guru, it is perfectly within his rights. After all, a teacher or guru appears only when the student is ready.

TMK describes the World Cultural Festival as “violent in ecological terms, extravagant in financial and social terms, shockingly wasteful in terms of time, energy and sheer man-hours”. Wow, what makes him to come to this conclusion! AOL has done several works on environmental preservation, so they know better than TMK to deal with ecology. Yes, he can pose a question whether the environmental concerns are are taken care, but here, he passes the judgement. Every cultural event can be described as extravagant, and unproductive. What about musical events? What about TMK’s music concerts? What about major sports events? Olympics? Cultural, arts, sports events do have a purpose and in simple terms, it keeps the humanity going. When done well and right, it brings people closer. Some activities may sound waste of time to some and for others, just the opposite. For TMK, playing Carnatic music on electronic key board is a waste of time, but it is just his opinion. Yes, there is a growing awareness on environmental protection and for every event, it is one thing to take care of. When TMK’s own initiative “Urur Alcott Kuppam” becomes more and more successful in the coming years (I sincerely wish so), it would attract lots of people and in the process Besant Nagar beach may face ecological damage. How violent the damage will depend upon how successful the festival becomes. I am sure TMK will take care to ensure its ecology is restored. World Cultural Festival was just a marquee event of AOL with participation of people from all over the world. It does not deserve this much hatredness from TMK. If you like, attend; if you don’t, no harm either. What serious discourse TMK wants? Firstly, does he have any substance for a serious discourse?

Sadly he generalizes Sri Sri along with religious showmen who have many cases against them with several accusations. Every area of human endeavor has its own set of good and bad elements. It is not proper for a decent person like TMK (I still guess so) to give the title of his article on Sri Sri and make a generic statement which amounts to bracketing him with bad elements. This is cynicism at its worst. Then he talks about two contrasting social movements in recent times. He should know that people flocking Gurus is not a new phenomenon. Even without invoking capitalist / communist argument, this is easily explainable. Common man faces day to day problems to different degree. He always looks for some intervention either through his own maturity and knowledge or through a Guru or through prayers or combinations of these to make his life better. This has nothing to do with communist’s oppression or capitalist’s machiavellianism. TMK just wants to show his own analytical prowess in worldview by bringing in theories, but to me, it is no brainer. Then he decides to bring in caste equations. He has to hit “high-caste” somehow in his columns. He “achieves” that by saying the high-castees are the victims of the changes in social powers and so they surrender to these Gurus to feel better. Where is the connection? People flocking gurus are not a new phenomenon. Issue arises only when the Gurus start to exploit the people who come to him.

TMK gracelessly dismisses the good work of Sri Sri and AOL and draws analogy to the corporate social responsibility initiatives or similar work by politicians and political outfits; that it does not deserve any appreciation to the level of creating an extra ring of halo around their head. He sees brand-building as the motive behind such acts of good work. Brand is an illusionary thing after all and so are the halo rings. It cannot stand the test of time without substance. Many a times branding happens, when one keeps doing good work. Tendulkar brand was not caused by his skillful manipulation and cunningness, but by his talent, ability, conduct and performance; then it feeds back into building of his brand. Same goes with many great achievers in different fields. When we say achievers, it is just an appreciation and not necessarily a mindless surrender. Branding is a reality in this era and as long as one lives upto it, I don’t see anything wrong. Tiger Woods was a brand and then he lost it. When viewed positively brand building is not an agenda, but an outcome of some good work. After it becomes an outcome, it becomes an agenda in order to sustain the good work. It is subject to changes with time and people at large will decide on the sustainance of the brand. But going by TMK’s argument, no one in the world is good and everyone has an evil motive. Some cynicism is good to have, but if one becomes as cynical as TMK, I guess life will be miserable. Thank God, TMK was inducted into music in his childhood, otherwise we would have ended up with another Arvind Kejriwal.

Another generalization comes in the form of Cult creation around Godmen. He seems to bracket Sri Sri into that, because that is the title of his article. Firstly, he should know what is cult. In simple terms, “a place is not a cult if it has an entrance door and an exit door; cult is only when the exit door is not there or if it is closed; cult is the one which rules by instilling fear”. He should know which groups satisfy this definition. Coming to Sri Sri or AOL, I am not an AOL follower or associate, though I have visited the Ashram on a couple of occasions. Nobody even showed any inclination of “trapping” me. Every interaction was done with mutual respect. I have some AOL friends too and I have not got any impression that they are exploited or they are talking to me to trap me. They are not under any fear. They are not indoctrinated with evil thoughts against humanity. They are all normal folks. They must have seen and felt something to associate themselves with AOL’s activities. So if TMK has something to complain about “cult” culture, he should have chosen some specific examples and write; not in an article with Sri Sri in the title.

How easy it is for TMK-like people to write rubbish and publish? When we write articles in Scientific Journals, each sentence or message will have to fall under one of the following 3 categories: (1) It is obvious, well established law of nature, (2) it refers to another peer reviewed and scrutinised work or (3) it is substantiated in the written article itself through data or at least it is an interpretation of some data in the article itself. If the message or statement does not fall under any of these categories it will be rejected for the lack of credibility before further scrutiny. Looking through such “credibility lens”, TMK’s article is for the dustbin, as he has not substantiated a thing what he said. Hope TMK is advised to weigh his articles through these three criteria in the future. Writing a credible article needs some research, it not just a pastime.