Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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The Bhakt Phenomena


Rise of Donald trump shook the world especially the west liberal intellectual, the election was far more vicious that India has ever seen, not even during first election post partition in India such hateful comments were used against communities or race.

Does Trump becoming president confirms atleast 50% Americans approves his views? Hmm.

It doesn’t seems so, USA has 42.4 million migrants or 13.3 percent of the total U.S population. From 2010 – 2014, around 1 million people obtained legal permanent resident status every year and settled in US.

If half of America approves his views, this hate would have shown some symptoms & not as a shock to the world. You will not be shocked if Iran execute some girls for taking selfie because you know it is possible.

Then, why people has voted Trump?

It’s because of so called “Liberals”, whoever who disagrees with them, they termed him conservative or if he/she is a white than “White Supremacist”.

A racist incident by a white guy has been shown as act by the whole community and the community was made guilty. This community trial has made people to vote trump.

Back home, same template has been used over 3 years.

“Bhakt” which means a devotee in Hinduism for more than 1500 years, has been made to change its meaning recently as “BJP supporters” by our own “Liberals”.

As, liberals has given new meaning to “Bhakt”, using of this word was also their prerogative. Now any Hindu who disagrees with their narratives or views has been termed as bhakt, just like whites are called “White Supremacist”.

When I supported Bullet train, they called me bhakt; when I supported Make in India they called me bhakt. It’s not only about name-calling but emotions attached to this word. They want us to be diffident, a community trial in garb of attacking a political party. This created Bhakt Phenomena.

Bhakt Phenomena generates strong emotions in both ends, it hardened the stance. Liberals in their hate, forget the difference between opposing a bhakt & country. Bhakt called them “Anti National” a far more powerful word which generates stronger emotions.

Cheerleaders for using “Bhakt”are now whining being called “Anti National”.

Thousands of Op-ed being written explaining who is anti-national, who is nationalist, etc. These were flooded by liberals to only make Bhakt Phenomena strong.

I hope when our elite liberal understand this, Bhakt phenomena will settle.

A new dawn where name-calling of any one with open mind and opposing ideas will not be mainstreamed

What is wrong with the Left-Liberals?


The left-liberals are an essential component of Indian civil society and the civil societies of the western democracies. Politically, this mass is rather fuzzy and seems to evade a cogent definition. In this sense they are unlike the Communists who can be identified by their faith in a political prophet – Karl Marx – and the particular assessment of human history he presented in a book – Das Capital. However, if one tries to define the left-liberals after all, they may be termed people who generally stand against giving a full free reign to the market, any form of political authoritarianism and cultural ethnocentrism (the belief that certain types of cultures or ways of life might be superior to others). They are undoubtedly an articulate lot and have a visible presence on our university campuses, in the media houses and, albeit to a limited extent, political parties. They are both urban and urbane and their articulate ways owe to the fact they are generally privy to an education that some of the best institutions in India or the west can provide. Naturally, they are a lot who seek to engage with and interpret the social and political realities unfolding in the country. Yet, of late they have been failing with a disconcerting frequency to predict the outcome of these realities. They, for example, failed altogether to read and interpret the political mood of the country in 2014 and the eventual ‘Modi wave’ it engendered. Again, over the past one week, left-liberals have been eloquently critical, even mocking, of the demonetization of the five hundred and one thousand rupee notes by the government. However, the citizenry of the country, though undoubtedly inconvenienced, does not seem to be sharing their disapproval. The public, for whom the left-liberals claim to speak, have not yet rioted on the streets. In fact, this writer has observed that they are actually quite appreciative of the move. The left liberals, thus, seem to be curiously detached from the very realities they offer to interpret for the benefit of the society they inhabit. Equally striking is their political irrelevance. They are not a constituency the political parties at all bother to court. Why is it so?

There are, in my opinion, a set of salient reasons behind the political irrelevance and the general disconnectedness of the left-liberal public from the prevailing mood in the country. To begin with, the left-liberal engagement is actually not an engagement at all. It is an expectation – that the masses follow and act out what in the left-liberal view is an ideal political and social script. The citizenry, thus, as per this ideal script, must outright reject a political party with even slightly center right economic ideas. Greater liberalization of the economy along with a lessening of government controls and intervention, must be suggestions completely abhorrent to the voters of this country. But it seems like they are not. Again, in the left-liberal la la land, the poor, socially disadvantaged and ethnic minorities must be perpetually restive and disgruntled with the Indian nation state and dominant social mores. But these groups do not play to the script. As a result, the left-liberals fail to explain the universal indifference of the Indian poor and the Dalits towards the Communist parties. Metropolitan left-liberals are also unaware that Hindi is the language of every day communication in far-away Arunachal Pradesh. Yes, it is the locals there who use the language. Most that I meet in Delhi also do not know that remote borders states such as Manipur and Tripura are deeply traditional and conservative Vaishnavite Hindu societies. Agreed that sometimes on the northern margins of the Indian nation state disgruntled folks pelt stones. But I won’t accept that as a substantiation of the often made left-liberal suggestion that the Indian nation state is by nature oppressive towards the margins. That is because the other margin – the North East – today securely regards itself a part of the Indian narrative. I am from the North East, from Tripura.

When the ideal left-liberal political and social script does not unfold, what is the reaction of this lot? Is it introspection? No, not at all. It is mockery of the choices that the people make or, worse, self-righteous indignation. Apparently, a lot of ladies and gents of the left-liberal persuasion seem to believe today that they can oust the present government by simply mocking it on the social media platforms. If that does not work, they simply have to be consistently angry towards it. Presumably, the government in power is bound to be incinerated in the sacred flames of left-liberal ire. Why this mockery and indignation and the absence of even a pretense of understanding as to why the Indian voters made the choice they did in 2014? To my eyes, the left-liberal snooty snigger and petulance indicate an extreme form of elitism which refuses to accept the ethical and political autonomy of the Indian masses – that are in no way beholden to act out a script that the left-liberals regard ideal for them. I have, thus, come to feel that the left-liberal tradition is a form of ‘aristocratic reaction.’ The left-liberals curiously resemble the pre-modern European aristocracy which expected of the poor a certain kind of Christian piety and reacted with indignation and incomprehension when the poor failed to show it. However, it is not that the poor were impious. It is only that the aristocracy stood at such a great remove from the poor that this piety was neither visible nor understandable to them. I feel, thus, that the left-liberals practice the political equivalent of ethnocentrism, however piously they might believe in the equal validity of all cultures.

Nothing captures the left-liberal snooty snigger, so redolent of the ways of a dead aristocracy, than the pejorative use of ‘bhakt.’ Apparently, the ‘bhakts’ nurture an uncritical affection for the Prime Minister of our benighted land and are, hence, worthy of nothing but mockery. The voter turnout in the 2014 general elections was 66%, the number of eligible voters was about 80 crores. This means that about 52 crores actually cast their votes. BJP’s vote share in 2014 was 31%, this means that about 16 crore people voted BJP. Were they all ‘bhakts’? Isn’t it supreme elitism to brand and dismiss such a large number with a pejorative appellation? Is it too much to ask oneself whether they might have been motivated by some social or economic aspirations in making the political choice they did? Are ‘bhakts’ only those connected with the Sangh? I learnt from the internet that the RSS runs about 60,000 shakhas in the country. If it is assumed that each shakha is attended by 200 people, the total number of ‘bhakts’ amounts to about 1, 20, 00, 000 (1 crore 20 lakhs). That is less than 1% of the population of India, and it will be indeed surprising and terrifying if such a small number are managing to steer the country in a direction of their choosing. Perhaps they are, after all, but how? Must not the left-liberal public ask, inquire and understand, equipped as it is with an education only a few are fortunate enough to receive? No, merely turning up one’s noses and engaging in pretty salon talk is not enough. You do not change anything with salon talk. The ‘bhakts’ might be guilty of adoring the government too much, but the left-liberals are guilty of adoring themselves too much. I say this as someone who earned a PhD in a university well known (ill known too) for its left activism. I was also, during my university days, a member of the students’ wing of one of the Communist parties of our benighted land.

Rise of Hindu Nationalism, thanks to Nehru-Gandhi secular dynasty


Rise of Hindu Nationalism in India after 70 years of Independence, is nothing something unexpected phenomenon, which is sweeping the nation since last two decades. Its roots lie deep down in Mahatma Gandhi’s social, political ideology which couldn’t be digested by a large section of believers in Akhand Bharat (Undivided or Greater India) before and after British Rule.

Nothing apart was followed by Gandhi’s ideologue Nehru, overlooking deep down tides of dissatisfaction taking shape of Hindu Nationalism.

After 1947 Gandhi’s and Nehru’s secularism didn’t catch up masses that had been under foreign oppression since last 10 centuries, and paved a way to Rashtriya Swavamsewak Sangh jumping into politics.

Hindutva was never seen as an uniting social and political force in modern India until 1906 when Agha Khan founded Muslim League in undivided India. Even after inception of Rashtriya Swavamsewak Sangh in 1925 by Keshav Baliram Hegdewar, Hindutva had not been a political entity, as Britishers, Gandhi, Nehru did not heed on it as a potential stakeholder.

All Indians had at that time was Congress Party as a secularist for whole India, on the other side was Muslim League for separate Muslims State to negotiate with Britishers. Gandhi and Nehru talked about Idea of India which we have now, while Muhammad Ali Jinnah produced present day Pakistan, and no one listened to what Hindus wanted.

Since Mughal invasions till British Rule, and from partition of India until late 1970s Hindutva remained a largely neglected and unheard social and political entity.

Nonetheless, until late 1970s and early 80s religion remained out of political agenda of Congress and other left parties, as there was no significant amount of Muslim population (5%) left in divided India. As such Hindutva remained unruffled during this period and unknowingly swallowed silent and gradual process of secularisation among people and right wing parties.

But, after this period (late 1970s and 80s) as Muslim voters again started surging, Congress only major political party then, started their minority appeasement against the will of majority of population. Sensing soundless suppression of majority left RSS and other Hindu leaders emerge gradually up surging.

After rift in Congress party owing to rivalry between Indira Gandhi and Murarji Desai, rise of and fall of JP Narayan movement, and split of Janata Party left a void in opposition politics, which was successfully subsumed by Bhartiya Janata Party (Formerly Jan Sangh).

Meanwhile, after Death of Indira Gandhi, sensing its fading voters’ faith, Congress started politics of minority appeasement. This gave a sudden rise of Hindu Nationalism in late 1980s and early 1990s, with Ayodhya Ram Temple movement gaining momentum, well complimented by Rashtriya Swavamsewak Sangha and other hard core Hindu groups coming blatantly to represent and protect Hindus.

Meanwhile, Bharatiya Janata Party, backed by RSS, enchased the demolition of Babari Mosque in 1992, to draw national attention, awakening consciousness of Hindus.

Rise of Bharatiya Janata Party, since then has been imbibing Hindu Nationalism, which has become contemporary bone of contention between two communities, which is constantly churning up Communal tension in India.

व्यंग्य : पनीर बंद करने से केजरीवाल सरकार पर नाराज


दूध से बननेवाले पनीर का उपयोग मिठाई की जगह सब्जियों में जिस तरह बदल गया उससे सरकार का मिठाई बाजार परेशान था। कभी कलाकंद का स्वाद बढ़ानेवाला पनीर धीरे – धीरे पनीर बटर मसाला, शाही पनीर, पानीर भुर्जी और पनीर अचारी के नाम पर गैर कानूनी ढंग से प्रयोग किया जा रहा था।

2014 में प्रधानमंत्री बनने के बाद नरेंद्र मोदी ने लोगों को भरोसा दिलाया कि वो पनीर का गैर कानूनी उपयोग बंद करवाकर रहेंगे और उसी के चलते कुछ दिन पहले देश के नाम रात 8 बजे एक संदेश देते हुए प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने पनीर का क्रय-विक्रय गैर कानूनी घोषित कर दिया।

इस फैसले के बाद जनता में पनीर को लेकर अफवाहों का बाजार गर्म हो गया। सरकार ने जनता को उनका पनीर सरकारी डेरी में जाकर बदलने की लिए कहा है। पनीर देकर जनता को रबड़ी लेने का पर्याय दिया गया। ऐसी बातों ने जनता को सुबह पनीर की दुकान के बाहर लंबी – लंबी कतारों में खड़े रहने के लिए मजबूर कर दिया।

पनीर बंदी की घोषणा से दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजरीवाल बहुत नाराज हो गए। कभी आलू की सब्जियों का शौक रखनेवाले केजरीवाल जब से मुख्यमंत्री बनें हैं तब से वो दोनों समय पनीर की भाजी खाना ही पसंद करते थे और मोदी सरकार के पनीर बंदी के कानून से केजरीवाल के पनीर भोजन को बहुत बड़ा आघात लगा।

दिल्ली में सरकार बनाने के पहले केजरीवाल स्वयं पनीर के खिलाफ और आलू के हितैषी थे परंतु सत्ता की चमक और रुतबे ने उन्हें आलू के प्यार से हटाकर पनीर के प्यार की तरफ मोड़ दिया। पंजाब चुनावों में केजरीवाल ने वहाँ की जनता से वोट लेने के लिए जमकर पनीर खिलाने का वादा किया था लेकिन सरकार के निर्णय के चलते उनका सारा पनीर बेकार हो गया है।

केजरीवाल ने सरकार के फैसले का विरोध करते हुए कहा है कि पनीर बंद करने से आम जनता परेशान है। जिस आम जनता को आजादी के इतने साल बाद भी दाल और चावल
मुश्किल से मिलता है वो पनीर बंदी से क्यों दुखी होगी इसका जवाब केजरीवाल के पास नहीं है।

अरविंद केजरीवाल के साथ – साथ कई ऐसे राजनीतिक दल हैं जिन्होंने पनीर का बहुत स्टॉक अपने पास जमाकर कर रखा था और वो भी केजरीवाल के साथ मिलकर मोदी सरकार के पनीर बंदी के फैसले के खिलाफ आवाज उठा रहें हैं। जिसके जवाब में मोदी जी ने कहा है की ” मुश्किल हो जीना फिर भी, पड़े जहर पीना फिर भी। पनीर बंदी का फैसला ना होगा ख़ारिज, आ आ कसम खा ले.”

What the victory of Trump means for the world politics


The victory of the Republican candidate Donald Trump in the USA Presidential Elections has put the political pundits in quandary. Media had branded him a demagogue, a xenophobe and a misogynist. Despite his anti immigration rhetoric, his anti Muslim utterances linking them to terrorism, his threat to write off many trade agreements and scrap Universal Healthcare and Minimum wages and racial discrimination charges that made Blacks & minorities feel nervous, the US people were not averse to reposing their faith in him.

Trump’s coronation is not an isolated case but is closely interconnected with global political trends. The democratic liberal secular space is shrinking and right wing nationalist discourse is fast filling up the vacuum. Defying all odds, BJP gained power in India fuelled by the Modi charisma in 2014. Britain opted to exit from the Euro zone after a national referendum. The leader of the UK Independent Party Farage applauded the courage of the British people to embrace their freedom and calling upon the rest of Europe to launch a Peoples Spring. France is witnessing the surge of Pen phenomenon and the French National Party which talks against immigration, jobs for outsiders and whips up anti foreigner feelings. It’s time to introspect the reasons for the transformation in the contours of global ideological polity.

After the end of the Second World War, the policy makers veered towards publicly owned industries and welfare state model in most of the democratic countries. Democratic socialism, liberalism and secularism became buzzwords. Parties supporting the cause of workers and middle classes captured power and became ardent advocates for the rights of the poor. Trade unions acquired immense clout.

But all that may be set for change. Neo liberal economic forces & globalization resulted in reduction of state role in the realm of economic activities. The state came to be seen to be increasingly associated with the exclusive promotion of interests of multinationals & globalised capital. The state is no longer looked upon as a benevolent entity that cared for the interests of the downtrodden and tried to balance the concerns of all classes.

The economic crisis of 2008 was the outcome of the democratically elected US Government’s decision to bail out the banking companies from collapse by pumping in public funds. The political class began to be distrusted. The chasm increased between the rich and poor. Austerity measures like cut in pensions & other social security schemes in Europe led to unprecedented protests on the streets. Unemployment figures shot up, middle class lost homes & educational loans and desperation became the norm. Wall Street movement unfolded in USA. A significant section of the world population got cut off from the benefits of globalization; their disenchantment with the political & economic systems increased. Outsourcing resulted in loss of jobs for the locals and hostility towards the foreigners multiplied. This led to calls for protectionist measure that was the very anti thesis of neo liberal global force. Ultra nationalism developed to counter homogenizing globalization. Modi talks of India First and Trump talks of reviving the supremacy of USA on the world stage.

The marginalization of the poor working classes in the global order made them insecure and made them fall on identity and cultural issues. Culture became the safe haven of the alienated and the anonymous. The language of culture has become exceedingly important as the means through which to make sense of society & social relations. Those regarded as culturally different were seen to be as threats and inimical to national interests. Politics failed to redress social dislocation.

More people are looking towards their roots, identity and cultural exclusivity to make sense in a rapidly globalizing world that has reduced them to frustrated desperate creatures. Nationalist feelings at times bordering on jingoism/xenophobia are whipped up to counter the homogenizing impact of globalization. Ultra nationalism needs an enemy within and no wonder, minority communities are feeling the heat world over with the dramatic revival of Right wing politics. The conditions of Blacks & Hispanics are no different in USA.

Religious fundamentalism & terrorist attacks have further vitiated the atmosphere. The failure of liberal secular democracy to develop a proper response mechanism to the challenges posed by the orthodox clergy & conservative sections of society has eroded its credibility. Many European nations like Belgium & France have seen attacks by Muslim terrorists; there has been call for adherence to Sharia laws in places where immigrant Muslim population has a sizable population in Europe making a mockery of the western tradition of constitution and rule of law. In USA, after 9/11 Islamic terror attack, Muslims and minorities are being looked at with suspicion. The elite liberal class is cut off from the ground realities and is more bookish than practical.

The left in India has withered because it is too academic to survive in the hurly and burly of politics. The liberal secular notions are under siege now with secularism being equated to minority appeasement and Hinduism bashing while turning a blind eye to other religions. Socialism models have collapsed and even if they are surviving, they have lost credibility. Social media has intensified the social fault lines and brought the views of the subaltern classes to the fore. Beef & cow controversy, Skirmishes over religious conversion and Uniform Civil Code controversy are providing fertile ground for the growth of Hindu Right in India.

Elite media and left leaning secular elites in India & elsewhere have adopted an ostrich like approach to majoritarianism & the impulses of the masses. Even the media in USA got it horribly wronging in predicting a Hillary Clinton win. In western countries, there have been racial attacks on Asian & African students as they are considered as usurpers of opportunities by the local youths. With the growing social diversification of western Europe & USA, inter racial hostility is brewing. The masses are harboring distrust and hostility towards the elites & the rich. For many, Trump vote is the vindication of mass anger against the elites. It’s the manifestation not only of globalization anxieties but also of white nationalism.

All these cumulative factors have led to growth in Right Wing Nationalist politics not only in USA and India but even in other countries like France, Belgium, UK and others. Japan and Russia have also seen the emergence of nationalist leaders like Putin and Abe. The Trump win has ensured the return of Right in the world’s oldest democracy. We are already seeing Right in the world’s largest democracy.

SHOCKING: Big Blow to Modi!!! (see pictures)


Prime Minister Modi has lost the mission… Across the country, Prime Minister Modi’s favourite mission is receiving a huge setback.

People have come out strongly dismissing his move and voicing their rejection by hitting back at Swacch Bharat move.

Prime Ministers assertion that his latest #demonization drive will clean up the country has got a blow – as people across the country have given it a thumbs down and retaliated by demolishing his favourite Swacch Bharat mission, by littering drains, rivers, parks, outside temples and clubs… every nook and corner with waste paper.

Look at these pictures yourself:




Dear fellow countrymen, India is at war, and it in an internal war


Dear fellow countrymen,

Dear people of India,

Knowingly or unknowingly, actively or passively, by choice or by force… you are at war.

If you take some time aside (may be waiting in a Bank’s queue) and look back at what happened in last 5 years, you will see, you were always part of an ongoing war. And this was not a war against Manmohan Singh or Narendra Modi. Nor is this a war between BJP and Congress, or between Modi and Nitish, or between Kejriwal and Anna, or between the so called Deshbhakts and Deshdrohis.

It was always, between “people and establishment”.

Whatever may be the name. call it Corruption or Black-money or Intolerance or Ban. Like they fought a “mayavi rakshasa” in Ramayana-Mahabharata, you were fighting the same establishment in different forms.

The “establishment” is that small group of influential people who manipulate us, trick us, exploit us and worse, take us for granted. The babu’s in government office who forces you to believe that a files won’t move to next table until we put some “weight” on it are establishment.

The real estate builders which artificially increase the land prices so we keep paying pay EMI as long as we live, is the establishment. The nexus of News traders, Bollywood stars and Corporate marketers, which tells you what is cool, what to eat, what to wear, and what to “think”, is the establishment. It is the very establishment which pulls strings behind the curtain and makes you believe in a viewpoint that would suit “them”.

I repeat, the war was never against an individual or a political party… it was always against, and will be against the establishment.

Make no mistake.. in this war, you have been winning step by step, inch by inch. With every small win you are growing stronger. The establishment would try to convince you otherwise. It will portray everything as a common-man’s loss. That’s how establishment functions. That’s how establishment survives and thrives! But the reality is other way round. The establishment is receding, common man is winning.

Your first win was nearly 5 years ago, when you didn’t have any leader, any ray of hope, and still you came together nationwide, hailing ordinary people amongst us like Anna, Kejriwal, Bedi as leaders. This was not the fight against the then PM Manmohan Singh. Rather Manmohan Singh was the least part of it. It was against that covert enemy called establishment.

You won again, and how! By making a person with humble origins – a Chaiwala – the PM of India, by a historical majority. This was not BJP’s win; BJP meant nothing if there was no Modi. The Delhi BJP leadership itself was not very keen to welcome an outsider like Modi. You did not make BJP win against Congress; that would have been pretty ordinary! You rather scripted a historic win. You thrust a PM who did not belong to the establishment, in the very heart of establishment! The historians of future will judge this as one of the biggest turning point in the journey of India.

The establishment could not bear this insult. It sulked, it got bitter and angry. It tried some tantrums like award-wapasi or intolerance or JNU. And you showed them their place that would have made Mahatma Gandhi – the father of this nation – proud. Not once did you come on streets to burn buses or hurl stones. You simply unsubscribed Snapdeal to protest Amir Khan or downrated Barkha’s book on Amazon or boycotted Karan Johar’s films.

That did the trick. Now Amir’s wife hasn’t asked him to leave the country ever since. Barkha is slowly finding her true place in journalism. And Karan rather than sipping coffee with star-putra’s, is doing awful acts on camera (don’t get me wrong here), but he is making tearful appearances in a vow to his Desh-bhakti. I won’t be surprised if his next film is remake of Kranti or Pukar!

And now has the war reached the next level. An altogether new level. A person outside the establishment has taken a very daring, bold step by Demonetizing (word-of-the-week !) 500/1000 Rs note. He has risked everything he has on this; his classical vote base was the small-traders who traded in cash, they are not gonna be happy, his party members, like other politicians, would have stashed black money at secret places, they will be extremely unhappy. The Real-estate land-sharks, who trade hugely in black and who fund political parties during elections, they would turn vengeful.

We must realize that if the decision was in discussion for some 6 months, any leak in this information in this time would have even costed the life of PM! When recently PM said that “they may kill me for doing this” (and he hasn’t spoken like this ever before); I feel there was an element of truth in it and not mere “Nautanki” as supporters of an another leader who hasn’t done anything else in life, would like us to believe. The PM has risked his vote-base, his party-men and even his life to take this decisive step on the establishment.

Today once again the establishment will act again cunningly and deceptively. It will show “solidarity” with you by standing with you in the bank-queues under hot Sun for 10 minutes (it did not matter when people sit in their rallies under the same hot Sun), or it will peddle the same shameless lies without any proof like “yeh ek bahot badi sajish hai jee” or “this is the biggest scam”.

They will shed false tears for you. They will run news stories discrediting the PM by circulating fake images on Whatsapp and Twitter. God forbid, but worse may happen! But just  know that those who are opposing this step of demonetization would do it for some reason. And what could be more possible reason unless they or their friends have black-money?

Just play it cool, like you have always been, as the establishment is crumbling.

Also posted on my personal blog.

Satire: Liberal Conversations — So It Goes


The four entered a posh restaurant together, somewhere in Delhi. The manager, who knew them quite well, beamed a gracious smile and escorted them to a corner table.

As they sat down without a word, the manager asked the one who seemed to lead the group, a bald and bespectacled man with a face that always held a faint smile, if he would have the usual. The bald man nodded, and also gestured at the empty chair, which the manager smoothly got removed. The fifth in the group did not turn up. So it goes.

The manager now turned to the one who sat next to the bald man, a suave lady who looked extremely chic even in a plain green saree. She grinned and said, “Beefeater for me”. Coincidentally, the lady shared the same initials with the bald man.

Next to her was her husband, dressed in a suit, looking dapper as always, who ordered a Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa Valley, 2002 vintage. The last of the group, a man with tousled salt-pepper hair and dressed in an off-white kurta, ordered Pimm’s Iced Tea, a quintessential British drink.

The bald man smiled at everyone, and said, “So here we are, after a long time. How have you all been?”

The kurta-clad man was the first to speak. “I had a pleasant visit to the birthplace of the Bard, Stratford-upon-Avon, just last week. Every Indian must visit this place to learn the greatness of Shakespeare,“ said he with relish, and continued with  contempt, “but they make all tourist places filthy.”

At hearing the word “Stratford”, the bald man winced.

The husband said, “Mixed, S______. On the one hand, the Noise has left the building. We may now expect sense over sensationalism, substance over style.”

His wife now winced at the last phrase, but he did not notice and continued. “On the other hand, there is trouble brewing. I can see the signs.” So it goes.

A little away from them, a small family was ordering their dinner, and they could faintly hear one of them selecting Zafrani Pulao. So it goes. At this, the lady turned her nose up, said “Hope he orders Hara Bhara Kebab too”, and laughed out loud. It was now the turn of the kurta-clad man to wince, whose idea of a good time, like some of his British masters, was to keep a stiff upper lip come what may. Her husband, meanwhile, quipped, “They’ve got money, SA______, but no class,” and shook his head.

For the first time, he stirred, the kurta-clad man. “How is the…”, and without completing his statement, he bowed his head to indicate that he was referring to the Sophisticated & Supreme Sacrificer. The rest of them also bowed their heads, in reverence to the One who was not even there, but then, She was no less than God to them, and they did not even whisper Her name.

S______ shook his head. “Disturbed, A____. Distinctly disturbed.” So it goes.

“Quite understandable. Ghanchi has been stepping on too many areas. Too many! Our friends have been calling me, sometimes in the middle of the night, their voices full of panic,” he said. So it goes.

Facing S______, he continued, with a mixture of warning and desperation, “I hope you have a plan to handle this intellectually barren vegetarian, S______. We are in a dire situation here, an era of amplified intolerance. Now, he has demonetized currencies. What about voter inducement?” So it goes.

S______ was pained, and thought to himself, “What about us?” So it goes.

“It is difficult, A____, the demonetization puts an end to any immediate mischief. First, those surgical strikes,” he said, as everyone bristled, including the usually calm A____, “and now, this. We have had no sources inside the government for long. The media is crippled. It is an Emergency. What do you say, R______? This is your domain.” So it goes.

“A few days back, I interviewed the new kid on the block, a true patriot, if there ever was one. A part of the agenda to drive the narrative the way we want, but there is also the social media,” said R______. After musing for some time, he said, “The right wing on social media needs to be pummeled and beaten.”

At this, his wife gestured with an animated hatred, and spat out “Those Internet Hindus!”

A____ said, calmly, “Well, let us just say that the social media would be taken care of” and allowed himself the luxury of a faint smile. A____ had abandoned social media sometime earlier, but his connections were still intact.

S______ also smiled, and said “Also, for some strange reason, the leadership is no longer interacting with their own supporters on social media. It works for us quite well.”

“Coming back to this patriot of yours,“ said A____, with a hint of sarcasm, “how is he?”

“A nice young fellow,“ lied R______, “and we have got him some powerful friends too.”

At this, SA______ went on dreamily, “The lad is genuinely worried about the minorities.”

No one seemed to be bothered about her remark, but A____, unconvinced, asked, “Don’t we have someone who is good looking and has charisma? Someone who has an uncommon understanding of Indian reality, like R____ G_____?” So it goes.

The only one who believed what A____ said was SA______. So it goes.

“Well, we still have the trump card doing his best,” said R______, this time not lying, but offering his unbiased judgment based on his own moral compass.

S______ did not comment, but he knew the anarchist that R______ was referring to. Of late, his relationship with the trump card had deteriorated, but R______ was having it quite well, and enjoying his association too. Possibly something big in the near future.

Hearing the word “trump”, SA______ went on, “A few days back DC felt like one big happy family,” and sighed. So it goes.

Again, the rest of the group ignored her altogether.

“Well, we still have our old friends, the network is strong enough still, and of course, the courts,” said S______. “We may yet have some solid surprises in store for our Sanghi friends.”

After a few minutes of sipping their drinks silently, R______ got up, and said, “Well, we have to leave now. I will croon ‘jaane kahaan gaye wo din’ as I head home. Shubhratri.” With that the two disappeared.

A____ and S______ looked at each other, sighed deeply, and with great difficulty, S______ took out his wallet to pay the bill. So it goes.

(Note: The “so it goes” phrase comes from the anti-war book by Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse 5. In the book, the phrase is used whenever there is a death. Here, it is used whenever there is trouble.)

“Printing Fake currency is an art, so India must not ban FICN from Pakistan” – Bollywood protest


Mumbai: Pakistani artists are paying for the sins of their ISI and Government. Initially, it was Pakistani Singers and Actors. But now, Fake currency printers are losing their job due to moves by the Indian government.

Activists attached to Bollywood took a protest rally with placards that read
Activists attached to Bollywood took a protest rally with placards that read “Artists have no borders. Similarly, their art forms should not have any borders.”

On November 8, at 8 PM, PM Modi declared the 500 and 1000 Rupee notes as null and void. It created a frenzy in India with people rushing to convert their old notes into 100 Rupee notes. While the pandemonium is still going on in India, people from another side of the border are also affected severely by this move, which is dubbed as ‘Surgical Strike on Fake money’.

While this can be seen as a loss of job for Pakistani fake money printers, Bollywood, and its sidekick activists have thrown an art angle to it. Speaking to OpIndia, noted director Mahesh KaButt said, “There is art in every form. Not only painting or singing or dancing is an art. Even printing counterfeit money is an art. Just imagine how they had to re-engineer an already printed original note and convince the end user that they are holding the original currency note. In my opinion, it is the best of art. So, by trying to curb counterfeit currency, this Modi government is trying to send a signal that artists and their art form aren’t welcome in India. This is a worrying sign of growing fascism. Even Hitler tried to curb art and we are seeing a replication of Nazi Germany here.”

Famous director ‘cum’ producer, Karan Gobar said, “I vehemently oppose this move by Modi that has pushed the livelihood of many Pakistani artists aka counterfeit currency printers into oblivion. Why is my country which had always been plural with both original and fake money is now trying to massacre the latter? As a sign of protest, I have decided to pay my team in counterfeit currency, that is, art money to my team henceforth.”

Self-notable actress Suvara Bhaskar tweeted, “Why seeing Indian Rupee printed in Pak as counterfeit? See it as an inspiration, an art! How can Sanghis understand this!!”

Also to tweet and question Modi was director Anurag Kashyap, ” @narendramodi you want Indian Rupees from others countries via FDI, but you do not want Indian Rupees from Pakistan. why?”

Protesters vandalise a Startup company labeling it as Sexist after it rejects a female candidate at an interview

Meanwhile, protesters had been gathering in large numbers outside the office with rods, after it declared that it had found a suitable candidate for the position, who turned out to be a male applicant.
Meanwhile, protesters had been gathering in large numbers outside the office with rods, after it declared that it had found a suitable candidate for the position, who turned out to be a male applicant.

New York: A mob of activists broke the security layer and demolished a two-storey building in the city here. Reports claim that they had done this because of a startup which operated in this building had rejected a female candidate.

Hillary Smith, aged 28, had applied for the post of Application Developer in FreshBees, a startup that is involved in Mobile & Web Application development. After scanning her resume, she was called for the interview yesterday. But things turned otherwise during the interview.

Speaking exclusively to us, the interviewer of Hillary said, “Her CV was all about her knowledge in Java and Android development. So, we thought it might be good to interview her, as her skills mentioned in her CV exactly matched our requirement. Only when I started asking questions in Java, she started fumbling. I asked her to explain about Inheritance and she started saying about how she inherited her mother’s ears and father’s nose. But, without losing my patience, I kept on asking her more questions on Android experience and she replied back with her experience with how shopping apps had ruined her lifestyle.”

Within fifteen minutes into the interview, Hillary was sent back and followed up with a call mentioning the result of that interview as ‘Rejected’. A furious Hillary had accepted it with elan, but a few hours later, a group of 30 men and women gathered outside the FreshBees premises. Some of them in the group were holding placards with words like ‘Sexist Scums – Shut down!’ and ‘Give her the Job or face death’. “Before we could call the NYPD,

CEO of that startup, who was injured in the cheek and forearm, said with a shaky voice, “Before we could call the NYPD, the protesters stormed into the building, beat all the security and started breaking the glass panels outside. Few of them stormed in and broke the computer. Two of them bayed for the blood of the interviewer and the damage was done before Police arrived at the spot. We are currently evaluating our losses, but I guess, it will be around 50 grand.”

Wiping his tears, he continued, “We still stand by our decision. She was not the suitable candidate for the job, but these feminists and activists had been forcing me to take her for the job, just because she is a woman. When I said that I cannot take her, they called me a sexist and misogynist. Look, we have women in equal number to men working here and I always do respect women. But, this position required a person with expertise in Java and not someone who said ‘Not Java, it is Jabba the Hutt’.”