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पुलिस की छवि बदलता एक अफसर

पुलिस किसी भी क्षेत्र की कानून व्यवस्था को बनाए रखने के लिए बहुत आवश्यक होती है। लेकिन सच्चाई यह है कि आम लोग मदद के लिए पुलिस के पास जाने से बचते हैं।

पुलिस चाहे हमारे देश की हो चाहे विदेश की बच्चा बच्चा उससे डरता है। हमारे मानस पटल पर बचपन से ही पुलिस की कुछ छवि ही ऐसी बनती है कि उसके बारे में सोचते ही सुकून से अधिक भय की भावना जागृत होती है। भले ही हमने बचपन से पढ़ा है कि पुलिस कानून व्यवस्था की रक्षक होती है चोर उचक्कों को पकड़ती है और शरीफ एवं सभ्य आदमी को सुरक्षा प्रदान करती है लेकिन व्यवहार में पुलिस के नाम से ही लोगों के पसीने छूट जाते हैं यह एक कटु सत्य है।

इसीलिए समय समय पर स्कूलों में बच्चों के साथ पुलिस की कार्यशाला लगाई जाती है ताकि बच्चे पुलिस को अपना दोस्त समझें। क्योंकि किताबी बातों से इतर कुछ व्यवहारिक बातें भी होती हैं और दोनों बातों का कोई मेल नहीं होता। जैसे किताबों में दो और दो चार ही होते हैं लेकिन व्यवहार में वे चार के अलावा और कुछ भी हो सकते हैं। तो किताबों में भले ही पुलिस के बारे में कुछ भी लिखा हो असलियत में तो लोग पुलिस के नाम से भी डरते हैं और खुदा न खास्ता कभी थाने का चक्कर लगाना पड़ जाए तो घबड़ाहट ऐसी कि कहीं दिल की धड़कन ही न थम जाए।

लेकिन जैसे पाँचों उँगलियाँ बराबर नहीं होती वैसे ही सभी पुलिस वाले भी एक जैसे नहीं होते इस बात को सिद्ध करते हैं ग्वालियर इंदरगंज थाने के टीआई अमर सिंह जी।

जिन्हें पुलिस की वर्दी पर रोब से ज्यादा इस वर्दी पर गर्व है और जब इस भावना के साथ वो अपनी ड्यूटी करते हैं तो उस क्षेत्र के जनमानस के ह्रदय में भी धीरे धीरे इस  वर्दी से डर की बजाय अपने देश की पुलिस की वर्दी के लिए वही गर्व और विश्वास की भावना जागृत हो रही है। यह उनकी शैली की सबसे बड़ी जीत है कि लोगों के मन में उन्हें देखने पर एक पुलिस अधिकारी से पहले उस वर्दी के पीछे एक सह्रदय एवं नेकदिल इंसान दिखाई देता है।

बात चाहे दो गरीब बच्चियों की पढ़ाई का खर्च उठाने की हो या फिर किसी भी प्रकार के सामाजिक कार्य की, किसी केस में से सच और झूठ पकड़ने की हो या फिर लोक अदालत में आने वाली अर्जियों की। किसी बूढ़ी माँ को अपने बच्चों से न्याय दिलाने की बात हो या फिर आपसी रंजिश मिटाने के लिए डाली गई झूठी रिपोर्ट की। टीआई अमर सिंह जी की पारखी निगाहों को फाइल के पार और बयानों के आगे के सच समझते देर नहीं लगती। शायद इसीलिए जो इनसे एक बार भी मिल लेता है उसके मन में बरसों से बनी पुलिस की छवि एक पल में ही धूमिल हो जाती है और देश की इस संस्था और उससे जुड़े लोगों के प्रति मन में श्रद्धा एवं टीआई अमर सिंह जी विश्वास जाग्रत हो उठता है।

समाज, देश एवं अपनी ड्यूटी के प्रति उनकी कर्तव्य निष्ठा काबिले तारीफ है। आखिर लोगों के मन में पुलिस की छवि स्वयं पुलिस ही बदल सकती है।

इन्होंने जो एक छोटी सी उम्मीद की किरण अपने आस पास के लोगों में जगाई है, निश्चित ही उसकी रोशनी बहुत दूर तक फैलेगी और न सिर्फ लोगों के मन में पुलिस की छवि बदलने में सहायक होगी अपितु बदले में इन्हें लोगों से मिलने वाले प्रेम और सम्मान इनके साथियों के लिए भी प्रेरणा स्रोत बन कर उन्हें इनके नक्शे कदम पर चलने के लिए प्रेरित करेंगे।

ऐसे ही नेकदिल पुलिस अफसर टीआई अमर सिंह जी को एक शेर अर्ज है:

मैं अकेला ही चला था जानिब ए मंजिल,
मगर लोग साथ आते गए और कारवाँ बनता गया।

Why does NYT lionize Middle Eastern refugees but belittle ISRO?


The other day, ISRO did something absolutely amazing. It launched 104 satellites in one go, turning (jealous) heads across the world. The previous record was 37. Leading the charge of the jealousy brigade were the liberal elite eggheads at the New York Times.


Ha! Trying to run down ISRO’s amazing achievement by calling the satellites as “doves”.

It is not like the New York Times is a first time offender when it comes to throwing needless and frankly, pathetic insults at India and our space program. Who can possibly forget this cartoon?


India depicted as a poor farmer with cattle?  Talk about stereotypes! Can you imagine a secular refugee from the Middle East depicted as sitting on a camel with a suicide belt? Of course not! That would be “culturally insensitive”. But somehow, when it comes to Indians, all the sensitivity training, all the moral outrage about micro-aggressions and every other fancy word in the dictionary of the liberal elite on the US East Coast goes right out of the window.

More important than simply outraging about the New York Times and its attitude towards India is understanding this phenomenon and the reasons behind it. Mere outrage against the NYTimes only inflates their sense of self-importance.

We have to ask: why is it that the liberal elite at the New York Times choose to lionize people from the Middle East and run down people from India? Right now, all you will hear from the American liberal elite is how the Middle East produces doctors, lawyers, scientists, entrepreneurs, how the Middle East is all about dedicated fathers, caring mothers and a wonderful culture. But India? India is all about rape. And open gutters filled with raw sewage.

Why is it that a culture which produces so many suicide bombers is systematically glorified but India’s ISRO is projected as a joke?

It all comes down to the ultimate core of liberalism: rewarding bad behavior.

Because angry Indians tweet. Angry people of another faith choose to fly planes into buildings. In liberalism, the person who shows the most violent and psychotic behavior is allowed to move right to the front of the line!

In the collectivist mindset of the liberal elite, the world is divided neatly into classes with each group having a fixed, specific role. Roughly speaking, the people of color are supposed to behave like petulant children, forever whining to be granted favors. On the other hand, white people, especially white males are supposed to be the indulgent grown ups.

And when someone “breaks character” and start to act as individuals, the liberals get mad. Really really mad. This is why right wing women such as Sarah Palin received such vicious hate from liberals. Because they shunned the victimhood role that feminism chooses for women. A similar fate awaits any black person who wants to be treated as an individual, outside of the preferred liberal victim narrative for their community.

Lets look at the people from the Middle East. Any elite American media outlet today is overflowing with narratives of immigrants from the Middle East shaming America for being so intolerant and unwelcoming!

A simple analogy will show how absurd this is. Imagine an Indian who goes to America and gives a long lecture about how there is too much garbage lying around in American roads and towns. He or she would be subject to immediate ridicule and for good reason!

Now think of a person coming from Syria or Iran or Pakistan and talking about how America is intolerant towards people of minority religions. Ha! In their home countries, leaving the majority religion and/or blasphemy is generally punishable by death.

They worry about “Muslim bans” (only 7 out of 57 Muslim majority nations were subject to this!) and about “extreme vetting” and “discriminatory” attitudes of the United States government? Really? Their countries actually have a decades old ban on any entrant from Israel; the only Jewish majority nation on earth!

They really complain about refugees not being welcomed in America? Most of the rich Middle Eastern countries did not let even a single refugee in. What about Americans welcoming others into their society? Well, most Middle Eastern countries do not allow anyone to naturalize as a citizen unless they are descended from a specific tribe. A person and his parents and their parents before them could have all been born in the Middle Eastern country and they would still be foreigners!

It is hard to imagine any person from the Middle East perceiving America, even Trump’s America as anything but a heaven overflowing with rivers of freedom.

But the liberals won’t point it out. Especially the liberals at the New York Times. Because they treat Muslims as petulant children wailing for a shiny new toy in the store aisle. Because children don’t have to give logic or rationale or take responsibility. Children are not required to justify their choices. And you have to be nice to little kids. That makes Trump a monster, for he isn’t kind to children.

But Indians are different. They don’t behave like children. We want to play with the big boys and with the big toys. We want to make rockets that reach distant worlds. We want to build schools and universities and industries and cities. We want our own bullet trains.

This makes the liberal elite very insecure and unsure of what to do. In their nervousness, the liberal elites who see themselves as grown ups, end up acting like jealous teenagers in high school. Now read the tweet at the top of the article about India’s “dove satellites”? Do you see the jealous teenager behind it? Good.

Why BJP may lose Karnataka, once again, in the upcoming 2018 state election


Political party infighting is not a new thing in India as we have seen the family dramas in politics in many states. How Chandrababu Naidu came into power, the current ongoing fight (may be dramatic) in the Samajwadi Party in UP, Aam Admi Party infighting in Delhi (Yogendra Yadav and Prashanth Bhushan saga), how Congress got divided and became Indira Congress, name any political party we have examples of infighting and accusations inside the party. BJP is not new to get into the list of these parties as we have seen how Uma Bharathi went out forming a new party, Keshubhai Patel, who fielded candidates against BJP in Gujarat, Yeddyurappa went out to start KJP from BJP in Karnataka.

But let’s see the current status of political parties in Karnataka and how they are ready to face the upcoming elections in Karnataka. Congress won a majority in Karnataka all because of BJP infighting and Yeddyurappa, who formed KJP and contested election, which made BJP lose in most of the seats in 2013. Later, before Loksabha election in 2014 Yeddyurappa came back to BJP after the change in a central leadership from Advani camp to Amit shah camp.

In Loksabha BJP won 17 MP seats in Karnataka. Thanks to Narendra Modi wave and also an enthusiastic NaMo brigade group which ran a campaign comprising young volunteers. Many took long leaves from office to campaign for Modi and was part of NaMo brigade. People had many hopes from state BJP, which had just come out of infighting to work for the betterment of the state on central level.

In 2017 just a year before assembly election, we see BJP in the same mode as they were at 2012/2103 before state elections. Now the fight is between Yeddyurappa and Eshwarappa. As an opposition party in Karnataka BJP is failing to reach the public with the wrongdoings of current state congress government. It had ample of issues to tackle the current government in the state but it failed. The reason is well known, as there is no interest towards state and party volunteers seen in the current top leadership of state BJP. Any leader who builds boundaries in politics and don’t take critics will start his own end in politics. The so called loyal people of leaders will always praise them and mask leaders to understand the reality. In politics you should always meet new people every day including your critics to grow as a leader. The day you put boundaries is the day you start failing as a leader. Let us just see the issues which state BJP could have taken as an opposition party in Karnataka:

  1. No clarity by the Government has been given on Global Investors Meet Investment, like whether the investment have touched the ground and the status of those investments and the opposition, i.e., BJP has failed to hit hard on this issue.
  2. Bangalore is the city which is known to the world today and also the city which gets revenue to the state. But the state government has failed to give back the share to Bangalore and improve the infrastructure for new investments.
  3. North Karnataka is in the same condition without any improvements and this was not taken up in any legislative session by the opposition.
  4. No one fought for the honest officials who committed suicides. No satisfactory reasons or actions taken later and as an opposition party, BJP could not get justice done.
  5. CM did not go to China when he was invited by the Prime minister and as opposition BJP did not take up the issue and reach people how the state development was ignored.
  6. State government failure in solving Kalasa Banduri issue. Inactive opposition in the state and also lacking in convincing capabilities of BJP MP’s it was portrayed as a central responsibility by state government.
  7. Law and order collapse and series of murder of political activists was not taken seriously and which also shows how serious leaders are about the followers of their party.
  8. Government machinery misused by sons of prominent ministers and appointed advisers. This issue again was not taken up by BJP.
  9. Lack of coordination with a supreme court lawyer and state government in Cauvery issue. BJP, too missed upon this.
  10. The LED bulb project was hijacked by the state government and projected as a state project.
  11. Farmers suicide and state government’s inability in handling draught issue in North Karnataka.
  12. Central ministers behaving like they are central ministers from different state and not taking central government policies to people.

The above few issues are what comes to mind, but there were many more opportunities which could have shown how not-so-serious the BJP is about Karnataka state and their preparation for the upcoming state election. CM Siddaramaiah himself sacked 14 ministers after 3 years of governance, which shows half the number of ministers were not working up to the expectation. Today in Karnataka we don’t have any state leaders who have a vision for Karnataka state in any political party. We don’t see any leader talking about the vision for Karnataka and Bangalore, as to get Karnataka to top position in investment.

There is a big anti incumbency in a state which BJP should use if they are serious about the development of the state. Start talking about theier vision which will bring radical development in the state if they win the next election. Infighting will not yield any benefit for the party and state. Yeddyurappa should take along all the leaders as he is the current state chief and central ministers should reach out to people till Taluk level with the central policies.

Central ministers have drastically failed to do any remarkable work, also failing in bringing center’s policies to people. No one from the opposition is questioning them. This failure has to be taken seriously and the same should be rectified sooner for the betterment of the party.

Rohith Vemula case: Consulting Editor of Newslaundry tries to spin the liberals out of trouble


When liberals are caught with their pants down, their last weapon is to try and “intellectualize” the situation. What does that mean? It’s a simple approach:

Step 1: Say something deliberately vague.

Step 2: People demand clarifications because you were so vague.

Step 3: Issue vague clarifications.

Step 4: Back to Step 2.

Infinite loop achieved! After running around the loop a couple of times, the detractors of the liberals will eventually give up and everyone can just call it a draw. Meanwhile, the fact that the liberals were caught with their pants down is forgotten.

Because liberals are so convinced that they are so much smarter than everyone else, they think that they can get away with this trick every single time. So it is no surprise that they went back to their favorite technique to save the blushes once this story broke all over the internet.


See if you can find shades of Step 1 in the words of Anand Ranganathan, consulting editor of Newslaundry


The deliberately confusing tweet intended to seed the infinite loop! Now, Anand Ranganathan has a mind trained in intellectual clarity, for he is a scientist as well. He knows *exactly* what  he is doing here. He has no excuse.

And you’ll never guess the illustrative example he provided to make his point.


The trap was now set. Of course one could ask several questions by playing around with Ranganathan’s  logic. For example:

(1) What if I say I “feel like” a Dalit? Can I get reservations?

(2) What if Sasikala says she “feels innocent”? Is the path clear for her to become CM of Tamil Nadu?

(3) If Ranganathan is so passionate about letting people choose their “real identities”, will he now condemn every single article on Newslaundry and everywhere else that suggest that the RSS is a communal/divisive force? Didn’t he just say that the RSS believes in the oneness of Indian society irrespective of religion?

But, of course, you have to realize that asking these questions only plays into Ranganathan’s hands. He wants you and me to ask those questions. He wants to keep giving “clarifications”. That way he can keep talking about everything except the core issue of liberals caught lying with their pants on fire in the Rohith Vemula case.

And that’s exactly what Ranganathan did. He issued more “clarifications”.


Excellent. Now people will come up with various other scenarios to counter his clarifications. Now we will discuss everything except the liberal embarrassment. From the plane of fact where liberals have been caught in the headlights, the debate moves to the plane of the hypothetical.

And Ranganathan took great delight in fueling this cycle further:


What if the university administration never intended to discriminate against anyone for being a Dalit or anything else? Doesn’t that mean they were innocent. I repeat, do NOT ask him this, because that’s exactly what he wants you to do.


Who condemned Rohith? We only condemned your liberal ilk. But people did take the bait and play into his hands. They went far far off topic just like Anand Ranganathan wanted, until he actually felt confident enough to turn the whole thing around on its head.


See how a professional does it? For the RW, there is something to learn here.

The right way to neutralize the spin and puncture people like Anand Ranganathan is simple: stick to the facts and don’t play into their hands. Stick to the fact that liberals cynically used a tragic suicide of a young man for exactly the kind of vote-bank politics that Rohith Vemula *pleaded* against in his final letter. 

When caught on the wrong foot, the liberals want you to step into an infinite loop of intellectualism till you get worn out and call it quits. Don’t take the bait.

The American hit animated comedy television series South Park uses exaggerated situations to deliver commentary on society. South Park does an excellent job of pointing out how to stop an intellectual infinite loop before it is set in motion. Sample this dialogue about someone trying to intellectualize their way out of child molestation. It’s between one of the lead characters, a boy named Kyle and an “activist” of “NAMBLA”. Here, NAMBLA = North American Man Boy Love Association (I told you they use exaggerated situations).

NAMBLA activist: Does anybody know their rights? You see, I’ve learned something today. Our forefathers came to this country because… they believed in an idea. An idea called “freedom.” They wanted to live in a place where a group couldn’t be prosecuted for their beliefs. Where a person can live the way he chooses to live. You see us as being perverted because we’re different from you. People are afraid of us, because they don’t understand. And sometimes it’s easier to persecute than to understand.

Kyle : Dude, you have sex with children.

NAMBLA activist: We are human. Most of us didn’t even choose to be attracted to young boys. We were born that way. We can’t help the way we are, and if you all can’t understand that, well, then, I guess you’ll just have to put us away.  

Kyle: [slowly, for emphasis] Dude, you have sex with children. 

See how nicely Kyle avoids getting sucked into the intellectual trap? He stays on course and doesn’t respond to any of the NAMBLA guy’s “arguments”. That’s the right way.

Now, if Anand Ranganathan reads this, he is going to accuse me of comparing him to a child molester. And I won’t be stepping into his trap, FYI. I will stick to pointing out how liberals cynically exploited a tragic suicide.


That is Sujata Anandan, political editor of the Mumbai edition of the Hindustan Times. And no, she isn’t celebrating the fall of a wicket in an India– Pakistan cricket game. She is talking about the suicide of a young man who had his whole life ahead of him, but chose to give it all up before he was 30 years old.

Era of Labellism, by tagging dissent against left as Modi Bhakt


Nowadays we live in times of “Labellism” i.e., either you are Modi Bhakt or Anti National, if you dared to give your view on national issues. Then you will definitely have to go through these labels.

These labels are restricting free speech that everyone advocates, thus less no of neutral people are speaking on the important issues that are being discussed on daily basis concerning our great country. As left wing of our country are the champions of free speech barring JNU, and also the low level mentality of right-wing fringe is out and lie naked in the open and everyone knows about these extremists but there is another lot of sane extremists, which are less known. Thus, I want to discuss about hypocrisy of most of our leftism following liberal fellows.

There hypocrisy needs to be questioned because it is restricting us to support good initiatives of our Govt and our PM, each time he/she supports a good policy, Modi Bhakt tag is waiting to be awarded to him/her, liberal media neither back these people who support Govt nor raise their issues like they do for their fellow ideology gang or cozy club. This bias of pseudo intellectual media is not good for our democracy.

No one expects this intolerant behaviour of a section of people, who are well educated, used to be proud of their intellect by debating and reasoning with the people who differ to their opinion. But ever since, Narendra Modi got elected as a PM, in 2014, it seems that the patience quality of the left wing people has deteriorated. Criticism based on facts of any incumbent government should be cherished and it is desirable to have a healthy democracy. But since when trolling every supporter of a Govt is has become a healthy sign? So if you want to troll an ordinary citizen for supporting a good move, good luck! But what about the following famous Sports persons, Business men, Bollywood stars, Artists, International news agencies, World’s unbiased Economic Institutions, have also praised this Govt and PM Modi unabashedly? You guys should also tag and troll all these legends as Modi Bhakt.

Sachin Tendulkar, Virat Kohli, Virender Sehwag, Gautam Gambhir many other players of team India.

Sania Mirza, Mary Kom and other great female sportsperson of India.

Rajnikant and Amitabh Sahab.

CEO’s of Multinational companies and Tata, Birla, Ambanis etc

Lata Mangeshkar

Foreign country heads

Neutral Media and the Foreign survey agencies

Best Economic institutions like IMF and world bank

Balaji Viswanathan

These people have also committed the same sin of praising the policies of the prevailing government, like an ordinary citizen. So I urge to all of the watchdog of free speech, please don’t spare them! Tag them with the highest civilian honour of our time, given by leftism i.e as Modi Bhakt. Best of luck in labeling them.

Thank you for reading and please don’t mind the blunt writing, as some of you guys may have already labelled me as a Modi Bhakt. Koi ni, Lal Salam.

Engineering student to celebrate valentines day with the poster of his favorite actress


A Mechanical Engineering student of Aaya Ram Gaya Ram Institute of Technology was eagerly looking forward to celebrate a romantic Valentines day with the poster of his favorite actress. The boy has been in a relationship with the poster of the actress (a well known Bollywood diva) since he was a young teenager.

We spoke with the boy near the college pond as his hostel room was reported to have highly radioactive and hazardous materials, “You see being Valentines day today, I have decided to provide her with a magical experience. I have taken a bath, shaved, changed my shirt for the 1st time this year to give her a huge surprise. I just hope she doesn’t fail to recognise me. Also this evening I am going to treat her to a romantic candlelight dinner in our mess which is aided by the fact that there’s no electricity at night in our hostel. I need to be a bit careful though as on the last Valentines day the candle accidentally fell on her resulting in severe 3rd degree burns. Plus instead of my usual dinner of Desi Daaru and Chakna, I have arranged for Red Wine and pistachios. I have tried to make this Valentines day even more special for her as few days ago she caught me starting at a poster of Scarlett Johansson and has accused me of cheating on her, hope she forgives me now. Plus as an added surprise I have decided to gift her a branded photo frame, the same one which is used by Sharma ji to frame all of his kid’s achievements. In order to pay for the frame I would now have to smoke beedies for a couple of months but if she’s happy I am happy.”

The boy in order to celebrate Valentines day would also be skipping the annual Bhajan and Jagaran program organised by his hostel mates.

Is Varun Gandhi a victim of surname politics?


It is strange, that BJP punishes Varun Gandhi for his association with Nehru Gandhi dynasty, and not his mother.

Varun Gandhi joined Bhartiya Janta Party with his mother, Union Minister Maneka Gandhi under the able leadership of Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee in 2004. Twelve years hence, he has contested and won two Lok Sabha elections, served as the youngest General Secretary of BJP, written best sellers, been embroiled in controversies, reprimanded by the Modi Shah camp, side stepped by his party on multiple important occasions, and often fielded tough questions related to his surname. While the BJP leadership refuses to comment on its organisational mechanics, Varun Gandhi supporters feel the young leader has been denied his due share of 3Rs i.e. Responsibilities, Recognition, and Rewards.

In 2014, when Varun Gandhi was asked to demit from the post of BJP General Secretary, party secretary Siddharth Nath Singh had stated that the outgoing General Secretary would be assigned new roles and responsibilities as deemed by the party. Since then, political corridors in the election bound state have been rife with discussions on what the future holds for the young politician. Come Uttar Pradesh Vidhan Sabha elections ’17, all rumours were put to rest, when the party decided to contest a yet another faceless election followed by the ‘Varunless’ first list of star campaigners. To prevent the rumour mills from chocking the air, BJP did announce Varun Gandhi as a star campaigner in the second list; however, he has unequivocally stayed away from the state elections. During my interactions with certain local people in Varun’s home ground, I gathered that not only was Varun Gandhi’s face missing from the campaign posters, even Varun Gandhi’s supporters were denied due share in the party. (In an ETV survey for BJP’s CM face in UP, Varun Gandhi got 51% votes, Rajnath Sigh trailed at 28%, while Yogi Adityanath fell far at 5%; Smriti Irani: 1%)

Things were never easy in BJP for the young Nehru Gandhi descendant for obvious reasons. His association with the family was always held against him. While Maneka Gandhi never hesitated to tell it all, her son never advocated kindred attacks on public stage. Despite his 2009 electoral performance where his victory margin was higher than all the family members in the state, repeated denouncement of Rahul Gandhi’s remarks, successful implementation of projects on ground, the party had admonished him rather severely for his controversial speech in 2009 at Pilibhit. Contents of the speech were perverse with plausible ramifications. Albeit Varun has challenged the veracity of the video, the party has taken an unforgiving stance.

  2009 2014
Varun Gandhi – Votes 4,19,539 4,10,348
% of Total Votes 50.09 42.51
Constituency Pilibhit Sultanpur

This was not the first time a BJP party member was making contentious remarks in public. However, the party reproached him with relatively harsher far reach consequences for two reasons; first for exemplary purposes to prevent any future callousness by party members and second, to walk the talk against nepotism.

Varun Gandhi supporters in Sultanpur laud him for personally monitoring projects on ground level and establishing a personal connect with his constituency, even in the absence of a forthcoming election.

On the other hand, political strategists point out three reasons, where the genesis of his issues with BJP could lie.

Firstly, Varun Gandhi comes across as a self-assured young politician. This appeals to his voters, but simultaneously intimidates his colleagues. In 2011, when he became the first active politician to declare his support for Anna Hazare’s movement, he came across as a leader who had a mind of his own to his supporters; was an act of perfidy and impudent behaviour as per the party cadre. The masses appreciate him for being an independent thinker; the party censure him for being too independent. It must be noted, that in this tussle, the party is consciously containing a winnable candidate.

Secondly, in a party that has historically been driven by karyakarthas who rise up the ranks based on their work, the party sees it unfair to promote a young lad who is less than fifteen years old in the party. For an organisation that leaves no opportunity to accuse other parties of being slaves of dynasty, it is appropriate that it does not fall prey to “maa beta” trap. Alert, this justification is no more acceptable though, with several family members being awarded tickets in the state that matters. Unfortunately, Varun Gandhi will have to work equally hard to prove his loyalty, and doubly hard to prove his allegiance despite of his surname.

Thirdly, Varun Gandhi did not meet BJP cadre’s expectations. He was expected to take on the Gandhis of Congress in public forum, campaign against them in elections, and strip their dignity using bitter vocabulary. It was only a matter of time, before one expected the two cousins to spew venom and wash their dirty linen in public. Varun Gandhi has categorically denied any campaigns in Amethi and Raebareli. He has also refused to discuss his family in the media, transgressing all party expectations. Clearly, there is little advantage BJP to promote the self-determined politician.

If the institutional undercurrents continue to be punitive, and Varun Gandhi sees his party penalising him for being a Nehru Gandhi descendant, for opting out of hate politics, it only makes political sense for him to head for a ghar waapsi. Twelve years in the party, and with little going for him, one would be surprised if Varun Gandhi endures the step treatment and suffer in the annals of Modi Shah theatrical.

Either ways, it is advantage Varun!

We love to hate Baba Ramdev


I recently came across this article by a renowned IIM prof where he reacts to the advertisement by Baba Ramdev and gives his justification as to why he is not anti-national for using MNC products. For whatever n number of times I had seen the ad, I had never seen Baba Ramdev using any word even remotely near to being “anti-national” for anyone who bought MNC products. So I looked at it again, and again and still could not find anti-national or its Hindi equivalent in any of its advertisements. Of course, this is a part of gimmick of playing the victim-card as being called “anti-national” and this missile is not hurled at just Baba Ramadev but several others who actually never used the word. But there also looks to be one more reason why this frustration is coming out against Baba Ramdev by the elites and India’s rising middle and upper middle class.

Every-time I see people or groups ridiculing Baba Ramdev or his business, I realize the kind of hypocrisy that we, India’s rising middle class is. For the MBA class and likes, Baba Ramdev is that Sadhu-Baba who has risen from farsh to arsh in non-traditional manner. He is the langot-clad guy who has given sleepless nights to the MNCs run by some of our most talented management pass-outs. He is giving a run-for-money and more to the Harvard and IIM prodigies armed with their excels, PPTs and analysis, a qualification that our middle class dreams of. It is understandable why and what Ramdev means to the management circles.

But the bigger question to us is, the aspirational class. For us, the only legit way to be rich is to study hard , getting to IIT/IIM, join an MNC and earn in hordes. Unfortunately, neither Ramdev himself is from the elite league, nor does he employ them in a conventional MNC way, in-fact I doubt if any employee is of the elite-league at all. Another fashionable way is to do a start-up, but then Ramdev does not even belong to that standard definition of startup where how great your startup is, depends on the angel investors and rounds of funding, not to forget, it has to be an e-commerce industry where you sell chai, coffee, Doodh, Patti at click of a button and everything else is just Baniye Ki Dukan. He just started something from scratch a few years ago, is somewhere above 5000 Cr and fastly heading to 10000 Cr. This is too disruptive to be disruptive and we don’t like it, AT ALL!

And lastly, we don’t like the way Ramdev markets himself and his products. We only believe in marketing gimmicks when they are made by beautiful and suave models, preferably adoring a bright white lab coat or sexy clothes. Of course both Ramdev and MNCs make equally broad claims, both far from truth, but then we ridicule him, because at some level we realize that is not what we aspire to be. We want to be fooled, but in the way we want. We will accept a foreigner when he says, charcoal is bad, we will again accept when he says charcoal is actually good, but we will ridicule a Baba and even our grandma who makes such a claim in the first place.

When a soft-drink sells itself in name of love, friendship etc and all emotions, we see nothing wrong, when a chocolate sells itself as the perfect symbol of Raksha-Bandhan, we have no issues. Any MNC can sell itself in name of sentimental crap and we are ready to buy let alone question it but there is something worth ridiculing when Ramdev wants to sell it in name of Indian-ness or as he says Bhartiyata, we want to take shots at him for taking refugee of Indian-ness. Everyone knows a skin crean does not make you fair, shampoos don’t give you the smooth silky hair they show, none of the restaurant-jaisa-readymix makes restaurant jaisi dish but we buy it, but when Ramdev sells in name of herbal, everyone from AIB to TVF and who-not are up and running mocking him.

I agree that a lot of his products are not upto the mark, in fact he just markets some of the products manufactured elsewhere, but some are really good and no matter what you or me think of it, he is here to stay for long, thanks to the actual Samajhdar public of India!

How to make India wear Indian


A Chanderi turban, a Bandhini Safa and a Jodhpuri Leheriya are some of the traditional Indian fabrics worn by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on occasions of national significance such as the Republic Day and Independence Day. While many consider his style to be a statement about his personality and politics, it is also symbolic of his message to the nation: Wear Indian.

The objective is clear: create a market for Indian handloom products and handicrafts. In recognition of this, the Ministry of Textiles took noteworthy steps like the creation of the Indian Handloom Brand (IHB), which is a certification for genuine, high quality natural colourfast fabric produced using safe chemical dyes in compliance with social and environmental regulations. In addition to creating IHB retail outlets in major cities, the Ministry has also engaged popular e-commerce websites to increase the weaver’s market accessibility and availability of these products in mainstream markets.

While slogans like “Khadi for Nation, Khadi for Fashion” and Irani’s #IWearHandloom movement caught our attention, it will take much more than that to make India wear “handmade”.

However, the key to revival of the textile industry lies in restoring the relevance of these products. In order to increase usage of Indian handloom in our daily lives, it is crucial to contemporise these products to keep up with the needs of today’s consumer. The system currently focuses on marketing what is supplied instead of producing what is in demand. This also resonates with the objectives of the Indian Handloom Brand, which is to create a niche market space for quality handloom products that cater especially to the youth and export markets.

Contemporising a traditional product does not mean that we need to depart from the culture and heritage that define these products. For example, making a formal jacket with Kalamkari work would not only carry the same art and culture of a Kalamkari Saree but it would also incorporate the contemporary style that the youth relates with. Similarly, using Gujurati Brocade or Rajasthani Bandhani in a long skirt would allow the tradition to make it way into mainstream fashion and eventually into the wardrobe of the young Indian consumer. This will also reduce the heavy reliance that majority Indian crafts have on tourism as most of these works are sold through retail shops to tourists.

The Textile Ministry’s initiative to educate the consumer about these crafts on social media can be furthered by celebrating its amalgamation with modern lifestyle and preferences. To make consumers appreciate the non-standardisation of these products, there should be sustained marketing efforts to communicate the value of the humane aspect of the skill involved, their social and ecological effects as well as the time and effort that goes into their making.

To increase their global footprint, Indian textiles need to adapt to modern trends whilst retaining their character. The industry needs to focus on restoring the relevance of these products in light of what our modern lifestyles demand.

Why can’t we humiliate Dr. Manmohan Singh?


The Congress, as a rule, is used to demanding respect without giving any.


There is something significant in the way the Congress reacted to Narendra Modi’s “raincoat” jibe. Taunts and jibes fly all the time in politics. Every politician needs a thick skin. But the Congress did not counter Modi with jibes. Instead, their response essentially was:

“How dare you?”

It is only the latest symptom of the sense of entitlement of the Congress party. They refuse to internalize the fact that the Congress enjoys no preferred position in Indian politics. They are not royalty and they haven’t fully understood that yet.

No party enjoys criticism of its leaders. But the Congress has a slightly different approach. When criticized, they don’t react with anger, but with a sense of disbelief. Because the Congress party conflates its own icons with the nation itself. They are still stuck in the mindset of “Indira is India and India is Indira”.

Of course, this has something to do with the lag effect of being the ruling party for over 55 of the 67 years since India became a republic. But it also has to do with a certain class bias. “Doctor Saab” is the England educated Prime Minister. His ministry was full of people who went to Doon school and Welham boys and St. Stephen’s College and enjoyed whisky with the British in their ballrooms. They lived lives that were (only slightly) modern adaptations of Jane Austen novels. These people actually wake up each morning and turn on the BBC, believe it or not!


On the other hand, there is the tea seller and his government (who can forget how Mani Shankar Aiyar attacked him for that?) There’s Smriti Irani, who dropped out of college and got a job cleaning floors at McDonald’s to support her family. There’s Rajnath Singh and Nitin Gadkari, born into humble farmer families. When Modi speaks English, it is with much difficulty, with little eloquence, often ungrammatical and with an accent that Queen Elizabeth II would never admit to understanding. A lot of BJP leaders are like that.

It is this class bias that plays both in the minds of the Congress and the elite media. The BJP leaders with their “servant/driver type accents” can be humiliated without a second thought. It matters little that the BJP now has 282 Lok Sabha seats or that Gadkari is a super rich man today. It’s not always about power and money you have. In the minds of the Lutyens classes, there is something funny about being the first in your family to achieve money and fame, like watching a village bumpkin step onto an aeroplane for the very first time. As Rajdeep would have said, “You have money but no class“.

Class. It matters.

This is why the Congress party feels at liberty to call Narendra Modi as “Maut ka Saudagar”, “Khoon ka dalal”, “Gangu Teli”, “Hitler”, “Bhasmasur”, monkey, frog and pretty much anything that came to mind. But should Modi make fun of “Doctor saab”, it is intolerable. How dare a servant/driver type person speak like this?

That is why disrespect towards BJP leaders is taken as a matter of course. Someone called Smriti Irani a “kaamwali bai”? Of course, what else are they supposed to call her? So Smriti Irani showed Tehseen Poonawalla’s horribly crass and sexist tweet on CNN News 18.

 The reaction? This:


You have to understand what Rohini is really saying here. What is “unbelievable” here is not what Tehseen did, but the fact that someone dared to call him a sexist for it. Did a “kaamwali bai” really dare to talk back?

But dear Rohini, dear Tehseen and dear Congress, times are changing. We will not shy away from humiliating Manmohan Singh for what he was: a PM who presided over the most humongous corruption scams in Indian history (and possibly world history). If Dr. Singh feels he was only a figurehead whose good name should not be insulted, he should take up the issue with his boss at 10 Janpath. Not with the man who won 170 million votes to occupy 7 Lok Kalyan Marg. On a side note, can you believe they changed the name of  Race Course Road to something in a desi bumpkin language? How will this new name ever roll off the royal tongues of the Queen and her courtiers in India?