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Gender equality is beyond offering reservation to women


Gender Equality is the theme of international women’s day this year. But what does gender equality actually means? Does it mean offering reservation to women in public office? Does it mean reserving separate bogies and seats for women in transport facilities? Does it mean equal rights that stems from the statute book of Parliament? Gender equality is actually a highly misinterpreted term which is often confused with gender emancipation. Female emancipation is the road to achieve gender equality. To achieve gender equality, one needs to understand the inherent bias that exists in our society that creates a skewed distortion against women.

The basic and most fundamental problem exists at the family level itself, where in most of the cases, especially in rural areas there is a discrimination with the girl child vis-a-vis the male one right from the birth. The birth of a baby girl in most areas is equated as a loan from a bank at inordinate interest rate while the a boy’s birth is seen as as a fixed deposit in the bank with maximum return. This utterly imbecile and shallow presumption translates into poor care of the girl child, in her upbringing time, which ultimately impacts her entire life. Her nutrition, education, health and intellect is not allowed to develop only because she did not got the Y chromosome from her father. Men who are reading must revise their biology that the sex of the baby entirely depends on their own chromosome. Her education is more often seen as a liability. Even if some moderately liberal parents, especially in the sub-urban towns allow their daughters to do higher studies, their education is largely confined to getting a degree and getting married to a well-settled guy selected by “them” for “her”.

While in arrange marriages, even the boy’s spouse are selected by the parents but their exists a fundamental difference. Difference being that, the boy gets to easily refuse the girl selected by parents, the chance of a girl rejecting the boy selected by her parents are very less. This is because of the fear and lack of independence given by the parents to the girl while making a decision and this decision making ability stems from two factors-one being the formal education and the other being the equal treatment by parents at home.

Education, that allows herself to assert, think independently, riposte someone talking nonsense, taking a firm and fierce stand, even if it is against her husband or in-laws. This education can’t be only taught in books but it is taught by parents, family and society. If the parents start giving equal space to their daughter’s as they give to their sons, the scene could drastically change. This requires a relentless awareness drive disseminated via different routes.

As we gear to celebrate international women’s day, we shall pledge to work for gender equality. The youth has the power to change the course of this country. Let us allow our women counterpart to assert herself, at school, college, workplace and obviously at home. Let us pledge today to protest any discrimination against the women, whether it is in the form of Triple Talaq, Hazi Ali, Sabrimala or Shani-Shignapur. Let us pledge that if god blesses us with a beautiful daughter, we love her as much as we can. Let us pledge that we make women as revered as we revere her in the name of Durga, Kali, Saraswati and Lakshmi!

Busting the myth of female gendercide in India


Yesterday, a thread of mine on Twitter went somewhat viral. The thread was in response to an especially virulent feminist who challenged me to rebut her analysis presented in this article which claims that 17 million girls between 1-15 years of age were ‘exterminated’/’eliminated’/’killed’ in our country. The numbers she presented were just too unbelievable and my ‘bullshit-o-meter’ is quite accurate that way. She runs a campaign “50 million missing” whereas there were only 35 million less women than men in India in 2011 lol! So, I dug deeper.

Sure, the tone was a bit harsh, but I have no sympathy left for lying scum who can sell their country for money, or for whatever insidious agenda. I have a few friends with vast experience in the social sector who attest to the fact that NGOs and other social agencies habitually present a worse case of India than what the reality is, in order to garner more funding from public and private global bodies. But that is anecdotal evidence, what I will present below is not.


Before we begin, we must understand that nature does not produce equal number of girls and boys. Depending on sources, it is either 105 boys, or 107 boys or a broader range above 100 for every 100 girls born. There are natural reasons (eg. climate) for sex ratio at birth to vary as researched here & here. Italy, Portugal, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland, etc are a few countries with Birth Sex Ratio at 107. Therefore, there will always be more boys than girls under 15 years of age in India. Also, the sex ratio is greater than 1 male per female up to 54 yrs of age globally. It starts tapering off after that because men have a lower life expectancy than women. Fun fact: Indian men have life expectancy of 66.9 as compare to 69.9 for women (Feminism! duh).

Sex ratios across age brackets for 4 countries

The above data is from CIA World Factbook. I do not believe the CIA India numbers as they do not match the 2011 Census sex ratios (Census 2011 has 0-14 sex ratio at 1.09), but have shown them here for transparency. India also has a much lower overall life expectancy as compared to US, UK, Canada, China among others due to poverty & inadequate healthcare. This is a major reason why the overall Indian male/female ratio seems higher, as India has a much lower % of population above 60 (8.58%, 2011 Census) as compared to say, US (18.5%).



CLAIM 1 AND REBUTTAL: 7 million were ‘killed’ in age group 1-6

Source: 2011 Census Data File (Note: In the census, I read 0-4 as 0-5 yrs; 5-9 as 5-10 yrs; 10-14 as 10-15 yrs and so on)

There were 11.280 Crore kids in age group 0-5 yrs of which 5.863 Cr were boys & 5.417 Cr were girls. If we consider the natural ratio of 1.07 boy per girl, we should have 5.48 Cr girls. So there were 6.2 lakh girls less than what 1.07 ratio would have. This is either due to

  1. Female foeticide
  2. Girls getting Lesser healthcare
  3. Natural reasons (ie. if natural birth sex ratio of India is higher than 1.07)
  4. Murder/missing
  5. Combination of all

In any case, the number is not even 1/10th of what she claims.

CLAIM 2 AND REBUTTAL: 11 million were ‘killed’ in age group 7-15

From the same data file of census 2011, boy population aged 5-15 was 13.572 Cr and girl population was 12.39 Cr. If we stick to the 1.07 ratio, we find that there are 29 lakh girls less than what we forecast. Adjusting for 7-15 age group, the number is 23 lakh, and not 11 million as claimed. As I showed in my twitter thread, 1.4 million out of 2.3 million of these extra girl deaths were of girls aged 0-6 in 2001 over the next 10 yrs till 2011 census. The rest of the extra girl deaths can be attributed to baby girls born after 2001.

The reasons could be the same as given in Rebuttal 1.

CLAIM 3 AND REBUTTAL: ” ‘Killings’ increase with age”

Source: Estimates of mortality indicators – Census of India

Death Rates Aged 0-4
Death Rates of Age Group 5-14

There is a drastic drop in death rates of children post 5 years of age, for both boys and girls. This is especially pronounced in rural India. In fact, rural girls aged 0-5 have a higher risk of death than boys, most likely due to lower immunization & possibly lower healthcare attention (otherwise the 5-14 rural girl death rate should also have been higher than boys). There could be other reasons as well. For example, Anaemia disproportionately affects girls and women and is a major epidemic in India as evidenced here & here.

Also, ‘killings’ cannot increase with age without us Indians knowing because it is really not easy to keep murders of such children hidden. National Crime Records Bureau murder victim data does not support this claim. I don’t think I need to spend more time on this nonsense.

CLAIM 4 AND REBUTTAL“Urban areas have more ‘killings’ “

Rural India has 68.8% of India’s population. The death rates in rebuttal 3 clearly show that rural India sees more girl as well as boy deaths as compared to urban India.

Census 2001-2011 data highlights

From the census highlights we see that Overall sex ratio improved more in Urban India, whereas the drop was also less in child sex ratio in Urban India. The only question that remains unanswered to me is: Why is there a drop in child sex ratio for kids born after 2005, especially in rural India?

Factors affecting sex ratio

Could something like this be a factor?


Feminists will surely claim that Indian sex ratios are skewed wholly due to infanticide or foeticide. It is a disgrace that we let people who cannot understand data set narratives for us. At the same time, health facilities across the country need to be improved along with nutrition. We now know that climate change & wars can also affect birth sex ratios, this is surely an area which needs more non-biased research.

Nature does discriminate, for good, or for worse.

The UP victory


The leadership of PM Modi has again done magic in the most complex state of India. The assembly results that gave BJP an unprecedented mandate reflects quite clearly on the impact of pro-poor policies of Modi government in the rural areas. Frankly, even a die-hard BJP supporter would have not thought that the BJP would make a triple century in Uttar Pradesh.

Uttar Pradesh is one of the most complicated places for the election pundits because it is very difficult for them to analyse the mood of voters. It comprises of people from different caste, religion and political belief and it represents a pretty heterogeneous society. Despite all this complications, if the BJP has been able to entice people towards itself en-mass, there has to be very strong fundamental reasons behind it.

Demonetization, announced by PM Modi on 8th of November, 2016 proved to be the Brahmastra for the BJP in the sense that it created a sense of belief amid the poor that the government is serious about eliminating it’s hardship by shifting the burden on the rich population. The left loving intellectuals and a large chunk of journalists tried to push their agenda by disproportionately demonizing the demonetization, but the poor had already sensed the truth and intention behind the demonetization drive of Prime Minister.

The villages, who had never saw the electric bulbs lightening in their homes even after seven decades of independence have been empowered by the electrification through the Deen Dayal Upadhayaya Gram Jyoti Yojana. Their children can watch television, recharge mobile and read in bulbs. Electricity is a very important component in empowering the rural India. The Modi government has been able to read the nerves of the poor and downtrodden.

One very important component that is often ignored in the narrative is the program of financial inclusion. Even though, the financial inclusion per-se was never a new concept and had been in the national discourse ever since the nationalization of banks had started in the fourth five year plan. The “Jan Dhan Yojana” helped in opening up of accounts to millions of poor who were hitherto deprived of the basic banking services. It helped the poor to reach out to banks and understand the importance of savings. Furthermore, the licensing of payment banks for will help the rural migrants to send remittance back to home without any hassle.

The much advertised flagship programme “Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan” has been able to bring a paradigm shift in the mentality of people towards the hygienic and clean environment. The unhygienic practice impacts poor living in slums the most. The unhygienic practice leads to different kinds of chronic disease which severely impacts on their pocket. Already, the program has been able to create three open-defecation free states and the rate is quite promising.

The Ujjwala Yojana has been a grand programme that seeks to provide the LPG connections to the BPL households. The women are the worst sufferers of the pollution that emanates from using the conventional fuels and therefore, the Ujjwala Yojana has empowered them and also on the other hand, helped them become more healthy. The scheme is still in it’s nascent stage as it has been only around 9 months since the scheme kicked off. But given the scale and size of the scheme, it is apparent that it would be widely embraced by the rural household in particular and women in general.

The thumping win of the BJP in Uttar Pradesh is a testimony to the fact that the opposition will find it difficult to break the wave in 2019. The opposition will have to come out of Modi paranoia and will have to engage in constructive criticism. They should come out of nostalgia and accept the new form of waves that are crippling and which are being embraced by the Indian society. The days of hypocrisy are gone. The one who will deliver will win while the one who will spew vitriol will be shown the door.

The one who is feeling betrayed


Within 11 months of entering in a new century with world making promises of changing the world, making the earth a better place, establishing equality, demolishing parochial thinking and many more achievable were demolished at least in Malom, Manipur. The date was 2 Nov,2000, Assam Rifles in an alleged fake encounter killed 10 people, one of them was a national bravery award recipient. This incident shrugged the nation, people started asking question about the role of democracy and responsibility of state in creating armistice but as with every other incident people forgot this catastrophe only after few days. But one young lady was determined that she is not going to let this pass as every other thing.

She stood against the state, all-alone, with utmost confidence and sheer resolution that she will fight till the end and will force the govt. to repeal the draconian Armed Forces Special Power Act, 1958.

And in an age of ubiquitous materialism and never-ending list of opportunities this lady sacrificed her present and future and sat on a fast for miraculous 16 years and literally didn’t eat a thing for more than half of a decade. With this kind of clarity and determination people are bound to notice you, they are bound to praise you and they are also bound to promise you that they stand next to you in times of need and crisis.

Irom Chamu Sharmilla announced in August, 2016 that she is ending her fast because she felt like all of her efforts had gone in vain and she had to choose some other alternatives to accomplish the things she fought for 16 years. And her decision is genuine because when you fight for something for 16 years and that thing is far from reachable even after that efforts, you have to look for the other route, other ways which might can get you what you want. On the day of announcing the end of fast itself, her aura was cut into half, people instead of supporting, praising her for her efforts and cheering her for having indomitable spirit became her harsh critiques. Some people went to say that this was all drama to gain publicity and she is even leading a nice and comfortable life in hospital.

All national and international newspapers started asking her that what she was going to do next and she politely said that she was first going to live a normal girl’s life for few days and some other day she announced that she was going to contest in elections against the incumbent Chief Minister of the state. All political pundits said that with this kind of hard work and national and international recognition she could make chief minister a run for his money. This move of her created turbulence in the political groups concerning the state and so she went to file her nomination on cycle with a tough look and pleasant smile.

Voting day arrived with record voter turnout in her constituency everyone became skeptical about the result. Then D-Day arrived and all the things she were so proud of turned out to be a fake gesture. She was able to secure a mere 90 votes, another shocker was that NOTA was able to secure 58 more votes than what Irom did. This was a land-slide victory for Okram Ibobi Singh and a heart breaker for all those who believe that sacrificing life for others will make others bound to repay you. In a country like ours, where Yogi Adityanath, Sadhvi Prachi and many more can win MLA seat and are eligible to discuss their constituencies concern and issues in the parliament, 90 insane people have truly wasted their votes.

The only thing apart from quitting politics Irom can do now is to leave the people on their own; they are wise enough to choose what kind of society they want and for mitigating the pain she should read this quote numerous times. “EXPECTATION KILLS”. And if she is not quitting now she has to calm her down and set her strategy for future with the understanding that there is still an upper hand of money and power in today’s politics.

Undercurrents in UP elections 2017


What does the BJP victory in UP signify? Stupendous electoral performance of the party would not have been possible without the support of masses cutting across caste/religious divides. The contours of new social alliances engendered by the social deepening of democracy are clearly visible as a sizable section of the backward castes & Dalits have turned decisively right. This, partly, explains the frustration of BSP leader Mayawati and her outbursts on alleged EVM tampering. It’s no secret that post Mandal the nation witnessed a long phase of rabid identity politics; people voted on caste & religious lines and the leaders took the voters of their constituency for granted based on caste/religious affiliations. In the name of social justice, blatant caste politics came to the fore as parties fought for patronages & freebies for their constituency and the society became increasingly fragmented.

The UP election results have shown that the walls of identity politics are crumbling and a new grammar of mass politics may be unraveling underneath. Modi’s smart move in projecting the Demonetization decision as a pro poor move aimed at nailing the rich seems to have increased his appeal among the poor people as politics saw a transition from caste to class. People seem to believe that funds received from the rich will be used to benefit the poor. Modi has played a Hobinhood.

Education, technology and urbanization have brought in immense changes on the social landscape of the nation; voters are a lot more aware and informed. Politics is no longer about cobbling simplistic caste alliances & arithmetic but its calculus involving different permutations & combinations. People are moving away from community politics as fruits of development/entitlement are not evenly dispersed in any community. Politics of difference must entail proper distribution, something which has not happened in the OBC and SC/ST communities with only a handful of electorally dominant communities within them, amassing all the benefits. Since last 25 years or so, the political power remained confined to the dominant castes in UP but now, it, seems, there is a trickle down to the left out social groups.

Globalization and Empowerment have tended to move the discourse towards individual rather than social group. More than society or the community solidarity, it is the individual aspirations that matter more. People are tending to vote more as individuals & citizens rather than members of any caste and community. The fact that 65 percent of the nation is below 35 years of age with 50 percent being below 25 years and more than 70 percent have access to mobile with 400 million having access to internet has further hastened the process.

Coming back to UP elections, there is no gainsaying the fact that ideologies are never eternal and fade with the passage of history. The Nehruvian Consensus has collapsed and Congress is a pale shadow of its former self. Its ambivalence on contentious issues like secularism and reservation (social justice) has further eroded its base and credibility to take on the Hindu Right. Lohia-ism and the subsequent unfolding of the Mandal phenomenon in the early nineties provided a fillip to the aspirations of OBCs with parties like SP, RJD and JDU riding to power in Hindi heartland.

But unfortunately, the true democratizing potential and egalitarianism inherent in Mandal was never realized; in the garb of social justice, caste justice & family justice became the norm. The dominant OBC castes refused to share power with lower castes; social change was never their concern as they were more obsessed with displacing the upper castes from power. Ambedkarism was rooted in humanism & constitutionalism but it was misinterpreted by his so called legacy upholders to create divisions in society and use it as a tool to hit out at upper castes and ridicule Hindu culture.

Whether it’s Lohia-ism or Ambedkarism, it created the feeling ‘we versus them’. The integrative aspect of these ideologies was never emphasized, the social transformation aspect was never touched and for the state leaders, Ambedkar and Lohia were no more than facilitators to vote bank politics & power. Divisive ideologies are bound to fail. The left liberal spectrum’s war cry on intolerance and nationalism also did not help them as people were fed up with their tantrums and hypocrisy. Attacking Hindu culture and religion in the name of modernity & secularism and aggressive wooing of minority community did not go down well with the electorate.

Hindutva, despite, the apprehensions of the Muslims is, perhaps, more inclusive than Ambedkarism or Lohia-ism of the variety we are witnessing today. It seeks of unifying the aspirations of the majority Hindu community and even the minorities who are born in India. It speaks of the common thread that binds all the people whether Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or Christians together into some sort of unified common culture. Historically speaking, majority population of the Muslims in India has Hindu ancestry, the Islam prevalent here Sufism and a product of shared experience of Hindus & Muslims living together but things worsened once secularism debate was distorted and Wahabi-ism from Saudi Arabia invaded the nation. Indian Muslims don’t need to learn the tenets of Islam from Arab countries and instead look inwards to discover their socio cultural moorings.

Hindutva does not antagonize Muslims and think of them as different, rather it encourages them to join the mainstream. Hindutva has gained acceptance in large tract of the country in the last 30 years or so; this is something from which UP can’t remain immune. No wonder, there are reports of BJP getting support from even Muslim localities. A not so insignificant section of Muslims realize that so called secular parties are unnecessarily creating in them a fear of Modi to strengthen their vote banks. They are voting for aspirations & governance. They are not voting for prevention of riots. It is widely believed that Muslim women in UP voted positively for BJP on Triple Talaq and Ujala scheme. Financial inclusion of the minority community increased under Jan Dhan Yojana of the Modi Government.

This election has voted for development and nationalism. Nationalism may be a dirty word for the left liberal camp but for the common Indians, it is sacrosanct. For those embedded in dalit movement thought particularly the left leaning dalit activists, India may not be a nation as it is peopled by diverse communities & castes with each caste/community constituting distinct nationality unto itself; for them, nationalism may be a creation of Hindu hegemony but for the masses, national symbols matter a lot more. They treat these symbols as a matter of pride. Cultural nationalism seeks congruence of different cultures and different peoples to a national project. It does not endorse Kichdi nationalism where every community will sing its own tune and community loyalty will outweigh national loyalty.

A democratic country run on constitutional principles needs to have common secular laws rather than be dotted by islands of separate laws. Nation building is an arduous task and focus should be on integration and not allowing centrifugal tendencies. The common people saw through the dirty game plan of the Congress left socialist secular camp on issues of intolerance and freedom of speech. Information revolution has blurred the gap between national, regional and local issues.

Identity politics has killed public opinion, it has killed public solidarity and it has killed development. Development was fragmented in UP as parties strived to deliver patronage to their core caste support groups. Particular communities tended to benefit more in welfare schemes. Corruption and nepotism was rampant but all vanished under social justice. Modi’s public welfare programmes have been universal. Whatever his skeptics might say Modi’s financial inclusion and welfare schemes have been relatively successful. His rule has been unblemished so far. People are willing to believe him whatever his critics may say.

While SP and BSP have thought for 2 communities forgetting the rest, BJP has been far more inclusive in social composition. BJP is different from its avatar of the nineties. It has snatched Lohia away from the socialists. It is trying to snatch Ambedkar from dalit parties. I won’t be surprised if Muslims start voting for Modi in the next 5 years or so.

A message to all the sections after the election results


Okay! BJP has won. Now, what should the common person think in political/social aspects rather than just going to their usual business?

Each and every Indian who is confused about the mandate or minorities if (a big IF) they think that it is not good for democracy; there are very simple things, which they can do. They can just look at some points and research on their own and analyze the output, I am trying and put out some points here, rest being a responsible citizen, do yourself with your own judgement.

1. To our Muslim brothers:
I, myself being a Bollywood fan cannot think about Bollywood without Irrfan Khan and Nawazuddin or Naseeruddin Shah for that matter. If you’re a fan of acting, can you think of Bollywood without ‘Tigmanshu and Irrfan’ or without ‘Manoj and Nawaz’ or without ‘Om Puri and Naseeruddin Shah’? If you’re a fan of stardom, can you think of Bollywood without ‘Shahrukh and Akshay’?

There wasn’t a single Indian who did not weep when Abdul Kalam passed away, I am not going to 1526-1757/1857 era but trying to put points in Modern History where we fought for independence together; be it ‘Naram Dal’ or ‘Garam Dal’, you would see ‘Maulana Azad Sahab’ with ‘VallabbhBhai Patel’ and ‘Ashfakullah Khan with Ram Prasad Bismil’.

What happened then? How did the time change that when time came when we can enjoy our freedom, which we got after so many sacrifices, we started quarreling?

It’s very easy to make a villain and then trying to put all the blames on him. I suppose, the population who is reading this are the one who do not want to go and take-up sword while riot happens, I believe the majority of minorities and not only them but most of the people on this earth are more interested in employment, education and other progressive aspects of social life. If you belong to that population, try to find some details of the questions that I am putting out here:

a. Find out that in how many states, BJP is in power and try to assess the power of them being in Centre and then find the number of incidents, which had affected the communal harmony? Go, research and find that the accusations which opposition/media/you’re putting, how much of them are true if you go for facts, now if you just want to go on rhetoric, then this post is not for you. Go and find out about the minorities in Gujarat/Rajasthan/Madhya Pradesh and many other places where BJP is ruling and bring the incidents where minorities are being oppressed as opposition/media claimed would happen. Now, here do not get misguided or do not mislead others by putting incidents which are nowhere related to religion and comes in crime sector for any other ordinary citizen. If you’re not sure, then go, travel and find out for your future generations. Once this is done, go and find out the communal incidents actually happening in India and see who holds the power there. When you’ll reach here, you will start getting my point.

b. Before BJP, when Congress was there in power for all these years and I am not talking about a short-term time-span but after independence, think how you were treated. No idea? Find out. Go and find, what were your social status? Did you grow how you should have? There was not BJP, the only communal party as they say, so what went wrong? Here, the analysis can be ambiguous! As if you say that you were progressive, what is the point of terming you as oppressed when you were progressive for almost 60 years and if you say that you were actually oppressed, then who is the culprit here, was there any BJP at that time? Do not rub your mind, I will make it easy for you, read ‘Sacchar Committee Report’ which was prepared by the committee appointed by ‘Congress’.

c. Find out the liberal Muslims and then you will realize that the people who understood this, are living way good life and the people who got brainwashed are living what life, you can say it better. This intolerant P.M. kept ‘Syed Akbaruddin’ as his close aid and din;t remove him, if you will open your eyes, you will realize it.

2. Dalits/Lower Caste:
You people have come a long way of understandings and have shown politicians their place at times and because of you, I can now say that we are being called Hindus rather than being seen as different castes. I know, there are gaps and myself being a Rajput have seen this a lot of times and I know that it will take time to fill the gaps, especially in Bihar from where I belong but believe me my friend that when you will see a poor Brahmin studying 17 hours and not even getting a seat and still saying that it’s okay and if that Brahmin has played with your boy in your house since childhood, then after seeing the results of the exams he appeared, you will curse the government and you will only cry for him and encourage him for next exam. No one can guarantee our future but we; how the path should be, you only decide.

3. To Opposition/WannaBe Opposition:
Realize that things have changed; realize that people have chosen their leader. Prepare for 2024 and understand that I am not sarcastic but please try to make a better opposition. Try to be a factual critique because the way you people behave, even the acts, which can be criticized, are ignored. We would want a good opposition who can criticize when some people try to do moral policing or without reading ‘Geeta’, try to tell others what to do. Stop chanting ‘Modi Modi’ and get aligned when needed especially when it comes for National Security as we Indians are very sensitive for that matter. I and so many of my friends who had very little knowledge about Politics when we were in ‘Std. Vth’ in 1999, were literally begging people on road when we had to collect funds to send to our Jawans. So, understand the nerves, we are very sensitive and proud for our forces and integrity of our nation. Try to get along when it comes to ‘International platform’ with heart and believe me, people will start listening to you and then, try to prepare for 2024 with real agendas.

4. To BJP and BJP

a. Mr. Modi:
Dig, find and teach your successor. Despite having so many good leaders, I can’t see anyone who can lead after you. It’s just like having a good Cricket team but there are only few who are captain materials. Find your backup for us. We do not want a situation when Atal left and you had to fight a lot to get nominated, so much time and energy got wasted unnecessarily. It is possible that you would be doing it secretly and if that is the truth, then nothing to worry but if not the, understand that though till 2024, I can’t see anyone but after that, there will be time when the transition will be needed. Why, I am saying this is only because we do not want to see any ugly transition but he/she should be the one who respects you like you do for ‘Atal Ji’, to whom without any hustle, you can transform the power and responsibility and to whom, people can rely as much as they do for you.

b. BJP org and IT-cell:
Find some good spokesperson who can put forward points and rebutt on points; working people and journalist like ‘Swapan Da’ has to speak things what you should. Just putting posters on websites and unnecessary titles will only attract core voters and never ever mislead with distorting the facts, it becomes a nightmare for your leader to justify it later. Stop plagiarism and try to get your own material and if you are not able to do so, find another job.

5. To Pseudo-Liberals, Pseudo-Feminists, useless NGO owners and the 4th pillar of democracy (our media, our source of information):

a. This is for everyone in this section except Media: Get real guys, stop analyzing about poor people and minority’s rights in Five-Stars with the peg of champagne. Point out the differences when communism came and what it has become, fighting for you oppression and then start enjoying the arms in your hand with full political support at time when you can be the part of the system is a completely opposite concept and only you can narrate it better. You have the talent of writing and communicating which we do not have. Even in this article, I would have made hundreds of grammatical errors. You have this gift, use it, convey the proper message, there are already NGO’s setup; go and work for the cause it was made. Bring back your credibility, Re-write our History and you will always be the one who will get awards and we will always be the one who will cheer-up from crowd. Your money can become waste of paper anytime and this you would have realized on 8th Nov, so bring the legacy and respect back. Further, I lack the credentials and the vocabulary which can convince you people but yes, if you want to live in the same old times, then all the best. May sense prevail.

b.To Media: Nothing, you guys are intelligent, my words won’t matter to you. You do everything with consciousness and that includes your ‘Vilap’ of intolerance. Only one thing, you have the channel through which not in near times but in distant times, you can bring the time when people do not have to read 3-4 editorials to get the rational picture, when people can easily ignore the ‘Corrections Page’, when people will start thinking for any panelist as rational whom they see now as biased or they see an irritated anchor who is unable to hide the agenda. No one wants to research for hours for one news, so if you can bring the reliability back, the situation might change.

6. Last but not the least, to every citizen:
Try to oppose which is bad and have the guts to speak when it’s right. I know, there might be times when the family safety will be at risk and no one will accuse you anything for that but speak when your time comes. Do not support blindly or it will come to you one day and do not let others speak nonsense, support with national integrity and truth. Just for e.g. if we would have fought for ‘Sati Pratha’ or ‘Baal Vivah’ as religious practices then we would have never overcome or have omitted those. ‘Checks and Balances’ are very necessary but not with the mosquito of secularism/appeasement/sickness of showing as neutral but on real agendas. If you know things and if situation permits, talk.



मोदी सरकार जीत गयी लेकिन हारा कौन?


हाल ही में आये विधान सभा चुनाव के परिणामों में भाजपा को उत्तर प्रदेश और उत्तराखंड में मिले प्रचंड बहुमत ने सभी चुनावी पंडितों और विश्लेषकों के साथ साथ, उन सभी स्व-घोषित सेक्युलर पार्टियों और मीडिया में उनके पैसे पर पल रहे उन पत्रकारों को यकायक सकते में डाल दिया है, जिनका चुनावी आकलन हमेशा ही धर्म, जाति और संप्रदाय तक ही सीमित रहता था और जो पिछले ७० सालों से साम्प्रदायिकता और जाति-पाति पर आधारित राजनीति करते आये थे. ऐतिहासिक पराजय से बौखलाए यह लोग अब बिहार में किये गए ठगबंधन को मिली जीत को याद कर रहे हैं और उत्तर प्रदेश में उसी ठगबंधन की नाकामयाबी पर अपना सर पीट रहे हैं. यह लोग शायद यह भूल गए हैं कि “काठ की हांडी सिर्फ एक बार चढ़ती है” और जनता इन लोगों से ज्यादा समझदार है और बिना किसी विचारधारा के सिर्फ मोदी सरकार को हराने के उद्देश्य से बनाये गए इन ठगबंधनों को अब जिताने वाली नहीं है.

पांच राज्यों में हुए विधान सभा चुनावों में जिन ६९० सीटों पर चुनाव हुआ, उनमे से ४३४ सीटों पर अपनी निर्णायक जीत दर्ज कराकर भाजपा ने न सिर्फ इतिहास बनाया है, देश में मौजूद उन ताकतों के मुंह पर भी करार तमाचा रसीद किया है, जो २०१४ के लोकसभा चुनावों में जनता के दिए हुए जनादेश ला लगातार अपमान करने में जुटी हुयी थीं. देखा जाए तो २०१४ में तथाकथित “सेक्युलर” पार्टियों को जनता ने जिस तरह से दण्डित किया था, वह दंड इन लोगों से हजम नहीं हो रहा था और यह जनता के दिए हुए दंड का गुस्सा मोदी सरकार पर लगातार निकाल रहे थे.

इन चुनावों में जहां एक तरफ मोदी का करिश्मा और अमित शाह की रणनीति की जीत हुयी है, वहीं उन सभी लोगों की हार हुयी है, जो किसी न किसी बहाने मोदी, भाजपा और संघ को नीचा दिखाने के चक्कर में यह भी भूल गए थे, कि वे सभी देश हित, समाज हित और जन हित के खिलाफ काम कर रहे हैं. आइये अब देखते हैं कि मोदी की इस जीत में हार किसकी हुयी है:

* जो लोग मोदी सरकार से सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक का सुबूत मांग रहे थे, उन सभी को अब सुबूत मिल गया है और वे हार गए हैं.
* जो लोग नोटबंदी का सड़कों पर लोट लोट कर सिर्फ इसलिए विरोध कर रहे थे, क्योंकि उनका जनता से पिछले ७० सालों में लूटा हुआ धन बर्बाद हो गया था, वे भी इन चुनावों में हार गए हैं.
* जो लोग पिछले ७० सालों में किये गए दुष्कर्मों के बाबजूद अपने लिए “अच्छे दिनों” की मांग मोदी सरकार से कर रहे थे, वे भी इन चुनावों में हार गए हैं.
* जो लोग अपनी मेहनत से पैसा कमाने के बजाये मोदी से लगातार १५ लाख रुपये की भीख मांग रहे थे, वे भी इन चुनावों में हार गए हैं.
* जो लोग रोहित वेमुला जैसे गैर दलितों को “दलित” बताकर अपनी राजनीतिक रोटियां सेंक रहे थे, वे भी इन चुनावों में हार गए हैं.
* जो लोग देशद्रोही आतंकवादी याकूब मेमन को फांसी के फंदे से न बचा पाने के गम में अपने अपने “अवार्ड” वापस कर बैठे थे, वे सब भी इन चुनावों में हार गए हैं.
* जो लोग जवाहर लाल नेहरू यूनिवर्सिटी जैसे देशद्रोह के ठिकानो में जाकर देशद्रोही नारे लगाते हैं और ऐसे नारे लगाने वालों का समर्थन करते हैं, उन्हें भी देश की जनता ने इन चुनावों में करारी शिकस्त दी है.
* जो लोग मोदी सरकार के हर अच्छे काम का सिर्फ इसलिए विरोध करते हैं, ताकि उन अच्छे कामों की वजह से जनता का भला न हो जाए, उन्हें भी जनता ने इन चुनावों में हार का पुरूस्कार दिया है.
* जो लोग सन २०१४ से आज तक लगातार देश की संसद नहीं चलने दे रहे थे, उन लोगों को भी जनता ने सबक सिखाने के लिए करारी शिकस्त दी है.
* जो लोग अपना काम करने की बजाये हर रोज मोदी सरकार पर कोई न कोई बेबुनियाद आरोप लगाकर अपनी मूर्खता का परिचय दे रहे थे, निश्चित रूप से वे लोग भी इन चुनावों में हार गए हैं.

Ethical Hackers Club- a place where victims find free cyber security support


It was 3 months back when a friend was facing Cyber Crime issues online and was struggling for the solutions. I will be describing her case. A year ago my friend Jill (name changed for her privacy) went leaving her home with her boyfriend with a wish to spend her life with him for ever. Her parents wouldn’t support her so that’s the option she felt would be good. But within a few months the boy left her and she had no options but to be back home. She returned. A few months later she found that her Facebook password was changed, all recovery options deleted, and the account was completely in control of her EX. While she ignored the case her Ex Started posting her private moments with him over internet through the hacked account. Her parents agreed to file in an FIR against the same. The account was so genuinely her that no one was able to gain back the access or either able to get it deleted.

That’s when we started surfing internet for Hackers. An Officer from police station informed us a hacker can solve this problem. So we started surfing for good hackers. Although up-till now we always had in mind a hacker is a bad buy actually a criminal. But her trouble was so big that we needed one so we surfed. We felt we are going to be charged a great amount but still we needed help and we started surfing Facebook itself for Ethical Hackers and we Found about Ethical Hackers Club.

Ethical Hackers Club
Picture Copied from Ethical Hackers Club‘s Official Facebook Page With Permissions

The Cover Picture was so catchy that we felt this team can actually help us but we still wanted to be sure. We visited their site and we found it to be ads free. Our trust was increased by watching the contents and reading about how they operate. It was then that we left in the message through Facebook page and we received reply withing few minutes. The experts from their team were were supportive with their words. All they wanted us to be is genuine. We were using Fake accounts as we couldn’t trust any random person over internet. They caught us and they informed us we help only genuine people. They told they were here only to help and they in no way can support criminal activities or can in no way give any information to anyone acting criminal in any way. They informed us by using a fake account we too are getting involved in a cyber crime activity. Jill asked her brother to have words with them.
When Jill’s brother contacted them they agreed to help us. They requested us to go ahead and file an FIR against the issue and to be honest in our approach. We informed them that we have already filed and FIR for the same and we have permissions to get account deleted, and even the officials are trying their best to do the same. They Provided us with the contact number and they had words with the officer who was going through our case, They helped out in all proper ways and got the account deleted. And all at the end they didn’t charge a single amount of money.

We were very thankful for the teams support and we found out a few details about them.

It was 2010 When the founder of Ethical Hackers Club completed his masters in Programming and Ethical Hacking and wished to work for the welfare of Nation by his knowledge. He noticed all the scams going ahead across the country online and on the other hand the scams in the name of Ethical Hacking and Boot Camps. He started an Initiative to take a stand against all the issues. Soon when he created the page two of the IT students from Saint John College Palghar  Joined him in his initiative and they registered a firm with the name Secret to Success & EHC. And by doing that they were very clear in their mission to help the nation. The provide free support to victims by all their skills. Only a Victim can say how helpful they are and only a victims understands we do need more people like Ethical Hackers Club’s team.
They new it’s not going to be easy to solve problems having their different jobs and helping was actually a full time deal for them.

They Found it wasn’t the mistake of anyone and Government can’t always be blamed for mistakes made by people, they say, “Your Intelligence is your only Protection.”

And to increase that they started an Initiative to increase Cyber Security Awareness by their Events, Seminars, and Boot Camps which are all closely to be free. They saw people doing the same work were earning a huge amount from students in the name of awareness and they wanted Each one to be aware of this. So they started by registering a firm for Cyber Security Awareness by themselves and started for the same to make Knowledge available for each student out there at his affordable price. A price every individual uses on his snacks each day.

They encourage more good IT professionals to join them and be part of their team through their website. And they say all they need is just a helping mind. Find out more about them on their official Website

Ethical Hackers Club

Where the maternity bill was right and where it was lacking


We’re pregnant, is the new way couples are announcing their pregnancies these days. So, why then should girls have all the fun? And no, I don’t just mean the 9 months of feeling bloated and nauseous. I mean the endless diaper changing and baby burping and rocking. Child bearing- that’s a woman’s job if there ever was one. But why pray, is child rearing being added to the list?

Why should only women share the joys of parenthood? Aren’t we all moving towards a gender neutral world after all? Despite the obvious biological limitations, men can really make themselves useful- especially during a baby’s first 12 weeks. So, what better way to ring in actual gender equality than by passing a paternity leave bill as well?

The recent maternity bill which has been passed by the government has been a long pending reform considering that we are living in the 21st century now! Indian women continue to bear the major burden of household and childcare duties, preferring even to opt out of exciting job opportunities- to focus on their family, look after an elder or invest in their kids’ education rather than their own potential.

From the ‘housewife’ to the ‘home maker’ to the ‘stay at home mom’ to the ‘work from home mom’ to the even newer ‘momprenuer’ women have really, really come a long way! Before I emerged from my postpartum depression and put my marketing skills to work online, I too dreaded anyone asking me the question “So, what do you do?”

The present set up allows women in India to have jobs, not careers! So, if our law makers had really understood the changing dynamics, instead of sounding the death knell on women’s careers by making a mandatory 26 weeks paid maternity leave, they could have introduced a provision for paternity leave in the private sector.

Already HRs are apprehensive of hiring women in a certain age groups who’s ‘biological clocks’ could be a ticking! Many women give up their jobs or take a career break to take better care of their children and in this regard the steps taken to ensure crèches in workplaces is a welcome one.

Men too are coming forward to share in the parental duties. In fact, most fathers these days would genuinely love to spend extended amount of time with their child, especially during the growing years. Paternity leave in India is at present allowed for Central Government employees. This same courtesy should be extended to males working in the private sector as well.

Increasing maternity leave is a welcome move no doubt. However, an even better move would have been to increase the existing 12 weeks maternity leave to say 16 weeks and at the same time introducing a corresponding 10 to 12 weeks paternity leave for men.

The gender equality debate aside, this is a much needed step especially with Indian families moving towards nuclear family setup. All the help at hand falls short, when there’s a bawling baby to be fed, clothes to be laundered and meals to be served.

Triple Talaq: Violate the human rights of muslim women


Triple Talaq is the most disapproved form of Talaq flouting the cardinal Quranic principles. Majority Muslim nations have explicitly or implicitly banned triple Talaq including our neighbouring country Pakistan.

Triple Talaq can be pronounced at one sitting by uttering the words divorce thrice or ‘I divorce thee thrice’. When given in writing it becomes irrevocable immediately without the necessity of following the Iddat period. Once a couple gets separated they cannot remarry unless the woman marries another man and then divorce him leaving behind no scope for reconciliation.

Versus under Quran emphasizes that every possible attempt must be made for reconciliation between the married couple before the completion of the prescribed period. Thus, Triple Talaq lack sanction of Quran. It is supported by Muslim Jurists solely as per their interpretation of Muslim Personal Law (Shariat Act, 1937) which is silent on Nikaha Halala, polygamy and divorce.

Oppression against woman
Many Muslim woman have challenged the Triple Talaq in the court as against the principle of gender equality claiming their individual right against the their personal law. Men are deserting their wives by uttering three words at their whims and fancies. In most of the cases complained woman are not even aware of the intention of their husband to dissolve the marriage and are taken at surprise when they are thrown out of their matrimonial home for no fault of their own. This is disregarding both as per the Constitution and the Quran.

Women are subject to cruel and unequal treatment in violation of Right to Equality under the Constitution. It is beyond doubt that Supreme Court has power to decide such rights of women when personal law is persistently denying woman the access to their rights. Where does this gender inequality came in Muslim personal law when Gender Justice is a central tenet of Quran? In the Quran, the very conception of humankind is based on an equal footing between man and woman. It is patriarchal order of our society that ruins the lives of women and the tyranny follows.

Need for reform in Personal Law
Any talk of reform in personal law is brushed aside as interference in religious matter with no sympathy for women who have no reason to be abandoned at the husband’s pleasure. Although Supreme Court have ruled against triple Talaq in a series of cases yet there is a long way to go because the problem is deeply rooted in the Muslim community. Here, a husband just to get rid of his wife and for marrying another woman half of his age resort to this easiest method of Talaq. And the Muslim Jurists in India still hold in favour of Triple Talaq.