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देशद्रोहियों को दण्डित करने के लिए अध्यादेश लाये मोदी सरकार

वरिष्ठ कांग्रेसी नेता मणिशंकर अय्यर का हाल ही में एक वीडियो वायरल हुआ है, जिसमें वह हुर्रियत के अलगाववादियों के साथ देशद्रोह की बातों में संलिप्त दिखाए गए हैं. मणिशंकर अय्यर और सलमान खुर्शीद पहले भी सन २०१५ में पाकिस्तान के एक टी वी चैनल को इंटरव्यू देते वक्त पाकिस्तान सरकार से यह गुजारिश करते हुए रंगे हाथों पकडे जा चुके हैं कि पाकिस्तान मोदी सरकार को हटाने में उनकी मदद करे. कांग्रेस पार्टी और उसके नेताओं का देशद्रोह की घटनाओं और बयानों से चोली दामन का साथ रहा है. जवाहर लाल नेहरू यूनिवर्सिटी में जब देशद्रोही नारे लगाए गए थे, तब भी नारे लगाने वालों का सबसे पहले समर्थन करने के लिए राहुल गाँधी और केजरीवाल ही वहां पहुंचे थे. केजरीवाल क्योंकि खुद ही कांग्रेस पार्टी के दिखाए गए रास्ते पर चल रहे हैं, इसलिए वह कांग्रेस पार्टी की सोच से हटकर कुछ नया कर पाने में आज तक असमर्थ रहे हैं.

कांग्रेस पार्टी और उसके साथ नकली “सेक्युलरिज्म” का झुनझुना बजाने वालों ने क्योंकि इस देश में लगभग ६० सालों तक एकछत्र राज किया है, उनकी इस सोच को पिछले ६-७ दशकों में आधिकारिक मान्यता मिल चुकी है, जिसमे देश के खिलाफ कुछ भी बोलने या करने को “अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी” का नाम दिया जाता है और जो देशभक्त ताकतें देशद्रोह की इन घटनाओं और बयानों के खिलाफ अपनी आवाज़ उठती हैं, उन्हें संघ या भाजपा का समर्थक बताकर, मामले की गंभीरता को कम करने का प्रयास किया जाता है.

जाहिर सी बात यह है कि देश में देशद्रोहियों को दण्डित करने के लिए अगर कोई कानून नहीं बन सका है, तो उसका मुख्य कारण भी यही है कि जो लोग खुद इन देशद्रोह के दुष्कर्मों में शामिल थे, परोक्ष या अपरोक्ष रूप से देश में उन्ही की विचारधारा वाली पार्टी सत्ता में थी. कोई भी पार्टी ऐसा कोई कानून तो बनाने से रही, जिसके चलते खुद उसी पार्टी के नेता दण्डित कर दिए जाएँ. वाजपेयी सरकार के जमाने में “पोटा” नाम का कानून लाया भी गया था, जिससे आतंकवादियों और देशद्रोहियों पर लगाम लगाई जा सकती थी, लेकिन देश का दुर्भाग्य कि वाजपेयी सरकार दुबारा सत्ता में नहीं आयी और कांग्रेस सरकार ने सत्ता में वापसी करते ही जो पहला काम किया था, वह था कि “पोटा” कानून को समाप्त करने का. लिहाज़ा इस बात में कांग्रेस पार्टी ने देश को कभी भी संशय में नहीं रखा कि उसका हाथ सदैव ही देशद्रोहियों ,आतंकवादियों और अलगाववादियों के साथ है, सवा सौ करोड़ देशवासियों के साथ नहीं.

२०१४ के लोकसभा चुनावों में देशवासियों ने कांग्रेस पार्टी और इसके सहयोगियों की इन देशद्रोह समर्थित हरकतों का गंभीरता से संज्ञान लेते हुए, कांग्रेस और इसके सहयोगियों को धूल चटाते हुए पूर्ण बहुमत से मोदी सरकार बनबाई. सरकार को भारी बहुमत से लोगों ने इसीलिए जिताया था कि जो लोग पिछले ६० सालों से देशद्रोहियों और आतंकवादियों के समर्थन में डटकर खड़े हुए थे, मोदी सरकार उन्हें सजा दिलाकर उन्हें उनके अंजाम तक पहुंचाएगी.

मोदी सरकार को बने हुए ३ साल हो चुके हैं, लेकिन जनाकांक्षाओं के विपरीत अभी तक ऐसा कोई कदम मोदी सरकार ने नहीं उठाया है, जिसे देखकर जनता को यह लगे कि मोदी सरकार इन देशद्रोहियों को दण्डित करने के लिए लेशमात्र भी गंभीर है. कुछ लोग यह बहाना बनाकर भी भाजपा की इस अकर्मण्यता का बचाव करते हैं कि क्योंकि अभी राजयसभा में भाजपा को बहुमत नहीं है, इसलिए इस तरह का कोई कानून लाना फिलहाल संभव नहीं है. लेकिन इन बातों में कोई दम इसलिए नहीं है कि अगर सरकार की इच्छा शक्ति हो तो वह राजयसभा में बहुमत न होते हुए भी अध्यादेश ला सकती है जिसे संसद के अगले सत्र में पास करना होता है और उस अध्यादेश की अवधि को बढ़ाया भी जा सकता है. लगभग सभी सरकारें तरह तरह के कानूनों को अध्यादेश के जरिये लाकर उन पर अम्ल कर चुकी हैं. खुद वर्तमान सरकार भी कई अध्यादेश ला चुकी है. भूमि अधिग्रहण अध्यादेश भी मोदी सरकार न सिर्फ लाई, बल्कि उसकी अवधि को कई बार बढ़ाया भी गया था. फिर देशद्रोहियों को दण्डित करने के लिए राजयसभा में बहुमत न होने का बहाना इस देश की जनता के गले आसानी से उतर जाएगा, इसमें संदेह है.

चर्चा को लम्बा न खींचते हुए सीधे इस बात पर आते हैं कि देशद्रोहियों को दण्डित कर सकने वाले इस प्रस्तावित अध्यादेश का मसौदा क्या होना चाहिए. देशद्रोहियों को आम अपराधी नहीं समझना चाहिए और इनके लिए बिना किसी अदालती हस्तक्षेप के मृत्युदंड देने की व्यवस्था होनी चाहिए. इस मृत्यु दंड की सजा को माफ़ करने का अधिकार राष्ट्रपति के पास भी नहीं होना चाहिए. इस तरह के कानून का जो हल्का सा भी विरोध करता दिखाई दे, उसे भी इसी कानून के अंतर्गत मृत्युदंड की सजा देनी चाहिए. जैसे ही यह मामला सामने आये कि कोई भी व्यक्ति देशद्रोह की किसी घटना में संलिप्त पाया गया है, उसे हिरासत में ले लेना चाहिए और उसे अधिकतम एक सप्ताह के अंदर मौत के हवाले कर देना चाहिए.

Is India paying now for being historically too tolerant?


असतोमा सद्गमय।
तमसोमा ज्योतिर् गमय।
मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय॥
ॐ शान्ति शान्ति शान्तिः।।

From ignorance, lead me to truth;
From darkness, lead me to light;
From death, lead me to immortality
Om peace, peace, peace

What is a nation? Formally it is defined by what is written in the constitution. But I believe a nation is what its people think it to be. In the English language, our nation is called India, a term derived from the Persian name for our country which is Hind, which in turn comes from the Sindh river, now known as the Indus.

To the Muslims that came to invade India, our country and its culture were an enigma. To them, we were pagans or kaafirs, people worshiping many different gods which to them was a barbaric practice. Their own pagan culture had already been overthrown to give way to Islam which is wrongly considered to be a religion. In fact, it is a system which manifests itself in the religious, cultural, social, political and even economic affairs of the people governed under it. They had long lost the notion of what is a way of life, they had long lost the idea that people could also simply live without a strict, well defined, all abiding system of governance (read religion) and society could still carry on peacefully (pun intended). They failed to (and still fail to) comprehend the fact that humans are an evolved species, and that they learn to adapt. So, as a society learns to adapt over time it leads to the creation of various practices that makes life comfortable for the inhabitants. These practices only suit that particular society and habitat as it has been created by those people, for those people and of those people.

Ours is THE OLDEST society in Eurasia if not the in the world, being more than 30,000 years old and thus having formed many practices, each pertaining to different aspects of life. And thus, to the Abrahamic invaders, this was a religion, as that is all they knew. So, the religion of the people living east of the Hind river became Hinduism. But, we are now independent again the invaders are gone but the symbolism still remains. We as the people east of the Indus know what our culture or so-called religion is called. We in fact do have a common name referring to the various practices our wise ancestors created. And that name is Sanatan Dharma, meaning the eternal Dharma.

But why, one may wonder, should we be concerned with such little trivialities.. after all no one’s life is being impeded by the current semantics.

This is a question that will come in the minds of liberal Indians. But the truth is, as Indians we have learnt to adjust a little too much. The citadels have withered away but the citizens have yet not come out of their servitude, to see what is rightfully theirs and where it is going. After all a nation is just an idea, the more pride and passion we invest in it the more powerful it becomes. As Lord Varys in Game of Thrones said, “Power resides where men BELIEVE it resides.” The more powerful the image of the nation in peoples’ mind, the stronger is their affinity and sense of responsibility towards it.

So, it is my request that if not a total transformation we should take a small step for change. For example, in all government forms, online or paper based, wherever a person’s religion is asked, the name Hinduism be replaced by Sanatan Dharma among the options. This is also required because ours is a secular country, it is important not to hurt the sentiments of all groups especially the minorities, and in this case by using a foreign name for our culture, the sentiments of not only the majorities Hindus, but the extremely small and always overlooked minority groups such as the Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs and even the various tribes of north east India are being hurt. Yes, all of their, forgive me, all of our sentiments are being hurt and ignored as we all share a common ancestry and a vibrant culture.

To further support my case I would like to quote article 351 of the Indian Constitution-

“It shall be the duty of the Union to promote the spread of the Hindi language, to develop it so that it may serve as a medium of expression for all the elements of the composite culture of India and to secure its enrichment by assimilating without interfering with its genius, the forms style and expressions used in Hindustani and in the other languages of India specified in the Eighth Schedule, and by drawing, wherever necessary or desirable, for its vocabulary, primarily on Sanskrit and secondarily on other languages.”

Why, after 70 years of independence should we use a word, which is probably even derogatory, for our own selves, and marks the beginning of the blackest period in the history of Bharat. Why not use a word which is more than 300 centuries old yet eternal and which carries the essence of our culture?

On the same note, I would like to remind you all that the government will most probably, in the future roll back the 2000 rupee note and introduce a new 1000 rupee not. On this new note, I believe the words ‘Ek sahasr rupees’ should be written instead of ‘ek hazar rupees’. I believe it is the duty of not only the government, but also all of us to follow and abide by the rules, rights and most importantly the duties given to us in the constitution. After reading article 351, do you not think it is our duty to embrace the great, ancient, and most logical of all languages for our daily use?

Yes, we have an utmost vibrant culture, which is why we are considered not just a country, but a subcontinent. We all have our own beautiful vernacular Prakritik languages and it is of utmost importance that we preserve them, but all official work requires some sort of common language. And what better language, than the most logical one? What better language, than one which has influenced every Prakritik language of Bharat, from Ladakhi in the north to Tamil and Malayalam in the south, from Gujarati in the west to Bengali in the east, and Nysihi and Adi in the north east. Hell, even English is related to Sanskrit. Both belong to the same Indo- Persian- European language family.

भाषासु मुख्या मधुरा,
दिव्या गीर्वाणभारती।
तस्यां हि काव्यं मधुरं,
तस्मादपि सुभाषितम्।।

Of all the languages, the God’s own language- Sanskrit is the mother, divine and most lyrical language. In Sanskrit, poetry is more melodious wherein the good sayings hold prime position.

Thane’s Kapurbawdi Police’s bizarre act explains why women don’t prefer reporting crime

During the last week, cops from (Maharashtra) Thane’s Kapurbawdi Police Station did something for which they deserve to be suspended for misbehavior with molestation victim.

A married woman visited the police station in order to file a complaint against her neighbor whom she had caught filming her while she was bathing. The victim spotted her neighbor filming her from the bathroom window. She raised an alarm and people nearby were quick enough to catch the culprit. They confiscated the device and the woman kept the video clip as evidence for the police.

When she visited the police station, there was no female cop present, neither did the male cops call and request their female colleague from another station to come and attend the victim. Instead, they asked the victim to narrate the incident and show them the video evidence.

Surprisingly, instead of filing her complaint and arresting the culprit, the cop in charge watched the entire clip in front of the victim and then asked his other male colleagues to watch it one by one.

“I felt ashamed when multiple male cops were watching the video again and again and were staring at me. The culprit did it once, but police molested me again and again with their act,” said the woman while interacting with journalists from Zee 24 Taas Marathi News.

To seek justice, the victim approached Thane’s Mayor-Minakshi Shinde. Mayor has urged the city’s top cop to take action in this matter.

Shinde interacted with media persons and shared her opinion on this case. She has also asked Thane commissioner of police, Parambir Singh to look into this issue.

“The incident is shocking. As of now, no action has been taken against the concerned cops. Police need training on how to deal with victims. I will meet the city’s top cop and urge him to make sure that every police station has at least one female cop,” said Thane’s Mayor-Minakshi Shinde.

What’s wrong with law and order in the state?

State’s CM-Devendra Fadnavis has managed to help BJP win several important civic polls recently, with Prime Minister Modi as the poster boy of course. He has learned the state’s political mathematics perfectly. But, he has miserably failed to prove himself a good home minister. Bureaucrats in the home ministry often come up with policies that clearly show minority appeasement. And it’s not just bureaucrats; even men in uniform from the state have managed to attract attention with their bizarre acts. Maharashtra badly needs a full-time home minister to look into the large state’s law and order issues on a daily basis. Someone needs to come forward in order to take accountability and ensure timely action.

Never forgive. Never forget. The cow slaughter by Congress


How far can you take a political disagreement? What depths are you ready to fall to, so that you can feed your political ego? Well the Indian National Congress cadre have butchered a defenseless cow right in the open.

I am extremely pained as I write this. The pictures and the video have shocked me to the spine. I felt immense rage inside me as I watched cadre of party who has had previously the symbol of a calf and cow, slaughter a cow in the open, as a protest against the Central Government’s policy.

Who in their proper senses would kill an animal just to prove a point? In this case the animal butchered in open is revered and worshipped by millions of Hindus worldwide. Which brings me to the question, what was the point the Congress was trying to prove? It seems here the point which the grand old party is trying to prove is that they can trample over Hindu sentiments at will for the sake of their fake secularism. The point they are trying to make is that their agenda is more important than the feelings and faith of millions of of Hindus. The point they are trying to make is that you and I can do nothing about it.

What went through that barbarous mind before it thought that this can be a valid form of protest? The answer to that is best known to that sick and perverse mind and it’s boss. It is clear that the person who actually did it could not have done this act without blessings / orders of his high command.

Where are those voices that were screeching loudly when a horse was kicked and hurt? Where are those voices that came out against Jalliakattu? Where are those voices that regularly keep on coming out for every other animal than the cow? They seem to have gone in to deep slumber or seem to be suffering from selective outrage syndrome. Where is PETA? Which pretends to be the watchdog of all cruelties against animals? Is the cow not a defenseless animal? Or is it just because that the cow is attached to a hindu sentiment, that coming out in its support will make you ‘anti-secular’?

These brainless but deliberate acts from the cadre of this party have been the greatest reason for its downfall, and now eventual disappearance.

Mr. Rahul Gandhi tweeted in condemnation of the act. But, for those who have closely followed the politics of this party, know that this is nothing but mere theatrics.

It should serve as a wake up call to all those who think your faith and belief cannot be simply trampled upon for silly political point scoring. This must be the final nail in the coffin of this dying party. We must never forgive, and never forget.

How IoI gang is resorting to slander campaign to discredit right wingers


The infamous pillion rider who also allegedly masquerades as “Samaj ka thekedar” of India in the global media, tweeted the following link from their latest propaganda website:

And then this guy went a step ahead generalizing the people who disagree with him (now typical fibral reaction) by questioning the IQ.

What does the report states?

Further more they allege. (I love using word allege as freely as the IOI gang)

A  5 min dig of internet was all that it took to unravel the details and uncover the truth.

The news reports actually mentioned him as twitter India head by none other than the poster boy of communist in India

  1. The Hindu:2) The Daily Mail:

Now if Right wingers calling Khursheed as twitter India head make them low IQ people then I am sure that also makes these poster boys to IOI too fit in same category.

Next allegation from them that Mr Khursheed has nothing to do with the unfair treatment of Rightwinger also took an hit when I saw the details of his job profile of his new position from daily mail report.

So he is responsible to escalate issues to internal support and policy teams as needed.

Does that leave any doubt why the complaints of one particular group of people are taken up on priority and acted on while similar calls from another set get ignored?

The IOI gang is known to play with half truths and this is another instance where they are caught with their pants down. But they will fail when their each attempt is followed by rebuttal.

Congress writes its final chapter after butchering a cow in Kerala

We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies
– Martin Luther King, Jr.

We have witnessed a sudden rise in Hate Politics in India in recent years. Specially after a decades old ruling party lost the power and BJP gained the support from all over India.

Not only the ex- ruling party, in fact many other opposition parties and even some old alliance partners of BJP started feeling a sense of insecurity. Many broke alliance and many still struggling to make a mark in comparison to BJP.

But the politics of hate has gone to low. All the Opposition parties are firing in dark and at some or other point, their bullets are hitting themselves only.

We have witnessed a very barbaric and sad incident in Kerala recently when, some office bearers of Youth Congress State units, butchered a cow in public and celebrated Beef Distribution.

Any sensible citizen will never support such acts in the name of protest. Firstly it’s not only about killing an animal out of no context but also killing the sentiments of citizens at large. Cow is a holy animal across India and people do worship of cow in some parts of country. Congress being a main stream Political Party, and its central leaders can’t wash their hands by just condemning this.

The Blood stains of butchering the cow will be embedded and embossed on Congress Party forever, because it was not done by any individual. It was done by an office bearer under the official flag of Youth Congress, which was led by Mr. Rahul Gandhi years back.

In year 2017, where IT, Social Media have reach in every pocket, no one can get away by just condemning such acts, which was done under their Flag. Lessons are being taught by citizens of India from time to time and by this act, the whole congress party have lost faith of a large population of India.

In a country like India where religious, casts, regional sentiments have played a vital role in shaping up current political scenario, such act of butchering a holy Cow in public will cost them a permanent dent. When country is progressing on many front, be it clean India campaign of larger investments in manufacturing sectors, such type of hate politics will drag us years back.

It’s time to work for Girl education, Time for better sanitation and cleaning facilities, time to work for creating an atmosphere for more investments and jobs, but most of the opposition parties are unable to come out of shock they have got in 2014. This will only bring more hate among masses and more defeats. Gone are the days, when handful of people used to control the opinion of India, today youths can judge the facts in real time.

Hope everyone will take part in constructive debates and positive criticism and will leave the Hate Politics far behind.

When “tolerant” NDTV could not tolerate IMF MD’s appreciation of Modi government’s policies


In March, 2015 Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of IMF visited Lady Sri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi to deliver a lecture on the economic prospects in India. Amongst avid listeners were students from various colleges of University of Delhi. Because it was an event of great significance, I reached the venue almost, half an hour before the time, with my batchmates from Department of Commerce, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (Day).

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 189 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world. Along with World Bank and World Trade Organisation, IMF is the most far- reaching organisation in promoting free trade in the world. It has played a significant role in Indian Economic History; it was one of the biggest proponents of unrestrictive international trade in India when General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was lackadaisical agreement on merchandise trade. These multilateral organisations and forums have far-fetching economic, cultural, and political impact in a country. A student from Commerce, Economics, and International Business and Relations will take into cognizance the momentousness of these organisations.

The talk that extended over an hour was something like a panegyric on financial and economic administration in India. It included lauding phrases on the economic administration of the government. It wasn’t a banal lecture; it was the head of a global financial institution commenting on the Indian Economy. However, that lecture delivered by Christine Lagarde is lost somewhere down the bundles of records. Of course, I will give my explanation to disappearance of the lecture; but it is very important to highlight key points from the lecture. The following points from Lagarde’s lecture are extracted from the official website of International Monetary Fund:

  1.  IMF included, sees India today. A rich and complex culture and a vibrant society, India is more than just India, it is more than the sum of its parts, intimately connected with the world. It has become a leader in information technology, sciences, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, you name it, with many home-grown experts working in multiple companies around the world.
  2. The Gitanjali poem by Rabindranath Tagore embodies where India is: “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls…”
  3. This is a special moment for India. Just as many countries around the world are grappling with low growth, India has been marching in the opposite direction. This year already, India’s growth rate is expected to exceed that of China, and by 2030, it is will overtake China as the most populous country in the world.
  4. In this cloudy global horizon, India is a bright spot. Recent policy reforms and improved business confidence have provided a booster shot to economic activity. Using India’s new GDP series, the IMF expects growth to pick up to 7.2 percent this fiscal year and accelerate further to 7.5 percent next year, making India the fastest growing large economy in the world.
  5. By 2019, the economy will be more than double in size compared to 2009. When adjusting for differences in purchase prices between economies, India’s GDP will exceed that of Japan and Germany combined.
  6. The recently approved Budget is a step in the right direction and contains several promising elements.
  7. Under the Prime Minister’s Jan Dhan Yojana, financial services have been extended to more than 125 million previously unbanked individuals—an impressive achievement in such a short span of time! And India also expanded basic insurance coverage so people’s lives become more secure.
  8. I look at you and I recognize the massive potential of India’s huge pool of youth. I would also like to acknowledge the many talented Indian staff at the Fund and the contribution they have made over the years.
  9. There is an old Indian proverb that says: “Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow but a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day.” Today, the elements are all aligned to make India a global powerhouse. This is India’s moment. Seize it. Chak De India!

Although, the lecture also included IMFs reading into the monetary and fiscal policy issues, women empowerment, fiscal inclusion, and Balance of Payment metrics of India, it was most emphatically defined by its cheering of the governance in India. Despite its preponderance amongst issues at that time, the Christine Lagarde was taken up by no one in the mainstream media. NDTV (New Delhi Television) covered the event. Because the clear endorsement of “Modinomics” (a form of economics pursued in Republic of India under PM Modi), NDTV irresponsibly buried the lecture.

After my Under-graduation, I joined Delhi School of Economics to pursue Post Graduation in International Marketing. The same school is also the alma-matter of Pranoy Roy who founded NDTV network. Pranoy Roy was, also, the moderator of the Lagarde session at LSR. The event was in bits-and-parts covered by NDTV. There was a small interjection by a girl who echoed the pseudo-liberals when she asked Christine Lagarde about the Hindus hijacking in India’s economic growth. It was an insignificant part in the lecture; but Christine Lagarde was left in a state of dismay and amusement because of the intensity of the questions. Burying everything else, those few seconds were highlighted by those in media; some even went on to applaud the boldness of that girl.

How tolerant is that ?

Enough said about DeMo, it’s time we talk about FeMo (Fear of Missing Out)


Some of the bitterest struggles of our life are against the age appropriated targets. Age is just a number people say, but I feel that the saying is an idealistic bullshit. Much like when people say you can achieve all you want, the truth we need to know is that you can try as hard as you want on some things, but it doesn’t mean you will definitely achieve it. Also, if age is just a number then why do we keep tab on the percent of our population falling in the 15 to 40-year age bracket, and not the septuagenarian (70 to 79) bracket. Age is not just a number; it’s a social perception of your worth, a “loag kya kahenge” tab. I don’t think there is anyone reading this article and who has grown in India never come across “loag kya kahenge?” or another variant of “what will people say?” at least once in your life.

Maybe when you decided to pursue arts, commerce instead of science or say no to parents that you didn’t want to get married soon, or the time u said that u don’t like little human (babies). The older you grow, the expectations of the same “log” increases exponentially and you better live up to it, or there is no end to the judgements, criticism that will come your way. We can have 3 idiots, Queen and every kind of movie made to break the above phenomenon, but the truth is we still do care for the “log”.

On a personal level, most people feel the need to break out of the mold, yet, on a larger scale, we are unable to comprehend this and not willing to make way for those who wish to live differently. We try hard to please the “log”, to get a go ahead, external validation and legitimacy from the “log”. we cannot abandon  this “log kya kahenge” altogether because the “log” is not form some other planet; they are your family, your friend’s family, and sometimes you yourself. Also, considering the kind of community set up we Indians are embroiled in, sometimes  this same “log” helped us attack  few backward practices  and regressive attitudes. The mentality of the “log” kept changing and so did the judging parameters sometimes for the worst , and sometimes for the good, because I believe in some cases we did used the same “log” to change our thought process against dowry, girl education etc..

I feel that the “log kya kahenge” phenomenon is here to stay, and we youngsters will be hypocrite to say that we don’t care for the public opinion, because otherwise we won’t be suffering from FoMO, or “Fear of Missing Out” as urban lingo would have it. We cannot have it all, but when we see different friends/acquaintances on FaceBook, Instagram we validate our worth based on the location, décor of the hotel room, or may be the car in the pic, and we feel that we too should have that,  of course along with the other sundry things we already have. We don’t understand that  it’s just a pic, and the person may have the biggest smile on his face, and the awesomestest background but he too doesn’t have it all, maybe he/she just has an awesome DSLR. Frankly speaking no one can, whatever we do, wherever we go we will miss out on something. So may be our parameters of “log kya kahenge” are more refreshing but it’s not all that different.

The fact that the “log kya kahenge” phenomenon still persists is not the problem, because its innate, and its only human to compare and for a collectivistic setup like ours to function, some obligations need to take precedence over personal needs. The problem is there needs to be a point of reconciliation, because you cannot always stick to YODO (you die only once) attitude, and follow your passion without taking into account the realities surrounding you, be “dillogical” and expect the world to just adjust around you. You may be an ultimate secure and idealistic person (which is kind of rare) and not care for the various “log” , but when your parents ( who mean the world to you ) are attached in the same “log”  then you are bound to care. I truly believe that the younger generations love their parents; we really really do, because we know that in this cynical world they will be there for us no matter what. They can care, shout, be unreasonable but their resolute to be with us is unflinching. And it’s always good to have someone constants in this not so constant world.

So the point boils down to reconciling your fantasies, and your parent’s need to “settle” you down.  I don’t have a PhD in human psychology,  just a MBA degree in Human Resources, but I retrospect a lot, and also in hindsight, I have in few cases (important ones) felt that it would have been better to listen to parents. Based on my experience, I will just put down some advice for the FoMo generation. Passion is difficult to prioritize, you may be passionate about a lot of things but you cannot do all of it, and moreover you need security too, so instead of the passion, go for things which you are good at, it will give you satisfaction and also security. Moreover, you need to give something to the world too and not just take from the world, you can chase happiness, but ultimate happiness lies in making other people in the world become happier.

There is always a way to follow your passion, but you need to secure your family, and yourself too, it shouldn’t be done just for coolness, also 9-5 is not a detention, it is discipline which we need to stick to even while following our passion. I am talking about passion, because it is passion that makes us a rebel sometimes, we blindly go ahead to follow it without due consideration and it leads to most extreme and unsustainable states of the human brain. I know that there are few things that parents (most of them) just don’t get , we are young and free, we have things far more complex than eating properly, getting married at the right age, and so on. we feel that marriage should totally be our decision (when, whom, where blah blah), or we may not want to marry at all, for all you know. parents have a huge no list; no smoking, no sex, no driving, no swearing, no saying no to temple/mosque, no porn, no movies, no staying overnight, no vacation, no drinking, no television, no other profession than doctor/engineer…and everything else we may continue to add to the list!

If you tell them that you’re off to a place for a vacation, the first question they  ask you is ‘kyu jaana hai? Parents don’t understand our wanderlust. But whatever it is, we just cannot abandon them and their constant nagging, what we need to do is you is cajole  them to allow us to pack your bags. I have seen and noticed that they mostly give it up for our happiness like they have been doing all their lives. Parents are like alarm system, helping us identify dangers before they arise so they can lessen risks. We may think that we are ready to face it all, but trust me we aren’t, no one is. And its always god to be alarmed rather than facing the danger, because “har darr ke age jeet nahi hoti”. It is not wrong for parents to feel that they have invested a lot in us, and that it’s our duty to listen to them and not argue at all levels.

There is no technical solution, they won’t understand us, we won’t understand them, but what we need to understand is that they have compromised most of their desires and striven to bring us to a position where we can think about things like passion, vacations, partying etc. After comprising for a long period they killed most of their burning desires and led an austere life. They are not young and flexible, we are and so sometimes we can change for them, instead of making them yield to us all the time. Moreover, I feel that parents will always know more than us. They may not necessarily be book smart, but for the simple fact that parents have had much more practice at real life it makes them more qualified in the practical sense of the matter.

P.S: I in no way intend to discourage youngsters to not follow their passion, I only mean to ask them to take parents into consideration in whatever they wish to endeavor.

With GST PM Modi attacks inflation, black money and tax evasion with biggest tax reform of independent India


In last few weeks and months we are hearing about GST (Goods and Service Tax) quite often. This is one of the biggest changes in tax system ever in Independent India. Previous government though proposed but never had intentions to pass the same since it increases accountability and transparency in the system, along with making Indian economy more organized. But Modi Government passed this revolutionizing tax change which will further boost our economy with many other important steps to make Indian economy fundamentally stronger.

A lot has been shared over internet about GST registration. Today we will discuss about impact of GST on inflation tax evasion and black money. Recently, after the passage of GST through Parliament there have been lot of discussions on these three topics as the Prime Minister says that GST will reduce black money. Finance minister is saying that it will reduce the tax evasion in the system. And RBI is saying that impact of GST on inflation will be minimal but obviously it will depend on the rate of GST which is decided by GST council.

So first we will discuss about the impact of GST on inflation and we will see all the factors, which are leading to higher inflation, and factors which will lead to lower the inflation. Impact of GST on inflation will depend of course on the rates of GST which are from nil to maximum 28% which was speculated to maxed out to 40%. Already, with such competitive tax rates we would see lowering prices of all essential commodities. With major commodities falling in 5% and 12% rates it will boost Indian economy in coming years and efforts of Make In Inda.

However, some areas will be slightly expensive. Lets look at those factors that are going to increase the inflation. Services will become more expensive as the current service tax is around 15% after GST it is going to be between 18 to 20 percent. So the industry like telecom airline insurance software etc will become more expensive due to higher tax, where the service component is around 30 percent in current CPI index which is the most tracked inflation index in the country today. Also there are other industries which currently enjoys lower tax rates and will be taxed more once GST comes. Such as clothing to air and electricity, these factors will increase the inflation in short-term and medium-term.

Now we will talk about the factors which will help in reducing the prices so industries FMCG, automobile, entertainment, cement etc will enjoy lesser tax post GST implementation as their current taxes are between 25 to 30%. So this factor will come with somewhat offset along with the impact of other two factors which we discussed earlier.

Secondly, as we know GST is a value-added tax and is literally a uniform tax across all the states so there will be a significant reduction on over all tax. Which currently exists in the system, which will help in reducing total tax liability.

Third is the efficiency gain due to one tax one nation structure which will help in cost reduction of the goods so these two factors will reduce the inflation in medium-term and long-term so in the long term there wouldn’t be any impact of GST on inflation. But yes in short-term there could be some impact. Like most of the estimates saying that it could be between point 2 to point 3 percent on CPI for 18 percent GST products and services and it could be between 0.3 to 0.7 percent higher inflation for 22% GST product and services. This speculation is because similar experience was felt by few countries, which have recently implemented GST such as Canada Australia and New Zealand.

Now we will discuss about how GST will reduce the circulation of black money as well as reduce the tax evasion. Before moving there, we need to understand how GST which is a value-added tax works in both within the state or intrastate transactions. We will first discuss about how intrastate transaction works here. We have taken the example of Maharashtra. So suppose a manufacturer in Mumbai who manufactures glass sheets has sold the glass sheets for rupees 100 to another manufacturer in Pune who makes crockery. Out of those glass sheets now the manufacturer in buying paid the state GST of eight percent which is rupees eight and central GST at eight percent which is also rupees eight. So he paid or total of 16 rupees tax. Now Pune manufacturer added hundred rupees value to it and sold it at rupees 200 to a trader in Nagpur. So the same tax rates are levied, ie., 8 percent as rupees 16 plus 16 which is a 32 rupees. But since he has only added hundred rupees value and there was already a 16 rupees tax paid by the earlier manufacturer so this 16 rupees will be credited back to Pune manufacturer. So ultimate liability for him will only be 32 minus 16, which is rupees 16.

So this is value added tax. Now let’s discuss the case of interstate GST. Suppose the Pune manufacturer sells to a trader in Bhopal instead of Nagpur. So now what happens is we have two new terms SGST and CGST will get replaced by ID as stated interstate GST of suppose 16 percent and it will be entirely collected by the centre. This amount will be credited back to the Pune manufacturer. So this is how the GST which is a value-added tax works.

Now we will look into how GST impacts black money and tax evasion. So these are the features of GST. There will be a complete trail of all transaction at every level. From manufacturer till the last retailer all the credits as well as all the tax paid. For example, if a retailer has purchased goods from a wholesaler and is not showing that purchase today but after GST, he will not be able to do so because he wants tax credit he needs to maintain the book of sales for which proper bills will be generated. Secondly, the entire process of tax credit will be online through GST network. So if a trader needs a tax credit he needs to get registered on GSTN and then only he will get tax credit.

The third is that there could be a possible ban base registration for all the traders which will help in giving the complete picture for both of his income tax which is his direct taxes as well as indirect taxes and help the tax agencies to compare both the taxes and understand the anomalies. Currently the state and central tax systems work in silos and they are not integrated and do not talk to each other but with GST and GSTN there will be an integration of state and central indirect taxes which will help provide the complete picture. Currently, state monitor their own indirect taxes and centre monitor their own indirect taxes but now with GST there will be a dual monitoring structure where at each stage both state and centre will monitor and it may become difficult for the defaulters to get saved from both.

The last factor we will talk about the three sectors which create maximum black money in India which are alcohol, real estate and precious metal. Alcohol is still kept out of GST which may change in few years though but with real estate and precious metal coming under GST purview there could be a good reduction in black money circulation in India. For example in real estate the uniform tax structure will improve tax compliance by developers, local builders, property dealers, investors and occupiers and the mandatory paper trail that GST will create will go a long way in improving tax compliance.

So all these factors in Prime Ministers and finance ministers words will check leakage. And increase tax base for both Center and States eliminate corruption and cascading effect of tax on tax reduce tax evasion and improve ease of doing business which will ultimately reduce the circulation of black money in India. With policies like Make in India and Startup India Company Registration has become way easier. We are the dawn of a New India with a more transparent and robust economy thanks to Prime Ministers and his team in executing biggest tax reform of Independent India.

The Kashmir struggle is all about establishing Islamic Caliphate and Sharia


Zakir Musa, the recently ousted terrorist commander of Hizbul Mujahideen’s Indian arm, has unveiled the motivations driving Kashmir saga for the world that had hitherto remained secretive and was never talked about in the open. In a series of video messages, Musa has clearly spelt out that Kashmir is part of Islamists’ agenda to establish Islamic Caliphate and there is nothing political about their “movement”.

Musa’s video message has come in response to a recent statement from Hurriyat Conference leaders where they claimed that Kashmir struggle is political and has nothing to do with Islam. But Musa was quick to denounce Hurriyat’s intent. He minced no words as he questioned the rationale of using mosques and Islamic gatherings as a platform through the years where Hurriyat leaders openly advocated Islamic Sharia and an ambition to establish Islamic Caliphate across Kashmir. “…we want to ask these political hypocrites if Kashmir is a political issue then what’s the meaning of these slogans? Azadi kaa matlab kya? La Illaha Ilallah(What is the meaning of Azadi? There is no God except Allah), Pakistan say rishta kya? La Illaha Ilallah (What is our relation with Pakistan? There is no God except Allah).”

He went on to say that these (Hurriyat) hypocrites cannot be our leaders. “We warn these Hurriyat people not to interfere in our matters…remain with their dirty politics… otherwise we will cut their heads and hang them in Lal Chowk (Srinagar, Kashmir Valley),” Musa asserted.

Musa’s video initiated swift reactions and denials came quick. Hizbul Mujahideen issued a statement distancing itself from Musa’s remarks, which was followed by a second video message from Musa, where he claimed that he stands by his stand and announced his decision to quit as Hizbul’s India chief. He explained that he cannot be a part of any political movement and will fight only for the cause of larger Islamic resistance. Musa followed this by a third video wherein he categorically asked his comrades not to fall in the trap of nationalism and remain on the path to establish Caliphate. “Khilafat (Caliphate) Unites but Nation Divides” read the poster in his video message.

Genesis of this “Kashmir issue” lies in Pakistan’s belief that erstwhile princely state of Jammu Kashmir is an unfinished agenda of India’s partition.

When India was partitioned, the princely states had the option to join either the Indian or Pakistani dominions. On October 26 th, 1947 Jammu Kashmir’s Maharaja Hari Singh signed the Instrument of Accession with India thus making the entire Jammu Kashmir as an Indian state. Pakistan has refused to accept and honour this accession which was the same for all princely states and has been stoking Islamic passions in the Kashmir Valley to fuel disturbances. It’s propped up political outfit, Hurriyat Conference is a conglomeration of different leaders in Kashmir Valley who officially maintain that Kashmir is a political problem but recruit Kashmiri youth into their fold by drilling into their minds that Kashmir resistance is part of larger Islamic struggle to establish a Caliphate and Sharia across the world.

Abdul Gani Dar, a local leader of the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) was shot dead at this spot by terrorists at Pulwama in Kashmir Valley.
Photo: Vivek Sinha

This double speak continued all through the years but as penetration of social media grew in the Kashmir Valley and sources of news flow increased, the local Kashmiri youth have come to realise this double speak of Hurriyat and their masters in Pakistan. It was this realisation that led Musa to come out openly against Hurriyat.

However, an open acceptance that ‘Kashmir struggle’ is all about Islamic Caliphate and Sharia weakens Pakistan’s case on Kashmir across international forums. And so Hizbul Mujahideen quickly disassociated from Zakir Musa and he was asked to quit as its India chief.

The Kashmir saga has now begun to unravel and the layers within layers are getting exposed by the day. Hizbul Mujahideen is struggling to keep its flock together even as its members break away to form other splinter groups.

Musa has announced to set up his new group, an Islamic Sharia Rebel Group. The group has already announced its goal to set up Sharia in Kashmir. They called upon a meeting with some Salafi and Wahabi groups and have rejected to toe the line of Pakistan propped Hurriyat leaders. Musa announced to play a separate role for Nizam-e-Mustafa.

The Hurriyat Conference found itself on a sticky wicket when its top leaders admitted on camera that they continue to receive regular funds from Pakistan to foment trouble in Kashmir Valley. Hurriyat has since suspended its leader Naeem Khan.

India’s NIA (National Investigation Agency) is now questioning Naeem Khan and other Hurriyat leaders.

As old comrades break ranks they are now desperate to prove their mettle for Islam. They need new recruits, arms and a name for themselves. Muslims in the Kashmir Valley are thus being forced to participate in this larger resistance to establish Islamic Caliphate. A couple of days ago, Syed Naveed Mushtaq, a constable in the Jammu Kashmir Police stole four automatic assault rifles and service revolvers and fled to join Hizbul Mujahideen. Hizbul’s spokesperson confirmed that Syed Naveed has joined ranks with them.

The coming days could see these splinter groups fight for supremacy and cement their place as the torchbearers of Islam in Kashmir. This, in effect, would mean more killings and an increase in terrorist activities. Last fortnight five policemen of the Jammu Kashmir police and bank security guards were gunned down by the terrorists in Kulgam, Kashmir. This was followed by the murder of an unarmed Kashmiri army officer, Lieutenant Umar Fayaz, in cold blood. The only crime of Lt. Fayaz or the policemen were that they did not agree to play a part in establishing Islamic Caliphate in Kashmir.