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Nonviolence- The highest religion


This is a famous quote by Gandhiji and one of the most re-quoted quotes. I WAS INSTANTLY CONVINCED when I heard this quote for the first time. However, after thinking a bit more, I came to the conclusion that it depends on “whose eye.” I will explain more below.

Let’s say there is a person X who eyes people and takes away their eyes. He eyed his first victim Y and took his eyes. If the victim ‘Y’ is not going to take away X’s eyes, then “X” is left loose to eye more people and continue blinding people. Eventually, leading to a blind world. 

If victim “Y” randomly picks up another person and takes away his eye, and then this random person chooses another random person and takes away his eyes, then, yes, the world will become blind. 

But, here, unless “Y” is a psychopath, why would “Y” choose a random person who has done no harm to him and take away his eyes?

So the correctness of this quote depends on “whose eyes.” “Yes,” it is an act of violence, but violence is not to be judged independently; it is a dependent variable on intention. “Violence” is only the end result; what carries more weight is the intention. That has to be used to decide whether the action is doable or not. 

If someone attacks you instead of trying to protect yourself, why should anyone surrender themselves to their killer? What is the benefit of that? 

Gandhiji said, “Even if the Muslims want to kill us all, we should face death bravely. If they established their rule after killing Hindus, we would be ushering in a new world by sacrificing our lives.”

It is not clear what is the use of “sacrificing” our lives- “Sacrifice your life“ for what? — “To eradicate yourself?” Typically, the term “sacrifice your life” is used to denote someone’s choice to end his life while in “active action” for a greater cause like — “ saving innocent people live’s” —  and not to end your life in silent surrender and inaction. Gandhiji advises inaction while innocent humans are dying. It is a “suicide” and not a “sacrifice.”

Hindu life cannot be deemed so cheap that it is not even worth fighting for! It is mainly snails, worms, and other lower animal species that show no resistance to their killings. Followers of the Hindu religion belong to the human species and should be treated so, and they have all the rights to resist and exist.

Ideally, Gandhiji, the idealist he was, should have told this to Muslims also. However, he did not tell any such things to Muslims. Neither did Gandhiji say that he would fast to save Hindu lives should such a thing happen.

Maybe the right quote should read like this –

Taking the correct eye for an eye will save the world from going blind.

I must admit that while I have great respect for Gandhiji and find him inspiring, I am not convinced by his philosophy of absolute non-violence as I find it against the laws of nature.

Even if some people still insist that non-violence has to be unconditional. In that sphere of non-violence, our own body and life should be included as well, and allowing anyone to be violent towards our own body is an act of violence too. All changes start with your home; your body is your home, so practice non-violence starting from your own body. 

The martyrs of Galwan: Honoring the bravery and sacrifice of India’s heroes


The Galwan Valley is the witness to one the greatest heroics of Indian Army, when the war cry of ‘Jai Bajrang Bali’ (Bihar Regiment war cry) echoed in the valley and the Communist Chinese army saw their death in front of their eyes. The Galwan Valley clash of June 15, 2020, showcased the extraordinary bravery and unwavering courage of the Indian Army in the face of a formidable adversary.

In the treacherous terrain of the Himalayas, Indian soldiers demonstrated unparalleled valour, displaying their commitment to safeguarding the nation’s borders. The clash not only highlighted the indomitable spirit of the Indian Army but also underscored their readiness to protect the country’s sovereignty at all costs.

Colonel Bikumalla Santosh Babu, MVC (Posthumous): Deployed in Galwan Valley during Operation Snow Leopard, Babu was tasked to establish an observation post amidst the border standoff. Organising and briefing his troops about the situation with a sound plan, he successfully executed the task.

While holding the position, his column faced stiff resistance from the adversary who attacked him and his soldiers with lethal and sharp weapons along with heavy stone pelting from adjoining heights. Undaunted by the violent and aggressive action by the overwhelming strength of enemy soldiers, the officer in the true spirit of service before self, continued to resist the enemy’s attempt to push back Indian troops.                                                                                           

20 Indian soldiers, including Commanding Officer, attained martyrdom in the violent clashes with the Chinese troopers in Eastern Ladakh’s Galwan Valley. The Chinese on the other hand suffered double the number of casualties but only accepted 5 casualties on their side to spread propaganda of pseudo bravery among their masses.

Displaying Valor Against All Odds: The Indian Army soldiers stationed in the Galwan Valley showcased exceptional valour as they faced a heavily armed and numerically superior Chinese force. Despite the challenging conditions and the risk to their lives, these brave soldiers stood firm, fearlessly defending the nation’s borders. They engaged in hand-to-hand combat, displaying exceptional physical and mental strength against the odds stacked against them.

The incident in Galwan Valley shed light on the expansionist ambitions of the CCP and its disregard for international norms and agreements. The CCP’s communist ideology, which advocates a centralized government with strict control over its citizens, fuels its expansionist agenda. China’s historical perspective portrays it as the centre of power, and it aims to assert its influence beyond its borders, often disregarding the rights and interests of other countries.

The ideological differences between the two nations further complicate their relationship. India, as the world’s largest democracy, embraces a pluralistic society and respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other nations. In contrast, China’s communist regime operates with centralized control and often seeks to undermine democratic values.

As the Indian Army continues to safeguard the nation’s borders, it is essential to recognize and appreciate their heroics, dedication, and sacrifices. The Galwan Valley clash will be remembered as a defining moment in the history of the Indian Army, illustrating their indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment to protecting the nation against all adversaries, including Communist expansionism. Their unwavering commitment, selflessness, and courage in the face of adversity continue to inspire and unite the nation. As a grateful nation, it is our solemn duty to remember and honour the sacrifices made by these brave soldiers. Their memory serves as a constant reminder of the priceless cost of freedom and the sacrifices made by our armed forces. The martyred soldiers of Galwan Valley will forever be etched in our hearts, reminding us of their extraordinary courage, unwavering dedication, and indomitable spirit.

Let us commemorate the martyred soldiers of Galwan, honouring their sacrifice and holding their families in our thoughts. Their legacy will continue to inspire generations, reminding us of the extraordinary bravery exhibited by our soldiers and reaffirming our commitment to safeguarding our nation’s honour and sovereignty.

How AI based chat GPT is ruining the critical thinking of youth especially the students and leaners community?


While AI technologies, including chatbots and language models, can be powerful tools for learning and information retrieval, they should not be seen as a substitute for critical thinking, human interaction, or traditional education. It’s crucial to strike a balance between utilizing AI tools and fostering human cognitive skills.

Here are a few points to consider:

  1. Dependency: Overreliance on AI-based tools can hinder the development of critical thinking skills. If young people rely solely on AI models for information and answers, they may miss out on the opportunity to think independently, evaluate multiple perspectives, and engage in creative problem-solving.
  2. Research skills: While AI models can provide instant responses, they may not always guarantee accuracy or depth of information. It is important for students to learn how to conduct independent research, evaluate sources, and critically analyze information to develop their research skills.
  3. Communication skills: Constant interaction with AI models may reduce the practice of effective communication with real individuals. Developing interpersonal skills, empathy, active listening, and the ability to articulate thoughts are essential for personal growth and successful collaboration.
  4. Ethical considerations: AI models learn from the data they are trained on, which may include biases and inaccuracies present in the training data. It is crucial to be aware of these limitations and encourage a critical understanding of the information generated by AI models.
  5. Supervision and guidance: Young people should have appropriate supervision and guidance while using AI tools. Parents, educators, and policymakers play a significant role in helping young learners navigate the digital landscape responsibly and effectively.

It’s important to note that AI technologies can also offer numerous benefits, such as improved accessibility to information, language learning support, and personalized tutoring. However, striking a balance between utilizing AI tools and nurturing critical thinking, creativity, and social skills is crucial to ensure the holistic development of youth.

Negative impact of AI based CHAT GPT on Learners

While AI-based chatbots like ChatGPT can be valuable learning tools, there are potential negative impacts that need to be considered. Here are a few concerns regarding the negative impact of AI-based chatbots on learners:

Superficial understanding: ChatGPT and similar models provide quick answers and solutions, but they may not promote deep understanding or critical thinking. Learners may become more focused on finding the right answer rather than understanding the underlying concepts, which can hinder their ability to apply knowledge in real-world scenarios.

Reduced effort and motivation: If learners consistently rely on AI chatbots for answers, they may develop a habit of seeking instant solutions without putting in the necessary effort. This can lead to decreased motivation and a reduced willingness to engage in challenging tasks or problem-solving that requires persistence and cognitive effort.

Inaccurate or biased information: AI models learn from the data they are trained on, which can include biases, inaccuracies, or outdated information. Learners may unknowingly adopt and perpetuate these biases if they solely rely on AI chatbots for information, without critically evaluating or verifying the responses they receive.

Limited social interaction: Excessive dependence on AI chatbots may reduce opportunities for face-to-face interactions, collaborative learning, and social engagement. Interpersonal skills, such as communication, empathy, and teamwork, are crucial for personal and professional growth, and learners need real-life interactions to develop these skills effectively.

Ethical concerns: AI chatbots can be programmed to mimic human-like responses, which can lead to ethical dilemmas. Learners might unknowingly develop emotional connections or rely on chatbots for emotional support, but it is important to remember that these models lack genuine emotions and understanding.

To mitigate these potential negative impacts, it is important to use AI-based chatbots as complementary tools, not replacements for human guidance and interaction. Educators and parents should encourage critical thinking, emphasize the importance of deep understanding, and provide guidance to ensure learners use AI tools responsibly. Striking a balance between AI technology and human-centric learning approaches is key to maximizing the benefits and minimizing the negative impacts on learners.

Dr. Gaurav Jangra

Assistant Professor (Commerce and Management)

Chandigarh University

Bangladesh opposition leader patronized insurgency inside India

Tarique Rahman, key leader of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), who has been spending millions of dollars towards lobbyist activities in the United States, United Kingdom and other European nations is a convicted terrorist.

On August 21, 2004, at the direct instructions of Tarique Rahman, terrorists of BNP along with members of militancy outfits such as Harkat-ul-Jihad (HuJI) had launched grenade attacks targeting Sheikh Hasina and leaders of Awami League. According to the court verdict, this gruesome attack was a well-orchestrated plan through abuse of state power.

And all the accused, including BNP Senior Vice Chairman Tarique Rahman and former top intelligence officials, were found guilty and handed down various punishments for the grenade attacks that killed 24 people and injured scores. In the murder case, Tarique and 18 others were sentenced to life in prison.

The conviction of these once influential politicians, former top officials of police, DGFI, NSI, CID and top HuJI militants exposes the meticulously-devised plan and abuse of state machinery to not only carry out the attack, but also to mislead the investigation.

In the verdict, Judge Shahed Nuruddin of Speedy Trial Tribunal-1 said: “The specialized deadly Arges grenades that are used in wars were blasted at the Awami League’s central office at 23 Bangabandhu Avenue in broad daylight with the help of the then state machinery. The prosecution has been able to prove that the accused held meetings to conspire in different places before the incident and blasted grenades in a planned manner”.

“After the assassination of the Father of the Nation on August 15, 1975, four national leaders were murdered inside the jail as part of a conspiracy. But the conspiracy did not stop there, it rather continued”, the court noted.

“Later, an evil effort was made to make the Awami League leaderless on August 21, 2004”.

Quoting the testimony of prosecution witness Abdur Rashid, who was junior vice president of an Islamist outfit named Al-Markazul Islami Bangladesh, the court said accused Sheikh Farid, Hannan, Abu Taher, Tajuddin and the witness himself went to Hawa Bhaban, known to be the alternative center of power, in Banani in mid-August of 2004 on a microbus.

A little later Tarique showed up there, reads the judgment.

In his confessional statement, Hannan also said they went to Hawa Bhaban on a microbus of Al-Markazul Islami Bangladesh and met Tarique Rahman along with few other leaders of BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami as well as top officials of intelligence agencies.

They were assured of all kinds of administrative support in the meeting when Tarique Rahman told them to carry out the plan. 

The prime target of the attack was AL President Sheikh Hasina, then opposition leader. But Hasina, now the prime minister, narrowly survived as some of her party leaders protected her by forming a human shield around her. She, however, suffered injuries to her ear.

In February 2018, Tarique Rahman and his mother Khaleda Zia were sentenced to 10 years in the Zia Orphanage Trust corruption case. Tarique, who has been living in London since September 2008, was also sentenced to seven years in jail in a money laundering case in 2016.

Tarique Rahman behind insurgency inside India

Major General Gaganjit Singh, former Deputy Director General of India’s Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), said BNP acting chairman Tarique Rahman was the mastermind of 10 truck arms haul in Chattogram [Chittagong] in 2004. 

Talking to India Today and a television channel in Bangladesh, he said the arms were being supplied under direct patronization of the then BNP-Jamaat alliance to use Bangladesh as a sanctuary.

Ten trucks full of arms seized at Chittagong in April 2004 was meant not only for the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) but also for a few other rebel groups in India’s northeast to destabilize the country, he added.

“But he was operating in close coordination with DGFI and some NSI officials who had close links with Tarique Rahman (current acting chairman of BNP) and his cronies in what was then referred to as Hawa Bhaban (political office of BNP)”, disclosed Singh. The arms were being supplied by taking advantage of the BNP-Jamaat alliance to use Bangladesh as a sanctuary, Singh revealed.

Milk Wars – Milma must “shape-up” or “ship-out”!


In the late 1980s and early 1990s, I vividly remember the Indian government’s bold economic reforms, aimed at embracing foreign investment and fostering competition. However, the Indian industry was gripped with restlessness and fear, as they anticipated the challenges of facing foreign investors and the prospect of uneven competition.

In response to this predicament, a formidable force known as the ‘Bombay Club’ emerged. Comprised of influential Indian industrialists and business leaders, this group became a staunch advocate for protectionism and government intervention to safeguard the interests of domestic companies.

These concerns led to sleepless nights and an undeniable sense of ‘shivers’ within the Indian industry. The notion of competing on an equal footing with foreign counterparts seemed daunting and filled with uncertainty. However, little did they know that the winds of change were blowing, and India’s economic landscape was about to undergo a profound transformation.

Fast forward to 2023, and the dynamics have undergone a dramatic shift. India has not only opened its doors to foreign direct investment (FDI) but has also wholeheartedly embraced the principles of free trade. Indian companies, once apprehensive, have risen to the challenge, fearlessly locking horns with multinational giants on a level playing field.

Exposure to the unforgiving global markets has left Indian companies with no choice but to elevate their game. Survival and success are no longer only of the “fittest” or “strongest” but also of companies who can quickly adapt to the massive changes happening in the turf.

This paradigm shift in mindset and the evolving economic landscape have effectively challenged the antiquated protectionist beliefs of the Bombay Club, transcending beyond its influence across India. However, regrettably, the same cannot be said for the current Communist-Marxist government of Kerala.

The recent “milk wars” between `Nandini` of Karnataka and `Milma` of Kerala serve as a striking reminder of the parallel between the protectionist mentality of the Bombay Club in the 1990s and the Kerala government’s resistance to competition. The contentious remarks emanating from Chinchu Rani, the Kerala State Minister for Animal Husbandry & Dairy Development, reflect a determination to shield local milk cooperatives from external forces. This mindset harks back to an archaic era, reminiscent of India in the 1990s.

As India strides towards the future, it is imperative that Kerala’s dairy industry, shed the vestiges of protectionism and align themselves with the principles that govern success in today’s interconnected and fiercely competitive environment.

A quick look at the NDDB data reveals some key insights:

  • Amul boasts the highest procurement ratio, signifying their ability to source a larger volume of milk per farmer when compared to the other two companies.
  • On the other hand, Milma demonstrates the lowest procurement ratio, indicating a relatively smaller volume of milk procured per farmer.
  • Nandini exhibits the highest price realization ratio, implying that they generate more revenue per liter of milk procured compared to their counterparts.
  • Amul follows closely with the second-highest price realization ratio, while Milma lags behind with the lowest price realization ratio.

Considering the procurement, farmer engagement, and price realization ratios, Nandini stands out as the most prominent company among the three.

While private milk producers in Kerala are surging ahead, Kerala cooperatives have been mired in politics and shady dealings. Evidently, Kerala government cannot sustain an economy with subsidies, and it is high time that Kerala`s dairy cooperatives, operate independently.

The Marxist Kerala State government seems to treat dairy cooperatives as their private institutions because they are vote banks. Such concerns are not unfounded as there have been several instances where state government used subsidies as bait to control these huge conglomerations of milk producers, in Kerala.

Dairy farmers in Kerala are so well pampered that they get the highest per litre milk procurement price in the country. Milk production costs therefore is the highest in Kerala compared to neighboring States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu.

A private Kerala farmer with two healthy and productive jersey cows may earn Rs 400-500/day. However, he will also incur a cost of Rs 200-250/day. On the contrary, there are huge benefits of being part of a cooperative. Milk producers have a veterinarian on call; artificial insemination is done at a nominal rate or for free, depending on the society; you get cattle feed at factory prices and can avail interest-free loans from the cooperative.

What more could a Kerala dairy farmer ask for? The icing on the cake is the fully Kerala State funded annual festival bonus doled out from the State exchequer that the Kerala cooperatives shares with its members. All this put together makes the per liter procurement price paid to Kerala cooperatives, the highest in India!

Survival in today’s globalized world depends on being the fittest, most efficient, and offering the best quality at the lowest cost to customers. Companies like MILMA, which fail to adapt and improve, may face the consequence of being forced out of the market. MILMA must on the contrary, embrace competition and enhance their competitiveness to thrive in the marketplace.

In this competitive new India, there are only “winners” or “losers”. Milma must therefore “shape-up” or will have to “ship-out”!

“Education for All: Empowering Minds, Transforming Lives” 


The process of learning information, skills, values, and attitudes through various formal and informal ways is referred to as education. It is a lifetime adventure that allows people to grow intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically. 

Education is essential because it unlocks human potential and shapes a better future for individuals, communities, and societies. It equips people with information, skills, and opportunities, giving them the tools, they need to thrive in life. Education not only provides students with vital academic information, but it also fosters critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a desire to study for the rest of one’s life. It fosters personal development, self-confidence, and a feeling of purpose, allowing people to find and follow their passions.

Furthermore, education fosters social cohesiveness, tolerance, and understanding by exposing people to different points of view and cultivating empathy. It propels economic progress by fostering innovation, productivity, and competitiveness. Education is the foundation of progress, allowing people to break the cycle of poverty, eliminate inequality, and contribute to long-term development. Education is the means through which civilizations may create a more inclusive, egalitarian, and enlightened society for current and future generations. 

In recent years, India has made considerable strides in upgrading its educational system. The literacy rate, which measures the proportion of people aged 7 and above who can read and write, has been gradually rising. According to the 2011 census, India’s literacy rate was about 74.04%. It is crucial to remember that literacy rates vary by area within India. Some states have attained better literacy rates, while others continue to struggle to provide a decent education to all students. 

Measure government should take to ensure education for all are 

Universal Access and Enrolment: Governments must prioritise and ensure that all children have equal access to education, regardless of socioeconomic background, gender, or region. This entails ensuring an adequate supply of schools, classrooms, and educational facilities in both urban and rural locations, particularly in marginalised groups.

Efforts should be taken to reduce enrolment hurdles, such as lowering school fees, providing transportation, and resolving cultural or societal barriers that hinder groups from gaining access to education. 

Inclusion is critical to ensuring that children with disabilities, those from marginalised areas, and those facing socioeconomic issues have equitable access to school. To meet the various requirements of learners, specialised support and accommodations should be offered. Creating accessible classrooms, offering assistive technologies, and educating instructors to promote inclusive practises are all part of this. 

Gender gaps in Education: Efforts should be made to reduce gender gaps in education. This includes tackling cultural, societal, and economic impediments to education for girls, such as child marriage, gender-based violence, and discrimination. Scholarships, female role models in education, and secure learning spaces are all strategies that can assist promote gender equality in education. 

Partnerships and Resource Allocation: Collaboration between governments, civil society organisations, and international organisations is critical for ensuring universal education. Education should be given adequate financial resources, and attempts should be made to raise extra funds through partnerships and new finance systems. 

When implemented collectively and with long-term commitment, these approaches can assist guarantee that education is accessible, inclusive, and of high quality for all persons, therefore contributing to personal growth, societal advancement, and economic success. 

To summarise, education for everyone is critical for people, communities, and society. It is a basic right that empowers individuals, promotes personal growth, and provides them with the information and skills necessary to manage the world’s complexity.

Education fosters social cohesiveness, tolerance, and comprehension, establishing the groundwork for inclusive and peaceful communities. It provides individuals with economic possibilities, allowing them to break free from the cycle of poverty, reduce inequality, and contribute to long-term development. Education is a driving force for progress, allowing people to attain their full potential, make educated decisions, and actively engage in democratic processes.

We create the path for a brighter and more prosperous future by investing in education and ensuring that it is accessible, inclusive, and of high quality.  

Electric vehicles: A boon or a curse?


As the Technology is evolving, new innovations, and inventions are happening in the world. The Innovation and incubation happens, the life of mankind became more easy and comfort. Nowadays Electric Vehicle(s) is star of the year. After Tesla Inc. huge success, and market share in electric vehicle, all the other competitor’s gone crazy to manufacture, assemble, or produce Electric Vehicles (EV).

Currently Electric vehicle market capturing rapidly increasing due to craze, but only in Developed Nation, in our nation (India), we still using conventional Combustion Engine, which is cheaper and affordable in price for Average Indian, and since the electric vehicle is something new, for which we have to learn to adapt.

Electric vehicle lacks in manual gear transmission system, and it also may feels like a toy, since the vibration and sound is minimal. These all are good, so now we come to point that why Electric vehicle craze is increasing, and people preferring it.

See, the first things comes to mind, when we say EV, is petrol, and exhaust gas, after burning petrol, as per my previous article on fossil present and electric future, I mentioned n numbers of things, and somehow this is related to that. So in this, I am writing particularly in EV perspective.

So, as we know that increase in pollution, specially air pollution, causing lungs problem, people are unable to breathe properly. In addition to this, Gases which are being exhaust from the vehicle is promoting global warming, and rises in temperature of the environment which causes unwanted condition for living being.

And due to inflation in the whole world, by multiple factor, and dominance of few in Crude oil industry like Middle East, and Russia, and others. They enjoy this dominance, which is not wrong, but it is problematic for developing and poor nation, because ultimately everyone needs energy to fulfil life.

So, as an alternative, for daily use transportation, and travelling in personal and small commercial level, electric vehicles are quite good alternatives, this saves the cost of Fuel, and also not release CO CO2, like harmful gases. Only for charging too, they consume electricity but cost to person is quite minimal as compared to natural fuel like petrol and diesel.

The cost of one unit of electricity is ₹6.10 per unit where as petrol cost ₹107.24 per litre and diesel cost ₹94.27 per litre. which means if vehicle takes suppose 3 units electricity to charge and runs upto 100KM, which cost just ₹18.30, where as conventional Combustion engine vehicle runes upto 100KM in 6.6 lite petrol (15KM/ Litre) then its cost 107 x 6.6 = ₹706.2 means 38.5x cheaper than conventional. This prove mathematical calculation prove that yes, electric vehicles is money saver.

From Safety point of view also, the Electric vehicles are more advanced and secure than older vehicles, yeah the upgraded version of older vehicles are also advanced and secure, but I am pointing towards connectivity, and alerts, electric vehicles, tree equipped with New advanced iOT devices, which is lacking in even upgraded version of fuel vehicles, and since the electric vehicles have lots of spaces in the chassis, due to lack of combustion engine, and it weight is also little lighter so we have more rooms for luggages.

Nitin Gadkari, Minister of Road Transport and Highway, remarked few points for electric vehicle which boost the industries, and employment in india, and will help in improving Economic growth of India.

  1. Emphasis on Electric Vehicles: Nitin Gadkari has been a vocal proponent of electric vehicles and has emphasized the need to promote their adoption in India. He has highlighted the environmental benefits and potential economic advantages of EVs.
  2. Push for Manufacturing: Gadkari has expressed the vision to make India a global manufacturing hub for electric vehicles and their components. He has emphasized the importance of domestic production and reducing reliance on imports.
  3. Incentives and Policies: Gadkari has supported the introduction of various incentives, subsidies, and policies to encourage the production and adoption of electric vehicles in India. These include financial incentives for manufacturers, tax benefits for consumers, and promoting research and development in the EV sector.
  4. Charging Infrastructure: Gadkari has stressed the need to develop a robust charging infrastructure across the country to support the widespread adoption of electric vehicles. He has advocated for the installation of charging stations along highways, in cities, and at public places.
  5. Collaboration and Partnerships: Gadkari has called for collaboration between the government, industry stakeholders, and international players to promote electric vehicle manufacturing and establish partnerships for technology transfer and investment in the sector.

Currently, Elon Musk follows Prime minister Modi, on twitter, this indicates that Elon musk is interested in doing business in india, and shall comply indian rules and regulations which already remarked by Mr. Gadkari in meet with press:

  • Welcoming Tesla to India: Nitin Gadkari has expressed his enthusiasm for Tesla entering the Indian market and has welcomed the company’s decision to establish a presence in the country. He has stated that Tesla’s entry will not only boost electric vehicle adoption in India but also create employment opportunities.
  • Collaboration and Investment: Gadkari has emphasized the possibility of collaboration and investment opportunities between Tesla and Indian companies. He has encouraged Tesla to consider setting up manufacturing facilities in India and explore partnerships with local businesses to promote the growth of the electric vehicle industry.
  • Indian Market Potential: Nitin Gadkari has highlighted the vast market potential for electric vehicles in India, considering the country’s population and the need for sustainable transportation solutions. He has expressed confidence that Tesla’s entry could help catalyse the EV market and drive its expansion.

It seems that Elon Musk and his Tesla is on serious mood, for Indian Market, and currently lithiums found in Indian States, which is great source for making batteries, as currently 97.6% batteries in the world using Lithium chemical, only 2.4% using lead acid batteries, which is only for household, or in old technology. For each and every lithium batteries devices, we (India) needs to import batteries made in china, which boost the Chinese economy, and decreases our forex. So by these indian reserves, we can fulfil our lithium needs, to prepare battery.

Now all these above are the goods things, which help us to improve our lifestyle, saves money, increases employment….etc, but everything comes with a cost.

Now what are the cost we need to pay:

  1. The price of Electric vehicles are itself costlier than combustion engine vehicles with accessories.
  2. The potential of Electric vehicle is less to carry loads to it, as Combustion engine vehicles generates more energy to carry the loads.
  3. Since the Lithium is Highly flammable and a kind of explosive, it can catches fire as it heated, many cases has been found within our countries, where electric vehicles catches fire randomly.
  4. Running capacity is dependent on loads, battery size, if the size is big, then it will cost more and become heavy, whereas combustion engine vehicles runs exactly same or even more every ride.

Now comes to one of the serious problem, in our country which is waste management, this thing is not taken seriously from individual level, we throw our waste here n there, not dumping waste properly…etc.
So, when we are mining so much of Lithium to make batteries, ultimately we are depleting natural resources, and one day somehow it will also completely vanish, like fossil fuel. So we are polluting our environment. In Fuel vehicle we burning small amount of fuel, ultimately the gases exhaust from vehicles are in less number, as compared to carbon emission from thermal power plant to generate electricity, because for electric vehicles battery charging, we will need Alternating current, which comes to our homes, and India uses 44% of the total energy source from Coal, which means thermal power plants. So in my view, electrification of vehicle will produce more pollution, as compared to pollution created by fuel vehicles.

Next challenge is e-waste management, because in the current world, n numbers of devices are active, which runs on battery power, suppose I have 3 devices, 2 accessories, ….etc, means 10-12 devices per house, and the total population of the world is approx. 8.2 Billion, means batteries can be around 12 Billion, and still 1 Billion in production for next upcoming products, these numbers shows, actual scary truth of waste material. In my personal Experience, I have tons of e-waste, which I wished to recycle, or I contacted the re-cycle organisation, but no one accepted that waste, and industries generating the same waste yearly.

So when we will make vehicles, ultimately we are adding n numbers of batteries on earth, and some day they will exhaust, so what we will do after it ?

The Waste management infrastructure is not upto the mark in our country, and no common individual taking this things seriously, then only know about normal waste like plastic, and natural waste, which decomposes. Government Authorities, and Common individuals, both needs to take step, to think on concern e-waste management, as even todays, big organisation have waste computer dumped in the corner, which is of no use, so why not they should recycle, or gave to recycling organisation, by this way we can minimise waste, can assure that creating more computers, and peripherals will not create extra waste.

We should assure that parts of vehicle, from screws to engine, to every parts should be recyclable, and reused, after certain period. Before setting up new industry, government and company both should ensure public, that they will strictly comply rules for waste/ e-waste management. Many scientist, and researchers are hardly working on it, and I am sure that it will take some time, but before planning waste management, government should not take initiation to set up new industry.

I would like to conclude, that electric vehicle is boon only when we create in limited numbers, until we successfully manage the waste we create, otherwise it will definitely a curse for upcoming generation.

The power of social media: Unleashing connection, engagement, and influence


In the digital age, social media has emerged as a force to be reckoned with. From connecting people across continents to driving global movements, its influence is undeniable. Social media platforms have transformed the way we communicate, bringing individuals closer than ever before. In this article, we explore the power of social media and its ability to unleash connection, engagement, and influence.

First and foremost, social media has revolutionized the way we connect with one another. Long gone are the days of pen pals and snail mail. With a few taps on a screen, we can instantly reach out to friends, family, and even strangers from different corners of the globe.

The barriers of distance and time zones have been shattered, enabling real-time conversations and fostering a sense of global community. Whether it’s through sharing photos, posting updates, or engaging in discussions, social media platforms have become virtual meeting places that bring people together.

Moreover, social media has become a powerful tool for engagement. It has democratized the ability to share ideas, opinions, and stories with a vast audience. Individuals and organizations alike can use social media platforms to amplify their voices and raise awareness about issues that matter to them.

From grassroots movements to charitable initiatives, social media has become a catalyst for change, allowing individuals to mobilize support and rally behind causes. It has given rise to a new era of activism, where ordinary citizens can make a significant impact with just a single post or tweet.

In addition to connection and engagement, social media wields a remarkable level of influence. With billions of users worldwide, social media platforms have become arenas of public discourse and debate. News spreads faster than ever as stories and events are shared, liked, and commented on, often leading to viral sensations.

This instantaneous dissemination of information has empowered individuals to shape public opinion and challenge traditional sources of authority. It has also prompted a new era of social accountability, where brands, public figures, and institutions are held to a higher standard due to the collective scrutiny of social media users.

However, it is essential to acknowledge the potential pitfalls of social media as well. The same power that fuels connection, engagement, and influence can also breed misinformation, cyberbullying, and the erosion of privacy. Social media algorithms designed to maximize engagement can create echo chambers and filter bubbles, reinforcing existing beliefs and polarizing communities. It is crucial for users to approach social media with a critical mindset, fact-check information, and foster respectful and constructive dialogue.

In conclusion, social media has transformed the way we connect, engage, and influence the world around us. Its ability to bridge distances, spark conversations, and empower individuals is unprecedented. With great power comes great responsibility, and it is up to us, as users, to harness the potential of social media for positive change.

By leveraging its power wisely, we can foster meaningful connections, drive engagement on important issues, and ultimately shape a more connected and inclusive global community.

Scams and crimes: Digital world black-side


As I wrote previous article regarding mobiles phones, digital world, toddler, and teen, etc. In this I would like to add more points which I thinks important to mention.

Currently there is news is in highlights, of International WhatsApp Calls, where you were offered a jobs to do, as part time, or full time, with luring amount of money. As the employment problems are there in our country, and as well as in whole world due to recession, and pandemic, people needs money and work to fuel up their stomach, and to live their livelihood. And they are helpless in such a condition that to earn money they are ready to do anything, at last it’s matter of survival.

Now, criminals and burglars are taking advantage of the necessity and compulsion of the job. Those who are aware, are safe enough that they can’t be cheated, but those don’t knows the things, but uses smartphones, and get tricked easily, as I mentioned in previous article, the smartphones or internet users and much more than actual computer literate, which means using internet and smartphones, and knowing the working are two different things. So I will suggest that, don’t even answer to these types of WhatsApp calls/ messages. Many of are scammed, but hope, that they gave lesson to others. Even I myself scammed in 2018-19, when I was not enough knowledgable about scams, and fraud, modus operandi, freelancing, but thanks that it was only of ₹2,000 which of course not a small amount but yes gave me great lesson.

Now comes to blackmail/ Extortion WhatsApp Video call, in 2020-21, there was very popular cyber crime/ cyber bully is online extortion by capturing video call recording of people while having video call with naked women, and blackmailing to make the recording viral, many people lost their lots of money, to avoid their infamy.

Teenagers of 13-19 years have more excitement to knows the things before time, and criminals target them as main, because of harmonal changes, they always attract with opposite gender, and tries to make friendship, or to talk with opposite gender which is not wrong, but if they didn’t succeed in real world, they tries to find the same in digital world, as they watched movies, tv-serial, web series, fancy artificial good story, and think the same in real life, that some unknown will become good friend. And there he/ she became the prey for predator.

In current generation, “show off culture” is quite popular among teenagers to show himself/ herself great, who just wants to grab attention, by presenting themselves as belongs to rich family. In the time of social media, each and everyone in rush to show them how rich I am. By showing watches, phones, glasses, cars, and what not.

Even they borrow first copy of the genuine just to show, and this force the criminal to assume that person is rich, and they attack, but in reality, the person is poor by both, money and connections, and they suffer lots, and fear of infamy resist them to take help of judicial, and constitution. The one who manage themselves mentally escape, but who don’t, either they suicide to escape, or starts selling each and everything which they owns, they can’t even tells to their parents as they know they had done sin, and they will get nice scolding, but they should think before, or have courage to face parents.

So “as rich teens”, they are being targeted and blackmailed as same as fake naked video calls. Now poor in real, how can arrange such a heft amount? This is why “Computer Literacy” needs to be improved, or literacy can’t be helpful as in current digital world.

In the digital world, 95.5% people are fake, no matter you know them, you chat with, you have long conversation…etc, don’t believe unless you verify it from all 3 dimension.

Human Trafficking is one of the serious issue in all over the world, no authority, or concerned organisation abled to crack it down, it is very complex, vast nexus, and they target to those, who are emotionally and mentally far from their near and dear ones, specially from parents, as I mentioned above, todays youth, assumes digital friends to be real one, and confess everything to them, from A – Z, which can surely have some potential security threat.

Nowadays, Dating Apps is one of the popular way to get details of girls, who to target, as many girls become victim of human trafficking, through dating app, because no one knows that person is genuine or not. Teens at age of 16-19 wished to be in relationships, and then do one mistake called online dating, In some cases, the friend might be well-wisher, and can help, but not necessarily that everyone is same.

So I request to all parents, only 5 minutes a day, but kindly give them time, and monitor them, that what they are doing, whom they are getting connected and contacted, any behaviour changes, pattern changes, tonality of talking to you, …etc. Because there are lots of cases, where friends tends to be criminal, or member criminals group, which mislead and can do something wrong, before it’s too late.

Human trafficking are done basically with mainly 2-3 motives:

  • Girls for Sexual prostitutions
  • Child and Boys for Organs, and drugs trafficking via their body

You can visit United Nation (UN) websites, to know about figures, as it is quite haunting.

Now would like to talk about the addiction of Social media, in current toddler, youth, and even elders, is dopamine, the whole infrastructure of social media sites is designed in such a way, that whenever you visit, you will get some interesting to watch, and the longer you surf, the longer will dopamine will release, and release of dopamine makes you feel relaxed and happy, just for duration of time, and then after you return to normal state, which is not so much exciting, so you wish to go back in same state, and you continue to visit again and again just to avoid reality.

In the youth, porn industry, or anythings like acts, meme, or double meaning talks plays an important role to release dopamine, which makes youth more addicted to trash, and this play roles to damage both mentally and physically. By watching these trash, youth makes perception that this is truth and this is real sex, and when did not find the same in real world they get frustrated, because till now they enjoyed the acting, now they wants to experience in real, which they can’t so for escaping from frustration, they commit serious crimes, like abduction, rapes, and even murder. And by this way, anyone can take advantage, to weak our youth generation.

And if we are talking about porn, then it is good time to talk about fake government websites. Recently it has been found that many criminals knows that most of us, watches porn, specially ignorant teens, so they faked some government websites, notifying that you are watching porn under 18, this much is fine, otherwise serious action will be taken on you by cop and newbies teenagers, fill the card details of their parents, just to save themselves from it. and not only this, even they faked the bank websites, to trick everyone.

Now comes to security and preventive methods, what we can do, to be safe in twenty-second centuries, because we can’t avoid technology, and advancement, since now it’s a integral part of our life, and we can’t imagine life without this.

So basically internet is divided into three categories:

  • Surface Web – The common open internet, useful for everyone.
  • Deep Web – The part of internet, used by organisation, researchers, doctors, ..etc to keep and protect confidential information out of reach.
  • Dark Web – This is the most secure, but most dangerous zone of internet, this part of internet is formed to keep identity secure and anonymous, and mainly formed to keep journalist secure, as they might be on target to write or speak truth, but later used by lots of hacker, cyber criminals, or wrong intention people to commit crimes.

At consumer level, or non -techie level, you can follow the certain steps, to avoid leaving your footprint, or presence in internet.

Firstly update, and upgrade your hardware and software according to needs, and time, all the companies, release OS and software updates, just to protect you from getting attacked by newly designed virus, or malware.

  • Use antivirus on Windows PC, as Linux don’t needs, but linux can’t be used by everyone.
  • Avoid using public wifi, internet, charging ports, as public charging ports can be used to “Data Juicing”.
  • Use firewall enabled system, you can search YouTube how to enable firewall on Windows or Mac.
  • Don’t plug any usb Pen-Drive found fallen on road, ground, or anywhere else to your computer, they might be “OMG or ducky drive” devices used in cyber security breaching.
  • Don’t go for cheap usb cable and pen-drive, to save money, otherwise it will cost you your bank balance. google it O.MG cable, it’s look like normal cable, but it’s actually a usb cable with hacking chip inside it.
  • Don’t go to 3rd Party or un-authorised service center, to repair your devices, specially changing motherboard, or hard disk, or any component, which stores your information. and if you are going there, be sure that your device contains nothing sensitive.
  • Use VPN, when doing banking on devices, so it’s makes internet slower but information can’t be tracked, and try to do banking at home only, not even in office.
  • Check any unwanted apps, and anything comes to your devices, without your knowledge. if yes, then remove it. Also check that which apps have permission to access which kinds of hardware, and data.
  • Never ever visits, unknown sites, which shows warning on visiting, if you don’t know the actual url.
  • Never post any personal information on Social site, I never post even a single image with my any family members or relative. only profession picture or single picture.
  • Never keeps default password, or easily guessable password to your devices, or router admin panel, or access point (Wi-Fi).
  • Always disconnect internet, when you are leaving your computer alone.
  • Always lock your devices, before leaving it alone.
  • Shut the lid of laptop, turn the web-cam, or place the phone to dark area, when you are changing dress in room and computer is there in your room.
  • Don’t accept unknown Bluetooth, or Airdrop request.

I recommend that please if anything happens, just visit to government owned sites, to complain and register grievances. Remember Government sites have url only “GOV.IN”, not any, or, .in except for few exception like, like that.

If any government or banking webpage pop up automatically to your computer screen, and don’t able to close it, just press esc Button, to see any url is visible on browser or not, visit website to read more article on this or ctrl+ shift + esc and close the browser, in Mac command(⌘) + option(⌥) + esc to forcibly close browser, if you are getting panic, and not understanding what to do.

Here’s are some list of websites, might be useful in these situations:

  1. -> To report any kind of Cyber Crime.
  2. -> To enquire lost and found mobile phones.
  3. -> To check, how many contact number is linked your aadhar, and the it will show the list, to which your number is linked on which you will request OTP generation.

In Apple Devices there is great things, that they gives option for in-built VPN. but you can access in android devices too, but downloading trusted one from Play Store. For android users, please try to avoid side loading, means downloading and installing apps from external APK file.

As I use Apple Devices, I can tell all the basic steps, just to prevent devices from other’s access.

For iPhone/ iPad:

  1. Go to settings -> Touch ID & passcode (below iPhone X) and Face ID & Passcode (iPhone X and Later) -> scroll down -> turn off all the options except return missed calls, and reply with message.
  2. Go to settings -> go to screen time (iOS 12 and later) -> content & privacy restrictions -> “Don’t Allow” passcode changes, and account changes.

For Mac:

  1. Go to system preferences (macOS 12 and below) or system settings (macOS 13 and later) -> Privacy & Security -> scroll down -> turn on FileVault, and read the document from Apple, how to use it.
  2. And don’t unlock boot menu for other operating system, nad bootable USB.

For Windows PC:

visit website

When you are using usb cable in public usb port, then try to avoid, or if you can’t then buy and use USB condom, which blocks data, and allows power to flow.

In western countries, or developed Nation, they have strict law against, these things, data management, and storage, but in our country, no one is bothered about this, nor consumer, whose information is being used to track the user behaviour, pattern, and what not, or government. Government currently manifest that they are working on infrastructure to secure our data and information. I wish kindly share the tweet of mine, where I requested the concern authority to amend the law for data protection. ->

Now I would like to conclude with short line, “Stay safe, stay Secure and don’t believe digital person”.

The realty of ‘Mughalia Saltanat’

The Islamist-Congi-Commie cabal of India never feels tired of glorifying the Mughal Empire in India. Besides constructing magnificent forts, burial tombs and tens of thousands of Mosques, Mughals did nothing for the people. Their civic and military administration, land reform and tax system were adopted from that of Sher Shah Suri, who also introduced a silver coin called Rupiya (a word of Sanskrit derivation from which the term Rupee had come). The much-publicized Ganga-Jamuni Tehzib of Mughals was an attempt to Islamize Hindu society.

Mughals spoke Turkic language among them in the palace and Farsi was their Court language. It was not only their religion of Islam which was foreign, but their dress, food habits, mores, language and customs were also foreign to India. They never got Indianised, but Mughalised India. It was the heyday of Turani and Irani people in India.

After defeating Ibrahim Lodi in First Battle of Panipat (1526 CE) Babur established the Mughal Dynasty in India. Babur then defeated Rajput king of Malwa in the Battle of Chanderi (1528) to consolidate his position. He had a large part of North India, East of Indus River under him. His capital was at Agra. Babur died in 1530 CE, that is, only four years after establishing the Mughal dynasty in India.

His son Humayun had a very difficult life. He constructed his capital at Delhi, which he named Din Panah (Asylum of Faith). In 1539 CE and 1540 CE, Sher Shah Suri, a Pathan Chief from Bihar, defeated Humayun, ousted him from Delhi and took control of the Mughal kingdom. Sher Shah Suri died in an accident in 1545 CE and his son Islam Shah also died in 1554 CE. It was after a long gap of 15 years that Humayun could take back Delhi in 1555 CE. Humayun died after one year in 1556 CE.

After the death of Humayun, his son Akbar rose to the throne in 1556 CE at the age of thirteen years. In the next few years, Akbar had to tackle the problems of consolidating his position. He was too young and there were many hostile co-religionists, including his Regent Bairam Khan, who wanted and tried to throw Akbar out. Akbar made friends with many Rajput principalities and inducted many Hindus and local Muslims, who deserved positions around him, to dilute the influence of elite Muslims of foreign origin.

Akbar’s win over the Sultan of Malwa in 1560 CE made Mughal’s foothold on Indian soil permanent. Mughal rule in India started to ascend thereafter. Akbar was followed by direct successive descendants, namely, Jahangir, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb.

After the death of Aurangzeb in 1707 CE, thirteen insignificant Mughal emperors ruled for 150 years up to 1857 CE. But the largest Mughal Empire of Aurangzeb lost its power, and started getting shrunk each year. The Mughal rulers became titular heads only. After the failed Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 CE, the British Crown officially took over as the ruler of India.

Though officially Mughals ruled India for about 325 years from 1526 CE (first battle of Panipat) to 1857 CE (Sepoy mutiny). But in actuality, its glorious period spanned only for 147 years between the battle of Malwa in 1560 CE and death of Aurangzeb in 1707 CE.

Ironically, when Western world was engaged in discovering new places on Earth, as well as, new scientific discoveries and inventions and when Europe went through Industrial Revolution; – Mughal empire was clueless about the progress of mankind and remained in mediaeval set-up. In the education sector, Mughal encouraged Islamic Studies through thousands of Madrassas only.

The main contribution of Mughals in India was Islam and its spread across the sub-continent through coercion, incentive and Jihadi Sufis. Mughals never went back to their home in Central Asia as they lost it permanently during the time of Babur. Their Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, Lal Qila and Lahore Fort etc were constructed for their interest by the money and sweat of local people.

During the Mughal period gold, silver and different kinds of costly gifts worth hundreds of millions of rupees were sent to Mecca, Medina and Central Asian Muslim scholars and pious Muslims. In Akbar’s time 15,000 annual Hajj pilgrims were sponsored by the Mughal treasury. Draining of India’s wealth for Islamic causes was commonplace in the Mughal period.

India’s GDP contribution was 28 percent to world GDP in 1526 CE, when the Mughal dynasty was established in India. But at the end of the Mughal dynasty in 1857 CE, it was reduced to 16 percent. So, prosperity and development of India and Indians under the so-called glorious Mughal, when claimed by the Islamist-Congi-Commie cabal of India, become hollow at the best and fraudulent at the worst.

Saba Naqvi, a journalist of India sarcastically tweeted as late as on 5 April 2023, “I guess our great grandchildren must not know who built the Taj Mahal”. She said so on the basis of a fake propaganda that the BJP government has erased Mughals from Indian history. Saba Naqvi represented the mind-set of 200 million of Indian Muslims, unless proved otherwise.

In today’s estimation, the cost of constructing Taj Mahal was about 53 billion of rupees and each single rupee was paid by common Indians. Some 22,000 workers toiled for 20 years to construct the grave tomb of the most favourite queen of Shah Jahan. The Islamic conversion process in the Mughal period created a lot of Pasmanda Muslims in India, who are today’s stone pelters and violent rioters for the cause of Islam. Today, these Pasmanda Muslims also consider themselves as descendants of Mughals.

Audrey Truschke, a young Western historian, has depicted Mughals, particularly Aurangzeb, as Hindu-loving, Sanskrit-loving, tolerant, open-hearted and secular kings, who never tried to push conversion in India. Her history of conversion of Indian Hindus is wishful and un-Islamic. Muslim theology gave three options to Kafir: conversion, death or dhimmitude.

Moreover Dawa (proselyting) has been an important religious obligation of all Muslims. Mughal kings were also in direct contact with Mecca and its Islamic influence. Thus, Audrey’s efforts to show pious Muslim Mughal kings as secular was an insult to those kings, as well as, Islam.

Barring a few influential Hindus, whose services were required by Mughals, the status of Hindu society, Hinduism, Temples and Sanskrit teaching during the Mughal period do not support Audrey Truschke’s claim. Audrey, at the best, generalised some anecdotes of the Mughal period to push her anti-Hindu and anti-India agenda.

For a better perspective and countering Audrey Truschke thoroughly, the link given here can be visited.


About the author: Dr Jadabeswar Bhattacharjee served Government of India and retired as Higher Administrative Grade Officer after 35 years of service. After retirement from the service, he developed interest in writing on contentious issues and topics. His published books are (1) Politically incorrect Point of View, (2) Politics, Bong and Faith, (3) The Alternative Narrative, (4) The West Bengal Saga and (5) Political Islam and India.