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BJP MP Maneka Gandhi accuses ISKCON of selling cows to butchers, ISKCON denies allegations


New Delhi, India– BJP MP Maneka Gandhi has accused the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) of selling cows to butchers, calling them the “biggest cheat” in India. Gandhi made the allegations in a video that has since gone viral on social media.

According to Gandhi, ISKCON is selling all its cows to the butchers, and no one else does this as much as they do. She also claimed that there was not a single calf in the entire dairy, which means that all the cows were sold.

“ISKCON is the biggest cheater today in India. They establish Gaushalas for which they get donations from people, but they sell all their cows to the butchers,” Gandhi said in the video.

Gandhi’s allegations have sparked a controversy, with ISKCON denying the charges. In a statement, ISKCON said that it does not sell cows to butchers and that it takes care of its cows until the end of their natural lives.

“There is no truth to the allegations made by Maneka Gandhi. We take care of our cows until the end of their natural lives. We do not sell cows to butchers,” the statement read.

ISKCON also said that it has been running Gaushalas for over 50 years and that it has been recognized by the government for its work in cow protection.

“We have been running Gaushalas for over 50 years, and we have been recognized by the government for our work in cow protection. We take care of our cows with love and respect, and we do not engage in any illegal activities,” the statement added.

However, this is not the first time that ISKCON has been accused of selling cows to butchers. In 2015, the beef meat traders association accused Gandhi of making false statements about pregnant cows and milking cows getting killed. The association claimed that cow meat is brought to the shop for sale, and it is the responsibility of the government to ensure that the meat is not from illegal sources.

The controversy over Gandhi’s allegations has once again highlighted the issue of cow protection in India. Cows are considered sacred by Hindus, and the slaughter of cows is banned in many states in India. However, the ban has led to an increase in cow smuggling and illegal slaughterhouses.

In recent years, there have been several incidents of violence against people accused of cow slaughter or transporting cows for slaughter. The issue has also become politicized, with many politicians using it to gain votes.

In conclusion, the allegations made by Maneka Gandhi against ISKCON have sparked a controversy, with ISKCON denying the charges. The controversy has once again highlighted the issue of cow protection in India and the need for a more nuanced approach to the issue. It is important to ensure that cows are protected, but it is also important to ensure that the ban on cow slaughter does not lead to violence or discrimination against certain communities.

IIT Bombay food row: How fringe elements set narrative inside India’s higher institutions

A recent controversy has arisen at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, with members of the Ambedakar Periyar Phule Study Circle (APPSC), a left-leaning group, accusing the IIT administration of promoting untouchability and caste-based discrimination. The heart of the dispute revolves around the food service arrangement in a hostel mess on campus.

The Incident

In one of the postgraduate hostels, a small section of the mess area, comprising merely 3% of the total space, is used for vegetarian food by some students, their visiting parents, and sometimes, faculties. This area includes a six dining tables and a Jain food counter offering dishes devoid of any meat products.

Over time, a tradition emerged where non-vegetarian students chose not to dine at these tables out of respect for the sentiments of minority groups like Jains and vegetarians, who may be uncomfortable around meat products.

This arrangement aimed to foster diversity and inclusivity among hostel residents. It’s important to note that individuals from all backgrounds, regardless of their religion, caste, or identity, are welcome to sit in this area if they opt for vegetarian meals.

Further, some Jain and vegetarian students have deep religious convictions, and ethical and moral concerns related with meat products. To practice their faith and values, they prefer to avoid any contact with meat products. This has led them eating in a round plate, a plate different than the usual rectangular plate.

These round plates constitute just 2% of all all plates used for student dining. The rectangular plates are used for both veg and non-veg food.

Allegations of Discrimination

It is this arrangement of separate sitting space and round plates which the APPSC members accused of promoting caste-based discrimination, especially against SC/ST students. They alleged that this practice fosters division and symbolizes Brahmanism.

Moreover, they propagated false information to outside media, wrongly suggesting that only vegetarian students occupy this section and that non-vegetarian students are barred from it. Additionally, they demand the removal of the round plates, arguing that separate plates promote Brahminical supremacy.

These allegations have been debunked by the institute and hostel administration. The contentious area constitutes a tiny portion of the overall mess area and is open to anyone consuming vegetarian food, irrespective of their background.

A survey of fifty students, mostly non-vegetarian, showed that the almost everyone had no issue with this setup, as they understand and respect the concerns of Jains and vegetarians. These students also noted that they can freely choose to dine in the vegetarian section when consuming vegetarian meals.

There are also several students from SC/ST category with vegetarian dietary habits. It appears that the APPSC tried to malign the esteemed image of IIT Bombay.

Institute Committee

In July of this year, the institute, in response to allegations, imposed a moratorium on the existing vegetarian food section and established a committee to thoroughly investigate the matter and make a definitive ruling.

Following extensive deliberations and soliciting input from students, mess staff, and hostel wardens, the committee acknowledged the legitimate request for a limited number of dining tables exclusively reserved for vegetarian food options.

Towards the end of September, the institute officially communicated its decision to the student body via email, confirming the allocation of six tables exclusively for vegetarian food. However, this move quickly reignited a debate when the APPSC once again raised allegations, asserting that the institute’s decision amounted to endorsing discrimination.

Previous Controversies

This isn’t the first instance of the APPSC spreading misinformation and divisive narratives to tarnish the reputation of IIT Bombay. Five months back, when an undergraduate student Darshan Solanki died by suicide, they immediately picked up the issue and labelled the suicide as caused by caste-based discrimination.

However, they remained silent when the suicide of another student, Darshan Malviya, a PhD student, did not fit their narrative. While Solanki came from SC category, Malviya belonged to general category. Subsequent police investigations revealed that Solanki’s suicide resulted from threats and bigotry from a batch-mate of a different religion.

The APPSC and its members have consistently engaged in efforts to tarnish the reputation of India, its rich culture, and Hinduism. Be it propagating the false story of Lord Rama killing Shambuka or defaming Lord Rama by derogatory remarks, they leave left no inch to spread hate and malign Hinduism.

During a march organized in memory of Darshan Solanki, a group member made a statement linking the chant “Jai Shree Ram” with supporting caste-based discrimination. Later, after much furore on this hate-filled remark, IITB suspended the student for six months.

Similar offensive comments have been directed at revered deities such as Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesh, and Goddess Durga. The group’s behavior is paradoxical; while they supported constructing a dog shelter on campus, they vehemently protested an existing Gaushala (cow shelter).

Moreover, during the Citizenship Amendment Act protests, they engaged in actions that seemed aimed at appeasing minorities, often employing anti-Hindu and anti-India slogans under the guise of upholding secularism.

Divisive Tactics and Implications

While these incidents underscore the divisive strategies employed by these groups, their modus operandi is more intricate. In the aftermath of any incidence, they seize upon opportunities to propagate animosity among communities and undermine institutional authority.

In cases where their desired outcomes aren’t met, they resort to blaming the entire democratic system, including the institution, government and the nation-state. This trend extends beyond IIT Bombay and is observed at esteemed institutes like IIT Kanpur and IIT Madras; the later is place where they have already been banned due to their divisive hate politics.

These actions appear to be orchestrated, almost as if dormant agendas are activated upon direction from higher-ups within certain political circles form within and outside India. In this context, these groups can be seen as components of a larger network working to disrupt the harmony, progress, and unity of the Indian populace.


Ironically, the APPSC, despite claiming allegiance to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s ideals, appear to have overlooked his message. As Dr. Ambedakar said, “I want all people to be Indians first, Indian last and nothing else but Indians,” these groups must realize that in today’s time, the group’s divisive tactics and dissemination of false information are likely to prove futile. India’s identity is deeply rooted in its civilization, characterized by principles of respecting diversity and the freedom to embrace individual faiths. The existence of a designated space where individuals can enjoy meals without compromising their faith and values is a manifestation of these principles.

Joe Biden’s disastrous blunder may turn Bangladesh into a neo-Taliban state

Joe Biden’s recent actions may have severe consequences for Bangladesh, potentially turning it into a neo-Taliban state. Following the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, many Afghans who had supported and collaborated with US forces were left in a vulnerable position, targeted by extremist groups. Now, Biden is making a similar mistake in Bangladesh, a South Asian country, by seemingly supporting Islamist forces with a long history of anti-American, anti-Semitic, and anti-Western sentiments, where these Islamist bigots were on-record setting fire on American flag and chanted slogans such as – “Death to America” or “We shall become Taliban, Bangla [Bangladesh] will be Afghan”.

During the 2001-2006 rule of the coalition government of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), there were several incidents in Bangladesh where American flags were burnt by protesters. These protests were often triggered by various factors, including political developments, international events, and public sentiment.

Here are a few notable incidents:

Protests Against the Iraq War (2003): One of the significant incidents of flag burning occurred in Bangladesh during the lead-up to and aftermath of the Iraq War in 2003. Many Bangladeshis were opposed to the US-led invasion of Iraq, viewing it as unjust and a violation of international law. As a result, there were protests in different parts of the country where American flags were burned as a symbol of opposition to US foreign policy.

Protests Over the Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal (2004): The revelation of prisoner abuse and torture at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq in 2004 led to global outrage. In Bangladesh, this incident sparked protests, and some demonstrators expressed their anger by burning American flags.

Political Protests (Various Years): Bangladesh has a history of political unrest, and during this period, there were numerous political protests and demonstrations. Some of these protests targeted the US government for its perceived involvement or influence in Bangladeshi politics. As a result, American flags were sometimes burnt during these political demonstrations.

Protests Against US Foreign Policy (Ongoing): The burning of American flags as a form of protest continued to be a recurring theme in Bangladesh, not limited to the period from 2001 to 2006. Some individuals and groups in Bangladesh have used this symbol to express their opposition to various aspects of US foreign policy, including its involvement in the Middle East and other international conflicts.

Meanwhile, in a concerning move, the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and officials at the State Department are actively pushing an agenda in Bangladesh that supports Islamist groups, including Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) and Hefazat-e-Islam (HeI). Meanwhile, the US ambassador in Dhaka, Peter D. Haas, has been seen associating with those who burn American flags and has even threatened Bangladeshi media outlets with visa-related consequences to push them into becoming propaganda machines for these Islamist forces. What is particularly alarming is that Washington seems to allow its envoy in Dhaka to openly express support for Islamists and anti-American forces, with Haas behaving more like a political activist than a diplomat, which can be tantamount to violating Vienna Convention.

According to the Vienna Convention, diplomats should respect the laws and regulations of the host country and refrain from interfering in its internal affairs. However, Haas and members of the US Embassy in Bangladesh are consistently violating these rules, potentially leading to the host country declaring them persona non grata and expelling them.

It appears that American diplomats are disregarding the Vienna Convention because they are instructed by President Biden and Secretary Blinken to meddle in Bangladesh’s domestic affairs. This agenda could lead to increased instability and uncertainty in Bangladesh and create an environment conducive to pro-Caliphate and pro-Sharia Islamist groups such as BNP and Jamaat gaining power. This, in turn, might serve American interests in exploiting natural resources, gaining economic benefits, and using Bangladesh as a base for destabilizing neighboring countries like India, Myanmar, and China.

Unfortunately, these actions align with Joe Biden’s history of using his position to exert pressure, as seen in his past involvement in Ukraine when it initiated an investigation into financial crimes related to Burisma, a company with links to his son, Hunter Biden.

Burisma Holdings Limited was a holding company based in Kyiv, Ukraine for a group of energy exploration and production companies. In a report, Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs has provided a detailed description on Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden’s direct involvement in financial scandal with Burisma. The United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability in a report has provided information on Joe Biden’s influence peddling cases, while in another report, it also has provided evidences centering Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s influence peddling schemes’.

As Joe Biden faces potential challenges within his own party for re-election in 2024, he may resort to opening new conflicts worldwide to secure the Democratic nomination. However, such actions may not guarantee his success, as he could face stiff competition, particularly from Republican candidates like Donald Trump. Recent elections in the United States have raised questions about the fairness of the process, potentially further eroding trust in American democracy.

Biden’s abrupt withdrawal from Afghanistan and his involvement in the Ukraine-Russia conflict have already resulted in significant challenges for his administration. The ongoing war in Ukraine, in particular, is likely to continue for years, costing billions of American taxpayer dollars.

Furthermore, the United States has been involved in election interference in various African countries under the guise of promoting democracy. This strategy has been implemented in Iraq and Libya in the past, leading to dire consequences in those nations.

Now, turning to Joe Biden’s agenda in Bangladesh, it’s crucial to highlight the legal issues surrounding his son, Hunter Biden. Hunter is facing allegations related to gun laws and drug addiction, but the most significant concern is his alleged involvement in lobbying for the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). This party has a history of promoting anti-American sentiment and has been linked to terrorism and militancy. Hunter Biden’s association with the BNP has escalated the situation from an ethical dilemma to a potential legal and diplomatic crisis.

President Biden’s handling of this situation raises questions about his administration’s judgment and ethical stance. Some even question whether this could legally be considered treason, as it involves collaborating with an organization classified as a terrorist entity that is also anti-American. The consequences of this unfolding saga could be severe, impacting not only Hunter Biden but also the entire administration and US foreign policy.

The alleged association between Hunter Biden and the BNP, designated as a “Tier-3 Terrorist Organization” by a US court, poses a significant risk to America’s anti-terrorism efforts. Such alliances could undermine the credibility and effectiveness of American policies against terrorism worldwide.

By supporting the BNP, the Biden administration may inadvertently aid an organization with an agenda that goes against American values and foreign policy objectives. The BNP’s goal is to establish Sharia Law in Bangladesh with the support of Islamist allies, potentially turning the country into an anti-Semitic caliphate. This aligns with the Afghan model and could severely undermine US interests in the region.

Joe Biden’s actions may inadvertently empower Islamist groups in Bangladesh, leading the country towards becoming a neo-Taliban state. The implications of these decisions are far-reaching and could have significant consequences for American foreign policy and the fight against terrorism.

Additionally, controversies surrounding Hunter Biden’s involvement with the BNP raise ethical and potentially legal concerns that could further complicate matters for the Biden administration. The situation calls for careful consideration of the potential consequences and a reevaluation of America’s stance in the region. Finally, the recent vote in the US Congress, where Kevin McCarthy, California Republican and the Speaker of the House has been voted out raises concerns about the stability of American democratic institutions and their ability to function effectively. This dramatic coup d’état also evidently exposes the extremely alarming sign of America’s constitutional institutions.

A Potter’s conversation with the Prime Minister


Born into a poor family in Nizamabad, far removed from an idyllic existence, life had always been hard for Baijnath Prajapati, at least up until recently. He is the fourth child of Shri Ramjiyavan Prajapati, who hails from the Hussainabad hamlet of the Nizamabad tehsil in the Azamgarh district of Uttar Pradesh. The family had traditionally engaged in pottery making through generations. Despite multiple social and economic handicaps, Baijnath, now 42 years old, persisted with education and cleared Bachelor’s degree in economics.

In order to make a living he did backbreaking and odd jobs in Nizamabad and later in Mumbai. Subsequently, he decided to capitalize on his education and taught computers in a local institute and also did private tuitions. His hard work endeared him to the locals in Nizamabad and people have now come to address him as ‘Masterji’, a respectful moniker. He had gained enough confidence to open his own institute where he taught computers and also engaged in forex business.

However, he incurred huge losses in 2016 when Demonetization was introduced. It was like back to square one. He didn’t lose heart however and decided this time to try his luck in pottery making, his traditional family occupation.

Even though as a child he didn’t show much interest in family business, just being in the family had introduced him to the nitty-gritties involved in pottery making. So he was not a novice actually. He started small but due to his hard work and a bit of luck too, he was soon inundated with job orders. He had more work than he could provide to his customers.

During our conversation with Baijnath, he informed that practically all households at Nizamabad earn their living only by making black pottery. The craft originated from Kutch region of Gujarat state. These potters had actually migrated to Nizamabad during the reign of Aurangzeb. The unique feature of this craft is the silver patterns carved over the black potteries.

Biden administration attempts to suffocate freedom of press in Bangladesh

On May 24, 2023, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced a “visa policy” on Bangladesh, which came into enforcement on September 22, 2023. US Ambassador in Bangladesh Peter Haas has on-document said that this “visa policy” shall also be applicable to the members of media in Bangladesh. Anyone having knowledge of the US Constitution’s First Amendment is aware, that it clearly says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”.

Surprisingly, while the US ambassador in Dhaka has earlier said, “media in Bangladesh may also be listed in the newly implemented US visa restrictions policy along with the ruling party, opposition parties and law enforcement agencies”, which was later confirmed by Bryan Schiller who told Blitz “We have imposed visa restrictions under the policy known as ‘3C’ against members of law enforcement, the ruling party, and the political opposition.

As we made clear when we announced this policy on May 24, the policy applies to any Bangladeshi individual believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic election process in Bangladesh.

Actions that undermine democratic elections could include vote rigging, voter intimidation, the use of violence to prevent people from exercising their rights to freedom of association and freedom of peaceful assembly, and the use of measures designed to prevent political parties, voters, civil society, or the media from participating in the electoral process or expressing their views”, in the latest statement, Ambassador Haas has practically made a 180-degree turn on his previous on-document statement about bringing members of Bangladesh media under visa sanctions.

In the latest statement he said, the US will continue to support the freedom of the press and also speak out against, and apply US visa policy to those who seek to undermine the democratic election process in Bangladesh.

Referring Secretary of State Antony Blinken, he said the holding of free and fair elections is the responsibility of everyone — voters, political parties, the government, the security forces, civil society, and the media.

“Equally as important, each of these institutions must be allowed to play their respective roles in the democratic election process”, Haas said.

It is impossible for anyone to know if Ambassador Haas made the earlier statement as per directive from his superiors in the Department of State and later stepped back from it. We even don’t know, if that statement was a part of spreading fear among the members of the press community in Bangladesh and compelling them to listen to the dictations of the US authorities.

It is important to mention here that, for any act of statement of a diplomat, authorities concerned in the respective foreign ministries of the country can be held responsible. In this case, we can always expect a statement from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Of course, the US preserves the right to refuse the visa of any foreign national, as a visa is a privilege – not a right. In this case, the US and every other country reserves the right to refuse a visa to anyone. But, when this visa is weaponized and used as a tool for generating fear amongst any individual or community, it certainly can be seen as a wrongful act. In this case, what the US ambassador in Bangladesh has done can possibly fall into the same line.

As journalists, we always believed America, being one of the oldest democracies in the world always firmly ensures freedom of the press and freedom of expression. But our confidence surely got dented when we came to know before the 2020 presidential election in the United States, state machinery, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other intelligence establishments in the country had played a partisan role by suffocating newspaper reports centering crimes and corruption of Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden, as they believed such news would jeopardize the prospect for Biden in winning the election.

Meaning, that state machinery in the United States was used to suffocate freedom of the press and expression, which directly went against the country’s First Amendment. In recent times, the Biden administration has also been trying in numerous ways to silence media that publishes neutral views and, in most cases, exposes irregularities within the administration.

While the Biden administration is boasting of defending a free press, we are witnessing how the same administration is using its force to silence publications of news and views in the Russian or Chinese media, while it is granting patronization to Ukrainian, Taiwanese, and anti-China and Russian propaganda machines. When the Biden administration says they are countering fake news or disinformation, they do not act when any media outlet in the world says “Vladimir Putin is dying” or “Russia is losing the Ukraine war” or – any fake news that goes against China, Xi Jinping and other members of the administration.

We are already aware – a section of the US social media giants have already started removing news items unilaterally by labeling those as “fake news” – which actually can be seen as a fresher bid of censoring anything that goes against Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, as bigwigs in the White House are frantically trying to corner their political rivals – including Donald Trump and Republican Party (GOP).

With these examples, we can no longer say – Joe Biden or his administration is in favor of freedom or the press and expression. Instead, knowing the very recent statement of the US ambassador in Bangladesh – what we surely can sense – America is trying to export is tactics of gauging press censorship and suffocation of media in Bangladesh.

United States and First Amendment

On permission restrictions on expression, Britannica says:

Despite the broad freedom of expression guaranteed by the First Amendment, there are some historically rooted exceptions. First, the government may generally restrict the time, place, or manner of speech, if the restrictions are unrelated to what the speech says and leave people with enough alternative ways of expressing their views. Thus, for instance, the government may restrict the use of loudspeakers in residential areas at night, limit all demonstrations that block traffic, or ban all picketing of people’s homes.

Second, a few narrow categories of speech are not protected from government restrictions. The main such categories are incitement, defamation, fraud, obscenity, child pornography, fighting words, and threats. As the Supreme Court held in Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the government may forbid “incitement” – speech “directed at inciting or producing imminent lawless action” and “likely to incite or produce such action” (such as a speech to a mob urging it to attack a nearby building). But speech urging action at some unspecified future time may not be forbidden.

Further explaining the First Amendment, The Chandra Law Firm says: “The First Amendment to the United States Constitution primarily protects our right to free speech, against government interference. Without the right to free speech and free expression, we are not Americans. None of our other rights would matter if we weren’t able to speak up to protect them.

It also protects freedom of religion, the right not to see the government establish an official religion, the freedom of the press, the freedom of the media to communicate and receive information, the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and the right to petition our government for a redress of grievances”.

According to American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), “The freedom of the press, protected by the First Amendment, is critical to a democracy in which the government is accountable to the people. A free media functions as a watchdog that can investigate and report on government wrongdoing. It is also a vibrant marketplace of ideas, a vehicle for ordinary citizens to express themselves and gain exposure to a wide range of information and opinions.

The rise of the national security state and the proliferation of new surveillance technologies have created new challenges to media freedom. The government has launched an unprecedented crackdown on whistleblowers, targeting journalists in order to find their sources.

Whistleblowers face prosecution under the World War One-era Espionage Act for leaks to the press in the public interest. And in the face of a growing surveillance apparatus, journalists must go to new lengths to protect sources and, by extension, the public’s right to know”.

It further said, “When press freedom is harmed, it is much harder to hold our government accountable when it missteps or overreaches”.

According to the Australian Human Rights Commission, the UN General Assembly adopted the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) on December 16, 1966. ICCPR Article 19 states:

1.   Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.

2.   Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.

3.   The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary:

  • For respect of the rights or reputations of others;
  • For the protection of national security public order, or public health or morals.

Although the United States had vehemently opposed Bangladesh’s war of independence in 1971 and openly supported Pakistani occupation forces, following independence and the emergence of Bangladesh as a sovereign nation, the United States has not only recognized the country – the US-Bangladesh relations have turned into extremely cordial and friendly.

Bangladesh has been getting numerous forms of assistance from the United States while bilateral trade between Dhaka and Washington is on steady growth. There also are excellent relations between the people of the two countries. Considering this decades-old relationship, the US administration should not undermine the existing friendship with Bangladesh and needs to refrain from taking any steps or playing any role that would seriously hurt the spirits and sentiments of the Bengali populace.

Senior members of the US administration need to note, that we Bengalis are extremely emotional and hospitable by nature. We always respect our friends. At the same time, we never bowed down to any hostile attempt of any nation under any pressure or circumstance.

Annamalai, the true winner, make AIADMK & DMK fight for same pie


AIADMK snapping ties with BJP is a game-changing moment for BJP in Tamil Nadu politics, a defining time for Annamalai.  Tamil Nadu is craving for a change and the best gift of Modiji to TN is Annamalai, as the state president of BJP.  Annamalai has changed the political battle field of TN which was quite stable for more than 60 years. 

Today, both the Drawidian parties are clueless as how to fight Annamalai because politics of Annamalai is accurate and perfect and moreover, the public reception is high to Annamalai. Unfortunately, none of the two corrupt political forces could make any counter-allegation against Annamalai or Modiji as the life and politics of both Annamalai and Modiji are transparent, crystal clear, pure and service centric. 

As a mark of helplessness and going irrelevance, EPS of AIADMK has snapped ties with BJP and started to attract minority voters away from DMK. Some minority community players in TN have started to feel that this is their time to potentiate their role and significance in TN politics. They feel that if they gravitate towards AIADMK, they can teach a lesson to DMK and get better deal from EPS. 

Further, they also can show they are the real force in TN, which the Drawidian parties cannot afford to lose. The minority voters will keep the primary and secondary focus of AIADMK and DMK towards them and this is the time that they can play their game well. Imagine, even an unequal division of minority vote happen between DMK and AIADMK, both these parties can just boast of minority vote but cannot convert the same into victory. Hardcore DMK supporters are going remain with DMK.  A small proportion of Hindus with Drawidian mindset are going to vote for AIADMK.   

On the contrary, the aspirational young voters, voters with hardcore Hindu mindset, Sanadanis, those gone weird and fatigued by both Drawidian parties, those seriously looking for development are going to shift to BJP under Annamalai and such shift looks substantial. How far this shift is going to bring electoral victory for BJP is difficult to predict in the forthcoming election but the churning happening in TN is in the right direction. 

Ideological strength, leadership strength, corruption free governance, development focus, stability, micro-translation of good governance to every man in the village, all that happening in the last 10 years make BJP, Modi and Annamalai unique from all other political forces in India. 

Annamalai should focus on corruption legacy of both DMK and AIADMK along with the ideological politics of BJP where people can easily connect with BJP on anti-corruption sloganeering. To counter BJP, both DMK and AIADMK will attack BJP through minority appeasement where both these drawidian parties will fight for the same pie.   

Only through high decibel minority appeasement, both the Drawidian parties can counter BJP’s corruption free, development centric governance and pure ideology. Both the Drawidian parties would go defenseless when the corruption baggage is opened, skeleton in the cupboard is shown to the public and agencies are tasked to speed up the investigation so the conviction does not get delayed further. 

Modiji is going to form next government in 2024 with absolute majority. People of India have already decided and substantial proportion of people of TN also have decided that this time they want to support Modiji to make India further stronger and greater, as they were misguided in the past by DMK. 

Need of the hour is unconditional support and unquestionable degree of freedom and abundant resources to Annamalai to make the dream of millions of people of Tamil Nadu possible. 

Annamalai is right, the fight is between BJP and DMK and not AIADMK. Let AIADMK if it desires, fight DMK. Fight of BJP in Tamil Nadu should focus on corruption where both the Drawidians parties would go defunct. Naturally they have to settle with same pie for survival and Annamalai can rescue TN from Drawidian politics and can save the people of Tamil Nadu.  Seeds of such change must be sowed now, Annamalai is doing the right thing. 

Poor Muslim representation in Indian politics

Since the past some years a question crops up in the social media off and on, about the poor representation of Indian Muslims in the country’s politics. Raising such a issue after seven decades of independence is grossly baseless. This is because of the simple reason that the issue was once-for-all resolved by the British Indian Muslims on 14/15 August 1947.

In the 1941 census of British India, Hindus were 69.5 percent and Muslims were 24.5 percent of the population. Had there been no partition of India, today Hindus would have been 61.5 percent and Muslims 32.5 percent of the total population of undivided India. There would have been six Muslim-majority states like Bengal, Punjab, Sind, KP, Balochistan and J&K also. But with 24.5 percent of the population, they fought and created Pakistan for their community.

The driving force behind creation of Pakistan by the British Indian Muslims was to create a country for the Muslims of British India where they would be their masters. They refused to live with the majority-Hindus of British India.

Pakistan gave them political, administrative and religious independence from majority-Hindus. The matter ended there. So, when today’s Indian Muslims cry for their poor representation in Indian politics, they actually try to eat the apple and have it too.

Every Indian Islamist refers to the Indian Constitution to establish his equal, and sometimes more-than-equal, rights and privileges in India. But he cunningly avoids saying that the Indian Constitution does not allow any religion-based elected representation in the politics of the country.

The emergence of pain in the abdomen among Islamists and Leftists of India about the poor representation of the Indian Muslims in the politics of the country has different objectives for the two groups. While Indian Muslims are only following their religious teachings to capture political power in Dar al-Harb (India) through sustained efforts, Leftists are siding with the Islamists to create social chaos and disturbances in India.

Indian Constitution does not prevent any Muslim to be the member of any political party and involved in political activities. But his uncalled-for fascination for his own community members can’t allow him to be a leader of an area where Hindus are the majority. Thus, he feels politically unfamiliar and foreign among non-Muslim majority areas of India.

Many members of Islamist-Leftist cabal of India cry that BJP does not have any Muslim MP in the Parliament. But in reality, BJP is a “HINDU PARTY” to the 99.99 percent of Indian Muslims. This type of approach was also shown by the British Indian Muslims when they called Indian National Congress a “HINDU PARTY” before 14/15 August 1947.

So, BJP has no Muslim member who can win election for BJP even from any Muslim-majority area. In general terms, the extra attachment of Indian Muslims towards their community and religion, prevents them from participating in the politics of a Muslim minority country like India.

However, exceptions are there when some Muslim political leaders get undue advantage from any political party that begs for Muslim votes through them. These Muslim leaders can reach the height of power, strength, fame, wealth and criminality by playing Islamic politics. Mohammad Shahabuddin (RJD), Azam Khan, Shafiqur Rahman Barq and Atiq Ahmed (SP), Amanatullah Khan and Tahir Hussain (AAP), Ahmed Patel and Mamman Khan (Congress), Arabul Islam (TMC) and Nawab Malik (NCP) are only a few examples.

The inherent practice of exclusive identity and separateness (Momin Vs Kafir), coupled with superiority-complex of belonging to the best and latest religion of the world and observance of many Haram and Halal in daily life, have always prevented Muslims to integrate with any majority community anywhere in the world including India. Muslims are problematic and even terrorists in all countries of the Western world.

Indian Islamists outwardly cry for syncretic culture. But they are most fundamentalist and exclusive in social transactions. In 99 percent of cases of inter-religious marriage between Hindus and Muslims, Muslim boys marry Hindu girls and convert them to Islam. They keep their girls at a safe distance and move around as predators to marry Hindu girls. Marrying and converting Hindu girls allows them to score extra Islamic points for entering Islamic paradise after death. Even if a Hindu boy marries a Muslim girl, the Hindu boy has to convert to Islam.

A classic example of Islamic fundamentalism is Nuh (Mewat) district of today’s Haryana state of India. For hundreds of years, Mewat (Nuh) was a Meos ethnic Muslim locality where Muslims lived a syncretic lifestyle and followed many cultures and mores of their Hindu Rajput forefathers. When this news reached the Delhi-based Islamic scholar Al-Kandhlawi in early 1920s, he sent his volunteers to the villages of Mewat to spread “the message of Allah”.

This Islamic proselytizing organisation grew very fast and officially came into being in Mewat as Tablighi Jamaat during 1926. Tablighi Jamaat focuses on exhorting Muslims to be more religiously observant and presently has branches in about 130 countries with about 70 to 80 million of active members. Last year, Saudi Arabia banned Tablighi Jamaat calling it a ‘gate of terrorism’. The communal riot in Nuh during August 2023 is the latest reminder of the communal rift between Hindus and Muslims of the district.

The doctrine-based worry, anxiety and restlessness among Muslims for converting the whole world to Islam before Qayamat is so passionate to them, that general Indian Muslims can’t lead a normal life in Hindu-majority India. So, they fail to play the role of responsible citizens of the country in the political dynamics of Hindu-majority India.

But all their negative attributes do not disturb them. They find Hindu-majority India to be the real cause of their poor representation in the politics of the country today. After creating their New Medina, that is, Pakistan on 14 August, 1947, the Muslim-majority areas of British India had gone to Pakistan (West and East). Now except the UT of J and K, West Bengal, Assam and Kerala, other states of India have relatively less Muslim population and in dispersed manner.

Thus today, Indian Muslims are mainly concentrated in the four states of J & K, Assam, Kerala and West Bengal. Number of Muslim MLAs (with proportion) in those four states gives an interesting insight. In J & K, 58 out of 87 MLAs (67%), in Assam 31 out of 126 MLAs (25%), in Kerala 32 out of 140 MLAs (23%) and in West Bengal 42 out of 292 MLAs (14%) are Muslims, as per the last assembly election results.

Besides, in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, they have the very active and post-independent avatar of ‘Muslim League” in the name of Indian Union Muslim League. In J&K, both the PDP and NC are Muslim centric parties. In Telangana, Asaduddin Owaisi led AIMIM is a pole bearer of Islamic politics in the state. In Assam, the Badruddin Ajmal led AIUDF is a very strong Muslim-based party too. However, in 2019 general elections, only 27 Muslim MPs were elected to the Indian Lok Sabha of 543 members.

Indian Islamist-Congress-Communist-Secular gang is spending sleepless nights with the fear of Hindutva-wadi RSS, Bajrang Dal and Vishva Hindu Parishad. But the said gang blissfully remains ignorant about the continued Islamic influence of Jamaat-e-Islami HindJamiat Ulema-e-HindTablighi JamaatKarwan-i-IslamiDarul Uloom DeobandAll India Sunni Jamiyyathul UlamaPFI, ISMI, All India Muslim Personal Law BoardJama Masjid of Delhi, Ajmer SharifDarga of Nizamuddin in Delhi, Wakf Board, more than 300,000 active mosques and about 25,000 Madrasas on the Muslim community of India. Additionally, there are Indian branches of foreign Islamic terrorist organisations like Al Qaeda and ISIS, as well as, dozens of state and local level Islamic organisations across India to spread Islamism and Islamic terrorism in the country.

Roughly speaking, about 85 percent of Indian Muslims are local converts and the rest 15 percent are of foreign origin from Iran, Afghanistan and other Central Asian countries. The Muslims of foreign origin were the main support-base of Muslim rulers of India.

They were administrators, Islamic scholars, Jurists, Army Generals, Islamic Missionaries, Revenue Officers. Landlords and even Machineries. But, with the advent of British rule in India, this group lost their elite and privileged status and became the influencers of local converted Muslims.

The local converted Muslims of India have all along been suffering from “Convert Syndrome” As per Nobel Laureate VS Naipaul, “The convert has to turn away from everything that is his. The disturbance for societies is immense, and even after a thousand years can remain unresolved; the turning away has to be done again and again”. This ailment made them the foot soldiers of foreign-origin Indian Muslims by the turn of 20th century. They have not changed even today.

In democracy, winning of election matters most. Indian Muslims, during the past seven decades, have consciously and miserably failed to uplift them from Muslim leaders to leaders of Indians. They remained in their Islamic political rat holes and now cry for their poor representation in Indian politics. Well, no Hindu is going to give them the leadership status of Hindu community on a platter.

They have to work hard to reach that position. But alas, Islam does not permit them to be fair with Kafir and live peacefully with them. And the cry of “poor representation” of Muslims in the politics of India will continue till they achieve some more demographic strength, when they will start their violent demand for another independent Islamistan from the body of India. And the cycle will continue.

Ante-mortem report on I.N.D.I.A

Twenty-seven anti-BJP political parties of India have recently formed INDI Alliance (I.N.D.I.A) to fight BJP led NDA in 2024 general election. Out of total 543 Members in Indian Parliament, the INDI Alliance presently has only 142 MPs. Name of the 27 parties of INDI Alliance, with their number of MPs (in the parenthesis) is given below.

INC (50), DMK (24), TMC (23), JDU (16), SSUBT (6), NCP (4), CPIM (3), SP (3), IUML (3), NC (3), CPI (2), AAP (1), JMM (1), KCM (1), VCK (1), RSP (1), RJD (0), RLD (0), MDMK (0), CPIML (0), KC (0), ADK (0), FB (0), PDP (0), MMK (0), KDMK (0), PWPI (0).

Out of all these 27 Parties, 11 have no MP presently in the Parliament and five have only one. So, 16 (59%) out of the total 27 parties are politically insignificant in nature. It is a core weakness of the INDI Alliance.

Indian National Congress with 50 MPs, CPIM with 3 MPs and AAP with one MP are only three national parties. Rest 24 are regional or state-based parties.

Five parties belong to Leftist ideology with six MPs together at present. Both PDP and NC are Islamic parties and from the Muslim-majority UT of J&K.

The Kerala and Tamil Nadu based Far Right Islamic party (Indian Union Muslim League) is in the Alliance with 3 MPs. However, the Bihar-based Far Left CPIML has no MP.

A maximum of six regional/state level parties are from Tamil Nadu. And next comes Kerala with five such parties. With some overlapping, a total of ten parties (37%) of the Alliance are from Tamil Nadu and Kerala. This is something very strange.

Except DMK, the other 26 parties are ideologically Muslim-oriented. But DMK is a viciously anti-Hindu party too. A few days back Udhayanadhi Stalin, a minister in the DMK government of Tamil Nadu and son of the Chief Minister MK Stalin, publicly compared Sanatana Dharma with Malaria, Dengue and Covid and called for eradication of Sanatana Dharma from India.

Very predictively, none of the rest 26 parties of INDI Alliance condemned Udhayanidhi’s statement. Some second ranking Congress leaders, like son of Mallikarjun Kharge and P Chidambaram rather supported the statement of Udhayanidhi. Darbari and Jih@di Media of India came forward to support Udhayanidhi with “freedom of expression”. No wonder, the INDI Alliance is determined to destroy the Hindu Civilization of India with help from Islamists, Communists, Missionaries and Jaichands.

The prominent faces from INDI Alliance are Rahul Gandhi, MK Stalin, Mamta Banerjee, Arvind Kejriwal, Sarad Pawar, Sitaram Yechuri and Nitish Kumar. Rahul Gandhi is presently unemployed and behaving like an unguided missile against Congress. He eats in India, takes a flight, goes to the West and shits around on the good name of India.

Most of the parties of INDI Alliance are dynastic and utterly corrupt. The main such parties are Congress, TMC, SP, RJD, JMM, DMK, NCP, SSUBT, PDP and NC. Though Leftist parties are not involved in dynasty politics and corruption, these are the fountain-head of causing disruptions in the society. These Leftist parties are also staunchly anti-Hindu.

The parties of the INDI Alliance, which are expected to do somewhat well in the 2024 general election are Congress, DMK, TMC and AAP. But will these 4 parties be able to touch the magic figure of 273 MPs in collaboration with the rest 23 parties? The task seems impossible.

The INDI Alliance allegedly has support from China, ISI, Soros and CIA. Within India, it is supported by Islamist-Leftist journalists, Lutyens media and Darbari Media to create anti-Hindu narrative and shame Hindus. INDI Alliance has recently boycotted 14 TV anchors of different media houses in India, who refused to be “yours faithfully” of the Gandhi family and its 26 other parties of the Alliance.

These 27 parties do not have any good understanding, ideological or otherwise, among those. These 27 parties have come together on the basis of “enemy’s enemy is my friend”. Congress has the additional discomfort of remaining out of power for 10 long years. To the Congress, the post of PM in India is eternally attached with the Gandhi family or its nominee.

However, the Achilles Heel of INDI Alliance is its PM candidate. There is no indication that it will be resolved before the election of 2024. And the situation will not be an easy one even after the election. Congress only wants to make Rahul Gandhi the PM of India at any cost. INDI Alliance is the eighth launching pad for Rahul Gandhi since 2007, when he entered politics. But he has a strong contender this time in Mamata Banerjee. Even Nitish Kumar and Kejriwal are also aspiring for the post of PM and Sharad Pawar is also not lagging behind.

All these 27 parties have been up and doing to divide Hindu voters of India on the basis of caste, language, culture and region, while uniting the Muslim votes across India in their favour. Unlike Hindus, Muslims always vote for their religious interest only and these 27 parties are eager to go up to any extent to entice the Muslim voters. With all its evilness, INDI Alliance will find it extremely difficult to solve the question of pre-poll seats adjustment among its constituent parties.

In any case, the 2024 general election of India will be an electoral fight between Indic Civilization and its enemies.

Ayushman Bharat Yojana: India’s healthcare revolution inspires international interest and adoption


Subtitle: How Ayushman Bharat’s Vision Transcends Borders, Sparking Global Implementation Efforts

By: Aditi Wani

Date: August 4, 2023

In the vibrant world of global healthcare initiatives, one program stands tall, arrayed in the colorful tapestry of India’s rich culture – Ayushman Bharat Yojana. This pioneering scheme emerged with audacity, reshaping the nation’s healthcare landscape, and embarking on an extraordinary cross-border odyssey, inviting the world to witness its remarkable journey toward universal health coverage. Ayushman Bharat Yojana has not only transformed the lives of millions of Indians but also captivated the admiration of nations worldwide. Launched in 2018, this visionary scheme has paved the path to universal health coverage, inspiring global efforts toward similar implementations.

Also known as the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), Ayushman Bharat Yojana aims to provide affordable and accessible healthcare to the most vulnerable sections of Indian society. Its two primary components include creating a robust health and wellness infrastructure network and the National Health Protection Scheme (NHPS), which extends health insurance coverage to millions of low-income families.

The brilliance of Ayushman Bharat Yojana lies not only in its noble objectives but also in its meticulous execution. With a sharp focus on leveraging technology and innovation, the scheme harnessed the power of data analytics and digitization to streamline healthcare delivery and enable cashless treatment. This revolutionary approach has significantly alleviated the financial burden on marginalized communities, empowering them to seek timely medical care without the fear of overwhelming expenses.

The resounding impact of the Ayushman Bharat Yojana has yet to escape the attention of the international community. Countries worldwide, grappling with their healthcare challenges, have expressed eager interest in adopting India’s innovative model. Government officials, policymakers, and healthcare experts from around the globe have flocked to India to witness this healthcare revolution firsthand.

Delegations from Sweden and Nepal were spellbound by the grandeur and vision of PMJAY, led by Mr. Anders Nordström and Dr. Krishna Prasad Paudel, respectively. Sweden sought insights for their health assurance scheme, while Nepal was intrigued by the design and financing aspects to enhance its insurance coverage. Engaging in fruitful discussions with NHA officials, they delved into eligibility criteria, impaneled hospitals, and the grievance redressal mechanism. A visit to Delhi’s hospital inaction inspired them to realize that PMJAY could be the guiding light leading nations toward comprehensive healthcare inclusion.

The principles underlying Ayushman Bharat Yojana resonate deeply with countries struggling to provide quality healthcare to their citizens. By adopting similar initiatives, they aspire to bridge the healthcare gap, eliminate financial barriers, and ensure the well-being of their populations. The Ayushman Bharat model offers a beacon of hope, igniting the aspirations of nations seeking comprehensive healthcare coverage for their citizens.

The global adoption of Ayushman Bharat Yojana is not limited to mere interest and study tours. Several countries have taken concrete steps toward implementing their versions of this transformative scheme. Drawing inspiration from India, these nations have tailored the Ayushman Bharat model to suit their unique healthcare landscapes while staying true to the core objective of universal coverage.

The growing international implementation of Ayushman Bharat Yojana is a testament to India’s global leadership in healthcare innovation. It reinforces the nation’s commitment to promoting inclusive and sustainable development, transcending borders, and fostering collaborations to build resilient healthcare systems worldwide.

As the world witnesses the transformative power of Ayushman Bharat, India stands at the forefront of healthcare diplomacy, sharing its knowledge, best practices, and technological advancements with nations willing to embark on a similar journey. Through mutual learning and exchange, a global alliance for healthcare equity is taking shape, guided by the principles that underpin Ayushman Bharat Yojana.

Ayushman Bharat Yojana shines as India’s flagship program, offering affordable and quality healthcare to the vulnerable. Its potential to improve millions of lives has sparked interest abroad, with the World Bank lauding its preventive focus, digital prowess, and public-private partnerships. While challenges exist, Ayushman Bharat Yojana’s export could revolutionize global healthcare. Tailoring it to specific needs, the framework presents a valuable beacon for nations seeking better health for their citizens.

Ayushman Bharat Yojana, a triumph in healthcare, shines on the world stage, igniting the spark of interest in its visionary model. As nations unite for universal health coverage and equity, India’s revolution becomes a beacon of hope, inspiring resilient, inclusive healthcare systems worldwide. With open arms and shared expertise, India paves the path to a brighter, healthier future for all.

Skill India Mission: Transforming lives and bridging borders through skill development


Unlocking Opportunities for Youth Empowerment

In a significant stride towards harnessing the potential of India’s youth, the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) unveiled the SKILL INDIA Campaign on July15, 2015, coinciding with the inaugural World Youth Skills Day. The campaign, graced by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, aimed to revolutionize the nation’s approach to skill development.

Among its crucial components were the National Skill Development Mission, the National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 2015, and the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY). This initiative marked a pivotal moment in fostering standardized skill acquisition, fostering collaboration among central ministries, state governments, industries, and trainees. Its focus on skilling, re-skilling, and upskilling of the youth underscored their pivotal role in driving India’s growth.

The SKILL INDIA Campaign’s resonance extended beyond borders as the United Nations designated July 15 as World Youth Skills Day, emphasizing the global significance of skill training in propelling employment and sustainable livelihoods.

Fostering Global Ties through Digitization

Embracing a digital future, John Chambers, former executive chairman of Cisco Systems Inc., advocated for the transformative power of digitization. Chambers recognized the economic advantages of technology, dedicating much of his time to digital transformation and engagement with global leaders. As chairman of the US-India Business Council (USIBC), Chambers viewed digitization as integral to strengthening US-India ties.

This partnership seamlessly aligned with Digital India, Make in India, Skill India, and Start-up India initiatives, fostering digital progress, education, healthcare transformation, and job creation. Chambers’ optimism regarding Digital India mirrored his belief in Prime Minister Modi’s vision, while also acknowledging the need for expediting digitization to ensure success.

Skill India: A Global Trailblazer

Skill India’s transformative impact was highlighted by Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy, showcasing impressive growth. The year 2015-16 saw a remarkable 36.8% surge in the number of skilled individuals, reaching a total of 1.04 crore. The PMKVY furthered this drive, with 20 lakh individuals, including 40% women, undergoing demand-driven training. Skill India’s far-reaching influence extended to diverse sectors, from defense personnel to the oil and gas industry.

Collaborations were fostered, and a growth-oriented private skill ecosystem emerged. India’s quest for skilled individuals is rooted in a staggering youth population, making skill development imperative for future employment. International labor predictions estimate a shortfall of nearly 29 million skilled personnel by 2030, reinforcing the urgency to address this gap. The Skill India Mission’s proactive stance is evident, as unemployment rates decreased, and employment rates surged, indicating a tangible positive impact.

Fostering a New Skill Paradigm

Underpinning Skill India’s mission are key departments such as the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), and Sector Skill Councils (SSCs). Their collaborative efforts, along with schemes like PMKVY, Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS), and SANKALP, are instrumental in skill development’s widespread implementation.

Harnessing Global Opportunities

The Skill India Mission’s significance extends beyond national boundaries. Collaborative efforts with international partners, as witnessed in the memorandum of understanding between India and Japan, aim to align the workforce with global industry requirements. The mission’s budget allocation underlines its commitment, with substantial investment in skill development, apprenticeship promotion, entrepreneurship, infrastructure, and regulatory support.

Conclusion: A Global Skill Capital

India’s aspirations transcend national boundaries. Skill India’s commitment to fostering collaboration, innovation, and aligning skills with global industry needs positions the nation as a global skill capital. With the youth at the helm, Skill India is driving economic growth, empowerment, and a promising future for all.