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Pakistani ISI’s manipulation of Bangladesh’s elections uncovered

Recent revelations indicate that the Inter Service Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan’s spy agency, is actively involved in manipulating the upcoming general elections in Bangladesh to support the jihadist Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh (JIB) in forming the next government.

Counterterrorism organizations and individuals have long identified Jamaat e Islami as a terrorist organization with global networks, including in Western countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. Notably, Ashrafuzzaman Khan, a war criminal associated with JIB, fled to the US and helped establish and lead the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), an American Jamaat-e-Islami organization.

According to Gatestone Institute, Pakistan is a state sponsor of jihad terror itself, yet is now claiming that it is Bangladesh and India that have the terrorist problem.

Surprisingly, despite being a state sponsor of jihad terror, Pakistan is attempting to shift the narrative, now claiming that Bangladesh and India are the ones with a terrorist problem. Abdullah Khan, Managing Director of Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies, previously accused Bangladesh and India of engaging in “state-sponsored terrorism”, claiming that their actions are provoking the Islamic State and endangering Muslim communities.

Further, a Pakistani research group has been falsely portraying radical Islamic militancy groups, including Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT), Ansar Al Islam (AAI), Jamaatul Mujahedin Bangladesh (JMB), and the student front of Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh (JIB), as “Muslim groups” in an attempt to mislead global and Western counterterrorism bodies.

Amid these disturbing developments, Representative William R. Keating submitted a resolution in Congress, urging the US government to promote free, fair, transparent, and credible elections in Bangladesh.

The upcoming general election in Bangladesh is crucial, as it is viewed as a showdown between the secularist Awami League and the radical Islamist Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) along with its ideological ally, Jamaat e Islami Bangladesh (JIB). ISI has intensified its efforts to ensure victory for its long-standing ally, JIB, and BNP, hoping to see an anti-Indian political force rise to power in Bangladesh.

The desperation of Pakistani ISI is evident in its recent activities. They have been actively engaging with BNP’s fugitive leader, Tarique Rahman, who is also a convicted terrorist, holding meetings in London to promise support in their pursuit of an anti-India government. Furthermore, ISI is leveraging its contacts in the US Capitol, including the US Senate and Congress, to garner support for BNP’s cause.

An incriminating leaked telephonic conversation between a prominent BNP leader and an ISI official based in Dubai further confirms their intentions. The BNP leader was heard requesting ISI’s assistance in managing China’s favor for his party ahead of the election.

Here is the full transcript:

BNP leader: Hello Assalamualaikum brother!

Mehmood: Assalamualaikum brother. How are you?

BNP leader: Fine, Thank you.

Mehmood: I am really pleased to hear you after a long time…

BNP leader: Yeah! Yeah! You remember we met last time in Islamabad? Hotel…

Mehmood: Yes… yes!

BNP leader: And… you know that with whom you visited me?

Mehmood: Yes… yes!

BNP leader: How are you? Where are you now?

Mehmood: I am Alhamdulillah fine and I am here at Dubai now. So…I think… we can… sometimes… whenever you are available… whenever you manage… we can… you need to meet me first! If it is possible for you.

BNP leader: Yes… Can I explain? You know that… we are really now in crisis. I have several cases. And with the excuse of one case… my Passport is seized. I can’t go out of the country. This is my position.
Mehmood: I think… once you met one of our office holders there also. Am I right?

BNP leader: Yes…yes. I met your man here.

Mehmood: Yeah… It’s Okay. But it is necessary… if you manage to come one day…

BNP leader: Yeah… I would love to do that… and I know that if I could come, it would be more fruitful! But what I want to tell you i this opportunity is that… from your side, you can try to help us. We are in crisis. You know everything.

Mehmood: Yes…

BNP leader: You know everything I think…

Mehmood: Sure! That’s why… that’s why… I said… you are our only friend there now. We wanted to discuss all this with you…

BNP leader: Yes… I want to be… and I am still what you think! But practical connection… communication is impossible for me to come out! I know that it would be fruitful… but what I want to mean that… I will meet your man here… you can get the message. But now what I like to request you that, from your side…if you can cooperate with China. Then in Bangladesh it will be useful before the election.

Mehmood: Yes, absolutely! That is already on the table. And it is being done. That’s why, we wanted to do….as a representative whenever it is possible to visit the places it would have been better. Because, in person…you would have talked to them also. But now as you are saying that…it is not possible for you…

BNP leader: Personally if you want from your this office….if you want any alternative person…I can arrange. But for me…it is not possible.

Mehmood: Okay…okay! I understood your point. And along with this…keep trying… may be one… sometime…if it is possible for you to come over for some reasons…may be on medical reason… or may be on Umrah etc. So we can arrange meeting with you there. But meanwhile…we will try to contact you through somebody there at our office. Is it okay?

BNP leader: Yes. If you can assign somebody from your office here, I can try and different time I can communicate to you or your side.

Mehmood: Yeah…sometimes…we will continue to each other. I got your point what you have told me. I will definitely convey this to my boss, and he will work on this. And I will apprise you about it. And at the same time…we will see how to remain in communication from your place. And continue finding the possibility outside also…right.

BNP leader: Thank you very much…Thank you!

Mehmood: Thank you very much…and very kind! And kindly remain in touch! Because, it is crucial time for all of us. And we have to cooperate; and move forward for our aim to achieve In Sha Allah!

BNP leader: Yes! What we also think very seriously…that we need to cooperate each other. We are in crisis, we need help!

Mehmood: Yes… yes! We understand that. Is is already on the table…and that’s why we said…we thought…why not to…sometime finding the possibility to meet you? But as you suspect it is not possible…it is little difficult. So we will find out how to communicate with you. And at the same time continue our effort, to meet you sometime…somewhere. Okay?

BNP leader: Okay…Thank you! I will also try. I’ll keep trying to get my Passport back, so that we can arrange that.

Mehmood: Yes…

BNP leader: And I can communicate with your man here.

Mehmood: Okay…I’ll you know about this option also…communicating with the man there. And at the same time…we’ll remain in communication In Sha Allah!

BNP leader: Yes…I want to add contact with you. And you can consider me as your old friend.

Mehmood: Yes…yes! That’s why you know…I have made an effort to contact you…!

BNP leader: Thank you very much for your cooperation! And I know that you did not forget us! That’s why you have tried your best to communicate with me.

Mehmood: Yes…Yes…

BNP leader: I will be in communication with you. Through our friend, we will be in contact.

Mehmood: In Sha Allah…And regards to you and your family

BNP leader: Thank you very much…Allah hafez!
Mehmood: Allah hafez! Asssalamualaikum!

In light of these alarming revelations, international scrutiny on the Bangladeshi election has intensified. Many are calling on the United States, a longstanding friend of Bangladesh, to effectively aid Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in preventing the country from falling into the grips of radical Islamists and safeguarding its democratic values from a potential Sharia nation or Caliphate.

As Bangladesh prepares for the upcoming general election, it is crucial for the international community to closely monitor the situation and ensure that the democratic process remains free, fair, and transparent, free from foreign interference and manipulation.

Biden embraces Modi as the US intensifies its fight against Russia and China


A whirlwind of worthwhile arrangements has escalated Indo-US ties in the midst of New Delhi’s perceptible change in outlook from ongoing political tightrope

India has opted for a tight embrace with the US during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s first state visit to the world’s most powerful democracy, where potential economic gains appeared to outweigh its age-old ties with traditional ally, Russia.

Modi, during a joint address to the press corps at the White House after his one-on-one meeting with US President Joe Biden on Thursday, sprung a surprise.

Unprompted, he made reference to Russia’s ongoing military operation, which entered its second year on February 24.

Modi offered India’s help to resolve the conflict and restore peace, while stopping short of naming Russia as the aggressor. The comment was music to President Biden’s ears, whose usual impassive expression could not contain his uncontrolled glee.

Modi lapped up lavish praise from the Biden administration, as expectations of Indo-US ties “reaching escape velocity” rent the air and the Indian PM heightened the hyperbole by adding that the “sky is not the limit” in the bilateral engagement.

And, Russia did not top the agenda until Modi, as if on cue from Biden, spoke about the conflict with Ukraine.

It was abundantly clear that the US had laid out a red carpet for Modi in a bid to isolate New Delhi from Moscow, with bountiful incentives and path-breaking new partnerships in the defense, semiconductor manufacturing, space and artificial intelligence sectors. A liberalization of the strict H1B visa regime, as well as the opening of US consulates in Ahmedabad and Bengaluru and an Indian consulate in Seattle are also on the cards.

In a quid pro quo, placating India suited the US cause. Washington is looking to strengthen its crucial – albeit complicated – ties with the country, where the battle lines between the Western powers and the Russia and China-led blocs have been clearly demarcated. Biden, who like Modi is making a re-election bid next year, is willing to take his chances with India’s right-wing, Hindu nationalist, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government.

The Modi government’s ‘basic freedoms record’ has drawn fire from Biden’s liberal partners. In any case, he will support his wagers in a bid to solidify Indo-US ties that seem to have ended up back at ground zero from “alienation to extending commitment.”

Biden said he trusts the two-sided ties “will be one of the characterizing connections of the 21st 100 years. Since I’ve become president, we’ve kept on building a relationship based on shared trust, realism and regard.”

The Modi government, since it came to control in 2014, has been reliably scrutinized by various US authorities and media for its record on political, strict and press opportunities. Notwithstanding that, the world’s most crowded majority rules system presently seems to have arisen as the most sizzling objective for US organizations following Washington’s quickly deteriorating attaches with China.

The two countries are fighting a shared adversary in an ascendent China, particularly in the Indo-Pacific, combined with other squeezing worldwide issues, for example, environmental change, artificial intelligence, production network flexibility and different issues.

Biden avoided addressing the Indian PM on supposed basic liberties infringement – as declared prior by the US Public safety Guide Jake Sullivan – while reminding Modi that the organization should be “grounded on majority rules system, common liberties, opportunity and law and order.” Modi, as far as it matters for him, broke a custom on Thursday, which he has kept since he got down to business in 2014, by consenting to participate in a proper public interview alongside President Biden.

It was a notable event since the Indian PM is known to hate unscripted minutes, as he has just given a small bunch of meetings since he came to control. Regularly, state visits remember a news gathering for which the pioneers take inquiries from two individuals from the US press and two from the meeting press corps.

Modi conformed to the convention and consented to be tested by two columnists – one each from the US and India. Biden, who surprised White House authorities before this week when he considered Chinese President Xi Jinping a “despot,” redirected an immediate inquiry from an American correspondent with an off-kilter disquiet and muttered that he wanted to meet the Chinese chief “in future.” However he refered to Modi as an image of India’s energetic vote based system, he gave a winding reaction to an inquiry regarding India’s alleged common freedoms offenses.

Modi was additionally squeezed about the abuse of India’s single-biggest minority bunch, Muslims, who represent more than 15% of its 1.4 billion populace. He boldly reviled the inquiry and conveyed a message on the country’s “grand vote based qualifications,” which it holds in the same way as the US.

He said the two countries had an “staggering admiration” for one another on the grounds that “we are vote based systems and it is in the US’ and India’s DNA to extend majority rule organizations,” adding that “paying little mind to position, belief, religion, orientation, there’s positively no space for segregation.”

He kept up with that “there is no vote based system without any common liberties as a majority rules government runs in our veins.” Noting a question about free discourse, the Indian chief said, “I’m shocked at what you said. Individuals don’t say it. We are a majority rules government. A majority rules government is in our DNA. We live in majority rules government. What’s more, it is in our constitution.”

He refered to the maxim of his administration – advancement for all, as all Indian residents approach conveniences – as opposed to the well known discernment in the Western world.

Excepting the hit-and-miss public interview, Modi is probably going to cheer up from Washington’s largesse. It was a day of super arrangements and intriguing American concessions. US global General Electric reported it will cooperate with India-based Hindustan Flight Ltd., to deliver fly motors for Indian airplane as a feature of Modi’s “Made in India” program, a huge innovation move offer for a non-US partner.

The Biden organization has likewise consented to sell its furnished MQ-9B SeaGuardian robots to India. Micron Innovation will fabricate a $2.75 billion semiconductor gathering and test office in Modi’s home territory of Gujarat, with the Des Moines, Iowa-settled US firm to burn through $800 million and India supporting the rest. US-based Applied will send off another semiconductor place for commercialization and development in India, and Lam Exploration, another semiconductor fabricating gear organization, will begin a preparation program for 60,000 Indian designers.

India has marked an arrangement with Artemis Accords, an outline for space investigation collaboration among countries taking part in NASA’s lunar investigation plans. What’s more, NASA and the Indian Space Exploration Association (ISRO) consented to embrace a joint mission to the Global Space Station one year from now.

The multiplying down of spearheading monetary collaboration vows to open another future in varying backgrounds from infectious prevention to speeding up clean energy change and environment tech, as per President Biden. Reciprocal exchange between the two nations has reached $190 billion, and the US remains India’s biggest exchanging accomplice by far.

The US President singled out India’s commitments to a no problem at all Indo-Pacific as an esteemed individual from the world class Quad gathering, where Australia and Japan total the group of four. China, similar to Russia, keeps on being the obvious issue at hand, where the recently discovered bonhomie among Washington and New Delhi depends on the US striking gold in another market like India to avoid rival Beijing at all costs.

Modi helped the press center to remember India’s environment responsibilities, including green hydrogen, sun based, carbon dioxide expulsion, and other manageable net no drives inside a specified time period. He likewise invested heavily in the powerful change in two-sided ties, from a purchaser and a merchant, to that of equivalent balance, where the drive on Basic and Arising Innovation (iCET) vows to be a unique advantage.

Modi plentifully said thanks to President Biden for loaning backing to his request to incorporate the African Association – a gathering of 55 part states from the mainland and addressing nations in the Worldwide South – in the G20, of which India holds the pivoting administration this year.

Prior on Thursday morning, thousands assembled on the White House South Yard for the inviting service for the Indian PM, including a few individuals from the 5,000,000 in number Indian diaspora in the US, who broke out in a serenade of “Modi, Modi, Modi.”

Decoding PM Narendra Modi’s date of birth as per Vedic numerology


PM Narendra Modi was born on September 17, 1950 in Vadnagar, Gujarat, India. He is the 14th and current prime minister of India, in office since 2014. If we decode the date of birth of our PM Modi using Loshu Grid, we will find below results. (here one extra 5 is coming from KUA No. as per numerology):

Loshu Grid of PM Modi

The Mulank (Birth Number/ Life Path Number) of PM Modi is ‘8’ and Bhagyank (Destiny) is ‘5’.

Mulank is a Sanskrit word meaning “number”. It is often used in Indian numerology to refer to a person’s birth number, which is calculated based on their birth date. Mulank is believed to reveal a person’s basic personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and life path. It can also be used to predict career success, relationships, and overall well-being.

The importance of bhagyank in numerology is that it can help you understand your destiny, overall direction of your life and your potential. By understanding your bhagyank, you can make better decisions about your career, your relationships, and your overall life. This can help you understand your own strengths and weaknesses so that you can work on improving them.

Understanding about both Mulank and Bhagyank in detail will help anyone to decode their life, achieve success, good health and great wealth.

If we see the Loshu Grid of PM Modi, we will find the presence of 9, 5, and 1 which is said to be a very auspicious combination. It is believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and success in all areas of life. It is the plane of “will and determination.”

In this article, we will see how vertical plane of 9,5 & 1 is playing in PM Modi favor.

Firstly, let’s understand the importance of 9,5 & 1 as per Vedic system:

The number 9 is considered to be the most powerful number in Vedic culture as it is associated with the following:

  • End of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. It is also associated with the Hindu god Brahma, the creator of the universe as Brahma is said to have created the universe in 9 days.
  • The number 9 is also associated with the 9 planets in Vedic astrology.
  • It is believed that when something is done 9 times, it is complete and perfect. This is why many Hindu rituals and ceremonies are repeated 108 times i.e 1+0+8=9.
  • It is associated with the element of fire, which is said to bring energy, passion, and creativity. It is associated with many positive things such as completion, perfection, good luck, prosperity, wisdom, and knowledge.

The number 5 is associated with the element of earth, which is said to bring stability, practicality, and groundedness. In Vedic culture, the number 5 is considered to be a sacred and auspicious number. It is associated with the following:

  • The five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space) – The five elements are believed to be the foundation of the universe. They are also believed to be responsible for the creation, maintenance, and destruction of the universe.
  • The five senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing) – The five senses are believed to be the gateway to the soul. They are also believed to be responsible for our perception of the world around us.
  • The five actions (walking, speaking, eating, excreting, and sleeping) – The five actions are believed to be essential for our survival. They are also believed to be responsible for our physical and spiritual well-being.

The number 1 is associated with the element of wood, which is said to bring new beginnings, growth, and development. It is associated with the Supreme Being, the oneness of all things, and the beginning of a new cycle. It is associated with the following:

  • The number 1 is associated with the sun, the source of light and life.
  • The number 1 is associated with the lotus flower, a symbol of purity and enlightenment.
  • In Hinduism, time is cyclical, and each cycle begins with the number 1. Therefore, the number 1 is often associated with new beginnings, fresh starts, and the potential for growth.
  • The number 1 is associated with the number of syllables in the Hindu mantra “Om,” which is the most sacred sound in the universe.

Having double 9, 5 and 1 in PM Modi Loshu grid makes the numbers to give the best results.

Let’s understand how this works for PM Modi based on the oldest yet most scientific religion.

In Hinduism, the number 9 is linked to Mars, the red planet. Mars is known as Mangal (Hanuman ji is the lord of Mangal) in Hindu mythology and is associated with courage, strength, and leadership. It is also associated with war and aggression.

  • This shows that PM Modi is having perfect qualities of Mangal and blessings of Hanuman ji. This signifies that PM Modi have the right courage and strength to implement the policies and to make plum decisions for the country like The Digital India initiative or The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC).
  • He also exhibits the sensible aggression to take the revenge with terrorist who try to infiltrate in our motherland and with any neighboring country who tries to depict the wrong picture of India to world.
  • PM Modi is known for his decisiveness. He is not afraid to make tough decisions, even when they are unpopular. He is also able to quickly adapt to changing circumstances. As Prime Minister, he has overseen a number of major reforms, including demonetization and the Goods and Services Tax.
  • Mars is associated with good health. It is said to give the native a strong immune system and a healthy body. We have seen that even at this age PM Modi is known for his fitness and good health. He has spoken about the importance of eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise. At the same time, PM Modi has also taken steps to improve the health of the Indian people. He has launched a number of initiatives, such as the Pradhan Mantri Jan Swasthya Yojana (PMJSY), which is a government-funded health insurance scheme for the poor. He has also increased spending on healthcare and has made it easier for people to access affordable healthcare.

Few examples of how number 9 played an important role in PM Modi’s life:

  1. Modi became a full-time worker for the RSS in Gujarat in 1971(1+9+1+7=18, 1+8=9)
  2. Served as the Chief Minister of Gujarat (Gujarat as per Chaldean Numerology calculated total at 9).
  3. Government demonetized 500 and 1000 banknotes from 09-Nov-2016 i.e. on 9th day of year 2+0+1+6=9.
  4. The final judgement in the Ayodhya dispute was declared by the Supreme Court of India on 9 November 2019.

According to Hinduism, the number 5 is linked to Buddhev, Buddhev is the fifth link in the Nidanas, or twelve links of dependent origination. The Nidanas are a causal explanation of how samsara, or cyclic existence, arises. The first link is ignorance, the second is karmic formations, the third is consciousness, the fourth is name and form, and the fifth is the six sense organs.

Buddhev is the sixth sense organ, the mind. The mind is responsible for receiving and processing information from the five other sense organs. It is also responsible for generating thoughts, emotions, and desires. The mind is said to be karmic because it is influenced by our past karma. Our past karma determines our thoughts, emotions, and desires, which in turn influence our actions. Our actions then create new karma, which further influences our mind.

This shows that PM Modi has good past karmas which is reaping food in this life. Also, his karma in this life is towards making India gain its lost Vedic culture which is again a positive move.

  • Good number 5 makes you a great communicator. As seen, PM Modi is a gifted communicator. He is able to connect with people from all walks of life, and he is often able to persuade them to see things his way.
  • Number 5 gives positive results with yoga as Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. We have seen that PM Modi has been practicing yoga for many years and is a certified yoga instructor. Prime Minister Modi is a strong advocate of yoga and has been instrumental in promoting it as a global phenomenon. In 2014, he successfully lobbied the United Nations to declare June 21 as International Yoga Day. Since then, millions of people around the world have participated in yoga events on this day.
  • Positive effects of Number 5 said to give the native the opportunity to travel to different parts of the world and to learn about different cultures. We have seen that how PM Modi has visited various counties including USA, China, Russia, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and South Africa. He has met with leaders from these countries to discuss a range of issues, including trade, defense, and climate change. Modi’s foreign travels have been aimed at strengthening India’s ties with other countries and promoting India’s interests on the global stage. He has visited over 100 countries.
  • Number 5 is the number of intelligence and learning. It is said to bestow the native with a sharp mind, good memory, and the ability to learn new things quickly. PM Modi is widely considered to be an intelligent and quick-witted leader. He is known for his ability to grasp complex concepts quickly and to articulate his thoughts clearly. He is a shrewd politician and a skilled negotiator. He is known for his extensive reading habits and his ability to retain information.

Few examples of how number 5 played an important role in PM Modi’s life:

  1. Narendra Modi serving as the 14th Prime Minister of India since 26-May-2014 (5th month of the year).
  2. Narendra Modi served as the 14th Chief Minister of Gujarat.
  3. Narendra Modi’s second swearing-in ceremony was on 30-May-2019 (again in 5th month of the year).
  4. Narendra Modi name numerology total as per Chaldean numerology comes to 5.

The number 1 link to the sun in Hinduism is Surya, the Hindu god. Surya is a major deity in Hinduism, and he is often depicted as a charioteer driving a chariot drawn by seven horses. Surya is also associated with light, heat, and power. He is said to be the source of all life on Earth, and he is worshipped by Hindus for his blessings of health, wealth, and prosperity. In the Vedas, Surya is described as the “Eye of the Universe” and the “Lord of Light.” In the Upanishads, Surya is described as the “Supreme Being” and the “Source of All Knowledge.” In the Puranas, Surya is described as the “Father of All Creatures” and the “Protector of the World.”

  • People with the number 1 in their numerology chart are often natural leaders. They are confident, decisive, and have a strong sense of purpose. PM Modi exhibits exceptional leadership qualities which is praised not only by Indians but by the world leaders as well. He is also seen as a visionary leader who has a clear plan for India’s future. He has set ambitious goals for the country, and he is working hard to achieve them. He is also committed to improving the lives of all Indians, regardless of their background or beliefs.
  • People with the number 1 in their numerology chart are often independent and individualistic. They are not afraid to go their own way and to stand out from the crowd. This is truly depicting the personality traits of PM Modi. He is known for his strong personality and his willingness to go his own way. He is also known for his focus on results and his disdain for bureaucracy.
    • Modi’s independence has been evident throughout his career. As Chief Minister of Gujarat, he was known for his willingness to take risks and to challenge the status quo. He was also known for his ability to get things done, even when faced with opposition.
    • Modi’s individualism has also been evident in his style of leadership. He is known for his charisma and his ability to connect with people. He is also known for his willingness to take on the establishment. He has his own ideas about how things should be done.
    • Modi’s independence and individualism have been both praised and criticized. His supporters say that he is a strong and decisive leader who is not afraid to do what is necessary for the country.

People with the number 1 in their numerology chart are often ambitious and self-driven. They set high goals for themselves and are always striving to achieve them. Prime Minister Modi is ambitious. He has set ambitious goals for India, such as becoming a $5 trillion economy by 2024 and a global leader in digital technology. He has also launched a number of ambitious initiatives, such as the Make in India campaign and the Digital India initiative. Modi’s ambition is necessary for India to achieve its full potential. Prime Minister Modi is self-driven. He is a man who is motivated by his own goals. Modi’s self-drive has been evident throughout his career. As Chief Minister of Gujarat and now as a Prime Minister of India, he is well known for his long hours and his dedication to his work.

People with the number 1 in their numerology chart are often successful in their endeavors. They have the drive, determination, and creativity to achieve their goals. PM Modi has had a successful political career. He served as the Chief Minister of Gujarat from 2001 to 2014, and he has been the Prime Minister of India since 2014. As Chief Minister of Gujarat, Modi was credited with overseeing a period of economic growth and development. He also implemented a number of social welfare programs, such as the Gujarat Swabhiman Gram Yojana, which aimed to improve the lives of the poor in rural areas. Same is the case today as PM, Modi ji has implemented various social welfare schemes for India like Atal Pension Yojana (APY), Stand Up India Scheme, Prime Minister Ujjwala’s Plan, Smart city initiative, Mission Swachh Bharat and Made in India, to name few.

How number 1 played an important role in PM Modi’s life: In all the dates as discussed above, which are associated with PM Narendra Modi always contains 1 as on of the number.

In our next article, we will discuss about the PM Modi’s Mulank and Bhagyank in detail and see how 2024 will support PM Modi to win elections as per Vedic numerology.

The tussle between Defence Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs) and the Indian Armed Forces



The security and economic growth of India are both greatly influenced by the defence industry there. The Indian Armed Forces receive their defence supplies through government-owned firms known as the Defence Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs).

The Indian Armed Forces must have the tools and know-how to protect the nation’s borders, and that responsibility falls to these DPSUs. But there have been several instances of conflict between the DPSUs and the Indian Armed Forces over the years. The causes of these disputes, how they affect the nation’s defensive capabilities, and potential solutions will all be covered in this article.

Reasons for tussles between DPSUs and the Indian Armed Forces

  1. Lack of coordination: The inability of the two organisations to work together effectively is one of the main causes of conflicts between DPSUs and the Indian Armed Forces. The DPSUs frequently fail to consider the unique needs of the Armed Forces while developing and producing equipment. As a result, there may be equipment that is inappropriate for the unique requirements of the Armed Forces.
  2. Equipment supply delays : are another factor in disputes between DPSUs and the Indian Armed Forces. Due to bureaucratic red tape, a lack of funding, and other administrative challenges, the DPSUs frequently experience delays in the production and delivery of equipment. This may leave the Indian Armed Forces unprepared to deal with threats from outside forces.
  3. Problems with quality: There have been multiple examples of DPSUs-produced equipment being of poor quality. In certain instances, the machinery has even failed, endangering the lives of soldiers. The Indian Armed Forces and the DPSUs no longer trust each other as a result of this.
  4. Cost overruns: The DPSUs are frequently held accountable for cost overruns in the production of defense-related goods. The result has been that the Indian Armed Forces have been forced to pay high amounts for subpar equipment. This has put pressure on the defence budget and affected how well-prepared the nation is for defence.

Reports from the CAG and other governments

The audit of the government’s and its entities’ financial records is the responsibility of India’s Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG). Over the years, the CAG has published a number of reports highlighting the problems faced by the DPSUs and the Indian Armed Forces. among the important CAG reports are:

  1. Report on Defence Production (Report on Defence Production (CAG Report No. 20 of 2015): In 2015, the CAG published a report on Defence Production that outlined a number of problems the DPSUs were experiencing. According to the study, the DPSUs were dealing with quality problems, cost overruns, and delays in the delivery of equipment. The study also emphasised the need for the DPSUs to increase production and efficiency.
  2.  Army Aviation Corps Performance Audit (Performance Audit of Army Aviation Corps (CAG Report No. 15 of 2019): In 2019, the CAG published a report on the Army Aviation Corps Performance Audit. According to the study, the Army Aviation Corps’ operational readiness was hampered by a scarcity of helicopters. The research also emphasised how important it is for DPSUs to increase their efficiency while producing helicopters.
  • Report on the Performance of the Defence Public Sector Undertakings (Report on Performance of Defence Public Sector Undertakings (CAG Report No. 14 of 2020): The CAG published a report on the 2020 performance of the Defence Public Sector Undertakings. According to the study, the DPSUs were dealing with quality problems, cost overruns, and delays in the delivery of equipment. The study also emphasised the need for the DPSUs to increase production and efficiency.

Actions to end the scuffles

1. Increase coordination: To guarantee that the equipment being built fulfils the unique demands of the Armed Forces, the DPSUs and the Indian Armed Forces must collaborate. Better coordination and communication between the two entities are necessary for this.

2. Increase productivity: To guarantee that equipment is produced and delivered on time, the DPSUs must increase their production and efficiency. Adopting contemporary manufacturing methods and procedures is necessary for this.

3.Raise quality: The DPSUs must concentrate on raising the standard of the machinery they produce. This calls for the employment of cutting-edge technology and the adoption of strict quality control techniques.

4.Increasing accountability is necessary in order to hold the DPSUs responsible for equipment delivery delays, cost overruns, and quality problems. Adopting a transparent and responsible system of production and sourcing is necessary for this.


The conflict between the DPSUs and the Indian Armed Forces is concerning because it affects how well-prepared the nation is for defence. To tackle these challenges and guarantee that the nation’s military equipment is of the greatest quality and delivered on time, cooperation between the DPSUs and the Indian Armed Forces is imperative.

To promote coordination, efficiency, and accountability, all stakeholders—including the government, the DPSUs, and the Indian Armed Forces—need to work together. Only then will India’s military sector be able to play a significant part in safeguarding the nation’s security and economic growth.

Parikrama for Parivartan: Uni. Cab. Min. Pashottam Rupala began India’s first ever voyage to connect with people living near coastline

Sailing through India’s 7,000 Km coastline, Sagar Parikrama reaches Kerala on 7th June 2023. Union Cabinet Minister Pashottam Rupala began India’s first ever voyage to connect with people living near coastline. “Sagar Parikrama” a voyage for National Interest.

Union Cabinet Minister of Fisheries Parshottam Rupala began sagar parikrama with an intention to serve those who live on India’s coastline and who are dependent on fishery industry for livelihood. India is having the most diverse terrain and so it is necessary to serve people amongst all terrains, this is seen in recent decisions taken by the Modi Government, “sabka sath,sabka vishvas, sabka vikas” is being delivered across all sectors and areas.

Union Minister Purshottam Rupala

It was a challenge for government earlier to take note of problems faced by those living near coastline, but as India has a coastline of 8,000 Km, it was need of the hour that their problems are taken note of, and solved. Knowing the importance of this, Union Cabinet Minister Parshottam Rupala kicked off an initiative to address the problems faced on coastlines by physically going into the depth of each problem to find the amicable solution.

Sagar Parikrama began on 5th March 2022 from Mandvi in Kutch District of Gujarat. Till now Sagar Parikrama has passed through Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Andaman Nikobar islands and Kerala. The most significant aspect which makes the Parikrama effective is that Union Cabinet Minister travel with team of government officers through water ways, to know the actual problems faced by fishermen more closely.

This remarkable voyage for the people “Sagar Parikrama” is in its 7th phase. Sagar Parikrama was kicked off from birth place of Shyamji Krishna varma in Mandvi. The initial plan of the Sagar Parikrama was to start from west coast of India and that too from the starting point of the western coast, therefore the Sagar Parikrama began from Mandvi in Gujarat.

Motive of this Sagar parikrama is to carry the message of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to fishermen and people residing on coastal areas, to educate them regarding the schemes launched by Government of India for fishermen. Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Played a huge role in boosting the income of Fishermen. Initially KCC was provided only to farmers but later the scheme included Fishermen too. While in Mandvi Minister Parshottam Rupala highlighted that Fishermen are provided with 0% interest loan by the Gujarat Government, while it may vary from state to state.

KCC scheme at 7% is the lending rate to farmers including at 2% interest subvention per annumby Govt. of India. Also, another 3% per annum is provided in case of prompt repayment as an additional incentive as per the existing guidelines, fishermen are not required to provide any collateral security for availing this scheme.

Cabinet Minister Parshottam Rupala directed district officers to work in a manner that no fishermen is left behind in providing KCC, Cabinet minister also highlighted that fishermen shall be made accustomed with KCC so that he does not take loan from money lenders who charge higher rate of interest, KCC would increase their savings and generate Income.

In 1st phase of sagar parikrama, union cabinet minister came across some difficulties faced by the fishermen but the most common problem was that fishes are now found far from coastal belt which is in deep ocean and it increases the travel coast of the fishermen. Minister Rupala along with departmental officers decided to make arrangements for “River ranching” which will solve the problem.


– Shri Parshottam Rupala Ji.

During The parikrama Cabinet Minister emphasisied on the usage of “cage culture” fishing method, which will fetch huge returns. Minister urged the society to come forward and use the method for fishing. He also mentioned that earlier fishermen were called “sagar khedut” but it is Prime Minister Narendra Modi who extended the benefits of a farmer to fishermen. During the Sagar Parikrama cabinet minister shared details about the “mats sampada yojna” launched by the union government and urged fishermen to take the benefit of the yojna.

Emphasis was laid on saving marine life too during the Parikrama, during the Sagar Parikrama he took note of ways and methods of fishing, he analysed that some people use nets having negligible net space, because of which small fishes are also caged which is not the correct environmental method of fishing. He expressed his anger towards fishing of small fishes then a certain size and age.

While interacting with coastguards he was requested to make an appeal to the public at large that no fishermen shall go alone for deep fishing so that if one gets arrested, the other fishermen can come back to the coast and inform the coastguard that one is arrested by forces of other nation. He also urged that when 5-10 people go for fishing in a boat according to the capacity of the boat, each one of them shall have a life saving jacket compulsorily.

While launching 6th Phase of Sagar Parikrama Union Cabinet minister Parshottam Rupala laid foundation stone of Fish Landing Centre at Viverkanandapur of Little Andaman which would ensure hygiene in fish handling and will also provide better connectivity in distribution of fishes. Foresightedness of Government was clear, government is ensuring that income of fishermen should increase.

In past no efforts were made by the union government directly to ensure better economic conditions of fishermen or people connected to fishing industry. There was no dedicated ministry to address the problems of fishing industry. The decision was taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to setup an independent dedicated Ministry for Fisheries to address these problems. The present Government has successfully involved itself directly with fishermen and fishing Industry. The direct connect has a huge impact on Marine life and earning of the fishermen.

When the Sagar Parikrama reached Kerala in Phase 7, an interesting atmosphere was created as State Government welcomed the Sagar Parikrama. In Kasaragod, Sagar Parikrama was invited and stage was shared by Congress, League, BJP, Central Government Officials and other regional parties. The unity was seen and felt as the issues of fishermen were the topmost priority. Not only this, immense response was given to Sagar Parikrama in Kerala and Cabinet Minister himself paid attention to all the problems/demands made by Fishermen or stake holders of fishing industry. Kerala’s Demands Relating To Fishing Sector Will Be Sympathetically Considered: Union Fisheries Minister

When a place is not organised, or lacks cleanliness people normally say that is this a FISH MAKET… but i want to work in a manner that fish markets are organised and hygine is followed. I am working with this vision

Parshottam Rupala (Union Cabinet Minister of Fisheries)

In coming days a two day planning session could be scheduled in which Union Cabinet would invite Fisheries Ministers from all the states to discuss the direction in which Fisheries Department will work.

Tuberculosis control in Bharat during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international success story

Over the past few years, the entire world has become painfully aware of the devastating impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on humanity. This virus has not spared the poor, the rich, or the middle class. With a population of more than one billion, Bharat (India) has faced a monumental challenge of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, while concurrently addressing numerous major societal and health burdens such as food insecurity, climate change, impoverishment, and the spread of other communicable diseases.

One issue of high concern in Bharat since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic has been regarding the potential for setbacks in tuberculosis control. Tuberculosis, or TB, is a deadly infectious disease that has persisted in Bharat for many years – likely, centuries. This disease comes in numerous, menacing forms, with the potential to have an impact on the lungs, but also the bones, the brain, and any other part of the body. To this today, it remains one of the deadliest infections on the planet, causing the death of more than a million people every year.

Due to all of this, many have predicted TB to rise during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to kill an increasing number of people as a result. Across a large number of countries in the world where TB is rampant, the reality is that this has been the case. In most of these countries, since the emergence of COVID-19, TB control efforts have been greatly impacted and death totals have risen.

However, our team’s recent study has shown that – against all odds, Bharat has instead shown a major decrease in TB deaths since the emergence of COVID. In our work, published in the medical journal Cureus, we compared TB data in Bharat from recent years to pre-pandemic levels. We demonstrated that there have been sharp decreases in the number of cases that have been detected – with the total new annual cases decreasing by nearly 25% in 2020 compared to 2019. Critically, across that same time period, there was also a major decrease in the total deaths by TB in Bharat.

In 2019, reported death totals of notified cases for TB were 89,823. In 2020, this decreased to a total of 76,002 deaths, signifying a 15.4% decrease during this time period. In this same period, at the national level there was an 18.8% decrease in TB deaths for patients treated in the public sector (69,843 deaths in 2019 and 56,705 deaths in 2020), and a 3.4% decrease in the private sector (19,980 deaths in 2019 and 19,297 deaths in 2020). Male death totals decreased by 22.6% (from 65,285 deaths in 2019 to 54,051 deaths in 2020), and female totals decreased by 10.4% (with 24,456 deaths in 2019 and 21,913 deaths in 2020).

Cite this article as: Varshney K, Patel H, Kamal S (2023) Trends in Tuberculosis Mortality Across India: Improvements Despite the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cureus 15(4): e38313. doi:10.7759/cureus.38313

This large scale public health success, with decreases in annual TB deaths, indicates that leadership in Bharat has been effective in fighting TB – especially considering that mortality totals have shown a trend in the opposite direction for many other countries. This has not been an accident; the government has made major efforts in strengthening TB control programs in ways that have concurrently curbed the spread of COVID, addressed poverty, and supported those in rural or other underserved areas. In many ways, this is an indication that Bharat is rising and advancing as a nation on many levels – even in a time when a multitude of other nations (including those far wealthier) are regressing on social and health measures.

The magnitude of this accomplishment has been so significant that the World Health Organization has recently even applauded leadership in Bharat for the work they have done. The director of the Global TB program in the World Health Organization, Dr. Tereza Kasaeva, has said many great things about Bharat’s control of TB during this difficult time, and that the country serves as a source of inspiration for nations across the globe that are fighting this deadly disease.

India bears the highest burden of TB in the world, however the country has demonstrated  significant high level political commitment and action towards ending the disease…We applaud the leadership of the Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi in pursuing ambitious targets backed by a substantial increase in domestic funding, and implementation of innovative approaches and multisectoral actions to fast-track the TB response in the country. This provides inspiration to other countries and leaders to prioritise ending TB

Stated by Dr Tereza Kasaeva in: WHO applauds Indian leadership on ending TB. (2023).

While there is still an enormous amount of work needed to put an end to TB across Bharat, leadership has nonetheless shown that this deadly disease can be beaten and that many lives can be saved. There is certainly a long journey ahead, and during that journey, it is worthwhile to take some moments to celebrate this stellar achievement of Bharat on a global scale.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.
Karan Varshney, MPH, MD(c)

UK Tory Party leaders maintain ties with controversial businessman and terror-funder

While evidence has emerged pointing to disturbing nexus between numerous politicians from the United States, United Kingdom and European Union as well as US President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden and an undesignated terrorist organization in Bangladesh, there is report about embattled MP from UK’s Tory Party, Bob Stewart of hiding his directorship of a foreign defense company controlled by a controversial Azerbaijani businessman while sitting on Parliament’s influential defense committee.

An investigation by openDemocracy and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) has found that Stewart failed to declare his role at the Luxembourg-registered firm.

A former member of Westminster’s standards committee said the failure “looks like a clear and serious breach” of the rules.

It comes a week after Stewart, the Conservative MP for Beckenham, was charged with a public order offence over an alleged racially aggravated incident in December.

According to OpenDemocracy, the latest revelations center on Stewart’s hitherto secret directorship of Ksantex SARL, a provider of defense equipment and advice, between February 2015 and July 2017. During this time, he was a member of the House of Commons defense select committee, which is tasked with overseeing the work of government on defense issues.

“It would be difficult to describe something which is more of a conflict of interest than this”, the SNP’s constitutional affairs spokesperson Tommy Sheppard told OpenDemocracy.

MPs are required to declare all relevant outside interests on the Register of Members’ Financial Interests within one month of election and any changes to their interests within 28 days. Stewart failed to declare his position in the two and a half years that he was a director or at any stage since.

Parliament’s own guidance states that the register’s purpose is “to provide information about any financial interest which an MP has, or any benefit which they receive, which others might reasonably consider to influence his or her actions or words as an MP”.

When asked by OpenDemocracy why he hadn’t registered his interest in Ksantex, Stewart said: “I believe I had already registered my interest in that group of companies in 2012”.

According to OpenDemocracy, Tory Party MP Bob Stewart declared a consultancy arrangement with a separate company – VES Consultancy (UK) Ltd, where he earned £3,000 per month for the “provision of leadership/planning training and advice”. Stewart’s declaration said the work lasted for one year from 1 July 2010.

But there is another significant person, beyond Stewart, who connects the two firms: a French-Azerbaijani businessman called Khagani Bashirov, who served time in jail in relation to an investigation into the disappearance of funds from the International Bank of Azerbaijan.

Commenting publicly for the first time, Bashirov confirmed to openDemocracy that he controlled both VES Consultancy (UK) Ltd and Ksantex SARL.

Bashirov was mentioned during the proceedings of the UK’s first Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO), which was brought against the wife of Jahangir Hajiyev, the former chairman of Azerbaijan’s state bank, in 2018.

Tory Party MP Bob Stewart is not the only case.

It was reported in Blitz that an INTERPOL wanted convicted terrorist named Shahid Uddin Khan has been maintaining deeper connections with Tory Party’s MP Stephen William Hammond. This dangerous terror-funder has publicly claimed to maintain connections with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and even shared picture with Sunak on social media.

In May 2009, UK’s most prestigious newspaper The Sunday Times in a report titled ‘Tory donor charged with arms dealing and funding terrorism’ said, Shahid Uddin Khan was maintaining intimate connections with Tory Party MP Stephen Hammond.

In a report, Indian newspaper The Business Standard said, the [Indian] agencies suspect that the Bangladeshi army officer, allegedly involved in gun running, has links with Dawood Ibrahim’s underworld activities. Quoting sources, it further said that the former Bangladeshi Colonel migrated to London in 2009 under mysterious circumstances. He is said to have had business operations in Dubai as well as in Britain. As per the latest dossier on the Dawood Ibrahim cartel, the D company is involved in smuggling Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN) and contraband narcotics.

According to media reports, earlier Shahid Uddin had falsely claimed of completing PhD from Portsmouth University in UK. Although this matter was widely covered in the media, authorities of the Portsmouth University maintained total silence as it was later learnt from various sources that a section of staff of this university were bribed by this Interpol-wanted convicted fugitive in helping him with the false claim of completing PhD. It was revealed by reporters of this newspaper that the Portsmouth University PhD certificate Shahid Uddin Khan has been displaying on social media is fake, which generates serious doubts about the integrity of this UK university, while according to some people, Portsmouth University is a degree mill. Since 2009, British authorities have allowed convicted fugitive Shahid Uddin Khan to reside in London by investing over US$ 15 million towards the so-called Golden Visa program, which has already allowed hundreds of criminals from around the world to taking refuge in England.

Adipurush: An anticlimactic interpretation of the Ramayana


In a much-anticipated release, the film “Adipurush” aimed to bring the epic tale of the Ramayana to the silver screen. However, this cinematic adaptation has left audiences with a sense of disappointment. Despite the initial excitement surrounding the project, the execution has fallen short of expectations.

The Cast and Crew Struggle to Capture the Essence of the Ramayana

The film features a talented cast, with popular actor Prabhas in the lead role of Lord Rama. However, despite their best efforts, the actors seem to struggle to truly embody their characters. The performances lack the depth and emotional resonance needed to bring the mythological figures to life. Moreover, the direction fails to capture the essence of the Ramayana, leaving the audience disconnected from the narrative.

Lackluster Screenplay Fails to Engage the Audience

One of the critical flaws of “Adipurush” lies in its screenplay. The writing lacks originality and fails to offer a fresh perspective on the well-known story of the Ramayana. The dialogues, though faithful to the source material, lack the impact necessary to engage the audience fully. The film follows a predictable narrative trajectory, leaving viewers craving more depth and complexity.

Visual Effects Fail to Impress

Given the scale of the epic tale, one would expect stunning visual effects to bring the fantastical elements to life. Unfortunately, “Adipurush” falls short in this aspect as well. The CGI appears lackluster and fails to create a sense of awe. The battle scenes, which should have been grand and visually captivating, lack the intensity and excitement needed to leave a lasting impression on the audience.

Missed Opportunities in Character Development

One of the strengths of the Ramayana is the depth and complexity of its characters. However, “Adipurush” fails to explore and develop these characters fully. The film barely scratches the surface of their motivations and struggles, leaving the audience yearning for more. The missed opportunities in character development contribute to the overall disappointment felt by viewers.

The Verdict: A Disappointing Cinematic Endeavor

In conclusion, “Adipurush” fails to live up to the expectations set by its ambitious premise. Despite a talented cast and crew, the film falls short in capturing the essence of the Ramayana. With lackluster performances, a mediocre screenplay, underwhelming visual effects, and missed opportunities in character development, this cinematic adaptation proves to be a disappointing endeavor. Audiences, particularly those familiar with the rich and nuanced tale of the Ramayana, are left longing for a more engaging and authentic portrayal.

The creators of “Adipurush” undoubtedly had the best intentions in bringing this beloved story to the big screen. However, it is evident that their execution did not do justice to the source material. As the curtains fall on this underwhelming adaptation, audiences hope that future cinematic endeavors will take more care in faithfully interpreting and presenting such revered narratives.

Moolshankar and Murty: Dayanand Saraswati the founder of Arya Samaj

A long time ago, when I was eight or nine, my history teacher read a chapter from our history book which read something like this:

“One night, while Moolshankar was awake in a Shiva temple, he saw a mouse running over Shiva’s idol and taking away God’s offerings. He thought that if Shiva could not protect himself, how could he protect us? He advocated against idol worship and founded Arya Samaj.”

Yes, that chapter was about Swami Dayanand Saraswati. Several teachers took it as an opportunity to ridicule Hindu customs without giving any consideration to the impressionable minds of 8 and 9-year-olds.

Let’s assume that the idol is God. Now, evaluate this: Siva can meditate with snakes garlanding his neck — why should he be disturbed by a mouse? Take a moment to imagine yourself sitting five feet away from a snake. Would you be able to meditate with a snake at 5 feet? No!. Siva is not only the greatest yogi but Pashupatinath too. Why will Siva need to protect himself from a mouse?

What did Moolshankar expect? — The mouse should be pushed back when he tries to go near the idol, or the offering should disappear when he tries to eat.

He had the wrong expectations because no religious book that details pooja, like Narad Puran or Agni Puran, mentions that this should happen. Neither is there any documented incident of this happening.

Unfortunately, he is not alive to answer any questions.

Pooja is nothing but a visualization technique of Cognitive behavioral therapy. There was no psychology back then, so Moolshankar had not studied it and could not understand it. Maybe, he did not understand the purpose of puja itself, nor the connection with oneself by the pooja procedure.

Our mind needs to change, not the use of idols.

It is we, humans, that distinguish between creatures and find them dirty or clean. Humans create boundaries, not God. If God also starts selecting who can come near him and who cannot, then what is the difference between humans and Gods?

God, Allah, or Shiva, whatever you may call it, does not need to protect itself as it is immortal; it is the cause as well as the creation. Nothing can be a “threat” to God. So the logic of “protection” itself is not valid here. Everything emerges from Siva at the time of creation and merges back into Siva at the time of dissolution. Who is going to protect from whom?

Tulasidas says in Varigya sandipini ( Page 9 — Chapter1 , 4th Soratha ) 

Rephrasing below, from the translation by Author Ajai Kumar Chhawchharia

Forsooth and without gainsay, lord Ram is without birth, non-dual, without a second, nameless, invisible, formless, and without qualities, is the Lord of Maya — verily, it is this Lord God who has revealed himself in a human form with the name of ‘Ram.’ He did it for the benefit of his devotees and those who have surrendered themselves before the Lord. [Note- Stanzas nos. 3 and 4 bridge the gap between the formless and formed variants of the same Supreme Being.

Maybe other civilizations were not mature or advanced enough to understand psychology and use it to connect with the immortal, just like they were not mature enough to understand the importance of yoga and the role of nature in happiness till now. 

Humans have different emotions, like curiosity, gallantry, devotion, etc. Idols give us a way for a “devotional workout.” They are nothing but a mirror for your eyes to see your mental state. If your mental state lacks devotion, the idol will show you a stone; if you have devotion, the idol will show you God, and it will give you love, energy, courage, and shelter.

The idol itself will not fly in the sky and start killing your enemies, but you can kill them with devotion. Idols are a tool to awaken our inner energy.

The idols and temples are the power of Hindus and India. They take you to a world — a thousand years ago; they have a story to tell. Each idol is a source of joy; you can observe it for several minutes or hours and plunge into its beauty. We all know  “A thing of beauty is a joy forever”, then why hate idols? Idols are not at fault. When you demean an idol, you are not demeaning God; instead, you are demeaning a sculpture’s work.

My mother once said to me — Had there been no idols, how would we know how people dressed a thousand years ago?. Where would artists immortalize their art without temples?

Once “God” is attached to art, it gets a purpose and meaning in life. Its destiny is sealed forever — it will give its worshippers love, support, and courage or ask for justice against its demolishers. One cannot create “the voice of God” that will last for 1000 years nor the “touch of God,” but one can create an idol of God that will stand the test of time, and even after demolition, it will forever be in its worshipper’s minds.

Idols serve us in the process of worship; they are precious to us, so we must protect them as our duty, just like we must protect the body that serves us. 

Now, coming back to the mouse — there are mice everywhere — most probably as I write this blog or as you read this blog, a mouse is eating up on wooden doors of some non-Hindu religious place. Should people conclude that if that religious place could not protect itself from a mouse, why should they go and worship in that place?

A doctor cannot operate on himself — does it mean we conclude that since the doctor cannot operate on himself, we should not go see a doctor? 

Humans can create a sacred space, associate it with symbols, and derive support and energy from it.

The moment the first human imprinted his figure print on the walls of a cave, he signed a contract for the entire human race which said — From now on till eternity, humans shall use symbols to understand, communicate and connect.

Symbolism is the quality of humans and not birds and animals. If we also stop respecting idols, what better are we compared to the mouse. ?

Not using idols or pictures is only as good as using idols or pictures for worship. No one who does pooja runs around ridiculing others for not using them because he is aware that there are multiple paths to get the same understanding. It is the need of time for others too to understand this and respect all paths.

India is not a political toy of Rahul Gandhi

[Barack Hussain Obama, the ex-President of USA, was recently inspired by Rahul Gandhi and expressed his agenda-driven concern about phantom-sufferings of Indian Muslim minority community]

The blatantly anti-Hindu Rahul Gandhi (Raul Vinci) has recently (May-June 2023) cried in the USA that under BJP rule, India has (1) no democracy, (2) no freedom of speech, and (3) Muslims are not allowed to practice Islam and they are a persecuted community in India. He was behaving like a crying baby seeking help from his Islamist-Leftist-Evangelist-Woke gang in the USA, so that the gang might help him to become Prime Minister of India in 2024.

Rahul Gandhi’s above-mentioned visit to USA was sponsored by many dubious organizations and groups. Among those, Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) was one. ICNA was established in 1968 by Americans Muslims of South Asian origin. This organization is engaged in religious conversion activity in USA and has connection with different Islamic terrorist groups.

Rahul Gandhi’s family background is very suspicious. His maternal grandfather was an alleged Fascist party member in Italy. His mother is Roman Catholic and paternal grandfather was Parsi. But funnily before the general election in India, Rahul Gandhi does temple hopping to entice Hindu voters and claims to be a Hindu Brahmin of Dattatreya Gotra.

Leaving aside election times, Rahul Gandhi keeps on emitting venom and hatred towards Hinduism. But then when he comes to sense, he shouts “I am a Hindu, but not Hindutva”. Poor Pappu means that he is human, but not humanity. Lo and behold. He does not know that Hindutva means the attributes of Hindu.

If India has no democracy, how Congress has won the May 2023 Assembly election in Karnataka state of India? Before that, how could AAP win the Assembly election in Punjab in March 2022? Moreover, out of 28 states of India, how are 12 states presently ruled by non-BJP parties.

So far, BJP has not imposed Article 356 on any state in the past 9 years of its rule at centre, though West Bengal was a very strong case after its widespread Post Poll violence on Hindus in 2021. But BJP allowed anti-Hindu TMC party to rule the state on the basis of its electoral victory.

If there is no freedom of speech in India, how can dozens of members of Congi-Commie-Islamist cabal abuse Modi, BJP and RSS 24 x 7 in social, print and electronic media?

Indian Islamist journalist Rana Ayyub raised public funds during Covid pandemic to help people, but diverted a huge amount to personal bank accounts. Is investigating her financial fraud by a competent government agency amounts to suppression of freedom of speech?

In India, freedom of speech is not absolute. The Constitution has imposed some reasonable restrictions on freedom of speech. So, the shouter of slogan of “Bharat tere tukde honge, Ins-Allah Ins-Allah” and the Jihadi who publicly instigated Indian Muslims to disrupt the Chicken’s Neck corridor in North Bengal to isolate North-East India from mainland India are rotting in the Indian jails, which they deserve.

The nexus between The Washington Post, Christiane Amanpour, Barack Hussain Obama, CNN, George Soros, his son Alexander Soros and Rahul Gandhi is well established. Soros has openly claimed that he would spend $ 600 million Dollars to oust Modi in 2024 election. Rahul Gandhi has reduced himself to be a pawn of Soros and his gang [].

If Muslims are not allowed to practice Islam in India, how the recent Pew Research report [,%E2%80%9Cnot%20at%20all%20free%E2%80%9D.] revealed that 98 percent of Muslim respondents of India from 17 states expressed that they were free to practice Islam in India? In the same study the rest 2 percent told that they were partially free to practice Islam. None said that he was not free to practice Islam in India.

Indian Muslims have their own Personal Laws, which the majority Hindu community does not have. India has the second highest number of mosques as a country. The land-holding of the Indian Waqf Board is third largest in the country after the Armed Forces and Indian Railway. Recently Islamic Abu Dhabi has imposed a fine of Dh 1,000 on anybody who offers Namaz on the road. But across the whole India, Muslims offer Friday Namaz by blocking highways, and railway platforms. Further they offer Namaz within railway coaches and aircrafts even.

Issues of Muslims in independent India are unique and need some explanations. Muslim invaders, small and big, came from outside and ruled different parts of Indian sub-continent for about 650 years from 1206 AD both effectively and ineffectively. As a part of their religious obligation, these Muslim ruling classes converted local people to Islam. By 1941, proportion of Muslim population in British India became 24 percent.

When Muslims of British India refused to live with majority Hindu community after the British left, Islamic Pakistan was created for them on 14-15 August 1947. In 1946 election, about 97 percent British Indian Muslims voted for Muslim League to create Pakistan and they cried “Pakistan Ka Matlab Keya, La Ilaha Illal Lah”. But after partition, all the Muslims who fell on independent Indian side did not migrate to Pakistan and most of them stayed back in India.

As per 1951 census, Muslim population in independent India was 9.8 percent. The estimated proportion of Muslim population in 2023 is about 15 percent. In absolute number, there are about 210 millions of Muslims in India today and it is the second highest number of Muslims in any country after Islamic Indonesia.

This positive demographic shift in favour of Indian Muslims would not have occurred had the situation been hostile to them in India. The BJP rule of past 9 years was no different for them. Reverse picture is seen in Pakistan and Bangladesh, where proportion of Hindu population decreased steadily and fast after 1947, though Hindus there never demanded partition.

From another angle, there has not been any rush among Indian Muslims for taking political asylum in other Islamic or Western countries during last 75 years in general and 9 years in particular. Moreover, India has given asylum to Rohingya Muslims who fled Myanmar in recent past for religious persecution. The United Nations says nearly 40,000 Rohingya have fled to India from Myanmar, most of them in 2017, that is, during BJP rule.

Besides, tens of millions of illegal Bangladeshi Muslims have penetrated all parts of India in past decades. They have forged Indian citizenship and are happily living on Indian tax payers’ money. The main intent of Islamist-Left-Congress cabal to oppose CAA was to stop identification and deportation of those illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators, otherwise CAA had nothing to do with any Muslim anywhere in the world.

However, in a country of 1.4 billion people, the random criminal incidences and law and order problems between Hindus and Muslims of India are commonplace and found to happen from both sides. So, Muslims facing religious persecution in India under BJP rule is a grand Pappu-lie at the best or Pappu-inspired malicious Islamic propaganda against BJP at the worse.

When in 1950, unlike Islamic Pakistan, the Constitution of independent India did not make the country a Hindu nation, – the Muslims of Indian sub-continent ate the apple and had it too. They got both Pakistan and India, but Hindus got none. They got Pakistan for being minority in British India and started getting additional benefits, supports and pampering from the government of independent India for still being minority in the country. This has taken India back to the socio-political crisis of 1940s.

The fact of the matter is, Rahul Gandhi is either ill-informed or a pathological liar or an entitlement-obsessed stupid dynastic inheritor under the spell of China, Pakistan and Christian evangelists. In any case, Rahul Baba should stop playing with India as his political toy and stop Barack Hussain Obama to follow him too.

About the author: Dr Jadabeswar Bhattacharjee served Government of India and retired as Higher Administrative Grade Officer after 35 years of service. After retirement from the service, he developed interest in writing on contentious issues and topics. His published books are (1) Politically incorrect Point of View, (2) Politics, Bong and Faith, (3) The Alternative Narrative, (4) The West Bengal Saga and (5) Political Islam and India.