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Behavioral psychology of women from Hijab advocating community making hidden lewd videos of others


Summary: In the wake of the Udupi College case, where women from specific community were involved in covertly filming their peers, this article explores the behavioral psychology behind such actions. It delves into the effects of societal conditioning, dehumanization of women, and the paradox of women coming from community adhering to very conservative dress codes engaging in such invasive acts

The Curious Udupi Case

The Udupi College case has recently garnered significant attention, involving a group of women from specific community who systematically took hidden videos of their fellow female college students in the restrooms. Initial information suggests that this invasive behavior may have persisted for some time, impacting multiple girls from a different religious background within the college.

While the state has finally filed an FIR for investigation  – albeit reluctantly and after a long chase of terming it as innocent prank – this alarming incident raises profound questions about the state of our society and the dynamics influencing college girls to engage in such voyeuristic acts.

The consequences of such actions extend beyond the immediate violation of privacy.  Once finding its way online, such videos may become un-erasable, and may end up potentially ruining the lives of those filmed. Victims may experience feelings of violation, humiliation, and trauma, leading to long-term mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Behavioral Psychology of Women from Hijab Advocating Community Making Hidden Lewd Videos

Interestingly, Udupi, the same place, was in center of the Hijab controversy last year. And in this coincidence, lies one of the most surprising part of the whole saga. Looking especially from a behavioral psychology point of view, a pertinent question is that how women coming from a community that promotes a culture of making women be covered from head to toe, be willing participant in such “pranks” of filming other women in bathroom?

If even showing a bit of skin or hair is condemned vehemently in the community, how can such women at the same time be so unsensitive to other women that they could go through the trouble of forming a team, of watchers and recorders, and then film other girls via hidden cameras in bathroom? It seems so counterintuitive. So much so that some great intellectuals of the land are willing to treat it as prank rather than the crime that it is. 

Looking deeper though, a link exists between belonging to a community where one is asked to be as conservative as possible in showing skin or hair – making them victims of certain behaivioral conditining that may result into willingness to take secret lewd videos.

Dehumanizing Women

At first glance, it appears paradoxical. How can individuals coming from community which adheres to such conservative norms demonstrate such insensitivity towards other women, forming teams of watchers and recorders to engage in such unethical behavior?

To understand this paradox, we must delve into the process through which girls in such communities are convinced to adopt the most strict of dress codes in the modern age, amidst a backdrop of diverse clothing choices prevalent everywhere. Online and social media further exacerbates this contrast on how the world is and how they should be.

While coercion standalone may work some time, but that would really not last long and such coerced girls may be willing to ditch these restrictive norms at the first sign of self-independence or being left to themselves. The effective conditioning is not solely achieved through coercion; it requires the reinforcement of beliefs over time to ensure the lasting adherence to these restrictive norms. Particularly in urban settings like Udupi, where exposure to women from other communities with different dressing practices is common, the conditioning becomes essential for maintaining conformity. This conditioning subsequently becomes a norm in the community, affecting one even if they do not fully adhere to such practices.

The conditioning process often involves instilling the belief that women belonging to different culture and not adhering to the prescribed dress code are considered “immoral”,  “promiscuous”, “sluts” or even “maal-e-ganimat”. This dehumanization of those who choose not to cover themselves fully is aimed at justifying the restrictive dress code. It is an effective means of asserting control over women within families and communities, but it also simultaneously leaves deep psychological marks on those subjected to such conditioning. Consequently, these women may feel a sense of vulnerability and nakedness if they deviate from the prescribed dress.

But the even bigger problem is that this dehumanization extends beyond the women who embrace the hijab; it categorizes all other girls as women of low character, thus creating a justification for actions such as secretly filming them in compromising situations. The perceived low moral standing of these individuals makes them justifiable victims of the consequences of their own choices.

This insidious effect of hijab as a tool for shaming and dehumanizing women who do not adhere to it perpetuates harmful and damaging attitudes towards women, fostering a culture of intolerance and disrespect.

Implications for the Society

The implications of such beliefs on society are troubling. When a large enough segment of the population believes in the complete covering of women and concurrently views those who show some skin as undeserving of respect, the hijab transforms from a personal choice into a factor influencing the lives of others.

A society divided along such fault lines is inherently toxic for all its women. It breeds feelings of shame, guilt, and self-doubt, creating an environment that is detrimental to personal growth and societal progress. Addressing this issue is crucial to building a more inclusive and empathetic society that celebrates diversity.

As a society, we must confront the existence of these dangerous fault lines and work together to find feasible solutions. The Udupi College case serves as a stark reminder of the need to examine complex human behaviors through a multi-dimensional lens. By understanding the psychological, cultural, and social factors at play, we can take strides towards a more compassionate society, where individuals are treated with dignity, regardless of their beliefs or appearance. Otherwise the current Udupi case may just become tip of the iceberg.

About the author:

M. Ram is an intellectual from Hindu (not the paper but the community).

India – Key player in “BRICS political parties plus dialogue” summit


“A great person attracts great people and knows, how to hold them together.”
-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

The above thought crossed my mind when a foreign delegation said “India has strong leadership now and has made tremendous progress on all fronts globally. We look up to your PM Mr. Narendra Modi to solve conflicts with other nation.”

 The latest “BRICS political parties plus dialogue” conducted in South Africa from July 18th to July 20th reiterates the fact that India has a crucial role in geopolitics.

Unity in Diversity

Bharatiya Janatha Party (BJP) has sent a 4-member delegation to the “BRICS Political Parties Plus Dialogue on mutually accelerated growth, sustainable development and inclusive multilateralism” summit hosted by African National Congress in St Johannesburg, South Africa.

  • Mr. K.Annamalai, State president of Tamilandu ,BJP was the leader of the delegation. 39 years old ex IPS (Indian Police service) officer is an engineer and post graduate from Indian Institute Management (IIM)
  • state executive committee member, state media panellist and state in -charge for Policy and Research, Mahila Morcha of BJP Andhra Pradesh is a general physician.
  • Mr. Pushkar Misra ,54 years old State Executive Member and State convenor of Policy Research of BJP Uttar Pradesh did M.Phil and Ph D from JNU and is founder of Ashram Parampara.
  • Mr.Satyen Kulabkar ,44 year old Central Gujarat Media In charge, is a MBA graduate, entrepreneur and Syndicate member of Maharaja SayajiRao  University of Baroda.

India is a republic of people of different cultures and languages coming together as a union. This ethos of India is reflected in the delegation comprising of people from diverse areas of country and education.

Delegation was able to present the ideas of honourable Narendra Modi on the global platform.

Vasudhaika Kutumbakam- World is one

Sanathan Dharma has always propagated for the concept of Vasudhaika Kutumbakam which is the need of hour to establish peace globally.

In opening remarks Mr. Annamalai quoted great tamil poet Thiruvaalur

“viruppaRaach sutram iyaiyin aruppaRaa

aakkam palavum tharum”( When one’s neighbourhood is free of envy and full of love, the height one can reach is higher because of this motivation.)

The above wise words aptly summarised the solution to the problems of global order. Humanity and sympathy are needed to avoid conflicts based on “US vs THEM” thinking.

-Indian government believes in “Vasudhaiva kutambakam” – World is one. India respects sovereignty of all nations, works along with BRICS nations in all platforms to attain mutually accelerated Growth & sustainable development.

“As far as India is concerned, your voice is India’s voice. Your priorities are India’s priorities. India has always shared its developmental experience with our “brothers of the Global South.”- The vision of India in words of honorable PM Narendra Modi.

Indian Perspective on role of BRICS

-The world is facing a slew of problems which have devasted global economy. Global south has always faced challenges in any crisis occurring anywhere all over world.

– People of global south have suffered due to various crisis like covid 19, Russia -Ukraine conflict and climate changes.

-Still BRICS countries have contributed significantly in the economic growth and emerged as key player in global arena.

-These 5 nations contribute to over 41% of world potential and have significant market.

-There are fastest growing economies like Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, etc. in this continent.

-Africa has abundant resources of oil, leather, millets, minerals…

-Africa has always been an important partner of India in all aspects of culture, economy, trade and health and is the 5th largest investor of India.

-India has unconditionally supported Africa through various activities which are problem centric, outcome oriented and demand driven so as to create local opportunities for local people.

-India has provided several lines of credit and grants in aid for various activities in fields of infrastructure, green energy and education. Another 222 Lines of Credit (LoC) worth USD 14.07 billion covering 357 projects have been extended to 42 countries in Africa. These projects cover varied sectors like roads, railways, power, ports and shipping, telecom, health, education, and aviation.About 322 LoC projects have been completed while 277 projects are under implementation.

-Through ITEC (Indian Technology and Economic Cooperation) initiative one lakh scholarships have been sanctioned to African students. This is to enhance capacity building and technical assistance.

-Indian government has provided covid vaccines and 150 tons of medical equipment to 32 African countries.

-The duty-free tariff preferential scheme for Least Developed Nations launched in 2008 has benefited 33 African states.

-India’s engagement with African nations remains at three levels: Bilateral, Regional and Multilateral.

-The government of India is committed to growth of Africa reflecting words of honorable PM while addressing Uganda parliament “”Our development partnership will be guided by your priorities. It will be on terms that will be comfortable for you, that will liberate your potential and not constrain your future… We will build as much local capacity and create as many local opportunities as possible”.

– Modi government has taken new initiatives for development of Africa like

  • ‘Aarogya Maitri’ project. Under this project, India will provide essential medical supplies to any developing country affected by natural disasters or humanitarian crisis.
  • Establishment of a ‘Global-South Center of Excellence’ for research on development solutions or best-practices of any of Global South countries, which can be scaled and implemented in other members of the Global South.
  • Launch of a ‘Global-South Science & Technology initiative’ to share our expertise with other developing nations.
  • ‘Global-South Scholarships’ for students from developing countries to pursue higher education in India.
  • Creating ‘Global-South Young Diplomats Forum’ for synergizing the diplomatic voice, to connect young officers of foreign ministries of Global South countries.

The delegation participated in the commissions and put forward the views of India. After slew of discussions consensus was arrived by the BRICS countries over the final resolution. The final draft was on the lines of “Sarve Jana Sukhino bhavanthu , Sarve Santhu Niramya ”- “Let every one be happy , Let every one be free of suffering” aiming at global peace and development.

Bilateral meetings were conducted with delegations from other nations on concerned issues.

Meeting the Indian diaspora was another great experience. The way Indians have adapted and contributed to Africa development id remarkable. Modi government has ensured the safe guarding of interests of Indian diaspora globally and also believes them to be the first line of defense outside India.

India – The Key player

Holding together people across various nations and races is very important and relevant in the present global scenario. The global peace is at stake due to various conflicts between countries. The economic growth is staggered due to covid and other crises. There is a paradigm shift in the perception of India at a global level. This is only due to efforts of Narendra Modi government internally and externally. Great strides have been made in various aspects of health, infrastructure, digitalisation, education   under Modi government in past 9 years. India is now seen as a problem solver.

Dr. Vinusha Reddy, Member of the delegation.

Muslim’s obstinate belief of ‘jannat for rape’

Back in 2022, a 19-year-old female from Madhya Pradesh in India, accused four Muslim men of raping her while rapists said, sexual relations with a Hindu female would earn them a place in Islamic paradise (Jannat). According to the victim, when she pleaded with her assaulters to spare her, they chillingly said, “We will go to jannat (heaven) if we have sex with Hindu women”. When she pointed out that she is married and six months pregnant, they said “everything is fair in Islam”.

The dehumanization of Hindu and non-Muslim females is a feature of Islamist indoctrination which happens through mosques, madrassas, Islamic universities and other socio-religious institutions. The constant bombardment of the Muslim mind with messages like ‘girls who do not wear hijab/burqa are asking to be raped’ further instills the outlook that Hindu women are ‘roaming naked‘ and ‘asking for it’.

It is not only happening with Hindu and non-Muslim females. In all the madrassas, minor boy students are being regularly raped by their teachers while the rapist tell the victims that such sexual company to the teacher would open the door of Jannat for the victim and his family members. According to a statistic, only in 2020, more than 626 madrassa students fell victims of sexual abuse and rape, although the actual number is much higher.

An investigation by The Associated Press found dozens of police reports, known in Pakistan as First Information Reports, alleging sexual harassment, rape and physical abuse by Islamic clerics teaching in madrassas or religious schools throughout Pakistan, where many of the country’s poorest study. The AP also documented cases of abuse through interviews with law enforcement officials, abuse victims and their parents.

There are more than 22,000 [now the number is over 31,000 in 2023] registered madrassas in Pakistan, teaching more than 2 million children. But there are many more religious schools that are unregistered. They are typically started by a local cleric in a poor neighborhood, attracting students with a promise of a meal and free lodging. There is no central body of clerics that governs madrassas.

Police say the problem of sexual abuse of children by clerics is pervasive and the scores of police reports they have received are just the tip of the iceberg. Yet despite the dozens of reports, none have resulted in the conviction of a cleric. Religious clerics are a powerful group in Pakistan and they close ranks when allegations of abuse are brought against one of them. They have been able to hide the widespread abuse by accusing victims of blasphemy or defamation of Islam.

Police officials say they have no idea how many children are abused by religious clerics in Pakistan. The officials said clerics often target young boys who have not yet reached puberty in part because of the restrictive nature of Pakistan’s still mostly conservative society, where male interaction with girls and women is unacceptable. The clerics for the most part had access to and trust with boys, who are less likely to report a sexual assault.

Incidents of rape inside Islamic madrassas are happening in every country in the world. While it is happening in Indonesia, the largest Muslim nation in the world, madrassa students are not spared by their teachers even in Western nations, including the United States, Britain and other European countries.

According to Bangkok Post, “Devout Muslims send children to madrasas, but they don’t speak up about these crimes as they feel it would harm these key religious institutions”.

In Pakistan, cases of rape inside madrassas as well as Muslims targeting Hindu and non-Muslim females is rampant, where authorities in most cases do not take any action against the perpetrators of such heinous crime.

Most shocking fact is, in some cases, Muslim rapist, particularly the clerics and madrassa teachers shamelessly defend their rights to consensual intercourse with young boys.

Astonishingly, Pakistan’s former prime minister Imran Khan in an interview to American news site Axios reiterated his position that onus of sexual assault and rape is on victims and their clothing. He said, “Wearing fewer clothes will have an impact on men unless they’re robots”.

In another interview with HBO, Imran Khan defended Muslim rapists.

According to an article published in the PIME Asia News, sex abuse is widespread in female madrassas in Bangladesh. The report said, in Bangladesh about six million girls study in Quranic schools, which many parents choosing this type of education because they are free. There are two types of madrassas: private Qawmi schools, and government-sponsored Alia schools.

In South Asian countries, cases of abduction, rape and forceful conversion of Hindu females is rampant. In Pakistan, situation is extremely volatile where Hindu females are regularly forced into conversion following rape or gang rape. Indian newspapers and news sites are regularly reporting cases of rape and forceful conversion of Hindu girls and women, while Muslim and secularist media are making frantic bids of either burying or twisting such gruesome cases. Such notorious trend shall not end until Muslims continue to uphold the obstinate belief of getting direct access to ‘Jannat’ as a reward for raping a Hindu and non-Muslim female.

क्या ये न्यायिक प्रणाली (Judicial System) है?

मित्रों अभी कुछ दिन पूर्व हि एक समाचार अति तीव्रता से विचरता हुआ हम सबके कानो में पहुंचा। दिल्ली का एक व्यक्ति अपने जीवन की हाड़ तोड़ परिश्रम से अर्जित की हुई राशि से एक रहिवासी सदनीका क्रय करता है। उस सदनीका में एक भाड़ौत्री पूर्व से हि निवास कर रहा था, उस भाड़ौत्री से उस सदनीका को छुड़ाने के लिए ३८ वर्षों तक संघर्ष करना पड़ा, न्यायलयों के चक्कर लगाने पड़े।

न्यायायिक प्रणाली (ज्यूडिसियल सिस्टम) की इस सड़ी गली व्यवस्था का कोई यह प्रथम उदाहरण नहीं है। आपको कुछ और उदाहरण दे रहा हुँ: –

१:- कानपुर वाले डाकिया बाबू का सच्चा संघर्ष उस वक्त हमारे समक्ष प्रस्तुत हुआ, जब संघर्ष के ३५ से भी अधिक वर्षों के पश्चात ५० से ५१ रुपये चोरी करने के आरोप से उन्हें न्यायलय द्वारा मुक्त कर दिया गया। यद्यपी उनके केस में केवल एक हि साक्षीदार था, जो की शिकायतकर्ता स्वयं था। केवल एक साक्षीदार वाला केस ३५ वर्षों तक न्यायालय की इस घिनौनी व्यवस्था के अंतर्गत लटकता रहा और एक व्यक्ति अपने माथे पर चोर होने का आरोप न्यायालय की अनुकम्पा से झेलने को विवश रहा।

२:- इसी प्रकार एक वायुसेना के कर्मचारी पर उसकी हि बेटी ने शिलभंग करने का आरोप मढ़ दिया और प्रथम सूचना प्रतिवेदन (FIR) पंजीकृत करा दिया। अब पुलिस ने भी तत्परता दर्शाते हुए उस कर्मचारी को गिरफ्तार कर न्यायालय में पेश कर दिया।

आपको बताते चले की उस कर्मचारी की पुत्री FIR लिखवाने से करीब ६ महीने पूर्व हि अपने प्रेमी के साथ घर से भाग गयी थी। वो दोनो ६ महीने तक एक दूसरे के साथ पति पत्नी के रूप में साहवास कर रहे थे। वायुसेना के कर्मचारी ने अपनी बेटी के गुमशुदगी की सूचना भी उसी पुलिस थाने में दर्ज करायी थी।

मित्रों उस कर्मचारी की पत्नी, उसके बेटे, उसके पड़ोसी और अन्य सगे सम्बन्धी सभी ने उसका साथ दिया और न्यायालय में आकर एक साक्षीदार के रूप में उस कर्मचारी के पछ में अपना कथन (बयान) पंजीकृत (दर्ज) कराया। वो कर्मचारी चीखता रहा चिल्लाता रहा की DNA टेस्ट करा लो। मेरी बेटी के उस प्रेमी को भी बुलाकर उसका भी DNA टेस्ट करा लो, परन्तु ना तो सत्र न्यायालय ने सुना और ना पुलिस वालों ने, सबके सब गूंगे बहरे बन के बैठे रहे और अंतत: स्त्र न्यायालय ने उस निर्दोष को दोषी मानकर सजा सुना दी।

उस कर्मचारी ने सत्र न्यायालय के आदेश को चुनौती दी उच्च न्यायालय में पर जब तक उस पर सुनवाई होती तब तक उस व्यक्ति की मृत्यु हो चुकी थी। उसकी पत्नी और बेटों ने हिम्मत नहीं हारी और लड़ते रहे। अंतत: उच्च न्यायालय को भी कहना पड़ा की सत्र न्यायालय का आदेश न्याय नही अपितु “न्याय का गर्भपात” (Miscarriage ऑफ Justice) है। उच्च न्यायालय ने उस कर्मचारी को १२ वर्षों के पश्चात दोषमुक्त कर दिया।

३:- एनटीपीसी सिंगरौली (शक्तिनगर) के कैंटीन कर्मचारियों को ३५ वर्षो के पश्चात न्याय मिलने से कार्मिकों व परिजनों में खुशी की लहर दौड़ गई। एनटीपीसी ने कर्मचारियों को संस्था का हिस्सा मानते हुए २० कर्मियों को ज्वाइनिंग लेटर जारी कर दिया। संबंधित कर्मियों को २५ जुलाई तक एनटीपीसी के विभिन्न पावर प्लांटों में ज्वाइन करना है। इससे पहले मेडिकल सहित अन्य औपचारिकता पूरी करनी होगी।कैंटीन कर्मचारियों ने स्थाई नियुक्ति के लिए लड़ाई वर्ष १९८७ में शुरू की थी। औद्योगिक विवाद के रूप में शुरू मामला सर्वोच्च न्यायालय तक गया। इस दौरान कई उतार चढ़ाव आए लेकिन न तो कर्मचारियों ने हिम्मत हारी ना तो पैरोकारों ने।

४:-ऐसा एक मामला उत्तर प्रदेश के सुल्तानपुर से सामने आया है। यहां १३७२ रुपये गबन के मामले में एक व्यक्ति को ३५ साल न्याय पाने में लग गए। राम प्रताप यादव के साथ जब ये धोखाधड़ी हुई तब उनकी उम्र ३५ वर्ष थी, अब जब कोर्ट का फैसला आया तो वे ७० वर्ष के हो गए।

सुल्तानपुर के बल्दीराय तहसील के पड़रे डाकघर की शाखा में ३५ वर्ष पहले राम प्रताप यादव ने अपना पैसा जमा किया था। उनका आरोप था कि डाकिया जगदीश प्रसाद ने उनके फर्जी हस्ताक्षर कर उनके खाते से १३७२ रुपये निकाल लिए। यादव ने मामले की शिकायत डाक विभाग के आला अधिकारियों से की। अधिकारियों ने जांच में मामले को सहीं पाया । प्रकरण का विचारण १९८४ से अदालत में चल रहा था। जिसका निवारण बुधवार को अदालत ने किया।

३५ वर्ष पश्चात मिले ७५०० रुयये-
कोर्ट ने अपने आदेश में लिखा कि 35 साल पहले आरोपित एक लोक सेवक होते हुए नवयुवक था। उसकी लगातार कोर्ट में उपस्थिति, ७० वर्ष की आयु और गबन की कम धनराशि को देखते हुए ३ वर्ष के कारावास की सजा तथा १० हजार रुपये जुर्माने से दंडित किया जाता है। साथ ही कोर्ट ने जुर्माने की रकम में से ७५०० रुपये पीड़ित राम प्रताप यादव को दिए जाने का आदेश सुनाया।

५:-अनंतनाग जिले के छत्तीसिंघपोरा गांव में कथित तौर पर अज्ञात बंदूकधारियों द्वारा ३५ कश्मीरी सिखों के नरसंहार के २३ वर्ष बाद भी आज तक किसी को गिरफ्तार नहीं किया जा सका है और न ही कोई पूछताछ की गई है।

ऑल-पार्टी सिख कोऑर्डिनेशन कमेटी कश्मीर (APSCCK) के अध्यक्ष जगमोहन सिंह रैना ने के साथ एक विशेष साक्षात्कार में कहा, “पीड़ित सिख परिवारों ने न्याय पाने की सारी उम्मीद छोड़ दी है। लेकिन फिर भी, उन्होंने गांव नहीं छोड़ने का फैसला किया, हालांकि मार्च २०२० में उनके अधिकांश पुरुष सदस्य मारे गए।’

६:-प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ईडी) द्वारा मदनपुरा में एक कपड़े की दुकान पर छापा मारने और 1.78 लाख रुपये जब्त करने के पैंतीस साल बाद, बॉम्बे हाई कोर्ट ने एजेंसी को ६% ब्याज के साथ राशि वापस करने का निर्देश दिया है।
१२ मई, १९८८ को मदनपुरा में अब्दुल अजीज अहमद अंसारी की दुकान पर छापा मारा गया और कुछ दस्तावेजों के साथ उपरोक्त राशि वाले कैश बॉक्स को जब्त कर लिया गया। लगभग एक साल बाद, ५ मई, १९८९ को, ईडी ने विदेशी मुद्रा विनियमन अधिनियम, १९७३ (FERA) के कई प्रावधानों के उल्लंघन का आरोप लगाते हुए एक कारण बताओ नोटिस जारी किया। इसमें कहा गया कि अंसारी ने भारत के बाहर रहने वाले व्यक्तियों से धन प्राप्त किया और उनकी ओर से भुगतान किया। इस न्याय को प्राप्त करने में लगभग ३५ वर्ष बित गये।

७:- वर्ष १९८४ में हुए भोपाल गैस त्रासदी के पीड़ित आज भी न्याय के चककर में अपनी जिंदगी के दिन काट रहे हैँ पर उन्हें न्याय मिलने की उम्मीद ना के बराबर है।

८:- ३५ साल पहले, ४ फरवरी १९८१ को, फूलन देवी के गिरोह ने कथित तौर पर कानपुर से १०० किलोमीटर दूर बेहमई गांव में २० ग्रामीणों की गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी थी। उन ग्रामीणों के परिवार वाले आज भी न्याय की आशा में अपनी जिंदगी गुजार रहे हैँ, ये जानते हुए भी की उन्हें न्याय नहीं मिलने वाला।

९:- कश्मीर में गिरिजा टिक्कू के साथ हैवानों ने सामूहिक बलात्कार किया और उसे जिंदा आरे से काट दिया गया। ये घटना वर्ष १९९० के आस पास की है, और निकृष्ट न्याय प्रणाली उसकी सुनवाई करने को भी तैयार नहीं है।

१०:-३५ साल की लंबी कानूनी लड़ाई और करीब 400 बार कोर्ट का चक्कर काटने के बाद ८५ वर्षीय धर्मपाल सिंह (Dharampal Singh) को आखिरकार न्याय मिल गया. उत्तर प्रदेश (Uttar Pradesh news) के मुजफ्फरनगर (Muzaffarnagar) में अतिरिक्त मुख्य न्यायिक मजिस्ट्रेट-2 मुकीम अहमद ने सबूतों के अभाव में धर्मपाल सिंह को बरी कर दिया. धर्मपाल सिंह को साल १९८६ में अपने घर में अवैध रूप से कीटनाशनक बनाने के मामले में आरोपी बनाया गया था. शामली (Shamli) जिले के हरान गांव के रहने वाले धर्मपाल ने कहा कि अब ऐसा लग रहा है जैसे मेरे कंधे पर से बहुत बड़ा बोझ उतर गया है.

35 सालों तक धर्मपाल कोर्ट का चक्कर लगाते रहे और तीरीख पर तारीख की तरह इस मामले में ४०० बार कोर्ट के समक्ष पेश हुए. इस दौरान उनके काफी पैसे खर्च हुए. इतने सालों तक जब पुलिस सबूत अथवा गवाह पेश नहीं कर पाई, तब जाकर एसीजेएम कोर्ट ने धर्मपाल को बरी कर दिया. इस मामले में धर्मपाल के भाई कुंवरपाल भी आरोपी थे, मगर पांच साल पहले न्याय मिलने से पहले ही उनकी मौत हो गई. वहीं मामले में दर्ज एक अन्य व्यक्ति लियाकत अली को पहले अदालत ने भगोड़ा घोषित किया था. हालांकि, धर्मपाल को १८ दिन जेल में बिताने पड़े थे.

मेरे एक मित्र के अनुसार एक जमीन के टुकड़े के लिए वो और उनका पड़ोसी उनके दादा के जमाने से केस लड़ रहे हैँ। इस केस को लड़ने के दौरान जमीन के मालिक की मृत्यु हो चुकी है, उनके दादाजी का स्वर्गवास हो गया है अब उनके पिताजी ये केस लड़ रहे हैँ। उनका पड़ोसी भी अपनी आधी से अधिक जिंदगी खपा चुका है। हमने उनसे पूछा की लगभग २५ वर्षों से आप लोग न्यायालय के चककर काट रहे हो और मिला कुछ भी नहीं तो आप न्यायालय के बाहर समझौता क्यों नहीं कर लेते। उन्होंने बताया की उनका पड़ोसी समझौते के लिए तैयार नहीं है। चलिए देखते हैँ हो सकता है, हमारे बाद वाली पीढ़ी तक ये मामला सुलझ जाए या फिर समझौता हो जाए।

मित्रों ये तो एक प्रकार का उदाहरण है, अब दूसरे प्रकार का उदाहरण देखें।

१:- याक़ूब मेनन जैसे आतंकवादी को मौत की सजा से बचाने वाली याचिका पर सुनवाई करने के लिए सर्वोच्च न्यायालय सुबह ४ बजे बैठ जाता है, परन्तु भारत की बेटी गिरिजा टिक्कू के सामूहिक बलात्कार और जिंदा काट दिये जाने के मामले ओर सुनवाई से इंकार कर देता है।

२:- नूपुर शर्मा के मामले में सर्वोच्च न्यायालय संविधान की धज्जियाँ उड़ाते हुए उसके द्वारा दिये गये बयान को देश का माहौल खराब करने के लिए जिम्मेदार बता देता है और उसे फटकार लगाता है, वंही नूपुर शर्मा के बयान को लोगों की भावनाये भड़काकर दंगा फैलाने के उद्देश्य गलत ढंग से पेश करने वाले Alt News वाले मोहम्मद जुबेर को अपने दामाद की तरह मानकर चुपचाप जमानत पर छोड़ देता है।

३:-बिहार के सच को दिखाने वाले मनीष कश्यप के साथ हो रहे अत्याचार को अनदेखा करते हुए सर्वोच्च न्यायालय उसे कोई अनुतोष नहीं देता। जबकी २० वर्षों तक झूठे साक्षीदार और झूठे साक्ष्य तैयार कर गोधरा के नाम पर पूरे देश के साथ विश्वाशघात करने वाली सस्ती तिस्ता सितलवाद को अपना सगा मानकर रात को ९ बजे सुनवाई करती है और जमानत पर रिहा कर देती है।

४:- मणिपुर की घटना का तो वो तुरंत संज्ञान ले लेता है, परन्तु पश्चिम बंगाल, राजस्थान और केरल में होने वाली घटनाओं से मुंह फेर लेता है।

५:- उसे चरखे वाले, बिना खड़ग और बिना ढाल वाले गाँधी का अपमान तो दिखाई पड़ता है, परन्तु १२ वर्षों तक काला पानी की सजा काटने वाले परमविर दामोदर सावरकर का अपमान दिखाई नहीं पड़ता।

६:- मित्रों सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के मुख्य न्यायधीश श्रीमान चंद्रचूर्ण का अपना सगा लड़का Bombay High Court में विधि व्यवसाय करता है। High Court में उसे विशेष दर्जा दिया जाता है, आप समझ सकते हैँ, मेरा संकेत किस ओर है।

ऐसे अनगिनत उदाहरण आपको मिल जाएंगे जब न्यायालय स्वयं संविधान की धज्जियाँ उडाता हुआ दिखाई पड़ता है। संविधान के अनुच्छेद १४ और १५ का तो अक्सर ही शिलभंग किया जाता है।

मित्रों ये सब केवल और केवल कालेजियम सिस्टम से उपजी औपनिवेशिक मानसिकता का हि परिणाम है। अब वर्तमान चंद्रचूर्ण साहेब के आदरणीय पिता जी भी सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के मुख्य न्यायधीश थे तो बेटा तो होगा ही, कुछ हि वर्षों में भविष्य वाले श्री चंद्रचूर्ण भी अचानक आपको सर्वोच्च न्यायालय में दिखाई दे जाएंगे और यह क्रम चलता रहेगा।

आपको याद हि होगा कि “कांग्रेस के राज में अभिषेक मनु सिंघवी जैसे महान विधिवेट्टा किस प्रकार अपने कार्यालय में महिला अधिवक्ताओं को उच्च न्यायालय का न्यायधीश बनाते थे।

आप स्वयं देख सकते हैँ देश के विभिन्न उच्च न्यायालयों में १०% न्यायधीशों को छोड़ दे तो बाकी बचे सभी कालेजियम सिस्टम की हि उपज हैँ। यदि आप अंग्रेजों की मानसिकता और सोच रखने वाले सिस्टम का हिस्सा हैँ, तो आप कुछ भी बन सकते हैँ, परन्तु आप सिस्टम में नहीं है तो आप कुछ भी करने लायक़ नहीं है।

इस प्रकार की न्यायिक व्यवस्था हमारे समाज और हमारे देश के हित में बिल्कुल भी नहीं है। इसमें परिवर्तन करना ही होगा और कोई भी परिवर्तन बगैर क्रांति और संघर्ष के सफल नहीं होती।

जय हिंद।

Strengthening ties: The importance and necessity of Bangladesh-India relations

The relationship between Bangladesh and India holds significant importance and remains crucial for the progress, stability, and development of the South Asian region. Geographically contiguous and historically interconnected, these neighboring nations share a bond that extends beyond mere diplomatic ties. This article explores the multifaceted importance and the necessity of fostering robust Bangladesh-India relations.

Historical ties and shared cultural heritage

Bangladesh and India share a rich historical bond that dates back centuries. The struggle for independence from British colonial rule, spearheaded by prominent leaders like Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Mahatma Gandhi, showcased the indomitable spirit of the people of both nations. This shared history of resilience and liberation forms the foundation of their present-day relations, promoting empathy and understanding between the two nations.

Furthermore, the cultural heritage of Bangladesh and India is deeply intertwined. Language, art, music, literature, and traditions connect people on both sides of the border. Cultural exchanges, festivals, and collaborations continue to foster mutual appreciation, promoting a sense of unity and harmony.

Trade and economic cooperation

Economic cooperation between Bangladesh and India has grown significantly in recent years. India is one of Bangladesh’s largest trading partners, and bilateral trade has witnessed remarkable growth. Closer economic ties between the two countries have led to increased cross-border investments, joint ventures, and the establishment of Special Economic Zones.

The economic prosperity of Bangladesh and India is intricately linked, with mutual benefits derived from trade, investment, and collaboration in various sectors such as textiles, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and information technology.

Connectivity and infrastructure development

Enhancing connectivity through the development of infrastructure is another crucial aspect of Bangladesh-India relations. The countries have taken substantial measures to improve road, rail, and waterway connectivity, facilitating the movement of goods and people. Projects like the India-Bangladesh Friendship Pipeline, the Maitree Express, and the Inland Water Transit and Trade Protocol have contributed to stronger economic integration and regional stability. Increased connectivity fosters people-to-people contact, promotes tourism, and opens up new avenues for cooperation.

Security and counterterrorism cooperation

Bangladesh and India recognize the significance of regional security and have cooperated closely in the fight against terrorism, extremism, and transnational crimes. Sharing intelligence, conducting joint operations, and exchanging information have strengthened security cooperation and contributed to maintaining peace and stability in the region. The two nations are committed to addressing common challenges and safeguarding their shared borders.

Climate change and environmental cooperation

Both Bangladesh and India face the adverse effects of climate change, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and the loss of biodiversity. Recognizing the urgency of addressing these challenges, the countries have collaborated on various environmental initiatives. Joint efforts to combat climate change, protect forests, conserve water resources, and promote sustainable development are crucial for the well-being and survival of both nations.

The importance and necessity of Bangladesh-India relations cannot be overstated. Geopolitically and economically, both nations have much to gain from a strong and cooperative partnership. By building on their historical ties, shared cultural heritage, and mutual interests, Bangladesh and India can work together to address common challenges, promote regional stability, and foster economic development.

With continued collaboration, trust, and dialogue, these two nations can create a brighter future for their citizens and the entire South Asian region.

राजनीति और धार्मिक भावनाओं के आपसी संबंध: कोई भी राजनीति भगवान को लेकर क्यों की जाती है


राजनीति और धर्म ये दो ऐसे शब्द हैं जिनका सम्बन्ध विचार करते ही विविध भावनाएं और मतभेद उत्पन्न हो जाते हैं। धार्मिक भावनाओं ने हमेशा से राजनीति को प्रभावित किया है और यह विषय विवादों का केंद्र रहा है। “कोई भी राजनीति भगवान को लेकर क्यों की जाती है” यह विषय भी इसी सिलसिले में सम्मिलित है। इस लेख में, हम इस रहस्यमयी सवाल के पीछे के कारण और धार्मिक भावनाओं के प्रभाव को गहराई से समझने का प्रयास करेंगे।

मूल विचार: कोई भी राजनीति भगवान को लेकर क्यों की जाती है

धार्मिक संस्कृति और राजनीति के बीच एक अतिरिक्त संबंध है जो समय-समय पर विभिन्न सांस्कृतिक समुदायों ने बनाया है। यहां हम इस संबंध के कुछ मूल विचार प्रस्तुत कर रहे हैं:

राजनीति की व्याख्या

राजनीति एक प्रक्रिया है जिसमें समाज और संघर्षों के सम्बन्ध में नियम बनाए जाते हैं और सरकार या शासन की रचना की जाती है। इसका मुख्य उद्देश्य समाज के सभी व्यक्तियों को संतुष्टि और सुरक्षा प्रदान करना होता है। राजनीति भूमिका निभाती है जो सामाजिक और आर्थिक संरचना को संचालित करती है और राष्ट्रीय प्रगति को सुनिश्चित करती है।

धर्म की परिभाषा

धर्म एक व्यापक शब्द है जो विभिन्न संस्कृतियों, सिद्धांतों, और अनुष्ठानों को संबोधित करता है। यह भगवान की अध्यात्मिकता, नैतिकता, और मार्गदर्शन के बारे में होता है। धार्मिकता में विभिन्न मान्यताएं और संस्कृति के अनुसार विधान और नियम बनाए जाते हैं जो उस समुदाय के सदस्यों को उचित और उच्चतम मार्ग पर चलने में मदद करते हैं।

राजनीति और धार्मिक भावनाएं – संबंध और प्रभाव

धर्म और राजनीति के बीच संबंध का विश्लेषण करते हुए, हम इसके प्रभावपूर्ण पक्षों को समझ सकते हैं। ये विचार आपको संबंधित मुद्दों पर विचार करने के लिए प्रेरित करेंगे:

सांस्कृतिक पहचान के रूप में धर्म

धार्मिक सिद्धांत और अनुष्ठान एक समाज की सांस्कृतिक पहचान का एक महत्वपूर्ण अंग होते हैं। यह समाज के लोगों को एक-दूसरे से जुड़ने और एकता का अनुभव करने में मदद करते हैं। धार्मिक भावनाएं व्यक्तियों के आत्मविश्वास को बढ़ाती हैं और उन्हें उनके दायित्वों के प्रति सकारात्मक महसूस कराती हैं। इस प्रकार, धर्म एक समृद्ध सांस्कृतिक जीवन को प्रोत्साहित करता है और समाज को एक-दूसरे के साथ सहयोग और समझदारी में बढ़ावा देता है।

धार्मिक भावनाओं का राजनीतिक प्रभाव

राजनीति के क्षेत्र में धार्मिक भावनाओं का महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव होता है। धर्म राजनीति के निर्माता में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है और सार्वजनिक नीतियों और कानूनों के निर्धारण में मदद करता है। धर्म के आधार पर निर्धारित नीतियां समाज में न्याय, समानता, और समरसता को सुनिश्चित करती हैं। राजनीतिक नेताओं के धार्मिक भावनाओं के प्रभाव में उनके नेतृत्व के तरीके पर भी प्रभाव पड़ता है। धार्मिक अनुष्ठान और संस्कृति की भावनाएं उनके निर्देशन और नेतृत्व की दृष्टि में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती हैं।

क्या राजनीति में धर्म का स्थान होना चाहिए?

राजनीति में धर्म के स्थान के बारे में विचार करते समय, हमें इस प्रश्न पर विचार करना चाहिए कि क्या धर्म राजनीति को और बेहतर बना सकता है? या क्या धर्म राजनीति को विवादों और असंतुष्टि के रास्ते पर ले जा सकता है? इस मुद्दे पर विचार करने से पहले हमें यह समझना आवश्यक है कि धर्म का अर्थ क्या है। धर्म विभिन्न संस्कृतियों और समुदायों के लिए अलग-अलग हो सकता है और इसे राजनीति के क्षेत्र में शामिल करना चुनौतीपूर्ण हो सकता है।

धर्म के अंतर्गत समाज की मूलभूत समस्याओं का समाधान, नैतिकता, और सभ्यता को बढ़ावा देना शामिल होता है। यह सामाजिक समानता, विश्वास, और समरसता को सुनिश्चित करने में मदद करता है और समाज के सभी वर्गों के बीच एकता का संवार्धन करता है। इस प्रकार, धर्म का राजनीति में स्थान होना समाज को एक सजीव, जीवंत, और संरचित समृद्धि की दिशा में ले जा सकता है।

FAQs (अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न)

Q: राजनीति और धर्म के बीच क्या संबंध है?

A: राजनीति और धर्म दो अलग-अलग दिशाएं हैं, लेकिन वे विभिन्न समयों में एक-दूसरे को प्रभावित करते हैं। धर्म सामाजिक और नैतिकता से संबंधित होता है, जबकि राजनीति समाज के संगठन और शासन के संबंध में होती है। धर्मिक भावनाएं राजनीतिक निर्धारण को प्रभावित कर सकती हैं और राजनीतिक नेताओं के धार्मिक भावनाएं उनके नेतृत्व पर प्रभाव डालती हैं।

Q: क्या राजनीति में धर्म का स्थान होना चाहिए?

A: राजनीति में धर्म का स्थान होना विवादास्पद विषय है। कुछ लोग धर्म को राजनीति से अलग रखने की सलाह देते हैं, जबकि दूसरे लोग धर्म को समाज को सजीव रखने और समृद्धि के लिए आवश्यक मानते हैं। धर्म का संवार्धन राजनीति में न्याय, समानता, और समरसता को सुनिश्चित कर सकता है और समाज में एकता और समझदारी को बढ़ावा दे सकता है।

Q: धर्म राजनीति को कैसे प्रभावित करता है?

A: धर्म राजनीति को विभिन्न तरीकों से प्रभावित करता है। धार्मिक भावनाएं राजनीतिक निर्धारण में सहायक हो सकती हैं और राजनीतिक नेताओं के धार्मिक भावनाएं उनके नेतृत्व पर प्रभाव डालती हैं। धर्म के अंतर्गत समाज की मूलभूत समस्याओं का समाधान, नैतिकता, और सभ्यता को बढ़ावा देने में भी यह मदद करता है।

Q: क्या राजनीति में धर्म के आधार पर नियम बनाए जाने चाहिए?

A: राजनीति में धर्म के आधार पर नियम बनाने के लिए विभिन्न मत हैं। कुछ लोग धर्म के अनुसार नियम बनाने का समर्थन करते हैं, जबकि दूसरे धर्म और राजनीति को अलग रखने की सलाह देते हैं। राजनीति में धर्म के आधार पर नियम बनाने से पहले यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि समाज के सभी वर्गों के हित में हों और समानता और न्याय को सुनिश्चित करें।

Q: राजनीति और धर्म के बीच संबंध का इतिहास क्या है?

A: राजनीति और धर्म के बीच संबंध का इतिहास बहुत प्राचीन है। इतिहास के विभिन्न काल में धार्मिक संस्कृति ने राजनीति को प्रभावित किया है और राजनीतिक निर्धारण में सहायक होने के लिए इसका उपयोग किया गया है। धर्म के अंतर्गत बनाए गए नीतियां और नियम समाज के विकास में मदद करते हैं और समाज के सभी वर्गों के बीच समरसता और सहयोग को सुनिश्चित करते हैं।

निष्कर्ष (Conclusion)

“कोई भी राजनीति भगवान को लेकर क्यों की जाती है” यह एक ऐसा विषय है जो सामाजिक, राजनीतिक, और धार्मिक भावनाओं के एक संघर्ष को प्रतिबिम्बित करता है। धर्म और राजनीति के संबंध को समझने में हमें इन दोनों के अलग-अलग पहलुओं को ध्यान में रखना चाहिए और इससे हमें विवादों के बावजूद समाज को एकता, समरसता, और सहयोग की दिशा में बढ़ावा देने में मदद मिल सकती है। यह एक ऐसा विषय है जो आधुनिक समाज के लिए भी महत्वपूर्ण है और हमें समय-समय पर इस पर विचार करने की आवश्यकता है।

ISRO’s Human space flight program: The journey of Gaganyaan

Introduction to Gaganyaan: India’s First Manned Space Mission

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has embarked on a historic journey with its first human space flight program, Gaganyaan. This mission is a significant milestone in India’s space exploration history and has garnered attention worldwide.

The Gaganyaan Mission: A Leap for Indian Space Exploration

Gaganyaan, a mission designed to send a three-member crew to space for a period of five to seven days, was first announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2018. The mission aims to place the spacecraft in a low earth orbit of 300–400 kilometres. The total program cost is expected to be under Rs.10,000 crore.

The Significance of Gaganyaan

The success of Gaganyaan will not only highlight India’s capability in the field of space science and technology but also pave the way for more advanced spaceflight missions. It will also boost India’s dream of setting up its own space station.

The Gaganyaan Spacecraft and Launch Vehicle

The spacecraft for this mission consists of a service module and a crew module, collectively known as the Orbital Module. The launch vehicle used for this mission will be the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle GSLV Mk III, which has the required payload capacity for the mission.

The Journey of Gaganyaan’s Human Space Flight

The human spaceflight is expected to take about 16 minutes to reach the intended low earth orbit. The astronauts will be able to see sunrise and sunset, see India from space every 24 hours, and will also perform experiments in microgravity. The spacecraft will take about 36 hours for the return journey and will land in the Arabian Sea off the Gujarat coast.

Training for the Astronauts

ISRO has signed a contract with a subsidiary of ROSCOSMOS (the Russian space agency), called Gavkosmos for preparing the Indian astronauts selected for the mission. The astronaut candidates will also be trained in simulations in a centrifuge and in a hyperbaric chamber (pressurized room) to prepare them for conditions like G-force, hypoxia and pressure drops during spaceflight.

Gaganyaan’s Unmanned Missions

Before the human space flight mission, two unmanned missions are planned. These missions will test crucial technologies such as crew escape system, re-entry mission capability, thermal protection system, crew module configuration, deceleration and flotation system, and subsystems of life support systems.


What is Gaganyaan?

Gaganyaan is a mission by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to send a three-member crew to space for a period of five to seven days. It is India’s first human space flight programme.

Which countries collaborated on the Gaganyaan mission?

The space agencies of India and France signed an agreement for cooperation for Gaganyaan. France has a well-established mechanism for space medicine and has the MEDES space clinic, a subsidiary of CNES, where space surgeons undergo training.

Which launch vehicle will be used for Gaganyaan?

The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle GSLV Mk III, a three-stage heavy lift launch vehicle, will be used to launch Gaganyaan.

When is the Gaganyaan mission scheduled?

The mission was initially targeted for 2022. However, due to disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the launch is now expected by the end of 2024 or early 2025.

What are the objectives of the Gaganyaan mission?

The mission aims to demonstrate India’s capability to send humans to low earth orbit and return them safely. It also aims to establish a broader framework for collaboration in space technology and science.

Who are the astronauts for the Gaganyaan mission?

The astronauts, all of whom are pilots from the Indian Air Force, were shortlisted from about 25 candidates. They are currently undergoing extensive training in Russia and India.

What are the key technologies developed for the Gaganyaan mission?

ISRO has developed crucial technologies such as a crew escape system, re-entry mission capability, thermal protection system, crew module configuration, deceleration and flotation system, and subsystems of life support systems for the Gaganyaan mission.

America’s Afghanistan experience: Hubris and patience at its ends


We did not sign a peace deal, it was an instrument of surrender” – Gen. David Petraeus

One of the oldest dictums of diplomatic negotiations is that one should enter into one only from a position of strength. The fall of the United States (US) backed Afghan government in August 2021 was as rapid as that of Taliban two decades earlier. The mighty U.S. Army, when it left Afghanistan after 20 years, which took thousands of lives, limbs and billions of dollars, did not appear like withdrawing but fleeing.

By contrast, the Soviet Union when it withdrew after its defeat, withdrew in good order. With Taliban steadily gaining territory during the negotiations, the US-Taliban peace deal a.k.a the Doha Agreement seemed more akin to the US officially handing over powers to the fundamentalist group. That the ruling coalition of President Ashraf Ghani was side-lined from it, made the reality all the more apparent.

The US not just abandoned Afghans to their fate but also left behind weapons and military equipment worth more than $7 billion, making it possible for Taliban to have its own air force. Importantly, the US withdrawal also left several unanswered questions and challenges in its wake.

Most pertinent among them – why did the US hand over power back to Taliban and chose to bypass the Afghan government while doing so? Why did the US trained and armed Afghan National Army crumbled so easily? Who is going to fill the power vacuum? How does this affect the neighbourhood?

Hubris of Great Powers

The illusion of an easy victory in Afghanistan over Taliban in 2001 and in Iraq a couple of years later, may have led the US to believe the hubris of its own military power. Perhaps the lessons of Vietnam War were long forgotten. The reports from the ground by military commanders about the withdrawal of Taliban and al-Qaeda into Pakistan across the border were not paid heed to.

This was not surprising because the Bush-Cheney administration was more focused on its bigger objective of dethroning Saddam Hussein. The ill-thought and illegal invasion of Iraq, based on fabricated evidence and lies amplified by the media houses, certainly had garnered public support. But the aftermath is another story.

The euphoria of victories also led the US government officials to believe that they can create a Western style democratic state with minimal effort. This obviously showed the lack of appreciation of realities on ground in the two countries. Nation building in societies divided on ethnic and sectarian lines, coupled with lack of education, takes a lot of effort, with no guarantees of success. The blunder by Paul Bremmer of disbanding the Iraqi army would later be directly held responsible for creating the situation that led to the emergence of ISIS.

The reality started to hit home only when the US mission got bogged down in fighting the raging insurgency. The failure to defeat Taliban in battle and allowing its fighters to retreat to sanctuaries in Pakistan, made it inevitable that later they will regroup and counterattack, which they did. Seeing no way out of a situation that it no longer wanted to be in, the US chose to throw the Afghans under the bus, so to speak.

The US experience of having struck a deal with the Afghan Mujahideens during the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, perhaps led it to believe it can secure another deal with a fundamentalist organisation. Only this time the opponents were not “Godless” communist but Western Christians.

Patience and its limits      

Many have wondered why US the chose to make a deal with the Taliban and did so in a way that called into question the legitimacy of the very government that it had created and supported. It is true that large undertakings do take time and thus require tremendous amount of patience. However, if things don’t improve on the ground, one eventually runs out of patience.

To its credit, the Obama administration and the US military tried their best to make Afghanistan governable and self-sustaining. The lives of women and children were visibly improved, especially in cities, where they could access education and find employment. Even the parliament, built by the Government of India, saw women getting elected as legislators.

The chronic lack of revenue generation meant that the Afghan government remained dependent on foreign largesse to pay the salaries of government employees. However, the distrust among politicians and the widespread corruption and nepotism saw very little trickle down to the common man in Afghanistan.

Numerous reports by SIGAR clearly mention that the men on Afghan Army payroll simply didn’t exist. They were ‘ghost soldiers.’ A large chunk of salaries was pocketed by the commanders. The lack of political oversight meant there was little accountability. As long as the cash kept flowing from the grants by Western and other states, things seemed to be functioning. But that was just an illusion.

Return on Investment

Despite its promises and assurances, it was clear that Taliban would reverse all the progress made by the Afghan society in the past two decades. It surely, would have been agonising for the US to witness the positive returns of its investments being washed away.  

The numerous protests by women in Kabul and elsewhere have been brutally suppressed by Taliban. But the tragedy is that the acts of Taliban, though widely condemned, have actually resulted in a sort of collective punishment for all Afghan citizens.

The speech by President Biden holding the Afghan government responsible for its failure has some clues about the frustration within the US administration with Afghan leadership. Twenty years is a long time to figure out whether something is going to work out or not. It seems that former President Trump’s administration had come to the realisation that no matter how long the US forces stay in Afghanistan, governance would not improve.

Hence, it initiated the process of securing its safe withdrawal (or evacuation) from Afghanistan, no matter the price that would have to be paid for securing it. The realisation had permeated to President Biden’s administration too. Which is why he too was committed to upholding the agreement with Taliban.

The question is, why was the US in such a hurry to get out. The answer perhaps is not too surprising – the political culture of Afghanistan. The systematic corruption that plagues the Afghan politics and its armed and police forces, made governance beyond Kabul virtually non-existent.

The structural weakness became apparent when one district after other began falling to Taliban assault, and even the US intelligence estimate about Afghan National Forces ability to hold ground, proved too optimistic in the end.    

From War to War

It was widely debated after the US debacle in Afghanistan that US is going through war fatigue, which is also leading to its decline. There is some truth to the arguments. A 20-year war lasting through three presidents can be a cause of national fatigue. A prolonged war leads to gradual erosion of public support for it. Modern history is full of examples of that. So, it was not surprising that there was a consensus on US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Further, the US ceding space to China and Russia in the Middle East, was thought of as additional evidence of American decline. Perhaps, Russia thought so too, which led to annexation of Crimea in 2016 and full invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. However, the invasion has once again resulted in great support for war within America. The news media coverage too has amplified the support for war among public, that was fatigued not too long ago. One can’t help but wonder where all the fatigue has dissipated.

The US jumping into another war, some say provoked by its needless needling of Russia, proves Eisenhower’s warnings about American Military-Industry Complex right yet again. Till date the US has spent over $40 billion in weapons and other logistical support to Ukraine.

The Afghanistan war may have costed the US exchequer about $145 billion, but most of the money, as per the SIGAR report, retuned back to the US in the form of payment to weapon makers and numerous contractors.

A war is always a win-win situation for US manufacturers as it enriches them and ensures that the US keeps jumping from one war to another. The only lesson that the US may have taken from its Afghanistan campaign is perhaps that it should avoid directly fighting a war. And that is what it is doing in Ukraine.   

West Bengal political violence: An examination of AITC’s controversial legacy


West Bengal, known for its vibrant culture and rich political history, has experienced a surge in political violence over the years. In recent times, the All India Trinamool Congress (AITC), led by Mamata Banerjee, has been at the center of controversy regarding its alleged involvement in perpetuating violence for political gains. This article aims to delve into the issue of political violence in West Bengal, focusing on the AITC’s role and its implications for democracy and governance in the region.

Historical Context

West Bengal has a long-standing tradition of political activism, with various parties competing for power. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) or CPI(M) had a stronghold in the state for over three decades, until the rise of the AITC in 2011. The political landscape changed dramatically, but it was accompanied by a surge in violent incidents involving AITC workers. AITC carried on the legacy of erstwhile CPI(M) political violence for establishment of totalitarian regime. The institutionalization of violence in Bengal politics was a singular contribution of the Communists and of how, now that tradition and political habit continues with the TMC.

Democratic opposition was never tolerated by the Communists in Bengal and violence became the prime instrument resorted to by the comrades to dissolve in the Bengali political space. The CPI(M) established a good venture of intellectuals and goons to appease elite well educated Bengali class and use violence to control the illiterate poor farmers, fishermen, small traders, etc. The CPI(M) used murder as a political tool in an organized manner:

Sainbari Killings (March 1970): Way back in 1970 CPI-M cadres murdered two important Congress leaders belonging to the Sain family of Burdwan. The level of bestiality that they stooped down to was evident by the fact that they made the mother of the two Sain brothers eat rice drenched with the blood of her dead sons. The shock made the mother lose her mental balance and state from which she never recovered till her death a decade later. Those communist cadres who perpetrated this violence went on to become ministers and MPs under the Left-Front government and were never brought to book.

Marichjhapi Massacre (January 1979): On Saraswati Puja Day, the Jyoti Basu-led Left front Government fired, starved, shot and killed Bengali Hindu refugees from Bangladesh, who had trooped into the state and had taken shelter in the Sunderban area. These refugees, largely Dalits who had escaped persecution in Bangladesh and sought shelter in India, were about 60,000 in number and “were taken in by the Left Front’s poll promises and had come over from the rehabilitation centre provided by the Centre in Dandakaranya (Odisha)” to Marichjhanpi in Suderban.

Tear gas, blockade, firing, burning of camps were the methods used by CPI-M cadres and state police under Left front to disperse the refugees.Many, while trying to escape, fell in the sea to be eaten by crocodiles; many bodies were dumped in the sea as well. Children – 8 years old, 12 years old, women and their babies, men and women in their seventies and eighties were killed in the firing. Till date, the exact number of deaths has not been known.”

Ananda Margi Monks Burnt Alive (April 1982): Ananda Margis from all over the country were headed to an “educational conference” at the Tiljala centre in the southern suburbs of Kolkata when CPI-M cadres led by city leaders struck and burnt them alive. 17 Margis were killed and several were injured.

Nanoor Massacre (July 2000): CPI-M cadres and local leaders killed 11 landless Muslim labourers just because they were supporters of the opposition party and were resisting encroachment and land grabbing on July 27, 2000. The CPIM’s bike-riding “Harmad Bahini”, spread terror in the region, as it did over the years in areas where the Communist might was politically challenged.

Nandigram Massacre (March 14, 2007): The CPI-M-led government of the “poor and the peasants” tried to forcibly acquire 10,000 acres of agricultural land for a foreign company in Nandigram, in Purba Medinipur district. The farmers having formed a Bhumi Raksha Committee resisted the snatching of their lands. They were first attacked by CPI-M’s Harmad Bahini, who threatened and set fire to the villagers’ huts and prepared the ground that led to firing which saw over 14 farmers die and over 70 getting injured. The real figures will never be known, people saw piles of farmers’ bodies dumped.

Patterns of Political Violence

AITC’s political violence has taken various forms, including physical assaults, intimidation, arson, and destruction of property. These incidents are often directed towards opposition parties and their supporters, creating an atmosphere of fear and suppressing political dissent. The violence has been particularly rampant during elections, where opposition parties allege widespread voter intimidation and booth capturing.

The Role of AITC Leadership

Mamata Banerjee, the Chief Minister of West Bengal and the leader of AITC, plays a crucial role in shaping the party’s policies and actions. While she has gained popularity for her grassroots politics and welfare programs, her critics argue that she has turned a blind eye to the violence perpetrated by her party workers. The alleged involvement of senior AITC leaders in orchestrating and promoting violence has raised serious questions about the party’s commitment to democratic principles.

The AITC institutionalised the use of pre-poll, during poll and post-poll violence to check the growth of any significant opposition party in West Bengal. Beginning with mass murders of CPI(M) cadres and establishing hegemony in the erstwhile CPI(M) dominated districts by the use of planned murders and dangerous attacks on their leaders.

Former ADG and whistleblower IPS officer Nazrul Islam feels that the “politicisation of police force” is the key reason for the “prevailing lawlessness”. “This politicisation began during the Left rule, and the circle got completed in the TMC rule. If the police administration is allowed to work freely, violence can be checked within a month,” he asserted.

A home ministry report stated that West Bengal witnessed 693 incidents and 11 deaths during the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. Even after the polls a total of 852 incidents took place, in which 61 people died. A total number of 663 incidents took place in 2020 in which 57 people died. The NCRB data released in 2019 recorded West Bengal as the state having most number of political murders.

While the last left fort of Left, Kerela has been the state with most number of political murders in last 3 decades, West Bengal is giving a tough fight as more than 200 people have been killed within a span of just 4-5 years.

While, there is a speculation that at least 500 BJP workers have been killed after 2018, there is a lack of proper evidence as the state is under totalitarian regime with a state supporting police force with no accountability.

The bloody history of elections in Bengal !!

Panchayat elections 2023: 45+ people killed

Assembly elections 2021: 57 people killed

Panchayat elections 2018: 23 people killed

Panchayat elections 2013: 15 people killed

Panchayat elections 2023:

In a brutal fight to maintain its hegemony, AITC workers not only brutally assaulted and killed the BJP workers but their supporters too were brutally beaten at the polling centres. At many polling stations the AITC workers didn’t let the voters to cast their vote and illegally casted all the votes in the name of AITC candidates. More than 8000 candidates of AITC won uncontested as the opposition candidates were not allowed to file their nominations.

The AITC workers rigged the votes by hijacking postal ballots. Many ballot boxes were recovered from the drains. The AITC workers threw out the opposition candidates from the counting centres at many locations. There was a large deployment of central forces to West Bengal for the panchayat elections but they were not deployed at the polling stations by the state government. The state police was used as a political force to rigg the elections.

Weaponization of Institutions

Another concerning aspect is the alleged politicization and weaponization of state institutions by the ruling party. Reports suggest that the police force, bureaucracy, and local administration have been influenced or coerced into favoring the AITC. This not only undermines the impartiality of these institutions but also creates an environment conducive to the perpetuation of violence.

Impact on Democracy

Political violence poses a grave threat to democracy, eroding the foundations of free and fair elections and stifling opposition voices. The fear generated by such violence often leads to self-censorship and discourages political participation, thus undermining the democratic process. In West Bengal, the high levels of violence have created a polarized political landscape, hindering healthy debate and constructive governance.

Legal and Judicial Response

The handling of political violence cases by the law enforcement agencies and the judiciary has also faced criticism. Accusations of biased investigations, selective targeting of opposition party members, and delayed justice have raised concerns about the integrity and independence of the legal system in West Bengal.

International Perspective and Implications

The incidents of political violence in West Bengal have attracted international attention and criticism. These incidents tarnish the state’s image and raise questions about India’s commitment to democratic values. The impact of such violence goes beyond the state’s borders, influencing perceptions of political stability and the rule of law at the national level.

Calls for Reform

Many political leaders, civil society organizations, and human rights activists have called for immediate action to curb political violence in West Bengal. They stress the need for independent investigations, impartial law enforcement, and the creation of an atmosphere that encourages healthy political competition and participation.


The surge in political violence in West Bengal, particularly associated with the AITC, raises serious concerns about the health of democracy and governance in the region. The alleged involvement of the ruling party, the weaponization of state institutions, and the impact on opposition voices create a hostile environment for political discourse.

It is essential for the government, civil society, and citizens to work together to address this issue and ensure a peaceful and democratic West Bengal for future generations. Only through a collective effort can the state regain its reputation as a beacon of democratic values.

Sheikh Hasina’s leadership: A key to a terrorism-free and prosperous Bangladesh

As Bangladesh is heading towards another general election, which is expected to be held by January 9, 2024, there is growing concern of the conglomerate of Islamist and jihadist forces returning to power by misleading a section of the influential western policymakers and individuals – including US President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden.

Bangladesh, a nation with immense potential and aspirations for development, has faced significant challenges, including terrorism and political instability. In this context, the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has played a pivotal role in steering the country towards progress and security.

This article explores the importance of Sheikh Hasina’s leadership in fostering a terrorism-free and prosperous Bangladesh, emphasizing the need for her continued tenure to ensure sustainable development and stability.

Under Sheikh Hasina’s leadership, Bangladesh has made remarkable strides in countering terrorism and extremism. Her government has implemented robust measures to root out terrorist networks, dismantle their infrastructure, and strengthen intelligence and security forces. By prioritizing national security, Sheikh Hasina has created an environment conducive to economic growth, foreign investment, and social stability.

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina recognizes that addressing terrorism requires a comprehensive approach, encompassing both security measures and addressing root causes. Her administration has focused on socioeconomic development, poverty alleviation, education, and empowering marginalized communities. By tackling the underlying issues that breed extremism, Sheikh Hasina’s leadership aims to prevent radicalization and create a more inclusive society.

Sheikh Hasina’s leadership has been instrumental in driving Bangladesh’s economic growth and attracting foreign investment. Her government has implemented policies that prioritize infrastructure development, industrialization, and human resource development.

By fostering a favorable business climate and promoting inclusive growth, Sheikh Hasina’s tenure has contributed to job creation, poverty reduction, and the overall prosperity of the nation.

Sheikh Hasina has been a strong advocate for women’s empowerment and gender equality. Her administration has implemented policies to enhance women’s participation in various sectors, including politics, education, and the workforce. By promoting social justice and equal opportunities, Sheikh Hasina’s leadership has created an environment that empowers women and promotes social cohesion.

Sheikh Hasina’s tenure has seen significant efforts to enhance Bangladesh’s standing on the global stage. Her government has actively engaged in diplomatic initiatives, forging strategic partnerships, and strengthening bilateral relations with other countries. This has not only facilitated economic cooperation and trade but also enhanced Bangladesh’s security through collaborative efforts in countering terrorism and extremism.

Political stability is a crucial factor for sustainable development and security. Sheikh Hasina’s leadership has been pivotal in maintaining political stability by fostering a conducive environment for democratic processes, constructive dialogue, and peaceful transitions of power. This stability has provided the foundation for Bangladesh’s progress and resilience in the face of challenges.

Sheikh Hasina’s leadership has been instrumental in steering Bangladesh towards a terrorism-free and prosperous future. Her resolute stance against terrorism, comprehensive approach to development, and commitment to social justice have yielded significant progress.

By fostering economic growth, empowering women, strengthening international relations, and ensuring political stability, Sheikh Hasina has laid the groundwork for Bangladesh’s continued advancement. To sustain these gains and overcome remaining challenges, it is imperative for Sheikh Hasina’s leadership to continue, enabling Bangladesh to realize its full potential as a prosperous and secure nation.