The far-left elements in Minneapolis and the anti-CAA fiascoes
The object of this post is to accentuate the similarities in both the fiascoes; the extant rioting in Minneapolis and the anti-CAA fiasco in India not too long ago.
Which way to Freedom?
So far as the intellectual space is concerned, the books written by Savarkar pave the way to true freedom and provide a start.
A conversation between me and an ecosystem activist
Civilizational battle is a battle of ideologies and employing paramilitary force can merely reduce their manpower but not weed out their ideology.
Hindu renaissance and utilitarianism
Hindu Renaissance is an opportunity that may not herald itself again should we fail to seize it. To use the phraseology of Sardar Patel, although he used it in a different context, "This must, must and must be done."
Dispelling the prevarications against Savarkar’s petitions once and for all
How left liberals have twisted Savarkar's petition to show that he was a traitor, to malign a true Hindu nationalist
Nationalism in India
Indian nationalism has had roots in history, for it was the same sentiment that drove the Marathas against the Mughals. The conceptualization of Hindavi Swarajya bears witness thereto
“Shaheen Bagh was only a test case”, warns Major Gaurav Arya
Major Gaurav Arya warned that the fiasco at Shaheen Bagh was merely a test case. The grand plan is much more pernicious.
The anti-CAA protests shall not appeal to the realists
One should expect similar outrage with the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code, for a foe with vested interests utterly refuses to see sense.
The Relevance of the Indian right wing
Here is why the Left Wing must gracefully abandon its elitism and accept the growth and establishment of a Right Wing ecosystem today.
With due respect to Mr. Shivshankar Menon, his concerns over CAA are unfounded
Please spare 5 minutes Mr. Menon to read this piece, which might answer your concerns!