Thursday, January 23, 2025
6 Articles by

Priya Chaturvedi

History and Politics enthusiast.

Dive to the future: Conversion of the Royal Navy from coal to oil

The conversion of Royal Navy from using coal as fuel to oil: The final decision was of Winston Churchill, this post will explore that.

The Naga dynasties in ancient India

A lot is still very obscure about the Nagas, so much so that scholars are not even unanimous about whether they were one family that sprung into Mathura, Padmavati, Kantipuri and Vidisha or they were different families sharing the Naga surname.

Hindu Shahi Maharaja Anandpal: The battle of Chhuchh

This post carries the events from there and describes the strong resistance put up by son and successor of Maharaja Jaipal – Anandpal.

Hindu Shahi Maharaja Jaipal and the Islamic Invasion

At a time when entire kingdoms and civilizations were falling like dominoes in front of the Islamic attack, our rulers including the Chalukyas, the Pratiharas, the Hindu Shahis etc kept fighting them.

The chaotic beauty of Madurai in Maduraikkanchi

Madurai, considered the cultural capital of Tamil Nadu and situated on the banks of river Vaigai, it has been continuously inhabited since two thousand years at the least.

Annexation of Sindh: 1843 CE

How Sindh came under complete control of British is not something that is discussed which indicated the ruthless diplomacy of British and despite trying, utter helplessness of the rulers of Sindh.

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