Saturday, July 27, 2024
5 Articles by


Why protecting Nupur Sharma is the duty of every Indian who believes in the rule of law and democracy

It will be a colossal failure and shame for the modern nation of India if Nupur Sharma or her family gets harmed in any manner by the same ideological extremists. They are leaving no stone unturned to turn a lonely person to take revenge and be blessed in return.

Gandhi – A Sainthood that never existed

Gandhi may be a saintly figure to many Indians but undoubtedly he was a key political figure in pre-independence India.

Dutch students face neglect as the Pro-Education second-largest Party in the parliament roll-out red carpet for asylum-seekers

The Dutch government is adding hundreds of houses for asylum seekers on a war footing. Students in the Free University (VU) of Amsterdam protested against the housing shortage on 23 Sept but the government took no concrete action so far.

“Dismantling Global Hindutva” conference is an intellectual hate campaign directed against Hindus all over the world

Hinduism has always been the target of left radicals but it baffles everyone’s mind why 40 American universities opt to be the Hindu hate co-sponsors.

A young novelist lives under death threats in liberal and tolerant Netherlands

Turkish origin Lale Gül (23) is a student and female novelist living in the Netherlands under death threats and on the verge of stopping to write about Islam as reported by the Dutch news site NOS.

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