Sunday, November 3, 2024


Indian Law

The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019: A legal overview

Today, let us, for a single article, distance ourselves from the issues of policy and morality. Today, let's look at the CAA 2019 as purely a statute and analyze its legality.

Offshoots of RERA-triggered consolidation in the real estate sector in India

RERA-triggered consolidation in real estate sector in India making it highly responsible.

Trial court admits of 210 pages of typographical errors on Aarushi verdict

After the sensational verdict by the High Court acquitting the Talwars, the trial court has finally admitted to 120 pages of typographical errors.

वो आग जो धुंधली पड़ गयी

क्योंकि वह एक महिला है, सुरक्षित नहीं रह सहती? खुलेआम स्वतंत्र सड़कों पर चल नहीं सकती? दस लोगों के बीच बैठ नहीं सकती, जिसे हम समाज कहते है?

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