child sexual abuse
Need of strong focus on prevention of child sexual abuse in schools under National Education Policy-2020
This article focuses on the measures taken worldwide for the safety of girl child from early childhood to adolescent years which we should expect by our country to include Safeguarding female children against social, emotional and physical trauma they have been facing during their school days, either in boarding schools.
Radio as the spokesperson of vulnerable children
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Within a span of only 11 days, the Childline India helpline received more than 92,000 calls seeking protection from child abuse and violence, and a 95% increase in child pornography content consumption between 24th and 26th March 2020.
Bend the curve on child abuse
Online child abuse has significantly risen in South East Asian countries after COVID-19 related confinement. Violence against children is being masked behind closed doors and the 'safe' confinement of homes. It has only taken an inside turn.
An Open Letter To Prime Minister Modi on Child Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse on the other hand is something that needs immediate attention.