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A letter to Aamir Khan


Aamir Khan you were not expressing your fear but you were creating fear in masses. You have mentioned 1984 and said that it was disastrous. Its no where near to condemning but its only act of expressing grief. But yes you were right that two wrongs don’t make right. So,I will not question you on your silence all these years on these unrelated issues. But question you on issues that directly involve you.

Dear Aamir I ask you question.Were you really serious in your so called fear?A country that made you and your fellow khans superstar. Not a single incident of attack on any filmstar all these years by public or right wing elements. Even when you attacked the faith of majority community, there were only protests against your movies.(people in world are getting killed just for drawing cartoon). I think you live in safest country and even in it safest area.

But I can still tell you times when you should have actually feared. You should have feared in 1997 when Gulshan Kumar your co worker in industry was killed in broad day light under direction from “ABU SALEM AND DAWOOD ABRAHIM”.It was direct attack on bollywood fraternity. There is known secret of bollywood links with underworld. News that many from bollywood even attended dawood’s daughter wedding should had shaken you(if you yourself were not among those) but you remained silent on this whole underworld issue like it never existed.

Another time when you should had feared was when your co-star had been convicted by TADA court (1993 blasts) for keeping arms and ignorantly (as court hasn’t found evidence or more appropriately ignored the evidence,as responsible citizen I have to respect judgement and will not say knowingly) helping the terrorists.Hasn’t it shaken you Aamir? Working with terrorist aider? But on contrary you chose to make movie with him even after his proved conviction.

Another time when you should had feared was after 26/11, when terrorists attacked TAJ. Mumbai rail blasts and other blasts by “ISLAMIC TERRORISTS” were no reason for you to fear but 26/11 should had been,as they had reached an elite “TAJ HOTEL this time .It could had been you and your family there.I don’t know whether you launched any campaign against your “co-religionists” who kill in name of ISLAM.Have you tried to convey message to your community that ISLAM “permits” respect of faith of even “polytheists and idol worshipers”?Or more important question,do you even yourself believe that ISLAM permits respect of polytheistic religion?But may be even 26/11 failed to instill fear in you as even in these scenario you can easily recite “QURAN VERSES” and terrorists will give you safe passage(remember 26/11 and mali blasts).

You said that don’t connect terrorism to ISLAM, whereas you want to attribute isolated incidents spread over country to a ruling party. Hypocrisy or prejudice? I think you are aware that terrorists kill in name of ISLAM.I don’t know if QURAN says exactly what terrorists claim, but I know one thing that you never dismissed their version, apart from lip service that they are not Muslims, really? I think you don’t follow events that don’t have financial implications on you otherwise you would had feared on 30 July 2015 and would had raised voice against intolerance at that time only. I had not witnessed so much intolerance before, until that day. I agree intolerance has risen otherwise how could had it been possible that funeral of terrorist YAKOOB MENON had been attended by lakhs of Muslims. So much intolerance against their own country, own system, own judiciary? Ahh if only if you had spoken against that intolerance.

And there is reason that I am asking questions related to your religion because you have proved that religion is important to you than nation.You have never expressed fear to visit Saudi Arabia for HAJ,never said that you are considering to stop going to haj because of ‘rising extremism’ there.It means either you consider your religion over your nation(for religious pilgrimage you are happy to keep aside your fears) or you think SAUDI ARABIA is more tolerant than India.In both cases I will be happy if you leave India.

Some say backlash against you for your personal viewpoint have proven your fears.Is it so?Are you only one to have freedom of expression?Dont Raveena Tandon,Paresh Rawal and Anupam Kher also have a right of expression?One of the member from your tolerant bollywood brigade Shirish kundur even dragged Anupam’s wife for his personal remarks. I think freedom of expression is reserved for specific people with specific viewpoint.If one is not among those he is ” fascist”,”intolerant”,”communal”, “bhakt”.

But I am happy with people’s reaction this time. This time no one commented that you should go to pakistan (may be you would had loved it if someone said the same) but ironically on the other hand “I STAND WITH AMIR KHAN” is top trend in Pakistan. This time an innovative method of protest has been devised, non violent one.Striking where it hurt most, Finance.#AAPWAPSI and #BYOCOTTSNAPDEAL were among top twitter trends trending in India. People have urged snapdeal to remove you as brand ambassador or face boycott and to show their seriousness have uninstalled snapdeal app and pledged to boycott your all movies. I stand with them. I know this will have impact, because every-time you are in news it is just before your movie release.During narmada bachao protest it was FANNA and now its DANGAL. You think controversy is best method of promotion? No it is not. You will realise this time. Hope from next time you will not try to work against national interests for your petty selfish gains.

And just to remind you of intolerance. You wrote to PM Manmohan Singh in 2005 to not to grant US Visa(to give opinion to US against granting VISA to say precisely) to Narender Modi. So much intolerance for elected CM of your country?

My 9 year old niece invites Aamir Khan to watch her tolerant play


Dear Aamir Uncle,

My name is Maasoom and I am 9 years old. I study in Class 4th. I like watching movies and had watched 3 idiots and Taare Zameen Par. I understood that you try and give a strong message through your films. Then last year I saw PK.

Aamir Uncle, since I was 4 years old, inspired by my Chachu, Amritanshu, I worship Lord Shiva everyday. I feel a huge connect with Lord Shiva and occasionally even do Dugdh Abhishekam (offering of Milk) to him.

But in your film PK, I saw you make fun of rituals like offering milk, which besides faith of many people,also have a scientific basis to it. I am nearly 41 years younger to you Aamir Uncle, but will still try and explain to you a scientific basis of this process which Chachu told me.

Stone is just a format that we use to make idols and if we want to preserve the stone over a period of time,we need to nourish it. Otherwise the stone will flake and break away. And because of prana-pratistha ,many people who experience the stone in the form of Shiva Linga in a tremendous way, their hearts will break if this stone breaks. Because it is a strong energy form, it can chip away the stone after some time if some amount of fat content is not kept in it constantly. Hence milk is offered and most temples serve this offered milk as Prasad. I hope you have the openness to understand and accept. In spite of my feelings being hurt, I continued to admire your work.

Aamir Uncle, a few days back you were coming in news ,saying that your wife, Kiran Aunty is worried about the situation in our country and concerned about your kids security and even suggested to move out of our country. I could not believe it and told Chachu that it looks like news channel has picked up news from Faking News. But you proved me wrong, you indeed made such a statement.

Once,my best friend Shivani Kaul, who is from Kashmir wanted to shake hands with you when you were promoting your nephew’s film Delhi Belly. But she was rudely asked to stay away by your security personnel. Later,another of your security personnel, Yuvraj apologised for his colleagues behaviour. But Shivani continued to admire you despite this intolerance towards a loving gesture of shaking hands with you.

My friend Shivani Kaul’s family have been living like refugees in their own country. Shivani used to ask her mother why they are not going to their native Kashmir,and her mother informed her how they had been literally thrown out of their homes and no one supported lakhs of such families in Kashmir. These people who threw my friends family from their homes were from your community, but neither did her family think of leaving our country, nor did we let this affect our love towards you.

Aamir Uncle, my dear Chachu, Amritanshu was pushed from a running Mumbai local train, near Mumbra by some members of your community, because some Maulvi told them to push a few Hindus to fulfill their desires. Chachu struggled for his life for four years, and finally survived because of Yoga and Ayurveda. But even such a incident did not deter our admiration towards you.

A photo of my Chachu Amritanshu with Aamir Uncle.
A photo of my Chachu Amritanshu with Aamir Uncle.

Aamir Uncle, I have been asking Chachu that I want to do a drama play in which my friend is playing role of Mohammed and I am running behind him and teasing him ,and my friend Mohammed is getting scared and running to toilet, just like you did to my beloved Shiva in PK. But Chachu says No. He says that I will get into a lot of trouble as they will treat it as an insult and cause me and even my friend a lot of harm. But Aamir Uncle, when you made fun of my beloved Shiva, I am sure not only you, but your sons Azad Bhaiyya and Junaid Bhaiyya would not have faced any threat because their father made fun of a Hindu God.

So,as a reciprocal of tolerance towards each other, I request you to grant me permission to perform this play in front of you. If you can cheer and clap for me making fun of and frightening my friend dressed as Mohammed ,it will be a huge boost to my confidence. I will not even charge you any ticket. I am sure you have tolerance to watch this.

And Aamir Uncle, even if you don’t have tolerance, majority of the population in this country is very tolerant and very happy with the progress our country has made under a democratically elected government in the last 6-8 months,that you mentioned.

Ek Chota Mooh Badi Baat. Aamir Uncle, it will be very difficult for you to say a graceful Sorry and apologise for this intolerance remark, but you are being ignorant in making such statements. I request you to not further polish your ignorance, because its shining brightly on you. But even more than that, it is my India, my Bharat that is and will keep shining.

I will continue to admire your good work in films as a tolerant child of this truly incredible nation.

Waiting for you to approve and watch my play.



C/o Amritanshu.

What are we expecting from our Govt, or rather, What should we be expecting?


I think most would agree that post independence, there were a splurge of socialist reforms (Link). The socialist setup flourishes on the theory that the oppressed should be protected and tended to. And there is no dearth for the oppressed in our country! The poor, the working class, backward classes. You can keep on adding to that list.

So how do we address this issue? Lets hold on to that thought for now and put some light on a different sort of issue. We will come back to this later.

We see a tendency among many to put the blame of most of our issues on others. And of these, most are targeted to the System. Though it is cliched, “The system has to be changed”, “System is corrupt” has become some of the most common getaways. In the same vein, the solution for all this is also expected from someone else. We expect someone to start cleaning the system for us, promise us to take to the “La-La land”, while we wait for that.Under most circumstances, this someone would be Government, or a leader/party, or even a spiritual guru. I would like to stick only to government here considering the scope of this post.

Simple Question: “A beggar comes to you for alms and you give him. What does that make him? Still a beggar isn’t it?” “What if you refuse him? still a beggar right?” “But what if you try to empower him?” He may very well still choose to be a beggar 🙂 . But the point here is, there is a window of opportunity for him.

I dare not equate us with the beggar, but I do believe there is a slave mentality, which might be a by product of the socialistic reforms, where we look upon to the government(state as in socialism) for everything(or may be most of the things).

But I what i want to suggest is something similar to the opportunity presented to the beggar. To put in a better way, a level playing field for all. The opportunities present for everyone must be same. I do accept that we have a backlog of oppressed people for whom special care should be given. But what about future generations?

Prof R Vaidyanathan in this article link, explains the inverted trapezium problem that Developed countries will face. And the Hexagon situation where Developed countries like India will find ourselves in, related to demography.

So when we reach the Hexagon demography, with maximum youth, what is the situation we want us to be in?. To still have the slave mentality and act just as a work force? Or to challenge the staus quo, innovate and strive to be the leaders? Wouldn’t it be great that rather than have cry babies, we have innovators and visionaries with opportunities?

I answer in the affirmative for the latter. For this I want my Government not to hand out doles (la NREGA), but to give the new generation opportunity, give them a level playing ground for healthy competition, an atmosphere which breeds innovation. At the same time, I think its inevitable that we continue to take care of the already oppressed as mentioned early.

I think the Government is taking initial baby steps towards this. Its time for us to pick up ourselves and embrace that. Shed our negativity and be men of action. Think of ways to innovate. Gain knowledge. Try to empower ourselves. In the end, the Government may succeed or fail in its attempt. That need not stop us from trying

As Swami Vivekananda put it:

“We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in the future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act.”

Dear Prime Minister, the way you are performing abroad, needs to be replicated at home too


Dear Prime Minister,

I am the one who traveled  300 odd kms to my home town on a voting day to vote for you. I was moved by your ideas and dedication towards building better India. But from last few months, I am afraid to say but these feelings are fading away.

The Modi that we see on television or twitter during foreign tours is somehow missing at home. I am not saying that you are a kind of employee who works more efficiently onsite rather than offshore, but your charisma is missing at home.

Except during elections, I hardly see you interacting with a large crowd. But during your visits abroad, this is the most common and effective feature of your itinerary. On your recent Singapore visit, you got a snap clicked with INA Memorial construction workers, but I haven’t seen you any selfie clicked with Metro, ISRO or DRDO’s workers.

You often tell about your government’s accomplishments during foreign visits but Indian citizens at home must also be made aware of these accomplishments. The way you do regular Mann Ki Baat, the regular progress update must be conducted at larger level other than Twitter or Facebook. Your connection with general public is getting disconnected day by day.

If you would have been communicating with people at home regularly, the Tolerant/Intolerant issues could have avoided. Probably you already know but India has voted you, for a change not your ministers. I do not see a ray of hope when I see them speaking nonsense on TV.

So, please the way you perform abroad, replicate at home too.

-an Indian Citizen who voted for you.

Dear Aamir, Why do you choose to display a Tolerant Kashmir but an Intolerant India?


Dear Aamir Khan,

I am a Kashmiri Pandit, a story of whom you choose in your Satyamev Jayate to show how tolerant Kashmiri Muslim society is by showing a rare example of a KP woman elected by a KM majority village. I have to ask you, how come Kashmir is a tolerant society even after Kashmiris massacred, raped and made 300,000 Kashmiri Pandits homeless and how come India suddenly is intolerant?

How come you choose to pick up a rare KP story to show cause the tolerance of Kashmir and rare intolerance stories from India made entire country intolerant? Why these double standards?

If India today is intolerant, then Kashmir is Hell. But you won’t say that. Right? You will rather project a tolerant Kashmiriyat and an Intolerant India.

My mother, my father, our family & friends, No one absolutely no-one till date suggested or must have thought of leaving India because of INTOLERANCE we faced in Kashmir which your Bollywood remained silent about.

A country which even after 26 years neglects us and an unfortunate incident like Dadri gets more attention than 300,000 Homeless Kashmiri Pandits.

Aamir Khan
You clapped for a “tolerant” Kashmir, but cry for an intolerant India?

When we Kashmiri Pandits faced Genocide in India and when our own neighbors were with guns on streets against us, demolishing our temples, burning our homes, raping us – India remained silent. So who should be thinking about leaving India – we living in migrant camps or you making millions in Intolerant India? Even if we face genocide again, we will never think or talk about leaving India.

Let me tell you those neighbors & rioters were Muslims. Such was an intolerant Indian living inside me that you, a Muslim, were my super star, my role model, a person I would fight for with my friends, a person I looked up to. If India was intolerant and if I was intolerant, I would have generalized the community and never made you my role model. I will never do that, that is not how tolerant India is, never will it be.

Even after 26 years, we haven’t given up on India. Each day we think on how to make it a better place. Each day we think that Indians will come forward to help. That India is not what we faced in India. Those neighbors and friends don’t represent the minority population of India nor do you.

I didn’t question your double standards when you questioned going to a Hindu temple and then yourself went happily to Hajj. I should have. But I was too tolerant.

I just wanted to tell you that I am restless, I am restless not because I am a Narendra Modi supporter, I am restless because I regret that I wasted my two decades for a man who was not worth being my Hero. I will never forget that. Never ever.

Best of Luck for Dangal.

A Kashmiri Pandit, you super-stars never made a movie about

And Aamir Khan lost a wonderful opportunity…


The issue of Intolerance has gained a new momentum with Aamir Khan’s disclosure about Kiran Rao’s thought of leaving India.

While every person has a right to speak and express, the person of stature like Aamir Khan, needs to understand that every thought that comes in mind need not to be voiced exactly.

In this situation, instead of just voicing the concern, Aamir Khan, who has worked in message driven movies like Gulam, Mangal Pandey, Sarfarosh, Taarin Jameen Pai, 3 idiots, PK and many more, should have pitched for strong communal harmony and standing united against any such attempt that disrupts our brotherhood.

Aamir Khan has a huge twitter base and a huge fan following not only in India, but also off shores. He could have used this situation to send a strong message of inclusiveness in India.

Aamir Khan
From an optimist crusader, why did he become a pessimist cribber?

Reasons on why would Aamir do that? Simple, he is a Khan, a Muslim by religion, he worked in movie like PK, despite few anti liberal people protesting, entire India, no matter, Hindu, Jaim, Buddhist, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, supported him. Is this a sign of Intolerance?

He is able to express himself freely, so are the others writers, though they are being trolled on social media by people(isn’t that always been a trend all the times on any social media platform? no matter what the issue is?), is this a sign of Intolerance?

The biggest thing that all the celebrities and writers need to understand is that government may or may not have the biggest mass reach, but they do have that. What ever they say makes a direct impact on the mind of people.

If they will just say that Intolerance is rising, this would make a direct and deeper impact on their fans and people of country. Even the person who has never faced any such issue, a physiological image of intolerance will be created in their mind, leading to developing the feeling of hatred towards any particular community.

I am a student, I have my friends from all the places of this country, in fact some are from other countries. I have my good friend from Kashmir and he is a Muslim. In fact my class has 5 Muslims, 3 Sikhs, 2 Jain, 1 Buddhist and 1 christian and rest Hindus. When I talk to them and they talk to me or we all talk to each other, I don’t see any sign of Intolerance among ourselves.

My college has in total 40,000 students and 12000 staff. All coming from different sections of society and regions and all are living amicably. No where I see any sort of Intolerance.

In my home district, I am neighbor of very decent Muslims. Never had they bothered us nor ever any one bothered them.

But when I see news, somehow I get scared of the raising Intolerance in our country as reported in News channels. I am not sure from where are they getting the news but one thing that I am sure of is that they are definitely master of selling that news no matter what it takes.

The theory of classical conditioning explains that if our mind is conditioned about any thing on a regular basis, we tend to bent towards it and accept it as a truth.

I am sure Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao and all other celebrities and writers who gave their view about rising Intolerance in India must have tried to distinguish if they are supporting truth or an illusion.

But I don’t disagree that there has been some real bad incidence of intolerance in recent past by some groups. But terming entire India as intolerant due to such anti liberal groups and paining all Indians with same color is not a good practice.

Giving air to this issue would only give more power to such groups. They will gain the moral of doing more such things as they will notice that a panic is spreading among the community.

Instead, we should downplay such groups and should send strong message of communal harmony to them. We should show them that our brotherhood has grown much stronger and cannot be broken due to such incidents.

All we have seen till now is people complaining about Intolerance, but no where can we see people talking about harmony. No one is preaching harmony. All are so busy in endorsing intolerance issue that every one has forgotten that we are a country of 1.2 billions and the issues that are coming are just 1 or 2.

Can this be considered Intolerance? If this can be, how is country still functioning? If somehow country is still functioning, how can it function without cooperation among its people? This means that cooperation is among the people. So if cooperation is there, where does the question of Intolerance came from?

I always admire Aamir Khan a lot and regard him as most intellectual person in Bollywood (along with R Madhwan). He could have easily used this opportunity to not only correct his wife but also unite the country. But unfortunately, a person of his caliber failed to avail this and Aamir Khan lost a wonderful opportunity to conclude the biggest debate in the country.

Empty symbolism of Car Free Day; If tamasha can suffice, why govern?


Delhi has had a second successive Car Free Day, this time in Dwarka. Thousands attended it, hundreds participated in a cycle rally, thousands more walked to demonstrate their solidarity to the cause of reducing pollution in Delhi in particular and a healthier environment, in general.

Chief Minister of Delhi came personally, participated in the cycle rally and addressed the enthusiastic crowd. He also announced that next car free day would be on 22nd January, in Patparganj, East Delhi.


It reminds me of another such initiative, called Earth Hour. On a specific day, once a year, we switch
off lights at 8 PM, for one hour. Off course, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, fans, microwaves etc keep running during the appointed hour. For the rest of 364 days and 23 hours, we can feel smug in the thought that

Going for a Car Free Day
Going for a Car Free Day?

we have contributed to the environment.

Around 0.1% of population, switch off around 15% of the electric appliances, for around 0.0014% of the time to feel good about itself, its commitment to environment and absolves itself of the all its responsibilities for the rest of the year. It is estimated that that this initiative reduces our annual consumption of electricity by around 0.000017%.

During the Earth Hour, we save around one unit of every 70000 spent, normally in a similar period. Not exactly earthshaking, na?

Consider today’s car free day then.

If 10000 people assembled at Dwarka, from different parts of Delhi, to participate in the Car Free day, what mode of transport did they use to come? Inconceivable that everyone used public transport to reach there. Those who have seen traffic jams caused by swanky cars of joggers & other exercise enthusiasts at the gate of Lodhi Gardens in the early morning hours would find it even more difficult to imagine.

Assuming that 80% felt that it is their responsibility to Delhi to travel in public transport while going to this event and only 20% used their personal vehicles to reach the venue of Car Free Day, it would mean around 2000 vehicles travelled a distance varying from 5 kms to 20 kms, to participate in a car free day. Question is, today being a Sunday, would these cars or bikes travelled this distance if the owners were not participating the event?

How did the Chief Minister, Dy Chief Minister, the transport Minister or other government officials reach the venue? No answers for guessing this right. Assuming a caravan of only five vehicles per minister and only ten ministers / officials, 50 government cars burnt fuel and added to the pollution of Delhi for participating in the event. Add to this the department that organized the event. The arrangement, the preparation and the management of the whole tamasha would have made many vehicles travel many a miles.

A friend, wanting to do his bit for the environment and reducing pollution, put his bicycle in the boot of the Honda city that he drove from Alaknanda to Dwarka, a distance of around 30 Kilometres, parked it in a lane around 200 meter away from venue. And he was ready for the Car Free Day!

In other words, hundreds of vehicles (or may be thousands) had to travel a distance, burn the fuel they would not have burned because a Car Free Day was organized. A Car Free Day ended up adding to the Delhi pollution, instead of reducing it.

It reminds me of a television reporter who paid bribe to a common man to elicit a statement that corruption has gone down after a certain government came to power.

Why are such events organized, then?

Such events give a lot of succour to those of us who feel guilty about what we are doing to our planet, our environment and our cities. These events provide an opportunity to the wannabe political activist who wants to be seen by some one higher up in the political outfit. For the organizing department, it is time to blow up some of the budget and have fun.  But the main beneficiary is the government as these events impart a positive feeling of, “At least, we are doing something.” Unwilling to take tough or unpopular decisions, such events always help in showcasing the fake intent the government has about the issue. A positive PR and avoiding unpopular actions on any controversial issue are also accretive at the hustings.

And, we all love symbolism.  By giving a five rupee coin to a beggar across our wind screen, we feel we are contributing to removing poverty. Giving a high compensation to a victim of violence is an easier alternative to the difficulty of maintaining law & order. In a train accident, we give more attention to who visited the site when than the steps government is supposed to take to improve safety.

So. what should Delhi government be doing instead?  Even from a layman’s perspective, few things can be rattled off; Reduce the number of vehicles on the road and number of polluting industries near residential areas.

For example, a simple action of banning cars with registration numbers ending with specific digits on specific days can reduce vehicles on the road by almost 20%! Letting Delhi Police and Regional Transport Authority become strict about illegal & unlicenced autos running in Sangam Vihars and Uttam Nagars would make a major dent on pollution as many of these autos run on diesel. The relocation of industries, ordered by Supreme Court in 1996, yes you read that right, 1996, if speeded up to complete in next one year may help in a big way.

But these actions would require months of hardwork, detailed planning, coordination with other governments and agencies and carry the risk of alienating many sections of society, not exactly a palatable thought for any political outfit. Importantly, these actions would lack the glamour and photo opportunity of such glitzy, media covered events.

So are such public awareness campaigns useless? Well, yes and no.

Public awareness campaigns are quite useful where the problem to be solved, the evil to be rooted out has more social element than administrative or legal. For example how a family treats the girl child or how the society treats and AIDS victim need to be changed through public awareness campaigns. Off course the basic laws behind the social push about equality of sexes and the healthcare facilities needed have to be in place before the campaigns.

But such social campaigns can’t work when the stringent laws are not in place, the willingness to implement the existing ones is sacrificed at the alter of political expediency and the objective is to use the event as a photo opportunity. In such situations, they remain what they are; empty symbolism.

An Open Letter To Aamir Khan


I don’t care about what your religion is. As long as you put India over religion, I can talk to you. I usually do not care about what Bollywood people say unless it is about something related to India. Hence I choose to respond to what you said yesterday.

Here is one part of your statement:

“As an individual, as part of this country as a citizen, we read in the papers what is happening, we see it on the news and certainly, I have been alarmed. I can’t deny. I have been alarmed by a number of incidents. When I chat with Kiran at home, she says ‘Should we move out of India?’ That’s a disastrous and big statement for Kiran to make. She fears for her child. She fears about what the atmosphere around us will be. She feels scared to open the newspapers every day.”

I don’t understand how can you believe what media is saying. Courts have not yet passed any judgement on killing of Akhlaq, so coming to a conclusion is completely wrong. Media & politicians are not above court’s decision. Media made huge hue and cry out of many incidents like burning of two dalit children, “lunching” of a man in Manipur over a calf, but do you know the alternate versions which emerged later, some from CBI investigations?

Another example was Jasleen Kaur & Sarabjit Singh case. Mr. Arvind Kejriwal congratulated Jasleen, Times Now was forcing Sarabjit to apologize, Sarabjit lost his job, and his life was destroyed. Why? Because of media trial & verdict. Initial reports from police point towards a false case. This was a stray incident. By the way, most of the media channels didn’t cover the story after police reports. They don’t have guts to say sorry and take responsibility for destroying his life.

Ironically, just one minute after you made the above statement, you were asked whether you had faith in the media. You said “Partly”, “I cant say I have complete faith in the media”. So I am trying to understand this, your views about India are defined by the media, who you yourself say you cant trust fully. So can we trust your views?

Why no intolerance bogey is raised when people are raped, domestic violence, false cases, Indian politicians condemning Indian Government on foreign soil, labelling India’s enemy (who do ceasefire violations like it is their bread and butter) as apostle of peace?

If we go by the logic of media/politicians/some random people’s comments, America is the most intolerant nation in the world. A police officer kills a guy because of his race or people open fire in schools etc.

Some people are talking / Media is showing as if there are 100s being killed every day. When I go out I don’t find any difference in mood of people, they are same as they were few months back. I don’t know on which road Kiran goes. I am sure she does analyze things and cross check, if not then she should.

You say, People who are our elected representatives, people who we select to look after us for five years, state or center… when people take law into their hands, we look upon these people to take a strong stance, to make a strong statement, speed up the legal process, when we see that happening there is a sense of security but when we don’t see that happening there is a sense of insecurity” This is correct but timing is wrong because this has been the case since Independence not just in last 7-8 months. No justice have been given for over 3 crore cases, these many have not built up in last 18 months. Why only condemn comments on dadri?

Condemn politicians like Mulayam Singh Yadav & Azam Khan who say, “Often if one person commits rape, four people are named in the complaint. Four people are named for rape, can it be possible? It is not practical.

Condemn Mani Shankar Aiyar. He is asking Pakistan to remove Modi and bring Congress to power, what does he mean by that? As Pakistanis can’t vote in India, they can only ask UN to put pressure on India or use terrorist attacks to remove Modi? Is he conspiring against the Prime Minister of India?

Condemn Salman Khurshid, he labels Nawaz Sharif as an apostle of peace. Nawaz Sharif was involved in Kargil War, directly or indirectly. Pakistan has done ceasefire violations innumerable times. And ex-foreign minister condemns Indian Government on foreign soil.

Condemn every wrong statement, be it Yogi Adityanath or Sadhvi Prachi or Azam Khan or Mulayam Singh or Mani Shankar Aiyar or someone else and don’t be partial.

You are right to say, “A number of creative people — historians, scientists — increasingly had a certain feeling in them, which they felt they need to express. For creative people, one of the ways of expressing their dissatisfaction or their disappointment is to return their awards. I think that’s one way of getting your point across all individuals have a right to protest and they can protest in any manner that they feel is right as long as they are not taking the law into their hands.”

People have right to return awards, protest and on the other hand I also have the right to question them. I could see a pattern in award returning. Before 8th Nov, so many people returned awards and from 9th Nov till today only one. People have backtracked on their earlier comments after 8th Nov. Shabana Azmi now says “Intolerance has always existed”. Shahrukh Khan now says he never said India was Intolerant. There are an equal number of artists and intellectuals who have slammed this “Award Wapsi” brigade.

Some people had political motives but a few innocent people were misled into returning their awards or supporting their campaign. Some news channels and newspapers led them to believe on intolerance. I applaud Anupam Kher, Vivek Agnihotri, Raveena Tandon and others for standing against the award returnees.

Lot of people admire you and such a comment coming from you is disappointing. You should condemn the stray incidents and say India is tolerant. Instill hope in Indians rather than fearing them. You are playing into the hands of people who want to show India is intolerant.  We should not label whole nation on bases of few stray incidents just like you say it is wrong to connect Islam with terrorists. In fact at the same event, you said you don’t have full faith in media but you cant pass a sweeping statement and say you cant trust all media. Then why not extend this logic to India?

Which country are you planning to go to? Here are some options:

  • USA (Children killed in schools, Blacks killed by cops, Ahmed the “clock boy” left USA, Cavity searches at airports), might be unsafe.
  • Australia (Attack on Indian Students), might be unsafe in future.
  • Sri Lanka (Attack on Tamils), is intolerant.
  • France (Innocents are dying), might be unsafe.
  • UK (Moeen Ali was booed), is intolerant.
  • Nepal (Earthquake prone), might be unsafe.
  • Singapore (Freedom of speech is restricted), is intolerant.
  • South Africa (Apartheid was there, Crime is very high), was intolerant and might be unsafe.

Antarctica/Greenland might be a good place.

No offence to anyone. Sarcastic comments have been given to above countries, and all of them are tolerant and safe for everyone. I would love to get a reply from Aamir or anyone who shares views with Aamir Khan.

HRD Ministry : Empowering Students & Strengthening Education System with Quality Efforts


Union HRD Minister Smt Smriti Irani, while speaking at the edNEXT, National Conference on ICT in School Education at New Delhi, said that the use of ICT will strengthen school education system.

The event showcased various ICT based initiatives in school education. During the conference, e-Pathshala, Saaransh and National Programme on School Standards and Evaluation Framework (Shala Siddhi) were launched. These are either web portals or mobile phone applications.

Further, Shala Darpan, MDM-IVRS and Ekta project from Alwar were also showcased. Students at the event shared their excitement about these apps, which promise to make learning more interesting, school bags lighter and books available on the go.


Epathshala- Learning on the go. Access digital textbooks of NCERT for all classes on your mobile or computer

E-Pathshala, a web portal that hosts educational resources for students, teachers, parents, researchers and educators, is available through a specially developed mobile app interface on Android, iOS and Windows platforms for wider access. It contains textbooks and other e-books as E-Pub 3.0 and Flip-books in English, Hindi and Urdu.


Shaala Siddhi is a comprehensive instrument for school evaluation, which enables the schools to evaluate their performance in a more focused and strategic manner to facilitate them to make professional judgement for continuous improvement. The web portal of the framework will help all schools assess themselves; the results can be seen by all, enabling them to provide feedback. The initiative has already been successfully piloted in four districts of Tamil Nadu.

Shaala Darpan – enhances school’s overall academic delivery systems


Saransh is a tool that allows schools to identify areas of improvement in students, teachers and curricula to facilitate and implement change. The platform has been available for classes 9th to 12th; it has been providing a comprehensive overview of the 10th standard performance since 2007 and 12th standard performance since 2009. Presently, results of CBSE are available on the portal as well as the app.

Saransh – a tool for comprehensive self-review and analysis for CBSE affiliated schools

The event also showcased other ICT initiatives like the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system to monitor daily implementation of the mid-day meal scheme and Shaala Darpan, an integrated platform to address all academic and administrative requirements of schools, teachers, parents and students.


Earlier, the minister appreciated the efforts put in by all the State education ministers in achieving 100% result in constructing separate toilets for boys and girls in schools during the past one year. This, she said, was the outcome of the appeal made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 15 August last year. The HRD minister also felicitated the State education ministers for their efforts in fulfilling the prime minister’s vision of having toilets in every government school under the “Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaya” campaign.

Swachh Vidyalaya: An Incredible team effort, effective leadership and use of technology has made the dream of Swachh Vidyalaya a reality in India.

The minister also elaborated upon the paradigm shift where the stakeholders were asked to participate in the use of mobile applications and find out the utility of these apps. Further, keeping in view the need to recognize the ICT initiatives, the HRD minister made a clarion call to every citizen to come forward and contribute towards technological innovation for the benefit of school education. She called upon the States to look into the issue of the nutritional value of mid-day meals and prepare their own menu for it, keeping in mind the local climate and conditions.


Smt Smriti Irani at UNESCO for 38th session of General Conference of UNESCO

    • Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan has been announced to imbibe scientific temper among students
    • Madan Mohan Malviya Mission for Teachers Training has been launched to empower & increase capacity of teachers
    • SWAYAM : (Study Web of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) & MOOCs can create speed, scale & efficiency in teaching
    • Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat focuses on ensuring that learning levels of Class I and II students in reading, writing language comprehension and numeracy is at par with the world. Every school will provide teaching-learning for 200 days in a year with 800 instructional hours
    • DEEN DAYAL UPADHYAY KAUSHAL KENDRA: Run courses from certificate to PG degree and research level in the field of Skill Development and Vocational Education. These Centers will also coordinate between the Higher Education system and Industry to work as Center of Excellence for Skill Development in specialized areas
    • YUKTI: Aims at skill development and up-gradation of design and technologies enhancing the economic prospects of those engaged in traditional arts and crafts
    • ISHAN VIKAS: Comprehensive plan to expose selected students from the Northeast to opportunities in the IITs, NITs and IISERs during their vacation period. School Children, will be taken on a fully-funded 10 day visit to any one reputed higher education institution in the country to participate in a well-designed awareness programme.
    • ISHAN UDAY SCHOLARSHIP: Scheme focuses on providing equal opportunities to students from the North Eastern Region to pursue higher education at undergraduate colleges and universities across the country.
    • SAKSHAM: Scheme of AICTE aims at providing encouragement and support to differently-abled children to pursue a technical education. This scholarship enables meritorious students to pursue a technical education at AICTE approved institutions, helping them meet their college aspirations.
    • UDAAN: Mentoring and scholarship initiative of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) to enable meritorious girl students to transit from school into technical education.
    • National e-Library of India: Easy access to e-content and e-books for schools, colleges and researchers. The initiatives will ensure that content is universally available for all learners.

You can download an ebook titled “HRD Ministry : 1 Year “Good Governance”, released by Smt Smriti Irani, by clicking the above link

​​The convoluted case of intolerance; the one crying intolerance are the most intolerant!


I have been contemplating since many days to put it in black & white as due to limited resource at my disposal I have to choose text among ‘text, audio and video’ as my medium of expression, even though its least effective among three.

Nowadays we have an omnipresent rant – the rising intolerance in India. This is not only the matter of fact but the matter of concern as well. I strongly echo with all the singers singing the song of intolerance and share their distress as well. Without an iota of doubt, I confirm that India is witnessing an exponentially increasing intolerance in a class against another. I agree with them in terms of the time-span as well.

Yes! It all started after the May of 2014. But, my take would certainly disturb the imagination of established intelligentsia as author is all set to rattle their definition of two classes ‘the tolerant ‘ and ‘the intolerant’.

We are a country with an inbuilt feature of tolerance since time immemorial, it is as inherent as the the tetrahedral structure of methane molecule. I urge to these agitating historians, scientists and philosophers to name any other nation or society with such an everlasting thread of tolerance. So, what exactly happened in even less than a 24 months which has changed the dynamics of tolerance so dramatically?

It all started even before the May of 2014, perhaps way before in the 2010 or 2011. The country was constipated with the daily doze of chronic scams which led to the biggest agitation under the leadership of civil society of India which got the organizational support from the widespread bodies like Art of living, Patanjali Yogpeeth and RSS. The movement found the face as septuagenarian Anna Hazare who staged hunger strike demanding the accountability and transparency which was conspicuous by its absence in the UPA government.

The movement was the huge TRP generator for media so they grabbed it like an octopus, but the regular Lutyens and cocktail circles demonstrated sheer contempt for the movement, as they could not stand with an idea of an idea coming out of anywhere else but their own cocoon. Among all the parasites who were eating on this movement ranging from media, NGOs and fading celebrities, there was one astute IIT graduate who bitten into it like a starving one and hijacked every single asset and achievement of the movement and re-engineered it into yet another autocratic political party with a demigod status for himself.

Rising Intolerance
Who is not allowing whom to speak?

On the other hand, someone jumped into the ring as the favorite of the bout. The one who had an excellent track record of delivery and who was all set to couple it with incredible communication with his constituency, the result was – a majority government at center after more than three decades. He fought against the most vicious campaign, the challenge of old guard in his own party and the equation of social-engineering at pan-India level and emerged as a triumphant. The man holds the distinction of not cooling off his heals even for a day as public servant, which meant he was far more productive than any other predecessor or contemporary around. He triggered a chemical reaction where his hard work and vision were reactants to give the products of development and governance, but couldn’t avoid the byproduct of hatemongers.

The section of people who have not changed their calendars since 2002 though they never had one of 1984, felt defeated to core. They could not believe they have lost it so miserably, that too against a man who was just an ordinary office-bearer of his untouchable party in late 90s, when they themselves were superstars of newly born electronic media may be because of their privileged education in convents. How can they digest it, when he was, now, the supreme leader of nation whereas they were still struggling to be editor-in-chief in their favorite media house?

But as we know defeat brings you lots of friends who happen to be common haters of the victor. They got many, some as comrades and some as the patrons. The patrons were usual old dynasty of Indian polity, the chair-termites of chairman Mao and the other regional parties who pretend to be epitome of secularism to hide their nepotism, incompetence and criminal records. They got comrades as writers, filmmakers and people from different walks of lives who were the petitioners against the current prime minister before the election and appealed to nation to choose tangible corruption over intangible intolerance. Now the setup was complete – the loudspeaker of media had the singers and chorus to sing the cacophony of intolerance. They all together attributed their pretty own intolerance for the different ideology at helm to the intolerance of the government itself.

Now let’s understand the balance sheet of of the tolerance and intolerance. Enough has been said about the story of academy awardees as how they have preserved their tolerance for all the years since 1947 till 2014 and it got evaporated all of sudden after that, when they have lost the patronage of government and were missing all the perks of free foreign trips, bungalows and five-star dinners. We can understand the view point of communist hued filmmakers and their discomfort with the present government. We can decipher the ISIS analogy for RSS by the historian who himself belongs to laboratory of partition of India. We can also appreciate the frustration of a political class who ruled for decades and now their abysmal performance left them with no other option but to sing the song of intolerance as the country was not in mood to tolerate their incompetence and corrupt regime.

But the rather interesting point came from well read, well traveled and not so young cinema superstar who just turned 50 year old. One who was strip searched and interrogated in so called vibrant democracy for being a Muslim and one who abused an ordinary security personnel as drunk influential man. One who is enjoying the longest success spree, with his other Muslim peers, in a country which has overwhelming majority of so called ‘intolerant people’. One who is happily married to a Hindu women which can’t be dreamed in his ancestral land of Afghanistan by any minority, if there are still any. One who has build a palace like house because of love and adulation by the country while on the other hand the “peaceful” Pakistan have never guaranteed the right of property to Hindus.

They can voice their dissent in ‘My name is Khan’ and mint money even after abusing the majority beliefs in a below average work of cinema called ‘PK’. While the artists, writers and thinkers of other opinions are being sent to heaven in neighboring counties, created on the basis of religion. There is no other place on face of earth where they can enjoy such a fortune but they would still label it as intolerant place as they are not happy to see a different ideology doing the business for India and doing it so well. They prefer a backward India under their masters than a shining India under a tireless leadership which they don’t like personally. They have all the right to say whatever they wish to but the majority of nation which has emotional bonds with cow can’t show their emotion. If food preference is matter of individual choice alone, then why can’t one order horse or dog meat as food in liberal and democratic western countries? If those countries can choose not to slaughter dog and horse to eat as per their majority beliefs then why can’t they (the real intolerant class) just stop ridiculing the vast population who deem Cow as their mother?

Now to decide who is getting intolerant is matter of common sense. Who is the class of ‘the tolerant’ and ‘the intolerant’ is writing on the wall.