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कन्हैय्या बन है रहा काला पहाड़

गार्जियन में मार्क टाउनसैण्ड की ब्राइटन से रणभूमि तक : कैसे चार किशोर जिहाद की ओर प्रेरित हुए शीर्षक से प्रकाशित समाचार बेहद भयावह है।

यह उन किशोरों के बारे में है जो ब्रिटिश मूल के गैर मुस्लिम थे और जिहाद के प्रचार में डूब कर मुस्लिम बने। ISIS के जिहाद का हिस्सा बन लड़े और मारे गये।

kanhaiya ban raha kala-pahad, कन्हैय्या बन रहा काला पहाड़, shridev sharma

ऐसी ही एक रिपोर्ट अमेरिका के मिसीसिपी की रहने वाली जाएलिन यंग की है जो एक पुलिस अधिकारी की बेटी है। उसने अपना धर्म बदला मुस्लिम बनी और जिहाद लड़ने सीरिया के लिये निकल पड़ने की कोशिश में एअरपोर्ट पर पकड़ी गयी।

कन्हैय्या खालिद अनिर्वाण और उनके गुरुओं की चलायी राष्ट्रवाद की बहस के पीछे मुस्लिम शोषण एक बड़ा मुद्दा है। फिलिस्तीन,कोसोवो,काश्मीर,चेचन्या विश्व भर के जिहादी मुसलामानों की आजादी की लड़ाई का बड़ा प्रतीक हैं।

कन्हैय्या तथा उनके साथी इस लड़ाई के पोस्टर बन गये हैं। उनका गांधी प्रेम सिर्फ गांधी जी के खिलाफत आंदोलन का समर्थन करने के कारण है।

दलित शोषण को रोकने की लड़ाई के सर्वोच्च व्यक्तित्व बाबा साहब थे। वे संवैधानिक भारत में अस्पृश्यता का उन्मूलन कर गये। इस तरह का अमानुषिक अपमान न हो इसके लिये क़ानून बना और लागू है। संविधान में अस्पृश्यता के कारण दलित बने हिंदु भाइयों को सशक्त बनाने के लिये आरक्षण है।

बाबा साहब अम्बेडकर इससे संतुष्ट थे और उन्होंने कहा था की बीते कल को भुला आगे की ओर बढ़ने की आवश्यकता है।

परंतु जिहादी आंदोलन के प्रवक्ता तथा मुख्य मॉडल कन्हैय्या दलितों को भारत तथा नागरिकों से लड़ाने पर तुले हैं।

एक तरफ वो हैं जो समाज के हर वर्ग का सशक्ति करण चाहते हैं समरसता चाहते हैं। दूसरी तरफ वो हैं जो देश में क्रांति चाहते हैं। इसे ईराक और सीरिया की तरह जिहादी लड़ाई तथा माओवादी आतंकवाद में धकेल इस की हर प्रगति को रोक देना चाहते हैं।

गांधी और अम्बेडकर राजनैतिक रूप से दो अलग ध्रुव थे पर दोनों ने भारत को स्वराज्य और संविधान की राह दिखायी।

अम्बेडकर आहत थे पर भारत माता के पुत्र थे। उन्होंने वर्णवादी व्यवस्था को छोड़ा पर धर्मवादीव्यवस्था को नहीं और अपने लोगों के साथ उस बुद्ध धर्म के अनुयायी बन गये जो भारतवर्ष का ही है।

आशा है कि भगवान सद्बुद्धि देगा और प्रसिद्धि तथा प्रतिष्ठा के लिये ये युवक काला पहाड़ नहीं बन जाएंगे।

#SaveKerala – But How?


In my previous post, I had spoken about why we need #SaveKerala. You can read it here.

In this post, I would like to talk about two factors that need to be done to #SaveKerala.

Jobs: As discussed in my previous post, nearly 3 million Keralites are working in other states & countries for the lack of opportunities in the state. 50% of them are working as laborers in industries and hospitality sector. The state has to concentrate on Industrial Growth in order to create jobs. Keralites who have been working abroad will have all the required skill set and experience to work in any industry started in Kerala. It’s time the new government that takes over from UDF works in tandem with the central government in order to get any kind of assistance for the industrial sector.

Palghat Rail Coach Factory is a prime example of how bad the industrial sector in Kerala is. Kanjikode rail coach factory was announced in the railway budget of 2008-2009 by UPA1. LDF was ruling the state till 2011 and it was congress led UDF that has been ruling the state after that. With a congress led government at the center and powerful leaders like AK Antony as central ministers, UDF should have got the factory completed by now. However as per this article the factory is still in the planning stage. And the reason given is “The Kerala government’s failure to take the project forward by exerting pressure on the centre“.

The IT sector is another sector which needs to be looked upon by the new government. IT & ITeS in Kerala employees just 40K people whereas a major IT company in Bangalore employees almost 20K people. The reason for such a bad state of affairs in IT sector is operational costs (high rent, electricity cost) and quality human resource(education is a main factor affecting this). The new government should have to burn midnight oil to get this sector back up and running. They would need to have professionals handling this sector.

Education: Kerala has literacy rate of 96%, but what we need to consider is the quality of education. I have interviewed few B.Tech graduates from Kerala for Tele Researchers in my team. They lack communication skills and they lack confidence. When asked why they would want to work in BPO after completing B.Tech, the answer I get is “couldn’t find jobs in their fields”. Even though lack of opportunities back home is the reason for not getting jobs in Kerala, main reason for not getting jobs in other states is because of the quality of education. Many students pass out without even knowing the basics in their field. They mug up, write exams and pass out. You cannot blame the students alone, the student unions are to be blamed too.

Almost 50% academic days are lost due to strikes by various unions for some reason or the other (unions include ABVP,AISF, SFI, KSU). The students do not find time to learn. And then there are strikes by teachers association, one cannot expect quality education when you do not find student or teachers in classrooms.The new government that takes over should make sure to provide training for students on communication and personality development for students of class 10 and above. The new government should hold a meeting of all political parties to discuss various ways to stop the over influence of unions in the education sector. This will do a world of good for students. Industries will get quality human resource if Kerala has a sound education system.

I have mentioned two main factors that needs to be looked upon in order to Save Kerala. I strongly believe BJP is the only party that can #SaveKerala. In the third & final article I will justify why I feel BJP is that party that can lead Kerala to development.

#SaveKerala – But why?


Last night, that is the night of 29th March 2016, twitterati started trending #SaveKerala. When I went through few tweets on the hash tag, I realized that the tweets were regarding the 2016 Assembly elections. All tweets were asking voters of Kerala to make an intelligent choice of rejecting both the fronts of Kerala politics, UDF & LDF. Most of the tweets wanted the voters to elect the BJP led NDA to rule the state and #SaveKerala. I too did my part and contributed few tweets.

But there was one tweet with a video contributed by Meena Das Narayanan (@MeenaDasNarayan) which has made me write this article. The video is available here. In this video Meena talks of how she had to be away from her hometown as her parents felt that Kerala did not have opportunities for the future. The words that Meena spoke were not mere words, but the feelings of many Keralites like me who are staying in different cities outside Kerala for the lack of opportunities there.

We are called Marunadan Malayalees (Malayalees living in other states).

First let’s look at number of Malayalees working/living in other countries. As per the estimates of 2008, there were around 2.5 million Malayalees in the Gulf countries alone. Let’s look at the other countries where Malayalees live, 600K in USA, 100K in UK, 46K in Israel, 25K in Australia, 22K in Canada, 22K in Malaysia & Singapore together. Surprising of all is that, there are around 6K mallus in Pakistan(Source)

Now coming to Malayalees living in other states of India, we do have 700K in Karnataka, 500K in TN, 400K in Maharashtra. There are few living in other parts of the country too. What has led to these many people leaving their homeland and working in places of least interest to them? Leaving their loved ones, family, friends, paddy fields, rivers and temples wouldn’t have been an easy task, then why did so many people make that choice.

My father is a member of Kerala Samajam (Avadi) which in turn is a part of Confederation of Tamil Nadu Malayalee Association (CTMA). I have spoken to many members of the association and the one reason they give for leaving Kerala is the lack of opportunities. My father left Kerala because he made losses in his business (School Canteen) and had to pay people back. Once he had made money and paid all of them back, he stayed back as he wanted to give us quality education. (We still run a Tea Shop in Avadi, Chennai)

Kerala got its first democratically elected government in 1957, formations/front led by both Congress & Communists have been ruling the state every five years. Still we have so many people working/living outside Kerala. I have my cousins working in the GCC & the USA. My friends from Kerala have been working in UAE for salary equivalent to 20K INR, they toil hard in the sun to make that money. If the UDF & LDF had kept politics aside and thought about the welfare of the people of the state, we wouldn’t have seen such huge number of Keralites leaving Kerala.

UDF & LDF boast of them being the reason for 96% literacy rate in Kerala. But they do not talk about the quality of education which is very pathetic. I have seen B.Tech graduates from Kerala working in call centers for 10-12K salary. If the education was good, they would have been in reputed companies earning handsome salary.

The LDF has been against privatization, they are against corporates, they are against MNC’s, and they are against common man too. You may ask me as of why I call the LDF led by the people’s party CPM an anti-people party. The answer lay in two words “Nokku Kooli” or “gawking wages”. I have not known any people’s party in the world that would like to harass the very own people it says it represents.

People have been killed in Kerala for shifting political loyalties. The murderers have mostly been cadres from CPI(M). There are instances where RSS/BJP workers are also involved in murders, but if one notices it has mostly been a revenge attack. I do not justify the acts of violence by the RSS/BJP, I am against any kind of violence for that matter. However, its always best to know what led to violence. CPM does not want to lose its vote base and the one way it knows to keep its base intact is instilling fear in the hearts of people who think of leaving the party.

UDF is no saint either. Corruption, appeasement, lack of governance all these have been the trade mark of Congress led UDF. The state has seen the most corrupt government with the CM & FM involved in scandals like Solar & Bar Bribery. The government had an education minister who changed the name of his official residence just because it was a Hindu name  (now think of media coverage if it was a BJP minister)

In the article I have explained why the people of Kerala need to #SaveKerala. In the next part I would elaborate how people of Kerala can #SaveKerala

Why secularists in India are most communal

A day before holy, a mob of around 15 people dragged Dr Pankaj Narang from his house in Vikaspuri, Delhi and beat him brutally with iron rods, cricket bats and whatever they could grab. Dr Narang begged the mob which was led by Naseer to forgive him, his wife and his brother in law begged them to spare his life. And while the mob was fearlessly beating Dr Narang, his 9 year old son was witnessing everything.

Dr. Narang died; his brother-in-law was hospitalized suffering injuries while trying to save Dr. Narang’s life. His wife is in shock and his son, now bereft of his father, still may not understand why his father was killed.

The media reported the incident and tried to present it as an incident of “road rage”. Instead of condemning this gruesome murder, many secularists were at pain to explain that this should not be given a communal colour. And soon they forgot the murder and started bashing Hindus blaming them for giving communal angle to a “minor” incident.

Now just imagine if the victim’s name would have been something like Mohammed or James and the mob would have been led by someone called Kailash and the person would have been killed just before Id or Easter then what would have been the discourse in the country today.

Newspaper headlines would have been “Muslim/Christian doctor killed by Hindu mob”. There would have been 24-hour debate in news channels about rising intolerance. Newspapers would have been inundated with editorials and columns bashing Hindus.

But since the victim was a Hindu so India’s famed Hindu bashing secularists called for restraint. But they did not call for caution while reporting incidents when the victims were non Hindus. When Christian nuns were raped in Bengal then the media went hammer and tongs reporting that Hindus were involved. But later it was found that Bangladeshi illegal immigrants were involved.

When there were few cases of minor thefts in churches in Delhi then again the seculars cried loudly that Christians are under attack by Hindus. When Akhlaq was killed by a mob then for weeks and months in news studios and in newspapers it was the hot topic of discussion. The message disseminated was that Muslims in India are under attack.

Arvind Kejriwal who lives just few kilometres from the house of Dr Narang did not have time to visit his house but he immediately rushed to meet Akhlaq’s family members. Rahul Gandhi without any delay went to JNU to stand with those few students and faculty members who participated in the event where anti – India slogans were raised but he did not have time to show sympathy with the family members of Dr Narang.

Hindu bashing secular brigades have mastered the art of filtering out the incidents where Hindus can be portrayed as villains. Any incident even though it may be insignificant is picked up and blown out aggressively. But if the incident involves non Hindus then there is a deadly silence. So we see the killing of RSS members in Kerala is a no news, murder of Prashanth Poojary is silently justified, Malda violence is downplayed.

Their strategy is:

  • If the victim is a non-Hindu and the culprit is a Hindu then show extraordinary outrage and portray that minorities are under attack. Cook stories, spread lies and rumours.
  • If the victim is a Dalit and the perpetrator is a Hindu and non-Dalit then try to show that Hindus are committing atrocities against Dalits. It should be noted that Dalits are also Hindus, the purpose of secularists is to divide the Hindu community.
  • If the victim is a Hindu and the aggressor is a non – Hindu then no one even bothers about the helpless victim. It’s no news for many news channels and newspapers. Some may carry the news but present it as some insignificant news.
  • If the victim is a non-Hindu or Dalit and the culprit is also a non-Hindu or Dalit then again the incident is downplayed.

The Hindu bashing secularists are most communal and have played and are playing a very important role in dividing the Indian society.  There is no denying the fact that no attempt should be made to harm the communal harmony and every attempt should always be made to douse the communal tension. But the question is why it is selective? Why is it that when a non-Hindu is killed then there is outrage but when a Hindu is killed then there is deadly silence?

India will become truly secular only when:

  • Killing of RSS workers in Kerala and murder of Prashant Poojary is reported with same indignation as the murder of Akhlaq.
  • Malda violence is not portrayed as a non-violent protest.
  • Along with Kamlesh Tiwari, who was imprisoned because of using derogatory remark against Prophet Mohammed, those people should also be put behind bars who used derogatory remark against Goddess Durga.
  • No one is allowed to demean Hindu religion. This means that when newspapers like The Hindu publishes cartoon insulting Hanuman and when the same cartoon is re-tweeted by Arvind Kejriwal, then there should be outright condemnation and action as per law.
  • People who chant slogans like “Bharat Ki Barbadi Tak Jang Rahegi” do not get support from any quarters.
  • People are not ashamed to chant ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai.’
  • Terrorists and Maoists supporters should not be allowed to flourish in university campuses. The faculty members who mislead the young minds in colleges to speak against India should be flushed out from the colleges.
  • Terrorists like Ishrat Jahan against whom there are ample evidences of being a part of Lashkar-e-Taiba terror outfit should not be shielded just because she is a non-Hindu.
  • Terrorists like Afzal Guru, Yakub Memon, Maqbool Bhat, Ajmal Kasab are not considered martyrs by Hindu bashing secularists.
  • And when an Indian newspaper carries a headline “And they hanged Yakub Memon” then everyone should come together to condemn such anti national reporting.

India will become truly secular only when the Hindu bashing secularists are thoroughly exposed and shamed. All Indians will start living peacefully only when reverse discrimination against the Hindus are stopped and no one is allowed to insult the religious beliefs of any individual including that of the Hindus.

Wikipedia – Is it Really Independent?


Wikipedia and its importance

While surfing internet and searching for information, many users navigate to Wikipedia for a preliminary insight on any topic. Hence Wikipedia articles are extremely important.

For a non-academic user, information contained in a Wikipedia article is generally considered to be authentic. The reliability of information contained in a wiki article is generally perceived to be more than that of FB post or a tweet by end users.

Unlike Facebook and Twitter where retention is extremely short lived, Wiki articles have a much longer shelf life. Once created, these articles stay and can be retrieved whenever required. As such unlike tweets and FB posts, they are not lost in a huge deluge and therefore can be repeatedly quoted and cited.
This easy availability of wiki articles is the reason that it can be an ideal propaganda tool. The fact that anyone can create an article or can change it, makes a Wikipedia article a starting point for anyone who would like to put his/ her point across. Additionally, if an article has to be given a deliberate political twist, it can also be done in a very clandestine manner.

This later aspect has been understood quite early by western opinion makers.

Motivation for this article

I was an avid user of Wikipedia. Steadily I also learnt to create some articles on Wikipedia. One of the unique aspects of Wikipedia is that anyone can create articles as well as edit existing articles.

I observed that whenever I created or edited a neutral article (on films/ music etc.) there were no issues. However the moment I tried to touch any page related to Hinduism, my changes were either removed partially or completely. I also observed that there were similar persons who were always involved in the monitoring process.

I was also quite surprised to observe that on many pages related to Sanatana Dharma, Indian history, or Hindu texts, completely distorted versions of Hinduism, Indian culture and traditions are the narratives that prevail.

It was then that I decided to delve a little deeper and was able to connect the dots and see that there is a tight control on certain specific topics and a professional group is actually monitoring these pages.

Wikipedia – Topics Selected for Distortion

There is a definite method and system by which certain pages are controlled. Most of the pages that are controlled belong to one of the following categories:

  1. Prominent Sanatani/ Hindu thought leaders, Saints, philosophers.
  2. Sanatana philosophies.
  3. Pages related to Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism: highlighting conflict with Hinduism.
  4. Dalit icons: Highlighting fault-lines and conflicts within Hinduism
  5. Sanatana scriptures, festivals and traditions.
  6. Issues such as Kashmir, Terrorism

It was also intriguing that most of the persons who created/ edited these articles were not Indians. There were only a few Indians around.

I have provided links to some pages: (Click the “history” tab and you can see various contributors and editors. Also go through the “Talk” Tab  )

 Which Group controls Indian Studies on Wikipedia and how?

Unlike Twitter and Facebook, the dominant group on Wikipedia is primarily from the west or that section of Indians who have “time” on their hand and are also ideologically driven (read: Leftists students who are pursuing Masters or PhDs.)

Western “Indologists” who are either atheists or Christians regularly edit / change/ modify Wikipedia content in an extremely systematic manner. Changes are never done by one person and pages are closely watched for any change done by “others”.

This dominant group is supported by many Indian sepoys – Leftists and / or Dalit activists or generalists.

This group tracks Hindus (who in any case have a minuscule presence on Wikipedia) who are trying to create a page and demoralizes them by deleting their content completely or partially. Another common tactic is to engage writers in “Talk” – a discussion facility on each page. This tactic serves a very important purpose of wasting time and diverting or delaying the main content provider. Pro-Hindu content creators are not only few, they are also essentially part-timers. If a major part of their time is involved in fruitless debates, then some of these volunteers leave Wikipedia for good.

An example of organized access:

I will showcase by example how there is an organized nexus that is present in Wikipedia. We will see that this organized group is extremely well coordinated, focussed and is quite suave and sophisticated.

Observe the following:

  1. This is only an example of two users who are actively involved in Anti Hindu activities. There are many such users.
  2. Note the topics. Almost all are related to Hinduism or are political in nature or target Indian authors who hold an alternative view point from theirs.
  3. Note an important column: “Min time between edits”. This showcases the time difference between the edit of one person and the other. So suppose user1 engages with me in a verbal dual or deletes my article and I am responding to him, there will be another attack within minutes or seconds from another collaborator User2.


Page Min time between edits User1
User 2
Talk:Rajiv Malhotra 23 seconds 18 195
Talk:Indo-Aryan migration theory 40 seconds 66 185
Talk:Caste system in India 45 seconds 122 85
Indra’s Net (book) 47 seconds 3 54
Talk:Hinduism 47 seconds 77 109
Talk:Indigenous Aryans 1 minutes 22 24
Talk:Ramana Maharshi 1 minutes 4 192
2016 JNU sedition controversy 1 minutes 18 22
Talk:Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi 2 minutes 9 23
Kanhaiya Kumar 2 minutes 11 14
Talk:India 2 minutes 31 7
Talk:Sheldon Pollock 2 minutes 21 46
Talk:Advaita Vedanta 2 minutes 4 63
Talk:Murty Classical Library of India 2 minutes 4 4
Talk:Iron Age India 2 minutes 4 1
Talk:2016 JNU sedition controversy 3 minutes 6 9
Ramana Maharshi 3 minutes 1 395
Talk:Indo-Aryan peoples 4 minutes 11 12
Sheldon Pollock 4 minutes 10 89
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi 5 minutes 11 56
Talk:Kakatiya dynasty 6 minutes 13 22
Talk:Sarasvati River 6 minutes 10 8
Talk:Indus Valley Civilisation 9 minutes 38 18
Talk:Hindu 10 minutes 38 7
Indo-Aryan migration theory 10 minutes 14 193
Wikipedia talk:Noticeboard for India-related topics 11 minutes 28 21
Caste system in India 12 minutes 50 133
Template:Religion and politics 12 minutes 1 1
Talk:History of Hinduism 14 minutes 7 8
Talk:Nalanda 14 minutes 2 2
Neo-Vedanta 15 minutes 6 87
Talk:Dwarka 17 minutes 4 11
Talk:Charvaka 17 minutes 1 5
Hinduism 20 minutes 31 153
Wikipedia:Redirects for discussion/Log/2015 May 21 25 minutes 1 2
Talk:Sanskrit 37 minutes 1 3
Talk:Kuru Kingdom 37 minutes 7 4
Neo-Advaita 37 minutes 4 63
Talk:Arya Vaishya 38 minutes 6 5
Hinduism in India 40 minutes 8 2
Talk:History of India 51 minutes 39 19
Dwarka 1 hours 4 16
Kakatiya dynasty 1 hours 10 16
Indo-Aryan migration debate 1 hours 7 71
Ayodhya dispute 1 hours 15 2
Talk:Sikhism 2 hours 6 26
Template:Hindu philosophy 2 hours 1 26
Kuru Kingdom 3 hours 5 5
Śramaṇa 3 hours 7 2
History of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system 3 hours 14 1
Koenraad Elst 4 hours 13 5
Talk:Unifying Hinduism 4 hours 3
History of Hinduism 4 hours 12 14
Sharada Peeth 5 hours 2 1
California textbook controversy over Hindu history



I had filed an official complaint on Wikipedia in this regard. As expected the senior editors took no action against this organized “hunting in pairs”.

Finally I really think It is important to spread this word that Wikipedia is not at all neutral and is completely dominated by the West and Marxists.

NGO that questioned AOL for Yamuna has burnt 1 crore without doing any ground work


By now the World cultural festival is over and the media brouhaha has also died. So why am I writing this article so late?

After the conclusion of WCF, there was leading environment scientist Mr. Rakesh Kumar from NEERI stated that WCF has not damaged Yamuna Flat pane in any tangible way, and as expected our media and NGO ganged up against him.

The convener of NGO in center of this controversy “Yamuna Jiye Abhiyan” said this to Firstpost

Neeri has expertise in environmental engineering, and it is not an institution with any in-depth scientific capacity to study rivers as ecological entities including the importance of ecological sensitivities involved with river flood plains. It’s most unlikely that the person in question has any expertise or mandate to assess ecological damages that have resulted from the event in question. Moreover ecological damages in such matters occur as much during the process of carrying out any construction activity as much from the construction itself or the high footfall during the event.

I decided to study the Yamuna Jiye Abhiyan (YJA) and get a complete picture.

Manoj Mishra of YJA said Rakesh kumar does not have expertise as he belong to environment engineering. Fair point so what expertise Manoj Mishra has ? Mr Manoj Mishra is a wild life expert!

Is wild life expertise = Environment expertise? If environment engineering is not equal to environment expertise, then by same yard stick wild life expertise is also not equal to environmental expertise. It was an incidence of pot calling the kettle back.

Than I went to see what YJA does for betterment of Yamuna. The YJA is run by peace institute. The website was defunt.

Tough luck! So I saw their blog and Facebook page to get a sense of their contribution to Yamuna Cleaning. By their blog and Facebook, I figured out that their activities can be classified into workshop, river walk, trip around river, protest march, taking picture of garbage 🙂 and yes…writing letters, petitions & articles, giving talks and filing cases

There was no photo or article of river cleaning in last 5 years!!!

Not a single event where YJA has actually cleaned the Yamuna river bed.

To their credit, they do file returns to FCRA. Their FCRA returns (Registration Number : 231650380) gave some more insights of their “contribution” towards cleaning the Yamuna.

Year Previous balance Receipt during the year Utilized Balance Activities
2011 182,522 14,571 33,573 163,520 nil
2012 163,520 3,597,033 1,941,041 1,819,512 nil
2013 1,819,512 6,185,178 4,592,080 3,412,610 Activities for improvement of river and dependent people’s health
2014 3,412,610 284,165 1,463,260 2,233,516 Yamuna River restoration techniques development
2015 2,233,516 352,690 1,307,394 1,278,811 India Rivers Week
Total 9,337,348


In last 5 years, they have burnt close to 1 crore rupees without actually doing anything on ground to clean the river.

Now compare it to AOL foundation contribution which started cleaning river 5 years back. I can safely say that probably AOL has done much more towards cleaning Yamuna than this NGO in past 5 years. In fact, YJA has contributed to Yamuna cleaning as much as I have contributed – absolutely Zilch. At least I have not burnt money in the name of “Cleaning” Yamuna.

NGT has asked AOL to donate 5 Cr for Yamuna cleaning. Let NGT also ask AOL to spent 1000 Man hours for Yamuna cleaning. But NGT should also ask Yamuna Jiye Abhiyan (YJA) to also contribute 50 Lakh and 100 Man hours (10% of AOL) for Yamuna Cleaning. Since both claim they want Yamuna to be clean hence both should readily agree. And that way NGT will also not become a tool of doing Hit jobs on others.

Disclaimer: Our country has freedom of speech only for the selected few. So if I have missed out on any facts please point out and  I will be happy to incorporate them and revisit my article.

The Hindu’s Facebook page contradicts its own report about Union Minister’s statement


The NDA government has often been questioned for outlandish, controversial and sometimes foolish statements made by its ministers. So if you look at the image below (it’s a screenshot), you will get another chance to attack the Modi government:


In the image, the Facebook status page says:

“A Bengaluru-based institute has proved with research that diseases like cancer can be cured by yoga. They have proved it,” Mr. Naik, Minister of State in the Ministry of AYUSH, said during the inauguration of National Arogya fair in Goa on Saturday.

The Minister, however, did not mention the name of the institute and appealed the people to practice alternative medical practices.

At first glance it seems like another slip up by a minister. I thought so too. Then I looked at the actual report linked here. On reading the actual report, it came out completely differently! This is how it reads:

“Yoga-based cure for diseases such as diabetes and cancer is on its way, according to Union Minister of State for AYUSH Shripad Naik.

Mr. Naik said a technique for such cure developed by Bengaluru-based Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (S-VYASA) is just about a year away from endorsement from his Ministry.”

Not only does the minister specify which institute is working on the “cure” but he also says that it will take another year to actually endorse the cure, which implies that research and testing is still underway. I am hopeful, but as is always the case, it will take certainly more than a year for this cure to become official, and we will only know of it’s effectiveness once it’s out in the public domain.

But it seems that The Hindu’s facebook team has something against this minister or the government, which is why they have spun a “maybe in the future” to a “certainly in the present”.  There is a huge difference between the two, and if not a lie, this is certainly extremely misleading.

Dear Assam, if you want the Delhi media to notice you, choose a BJP government!


It is a biting truth that the mainstream national media has ignored our Seven sister states (or the North East) for decades. Even in the age of 24×7 news channels, where competitors are cutting each other’s throat for TRPs, we hardly hear about what happens in these seven states.

In these decades of neglect there have been many events in the NE that should have occupied our drawing room debate. In Assam alone under the Gogoi regime there has been a massive demographic change (Bangladeshi Immigration) that took place in the last 20 years, a monster that is so big that it can dictate the Assam government’s politics, policies and programs. This demographic change was the underlying root cause for the Kokrajhar riots in 2012 where close to 100 people were killed and around 400,000 people were displaced from their villages to take shelter in refugee camps in their own country. To sample the media apathy, here is the tweet of Padmashri Rajdeep Sardesai, the self-styled secular journalist:


Some riots are holier than thou. While Malda and Assam riots will undergo the tyranny of distance test, riots under the BJP regime will easily overcome all such hurdles.

We will be mistaken if we think that only riots are ignored, if you wish to know how badly 2014 Assam floods (1.5 Million people affected) failed to make it to the mainstream media sample these cartoons. While millions suffered floods media was busy discussing the sensational murder mystery of Indrani Mukherjee and her affairs on prime time.

Assam Floods2 Assam Floods1







If this “scale” is not enough for our media, we can conveniently forget other positive stories of Eastern states like Pradip Sarmah’s Rickshaw Bank which years before the Jandhan Scheme actually came into existence created a credit history for the rickshaw pullers that changed their lives and pulled them out of poverty. We will never get to know that Sikkim is the first completely organic state in India and many more such NE contributions.

Media Loves BJP:
Media loves BJP and they follow it everywhere they go like the pug in the Vodafone ad. The first blue eyed boy of the media was our Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in the early days of the 24×7 television Narendra Modi was just a normal ‘gumnaam’ Gujarat Chief Minister. Post 2002 media threw so many stones at him which he tactically used it not just to build a castle for himself but also went onto become the prime minister of the country. If not for media chasing him and making him an icon he possibly would have lost elections like any other CM forget becoming tallest leader of our times.

Karnataka was always under reported until Yedyurappa became the CM of the first BJP south entry, the hyper active media reported everything and anything about Karnataka from 2008-2013. During this period anything that happens in Karnataka was prime time news and enough masala was provided by the Reddy Bros & Yeddy himself to keep media entertained. After the collapse of the BJP govt the media turned away its cameras. Today Karnataka by many parameters is amongst the most underperforming states, but there is a deafening silence in the mainstream media. Imagine Yeddy as CM being gifted a 70 Lakh watch; the country would have come to stand still. Media was hyperactive to paint Yeddy as the corrupt poster boy of BJP, but ignored the high court observations on the same controversy. (Convenience of reporting).

Goa was another state that shot into media fame with BJP’s Govt formation in 2012, after decades of media neglect today we get to hear and discuss all controversial statements, minister trips to foreign locations, Local body elections etc from Goa thanks to the BJP rule there.

Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh also enjoy media limelight and even a local leader’s statement gets national attention. The current media darling state is Haryana, followed by Maharastra, Rajasthan and Jharkhand.

Just imagine the media coverage if:

  • 2013 floods of Uttarakhand were under BJP rule
  • Himachal CM who is under CBI scanner and continues to be CM despite the warrants and near culpability was from BJP
  • Kokrajhar or Malda riots happened under BJP
  • Kidnaps and Murders of Bihar scale happened in any BJP state
  • Modi had a son in law like Vadra with business interests

Also Media conveniently ignores positive changes and models that emanate from the neutral states like AP, TN, Telangana, Orissa etc for its own obvious reasons.

The underperforming BJP spokespersons on TV shows appear like lame ducks and are so vulnerable that anything that is remotely wrong in the BJP ruled states are successfully tagged and attributed as BJP’s brand failure. The panels are heavily constituted to corner BJP while ignoring the neglect of the successive governments on various issues. BJP does miss the likes of Smriti Irani who would take the panelists head on and with facts.

Bringing Assam onto the Media Map:
When Shaktiman the police horse can make it to BBC only because a BJP MLA allegedly hit it with a stick then imagine what you as a human being can achieve as long as you ensure you can drag a BJP representative into it. (Let us not drag the British into this debate for their record on human and animal rights)

The moral of the story is that next time you need to be noticed simply drag your nearest BJP MLA/MP/Corporator /Sarpanch into the issue and then see how your local issue will become a national issue with anchors screaming with megaphones the ‘Nation wants to know’.

So Assamese have a short cut to media fame via the ballot. Hopefully in the days to come we will get to hear more about Assam and the other NE states, let us wait until the results are out in May.

Why are the Indian Media and Intellectuals anti-Hindu?


Indian media though shouts and cringes on slight vibration is simply cowardly west worshiping and nation hating. Looking at the different reports ranging from white lies and imagined truths the media clearly has shown one trait time and often. Any atrocity where Hindus or Hindu is a victim is down played under reported or not reported at all.

On the other hand when the victim belongs to another religion the atrocities are even imagined and even a horse gets a hero status if it can be used to attack BJP or Narendra Modi.

Even if we say that BJP is a pro-Hindu party, why do these media men women take pride in demeaning and demonizing a major chunk of population in India? It is a serious question that these so called bearers of Truth need to be asked: “Why does an injury to horse which was used by Police to crush a protest from BJP workers seems somehow more important and worthy of attention than the killing of a Hindu in Kerala on the same day?”

There are no debates oped and edit columns seen when these incidents happen where the victims are Hindu. what do these media houses think there duty is to tarnish the image of the country and make the majority Hindus demonized creatures throughout the world like Jews have been made in the Islamic world? Even in International media, there is no outrage when a Jew is attacked or stabbed in Germany for something that has happened in Iraq or Syria or Palestine.

Returning to our topic regarding Indian media, it’s mission nowadays seems to be to demonize Hindus and thereby create an impression that India today under Modi is like Iran where no one is allowed to raise his voice.

But let us have a look at the facts. Dadri incident happened where a personal scuffle resulted in death of one Ikhlaq and Media was quick to add beef to it.

Every week there is a news mostly from Kerala where Hindus are hacked to death mercilessly either allegedly by communist activists or Muslim fundamentals. If we look at the coverage that media gives to these incidents one is forced to admit that they treat these murders as less important than the injury to a police horse.

To add salt to the injury, these same media men and women go on painting Hindu organizations as intolerant violent and some politicians and some self styled intellectuals equate them with barbaric and savage ISIS people.

This is an irony people from Hindu organizations are killed with impunity even the protest marches are attacked and the media and these so called intellectuals label Hindus as intolerant and violent.

Recently a Professor from JNU has claimed on the basis of her hallucinations result of reading ISI literature in the name of research that Hindu Society is most violent society in the world. This is the professor who is supposed to know a little bit. Has this professor seen anything about Afghanistan KSA and other countries and seen how women are treated there? Has this closed head seen how in many societies around the world she does not have even the right to separate from her abusive husband and even stop physical violence against her which is treated legally as the right of the husband? Does she know there are societies in the world of which she seems to be very fond of where you can be killed by Husband father brother and they  will be cheered for that by their neighbors and no law can punish them? But Hinduism is most violent!

How many terror organizations have Hindus made and in how many terror attacks are Hindus involved around the world? Has this so called Professor ever tried to see the statistics of word terror activities? Can this Professor tell us how many countries have been attacked by Hindu India or Nepal in the recent and past history?

There do not exist even .000001 percent facts which can substantiate the claims of this JNU asur guru still why is she making such sweeping statements. If we talk about motivation we know that her salary comes from Indian tax payers money, most of them are Hindus which she gleefully demonizes. Is someone paying her more? Same can be applied to Media.

Right to Worship – Understanding Restriction without Prejudice


While discussing or understanding traditions and culture it is important to lose coloured lenses of pre-conceptions or modern ethics. We often weigh them on modern thoughts, while traditions have historic origins. It is easy to label them as discriminatory, superstitions without going into details. But sometimes details and historic perspective bring different picture. Supreme Court is hearing petition on women entry in certain places of worship – Sabrimala, Shani Shingnapur and Haji Ali dargah. Article 14 is about equality and Article 25 about religious freedom. Judicial interference in religious matters should be avoided unless serious infringement of individual rights. Right in question is right to worship. But ban is not umbrella ban on worshipping right but ban or restricted entry in places. No doubt right to worship is fundamental right but if right to worship in particular place is fundamental right or not is debatable. So this issue should be discussed in light of article 14 – right to equality and not under right to worship. Places of worship can’t be regarded as personal properties. Discrimination in these places can’t be allowed unless they are based on genuine concerns like heart patients are not allowed in Amarnath yatra for their own safety.

Religions have traditions, rituals and defined methods of worship. It’s true that everyone has and should have freedom to worship, freedom to choose the path to connect with his/her god. But there is always some tradeoff between freedom of worship and sense of worship. One has freedom to worship Maa Laxmi for wisdom and Maa Sarswati for prosperity, Worship Krishna in Navratra puja, Rama on Shivratri and Maa Durga on Janmashtami, worshipping Ganesha or Krishna with Bel Patra but it just don’t make sense. When you follow sect, religion you agree to certain conducts. There are times when certain rituals are just followed because they are done in this way only from historic times and sometimes to bring uniformity. Like we have holiday on Sunday, why not on Wednesday? Or why we follow left hand drive and not right hand drive. These are just rules for uniformity. In USA it is right hand side driving. When we enter USA we lose our right to drive on left side and accept to drive on left side. See it would not have been immoral/crime to drive on left side if driving rules were non –existent. But that would have created chaos. No?

Now back to “Lord Ayyapa”, “Shani Dev” and “Haji Ali”. Common thing between these three is that all three were brahamchari. Often we confuse Brahmacharya with Bachelorhood but two are different. Let’s still assume that two are same for further discussion. As these 3 were bachelors, so women are generally not allowed in inner sanctum of temple/dargah. In North India women don’t touch hanuman’s idol for same reason. Yes it can be valid argument that how will their “bachelorhood “be affected if women are allowed to enter the temple. This argument is put without proper understanding “Bhakti tradition” of India. Bhakti Tradition is not about worshipping omnipresent, formless, almighty god but about loving him by forming human relations with him. Traditionally 5 different “Bhaava” can be expressed for god/goddess.

1. Sant – He/She as a parent or protector- Bhaava of Prahlad and Dhruva.
2. Daas – He/She as a guru or master – Bhaava of Hanuman and Nishadraj for Lord Rama
3. Sakha – He/She as a friend – Bhaava of Sudama and Arjuna for Lord Krishana
4. Vatsalya – He/She as a child – Bhaava of Soordas and Yashodha for Kanha.
5. Madhurya – He/She as a lover – Bhaava of Radha and Meera for Lord Krishna.

Due to different reasons or perspectives Bhaava of Male devotee to goddesses is limited to “She as a protector/Mother” or she as a guru or in limited sense she as a child. But she can never be worshipped with “Sakha” or “Madhurya” bhava. Mostly she will be worshipped as a Mother only. While female devotees worship god mainly with bhava of “Sant”, “Vatsalya” and “Madhurya”. “Sakha” or “Daas” Bhava examples are rare. May be Shabri and Ahillya can be said to be worshipping with “Daas” Bhava.

But the most intense bhava for female devotee is “Madhurya”. Especially Shiva and Krishna are worshipped in this form. Most famous example is of Meera singing – “Mere to Girdhar gopal,Dusra naa koi. Jaa ke sar mor mukut mero pati wahi”. It is because “Madhurya” Bhava is associated with worship by female devotees that they are generally disallowed to enter inside inner sanctum of these Devas/Saints. We have to understand that traditions have historic significance because of society’s particular way of looking and understanding these issues. And above all we have to understand that traditions can be changed and are not static. But these can’t be changed through judicial orders or forced entry but only through debates and discussions.

Society should always be progressive and ready to adapt and change according to changed conditions. True female devotees of Lord Ayappa will not enter Sabrimala even after court order. Those who want to enter forcefully will never visit again after winning the battle if they lack “devotion”. In Nepal’s Gadhimai festival authorities have decided to discontinue “Pashu bali” after persuasions and discussions by devotees.

Social reforms can’t be forced. By choosing easy path of judicial order or confrontation we avoid our responsibilities. It’s better to have change tomorrow through discussions rather than through confrontation today. And most important thing is that these changes can be brought by believers only. Right to equality in religious matters hold only if one is believer. Non-believers of that sect can’t claim this right and I am talking about only religious right and not civil rights like divorce, marriage, property, inheritance and other legal rights which are often confused with religion. These civil right should be dealt according to law of land.