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Gig economy in India – Reshaping the labor market


The gig economy is a labor market where short-term, freelance, or temporary work is common, often facilitated through digital platforms. It has gained significant attention in recent years and is indeed reshaping the labor market in various ways.

In this article, we will explore the transformative impact of the gig economy, examining how it has redefined work dynamics, fostered entrepreneurial spirit, and created new opportunities for skill development.

The Transformative Impact Of The Gig Economy

The gig economy is revolutionizing the labor market and redefining traditional work norms. With its core principles of flexibility, diverse workforce, job creation, and income generation, the gig economy has gained significant traction in recent years.

Enabled by digital platforms and embraced by individuals seeking alternative work arrangements, this evolving labor market has profound implications for both workers and industries.


One of the defining features of the gig economy is the flexibility it offers to workers. Unlike traditional employment structures with rigid schedules and fixed locations, the gig economy empowers individuals with the freedom to dictate their own terms.

Individuals can choose:

  • when
  • where
  • and, how much they want to work

Workers have the independence to determine when they work, whether it’s during evenings, weekends, or specific times that align with their personal preferences or other commitments.

This level of control over their schedules enables them to:

  1. Improve work-life balance
  2. Manage personal obligations
  3. provides more time to complete their caregiving duties
  4. or, pursue further education

Ultimately, the flexibility offered by the gig economy not only provides workers with greater control over their time and location but also facilitates a more harmonious integration of work into their overall lifestyle.

Diverse Workforce

In contrast to conventional employment frameworks that often adhere to strict hiring criteria and limited job openings, the gig economy has created a level playing field where individuals from all walks of life can participate and thrive.

Likewise, it has attracted a diverse range of workers, including:

  1. Freelancers
  2. Independent contractors
  3. Part-time workers
  4. and seeking additional income

Hence, it provides opportunities for people with various skill sets and backgrounds to participate in the labor market. Some examples of people who can easily can find meaningful work opportunities that align with their specific needs and constraints include:

  1. Students
  2. Stay-at-home parents
  3. Retirees
  4. Individuals with disabilities

Furthermore, the gig economy’s digital platforms provide a marketplace where individuals can showcase their unique skill sets and expertise. This allows for the inclusion of professionals from diverse industries such as:

  1. Graphic Design
  2. Writing
  3. Programming
  4. Marketing
  5. and even niche areas

The gig economy values talent and competence, giving individuals the chance to offer their specialized services directly to clients or companies in need, irrespective of their background or formal qualifications.

The inclusive nature of the gig economy benefits both workers and businesses, fostering diversity and driving creativity, innovation, and problem-solving through varied perspectives and approaches.

Job Creation

The gig economy has contributed to job creation by opening up new avenues for employment. It has allowed businesses and individuals to access on-demand services that may have been previously unavailable or too costly.

Additionally, the gig economy has enabled entrepreneurs to offer their skills and services directly to customers, potentially leading to the creation of new small businesses.

Income Generation

For many, the gig economy offers an opportunity to supplement their income or earn a living when traditional employment is limited. It allows individuals to monetize their skills, assets, or spare time, providing a source of income in an increasingly competitive job market.

By participating in the gig economy, individuals can leverage their expertise and offer their services directly to clients or customers in a flexible manner.

Whether it’s freelance writing, graphic design, coding, or providing transportation services, the gig economy provides a marketplace where individuals can showcase their abilities and earn income based on their performance and reputation.

Moreover, the gig economy caters to a wide range of income-generating opportunities.

For instance: Someone with spare time can take up short-term tasks or gig assignments to earn additional income.

Others may choose to offer their assets, such as:

  1. Renting out a spare room on a home-sharing platform
  2. or, utilizing their vehicles for ride-hailing services

This utilization of underutilized resources allows individuals to maximize their earning potential and create additional income streams.

However, as the gig economy continues to evolve, it is essential to strike a balance between enabling income generation and ensuring the well-being and protection of gig workers.

Empowering Growth: Skill Development And Entrepreneurship In The Gig Economy  

Gig work can provide an opportunity for individuals to develop and showcase their skills, potentially leading to more employment opportunities or the ability to start their own businesses. It encourages entrepreneurial behavior and fosters a culture of self-employment.

Given below is a list of ways in which the gig economy empowers growth in this entrepreneurial era.

  1. Skill Enhancement: Gig work often requires individuals to be self-reliant and self-motivated, which encourages them to continuously develop and refine their skills. For instance:
  2. Freelance writers may refine their writing abilities, adapt to different writing styles, and improve their research skills to meet the diverse needs of their clients.
  3. Graphic designers may stay updated with the latest design trends and software tools to provide high-quality and visually appealing work.

This constant need for skill enhancement ensures that gig workers remain competitive and relevant in their respective fields.

  1. Portfolio Building: Gig work allows individuals to build a portfolio of successful projects, demonstrating their expertise and increasing their chances of securing future employment or gig opportunities. Through completed gig projects or assignments, workers can build a portfolio or a track record of successful work, which can be shared with potential clients or employers.
  1. Entrepreneurial Mindset: The gig economy fosters an entrepreneurial mindset and behavior. The freedom and flexibility offered by gig work allows people to experiment with different ideas, services, or products, and test their viability in the market. As gig workers gain experience and build a reputation, they may choose to leverage their skills and start their own businesses based on the demand they have observed or identified.
  1. Self-Employment Culture: Gig work promotes a culture of self-employment, where individuals have autonomy over their work and can pursue careers aligned with their passions and aspirations. This shift towards self-employment promotes a sense of autonomy and empowerment, as individuals have greater control over the type of work they do and the clients they choose to work with.
  1. Alternative Career Paths: The gig economy provides individuals with the flexibility to explore alternative career paths, breaking free from traditional employment structures.
  1. Empowerment and Autonomy: Gig work empowers individuals by giving them greater control over their professional lives, enabling them to choose the type of work they do and the clients they work with.
  2. Diverse Opportunities: Engaging in gig work opens doors to employment opportunities and entrepreneurial endeavors, offering individuals a variety of paths to pursue. For many, gig work serves as a means to supplement their income or navigate through periods of unemployment or underemployment.

In conclusion, the gig economy enables individuals to tap into their entrepreneurial spirit. Hence, allowing people to pursue their passions and turn their  hobbies or side projects into income-generating ventures. Through platforms and marketplaces that facilitate gig work, individuals can create and market their products or services, reaching a wider audience and gaining financial independence.

Challenges And Concerns in The Gig Economy

While the gig economy offers benefits, it also presents challenges.

Workers in the gig economy often lack the same protections and benefits as traditional employees, such as:

  1. healthcare
  2. Retirement Plans
  3. Legal Protections

There are ongoing debates about worker classification and the need for regulations to ensure fair treatment and labor rights. Moreover, the absence of regulatory frameworks and protections specific to gig workers raises concerns about fair compensation and adequate social safety nets.


For those seeking to supplement their income, explore their entrepreneurial potential, or navigate a changing job market, the gig economy has emerged as a viable option. It allows individuals to capitalize on their skills, assets, and spare time to generate income while providing the flexibility and autonomy to design their work-life balance.


Q1. How does gig economy change the workforce?

Ans. The gig economy changes the workforce by introducing a more flexible and diverse labor market, where individuals can engage in short-term, freelance, or temporary work arrangements, often facilitated through digital platforms.

Q2. How does the labor market affect the economy?

Ans. The labor market has a significant impact on the economy as it determines employment levels, wages, and productivity. A well-functioning labor market with high employment rates and competitive wages can stimulate economic growth, while a weak labor market can hinder economic activity and lead to economic downturns.

Q3. Will gig economy drive the future of employment?Ans. Yes, the gig economy is likely to shape the future of employment by offering flexible work options and income opportunities, but its exact impact will depend on regulations, technology, and societal trends.

Bangladesh caught into battle between secularist and ultra-Islamist forces

While the tenure of the current 11th parliament in Bangladesh shall end on or before October 9, 2023 and as per constitutional provision, the next general election must be held by January 9, 2024, political scenarios in the country is getting extremely worrisome as ultra-Islamist Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), which currently is headed by Tarique Rahman, a convicted terrorist, who is on run since 2007.

Bangladesh Nationalist Party and its ideological allies such as Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) and Hefazat-e-Islam (HeI) as well as other pro-Islamist, pro-jihadist, anti-Hindu and anti-India elements are trying to implement their blueprint of turning the country into a Caliphate or sharia state by undemocratically unseating Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her secularist government. Although the international community are seeing the upcoming 12th national election in the country as a mere democratic process, in reality the actual reality is completely different.

The upcoming general election in the country clearly is a battle between secularist Awami League and its rivals – the nexus of ultra-Islamist and jihadists. Most possibly, Western policymakers are yet to realize this aspect.

On July 11, 2023, when members of the visiting Election Exploratory Mission of the European Union (EU) held a meeting with Bangladesh’s chief legal officer, Attorney General AM Amin Uddin, hundreds of lawyers belonging to Bangladesh Nationalist Party and its ideological allies staged protest right outside the office chamber of the Attorney General, holding placards and chanting anti-Sheikh Hasina slogans using loudspeakers.

Following the meeting, when members of the EU delegation were boarding into their vehicles at the Supreme Court premises, those protestors gheraoed and continued chanting slogans thus leaving the delegation members in tremendous fear and wariness. Such thuggish and hooligan-type attempts of the members of the Islamist and jihadist forces right inside the Supreme Court premises had not only tarnished the image of the apex court, it also has clearly indicated the possible fate of Bangladesh, if these hoodlums succeed in returning to power thus turning the country into another neo-Taliban state.

The EU delegation reached Dhaka on a 16-day visit on July 8, 2023 to discuss the election environment and pre-election political situation in Bangladesh. The delegation is holding meetings with different stakeholders.

Based on the report of the visiting EU delegation, the European Commission’s vice president Joseph Borrell will announce the final decision regarding sending election observers in the next general election.

Meanwhile, another important delegation comprising US Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Uzra Zeya, and US Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu arrived in Bangladesh on July 11, 2023.

These visits clearly prove – Bangladesh already has become geopolitically important to the international community due to multiple reasons. Through its impressive economic growth, diplomatic initiatives, and strategic partnerships, the country has transformed itself into a key player in regional and global affairs.

One of the primary drivers of Bangladesh’s geopolitical importance is its remarkable economic growth and development. Over the past decade, the country has experienced a consistent and robust GDP growth rate, establishing itself as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world.

This economic progress has not only improved the living standards of its citizens but also attracted attention from global powers seeking new investment opportunities and markets for trade. Bangladesh’s expanding economy has positioned it as a potential hub for business and commerce in the region.

Furthermore, Bangladesh’s strategic location between South and Southeast Asia has enhanced its geopolitical significance. With the Bay of Bengal to its south, the country serves as a crucial maritime gateway connecting South Asia with Southeast Asia.

The Chittagong Port, the largest seaport in Bangladesh, has gained prominence as a vital transit point for regional trade and a potential hub for transshipment. The development of transportation infrastructure, such as roads, railways, and ports, has further facilitated connectivity, making Bangladesh a significant player in regional transportation and trade networks.

During the past fifteen years, under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh has actively pursued diplomatic initiatives to strengthen its regional and global standing. The country has successfully engaged in multilateral forums, including the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

Bangladesh has also played an active role in regional organizations such as the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC). By actively participating in these forums, Bangladesh has been able to assert its interests, promote regional cooperation, and establish itself as a reliable and influential partner.

Bangladesh is the world’s third-largest Muslim-majority country, with a population of over 160 million Muslims. As a democratic nation, it serves as an example of coexistence between Islam and democracy, demonstrating the compatibility of Islamic values with democratic principles. This makes Bangladesh an important model for other Muslim-majority countries, both Arab and non-Arab, seeking to balance religious identity with democratic governance.

Commenting on the ground realities in Bangladesh, eminent journalist Syed Badrul Ahsan in an article titled ‘Why the world must learn to accept Bangladesh’s imperfect democracy’ wrote in India Narratives:

“Bangladesh’s dilemma is a whole lot more than organizing free, fair and credible elections. It is one of checking the rise of or return to power of elements which have cheerfully given short shrift to history, have never condemned the assassinations of the country’s independence leaders, have indeed come in the way of the rule of law through indemnifying the murders of 1975 in the constitution.

“And let it not be forgotten that the ruling Awami League, warts and all, is under pressure from overseas governments keen on having a good election take place. These governments have not had the time or the inclination to consider the battering Bangladesh’s history has received from those who today are campaigning to see the back of the Sheikh Hasina government”.

Syed Badrul Ahsan further wrote:

“The BNP has sought to supplant Bengali nationalism with the spurious idea of ‘Bangladeshi nationalism’, basing it on politics that has no place for secularism and socialism. In their heyday – and that is the long period of twenty-one years (1975-1996) and five years (2001-2006), the BNP and its fellow travelers practiced what essentially was a denial of history. Since it went out of office in 2006, the BNP has not reviewed or revised its position on the issue, which raises troubling questions about its politics once more.

“The upshot of it all is that despite its vast majority in parliament, the ruling Awami League has never taken any measures to have the constitution go back to its fundamentals, namely, the four original principles of the state; has made no move to decree ‘Bangladeshi nationalism’ a violation of the constitution and a repudiation of history and has not made the point that no political parties in the country, despite their democracy-related political programs, should deviate from the principles enunciated in 1971 and formalized in the 1972 constitution.

It is perhaps one of those rare moments in the history of global democratic politics that a nation, deeply divided between the forces of history and elements denying that history, are engaged in a struggle for power, with both speaking of their determination to promote democracy. That begs the question: How do political parties which have not only been formed by military rulers seizing power through coups d’état but which have arbitrarily gone into brushing history aside intend to ensure democratic growth in a country?

“Bangladesh’s dilemma is a whole lot more than organizing free, fair and credible elections. It is one of checking the rise of or return to power of elements which have cheerfully given short shrift to history, have never condemned the assassinations of the country’s independence leaders, have indeed come in the way of the rule of law through indemnifying the murders of 1975 in the constitution”.
Shall the Western nations, most of whom are time-tested friends and development partners of Bangladesh take the above-mentioned scenarios into their active consideration? Shall they reboot their policy of exerting favor to Islamists and jihadists in Bangladesh thus saving the country from becoming a neo-Taliban state – ruled by Islamists, jihadists and religious bigots?

UK spends US$8.5 million per day towards illegal migrants

While the citizens in the United Kingdom (UK) are suffering from an acute financial crisis and whereas many UK military families are not having access to room-heating systems or hot water, the government has been spending US$8.5 million every day to host illegal migrants in hotels at the cost of taxpayers. A report published by The Telegraph said, experts reportedly expect that there could be over one million migrants landing in Britain only in 2023.

The paper had formerly put the maximum net migration figure for 2023 at somewhere in the region of 675,000 thousand ahead of official statistics set to be released by the UK government in the coming weeks.

However, the newspaper has since revised the figures upwards, with another set of experts now predicting a net migration figure as high as 997,000, with gross migration numbers set to be higher than that still.

“If emigration has reverted to pre-pandemic and pre-Brexit patterns, we could see net migration hit the one million mark,” Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) researcher Karl Williams remarked, adding that while such a number would “be at the very top end” of their estimates, it was “by no means an implausible figure”.

This figure has provoked shock amongst politicians and pundits alike, with numerous figures lambasting the Conservative Party government for allowing such a migrant surge to happen.

“If only there was a department to actually deal with this!” Benjamin Loughnane of the right-leaning Bow Group remarked”. Oh yes, it’s the Home Office, so why aren’t they doing anything?”

Even significant parts of the UK’s centre left have come out to bash the Tories over their love of mass migration, with Labour Party leader Keir Starmer saying that the figures show that the Conservatives have “lost control” of the borders.

“I think if we’re anywhere near that figure then it will show the government has completely lost control,” he said. “We need a managed approach and we haven’t got that”.

“Like almost everything else under this government, there’s no plan, there’s no control and, just like everything else, it seems like the system is broken,” Starmer — who is really meant to be the one pushing for open borders – went on to say.

Now a top former Tory government minister – former Justice Secretary Brandon Lewis is asking Britons to take illegal migrants into their homes, despite the fact that a major segment of these illegal migrants are Muslims, while many of whom are directly connected to radical Islamic militancy outfits such as Al Qaeda, Islamic State, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and other militancy outfits based in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK).

It may be mentioned here that, Muslim population in the United Kingdom are growing increasingly inclined towards spreading radical Islam and jihadism within the societies while they already have brought several areas in London and other cities in England under sharia rule.

There has been a great deal of controversy around sharia law as practiced in the UK, as evidenced by the previous Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan William’s comments regarding the application of Sharia law into the UK legal system.

However, Sharia law has been afforded a place in UK society by the government and offers alternative dispute resolution for Muslims. Section 1 of the Arbitration Act 1996 allows parties “… to agree how their disputes are resolved, subject only to such safeguards as are necessary in the public interest”.

In the UK, Sharia law is mostly applied in the context of family matters. However, there have been growing concerns that Sharia councils are operating in a discriminatory, illegal and unacceptable way towards women, and a government inquiry was launched last year. There is also a rapidly developing practice of Sharia finance in the business world.

Clearing misconceptions: A light of truth on ISKCON monk Amogh Lila Das’s “false and derogatory remarks” on Swami Vivekananda


Throughout history, the world witnessed many civilizations evolving and falling, but it is only Indian culture and civilization which has withstood the shocks and tests of time. This has been possible because of its great spiritual leaders who lived and sacrificed their lives for Mother India. When one shrugs responsibility towards society, one either projects those spiritual leaders as a god’s incarnation or criticizes the great personalities with some exceptions.

Recently, a controversy started with ISKCON monk’s remarks on Swami Vivekananda, a great yogi of Bharat Mata. Although ISKCON put a one-month ban on the monk, the foolish critic sowed a few seeds of misconception among many people in the society. Ours is not the work to counter anyone, but it is clear to the wrong conceptions.

The first allegation is about the fish eaten by Swami Vivekananda. That, “how Swamiji was a “Sidhapurush” if he ate fish”? So, firstly Swami ji originated in Bengal, where fish eating is a standard cultural norm and food habit. India is a country of vast diversity with different eating habits and food norms, which is widely acceptable to all.

Primarily, a north-eastern region where it is society’s common long practice to eat fish and non-veg, which can be attributed to weather, geographic conditions, and demography. So, can we disregard that part of our culture and society because of their different food habits and customs? Can a “diversified unity” of India be generalized in such a way?

Swami Vivekananda ate fish but in adverse circumstances. Can we imagine a penniless monk in a foreign land who does not know where the next meal will come from? When Swami Vivekananda went to America, he was not in a pre-booked hotel with a long list of food menus. He had to face starvation and was compelled by destiny to pass cold winter nights in a roadside box in America. Swamiji did all this for “Dharma”; he sacrificed his likes and dislikes for the more significant entity, for his Dharma towards society.

At the time, he did not care for his food choice of veg or non-veg. He did everything to accomplish his mission of Bharat Mata while facing all criticism of caste, creed, dress, and color. In a discourse in America, he said, “the beginner must pay particular attention to dietetic rules,” but he must disapprove of what he called ‘extravagance and fanaticism’ in maintaining them.

Swami Vivekananda said, “I myself may not be a strict vegetarian, but I understand the ideal. Even if I am bound to eat under certain circumstances I know it’s cruel.”

Critiques may highlight Swami Vivekananda’s fish-eating habit, but very few know about an incident by which Swami ji disapproved of all kinds of superstitions and hesitations. Once when Swami Ji’s Guru Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansa was in a later stage of his life and suffering from throat cancer. Devotees and people were hesitant to meet the Master.

Seeing this, Swami Vivekananda ate a whole bowl of suji porridge partaken by the Master mixed with the Master’s saliva and pus. He had no fear of his own life. After this, all attendees and people became bolder to face the Master. However, questions were raised only about his fish-eating under adverse circumstances, and in this way, the teachings of this great spiritual leader were disregarded.

The questions were raised on Ramakrishna Paramhansa’s realized teaching of “Yato Mat Tatho Path,” which means ‘whatever you believe, just hold onto that.’ Thakur Ramkrishna Paramhansa, who had a vision of the divine Mother Kali, preached that all paths lead to thee, whichsoever path we follow. Ramkrishna advocated that religion is not only a belief and faith but realization; it is being and becoming with the one reality, ‘God.’

Ramkrishna realized god through the practice of Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity and found the same truth everywhere. He used to give an example that ‘like different rivers coming from different directions ultimately goes to the ocean, in the same way, all religions and faith are different ways to reach god.’

Swami Vivekananda was also attacked on the ground that he emphasized playing football over reading Bhagwat Gita. Knowing the essence is essential here rather than taking a railway station view of his sayings. Swamiji said, “You will be nearer to heaven through football than by studying Gita. We want vigor in the blood, strength in the nerves, iron muscles, and nerves of steel, not softening namby-pamby ideas.

The god is not to be reached by the weak. The essence of Swamiji’s teaching is that be physically and mentally strong first. Then, the jewels of Gita will reach your mind. We must have a solid body to hold onto great ideas because only a healthy body dwells in a strong mind.

Swami Vivekananda was the torch-bearer of the Indian national freedom movement. Many revolutionaries jumped into the freedom movement by his teachings only. How can this great yogi be confined to small quarrels and fanaticism? These critics are, as Swamiji once said, frogs in the well, totally unaware of the ocean, unlimited.

These false allegations of ISKCON’s renowned monk are condemnable, breaking the Hindu unity. Confining a great yogi in small ideologies and fanaticism will not serve anything because Swami Vivekananda was the true son of Bharatvarsha and preached only the message of India’s spirituality to the world.

Satish Kumar is Vibhag Yuva Pramukh, Vivekananda Kendra, Delhi Branch and Post-graduate in Commerce from Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi.

US President Joe Biden benefits Al Qaeda

Few days ago, US President Joe Biden claimed that radical Islamic militancy outfit Al Qaeda was no longer operating in Afghanistan. During his statement opposing the Supreme Court’s decision preventing him from hijacking a post 9/11 military relief bill, the Heroes Act, to appropriate over $500 billion to selectively bailout student loan borrowers, Biden was asked about the disaster in Afghanistan after the release of the State Department’s report.

And he responded in typical fashion.

Q: Mr. President, do you admit failure in Afghanistan? Mistakes? There was a – there was a report on Afghanistan withdrawal, saying there was failure, mistakes. Do you admit there was mistakes during the withdrawal and before?

The President: No, no. All the evidence is coming back. Do you remember what I said about Afghanistan? I said al Qaeda would not be there. I said it wouldn’t be there. I said we’d get help from the Taliban. What’s happening now? What’s going on? Read your press. I was right.

Nope, Biden was not right. Instead he has blatantly lied. According to media reports, Al Qaeda is operating training camps in six provinces in Afghanistan, including Helmand, where hundreds of Marines had been killed and wounded trying to secure during Obama’s surge.

Al Qaeda also has safe houses across Afghanistan including in Kabul. The Taliban have appointed Al Qaeda leaders to key positions including as governors of entire provinces. Nuristan, where 53 American soldiers held off hundreds of Jihadists during the assault on Combat Outpost Keating, resulting in the awarding of two Medals of Honor and nine Silver Stars for the second deadliest battle of the war, is now under the governance of Al Qaeda.

Days after the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in a report documented the fact stating “Al-Qaeda members have received appointments and advisory roles in the Taliban security and administrative structures” and that the Islamic terror group “is rebuilding operational capability”, Joe Biden flatly claimed that the radical Islamic militancy outfit has been driven-out of Afghanistan. This made Taliban jihadists delighted as it used Biden’s statement as reference to reject the report of the UNSC.

It is though easily assumable the reason behind Taliban’s denial of existence of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, one may ask – why has Joe Biden also followed the same path.

According to experts, Joe Biden’s chosen method of withdrawing from Afghanistan was a massive disaster. Commenting on it, Ambassador John Bolton, American attorney, diplomat, Republican consultant, and political commentator said: “It was a grave mistake for the United States to withdraw from Afghanistan and they have NATO withdraw with it.

As you said, I think the mistake was back with the Trump administration and its initial decision to negotiate with the Taliban, which undercut the government, which made people and the military, the government and the civil society as a whole, feel that the US government was more interested simply withdrawing from Afghanistan than achieving in real. Please I don’t think statements made by the Taliban, commitments they may have made in the negotiations, whether it’s Taliban or Haqqani Network, or Gulbuddin Hekmatyar whoever it might be.

Wherever credible, I don’t think Taliban and its allies ever intended to adhere to some of the things that they promised, there’s a condition to get the United States to withdraw so, tragically what we see in Afghanistan right now was entirely predictable and, the negative consequences that the US feels now by bringing greater danger of terrorist attacks coming from Afghanistan. The strategic vacuum that we left for Russia and China and the terrible consequences for the population of Afghanistan, we can all see every day.

“So, I think the US’s response to this has to be, number 1: no recognition of the Taliban government directly or indirectly, I think we should certainly try to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan not to the Taliban government, not to have them had any control over the supply or distribution or assistance, really to any fund government provides and then urgently speaking with leaders to the Afghan resistance to see what assistance we might be able to give them, communication assistance, certainly this point non{lethal} military assistance, there are many things we can do but, we need to know and have close conversations with resistance.

“I think all of this for surprise and how quickly the Afghan government fell including many people in Afghanistan who obviously didn’t want Taliban to take over. So, many were caught by surprise, there are resistance leaders outside of Afghanistan now, soon they will have to return”.

Almost echoing John Bolton’s comment, eminent counterterrorism expert Daniel Greenfield said: “The Biden administration made the decision to turn over Kabul to Al Qaeda’s old allies in the Haqqani Network resulting in thousands of Americans being trapped behind enemy lines. It then spent millions paying Osama bin Laden’s old airline to fly Americans out of Afghanistan. Over US$1 billion in “humanitarian aid” has been sent to Afghanistan while issuing global licenses authorizing financial transactions with the Taliban and the Al Qaeda allied Haqqani Network.

“Biden seized US$3.5 billion meant for 9/11 victims and diverted it to a ‘trust fund’ for Afghanistan. Last year, the Biden administration even arranged to have banknotes printed for the Taliban and photos were displayed of pallets of millions in hundred-dollar bills flown into Kabul Airport”.

Even while Al Qaeda and the Taliban remain tightly integrated, Biden is claiming that the Taliban are helping America against Al Qaeda, even while claiming that Al Qaeda isn’t in Afghanistan. But these aren’t even new lies. Biden has been falsely claiming that Al Qaeda had been destroyed for years. Even as he keeps repeating these lies, Al Qaeda keeps growing.

Narendra Modi’s Vision for movies: Empowering India through creativity and responsibility


Prime Minister Narendra Modi has spoken about movies on a few occasions. In general, he has expressed his support for the film industry and its contribution to Indian culture. He has also urged filmmakers to be mindful of the impact their work can have on society.

In 2014, Modi gave a speech at the International Film Festival of India in Goa. In his speech, he said that movies can “play a powerful role in shaping our thoughts and beliefs.” He also said that filmmakers have a responsibility to “use their creativity to spread messages of peace, harmony, and brotherhood.”

In 2017, Modi spoke at the launch of the National Film Awards. In his speech, he said that movies can “inspire us, entertain us, and educate us.” He also said that the film industry is “a powerful tool for social change.”

In 2023, Modi advised BJP leaders to refrain from making “unnecessary remarks” on films. He said that such remarks can overshadow the party’s development agenda.

Overall, Modi’s statements about movies suggest that he believes the film industry has a positive role to play in Indian society. He has urged filmmakers to use their creativity to promote positive messages, but he has also warned against making unnecessary remarks that could distract from the party’s development agenda.

Modi’s Support for the Film Industry:

Here are some specific examples of Modi’s comments about movies:

  • “Movies can play a powerful role in shaping our thoughts and beliefs.”
  • “Filmmakers have a responsibility to use their creativity to spread messages of peace, harmony, and brotherhood.”
  • “Movies can inspire us, entertain us, and educate us.”
  • “The film industry is a powerful tool for social change.”
  • “No one should make unnecessary comments that would overshadow the hard work we do.”

It is important to note that these are just a few examples of Modi’s comments about movies. He has made many other statements about the film industry over the years. However, these examples provide a general overview of his views on the subject.

  • He believes that movies can be a powerful force for good in society. They can promote positive messages, educate people about important issues, and even inspire social change.
  • He also believes that filmmakers have a responsibility to use their creativity wisely. They should be mindful of the impact their work can have on society, and they should use their platform to promote positive messages.
  • He has urged filmmakers to be mindful of the sensitivities of different communities. He has also warned against making unnecessary remarks or creating content that could be seen as offensive or inflammatory.
  • He believes that the film industry is a valuable part of Indian culture. He has said that movies can help to promote India’s soft power around the world.

In general, Modi’s views on movies are positive. He believes that the film industry has a lot to offer Indian society, and he has urged filmmakers to use their creativity to promote positive messages. However, he has also warned against making unnecessary remarks or creating content that could be seen as offensive or inflammatory.

The Indian Film Industry:

The Indian film industry, commonly referred to as Bollywood, is one of the largest and most vibrant film industries in the world. It produces a wide range of movies in various languages, including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and more. Movies in India have a significant cultural impact and serve as a means of entertainment, storytelling, and social commentary.

During his tenure as Prime Minister, Narendra Modi emphasized the importance of the entertainment industry and recognized its potential for economic growth and cultural diplomacy. The government introduced initiatives such as “Make in India” and “Skill India” to boost the overall growth of the entertainment sector, including the film industry. These initiatives aimed to create a favorable environment for domestic and international film productions, encourage investment in the industry, and enhance the skill sets of professionals involved in filmmaking.

Additionally, the government sought to promote India as a filming destination by showcasing its diverse landscapes, cultural heritage, and historical sites. It facilitated the issuance of visas, streamlined bureaucratic procedures, and provided financial incentives to attract foreign filmmakers to shoot in India.

Furthermore, the government has taken steps to modernize and digitize the cinema exhibition sector. Initiatives like “Digital India” and the push for digital payments have helped in the transition from traditional film projection to digital cinema, making movie screenings more accessible and enhancing the overall cinematic experience.

Rampant attacks on Hindu temples spark outrage in Pakistan

In a distressing series of events, two Hindu temples were brutally attacked and destroyed within a span of 24 hours in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. These acts of violence have once again shed light on the longstanding issue of intolerance and persecution faced by minority communities in the country.

The first incident took place on July 14th in the Soldier Bazaar police station area of Karachi. The 150-year-old Mari Mata Temple was reduced to rubble overnight, leaving the Hindu community in shock. Locals reported that the demolition occurred under the cover of darkness, with the perpetrators using bulldozers to bring down the internal structure while the outer walls and the main gate remained untouched. Disturbingly, eyewitnesses claimed that a police mobile was present at the scene, providing cover to those involved in the destructive act.

Ram Nath Mishra, the priest of a nearby Hindu temple, expressed his grief over the loss. He mentioned that the vandalized temple had been targeted by land grabbers for some time, with rumors circulating about buried treasures within its courtyard. The Madrasi Hindu community, which managed the temple, had faced pressure to vacate the property. After some negotiation, the authorities had allowed them to move their deities to a smaller room nearby for safety. However, despite these efforts, the temple was mercilessly flattened in the recent attack, raising suspicions that it was orchestrated to seize the property unlawfully.

While the Sindh government disputed the Hindu community’s claims regarding the temple’s demolition, they did order the cessation of any further construction or demolition at the site. Unfortunately, before the dust could settle on this tragic incident, another Hindu temple in Sindh’s Kashmore area fell victim to an attack.

A gang of dacoits stormed the temple and nearby houses belonging to the Hindu community, firing indiscriminately with the apparent intent to cause harm to life and property. The temple, which was closed at the time of the attack, was an annual place of worship for the Bagri community. It was fortunate that no lives were lost when the gunmen tried to destroy the temple using rocket launchers, which fortunately failed to detonate.

This second attack followed threats issued by dacoits in the Kashmore and Ghotki riverine areas against Hindu places of worship and community members in response to a controversial case involving Seema Haider, a Pakistani woman who had reportedly fallen in love with an Indian Hindu man while playing the mobile game PUBG. The incident, which led to her illegal border crossing and eventual arrest, has no direct connection to the Bagri Hindu community targeted in this recent attack.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has strongly condemned the violence and expressed alarm at the deteriorating law and order situation in Kashmore and Ghotki districts. According to their reports, around 30 members of the Hindu community, including women and children, have been allegedly held hostage by organized criminal gangs.

Shiva Kacchi, head of the Pakistan Derawar Ittehad organization, has pleaded with the government to take swift and decisive action against the dacoits involved. Kacchi emphasized that these live video threats must not be taken lightly, as the safety and well-being of the Hindu community and their places of worship are at stake. The recent attacks on Hindu temples in Pakistan have sparked outrage both domestically and internationally.

They highlight the urgent need for comprehensive measures to protect religious minorities and ensure peace and harmony within the nation. Tolerance, respect, and coexistence among different communities are essential for a vibrant and united Pakistan. It is crucial that authorities address the underlying issues of intolerance and bigotry to foster an inclusive and prosperous society for all its citizens.

Return of Islamists into power may jeopardize Bangladesh’s socio-economic achievements

Bangladesh, a country that has made significant strides in socio-economic development over the past few decades, now finds itself at a crucial juncture. The rise of Islamist political forces and the potential for their return to power poses a significant threat to the nation’s hard-earned achievements.

While Bangladesh has made remarkable progress in reducing poverty, improving education, empowering women, and boosting economic growth, a shift towards Islamist governance may jeopardize these gains. This article delves into the potential consequences and implications of the return of Islamists into power in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh has emerged as a global success story in terms of socio-economic development. Over the past few decades, the country has experienced a consistent and impressive economic growth rate, lifting millions of its citizens out of poverty. Bangladesh has been successful in diversifying its economy, with a strong focus on industries such as textiles, pharmaceuticals, and information technology. Moreover, the country has made significant strides in achieving universal primary education and reducing gender disparities. The empowerment of women, coupled with a decline in fertility rates, has contributed to improved social indicators.

If Islamists were to return to power in Bangladesh, there are several potential consequences that may negatively impact the nation’s socio-economic achievements.

Bangladesh has a long-standing tradition of secularism enshrined in its constitution. Islamist governance could undermine this principle, potentially leading to restrictions on freedom of expression, religious minorities facing discrimination, and an erosion of the rights of women. Such actions could hinder the country’s progress towards a more inclusive and tolerant society.

Islamist governance may introduce policies that prioritize religious ideologies over economic pragmatism. This could lead to a decline in investor confidence, hampering foreign direct investment and economic growth. Furthermore, a shift away from a market-oriented economy towards protectionist policies and government control could stifle innovation and entrepreneurship.

Bangladesh’s progress in education could suffer under Islamist rule. The emphasis on religious education might overshadow the development of a well-rounded, modern curriculum. This could limit opportunities for students, curbing their ability to compete in a globalized economy that demands a skilled and adaptable workforce.

The return of Islamists to power may pose challenges to women’s empowerment. Bangladesh has made significant progress in promoting gender equality, including increased female workforce participation and political representation. However, Islamist governance may seek to restrict women’s rights and impose conservative social norms, thereby reversing the advancements made in this area.

Bangladesh’s reputation as a progressive and moderate Muslim-majority nation could be at stake if Islamists come into power. The country’s image as a reliable partner for international cooperation, trade, and investment may suffer if policies and practices incompatible with democratic values and human rights come to the forefront.

Bangladesh’s socio-economic achievements are the result of the hard work and determination of its people and a commitment to inclusive development. However, the return of Islamists into power poses a significant threat to the progress made thus far. It is crucial for Bangladesh to preserve its secular fabric, protect women’s rights, uphold democratic principles, and continue its focus on economic growth and social inclusion. Only by staying true to these principles can Bangladesh safeguard its socio-economic achievements and sustain its trajectory towards becoming a prosperous, tolerant, and equitable nation.

Islamists in may turn Bangladesh into a new haven of militancy

Bangladesh, a country that has been battling the menace of militancy for decades, now faces a crucial challenge with the potential return of Islamists into power. The rise of extremist political forces poses a significant threat not only to the nation’s socio-economic achievements but also to its security and stability. This article explores the possible consequences and implications of the return of Islamists to power in Bangladesh and the potential risks of the country becoming a new haven for militancy.

Bangladesh has experienced its share of militant activities over the years, including major terrorist attacks targeting religious minorities, secular intellectuals, and law enforcement agencies. The government, security forces, and the people of Bangladesh have made significant efforts to counter this threat, resulting in the dismantling of many militant networks. However, the return of Islamists to power could create an environment conducive to the resurgence of militancy, which could have devastating consequences for the country.

If Islamists were to come into power in Bangladesh, there are several potential consequences that may lead to an upsurge in militancy:

Softened approach towards extremism

Islamist governance may adopt a lenient approach towards extremist ideologies, potentially allowing radical elements to operate with greater freedom. This could lead to the radicalization and recruitment of vulnerable individuals, creating a breeding ground for militancy.

Weakening counterterrorism measures

The effectiveness of counterterrorism measures may diminish under Islamist governance. Law enforcement agencies may face obstacles and political pressure when attempting to combat militancy, thereby weakening the country’s security apparatus.

External Influences

Islamist governments may form alliances or establish relationships with extremist groups or countries that support militant activities. Such connections could lead to increased external influence and funding for local militant organizations, escalating the security threat within Bangladesh.

Deterioration of Interfaith Harmony

Bangladesh is known for its tradition of religious tolerance and harmony. However, the return of Islamists to power may result in increased polarization along religious lines. This divisiveness can provide an opportunity for militant groups to exploit grievances and recruit individuals based on religious identity.

Regional Security Concerns: The emergence of Bangladesh as a new haven for militancy would have far-reaching implications for regional security. It could potentially destabilize neighboring countries and contribute to the spread of extremism across the region, making it a hotbed for global terrorism.

To prevent Bangladesh from becoming a new haven for militancy, it is crucial to:

Preserve secularism

Upholding the principles of secularism is vital to ensuring religious freedom, protecting minority rights, and countering extremist ideologies.

Strengthen Counterterrorism Measures

Regardless of political changes, Bangladesh must continue to enhance its counterterrorism capabilities, ensuring that security forces are well-trained, adequately equipped, and supported by comprehensive intelligence networks.

Promote Education and Awareness: Investing in quality education that promotes critical thinking, tolerance, and respect for diversity can act as a powerful tool in countering extremist narratives and preventing radicalization.

Enhance International Cooperation: Bangladesh should collaborate closely with regional and international partners to share intelligence, expertise, and resources in combating militancy. Strengthening cooperation with neighboring countries is essential to address cross-border security challenges effectively. Bangladesh has made significant strides in countering militancy and promoting socio-economic development. However, the potential return of Islamists to power poses a significant risk to the progress made and the security of the nation. It is crucial for Bangladesh to remain vigilant, strengthen counterterrorism efforts, and continue to prioritize inclusive development while upholding the principles of secularism and religious harmony. By doing so, Bangladesh can mitigate the risks of becoming a new haven for militancy and safeguard its hard-earned achievements.

अब्बू अब्बू “यु.सी.सी” आ रिया

यह चिल्लाते हुए अहमद के चार बेटे दौड़ते हांफते आये और अहमद को घेर के जोर जोर से पूछने लगे “अब्बू अब्बू ये यु.सी.सी क्यों आ रिया बताओ ना। अहमद भी बच्चों के इस प्रश्न से घबड़ा गया और डांट कर कहा “अरे नामुरादो जब तक हमारी कांग्रेस जिंदा है तब तक उ सी सी नहीं आ सकता। लेकिन तुम् लोग ये बताओ तुम्हें उ सी सी के बारे में किसने बताया।

इस प्रश्न का उत्तर उसके बड़े बेटे अब्दुल ने दिया और बताया “अब्बू वो जंहा से आप बनारसी पान खाते हो ना वहि चौरसिया बोल रिया था। अब तक अब्दुल की तिन बिबियां और उनके अन्य १३ बच्चे भी अहमद को घेर चुके थे।

अहमद गुस्से से पैर पटकता है और कहता है, घबड़ाओ मत उ सी सी अगर चौरसिया ला रहा है तो मै उसे रोक दूँगा। अहमद का बड़ा बेटा अब्दुल फिर पूछता है अब्बू अब्बू ये उ सी सी का होता है। अहमद अबे ई तो हमारे अब्बू को भी नहीं पता पर कुछ जरूर बुरा होता है। अभी चौरसिया की खबर लेता हुँ।

उधर चौरसिया की दुकान पर पान, गुटका, खैनी और सुपाड़ी खाने वालों की भिड़ लगी हुई है और अधिकतर शांतिदूत हि हैँ, उसमे दो चार हिन्दु भी दिखाई दे रहे हैँ।

उसमे घनश्याम मिश्र जी भी थे वो मुंह में मगही मिठा पान दबा के अपने खास अंदाज में सबको U C C पर ज्ञान दे रहे थे, सब उनकी बाते सुन रहे थे और अहमद भी उनके पीछे जाकर खड़ा हो गया और उनकी बाते सुनने लगा।

चौरसिया बोले, घनश्याम जी ये UCC क्या बला है, तनिक बताइये ना महाराज, बड़ी उलझन है। उ हैदरबाद वाला ओवैसी इसे संविधान के विरुद्ध बता रहा था, सच्चाई क्या है भाई….

घनश्याम जी पान का एक बढ़िया सा पिक पच्च से अपने दो उंगलियों के बिच में से कूड़ेदान में थूकते हुए मुस्कराते हुए बोले, तु हुँ चौरसिया एकदम बुडबके हो। अरे UCC लागू करने के लिए तो संविधान हि छटपटा रहा है, पर ई काँग्रेसी उस पर कुंडली मार कर बैठे हैँ। अब देखो मोदी जी लागू करते हैँ या नहीं।

उ तो ठीक बा महाराज पर ई है क्या? चौरसिया ठेठ बनारसी अंदाज में पूछे।

अब घनश्याम मिश्र जी चउचक पिचकारी मुंह से बाहर कूड़ेदान में फेंके और बोले, सुनो मै बताता हुँ. ..हमारे संविधान के चौथे भाग में अनुच्छेद ४४ है जो कहता है कि “भारत जनराज्य के नागरिकों के लिए ” समान नागरिक संहिता” लागू किया जाए”!

घनश्याम जी दांतो के मध्य फंसे सुपाड़ी के टुकड़ो को निकालते हुए बोले “चौरसिया” “एक और चुना कम ज्यादा कत्था, पान बनारसी रूप कलकत्ता लगाओ” फिर बात आगे बढ़े।

चौरसिया ये पान हमरी तरफ से मिश्रा जी को – अहमद बोला।
मिश्रा जो ने घूम के देखा और हँसते हुए बोले अरे अहमद तू यंहा। अहमद हाँ पंडितजी आपको देखा तो रुक गये।

चौरसिया :- ई लीजिये आपका पान अहमद भाई की ओर से।

घनश्याम मिश्रा जी ने पान का बीड़ा मुंह में डाला और कुछ देर तक उसकी मिठास को चूसते हुए परम आनंद में गोते लगाते हुए बोले सुनो—

UCC का अर्थ है “Uniform Civil Code” जिसे हिंदी में “समान नागरिक संहिता” कहते हैँ। समान का अर्थ बराबर होता है अर्थात इस देश के प्रत्येक नागरिक को एकसमान अधिकार प्रदान किया जायेगा।

जैसे अहमद की ओर देखते हुए मिश्रा जी पूछे, अहमद कितनी बिबियां हैँ तुम्हारी —अहमद बड़े गर्व से कहता है, अभी तो तिन हैँ। फिर यही प्रश्न चौरसिया से पूछते हैँ मिश्रा जी तो चौरसिया पान का बीड़ा तैयार करते हुए बोलते हैँ अरे मिश्रा जी हमरी तो एक हि जोरू है।

घनश्याम जी पूछते हैँ, क्यों चौरसिया दूसरी जोरू क्यों नहीं लाये, अहमद का देखो इसकी तिन जोरू हैँ।

चौरसिया :- अरे मिश्रा जी मै आपकी तरह सनातन धर्म का हुँ, यदि पहली वाली के रहते मै दूसरी लेकर आवूंगा तो आपका कानून जेल में नहीं डाल देगा। अहमद का क्या है, ये तो मुसलमान है , ये चार जोरू रख सकता है। इतना कहकर चौरसिया जी ने एक लम्बी सांस छोड़ी और तैयार बीड़ा रहमान को देते हुए बोले ले भाई रहमान ये तेरा और ये चार तेरी चार बिबियों के लिए।

घनश्याम मिश्रा जी ने फिर दो उंगलियों के मध्य से पिचकारी पच्च से मारी और पान के पिक को कूड़ेदान में पहुंचाते हुए बोले , सुनो, अब सुनो..

अहमद और रहमान भी भारत के नागरिक और चौरसिया और मै भी भारत के नागरिक पर अहमद और रहमान चार निकाह कर सकते हैँ, बगैर पहली बीबी को तलाक दिये परन्तु मै और चौरसिया पहली पत्नी के रहते और उसे तलाक दिये बिना दूसरी शादी नहीं कर सकते।

अब यदि समान नागरिक संहिता लागू हो जायेगी तो या तो मै और चौरसिया भी चार चार शादियां कर पाएंगे या फिर अहमद और रहमान भी केवल एक हि निकाह कर पाएंगे।

यानी की अभी जो भेदभाव पिछले ७० वर्षो से हो रहा है वो खत्म हो जायेगा।

चलो एक दूसरा उदाहरण ले लो…

अहमद क्या तुम्हे शाह बानो याद है। अहमद पंडित जी कुरान, हदीस या शरियत में तो ये नाम नहीं सुना। रहमान बोला अरे अहमद भाई शाह बानो वो बुड्ढी नहीं थी जो अपने शौहर से तलाक मिलने पर कोर्ट चली गयी गुजारा भत्ता के लिए और कोर्ट ने उस बुड्ढी की बात मान ली और उसके शौहर को गुजारा भत्ता देने का फरमान जारी किया।

अहमद बोला अरे हाँ रहमान भाई, जिसका हम लोगों ने भरपुर विरोध किया और अपने राजीव भाई (राजीव गांधी) ने कोर्ट के आदेश को पलट दिया था।

घनश्याम मिश्रा हाँ मेरे कांग्रेस के दुलारो वही शाह बानो। अब तनिक सोचो चौरसिया यदि कोई मिश्रा, सिंह या चौरसिया अपनी पत्नी को न्यायलय के माध्यम से “डाइवोर्स” देता है तो उसे अपनी पत्नी को गुजारा भत्ता देना पड़ता है और वो देता भी है जिससे सनातन धर्म की उस नारी को अपना जीवन जिने के लिए सहारा मिल जाता है, परन्तु अहमद और रहमान के मजहब में ऐसा नहीं है वो तुरंत उनसे छुटकारा पा लेते हैँ जिससे उस महिला का जीवन झंडू हो जाता है।

अब यदि समान नागरिक संहिता लागू हो जायेगी तो ये भेदभाव भी खत्म हो जायेगा।

चलो एक और उदाहरण लेते हैँ

अहमद तुम्हारे कितने बच्चे हैँ? अहमद अरे मिश्रा जी अल्लाह की देन पूरे १७ बच्चे हैँ। मेरे अब्बा को २१ बच्चे थे। मै भी कम से कम पाँच बच्चे और अल्लाह से लूंगा।

रहमान तुम्हारे कितने बच्चे हैँ? अरे मिश्रा जी मेरे तो अभी १५ है १६वा मेरी चौथी बीबी के पेट में है इंशाअल्लाह जल्दी हि खुशखबरी आएगी।

चौरसिया तुम्हारे कितने बच्चे हैँ। अहमद बोला अरे चौरसिया साहेब पान लगाने में हि पूरा दिन निकाल देते हैँ तो कंहा से बच्चा होगा और ये कहकर दोनो जोर से हंसने लगते हैँ।

चौरसिया कुछ खिझ कर कहते हैँ, मिश्रा जी मेरे तो दो हि बच्चे हैँ और दोनो अच्छे स्कूल में पढ़ते हैँ।

घनश्याम मिश्रा:- अब सुनो समान नागरिक संहिता लागू होने पर सबको जनसंख्या के मामले पर एक समान नियमों का पालन करना पड़ेगा और इस प्रकार जनसंख्या पर भी नियंत्रण हो सकेगा।

उधर किसी ने ध्यान नहीं दिया कि वही धर्मेंद्र भी खड़ा है। वो घनश्याम मिश्रा जी की बात सुनकर थोड़ा घबड़ा सा गया। वो तुरंत भागते हुए गया और “हेमा मालिनी” के पास गया और बोला हेमा मै हिन्दु हुँ और हिन्दु रहते तुमसे शादी नही कर सकता क्योंकि मेरी पहली पत्नी जिंदा है और मै उसे तलाक भी नहीं दे सकता।

हेमा:- अरे धरम अब केवल एक हि रास्ता है, तुम इस्लाम स्वीकार लो फिर हमारी निकाह को कोई नहीं रोक सकता। धर्मेंद्र:- चलो इससे पहले की UCC लागू हो जाए, हम इस्लाम स्वीकार कर निकाह कर लेते हैँ। इस प्रकार हमारी शादी भी हो जाएगी और मुझे अपनी पहली पत्नी को अपनी मर्जी से जो भी देना होगा दे दूंगा।

अब अहमद और रहमान ये बाते सुन अपने अपने घर को चल दिये। अहमद जैसे हि अपने घर पहुंचा उसके १७ बच्चे और ३ बिबियाँ आयी और उसे घेर कर पूछने लगी हाय अल्लाह क्या हुआ जी, कुछ पता चला।

अहमद मेरी चौथी बीबी को लाने का प्रबंध करो, यदि उ सी सी आ गया तो मै चौथी निकाह नहीं कर पावूंगा। तब उसका बड़ा बेटा अब्दुल बोला ” अब्बू अब्बू यादी तुम्हारे चौथे निकाह के बाद उ सी सी आ गया तो…

अहमद अरे नामुराद फिर तुममें से कोई एक निकाह से ज्यादा निकाह नहीं कर पायेगा, मेरी तरह बच्चे पैदा नहीं कर पायेगा।

अब्दुल ओये नहीं रे ऐसा नहीं हो सकता मै मौलवी साहेब के पास जाता, उनको पूछता।

मौलवी साहेब के पास भिड़ जमा थी और वो UCC को भी CAA जैसा कुछ बता रहे थे….. कुछ उन्मादी नारे भी सुनाई दे रहे थे………… भिड़ कुछ CAA वाले मूड में आ रही थी।

इधर घनश्याम मिश्र और चौरसिया जी UCC के बारे में अपनी राय सरकार को भेजने की तैयारी में लग गये।

आपका का क्या विचार है?
अपने विचार सरकार तक पहुंचाए।

AAP’s view on UCC


The Aam Aadmi Party has always adopted a steady approach of being in limelight to cement position as a potent opposition in Indian politics at the national level. The party has again become successful in garnering views of the public from its current statement on the hotly debated issue of Uniform Civil Code. But still, the idea remains in a penumbral area for the public from the lens of AAP on UCC. The electorate of AAP is keen to know the stand of the party but the same remains unresolved even after several attempts have been made by the aliens to disclose its stance on UCC clearly.

Just before the Gujarat polls, Arvind Kejriwal, the key leader of Aam Aadmi Party, mocked BJP for using UCC as a tool for its political games in winning elections. Article 44 of the Indian Constitution was brought up by Arvind Kejriwal, who asked the government to put the dead letter into practice. The party passively supported the idea of implementing UCC but was outspoken enough to underline the conditions of such half-hearted support. Mr. Kejriwal in his dialogue with the press mentioned that the UCC should be properly implemented with the consensus from all the stakeholders of different groups who have an interest in the UCC policy.

The same energy got reciprocated in Delhi last week where Sandeep Pathak, the National General Secy. of AAP and its Punjab Co-incharge gave a statement in press about the party’s stance on UCC. The party believes in implementation of UCC “in principle” but demands an extensive consultation on the topic which is consensus based.

On the other hand, AAP’s politics on UCC gets a challenge from the CM of Punjab, Mr. Bhagwant Mann who quoted the secular nature of Aam Aadmi Party’s principles unlike BJP’s. Mann’s assertion was a little away from the party line as the electorate’s demograph has changed. Sikhs being a minority does not really favor UCC which is precisely the reason behind Mann’s statement.

Ahead of the 2024 polls, AAP has swiftly managed to be in both the boats. The party is waiting for the appropriate and suitable political atmosphere to reveal its thoughts on UCC ahead of polls and the opposition alliance. One of the reasons for this, which could be inferred from the recent activities in the AAP’s camp, could be that AAP is looking to widen its domain of vote bank on national level. However, the time is near for AAP to decide the future of UCC in India from its perspective.