Fake Aryan Invasion Theory
EV Ramasamy Naicker – A paranoid anti-Brahmin or suppository of British divide and rule ethos
The way EVR abused Tamil language, culture and literature including Tiruvalluvar has to be seen as the part of such greater design.
Similarity between Shakuni and Periyar
Shakuni caused destruction of the Kaurava clan but on the contrary Periyar helped his followers to capture power but did nothing to eliminate caste system within his manufactured race called Dravidian.
God, missionaries of anti-God and dynasty politics in Tamil Nadu
All the recent genetic and anthropological studies have shown that no two separate race of population exist in India and the theory of Aryan versus Dravidian is nothing but a myth.
Addressing the misinterpretations and distortions of the Vedas
kapardin -
Proving that the Vedas do not contain details of history, tribes, races or skin color.
Now the Aryan Dravidian divide to defeat BJP in 2019?
The liberals efforts to divide our own people would even shame the British and this time the focus is on 2019 election too.
How Rahul Gandhi exposed his colonized mindset over Gita reading
Rahul Gandhi should be ashamed to have not read Indian scriptures so far.