Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Ancient India

Let us not forget the philosophy of AYUSH in the world proven science

AYUSH is a wonderful capsule of wellness philosophy evolved over time through observation and experience sharing between people.

Addressing the misinterpretations and distortions of the Vedas

Proving that the Vedas do not contain details of history, tribes, races or skin color.

India under Narendra Modi: Hoping to reassert our heritage

It is time for India’s ancient civilization to reassert itself on the people of this land.

Meat, Sanskrit and the western leftists

Indian Vedas and scripture don't advocate vegetarianism. So how good is it to be a vegetarian?

Mahabharata: The idea called India

Time to rediscover one's roots and re-position the shared identity with the sub-continent at the centre.

Hindu Astrology: The forgotten science

Against the popular belief of superstitious, Astrology is based on mathematical calculations, based on which planets are aligned and after which predictions made.

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