Today CBI, the investigation agency of India reaches to a state in India in order to investigate against some local police officers but on the orders of CM of that state, police officers arrest the CBI officials itself and after some time, CM announces that she won’t allow CBI officials to enter in that state.
This happened not in any of the neighbouring countries of India but a state of India, West Bengal and we are talking about the CM who alleges that she is fighting elections in order to save democracy.
Now let us talk about the person against whom this Chief Minister says that she will save democracy from him.
CBI office is approximately 25-26 kms away from the CM’s residence.
I’m talking about Ahemdabad, the same place where the former Chief Minister Narendra Modi used to reach at 10 am and used to come back near about 7 pm.This even happened 2-3 times a week sometimes.
Narendra Modi didn’t use to reach there for meeting with CBI officials but he went there to give the detailed answers of questions of the CBI officials, he went there to make his stand clear in the case which was running against him, i.e., the 2002 riots.
At that time, Central government was of Congress and the state government was of BJP. Narendra Modi had police with him, whole system of Gujarat under him but he never spoke a word against investigation, never gave any sort of threats to any CBI officials, neither any of the CBI officials were arrested. This continued for approximately 5-6 years. Sometimes the then CM Narendra Modi mentioned this suffering in public domain but he never interfered in any of the governmental works of central government nor he cried about Vendetta politics.
This is what we called as believing in democracy, this is what is known as respecting and having faith in constitution and truly saving it.
Sorry Mamta didi but you have become the biggest threat to democracy today, your this sort of deeds can lead this country to another partition!!